T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Write A Stored Procedure That Will Be Used Registered Server?

Mar 14, 2014

Is it possible to write a stored procedure that will be used registered server?

For example I have registered server named 'Test Servers' and I want to use it in stored procedure

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Is It Possible To Write Clr Stored Procedure With Out Using Adomd Server.

Dec 5, 2006


I need to write a clr stored prodeure.i have to call that stored procedure from my prediction query.My Application is going to make use of that query to get the prediction output.

Is it possible to write clr stored procedure with out using adomd server.How?

For example:

In My Assembly i am having a function PredictPerformance(),Which is having my DMX Query.I need to execute that function from my analysis service by calling like this,

select aly. PredictPerformance() FROM [Model].

how to do this?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Write A Procedure To Upload XML Files Into Above Tables

Jul 15, 2014

There are two tables in my database HotelList_Temp, AsiaHotelChildrenAges_Temp

I need to write a procedure to upload the xml files into above tables .xmlfile is in my pc

xml to table column mapping are given below

<GRADE>5</GRADE> --StarRating
<CITY>HKG</CITY> --ResortCode


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How Should I Write Stored Procedure And Pass It Into Sql Server Express?

Feb 28, 2008

 Hi i m using vwd2005 express and sql express.1. I want to write stored procedure in sql express using sql server management studio express. I m not sure where to write and how to execute the stored procedure in sql server management studio express. Can any one explain the steps required to achieve this? 2.And what is the difference between creating database using:-       a. right click the project in solution explorer-> add new item->SQl database(creating .mdf file)and b.clicking a database explorer->data connection->Add connection ....       thanks.  jack.  

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Transact SQL :: Write Parameter Stored Procedure In Server?

Aug 4, 2015

I am having table on which i want to fire a query on.

table structure is as follows :


Table1ID    bigint PK
City  nvarchar(10)
FirstName  nvarchar(10)
LastName  nvarchar(10)
MiddleName  nvarchar(10)
State  nvarchar(10)
FirstName  nvarchar(10)
LastName  nvarchar(10)
LLDCode     nvarchar(20)
MMDCode    nvarchar(20)
LastModified    datetime
CreatedDateTime       datetime
LastUpdatedDateTime       datetime
SSN#  nvarchar(20)

I have to write a parameterised stored procedure where multiple values will be pass as input to SP.

E:g:  1) SSN# if no record found by SSN# then 2) Find by LLDCode OR MMDCode

This logic can be implemented using UNION to join output of 2 queries and selecting by LastUpdatedDateTime this query will return the Table1ID.

Now we will fire the query on table2 where this Table1ID as FK in Table2 and we will return the filed SSXML from Table2.How to do this ?

Table2 structure.

Table2ID PK
Table1ID FK

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SQL Server 2012 :: Write A Loop On Result Of First Query Inside A Stored Procedure

Jan 23, 2015

I have to write a Stired Procedure with the following functionality.

Write a simple select query say (Select * from tableA) result is

ProdName ProdID
ProdA 1
ProdB 2
ProdC 3
ProdD 4

Now with the above result, On every record I have to fire a query Select SUM(sale), SUM(scrap), SUM(Production) from tableB where ProdID= ["ProdID from above query"].How to write this query in a Stored Procedure so that I can get the required SUM columns for all the ProdID's from first query?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Use Stored Procedure To Query Data In Another Server

May 13, 2014

Say I have to server, A and B.

Now I want to write a stored procedure in server A, to retrieve data from server B.

How could I manage to do that?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Stored Procedure With Unavailable Server Reference

Sep 11, 2014

We have a stored procedure that makes a decision to pull records from one of two servers.

If one of these servers became unavailable but was no longer queried would the stored procedure still work? Doesn't SQL recompile stored procedures periodically?

Something like this:

If @ServerAIsDown=1
select * from ServerB.dbo.MyTable
select * from ServerA.dbo.MyTable

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: One Stored Procedure Return Data (select Statement) Into Another Stored Procedure

Nov 14, 2014

I am new to work on Sql server,

I have One Stored procedure Sp_Process1, it's returns no of columns dynamically.

Now the Question is i wanted to get the "Sp_Process1" procedure return data into Temporary table in another procedure or some thing.

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Need To Write A Stored Procedure

May 10, 2007

Hi,I need to write a stored procedure to check if the string = "web_version" exists in another string called FromCode.The stored procedure accepts 2 parameters like this:Create proc [dbo].[spGetPeerFromCode]( @FromCode VARCHAR(50)) (@WebVersionString VARCHAR(50))as   please assist. 

