T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Add String WHERE Filter That Will Match Everything

Nov 19, 2014

I need to add a filter clause like
WHERE username = '%%%'

I know you will say 'why add a filter if you're not going to use it?' but I need to for a certain application which will use the parent query for child queries in which I select the specificity required for the child query's data set.I've tried '%*%' and '%_%' but always it returns nothing. I need the filter to exist yet not really filter.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Using IsNull In Where Filter

Sep 23, 2014

I remember in the past using IsNull in a where filter of a stored proc that was used for a search form. I typically go about this in the following way. Is threre a better way to handle this?

sproc parm
@LName varchar(50) = null
@FName varchar(50) = null

Select * from LargeTable
where Lastname = ISNULL(@LName, Lastname)
Or Firstname = ISNULL(@FName, Firstname)

I do it this way to ensure that if the user doesn't enter a value for one of the parameters that it won't be used in the filter.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Filter Records In Table?

Mar 6, 2014

I have a table that has multiple records as illustrated in the simple list below. The real list is much longer.

MachineA 1/1/2008
MachineA 1/3/2008
MachineB 1/7/2008
MachineB 1/8/2009
MachineB 5/5/2010
MachineA 5/7/2011
MachineA 4/2/2013

I need to query to return a result for each unique machine with the latest date. The example result below would be returned because they have the latest date.

MachineA 5/7/2011
MachineB 5/5/2010

Select Distinct would almost do it, but I need each unique machine that has the latest date.

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String Match Number Of Different Columns

Apr 24, 2008


In short:
I want my following problem to work with a LIKE instead of exact match and if possible be faster. (currently 4s)

I got a set of rows with varchar(50), spread out over multiple tables.
All those tables relate to a central Colour table.
For each of the columns, I want to match the values with a set of strings I insert and then return a set of Colour.Id

E.g: input: 'BLACK', 'MERCEDES', '1984'
Would return colour ids "025864", 45987632", "65489" and "63249"
Because they have a colour name containing 'BLACK' or are on a car from 'MERCEDES' or are used in '1984'.

Current Situation:
I) Create a table containing all possible values
CREATE TABLE dbo.CommonSearch(
id int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
clr_id int,
keyWord varchar(40),
fieldType varchar(25)
And fill it with all the values (671694 rows)
II) Stored Procedure to cut a string up into a table:
@param varchar(50),
@splitChar char = ''
@T TABLE (keyWord varchar(50))
WHILE LEN( @param ) > 0 BEGIN
declare @val varchar(50)
IF CHARINDEX( @splitChar, @param ) > 0
SELECT @val = LEFT( @param, CHARINDEX( @splitChar, @param ) - 1 ) ,
@param = RIGHT( @param, LEN( @param ) - CHARINDEX( @splitChar, @param ) )
SELECT @val = @param, @param = SPACE(0)
INSERT INTO @T values (@val)
III)Stored Procedure to query the first table with the second one
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetCommonSearchResultForTabDelimitedStrings]
@keyWords varchar(255) = ''
select clr_id, keyWord, fieldType
from dbo.commonSearch
where keyWord in (select * from splitString(@keyWords, ''))

So, how can I use a LIKE statement in the IN statement of the last query.
Furthermore, I was wondering if this is the best sollution to go for.
Are there any better methods? Got any tuning tips to squeeze out an extra second?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Using Not Like To Filter Out Non-numeric Values From Varchar Field

Mar 26, 2014

I am putting a SELECT statement together where I need to evaluate a results field, to determine how the color indicator will show on a SSRS report. I am running into a problem when I try to filter out any non-numeric values from a varchar field, using a nested CASE statement.

For example, this results field may contain values of '<1', '>=1', '1', '100', '500', '5000', etc. For one type of test, I need a value of 500 or less to be shown as a green indicator in a report, and any value over that would be flagged as a red. Another test might only allow a value of 10 or less before being flagged with a red.

