T-SQL Select Statement Slows Down When Insert Into Is Put In Front

Mar 31, 2008


We have a t-sql statement in a SP that generates on average between 50 €“ 60 rows of data, pretty small! The statement references a View, some tables and temporary # table which has been created in the SP.

Everything works a treat and runs sub second until you put a Insert Into in front of the above statement scenario. The SP then takes a about a minute to run which happens to be about the same amount of time to generate all the data in the View.

I have not attached T-Sql statement at this stage as it runs ok without the Insert Into but would be happy to post it if need be.

Anybody else ever had this problem?

We are using SQL Server 2005 SP2 64 bit.


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Text Column Slows Down Select

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,We're running SQL Server 2000, SP3.I have a stored procedure that consists of a single Select statement.It selects a bunch of columns one of which is a column of data typeTEXT.SP takes 30 sec to run which causes timeouts on the Front End.When I comment out the Text column from the select it only takes 1Sec.Is there anything I can do about it? I know I can't index a Textcolumn. It's also not used in the where clause, so no need forFull-Text Search.But we absolutely have to have it in the Select clause.Thanks for the help in advance.~Narine

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SSIS Data Flow Task Slows During Bulk Insert

May 31, 2007

I have an SSIS Package which is designed to import log files. Basically, it loops through a directory, parses text from the log files, and dumps it to the database. The issue I'm having is not with the package reading the files, but when it attempts to write the information to the db. What I'm seeing is that it will hit a file, read 3000 some lines, convert them (using the Data Conversion component), and then "hang" when it tries to write it to the db.

I've run the SQL Server Profiler, and had originally thought that the issue had to do with the collation. I was seeing every char column with the word "collate" next to it. On the other hand, while looking at the Windows performance monitor, I see that the disk queue is maxed at 100% for about a minute after importing just one log file.

I'm not sure if this is due to the size of the db, and having to update a clustered index, or not.

The machine where this is all taking place has 2 arrays- both RAID 10. Each array is 600 GB, and consists of 8 disks. The SSIS package is being executed locally using BIDS.

Your help is appreciated!

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How To Use Select Statement Inside Insert Statement

Oct 20, 2014

In the below code i want to use select statement for getting customer


from customer table.Rest of the things will be as it is in the following code.How do i do this?

INSERT INTO EMImportListing ("
sql += " CustId,Title,Description,JobCity,JobState,JobPostalCode,JobCountry,URL,Requirements, "
sql += " IsDraft,IsFeatured,IsApproved,"
sql += " Email,OrgName,customerAddress1,customerAddress2,customerCity,customerState,customerPostalCode,


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Insert Into From Select Statement

Mar 13, 2003

I have following codes :

insert into table1 (lastname,firstname)
select ##Newrows.LAST, #Newrows.FIRST, from ##newrows
if @@error > 0
select @ReturnError = 91001

Will this return @@error = 0 if insert fails but select is successful?

Thanks in advance.


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Select Statement Insert

May 27, 2008

I have a select statemnet that I want to insert new rows if the data is not found from table 1 into table 2. How can I add onto this statement? What is the sql code neede?

Select *
From tbl_Data_OpenOrders
From tbl_TestData
WHERE tbl_Data_OpenOrders.oabl = tbl_TestData.oabl AND
tbl_Data_OpenOrders.ODLOTSEQ = tbl_TestData.ODLOTSEQ AND
tbl_Data_OpenOrders.OACUSTPO = tbl_TestData.OACUSTPO AND
tbl_Data_OpenOrders.OABLDATE = tbl_TestData.OABLDATE)