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How To Write Stored Procedure?

Jan 28, 2008

Hi all,
   I want to write a stored procedure for the following,
  The table have the following field,
  CategoryID, CategoryName,                    Parent_categoryID
  123             Kids Dresses                        0
  321             Kids Boys                            123
  322             Kids Baby                            123
  401             Kids Boys school Uniform     321
  501            Kids Boys Formals                321
  541            Kids Baby school Uniform      322
  542            Kids Baby Formals                322
  601            Household Textile                  0
  602           Bathrobe                               601
  603           Carpet                                  601
  604           Table Cloth                           601
 From the above example the categoryID acts as a parent_categoryID for some products,
 when i pass a categoryID the stored procedure should return all the categoryID which are subcategory to given categoryID,
 subcategory may contain some subcategory, so when i give a categoryID it should return all the subcategoryID.
 For example when i pass categoryID as 123 it should return the following subcategoryIDs
 321,322,401,501,541,542 because these are all subcategory of categoryID 123.
 How to write stored procedure for this?

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How To Write Stored Procedure

Mar 21, 2007

Hai Friends,
I heard that stored procedures can be written using two servers
how to write stored procedures by using two servers

Malathi Rao

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Where Do You Write A Stored Procedure?

Mar 21, 2008

Hi, where do you write an SQL stored procedure?

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How To Write Stored Procedure With Two Parameters

Aug 23, 2007

 How to write stored procedure with two parametershow to check those variables containing  values or  empty in SP
 if those two variables contains values they shld be included in Where criteiriea in folowing Query with AND condition, if only one contains value one shld be include not other one       
Select * from orders  plz write this SP for me thanks  

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How To Write A Stored Procedure In SQL Server2000?

Jan 28, 2008

Hi all,
  I want to write a stored procedure for the following,
  The table have the following field,
  CategoryID, CategoryName,                    Parent_categoryID
  123             Kids Dresses                        0
  321             Kids Boys                            123
  322             Kids Baby                            123
  401             Kids Boys school Uniform     321
  501            Kids Boys Formals                321
  541            Kids Baby school Uniform      322
  542            Kids Baby Formals                322
  601            Household Textile                  0
  602           Bathrobe                               601
  603           Carpet                                  601
  604           Table Cloth                           601
 From the above example the categoryID acts as a parent_categoryID for some products,
 when i pass a categoryID the stored procedure should return all the categoryID which are subcategory to given categoryID,
 subcategory may contain some subcategory, so when i give a categoryID it should return all the subcategoryID.
 For example when i pass categoryID as 123 it should return the following subcategoryIDs
 321,322,401,501,541,542 because these are all subcategory of categoryID 123.
 How to write stored procedure for this?

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Can Anyone Help Me To Write A Stored Procedure For The Following Scenario...

Feb 7, 2008

Hai friends, 
The project i'm working on is an asp.net project with SQL Server 2000 as the database tool.
I've a listbox (multiline selection) in my form, whose selected values will be concatenated and sent to the server as comma separated numbers (Fro ex: 34,67,23,60).Also, the column in the table at the back end contains comma separated numbers (For ex: 1,3,7,34,23).
What i need to do is -
1. Select the rows in the table where the latter example has atleast one value of the former example (In the above ex: 34 and 23).
2. Check the text value of these numbers in another table (master table) and populate the text value of these numbers in a comma separated format in a grid in the front end.
 I've programmed a procedure for this. but it takes more than 2 minutes to return the result. Also the table has over 20,000 rows and performance should be kept in mind.
Suggessions on using the front-end (asp.net 2.0) concepts would also be a good help.
 Anybody's helping thought would be greatly appreciated...
Thanks lot...

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Read / Write Into .doc From SQL Stored Procedure

Jun 25, 2007

I need to create a flat file as word document, may i know how to write text from stored procedure if a file is already exist then the text will append, how to do it ?

Thank you.

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Hi I Want To Know How To Write Stored Procedure ..then I Have To Include (IF Condition ) With SP ..

Sep 20, 2007

hi i want to know how to write  stored procedure ..then i have to include (IF condition ) with SP ..
let me this post ..................anybody ??????????

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Could You Write A Special Stored Procedure For Me In SQL 2005?

