T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Aggregate Interval Data To Hourly Values
May 12, 2014
I am using the below script and I am getting data for 15 minutes interval. I would like to aggregate this data to hourly so instead of reading for 2014-01-01 00:15:00.000 and 2014-01-01 00:30:00.000 I want all the data aggregated for 2014-01-01 00:00:00.000 and then for 2 o’clock. how should I tweak this query to sum the interval values and display it?
SELECT r.MeterId, r.ReadingDate, r.Reading
FROM MeterReading r, MeterDetail d, Building b
where r.MeterId = d.MeterId
and d.BuildingId = b.BuildingId
and b.BuildingName like '%182%'
and r.ReadingDate between '2014-01-01'and '2014-01-10'
order by r.MeterId
Current Output
3969 1/01/2014 0:000
3969 1/01/2014 0:150
3969 1/01/2014 0:300
3969 1/01/2014 0:450
3969 1/01/2014 1:000
3969 1/01/2014 1:151
3969 1/01/2014 1:300
3969 1/01/2014 1:450
3969 1/01/2014 2:000
3969 1/01/2014 2:150
3969 1/01/2014 2:300
3969 1/01/2014 2:450
3969 1/01/2014 3:000
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May 14, 2014
I want to aggregate to monthly values for the reading. I want to display Reading value for Oct 2010, November 2010 likewise My question is simple and I have tried to follow the etiquette.
Currently it is displaying.....
3969 22/10/2013 0:150
3969 22/10/2013 0:300
3969 22/10/2013 0:450
3969 22/10/2013 1:000
3969 22/10/2013 1:150
3969 22/10/2013 1:300
3969 22/10/2013 1:450
3969 22/10/2013 2:001
3969 22/10/2013 2:150
MeterId int
ReadingDate datetime
Reading real
-===== If the test table already exists, drop it
IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable','U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #mytable
--===== Create the test table with
Readingdate DATETIME,
reading real
--===== Setup any special required conditions especially where dates are concerned
SELECT '4','Oct 17 2013 12:00AM','5.1709' UNION ALL
SELECT '4','Oct 17 2013 12:15AM','5.5319' UNION ALL
SELECT '4','Nov 17 2013 12:00AM','5.5793' UNION ALL
SELECT '4','Nov 17 2013 14:00AM','5.2471' UNION ALL
SELECT '5','Nov 17 2013 12:00AM','5.1177' UNION ALL
SELECT '5','Nov 17 2013 14:00AM','5.5510' UNION ALL
SELECT '5','Dec 17 2013 15:00AM','5.5128', UNION ALL
SELECT '5','Dec 17 2013 16:00AM','5.5758' UNION ALL
Output should display as
MeterId Period Reading
4 Oct 13 10.20
4 Nov 13 10.40
5 Oct 13 10.20
5 Nov 13 10.40
4 Dec 13 11.15
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Mar 18, 2014
I need to add the Job Interval and Time to the following script:
SELECT DISTINCT 'CYP_BI' AS Server,Jobs.Name AS Job_Name, Jobs.description AS Alias,
'Enabled' = CASE (Jobs.enabled)
ELSE '??'
[Code] .....
This query contains the job interval and time but when I add it to the first script I can't get my syntax right:
'CYP_BI' AS Server,
S.name AS JobName,
S.description AS Alias,
'ScheduleName' = left(ss.name,25),
'Enabled' = CASE (S.enabled)
[Code] .....
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Jul 29, 2015
I'm trying to consolidate time intervals.
It's like the packing date and time intervals tsql challenge from Itzig Ben Gan.But unfortunalty I have to cope with time intervals priories, e.g. if one time interval with a higher prio overlaps a time interval with a lower one something like this:
time interval 1 prio 2: [--------------]
time interval 2 prio 1: [---]
result: [---][---][----]
I can't get this aligned, but my point is that from the 2 intervals above you get one interval result with the classic packing solution but because of the higher priority of interval 2, I should get 3 intervals as a result.