Lisa Jefferson

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Feb 22, 2007

Hi,I have a very simple issue: for simplicity lets say I have 2 tables, A andB.- Table A contains 5 fields. Amongst these there is a 'id'-field whichis but a reference to table B.- Table B contains 2 fields: 'id' and 'text'In order to post data to table A I thus (from a known text value that shouldmatch 1 value in B.text) have to get the value of B.text before performingthe UPDATE/INSERT statement.How is this possible?I would have thought something likeINSERT INTO A (val1, val2, val3, ID, val4)VALUES ('x1','x2','x3', SELECT id FROM B WHERE [SOME TEXT VALUE] = B.text,'x4')however this is not possible, so I'm lost - not experienced in the arts ofSQL:-)Hope someone can help.Best Regards,Daniel

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SELECT Insert Statement

Feb 24, 2007

Hello All,

INSERT INTO [SPIResConv5].[dbo].[Batch]
Select [BATCH_NO],
[OPENDT] = getdate(),
'Hwells' as [USER_ID],
Resort_ID = Case Resort_ID
when 2 then 'Ell'
when 3 then 'CSI'
when 12 then 'Ell2'
when 13 then 'ATR'
from TransactionTempToTransaction
where Resort_ID = 3 or Resort_ID = 2 or Resort_ID = 12 or Resort_ID = 13

needing help in modifing the statement above

The first would be to grap from the batch table the last [BATCH_NO] and add one number to it-and insert --just that number €“for all records imported to Batch Table. Example: last record was 50 then 51 is the batch for all recordes imported.

Second: [USERBATCH] is a varchar, but need to insert based on current date: Say for example -today 2/23/2007 but need to insert in format = '2/23 LBX'

Last and again thanks for the help-

Resort_ID-For the Batch table only need to import how many rows,
Based on how many different resorts or in the table TransactionTempToTransaction
For example-- if there are two diffrent resorts €“ only import two rows
With the last field Resort_id being the only difrrent field showing the resort_id. If six different resorts or in tabe TransactionTempToTransaction then six rows.

Thanks for your


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Insert..Select Statement Problem

Apr 14, 2005


I am trying to run the following insert statement, but am gettng an error. The table I want to insert to
(DimensionMonthTime_hold) has an
Identity column defined for its key.

The part I cannot figure out is that when I run this insert statement without the order by statement, the insert is successful. If I attempt to run this insert statement with the Order By statement, I get an error saying that I have to provide a value for the identity value in the insert statement (which i don't want to do.) I need to have the data sorted, hence the reason for the order by.

I've tried to specify the column names on the insert line, but haven't figure that out.

Any suggestions?




Insert into DimensionMonthTime_hold
select distinct substring(period,1,4) + substring(period,6,2),
substring(period,1,4) ,
case substring(period,6,2)
when '01' then '1'
when '02' then '1'
when '03' then '1'
when '04' then '2'
when '05' then '2'
when '06' then '2'
when '07' then '3'
when '08' then '3'
when '09' then '3'
when '10' then '4'
when '11' then '4'
when '12' then '4'
else 1
case substring(period,6,2)
when '01' then 'First Quarter'
when '02' then 'First Quarter'
when '03' then 'First Quarter'
when '04' then 'Second Quarter '
when '05' then 'Second Quarter'
when '06' then 'Second Quarter'
when '07' then 'Third Quarter '
when '08' then 'Third Quarter '
when '09' then 'Third Quarter '
when '10' then 'Fourth Quarter'
when '11' then 'Fourth Quarter'
when '12' then 'Fourth Quarter'
case substring(period,6,2)
when '01' then 'January'
when '02' then 'February'
when '03' then 'March'
when '04' then 'April '
when '05' then 'May'
when '06' then 'June'
when '07' then 'July '
when '08' then 'August '
when '09' then 'September '
when '10' then 'October'
when '11' then 'November'
when '12' then 'December'
from transaction
where Account_type ='A'


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Using A Select Statement To Only Insert In Certain Rows

Jan 14, 2005


I am not sure how to really explain this, but I'll give it a try.

I am looking to use a select statement in a way that I can tell it which rows to insert in depending on when only one result is returned. For example, if I run this statement:

SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3
FROM #Temp1

The result set is:


Column3 as only the one returned value, so I do not want it associated with any of the other rows, so I need this:


Another example:

The returned result now is:


So I need:


Does this make sense, and/or is it even possible?