Apr 6, 2006

Could you write a special stored procedure for me in SQL 2005?
When I execute the SQL "select TagName from Th_TagTable where IDTopic=@IDTopic" , it return several rows such as TagName= SportTagName= NewTagName= Health
I hope there is a stored procedure which can join all TagName into a single string and return,it means when I pass @IDTopic to the stored procedure, it return "Sport,New,Health"
How can write the stored procedure?

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Stored Procedure To Read And Write Between XML And SQLServer

Mar 28, 2004

Hi All,
I need some help from you experts.

I need to develop something that reads from xml files and writes in to sqlserver, also it should read from SQLServer and writes to xml.

I should be able to give this as a job to exectue daily ,etc.

Can we do this using stored procedures in SQLServer.
Pls paste some sample code, if any or direct me to any url with better info.

Thanks in advance

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Write To A Text File From A Stored Procedure

Oct 19, 2011

I have a sp which saves the necessary information regarding the status of action(whether success or failure, rows affected etc) to a log table say( StatusLog )After this, I was sending a database mail with information taken from the log table via sp_send_dbmail. Now I would like to write the status information to a 'txt' file instead of sending via mail.How can I write to a text file from a stored procedure in ms sql server 2005?

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Write An Xml File With A Stored Procedure RESOLVED

Sep 22, 2006

Can you, and if yes, how do you, write an xml file using a stored procedure. For example the sp below writes this new record to a sql table. How would I change it to write it to an xml file ?

CREATE Procedure [spOB_AddtblOB_Properties]

@strPropertyRef varchar (100),
@strRouteNo numeric,
@strAdd1 nvarchar(1000),
@strPostcode nvarchar(10)


Insert into tblOB_Properties (


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Could You Write A Special Stored Procedure For Me In SQL 2005?

Aug 19, 2007

When I execute the SQL "select TagName from Th_TagTable where IDTopic=@IDTopic" , it return several rows such as
TagName= http://www.hothelpdesk.com
TagName= http://www.hellocw.com
TagName= http://www.supercoolbookmark.com

I hope there is a stored procedure which can join all TagName into a single string and return,
it means when I pass @IDTopic to the stored procedure, it return "http://www.hothelpdesk.com, http://www.hellocw.com, http://www.supercoolbookmark.com"

How can write the stored procedure?

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How To Write Such A Stored Procedure To Return Monthly Sales?

Mar 8, 2005

I have a Orders and OrderDetails table having the columns listed below:

Orders (OrderID, OrderDate, CustomerID, ...)
OrderDetails (OrderID, ProductID, UnitPrice, Quantity, ...)

Now, I want to obtain monthly sales from the data in the two tables by passing in a Year parameter. How to develop such a stored procedure? I have no idea where to get started. I was thinking to call a SELECT statement on each month. But, things trouble me are:

1. how to loop through each month to make a SELECT query for each month for a given Year? Use a cursor or what?
2. how to determine month boundary for a given year and construct the where clause on OrderDate using the month boundary for the SELECT query ? What happens if it is a leap year?
3. how to stop processing for the rest of the year when last order month is done?

Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks.

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How To Write Stored Procedure To Deal With This Kind Of Question?

Sep 13, 2005

I can get following data information from table1Name                        DescriptionA                              AviationA01                           Aviation GeneralCA01                        CapitalCA01-006                 NEW CTB SignageA02                           CapitalCA05-005                  East End RoadwayCA05-006                 Modify RoadHow do I write stored procedure to get following results based on the data from table1Code                        Name                        Description                        Level  1                               A                              Aviation                                    1  1.01                         A01                           Aviation General                        2  1.01.01                    CA01                        Capital                                       3            CA01-006                 NEW CTB Signage                    4  1.02                          A02                           Capital                                      2  1.02.01                    CA05-005                  East End Roadway                    3             CA05-006                 Modify Road                              4Thank a lot!

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SQL 2012 :: How To Write Insert Into With Select And Where In Stored Procedure

Sep 25, 2015

I am trying to write a stored procedure that is an INSERT INTO <sql table> FROM <other sql tables> WHERE <where clause>.

I need to insert 3 columns from multiples SQL tables into one SQL table. Here is my code snippet:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_insert_test]

[Code] ....

i cannot pass any of the values to the tblVotings table and not sure how to enter the @MID, @CID and @Member to the INSERT INTO statement.

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How To Write One Stored Procedure For A (same Column )present In 20 Tables

Mar 8, 2006

hi,i am a learner of ms -sql server 2000, i had a doubt in storedproceduressuppose i have a data base having 20 tables, all the tables have acolumn named--DATEcan we write a store procdure to find out the data ---i mean i wantthe data enteredbetween two days ---- if i call the stored procedure in any one of thetable i need to get the answerpls help me how to write the stored proceduresatishkumar.g

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Write A Stored Procedure Based On Recursive Data.

Feb 25, 2008

Hello, I am hoping someone can help me in this. I am looking to write a stored procedure that will return the heirarchy of an organization. I will display how the heirarchy might look and then list the tables involved.

John Smith

- Jacob Jones
- Lisa Thompson
- Samuel Barber

- Paul Smith
- John Jackson

Ok, so Jacob, Lisa, an Samuel report up to John Smith. Paul and John Jackson report up to Samuel Barber.

Here are the tables:

Users holds the user_id, first_name, last_name, and reports_to_user_id.
User_Roles holds the user_id, role_type_id
Role_Types holds the role_type_id, and the type (which could be Administrator, Standard, Guest) for example. In addition, Role_Types also has ranking which must be taken into consideration as well. 1 being the top rank and 9 being the lowest.

Thanks very much in advance,

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HELP To Write Stored Procedure Whose Values Are Calculated Automatically In Database

May 12, 2007

 Hi frdz,    I m creating my web-application in asp.net with C# 2005 and using sql server 2005.    I have created the stored procedure for the insert,update.    I want to know how to write the mathematical calculations in the stored procedure..    Pls tell me from the below  stored procedure  were i m making the mistake  ??    As the discount and the total amount are not calculated by itself....and stored in the database   How to convert the @discpercent numeric(5,2) to@discpercent ="NoDiscount" should be displayed when no discount is being given to the customers....     ALTER PROCEDURE CalculationStoredProcedure

@accountid int output,
@accountname varchar(20),
@opbal numeric(10, 2),
@opbalcode char(2),
@total numeric(10, 2),
@clbal numeric(10, 2),
@clbalcode char(2),
@discpercent numeric(5,2),
@discamt numeric(10, 2)


set nocount on

if @opbal IS NULL OR @opbal = 0

select @opbal=0
select @opbalcode= ' '
select @clbal= 0
select @total= 0
select @clbalcode= ' '
@discpercent ="NoDiscount"

select @accountid = isnull(max(accountid),0) + 1 from accountmaster

select @total=@opbal - @clbal from accountmaster
select @discamt=@total* @discpercent/100 from accountmaster

insert into accountmaster



set nocount off

      Thanxs in adv... 

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How To Write A Stored Procedure To Report Weekly Sales For The Last 5 Weeks

Feb 3, 2006

Hi, Is there a way to write a stored procedure to get weekly report for 5 weeks?I currently use a stored procedure with 5 select statement to get the result for each week, but I was wondering it there is a way to do that with only one statementthanks

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Trigger To Call A Program To Write Text File Onto A Folder In Server

Apr 29, 2014

I have created a trigger to call a program that is written by our program. The program is basically read the record in the table and write to a text file, then delete the record from the table.

The trigger is a after insert trigger. After we added the trigger, we insert a record to the table. The result is that the record still and did not get deleted. Also, the text file didn't get created either. It seems that it take a long time for the record to be written to the table.

But if we just run the program (a exe file), it can write a text file in the folder and delete the record. the trigger is basically:

USE [Zinter]
/****** Object: Trigger [dbo].[ZinterProcess] Script Date: 04/29/2014 18:34:56 ******/

[Code] ....

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Changes Not Holding In Stored Procedure

Apr 8, 2014

I am connecting to a new SQL Server 2008 R2 database using SSMS from my ADMIN VM workstation. I bring up a Stored Procedure and make a change.... I execute the Stored Procedure... after it finishes.... I exit out without saving to a file.... I go back in and my change was not held.

I can do the exact same process with an old SQL Server 2005 database. Is there a permission I am missing to set to be able to do this on the 2008 database.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Create Stored Procedure

Oct 16, 2014

yesterday i was trying to create Stored procedure but it fails i don't know why

CREATE proc GetBooksbyBorrowerID @Borrower_id INT
SELECT A.BORROWER_ID ,a.ISBN, b.book_Title,b.LANGUAGE, CONVERT(VARCHAR,a.borrowed_from_date,103)"Borrowed On(dd/mm/yyyy)" FROM borrower_details a, book_mst b
WHERE a.borrower_id=@Borrower_id
EXEC SP_Task1 10001

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