I have a scenario wherein one of the column values in a row contains a string value which is non-delimited (as shown below). I need to split them by 2 characters and generate as many rows as count of set of 2 digits in that string.
I already have a solution in place to run it thru cursor and then do a while loop on the CountyList column by taking 2 digit value using Substring function (keeping start position dyanamic and jumping 2 positions).
Scenario is like that single dept can have multiple LocationHeads, If Location heads are multiple then they should display in single column using *starting the name as mentioned bottom under required output.
Below is sample of data:
create table #Temp(depID int, Name varchar(50),LocationHead varchar(50)) insert into #temp values(1,'test','head1') insert into #temp values(1,'test','head2') insert into #temp values(1,'test','head3') insert into #temp values(2,'test1','head1') insert into #temp values(2,'test1','head2')
Required output
depID Name LocationHead 1test *head1,*head2,*head3 2test1 *head1,*head2
declare @time table (times nvarchar(255)) INSERT INTO @time (times) Select ('05:01') UNION ALL Select ('00:01') UNION ALL Select ('170:01') UNION ALL Select ('2543:01') Select * from @time
How can I get seconds value for every row?
05:01 - 301 00:01 - 1 170:01 - 10201
P.s. Finally I use - Select convert(char,dateadd(second,152581,60),108) as sumtime
I have a query that returns the jobs that have completed for the nightly processing.
If I run the query it does not reflect jobs that are in progress.How can the following query be modified to reflect jobs that have started but have not completed?
SELECT DISTINCT j.Name AS Job_Name, msdb.dbo.Agent_datetime(Run_Date, Run_Time) AS Run_Datetime, Dateadd(second, Datediff(second, 0, msdb.dbo.Agent_datetime(19000101, Run_Duration)), msdb.dbo.Agent_datetime(Run_Date, Run_Time)) AS Run_Endtime, Stuff(Stuff(RIGHT('000000' + Cast(Run_Duration AS VARCHAR(6)), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':') AS Run_Duration,
I have a report that needs to return a count of zero for the rows that have no data, I have tried to use the Left Outer Join but my where clause is excluding the rows with no data and I need to filter the report with the Year, day and Month.
The date filters are from different table(dimDate), not sure how to include them in the #tmpOperationalTypes join as filters
I have a small problem with a join clause, because i need to return all values from my table BL:
my code is:
SELECT cast(0 as bit) as 'Escolha',data, contado , ollocal ,origem, ousrdata,ousrhora FROM ( SELECT noconta,banco, u_area FROM BL
In fact, i need to return 2 accounts (16,35) - x.NOCONTA IN (16,35), but I know that the problem is on the WHERE clause.How can do that, because i need all the condition on WHERE clause regarding my table OL, but also, i need to return my two accounts (16,35).
I work with SQLite and need to write a query the old school way to convert rows to columns. If it was MS SQL I would use pivot to get the expected result. However this is SQLite I cannot use pivot.
Sample data:
create table t1 (id int, Dept char (1), Total int); insert t1 select 1, 'A', 100 union select 2, 'B', 120 union select 3, 'C', 140 union select 4, 'D', 150;
How do I use LEFT OUTER JOIN to produce result similar to the below?
I have to store the result of a calculation in a column of type CHAR(7) (and am unable to change the column type).
The calculation can have results ranging in size from 0.1234567 to 99999999.
In the first case, I would need to store the value of 0.12345 in the column. In the later case, an error should be thrown.
So I need to store all of the significant digits from the left of the decimal (if there are < 7) and as many of the digits to the right as will fit into a CHAR(7), with the remaining precision being truncated.
I am new to SSC . I have a table that has NO.OF WORKING HOURS for 30 days. I am trying to convert all the values into INT as MINS to generate a SSRS report.
Note: There are some records with negative value (-4h15m)
I am using SQL Server 2008 as a back end for a Microsoft Access front end. I have created a report that is essentially a Bill Of Lading. The detail section lists all the purchase orders that are being shipped on a single load. The problem with the Access Report is that I always need a set number of records (8) so that the layout is consistent. So, if the query returns 5 records, I need an additional 3 blank records returned with the recordset. If there are 2 records, I need an additional 6, and so on. For simplicity sake the query is:
SELECT tblBOL.PONumber FROM tblBOL WHERE tblBOL.BOLNumber=@BOLNumber;Now, I can get the results I want by using a union query for the "extra" records.
For instance, if there are 6 records returned for BOLNumber '12345', I can get the expected results by this query:
SELECT tblBOL.PONumber FROM tblBOL WHERE tblBOL.BOLNumber='12345' UNION ALL SELECT '12345',Null UNION ALL SELECT '12345',Null;
Another solution would be to create a temporary table with the "extra" records and then have only one Union statement. Not sure which is better, but I'm not really sure how to programmatically do either of these. I'm guessing I need to do it in a stored procedure. How do I programmatically create these extra records? One other note.... If there are more than 8 records, I need to return 8 of these "blank" records and none of the real records (hard to explain the reason behind this, but it has to do with the report being only a summary when there are more than 8 records while the actual records will go on a different supplemental report).
declare @deadline Datetime = '2014-03-23 15:30:10.000' SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),@deadline, 100) AS DateConvert ----With this I am able to produce that like ----o/p: Mar 23 2014 3:30PM
I seem to always get the "Fun Stuff" to try and figure out. I have an entire table that was pumped out of Oracle. I even hate saying that word!
