EXEC sp_insertNewRecord 7, 'Peter', 'Wang', '678 Old St', 'Detroit',
'Michigon', '67899', 'PeterWang@yahoo.com'
Now, I want to insert a new record into the dbo.Friends table of my shcDB by executing the following T-SQL and Visual Basic 2005 codes that are programmed in a VB2005 Express project "CallshcDBspWithAdoNet":
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes
Public Class Form1
Public Sub InsertNewFriend()
Dim connectionString As String = "Integrated Security-SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;" + _
"Initial Catalog=shcDB;Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS"
Dim connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("sp_InsertNewRecord", connection)
I ran the above project in VB 2005 Express and I got the following 5 errors:
1. Name 'EXEC' is not declared (in Line 16 of Form1.vb)
2. Method arguments must be enclosed in parentheses (in Line 16 of Form1.vb)
3. Name 'sd-insertNewRecord' is not declared. (in Line 16 of Form1.vb)
4.Comma, ')', or a valid expression continuation expected (in Line 16 of Form1.vb)
5. Expression expected (in Line 16 of Form1.vb)
I know that "EXEC sp_insertNewRecord 6, 'Craig', 'Utley', '5577 Baltimore Ave',
'Ellicott City', 'MD', '21045', 'CraigUtley@yahoo.com' "in Line 16 of Form1.vb is grossly in error.
But I am new in doing the programming of T-SQL in VB 2005 Express and I am not able to change it.
Please help and advise me how to correct these problems.
I am trying to debug stored procedure using visual studio. I right click on connection and checked 'Allow SQL/CLR debugging' .. the store procedure is not local and is on sql server.
Whenever I tried to right click stored procedure and select step into store procedure> i get following error
"User 'Unknown user' could not execute stored procedure 'master.dbo.sp_enable_sql_debug' on SQL server XXXXX. Click Help for more information"
I am not sure what needs to be done on sql server side
We tried to search for sp_enable_sql_debug but I could not find this stored procedure under master.
Some web page I came accross says that "I must have an administratorial rights to debug" but I am not sure what does that mean?
Hi ,I am using Visual studio 2005 with sql server 2005. I want to debug my stored procedure, which is situated on the server on the network(accessible through network share). I followed the following URL: http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/051607-1.aspxI have used Direct database debugging : When I right click my stored procedure and click 'step into stored procedure', I get the following error: "Unable to start T-SQL debugging. could not attach to SQL server process on 'sql_server_name'. The remote procedure call failed and did not execute" I am using windows authentication to login to sql server Any help?
As part of our security project, I've done the following when logged in as 'sa':
Created database roles 'dbrole1' within dbAccount
Created login and user 'user1' and added user to be a member of 'dbrole1'
Granted execute permissions on sp1 and sp2 to 'dbrole1'
However, I didn't see the above permissions listed in SQL Server Management Studio - Database - Security - Roles - Database Roles - 'dbrole1' properties - securables
I am new to visual studio and I am still not sure of all its components and features.
I installed visual studio 2005 standard edition but cannot find SQL Server Management Studio?
I guess this must be because it is not included with Visual studio 2005 standard. Is it included with VS 2005 professional?
I want to add pictures of products to my shopping site using an SQL database and I’ve been told that SQL Server Management studio is required as it is a graphical tool.
How would I go about obtaining the SQL server management studio. There seems to be different versions of SQL server that it is confusing to know which one to purchase.
Will the SQL server 2005 version that comes with Visual studio standard be sufficient for me now right? I want to create a shopping site with hundreds, perhaps even thousands of products. I want to use an SQL server 2005 database. The database will include ‘dynamically generated’ product images if that is the correct terminology.
My goodness, it seems I still have so much to learn.
I just found that the content of my Database "ssmsExpressDB" is gone, but the name "ssmsExpressDB" remains in the Object Explorer of SQL Server Management Studio Express. If I delected the name "ssmsExpressDB" and executed the following .sql:
Unable to open the physical file "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatassmsExpressDB.mdf". Operating system error 32: "32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.)".
And I have closed all my projects and I do not know what " The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" is all about!? Please help and tell me how I can re-attach the content of my "ssmsExpressDB" in the Object Explorer of SQL Server Management Studio Express.
I found the "ssmsExpressDB" is being used by my VB 2005 Express project "Hello-SQLCLR-1": in the Database Explorer, Data Connections place. How can I put it back to the Object Explorer of SQL Server Management Studio Express? Please help and advise.
I am working in an access data project. I have a stored procedure that runs fine when I open and run it directly in sql. When I use the DoCmd.OpenStoredProcedure method in VB code, the stored procedure also runs fine (and successfully adds records as it should) but then I get an error: #7874 "...can't find the object...'[Name of sp'". This halts the vb code and is a problem. Here's example code from a sp that causes this problem:
Insert into Table (Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4) Select Field1, 'Test', Field5, GetDate() from View1
I understand there may be another syntax to run a stored procedure from access visual basic other than DoCmd. I would very much appreciate guidance as to how to do this.
I need some help with passing parameters to a stored procedure from my visual basic code.
Unfortunately im a bit of a novice with Visual basic and therefore have very little experience with it.
I have written a stored procedure in VS 2005 which when executed from the server explorer appears to retrieve the results that I require. However I am at a loss for how to actually call this procedure from my visual basic code.
The stored procedure is fairly simple requiring 5 colums from 2 tables. The procedure requires a single parameter to be passed to it.
The code for the procedure is listed below:
Name: usp_display_all_users
Description: Displays activeuser, personid, comment from table: pswds
Userid and sort from table: people
Where the username is like the parameter supplied.
dbo.people ON dbo.pswds.personid = dbo.people.personid
WHERE (dbo.people.sort LIKE @searchStr + '%')
ORDER BY dbo.people.sort
The Visual Basic application I am working on firstly requires login details from the user to build a connection string for the SqlConnection. Once these vaules have been succesfully retrieved the application should display a view with the data returned by the stored procedure (in this case the stored procedure should use the default input parameter value of an empty string to return every row of data from the tables). However I also require that the stored procedure be called if the user enters a search string into the relevant textbox.
I have managed to reproduce the view I require with the following code however this is using SQL commands passed directly to the an SqlDataAdapter and not by calling the Stored procedure that i have written.
Private Sub fillDataGrid()
' 1: Fill the data set with all Accounts
' 2: Diplay the Data to the data grid
' delcare a new SQL connection
sqlCon = New SqlConnection(conStr)
' Delcare and build the SQL Command String: WILL BE REPLACED BY STORED PROCEDURE
Dim comStrPeople As String = "SELECT pswds.activeuser, pswds.personid, userid, sort, pswds.comment"
comStrPeople += " FROM pswds INNER JOIN"
comStrPeople += " people ON pswds.personid = people.personid"
comStrPeople += " ORDER BY sort"
' Display the command string: TEMPOARY
testlbl2.Text = comStrPeople
' Declare a new SQL data adapter
sqlDataAdapter1 = New SqlDataAdapter(comStrPeople, sqlCon)
' Declare a new dataset
sqlDataSet = New DataSet
' fill the sql data adapter with data from dataset: called PeoplePswds
sqlDataAdapter1.Fill(sqlDataSet, "PeoplePswds")
' Fill the forms datagrid view with data from the Dataset table PeoplePswds
MessageBox.Show("Unable to retrieve Account Data at sub fillDataGrid" + ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub
I Guess what im asking for is someone to show / help with how the stored procedure is called from the visual basic code and passed the parameter/s required.
I have coded a stored procedure to return nearly all of the columns of a single record selected by using a unique key value. The record is in an SQL database, not within an in-memory DataSet. All of the parameters that I wish to have returned to my program are defined as OUTPUT; the two key values are defaulted to INPUT, as there is no need to return them to the calling program. I also have defined the direction of these parameters in the calling SQLDataAdapter function. However, when I run this, the values returned are either the current date for my DateTime parameters, Nothing for my Char parameters or 0's for my integer parameters.
When I try testing the sproc alone, by using the "Step Into Stored Procedure" action in Visual Studio, I get a message in the Debug Output window indicating that parameter @TktClassID was expected and not supplied. This is an OUTPUT parameter, which makes me question why I should be providing any sort of value for it within my VB code. Following are the function definition from my SQLDataAdapter class that calls my sproc, and the sproc itself. I appreciate any help that anyone can provide.
Public Function Fetch(ByVal ticket As Ticket) As Ticket Dim connbuilder As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder connbuilder("Data Source") = "ITS-KCGV7VZSQLEXPRESS" connbuilder("Integrated Security") = "True" connbuilder("Initial Catalog") = "ITSHelpDesk" Using conn As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connbuilder.ConnectionString)
Using comm As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("dbo.TicketFetch", conn) conn.Open() comm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure Dim parm As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter
I hav the following problem. I have written an stored procedure in sql server 2000 as the following CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.pa_rellena @pFechaInicio datetime
AS declare @pFechaFin datetime declare @auxcod_cen char(10)
--Borramos las tablas temporales si las hemos creado con anterioridad y no se han borrado if object_id('tmpCentros') is not null drop table tmpCentros
if object_id('tmpCentros2') is not null drop table tmpCentros2
if object_id('tmpMaxCajas') is not null drop table tmpMaxCajas
if object_id('tmpCajasCentro') is not null drop table tmpCajasCentro
if object_id('tmpVales') is not null drop table tmpVales
if object_id('tmpDiarioEfectivo') is not null drop table tmpDiarioEfectivo
if object_id('tmpDiarioTalones') is not null drop table tmpDiarioTalones
if object_id('tmpDiarioTarjetas') is not null drop table tmpDiarioTarjetas
if object_id('tmpDiarioSegundaForma') is not null drop table tmpDiarioSegundaForma
if object_id('tmpDiarioGastosTarjetas') is not null drop table tmpDiarioGastosTarjetas
if object_id('temp1') is not null drop table temp1
--Seleccionamos todos los centros de Salvador Bachiller select * into tmpCentros2 from centros where centros.tienda=1 order by cod_cen
--Seleccionamos el maximo de cajas por cada centro
select cod_cen, max(cod_caja) as cajas into tmpMaxCajas from cierrecaja where fecha>=@pFechaInicio and fecha<@pFechaFin group by cod_cen order by cod_cen
--Mezclamos los centros con el maximo de cajas select c.cod_cen, c.Centro, c.Direccion, c.localidad, c.provincia, c.cpostal, c.telefono, m.cajas, operaciones, cajas_tot, tienda, franquicia into tmpCentros from tmpCentros2 as c left outer join tmpMaxCajas as m on c.cod_cen=m.cod_cen
--Cajas por centro select distinct cod_cen as cod_cen, cod_caja as cod_caja into tmpCajasCentro from cierrecaja where fecha>=@pFechaInicio and fecha<@pFechaFin
--Los vales de cada centro select cod_cen,sum(importe) as imp1 into tmpVales from vales where fecha>=@pFechaInicio and fecha<@pFechaFin group by cod_cen
--Efectivo de cada centro select cod_cen,'01' as vendedor,'EFECTIVO' as descripcion, (sum(diario.TotEuro)-Sum(Diario.Imppa2)) as importe1,0 as exp1, (sum(Diario.TotEuro)-sum(Diario.imppa2)) as importe2 into tmpDiarioEfectivo from diario where fecha>=@pFechaInicio and fecha<@pFechaFin and cod_cen in (select cod_cen from tmpCentros) and cod_caja in (select cod_caja from tmpCajasCentro) and diario.cod_pago='01' group by cod_cen
--Talones por centro select centros.cod_cen,'02' as vendedor,'TALONES' as descripcion, sum(diario.TotEuro) as importe1,0 as exp1, sum(Diario.TotEuro) as importe2 into tmpDiarioTalones from centros inner join diario on centros.cod_cen=diario.cod_cen where fecha>=@pFechaInicio and fecha<@pFechaFin and diario.cod_cen in (select cod_cen from tmpCentros) and cod_caja in (select cod_caja from tmpCajasCentro) and diario.cod_pago='02' group by centros.cod_cen
--Tarjetas por centro select cod_cen,'03' as vendedor,'TARJETAS' as descripcion, sum(diario.TotEuro) as importe1,0 as exp1, sum(Diario.TotEuro*(FPago.Descuento/100)) as importe2, sum(Diario.TotEuro) - sum(Diario.TotEuro*(FPago.Descuento/100)) as importe3 into tmpDiarioTarjetas from FPago left join Diario on fpago.Cod_pago=Diario.cod_pago where fecha>=@pFechaInicio and fecha<@pFechaFin and cod_cen in (select cod_cen from tmpCentros) and cod_caja in (select cod_caja from tmpCajasCentro) and Fpago.Descuento<>0 group by cod_cen
--Segunda Froma de Pago select cod_cen,'03' as vendedor,'TARJETAS' as descripcion,sum(diario.imppa2) as importe1 into tmpDiarioSegundaForma from fpago left join Diario on Fpago.cod_pago=diario.cod_pa1 where fPago.cod_pago<>'99' and fecha>=@pfechaInicio and fecha<@pFechaFin and cod_cen in (select cod_cen from tmpCentros) and cod_caja in (select cod_caja from tmpCajasCentro) and Fpago.Descuento<>0 group by cod_cen
--Comisiones tarjetas de pago select cod_cen,'10' as vendedor, 'GASTOS (-)' as descripcion, sum(Diario.imppa2*(fPago.Descuento/100)) as importe2 into tmpDiarioGastosTarjetas from Fpago left join Diario on FPago.cod_pago= Diario.cod_pa1 where fPago.cod_pago<>'99' and fecha>=@pFechaInicio and fecha<@pFechaFin and cod_cen in (select cod_cen from tmpCentros) and cod_caja in (select cod_caja from tmpCajasCentro) and Fpago.Descuento<>0 group by cod_cen /* --Venta neta por centro declare cursortemporal cursor for select cod_cen from TmpCentros2
open cursortemporal delete detallecaja_aux fetch next from cursortemporal into @auxcod_cen while @@fetch_status=0 Begin select @importeVales=imp1 from tmpVales where cod_cen=@auxcod_Cen select @importeEfectivo=importe2 from tmpDiarioEfectivo where cod_cen=@auxcod_Cen select @importeTalones=importe2 from tmpDiarioTalones where cod_cen=@auxcod_cen select @importeTarjetas1=importe3 from tmpDiarioTarjetas where cod_cen=@auxcod_cen select @importeTarjetas2=importe1 from tmpDiarioSegundaForma where cod_cen=@auxcod_cen select @importeGastos=importe2 from tmpDiarioGastosTarjetas where cod_cen=@auxcod_cen
insert into detallecaja_aux (cod_cen,importe1) values(@auxcod_cen, @importeVales+@importeEfectivo+@ImporteTalones+@ImporteTarjetas1+@importeTarjetas2-@importeGastos) fetch next from cursortemporal into @auxcod_cen
Hi everybody, I would like to know if it's possible to execute a stored procedure, passing it parameters, using not CommandType.StoredProcedure value of sqlcommand, but CommandType.Text.
I tried to use this: sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(sqlPar) sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
With this sql command: "exec sp ..."
I wasn't able to make it to work, and I don't know if it's possible.
Another question: if it's not possible, how can I pass a Null value to stored procedure? This code: sqlPar = new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.Int) sqlPar.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output cmd.Parameters.Add(sqlPar)
sqlPar = new SqlParameter("@parent_id", DBNull) cmd.Parameters.Add(sqlPar)
doesn't work, 'cause I get this error: BC30684: 'DBNull' is a type and cannot be used as an expression.
How can I solve this? Bye and thanks in advance.
P.S. I would prefer first method to call a stored procedure ('cause I could call it with 'exec sp null' sql command, solving the other problem), but obviusly if it's possible...=)
Hi,I'm tring to call a stored procedure i'v made from a DNN module, via .net control.When I try to execute this sql statement: EXEC my_proc_name 'prm_1', 'prm_2', ... the system displays this error: Could not find stored procedure ''. (including the trailings [".] chars :)I've tried to run the EXEC statement from SqlServerManagement Studio, and seems to works fine, but sometimes it displays the same error. So i've added the dbname and dbowner as prefix to my procedure name in the exec statement and then in SqlSrv ManStudio ALWAYS works, but in dnn it NEVER worked... Why? I think it could be a db permission problem but i'm not able to fix this trouble, since i'm not a db specialist and i don't know which contraint could give this problem. Also i've set to the ASPNET user the execute permissions for my procedure... nothing changes :( Shoud someone could help me? Note that I'm using a SqlDataSource object running the statement with the select() method (and by setting the appropriate SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure ) and I'm using the 2005 sql server express Thank in advance,(/d
Does MS-SQL allow us to create an user-defined function within the stored-procedure script? I have been getting errors. It's my first time using the user-defined function with stored-procedure. I welcome your help.
CREATE FUNCTION ftnVehicleYearFormattor (@sValue VARCHAR(2)) RETURNS VARCHAR(2) AS BEGIN IF (LEN(@sValue) < 2) SET @sValue = '0' + @sValue
Hi.I'm really new to MSSQL, so therefore my question can sound stupid.Is it possible to use a function written in a module in MS-ACCESS in astored procedure?Or how can it be done, it is a complicated function with loop and more.I'll appreciate all answers also negatives ones.TIAJørn
Hello,I want to debug a Stored Procedure in the VIsual Studio. Actually I managed to do that, but only from Step into SP and Execute. I want to put a breakpoint in the procedure and when it is hit to stop, but if I Run(With Debug) my Site it doesn't stop at the breakpoint in the SP. I put a mark in the project options to debug SQL. What can be wrong?
I seem to be getting tasks that I am not familiar with these days. I am a guy that has coded it all in the asp page or in the code behind in .NET. This problem is outlined below and I need a help / advice on doing this. I had the flow of the 3 parts to it expanded below. A call is made to a Stored Procedure, The SP then calls a user defined function that runs SQL, this returns a 1 or 0 to the SP which then returns the value back to the call on the asp page. This is a lot I know but it is the way the lead guy wants it done. Any help so I can keep most of the hair I have left is appreciated :-)
Short list of process flow:
1. Form.asp calls to rx_sp_HasAccessToClient in SQL SERVER
2. rx_sp_HasAccessToClient then calls ab_HasAccessToClient
3. ab_HasAccessToClient runs SQL command on db and sends return bit back to rx_sp_HasAccessToClient
4. rx_sp_HasAccessToClient then sends this back to the call in the Form.asp page
5. Form.asp then checks the Boolean and if 1 then show or if 0 then deny.
This is not the correct syntax but is showing what I understand sort of how this is to be done so far.
This panel loads up the Vendors and id's when the user clicks on the link "view detailed list of vendors associated with this client". This is the beginning of the process.
This is code in Form.asp
If ValidateInput(Request.Querystring("Postback"))="FormDetails" then 'Check Postback Type
'We need to load up vendors associated with the current client.
'--------- CHECK ACCESS HERE via function ab_HasAccessToClient --------
'If the call returns 1, then the employee has access.
'Otherwise, just write out "Access to this client is denied."
'CALL SP - Not sure what parameters need to go with it or its syntax
I seem to be getting tasks that I am not familiar with these days. I am a guy that has coded it all in the asp page or in the code behind in .NET. This problem is outlined below and I need a help / advice on doing this. I had the flow of the 3 parts to it expanded below. A call is made to a Stored Procedure, The SP then calls a user defined function that runs SQL, this returns a 1 or 0 to the SP which then returns the value back to the call on the asp page. This is a lot I know but it is the way the lead guy wants it done. Any help so I can keep most of the hair I have left is appreciated :-)
Short list of process flow:
1. Form.asp calls to rx_sp_HasAccessToClient in SQL SERVER
2. rx_sp_HasAccessToClient then calls ab_HasAccessToClient
3. ab_HasAccessToClient runs SQL command on db and sends return bit back to rx_sp_HasAccessToClient
4. rx_sp_HasAccessToClient then sends this back to the call in the Form.asp page
5. Form.asp then checks the Boolean and if 1 then show or if 0 then deny.
This is not the correct syntax but is showing what I understand sort of how this is to be done so far.
This panel loads up the Vendors and id's when the user clicks on the link "view detailed list of vendors associated with this client". This is the beginning of the process.
This is code in Form.asp
If ValidateInput(Request.Querystring("Postback"))="Fo rmDetails" then 'Check Postback Type
'We need to load up vendors associated with the current client.
'--------- CHECK ACCESS HERE via function ab_HasAccessToClient --------
'If the call returns 1, then the employee has access.
'Otherwise, just write out "Access to this client is denied."
'CALL SP - Not sure what parameters need to go with it or its syntax
Hi,How to exec a SQL user defined function in query analyzer when it accepts parameters.. I know for a stored procedure we can write EXEC nameofstored procedure abc (@abc is the parameter passed).. But How to run a SQL function ?Thanks
I want to simulate a table, using a Multi-statement Table-Value User-Defined Function, but I need the function build the SQL statement from scratch each time so I can dynamically define values like the table it references. The only way I know how to run the query after it has been defined in this manner is to run an EXEC command. However I'm getting an error basically saying that the EXEC command is off limits in a User Defined Function.
The Exsact Error is: >[Error] Script lines: 1-108 ------------------------ Invalid use of side-effecting or time-dependent operator in 'EXECUTE STRING' within a function.
Is there some way to get around this limitation of User Defined Functions. Or perhaps a way to simulate the functionality of Multi-statement Table-Value User-Defined Functions in a Store Procedure, specifically the ability to run where statements, or transform the data on the fly without re-writing the Stored Procedure every time.
The code I’m trying to run is below.
(Note: The code works as a stored procedure, so I'm sure that the core of the statment is correct)
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[TrendLine] ( @Summary as smallint, @Start as datetime, @End as datetime, @Table as varchar(100), @X as varchar(100), @Count as varchar(100), @Duration as varchar(100) ) RETURNS @TrendLineTable table ( DATE_DAY datetime , EQ_REGION varchar(25) , EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER varchar(30) , Y float , X int , DURATION float , FORMULA varchar(100) , a float , b float , EX int , EY float , EX2 int , EXY float , N int ) AS BEGIN
DECLARE @SQL as varchar(3000) , @CountText as varchar(150) , @StartText as varchar(50) , @EndText as varchar(50)
SET @StartText = 'cast( ' + char(39) + cast( @Start as varchar(20) ) + char(39) + ' as datetime ) ' SET @EndText ='cast( ' + char(39) + cast( @End as varchar(20) ) + char(39) + ' as datetime ) ' IF @Summary = 1 BEGIN SET @CountText = 'sum' END ELSE BEGIN SET @CountText = 'count' END
SET @SQL = 'INSERT INTO @TrendLineTable DECLARE TrendlineC cursor for SELECT a.DATE_DAY , s2.EQ_REGION , s2.EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER , ( ( EY - ( b * EX ) ) / N ) + ( b * X ) AS Y , X , Y AS DURATION , cast( b as varchar(100) ) + ' + char(39) + 'x + ' + char(39) + ' + cast( ( EY - ( b * EX ) ) / N as varchar(100) ) AS FORMULA , ( EY - ( b * EX ) ) / N AS a , b , EX , EY , EX2 , EXY , N FROM ( SELECT EQ_REGION , EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER , sum( X ) AS EX , sum( Y ) AS EY , sum( X2 ) AS EX2 , sum( XY ) AS EXY , count( X ) AS N , ( ( count( X ) * sum( XY ) ) - ( sum( X ) * sum( Y ) ) ) / ( ( count( X ) * sum( X2 ) ) - POWER( sum( X ), 2 ) ) AS b FROM ( SELECT ' + @X + ' AS DATE_DAY , EQ_REGION , EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER , row_number() over (partition by EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER order by ' + @X + ' ) AS X , cast( sum( ' + @Duration + ' ) as float ) / ' + @CountText + '( ' + @Count + ' ) AS Y , POWER( row_number() over (partition by EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER order by ' + @X + ' ), 2) X2 , row_number() over (partition by EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER order by ' + @X + ' ) * cast( sum( ' + @Duration + ' ) as float ) / ' + @CountText + ' ( ' + @Count + ' ) AS XY FROM ' + @Table + ' WHERE ' + @X + ' >= ' + @StartText + ' AND ' + @X + ' < ' + @EndText + ' GROUP BY ' + @X + ' , EQ_REGION , EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER ) s1 GROUP BY EQ_REGION , EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER ) s2 INNER JOIN ( SELECT ' + @X + ' AS DATE_DAY , EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER , row_number() over (partition by EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER order by ' + @X + ' ) AS X , cast( sum( ' + @Duration + ' ) as float ) / ' + @CountText + '( ' + @Count + ' ) AS Y FROM ' + @Table + ' WHERE ' + @X + ' >= ' + @StartText + ' AND ' + @X + ' < ' + @EndText + ' GROUP BY ' + @X + ' , EQ_REGION , EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER ) a ON s2.EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER=a.EQ_MARKET_CLUSTER'
I have a database in my "App_Data" folder of my visual studio project. I can view it fine in Visual Studio's built-in tools for managing a database attached to a solution. However i recently started playing around with the SQL Server Management Studio Express program. When i attach my database to Management Studio, and try to run my program it crashes. I think it might be a permissions error?!? When i detatch it and reattach it in visual studio it runs fine again. Any suggestions? ThanksJason
I have created a database under management studio and i want it to be connected in visual studio but it failed the error msgs said that the database can't be connected coz the database with same name exits but that is not true