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Sessions') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.Sessions;
CREATE TABLE dbo.Sessions
sessionid INT NOT NULL,
starttime DATETIME2(0) NOT NULL,
endtime DATETIME2(0) NOT NULL,
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Mar 1, 2015
I am new to this group and to Sql query also. My requirement is the following
I have a table with these values...
colacolb colc cold
16:01 1 2 3
17:01 1 3 4
18:01 5 6 8
16:01 8 2 1
17:01 9 5 1
18:01 3 5 1
16:01 4 6 1
17:01 2 3 5
18:01 8 4 3
Now I want to get the SUM of colb, colc on each interval between 16:01 to 18:01...
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Dec 4, 2007
How do i use delete to perform a delete action of a value from a table using an interval of values?
delete [table] from [field]='[value]' to '[value]'
-- or
delete [table] where [field]='[value]' to '[value]'
i can't delete an interval of values (from...to) from a field of a certain table...
What is the right expression to do this?
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Jul 21, 2014
I'm trying to create a report which will give me a break down of how many unique vehicles have been seen between two dates via a 15 minute interval and what Lane they were seen. My current script looks like this
SELECT l.Name [Name], count(l.Name) Total, p.Created
FROM PlateReads p
inner join Lanes l on p.Lane_ID = l.ID
where LicencePlate in (Select Plate from LPRnet_MelAir_C.dbo.TempVehiclePlates)
group by Name
Name being the Lane they were in and the Total being the amount of times a unique vehicle has been seen and p.Created being the date they were seen (thats what I need the interval powered off)
Ideally the output would look like this
16/03/201408:00 to 08:15Bus Lane 15
16/03/201408:00 to 08:15Elevated Road150
16/03/201408:00 to 08:15Public Pickup75
16/03/201408:15 to 08:30Bus Lane 13
16/03/201408:15 to 08:30Elevated Road120
16/03/201408:15 to 08:30Public Pickup55
All the way to 12/04/2014
I’ve got it so it says Lane and Count just can’t get the interval part
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Mar 18, 2014
I am trying to get hourly data on a table which was working fine on mysql but not on sql. how to use this in sql server managmenmt studio, i receive 'time' is not a recognized function name.and curdate() is not recognise function.
select [pa_number], [pa_surname]
sum(time(datetime) >= '07:00:00' and time(datetime) < '08:00:00') as '7.00-8.00 AM',
sum(time(datetime) >= '08:00:00' and time(datetime) < '09:00:00') as '8.00-9.00 AM',
sum(time(datetime) >= '09:00:00' and time(datetime) < '10:00:00') as '9.00-10.00 AM ',
sum(time(datetime) >= '10:00:00' and time(datetime) < '11:00:00') as '10.00-11.00 AM',
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Dec 1, 2014
I am using SSIS package for pulling the data(last 2 months data).
Since the data size is huge, i have to split the data into hourly basis and pull the data.
how i can make this dynamic? Right now i am changing the hours manually after package execution.
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Aug 28, 2013
I have SharePoint 2010, which I have uploaded a PowerPivot model onto.
Currently it doesn't seem like I could setup the Data Refresh service to refresh my model more frequent than once a day. The Data Refresh configuration page looks like this:
Which doesn't show an option for anything more frequent than daily.
I have also tried to refresh the model's database directly on the Tabular SSAS instance (which SharePoint is using to store PowerPivot models) via SSIS or XMLA, but I get an error saying the tabular model is in "ReadOnly" mode, which I could potentially bypass (by detaching and re-attaching the model), but thats starting to sound abit too hacky.
Is there any way I could refresh my SharePoint uploaded PowerPivot model more than once daily?
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Aug 17, 2015
create a sequential aggregate of a column using sum in tsql.
I want a column that will sum up all hours work by transaction date.
for example
Monday my hours work will be 8 and therefore my total transaction hours will be 8.
Tuesday my hours work will be 8 but I want the total hours of my total transaction hours to 16.
Wed my total hours work will be 5 and I want the total hours of my total transaction hours to 21. etc.
Select myname, weekday, hours worked, Totalhours_ToDate =Sum(hours worked) from table
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Jun 6, 2003
Hi all,
I have a table with the following fields:
I need to run a query to get the following result(by carrier and for each calc_date, calculate the percentage of all individuals who have rcf greater than 0.73):
carrier,calc_date,count of ind with rcf > 0.73, count of all individual, percentage of individuals with rcf's greater than 0.73.
does anyone have an idea of how to achieve that result?
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Apr 16, 2014
How to count the number of values that exist in a row based on the values from an array of numbers. Basically the the array of numbers I want to look for are in row 1 of table [test 1] and I want to search for them and count the "out of" in table [test 2]. Excuse me for not using the easiest way to convey my question below. I guess in short I have 10 numbers and like to find how many of those numbers exist in each row. short example:
Table Name: test1
Columns: m1 (int), m2 (int), m3 (int) >>> etc
Array/Row1: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Table Name: test2
Columns: n1 (int), n2 (int), n3 (int), n4 (int), n5 (int)
Row 1: 3, 8, 18, 77, 12
Row 2: 1, 4, 5, 7,18, 21
Row 3: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Answer: 2 out of 5
Answer: 4 out of 5
Answer: 5 out of 5
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Jan 17, 2007
I'm trying to migration a database from PostgreSQL to SQL Server, but i've found a problem with interval data type, SQL server does not have an interval data type, can someone help me please? I need the solution ASAP due to work deadline =(
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Feb 27, 2014
I have a script that I use after some amount of data massaging (not shown). I would like to be able to change the
1) denominator value (the value 8 in line 32 of my code) based on how many columns are selected by the where clause:
where left(CapNumber,charindex('_', CapNumber)-1) = 1where capNumber is a value like [1_1], [1_4], [1_6]...[1_9] capNumber can be any values from [1_1]...[14_10] depending upon the specialty value (example: Allergy) and the final number after the equal sign is a number from 1 to 14)
2) I'd like to dynamically determine the series depending upon which values correspond to the specialty and run for each where: left(CapNumber,charindex('_', CapNumber)-1) = n. n is a number between 1 and 14.
3) finally I'd like to dynamically determine the columns in line 31 (4th line from the bottom)
If I do it by hand it's 23 * 14 separate runs to get separate results for each CapNumber series within specialty. The capNumber series is like [1_1], [1_2], [1_3],[1_4], [1_5], [1_6], [1_7], [1_8],[1_9]
[14_1], [14_2],...[14_10]
Again, the series are usually discontinuous and specific to each specialty.
Here's the portion of the script (it's at the end) that I'm talking about:
--change values in square brackets below for each specialty as needed and change the denom number in the very last query.
if object_id('tempdb..#tempAllergy') is not null
drop table #tempAllergy
select *
into #tempAllergy
dbo.#temp2 T
[Code] ....
If I were to do it manually I'd uncomment each series line in turn and comment the one I just ran.
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Mar 9, 2004
I have table A which has and accountid,df_date1,df_date2. The table is a demographic one which has 1 record for each account
I have a table B which I need to populate from the first df_date1 fields in table A. Table B which is normalized and has an accountid and a df_date1 field but may have several records per accountid. I need the max(date) from this table. I wanted to do an update statement like below
update A
set df_date1
= max(df_date1) from b
where a.account_id = b.account_id
I get the error message
Server: Msg 157, Level 15, State 1, Line 3
An aggregate may not appear in the set list of an UPDATE statement.
Is there another way to do this with a subselect and update?
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Nov 29, 2006
Hello there
I'm having data store in database at interval of 2sec.
hence if i read data for 1 week(7days) it returns me huge amount of data
so what i want to do is to read data at some varying intervals e.g 30 sec or 50 sec for perticular datetime range
Please tell me suitable query to have such selected data base
Thanks in advance
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Jan 15, 2004
Hi all...
how I can obtain the sum of a datetime field as aggregate function?
Given a set of records I need to calculate the number of records (count (*)) and the sum of a field of type datetime.
Is this possible? how?
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Sep 23, 2015
The actual schema I'm working against is proprietary and also adds more complication to the problem I'm trying to solve. So to solve this problem, I created a mock schema that is hopefully representative. See below for the mock schema, test data, my initial attempts at the query and the expected results.
-- greatly simplified schema that makes as much sense as the real schema
CREATE TABLE main (keyvalue INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, otherdata VARCHAR(10));
CREATE TABLE dates (datekeyvalue INT NOT NULL, keyvalue INT NOT NULL, datevalue DATE NULL, PRIMARY KEY(datekeyvalue, keyvalue));
CREATE TABLE payments (datekeyvalue INT NOT NULL, keyvalue INT NOT NULL, paymentvalue INT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(datekeyvalue, keyvalue));
[Code] ....
Desired results:
SELECT 1 AS keyvalue, 'first row' AS otherdata, '2015-09-25' AS nextdate, 30 AS next_payment
SELECT 2, 'second row', '2015-10-11', 150
SELECT 3, 'third row', NULL, NULL
I know I'm doing something wrong in the last query and I believe another sub-query is needed?
Let me answer a few questions in advance:
Q: This schema looks horrible!
A: You don't know the half of it. I cleaned it up considerably for this question.
Q: Why is this schema designed like this?
A: Because it's a 3rd-party mainframe file dump being passed off as a relational database. And, no, I can't change it.
Q: I hope this isn't a frequently-run query against a large, high-activity database in which performance is mission-critical.
A: Yes, it is, and I left out the part where both the date and the amount are actually characters and have to pass through TRY_CONVERT (because I know how to do that part).
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi all!In a statement I want to find the IDENTITY-column value for a row thathas the smallest value. I have tried this, but for the result i alsowant to know the row_id for each. Can this be solved in a neat way,without using temporary tables?CREATE TABLE some_table(row_id INTEGERNOT NULLIDENTITY(1,1)PRIMARY KEY,row_value integer,row_name varchar(30))GO/* DROP TABLE some_table */insert into some_table (row_name, row_value) VALUES ('Alice', 0)insert into some_table (row_name, row_value) VALUES ('Alice', 1)insert into some_table (row_name, row_value) VALUES ('Alice', 2)insert into some_table (row_name, row_value) VALUES ('Alice', 3)insert into some_table (row_name, row_value) VALUES ('Bob', 2)insert into some_table (row_name, row_value) VALUES ('Bob', 3)insert into some_table (row_name, row_value) VALUES ('Bob', 5)insert into some_table (row_name, row_value) VALUES ('Celine', 4)insert into some_table (row_name, row_value) VALUES ('Celine', 5)insert into some_table (row_name, row_value) VALUES ('Celine', 6)select min(row_value), row_name from some_table group by row_name
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Apr 27, 2015
I am trying to exclude records that have an assessed value that has been waived in an aggregation. For Example:
Here is my table:
CREATE TABLE #temptable (ReportingMonth Varchar(6), Fee_Code Varchar(20), Fee_Transaction_Amount Decimal(12,2), Fee_Transaction_Date Datetime, Fee_Transaction_Type Char)
INSERT INTO #temptable (ReportingMonth, Fee_Code, Fee_Transaction_Amount, Fee_Transaction_Date, Fee_Transaction_Type)
SELECT 'Jan-13', 'ONE TIME DRAFT FEE', '20', '01/24/2013', 'A'
UNION ALL SELECT 'Feb-13', 'LATE CHARGE', '33.6', '02/19/2013', 'A'
UNION ALL SELECT 'Mar-13', 'LATE CHARGE', '37.01', '03/18/2013', 'A'
Here are Data Mapping Description
Reporting Month = Month - Year
Fee Code = Fee Description Name
Fee Transaction Amount = Fee Amount
Fee Transaction Date = When Fee Amount was Applied
Fee Transaction Type = "A" = Assessed Fee; "W" = Waived Fee; "P" = Paid Fee
I've also included an image with beginning data set and what I want to identify in red and what my final data set should look like after the exclusion of those 4 records are removed.
Here are the logic requirements:In the attachment what I need the logic to do is essentially identify the $20 One Time Draft Fee from the first instance using the MIN Transaction date. Since there were $80 waived for this fee code (One Time Draft Fee), I would expect to see the first 4 (highlighted in red) to be identified as the target and as you can see in the attachment the second data set had the 4 highlighted items removed. That should be my final output.
trying to loop and remove the waive amounts from the assess amounts and tied it back to remove from my base data.
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Sep 9, 2015
i want to show data Party Name and Time interval wise. here is my table from where i will fetch data. so pasting table data here.
Call start Call duration Ring duration Direction Is_Internal Continuation Party1Name Park_Time
------------------------- ---------------- ------------- --------- ----------- ------------ --------------- -----------
2015/06/08 08:06:08 00:02:28 2 I 0 0 Emily 0
2015/06/08 08:16:38 00:00:21 0 I 0 1 Line 2.0 0
2015/06/08 08:16:38 00:04:13 5 I 0 0 Jen 0
now i am not being able to cross join this CTE with my table to get data party name wise and time interval wise. say for if no data exist for a specific time interval then it will show 0 but each party name should repeat for time interval 9:00:00 - 9:30:00 upto 17:30:00. i like to add what filter need to apply to get data for incoming, outgoing, call transfer and miss call.
For Incoming data calculation
where direction='I' and
Is_Internal=0 and continuation=0 and
RIGHT(convert(varchar,[call duration]),8)<> '00:00:00'
For outgoing data calculation
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Jun 11, 2015
I am using SSRS 2014. I'm using a matrix instead of a tablix because it allows me to have dynamic columns. In the example I'm showing, two of the columns use the sum function to get the total counts per practice. The third column contains percentages so I averaged for the total but the value is inaccurate compared to the value I would get if the divided the the two totals that are sums of the counts. Is there a way for me to specify that I want to divide the total counts numerator divided by the total counts denominator?
Here's an example report output with the percentage column averaged (inaccurate):
PCP numerator denominator percentage
John Smith 66 104 63.46
Tom Jones 4 36 11.11
Jane Doe 1 1 100
Total 708 1005 72.3
So the 72.3 value is from Avg(metricvalue)
I would like to do this instead: % total = 708/1005, which equals 70.5 - a significant difference.
The metricvalue column is what is the value for every number above (Because it's a matrix).
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May 6, 2014
I have 2 identical tables one contains current settings, the other contains all historical settings.I could create a union view to display the current values from table A and all historical values from table B, butthat would also require a Variable to hold the tblid for both select statements.
Q. Can this be done with one joined or conditional select statement?
DECLARE @tblid int = 501
SELECT 1,2,3,4,'CurrentSetting'
FROM TableA ta
WHERE tblid = @tblid
SELECT 1,2,3,4,'PreviosSetting'
FROM Tableb tb
WHERE tblid = @tblid
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Dec 12, 2007
Hi all experts,
I have a result set like:
I need to create a report like:
But while I use matrix to build this report, I got the result like:
The report will not show the multiple records on the row group "Project" like item "Info2".
After I referred to the similar problem mentioned on this forums, I tried to use "RowNumber("Matrix1_Project")" to resolve it. But still I got the result like:
It would be much appreciated if anyone could give me some hints to complete the report I need.
Thanks in advance,
Steve Wang 2007/12/12
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Oct 23, 2014
I have a problem with trying to pull postcodes from a table when I have a lookup table which provides me with a StartPostCode and an EndPostCode.
For instance if, in the input table I have a postcode BETWEEN two values eg: CV1 and CV10 I want to get a third value from the look up table.My problem is my query seems to bring two values back even if the postcode is between the ranges specified.To reproduce the problem first create the tables and populate with the data.
USE [CTSStaging]
/****** Object: Table [dbo].[st_StobartPostCode] Script Date: 10/23/2014 12:42:25 ******/
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Oct 19, 2007
Can any1 tell me why i am getting an error
SUM((round(b.total,2,2)) - SUM(round(p.amount,2,2))) AS OutStandingBalance,
SUM((round(b.total,2,2)) - SUM(round(p.amount,2,2))) AS CashCheque,
SUM((round(b.total,2,2)) - SUM(round(p.amount,2,2))) AS Vouchers
BillingTotal b,
Payment p
-- s.sitename=@cmb1
--AND p.siteid = s.siteid
-- p.voucher = 0
-- p.voucher = 1
GROUP BY p.siteID,b.siteID
Msg 130, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery.