There are a couple columns that are Float data type, and they are storing phone numbers as a Float data type. I am not able to CAST these into anything that is legible.
This is one of the values that I made up that look like some of the others.
I have 5 columns in my database. 1 column is coming like a dynamic.
I want to convert records from rows to columns. Currently I have a data like this.
Race AgeRange Amount
W 17-20 500 W 21-30 400 W 31-40 200 A 17-20 100 H 41-50 250 H 51-60 290
So age range is not fixed and it can be any and I have one separate relational table for age range where it's coming from. Now I want to convert it into columns like
SELECT 'Type'[Type] ,CASE WHEN code='09' THEN SUM(Amt/100) ELSE 0 END ,CASE WHEN code='10' THEN SUM(Amt/100) ELSE 0 END ,CASE WHEN code='11' THEN SUM(Amt/100) ELSE 0 END ,CASE WHEN code='12' THEN SUM(Amt/100) ELSE 0 END FROM Table1 WHERE (Code BETWEEN '09' AND '12') GROUP BY Code
and the output
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Type 14022731.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 Type 0.00 4749072.19 0.00 0.00 Type 0.00 0.00 149214.04 0.00 Type 0.00 0.00 0.00 792210.10
How can I modify the query to come up with output below,
Need getting the below Cursor query convert to a Recursive CTE or with a while loop as I do not want to use a cursor.
Declare @Companyname Nvarchar (400) declare @str nvarchar(MAX) TRUNCATE TABLE STAGING.dbo.[IT_G_L Entry] DECLARE GLEntry_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT REPLACE Name FROM Company where Name <> 'AAAAA' OPEN GlEntry_cursor
StartDate - data type Date StartTime - data type Time
I need to combine them into a DateTime data type. For now, I convert each of them into varchar, insert space in between, and convert to DateTime, like this:
I have a stored proc I want to convert it to either a Normal Query using A while loop or a set based operation/recursive cte as I want to run it for multiple CompanyNames. I get the error message as An INSERT EXEC statement cannot be nested when I execute if for Multiple Companies using another Cursor
If I convert it to a Function I get the below error message
Invalid use of a side-effecting operator 'EXECUTE STRING' within a function
converting this query to a normal query or let me know if there is any change which need to done to work with multiple companynames.
CREATE PROC [dbo].[USPT] @CompanyName varchar(50),@tablename varchar(50) AS BEGIN -- EXEC [USPT] 'xyz corp','Sales Header' DECLARE @str1 VARCHAR (MAX) set @str1 = ' DECLARE @No VARCHAR (MAX)
I'm using a Merge statement to update/insert values into a table. The Source is not a table, but the parameters from a Powershell script. I am not using the Primary Key to match on, but rather the Computer Name (FullComputerName).
I am looking on how-to return the Primary Key (ComputerPKID) of an updated record as "chained" scripts will require a Primary Key, new or used.As an aside: the code below does return the newly generated Primary Key of an Inserted record.
We have a table that has customers invoices and payment records. In some cases a customer has 10 lines with 10 different invoice numbers but may have paid 2 or more invoices with one check. I need to know how many unique payments were made per customer.
I have a stored procedure on a SQL Server 2008 database. The stored procedure is very simple, just a SELECT statement. When I run it, it returns 422 rows. However, when I run the SELECT statement from the stored procedure, it returns 467 rows. I've tried this by running both the stored procedure and the SELECT statement in the same SSMS window at the same time, and the behavior is the same. The stored procedure is:
USE [REMS] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [mobile].[GetAllMobileDeviceUsers] Script Date: 12/04/2014 */ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON
[Code] ....
When I do this in the same SSMS window:
exec mobile.GetAllMobileDeviceUsers
SELECT ee.EmployeeID, EmployeeName = LastName + ', ' + FirstName FROM EmployeeInvData ee --UNION
[Code] ....
I get two result sets. The first is 422 rows; the second is 467 rows. Why?
I have multiple databases in the server and all my databases have tables: stdVersions, stdChangeLog. The stdVersions table have field called DatabaseVersion which stored the version of the database. The stdChangeLog table have a field called ChangedOn which stored the date of any change made in the database.
I need to write a query/stored procedure/function that will return all the database names, version and the date changed on. The results should look something like this:
how to return the 3 month rolling average count per username? This means, that if jan = 4, feb = 5, mar = 5, then 3 month rolling average will be 7 in April. And if apr = 6, the May rolling average will be 8.
Columns are four:
username, current_tenure, move_in_date, and count.
DDL (create script generated by SSMS from sample table I created, which is why the move_in_date is in hex form. When run it's converted to date. Total size of table 22 rows, 4 columns.)
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[countHistory]( [username] [varchar](50) NULL, [current_tenure] [int] NULL, [move_in_date] [smalldatetime] NULL, [Cnt_Lead_id] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO