T-SQL Derive Column From Bit Field.

Aug 11, 2004


I'm sure this is simple T-SQL but I'm stuck.

I've a bit field named "Active" and a varchar [Name] field

I want to select a derived fields "DisplayName" that consists of the Name plus either "Active" or "Not Active" depending if Active is 1 or 0.

Something like SELECT [Name]+(IF Active THEN ' Active' ELSE ' Not Active') AS DisplayName FROM Lookups ORDER BY DisplayNamebut that doesn't work.

Any suggestions please?

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Derive A Column Based On Other Derived Column In A Table .. Is It Possible ?

Mar 25, 2008

Table structure as follows


Empno empname salary

I want to have an other employee table named employee_modified

Empno empname salary
commission derived_column1(salary+commission)
derived_column2(derived_column1 + xxxx) and so on derive other
columns based on the earlier derived columns)

Is that possible to do it.. or am I doing something wrong.

something like

Select empno , empname , salary , commission,

(salary + commission) as derived_colum1 ,

(derived_colum1 + xxxxx) as derived_colum2 ,

(derived_colum2 + xxxxx) as derived_colum3

into employee_modified from employee

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Derive Base Table/column From View

Aug 19, 2002

Is there any way to get the base table/column from a view by supplying the view name/column name_in_view? I know about INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE, but it doesn't always work. Try it on a regular database, not pubs. Any help is appreciated!

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Assign An Output Of Derive Column To Variable

Sep 11, 2007

I have a derive column( sequence) transformation in data flow , i am trying to assign this column to a variable , so that i can use it in the SQLtask control flow... how can i do this? can you show me some examples?

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How To Derive String To Datetime

Jul 15, 2015

How to derived string to datetime (dd/mm/yyyy)

Input Date : Start Date 

15/06/2015 30/06/2015

NULL 2015/06/24

Some date are in format dd/mm/yyyy I want to keep them as it is , but I want to convert the NULL one and 2015/06/24 to 24/06/2015. How can I do this .

I tried this :

select distinct CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),[Start Date],103) from it_projects_src

 but doesnt work with "2015/06/24"

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Derive Attendance Data From CLOCK IN And OUT

Jan 28, 2014

I am trying to develop an attendance application which calculates the shift details as per the Clock IN OUT Data , the following are the table details

CLockDate Date NULL,

[Code] ....

-- I am trying to get the data as follows combining these two tables

EMpID ClockDateSession1StartTimeSession1EndTimeActualSession1StartTimeActualSession1EndTime
E1 28-Jan-201408:00:0012:00:0007:50:0012:15:0017:00:0021:00:0017:15:00 20:55:00
E2 28-Jan-201408:00:0012:00:0008:30:00NULL17:00:0021:00:0016:15:0021:55:00
E3 28-Jan-201408:00:0012:00:00NULL 11:34:0017:00:0021:00:0016:15:00 21:55:00
E4 28-Jan-201408:00:0012:00:0008:30:00 11:34:0017:00:0021:00:00NULL 21:55:00
E5 28-Jan-201410:00:0014:00:0010:35:0014:44:0019:00:0023:00:0018:55:00 NULL

Right now i am using a stored procedure which traverses through each record and does the job.

Is there any way to do it with Pivot, or queries instead of cursors.

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How Does MS ReportingServices Derive Oracle Paramters

Apr 28, 2008

We are using MS Reporting Services to generate Xmls for corporate billing statements. Our DBAs found that MS ReportingServices are querying Oracle Catalogue before executing stored procedures in RDLs to get Oracle parameter information. Is there a way to eliminate the trip to database before executing the stored procedures?


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How To Derive Parameters In Ad Hoc SELECT Statements

Jul 7, 2007


If I have ad hoc SQL statements created by users, which could be parameterized, how could I derive the parmeters at runtime. I cannot use CommandBuilder.DeriveParameters() as that is for StoredProcedures only.

Just use Split on the SQL string? Or is there a better way, such as a third-party .Net Component?



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Derive Columns From Cube Member?

Aug 29, 2007

I have a cube that I read in a data flow section using OLE DB. To get this to work I had to do an ad hoc query through a sql server database ( this is problem that is described in post 219068).
So I now have the data and I want to derive new columns based on that data using an if statement:

if ( ISNULL(" [Facility].[REGION].[NATCODE].[MEMBER_CAPTION] " ) comptype = "NAT" else comptype = "REG"
comptype is the new derived column I am creating.

But when I try to save this I get an error: The expression might contain an invalid token, an incomplete token, or an invalid element. It might not be well-formed, or might be missing part of a requred element such as parenthesis

I selected the cube element from the columns list in derived element, when it initially put it in it looked like:

and gave error:

The token "[" was not recognized. The expression cannot be parsed because it contains invalid elements at the location specified.

Below is the statement I use to get data back from AS
select * from openrowset('MSOLAP', 'DATASOURCE=local; Initial Catalog=Patient Demographics 2005;',
'with member [Measures].[TimeDisplayName] as [Calendar].CurrentMember.Name
SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[TimeDisplayName],[Measures].[Case Count],
[Measures].[A100 Bathing],[Measures].[A100 Bed Chair Wheelchair],
[Measures].[A100 Bladder],[Measures].[A100 Bowel],
[Measures].[A100 Dressing Lower],[Measures].[A100 Dressing Upper],
[Measures].[A100 Eating],[Measures].[A100 Grooming],
[Measures].[A100 Stairs],[Measures].[A100 Toilet],
[Measures].[A100 Toileting],[Measures].[A100 Tub Shower],
[Measures].[A100 Walk Wheelchair],[Measures].[A200 Comprehension],
[Measures].[A200 Expression],[Measures].[A200 Interaction],
[Measures].[A200 Memory],[Measures].[A200 Problem Solving],
[Measures].[D100 Bathing],[Measures].[D100 Bed Chair Wheelchair],
[Measures].[D100 Bladder],[Measures].[D100 Bowel],
[Measures].[D100 Dressing Lower],[Measures].[D100 Dressing Upper],
[Measures].[D100 Eating],[Measures].[D100 Grooming],
[Measures].[D100 Stairs],[Measures].[D100 Toilet],
[Measures].[D100 Toileting],[Measures].[D100 Tub Shower],
[Measures].[D100 Walk Wheelchair],[Measures].[D200 Comprehension],
[Measures].[D200 Expression],[Measures].[D200 Interaction],
[Measures].[D200 Memory],[Measures].[D200 Problem Solving] } ON COLUMNS,
({[Facility].[REGION].[NATCODE], [Facility].[REGION].[REGCODE]} *
WHERE [Calendar].[Quarter 2 (2007)]')

So can some one help me on how I can do this derived colum.

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Analysis :: Dynamic KPI Goal - Derive From Source Database

Jul 14, 2015

I have a requirement to make all of my KPI goals configurable by the end user - I would like to add the data to my datawarehouse so that it is updated in the cube whenever the cube is processed. I'm thinking I will need a table for each KPI that includes two columns (I will be setting goal by year):


In my cube I then create a measure group for each KPI (for some I will add a calculations to break down the yearly goal to lower levels of detail).I will add each measure to my Dimension Usage and relate to each of my time dimensions at the Year level.I currently have around a dozen KPIs - my above approach seems a bit messy i.e. requiring a table and measure group for each KPI (I guess I could at least put them all into one table in my relational db). 

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Integration Services :: How To Derive String To Date-time

Jul 15, 2015

How to derived string to date-time (dd/mm/yyyy)

Input Date :

Start Date 

Some date are in format dd/mm/yyyy I want to keep them as it is , but I want to convert the NULL one and 2015/06/24 to 24/06/2015.

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Transact SQL :: Find Unique Rows In Column That Are Associated With Another Field In Another Column?

May 1, 2015

I am having issues trying to write a query that would provide me the unique GUID numbers associated with a distinct PID if the unique GUID's > 1.  To summarize, I need a query that just shows which PID's have more than one unique GUID. A PID could have multiple GUID's that are the same, I'm looking for the PID's that have multiple GUID's that are different/unique. 



The result of the query would only have PID1 because it has two unique GUID's. PID2 would not be listed has it has the same GUID3 in each row.