I know it could be more of a presentation thing, but I would like to know how to do it in the code behind.


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Select And Insert Statement Merge Together

Jun 9, 2007

is there anyway i can merge select statement and insert statement together?

what i want to do is select few attributes from a table and then directly insert the values to another table without another trigger.

for example, select * from product and with the values from product, insert into new_product (name, type, date) values (the values from select statment)

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Insert From Parameters And Select Statement

May 30, 2006

Trying to insert into a history table. Some columns will come fromparameters sent to the store procedure. Other columns will be filledwith a separate select statement. I've tried storing the select returnin a cursor, tried setting the values for each field with a separateselect. Think I've just got the syntax wrong. Here's one of myattempts:use ESBAOffsetsgoif exists(select * from sysobjects where name='InsertOffsetHistory' andtype='P')drop procedure InsertOffsetHistorygocreate procedure dbo.InsertOffsetHistory@RECIDint,@LOB int,@PRODUCT int,@ITEM_DESC varchar(100),@AWARD_DATE datetime,@CONTRACT_VALUE float,@PROG_CONT_STATUS int,@CONTRACT_NUMBER varchar(25),@WA_OD varchar(9),@CURR_OFFSET_OBL float,@DIRECT_OBL float,@INDIRECT_OBL float,@APPROVED_DIRECT float,@APPROVED_INDIRECT float,@CREDITS_INPROC_DIRECT float,@CURR_INPROC_INDIRECT float,@OBLIGATION_REMARKS varchar(5000),@TRANSACTION_DATE datetime,@AUTH_USERvarchar(150),@AUTHUSER_LNAMEvarchar(150)asdeclare@idintinsert into ESBAOffsets..HISTORY(RECID,COID,SITEID,LOB,COUNTRY,PRODUCT,ITEM_DESC,AWARD_DATE,CONTRACT_VALUE,PROG_CONT_STATUS,CONTRACT_TYPE,FUNDING_TYPE,CONTRACT_NUMBER,WA_OD,PM,AGREEMENT_NUMBER,CURR_OFFSET_OBL,DIRECT_OBL,INDIRECT_OBL,APPROVED_DIRECT,APPROVED_INDIRECT,CREDITS_INPROC_DIRECT,CURR_INPROC_INDIRECT,PERF_PERIOD,REQ_COMP_DATE,PERF_MILESTONE,TYPE_PENALTY,PERF_GUARANTEE,PENALTY_RATE,STARTING_PENALTY,PENALTY_EXCEPTION,CORP_GUARANTEE,BANK,RISK,REMARKS,OBLIGATION_REMARKS,MILESTONE_REMARKS,NONSTANDARD_REMARKS,TRANSACTION_DATE,STATUS,AUTH_USER,PMLNAME,EXLD_PROJ,COMPLDATE,AUTHUSER_LNAME)values(@RECID,(Select COID from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID = @RECID),(Select SITEID from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID = @RECID),@LOB,(Select COUNTRY from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID =@RECID),@PRODUCT,@ITEM_DESC,@AWARD_DATE,@CONTRACT_VALUE,@PROG_CONT_STATUS,(Select CONTRACT_TYPE from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID =@RECID),(Select FUNDING_TYPE from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID =@RECID),@CONTRACT_NUMBER,@WA_OD,(Select PM from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID = @RECID),(Select AGREEMENT_NUMBER from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID= @RECID),@CURR_OFFSET_OBL,@DIRECT_OBL,@INDIRECT_OBL,@APPROVED_DIRECT,@APPROVED_INDIRECT,@CREDITS_INPROC_DIRECT,@CURR_INPROC_INDIRECT,(Select PERF_PERIOD from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID =@RECID),(Select REQ_COMP_DATE from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID =@RECID),(Select PERF_MILESTONE from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID =@RECID),(Select TYPE_PENALTY from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID =@RECID),(Select PERF_GUARANTEE from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID =@RECID),(Select PENALTY_RATE from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID =@RECID),(Select STARTING_PENALTY from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID= @RECID),(Select PENALTY_EXCEPTION from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID= @RECID),(Select CORP_GUARANTEE from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID =@RECID),(Select BANK from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID = @RECID),(Select RISK from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID = @RECID),(Select REMARKS from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID =@RECID),(Select OBLIGATION_REMARKS from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master whereRECID = @RECID),@MILESTONE_REMARKS,@NONSTANDARD_REMARKS,@TRANSACTION_DATE,(Select STATUS from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID = @RECID),@AUTH_USER,(Select PMLNAME from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID =@RECID),(Select EXLD_PROJ from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID =@RECID),(Select COMPLDATE from ESBAOffsets..Offsets_Master where RECID =@RECID),@AUTHUSER_LNAME)select@@identity idgogrant execute on InsertOffsetHistory to publicgo