This is why I setup a CASE statement for an IndicatorValue that will pass over to the report to determine the indicator color. Using CASE statements for this is easier to work with, and less taxing on the report server, if done in SQL Server instead of nested SSRS expressions, especially since a variety of tests have different result values that would be flagged as green or red.

I have a separate nested CASE statement that will handle any of the values that contain ">" or "<", so I am using the following to filter those out, and then convert it to an int value, to determine what the indicator value should be. Here is the line of the script that is erring out"

case when (RESULT not like '%<%') or (RESULT not like '%>%') then
CASE WHEN (CONVERT(int, RESULT) between 0 and 500) THEN '2'
ELSE '0'

The message I am getting is: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '<1' to data type int.

I thought a "not like" statement would not include those values for converting to an int, but that does not seem to be working correctly. I did also try moving the not to show as "not RESULT like", and that did not change the message.

How I can filter out non-numeric values before converting the rest of the varchar field (RESULT) to int, so that it is only converting actual numbers?

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Lookup Transformation Fails On DT_STR (3) String Match

Oct 9, 2006

The Lookup Transformation fails to match this datatype when full caching is enabled. When partial caching is activated (Edit > Advanced, Enable Memory Restrictions > Enable Caching) the lookup works.

This appears to be a bug to me.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Select Group On Multiple Columns When At Least One Of Non Grouped Columns Not Match

Aug 27, 2014

I'd like to first figure out the count of how many rows are not the Current Edition have the following:

Second I'd like to be able to select the primary key of all the rows involved

Third I'd like to select all the primary keys of just the rows not in the current edition

Not really sure how to describe this without making a dataset

CREATE TABLE [Project].[TestTable1](
[TestTable1_pk] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Source_ID] [int] NOT NULL,
[Edition_fk] [int] NOT NULL,
[Key1_fk] [int] NOT NULL,
[Key2_fk] [int] NOT NULL,

[Code] .....

Group by fails me because I only want the groups where the Edition_fk don't match...

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SQL Server 2012 :: Filter Duplicates Based On String?

Feb 19, 2014


--I want to filter out S-SQLXX.NA.SN.ORG because S-SQLXX.NA.SN.ORG is a duplicate of S-SQLXX eliminating .NA.SN.ORG from it.

--I want to filter out S-SQLYY.NA.SN.ORG because S-SQLYY.NA.SN.ORG is a duplicate of S-SQLYY eliminating .NA.SN.ORG from it.

--However I want to keep S-SQLCL-HR and S-SQLCL-MIS in my list of names as they do not have .NA.SN.ORG as a part of their name

--I want ONLY these returned IN the SELECT

SELECT * FROM #Names WHERE ID IN (1,3,5,6)

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Shorten A String

Mar 18, 2014

How do you take a string and search for the first "-" and then drop everything from the start to, and including, the "-"?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Returning MAX (Value) In String

Jul 29, 2014

I need to create a TSQL to return MAX(Value) removing the first part and last part.


I have these Varchar Reference code:


I need to cut the string to find the max number excluding (Part1):


And also excluding (Part3):


In this case converting varchar to INT, the correct value that i want is: 00101

The middle part excluding (Part1 and Part3)

Then my final reference could be:


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Parsing A String

May 18, 2015

I have a table Alert_Types with these fields :


Now whenever a new alert is registered record goes in table like

alert_id = 1,
alert_source= document_detail_view,
body = Document ID: @document_id
Customer Name: @customer_name
Item name: @item_name
Quantity: @qty

it was simple to parse simple variables using replace functions. eg. REPLACE(@str, '@customer_name', @customer_name). It worked like mail merge.the converted string was then sent forward using a webservice.now my requirement is to add conditional values in body field e.g:

body = Document ID: @document_id
Customer Name: @customer_name
Item name: @item_name
Quantity: @qty
IF isnull(@rate, 0) > 0 Rate: @rate
IF isnull(@rate, 0) > 0 Amount: @amount

how can i parse strings like this. I'm open to change format of values for body field.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Returning Only Portion Of String?