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Sep 22, 2015
I have 2 Dimensions in SSAS (see below end), I want to create a calculated member, named
This_Year_Billable_Objective_Count, with its formula = BillableLastYear*(100+ BillableObjective)/100.
The first factor, BillableLastYear is a number, aggregated (sum) from child units.
The second factor, BillableObjective is a percent number (for example 28 means 28%), it's not aggregate. It's an dependent value for each unit.
How can I calculate This_Year_Billable_Objective_Count for each unit?
\ able 1
SELECT [UnitKey]
[Code] .....
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Apr 30, 2015
table2 is intially populated (basically this will serve as historical table for view); temptable and table2 will are similar except that table2 has two extra columns which are insertdt and updatedt
1. get data from an existing view and insert in temptable
2. truncate/delete contents of table1
3. insert data in table1 by comparing temptable vs table2 (values that exists in temptable but not in table2 will be inserted)
4. insert data in table2 which are not yet present (comparing ID in t2 and temptable)
5. UPDATE table2 whose field/column VALUE is not equal with temptable. (meaning UNMATCHED VALUE)
* for #5 if a value from table2 (historical table) has changed compared to temptable (new result of view) this must be updated as well as the updateddt field value.
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Apr 23, 2014
I have two select statements; one for open purchase orders, one for open customer orders. I would like to be able to combine the query based on i.item in the top statement joined with c.item from the bottom statement. The i.item is related to a specific c.item, but they do not have the same values. In this case I want to join based on.
p.item=i.item where
left side coming from p.item = right side coming from c.item.
Here are my statements.
--#1 OPEN PO's
SELECT p.item
,(p.qty_ordered-p.qty_received) as POQtyRemaining
[Code] ....
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May 6, 2014
I am working on some data that is JOINing to another table. Not a big thing. In the child table, there are different values for a single ID. I want to be able to select the Max ColorID that is Not Null, for each distinct CarID. The CarID is what I am joining the other table with. I need selecting the distinct row with the Max ColorID that is not Null. All this data is made up, so nothing looks logical in the design.
CarID float
, ColorID int
SELECT 1.55948815793043E+15, 9 UNION ALL
SELECT 1.55948815793043E+15, 27 UNION ALL
So this would be the resultset:
1.55948815793043E+15, 27
1.62851796905743E+15, 27
1.51964586107807E+15, 9
1.55948815793043E+15, 27
1.47514023011517E+15, 5
1.64967408641916E+15, 27
1.51964586107807E+15, 9
1.56103326128036E+15, 27
1.49856249351719E+15, 9
1.5736407022847E+15, 6
1.64664602022073E+15, 27
1.51964244007807E+15, 27
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May 19, 2014
I've the table like
create table expense
bill_date datetime,
travel int,
fixed int,
food int,
lodge int
insert into expense values('01-04-2014',1200,250,0,0)
Like I've 30th onwards.....
Expecting o/p:
month Travel Fixed Food Lodge
apr-14 200 550 500 600
These cum column values how to make a code ?????
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Sep 29, 2014
find below object and data:
create table #StuDetails(City varchar(25),StuStatus varchar(25), currentValue int,Week1 int,week2 int,week3 int,week4 int)
insert into #StuDetails values('A','new',13,10,0,0,12)
insert into #StuDetails values('B','Old',10,10,41,0,12)
insert into #StuDetails values('C','Fail',10,9,0,0,5)
select * from #StuDetails
Output of above is display as:
Anew 13 10 0 0 12
BOld 10 10 41 0 12
CFail 10 9 0 0 5
Now for columns Week1 to week3 if value is 0 then i want to display by searching next week value, if it is also 0 then go for next week and if value found there then display instead of zero. so my output would be as below instead of above.
Anew 13 10 12 12 12
BOld 10 10 41 12 12
CFail 10 9 5 5 5
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