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How To Use Select Statement In Insert Query

Jul 20, 2005

hi my self avii want to copy data from one table to other table,by giving certaincondition and i want o use insert statement .in this i want to pass somevalue directly and some value from select statement , if i try i ll geterror i.e all column of destination table (i.e in which i want to insertdata) should match with all columns in values column some thing likethis.plz give me some helpful suggetion on this

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Trouble With An Insert Into/select Statement

Jan 2, 2008

I have several tables in a database which I always want to update with information from one table with new records (containing contact and demographical information). The setup is something like this:

NewRecordsTable: fn, ln, streetadd, city, emailadd, phonenumber, gender, birthdate

ContactTable: ID(primarykey), fn, ln, streetadd, city, state, zip, phonenumber, email

DemographicTable: ID(linked to primary key ID in Contact table), birthdate, gender

I want to update the ContactTable and DemographicTable with information from the NewRecords Table. What I have done so far is set the identity insert for the ContactTable to on, then inserted the fn, ln, streetadd, email, etc. from the NewTable. This works fine.

I then try to insert ID, birthdate and gender into the DemographicTable where NewRecordsTable.fn=ContactTable.fn AND NRT.ln=CT.ln AND NRT.streetadd=CT.streetadd AND NRT.emailadd=CT.emailadd - This mostly works, but the records which have NULL values any of those fields don't get inserted.

What I really want is to insert the records that have matching email addresses OR matching fn, ln, streetadd combos, but I can't figure out how to get that SELECT/WHERE statement to work.

The problem that underlies this is that I want to insert the ID values from the ContactTable into the DemographicTable, but the only way I can see to make them match properly is by matching the email addresses or fn, ln, streetadd combos from the NewRecordsTable to the ContactTable (all of the email addresses in our NewRecordsTable are unique, unless the person doesn't have an email address, in which case we make sure they have a unique fn, ln, streetadd combo)

Any help would be appreciated,
Thank you!!

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Problem With SELECT And INSERT T-sql Statement

Aug 20, 2007

hello everybody

I want to ask for your help in an issue i am having with SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition . here is the issue:

We have 2 servers called: c10 and cweb. In both, we manually installed SQL server 2005 Dev Edition with no problems.

I created a linked server on c10 to access data on cweb. That is working fine with no problem when executing Select or Insert T-SQL statments like these ones from c10:

select * from cweb.DBNAME.dbo.TableNAME


insert into cweb.DBNAME.dbo.TableNAME (f1, f2, f3)
select f1,f2,f3 from c10.DBNAME.dbo.TableNAME

All works fine up to here. But then there is a new server we setup called c7. This time we created an image of c10 and restore that image on this new server c7. That way, we didnt need to install all software needed in this new server. All software seemed to work ok..but then SQL server 2005 on that new server started failing when doing SELECT t-sql statements.

So Now if i am on c7 and i try to execute this: SELECT * from C7.DNAME.dbo.TableName, it fails

C7 in this case is the local server and it should work. however the error it gives me is that :"linked server not recognize"...it shouldnt need a linked server since it is trying to access the local server. Even with that, i tried to create a linked server to the own local server and now that Select t-sql isntruction worked with no problem..But now here is the othe issue i am having: INSERT t-sql statements are not working. When doing this:

insert into c7.DBNAME.dbo.TableNAME (f1, f2, f3)
select f1,f2,f3 from c7.DBNAME.dbo.TableNAME2

It fails with the following 2 error messages:

"OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "c7" returned message "Multiple-Step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status, if available. No work was done

The OLE DB provider SQLNCLI for linked server citrix7 could not insert into table c7.DBNAMe.dbo.TableNAme because of column intID. the data value violated the integrity constraints for the column."

I checked that the SELECT part of the INSERT T-sql statement is not retrieving any invalid data for column intID.

I tried restoring the BD on c10 server and tried the same INSERT statement and it worked ok..which mean the data to be inserted is valid.

So i think it is related to some mis-configuration on the linked server or something in SQL server got broken when restoring c10 server image into the new c7 server

So in summary the problem is this:

1. i can not make SELECT T-sql statements using fully qualified names on the local sql server without having a linked server to the local server (which is strange)

2. I can not make INSERT T-sql statements in the local server. This errors happens when doing it

"OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "c7" returned message "Multiple-Step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status, if available. No work was done

The OLE DB provider SQLNCLI for linked server citrix7 could not insert into table c7.DBNAMe.dbo.TableNAme because of column intID. the data value violated the integrity constraints for the column."

I have been searching thru google and forums but havent found any solutions yet.

Hope you can help me with this..i guess my only option right now is just uninstall and re-install sql server..but maybe there is any other solution to this_?

thanks a lot


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Trigger For INSERT --&&> SELECT Statement

Nov 15, 2007


I have a trigger on a table named Store. The trigger updates the longitude and latitude on store based on the zip. Simple right? Well, I'm trying to import data and of course the trigger is not updating the data as triggers are not on a row by row basis with multi row inserts.

Here is the error message I'm receiving:

Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Procedure SetLongLat, Line 17

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

How would one go about resolving this issue? I've includes my snippets below:


Code Block
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[SetLongLat]
ON [dbo].[Store]

DECLARE @Long float
DECLARE @Lat float

FROM Zipcode..ZipcodeLite

UPDATE Store SET Longitude = @Long, Latitude = @Lat
FROM Store INNER JOIN Inserted ON Store.Id = Inserted.Id



UPDATE Store SET Longitude = @Long, Latitude = @Lat
FROM Store INNER JOIN Inserted ON Store.Id = Inserted.Id


Thanks for your help!

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Insert Statement With Multiple Select Statements

Aug 29, 2006


first of all is it possible? if so, what am i doing wrong with this





(SELECT dbo.tarCustomer.CustID
dbo.tarCustomer ON dbo.tPA00175.CustKey = dbo.tarCustomer.CustKey INNER JOIN
dbo.tPA00007 ON dbo.tPA00175.intJobKey = dbo.tPA00007.intJobKey),


(SELECT dbo.tPA00175.chrJobNumber
dbo.tarCustomer ON dbo.tPA00175.CustKey = dbo.tarCustomer.CustKey INNER JOIN
dbo.tPA00007 ON dbo.tPA00175.intJobKey = dbo.tPA00007.intJobKey)

the first select statement for works fine, but the second one and all after i get a syntax error near 'select'.

this is just a shortened version of the statement. how would i run select statements for a table to be inserted into with different column names. also with items that are hard coded like the 'null'. thanks


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Insert Statement Using Results Of Select Query

Feb 11, 2015

I need to insert data into a table based on the results returned by a select statement. Basically, the select statement below gives me a list of all the work orders created in the last hour.

select worknumber from worksorderhdr where date_created > DATEADD(HOUR, -1, GETDATE())

This might return anywhere between 5 and 50 records each time. What I then need to do is use each of the work numbers returned to create a record in the spec_checklist_remind table. The other details in the insert statement will be the same for each insert, it's just the worknumber from the select statement that needs to be added to the insert where the ?? are below:

INSERT INTO spec_checklist_remind (form, record_type, linked_to_worknumber, spec_checklist_id) values (5, 0, '??',52)"

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Trouble Converting SELECT To INSERT Statement

Sep 18, 2005

Trying to convert the following SELECT statement into a INSERT statement and having trouble. No doubt this will be a piece of cake to someone. To eventually get this to a trigger stage would be nice, but for the moment I'd settle for just plain SQL. Using MS SQL 2000. The database name is reporting. The table name is CallLog. I'm trying to convert seperate date (RecvdDate) and time (RecvdTime) columns into a single DateTime column. I've scoured a lot of web pages but I'm still lost.


use reporting

SELECT RecvdDate + RecvdTime FROM [dbo].[CallLog]


Any help much appreciated.

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Mar 9, 2008

The following SQL statement fails on SQL CE 3.5 but works on SQL Express 2005:

"INSERT INTO BOOKINGS VALUES(@now,'"+note+"'," + p + "); SELECT @@IDENTITY;"

Compact 3.5 doesnt like the SELECT statement claiming that:

There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 72,Token in error = SELECT ]

Can anyone suggest the correct SQL to implement this via Compact? i.e. How do I retrieve the Identity value during and insert statement?

I have removed the SELECT @@IDENTITY; portion of the statement and it runs fine.

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Insert Record Into Temporary Table From A Select Statement

Jan 17, 2006

Hi guys,

anyone can help me?
i using sp to select a select statement from a join table. due to the requirement, i need to group the data into monthly/weekly basic.

so i already collect the data for the month and use the case to make a new compute column in the selete statement call weekGroup. this is just a string showing "week 1", "week 2" .... "week 5".

so now i want to group the weekgroup and disply the average mark. so i need to insert all the record from the select statement into the temporary table and then use 2nd select statement to collect the new data in 5 record only. may i know how to make this posible?

terence chua

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SQL 2012 :: Select Permission Error On Insert Statement

Jul 28, 2015

Have run to a select permission error when attempting insert data to a table. received the following error

Msg 229, Level 14, State 5, Line 11
The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'tableName', database 'DBname', schema 'Schema'.

Few things to note
- There are no triggers depending on the table
- Permissions are granted at a roll level which is rolled down to the login
- The test environments have the same level of permission which works fine.

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My Update Statement Isn't Working But Select And Insert Are. What's Wrong?

Aug 11, 2007

here is my code:

Dim cn As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("LocalSqlServer").ToString())


Dim adapter1 As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter()

adapter1.SelectCommand = New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("update aspnet_Membership_BasicAccess.Products
set id = '" & textid.Text & "', name = '" & textname.Text & "', price = '" & textprice.Text & "', description = '" &
textdescription.Text & "', count = '" & textcount.Text & "', pictureadd = '" & textpictureadd.Text & "', artist = '" &textartist.Text & "', catergory = '" & textcategory.text & "' where id = " & Request.Item("id") & ";", cn)



it posts and the page loads but the data is still the same in my datagrid. what could be wrong with this simple statement... i've tried testing the statement above with constant values of the correct type but i don't think that matters because the SqlCommand() accepts a string only anyways.. doesn't it?

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Select Statement (Advvance Button Insert, Update, Deltete

May 6, 2007

Hello All
I have had asked the same question in another post, i didnt get answer to it i might have had asked it wrongfully
Soo the question is:   When creating a SQLDataSource in the wizard  you get to the pont where you select the option . It says that by using this datasource you can select to update delete and insert. So my question is if i am creating a select statement to reterieve the data from the Table, then what does it do it do if my intention is to only reterie the data. Or what is the other way that it could be helpful to me ??
thanks all I hope it make sence, if not I wrill write another post to bring step by step info into it.

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Stored Procedure - SELECT INSERT Statement - Good Practice?

Jan 9, 2004

I would like to have a stored procedure executed once a week via a DTS package. The data I would like inserted into Table_2, which is the table where the DTS is being executed on, comes from a weekly dump from Oracle into a Table_1 via another DTS package.

I would like to only import data since the last import so I was thinking of my logic to be like this:

(Field1, Field2, ... , FieldN)
VALUES (SELECT Field1, Field2, ... , FieldN FROM Table_1 WHERE ThisDate > MAX(Table_2.ThatDate))

Does this make sense? Or do you all suggest a different mannger of accomplishing this?

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What Does Just &#39;JOIN&#39; Statement Do W/o Inner Or Outer Or Cross In Front

Jul 26, 2002

There is some code that I am looking at. It is like this

SELECT a.Name, p.Name
FROM applicant a
JOIN Pending p
ON a.ID = p.ID

Thanks list.

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Transact SQL :: How To Add A Letter In Front Of Value Using Case Statement

Jul 28, 2015

I am trying to add the letters 'MS' in front of value while using a case statement. If Dispo = 2 I want it to pull back 'Inactive', else I want it to pull back the Value with MS in front (eg. "MS14"). The data in the value column are numbers. Would I use a CONCAT? If so where does that need to go?

Case when dispo = 2 then 'Inactive' else cast(Value as varchar(11)) end ,

View 27 Replies View Related

GridView Based On SQLServerDataSource Using A Select Union Statement, Impacts On Update And Insert?

Jan 3, 2006

I have a GridView dispalying from a SQLServerDataSource that is using a SQL Select Union statement (like the following):

SELECT    FirstName,    LastNameFROM    MasterUNION ALLSELECT    FirstName,    LastNameFROM    CustomORDER BY    LastName,    FirstName
I am wondering how to create Update and Insert statements for this SQLServerDataSource since the select is actually driving from two different tables (Master and Custom).  Any ideas if or how this can be done?  Specifically, I want the Custom table to be editable, but not the Master table.  Any examples or ideas would be very much appreciated!

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SQL Server 2012 :: Insert Multiple Rows In A Table With A Single Select Statement?

Feb 12, 2014

I have created a trigger that is set off every time a new item has been added to TableA.The trigger then inserts 4 rows into TableB that contains two columns (item, task type).

Each row will have the same item, but with a different task type.ie.

TableA.item, 'Planning'
TableA.item, 'Design'
TableA.item, 'Program'
TableA.item, 'Production'

How can I do this with tSQL using a single select statement?

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Select Specific Column In Front Of Star

Jul 8, 2014

In SQL Server I can select a specific column in from of * like so:

select test_column_1,* from testtable1

I've been googling around and cannot seem to be able to find a definitive answer.

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Is There Any Way To Insert Picture To Image Datatype In Sql Server 2000 Without Using Front End

Nov 12, 2007

Sir,  Is there any way to insert picture to image datatype in sql server 2000 without using front end. If so please let me know.  Thanks in Advance,Arun. 

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Unable To Insert Records In A Mssql Database With A Access Front End

Nov 18, 2006

I have a database that is in mssql and I'm using an odbc link to an access database where I want to add records to the mssql table. When I open the linked table in access it does not allow me to add a record. I have created a user account in mssql that has ownership to the database and I use this user in setting up the odbc link.

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Select Statement Within Select Statement Makes My Query Slow....

Sep 3, 2007

Hello... im having a problem with my query optimization....

I have a query that looks like this:

SELECT * FROM table1
WHERE location_id IN (SELECT location_id from location_table WHERE account_id = 998)

it produces my desired data but it takes 3 minutes to run the query... is there any way to make this faster?... thank you so much...

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