I am trying to add a simple case statement to a stored procedure oruser defined function. However when I try and save thefunction/procedure I get 2 syntax errors. Running the query in queryanalyser works fine and a result is given with no syntax errors. Ibelieve its something to do with the spaces in the field names. Not mychoice as its an existing system I have to work around. Any helpgreatly appreciatedSQL QueryDECLARE @pfid VARCHAR(100)SET @pfid = '000101'SELECTCaseWHEN GetDate()BETWEEN gg_shop_product.sale_start AND gg_shop_product.sale_endTHEN((((gg_shop_product.Sale_Price/100)/1.175)-("dbo"."Navision_Cost_Prices"."Unit Cost" *Navision_Codes."Navision QTY"))/((gg_shop_product.Sale_Price/100)/1.175)) * 100WHEN dbo.Navision_Cost_Prices."Unit Cost" = 0Then '100'WHEN gg_shop_product.list_price > 0 THEN((((gg_shop_product.List_Price /100)/1.175)-("dbo"."Navision_Cost_Prices"."UnitCost"*dbo.Navision_Codes."NavisionQTY"))/((gg_shop_product.List_Price/100)/ 1.175)) * 100END as 'Margin'from gg_shop_product INNER JOINgg_shop_variant ON gg_shop_product.pf_id =gg_shop_variant.pf_id LEFT OUTER JOINgg_shop_cost_prices ON gg_shop_product.pf_id =gg_shop_cost_prices.pf_id INNER JOINNavision_Codes ON gg_shop_variant.sku = Navision_Codes.skuINNER JOIN NAVISION_Cost_Prices ON Navision_Codes."Navision No" =Navision_Cost_Prices.NoWHERE gg_shop_product.pf_id = @pfidUser Defined Function (Errors Line 11 & 15)CREATE FUNCTION dbo.get_Margin(@pfid VARCHAR(100), @dtNow DATETIME)RETURNS DECIMAL ASBEGINDECLARE @Return as DECIMALSET @Return = (SELECTCaseWHEN @dtNowBETWEEN gg_shop_product.sale_start AND gg_shop_product.sale_endTHEN((((gg_shop_product.Sale_Price/100)/1.175)-(dbo.Navision_Cost_Prices."Unit Cost" *Navision_Codes."Navision QTY"))/((gg_shop_product.Sale_Price/100)/1.175)) * 100WHEN dbo.Navision_Cost_Prices."Unit Cost" = 0Then '100'WHEN gg_shop_product.list_price > 0 THEN((((gg_shop_product.List_Price /100)/1.175)-("dbo"."Navision_Cost_Prices"."UnitCost"*dbo.Navision_Codes."NavisionQTY"))/((gg_shop_product.List_Price/100)/ 1.175)) * 100END as 'Margin'from gg_shop_product INNER JOINgg_shop_variant ON gg_shop_product.pf_id =gg_shop_variant.pf_id LEFT OUTER JOINgg_shop_cost_prices ON gg_shop_product.pf_id =gg_shop_cost_prices.pf_id INNER JOINNavision_Codes ON gg_shop_variant.sku = Navision_Codes.skuINNER JOIN NAVISION_Cost_Prices ON Navision_Codes."Navision No" =Navision_Cost_Prices.NoWHERE gg_shop_product.pf_id = @pfid)RETURN @ReturnEND
I have several stored procedures with parameters that are defined withuser defined data types. The time it takes to run the procedures cantake 10 - 50 seconds depending on the procedure.If I change the parameter data types to the actual data type such asvarchar(10), etc., the stored procedure takes less that a second toreturn records. The user defined types are mostly varchar, but someothers such as int. They are all input type parameters.Any ideas on why the stored procedure would run much faster if notusing user defined types?Using SQL Server 2000.Thanks,DW
Hi, i can make and save a stored procedure in Visual Web Developer (via Database Explorer). It appears then in the list op stored procedure in Management Sudio. But how to do the same in Management Studio? When i make a sp and i want to save it, Management Studio asks me a name, but put the file in a Projects directory in 'My documents'. It never appears in the list of sp. Thanks tartuffe
I want to connect to a SQL server from my workstation using the application in the Subject, but I need to connect as a different Windows user. Basically, I login to my workstation with my "Joe User" account, but for servers I used my "Joe Admin" account for security purposes. However, the Management console autofills in my workstation username when I select "Windows authentication" for the connection, and grays out the username/password fields so that I cannot specify another set of credentials.
Is there a way to change this behavior? Otherwise I will need to termserv into a server using my administrative account, install the management software there, and then begin the process. That is a lot of unecessary overhead that I would like to avoid.