Jun 19, 2014

i need to cut my string on 3 portion, for exemple my string is :

a) 1.9999-Q1

b) 01.9999-Q11

I need to keep all values before "." (point), and all values after "-" , and also all values between "." and "-", like this:

a) 1

b) 01

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Determine Which Pattern Comes First In A String

Aug 20, 2014

DelimitedSplit8k and PatternSplitLoop seem to have potential, but I'm just plain stuck on some things:

1. DelimitedSplit8k: the delimiter split the folder paths, but the pattern can be within the strings that result.
2. PatternSplitLoop: I would have to cross apply 16 times and have an awful WHERE clause to determine which of the four strings matched first.

Unless I'm missing something. Short example is below.

WITH testctes (string, pattern) AS (
SELECT 'oh_look_at_this.thing.hishers_stuffmine.craftyours_protein', 'his first' UNION ALL
SELECT 'i.am.a._thing.hershis_thingsmine.refrigeratoryours_potato', 'hers first' UNION ALL
SELECT 'path_like.things_minehers.some_elsehis_garbageyours_sneakers', 'mine first' UNION ALL
SELECT 'more_stuff.yoursminehershis_falafel', 'yours first'
SELECT string, pattern, ca.item, ca.itemnumber
FROM testctes
CROSS APPLY [dbo].[PatternSplitLoop] (string, '%his%') ca

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Convert String To Date?

Sep 5, 2014

I'm importing dates into a table with Bulk insert


it works with dates e.g. "14/01/2009"

However sometimes I get dates in the format

"Fri 14/01/2009"

What is the best way to convert these.

I can only think of putting them in a staging table with all date fields as varchars Then updating these varchar fields

LTRIM(REPLACE(dtField, 'Mon', ''))
LTRIM(REPLACE(dtField, 'Tues', ''))

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Increment String By Appending 01

Oct 27, 2014

I am having a

Source Table: #test1(studID, FIrstNAme,LasteName)

Target Table: #Test2(StudID, UserName)

Now I want to create usernames from #test1 by considering first character of first name and last name and if same combination found then append with 01.

Example if #test1 contains data as below:

1,Abhas, Pawar
2, Arun, Pawar
3, Ashis, Panday

Then i want to create username like:


but if same username exists in #test2 then i want to inser records as below:

first apawar will check in #test2, if not exists insert as it is:

if apawar01 exists in #test2 then, cretae apawar02 instead of apawar01

for next create apawar03 and insert and so on...

In brief I want to check created username eith #table2 and if same exists then first check if lower value available if not then create with lower value and insert.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Error In String By CONCAT

Jan 22, 2015

i have 2 table:



then i write following SQL Command

SELECT dbo.T1.t1_id, dbo.CONCAT(dbo.T2.product) AS product
dbo.T2 ON dbo.T1.t1_id = dbo.T2.t1_id
GROUP BY dbo.T1.t1_id

but following error is be shown. why? Msg 4121, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function or aggregate "dbo.CONCAT", or the name is ambiguous.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Concatenating String Without Cursor

Mar 27, 2015

Each patient has multiple diagnoses. Is it possible to concatinate all of them in one without using a cursor?

I attach a small sample - just 3 patient (identified by VisitGUID) with the list on the left, the desired result on the right.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Generate Unique String ID

Jun 30, 2015

I need to generate unique string Id from the range AAAAA to PZZZZ. This id will be unique for each Users for e.g.

User ---- TransactionNo ---- UniqueId
12001 --- 101 --- AAAAA
12001 ---- 102 --- AAAAB
12001 --- 103 --- AAAAC
12001 ---- 104 --- AAAAD

13001 --- 105 --- AAAAA
13001 ---- 106 --- AAAAB
13001 --- 107 --- AAAAC
13001 ---- 108 --- AAAAD

more the records of each user, unique should be the ID as displayed above.. Optimized way to generate the same...

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: First Occurrence Of The String From Text

Sep 4, 2015

I have text column .I want to find out first occurance of string based on logic.I defiend Text with examples and also mentioned expected result.I coloured the text in word document,due to some reasons not displaying same here.Attached as image below texts to understand more clear.


From the above text1, I want to get “AXNARENDR”.

Based on logic defined below:

First I have to search for string “A” Then next to ‘A’ it should not be “B” or “C” or “D”.It can be anything other thing these three.Combination of “A” otherthan “B” or “C” or “D”

In the example text I defined “A”,”X” defined three times .I want to capture few characters from the first occurrence of the string

i.e AXNARENDR (TEXT1 I defined “A” with 4th occur



From the above text2, I want to get “AYENDGHR”.



From the above text3, I want to get “AZENIVKHR”.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Find Occurrence And Remove String?

Mar 19, 2014

My sample data is as below.

plan type A change from plan type B from Plan type C

Insurance plan M changed from Insurance plan b From plan d from Plan N

Now from above strings i want to remove all data from second appearance of from. i.e. i want display values as below.

plan type A change from plan type B

Insurance plan M changed from Insurance plan b

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Start Position Of Number Value In A String

May 2, 2014

In t-sql 2008 r2, I would like to know how to select a specific string in a varchar(50) field. The field in question is called 'CalendarId'.

This field can contain values like:

xxIN187 13-14 W Elem
HS321 13-14 D Elem
IN636 13-14 C Elem
030 13-14 clark middle.

What I am looking for is the first position that contains a number value for the length of 3. Thus what I want are values that look like the following: 030, 636, 187.What I know that I want is substring(CalendarId,?,3).The question mark is where I want the starting location of a number value (0 to 9) of the value in CalendarId . I tried pathindex but my syntax did not work.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Error Converting Datetime To String

May 29, 2014

I am trying to create a stored procedure that Pulls in Chargeable and Non Chargeable hours for our employees however When I run the Stored Procedure I get this error "Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string." I am having a hard time figuring out were this is happening in the Stored Procedure. Also I would like to be able to Add a parameter that would be the StartDate and EndDate for which the stored procedure would pull time for.

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Chargeability]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.

[Code] ......

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Cut Certain Values In A String To Separate Columns

Jun 5, 2014

I have a column containing values for different languages. I want to cut out the values per languate in a seperat column.

The syntax is a 2 letter country code followed by : the value is contained in double quotes. each languate is separated by a ; (except for the last one)

EX ur English, Dutch and Swedish:US:"Project/Prescription sale";NL:"Project/specificatie";SW:"Objektsförsäljning"

The result would Be
column header US
with value Project/Prescription sale

next column header NL
with value Project/specificatie etc.

Here are table examples:


[SaleType_Id] [int] NOT NULL,
[name] [nvarchar](239) NOT NULL,

[Code] ....

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Missing Century In Date String

Jul 31, 2014

Any script handy to fill in a century into a date string. Right now, I'm getting dates in the following format:

7/26/29 = converts to 2029.

I'm looking for a SQL statement that will now to put a 19 or 20 in the century.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Split String To Show Only Customer

Aug 7, 2014

The data we are getting from our shipping company has the customer name and customer number attached.

so we could have.. declare @String varchar(25) = 'asdf - 10'
but we also have.. declare @String varchar(25) = 'asdf - jeik - 10'

So how do I strip off the " - 10", when the ending number is not the same number of char's (1,11,111,1111, ect)

I need to match this up with our customer table... on Customer Name.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Replace String After Specific Index

Mar 23, 2015

I have data like below

Potter, James J
Williams, Ted R
Allen, Gary G

I want to remove Middle Name from the output

Potter, James
Williams, Ted
Allen, Gary

My Query:

CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(' ', Supervisor, CHARINDEX(' ', Supervisor, 0) + 1) > 0 THEN
REPLACE(Supervisor, SUBSTRING(Supervisor, CHARINDEX(' ', Supervisor, CHARINDEX(' ', Supervisor, 0) + 1), LEN(Supervisor)), '')
ELSE Supervisor END AS NewSupervisor from data d

However, I stumble when Middle Name exists somewhere in the name as Replace function repalces every occurrence of the string. For ex: "Allen, Gary G" becomes "Allen,ary"

Do we have any way to say sql to replace after certain index?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Conversion From Binary Version String

Apr 1, 2015

Trying to get this query to work, converting a binary version string to human readable output but somehow it doesn't work?

/* Version number binary from daily registy */
DECLARE @VERSION_STRING VARBINARY(16) = 0x4D5544532556564C5B504C552D675B;
/* Inline Tally for parsing the binary string */


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: String Manipulation - Data Between Quotes

Apr 9, 2015

I have data in a trace file, and I need to extract some info such as phone number.The problem is the phone number could be varying lengths, and various positions in the row.

For example:

@City='New York', @Phone='2035551212' (10 characters, no dashes)
@City='San Francisco', @Phone='918-555-1212' (12 characters, with dashes)
@City+'Berlin', @Phone='55-123456-7890' (14 characters, with dashes)

I can use CHARINDEX to search & find @Phone=' so I know where the phone number starts, but stuck on a programatic way to find the data between the quotes since it can vary.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Add Multiple Spaces To Dynamic String

Jun 15, 2015

I am writing dynamic sql to create a work table. I would like to format my create script such that the data types are all lined up, rather than one space behind the column name. I tried something like this:

+ ' ,' + p.Attribute + (60 - LEN(P.Attribute)) * CHAR(32)+ 'NUMERIC(12,3)' + CHAR(10)

That is, I was trying to put the data type 60 spaces to the right, no matter how long the column name is (as long as it's less than 60 characters). I kept getting an error telling me it couldn't concatenate a character to an int.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Possible To Split String To NICK And SERVERS

Jun 17, 2015

Can it be possible to split the below string to NICK and SERVERS. Query which provides two columns, first column data should be NICK and other SERVERS.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Find Records In A String And Display

Jul 6, 2015

I am having a column which is ntext and contains below type of data.

{ "running":"true", "all":{ }, "GPAs" : [ {"type":"item", "alias":"i_11111"} ,"GPA":"1.75" }, {"element": {"type":"item", "alias":"i_11111"} ,"GPA":"1.43" }, {"element": {"type":"item", "alias":"i_33333"} ,"GPA":"1.43" }, {"element": {"type":"item", "alias":"i_44444"} ,"GPA":"1.43" }, {"element": {"type":"item", "alias":"i_22222"} ,"GPA":"1.42" }, {"element": {"type":"item", "alias":"i_55555"} ,"GPA":"15" }, {"element": {"type":"item", "alias":"i_66666"} ,"GPA":"10" } ]}

above is a single row. There are many such rows are present in the table. Now I want to find all alias and GPA and display as below.



In oracle it can be done by using REGEXP_SUBSTR. But how can we do this in SQL?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Query Result To String And Present In New Row?

Oct 21, 2015

I have made following code:

I want to make a string from "TarLang.AppendText(String.Format("{1}" & vbCrLf, r("Source Language"), r("Target Language")))" and the result I get when I use that.

add the result into a new row in the datagridview

Dim CompanyID As String
CompanyID = OrderNR.SelectedItem.ToString()
SQL.ExecQuery(String.Format("SELECT snSrc.kod as 'Source Language', snTrg.kod as 'Target Language' FROM [teknotrans_dev].dbo.OpusOrderrow as ord INNER JOIN [teknotrans_dev].dbo.OrderVolvoLanguageName as snSrc


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Split Pipe Delimited String Into Two Columns

Mar 6, 2014

I have a single string "XYZ00001|Test_b|XYZ00002|Test_a|XYZ00003|Test_c" that will continue to grow over time.

Is there a way I can extract the values from the string into two separate columns?

XYZ0001 Test_b
XYZ0002 Test_a
XYZ0003 Test_c

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