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Identity Column Is The Only Col In The Field

Dec 6, 2001

I have a table which has a single column ,which is an IDENTITY colum.How do you insert values in it by using an insert statement.Thanks in advance

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Getting Field Value As Column Heading

Aug 13, 2004

I have a table like this


and i need a query or Stored prodedure to get data in the below format



Note: A, B,C ... are field name in table (SERIS) and i would like that data as the column heading.

I dont want to use below query , as we dont know the value is dyanamic

SELECT empno,
SUM(CASE seris WHEN <B>'A'</B> THEN POINTS END ) AS <B> 'A' </B>
SUM(CASE seris WHEN <B> 'B' </B> THEN POINTS END ) AS <B>'B'</B>

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Inner Select Column Field

Apr 18, 2008

Dear all,

I have problem in the following SQL. Please help. The problem in the inner select statement for the group by clause. Please help

select company.billtocompany,
(select quartername from quarter where a.orderdate between
convert(datetime, quarter.startdate) and convert(datetime, quarter.enddate)+1) quartername,

sum( a.qty) orderedqty

from a, company, countrycode

where a.billtocompany=company.compcode and
a.countrycode=countrycode.countrycode and
a.billtocompany='111111' and
a.orderdate between convert(datetime, '2008/01/01') and convert(datetime, '2008/10/01')

group by company.billtocompany, countrycode.countryname, quartername

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How To Take A Column Value To Make It A Field ?

Jul 31, 2007

if a customer can have up to 10 acounts and each account has a balance,

in customer_account table, the same custID repeats and relates to an

accountID and each account has its own balance.

How to display each customer in ONE row and list his account one next to another ?

for example:
custID, acct#1, acct#1Balance, acct#2, acct#2Balance, acct#3, acct#3Balance

how to do write SQl to achive it ?

This is chanllenging to me...

Your advise is greatly appreciated !

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Passing A Column/field Name As A Variable?

Aug 24, 2005

Is it possible to use a table's fieldname as an SQL variable?

i.e. can the below be made to somehow work:


SELECT Firstname, Surname, myVariable
FROM ContactDetails
WHERE myVariable = [user input];

- or simply -


SELECT Firstname, Surname, [user input]
FROM ContactDetails;

The "user input" being any other chosen column/fieldname from the ContactDetails table (e.g. Street, City, Postcode, etc.).

i'm using Access and ASP - in case that makes a difference.

any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Combine Column Fields Together Into One Field

Jan 24, 2007

Hello to All,

I needs help to combine these together but how would I eliminate necessarily zero in front of "PropertyHouseNumber".

Table: DirectHome

Column fields.......
PropertyHouseNumber, PropertyStreetDirection, PropertyStreetName, PropertyMODE

0000001091 , W , 000026TH , RD

Thank you


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It Is Possible To Store A Table As A Column Field?

Apr 17, 2008


In my application, I have a master table that stores information about some other user tables. These other tables are all of different types, that is, the number and type of columns need not match across the user tables.

From the application perspective, logically each of these user tables is nothing but a column field within the master table.

I have seen references about "table" data type in SQL Server. It is possible to create a table that actually has a table data type as its field?

Thank you in advance for your help.


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Convert Row With Text Field To Column

Sep 20, 2006

Hi experts;

How can I generate the result using typical SQL statement based on the following tables?

Table a - Salesman (salesId, Name) pk : salesId

Table b - Invoice(InvoiceNo, salesId, InvoiceAmt) pk : invoiceNo fk : salesId -> Table a

The result set :

salesId, Name, sum(InvoiceAmt), InvoiceNos with comma separator

For example:

Table a
SalesId Name
S001 Peter
S002 Alice
Table b
InvoiceNo SalesId InvoiceAmt
INV001 S001 $100
INV002 S001 $100
INV003 S001 $400
INV004 S002 $200
Result set
SalesId Name Sum(InvoiceAmt) InvoiceNos
S001 Peter $600 INV001, INV002, INV003
S002 Alice $200 INV004


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How To Set 0 Instead Of Blank Spaces To A Column Or Field.

Aug 20, 2007

Hi i hv a doubt in Sql server reporting..I do generate some reports based on some criteria.In the results screen i hv empty fields based on the search i hv generated.I need to set "0" instead of blank spaces in the fields..Can any one help me?

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SQL Update Statement Set Field Value To Column Default

May 17, 2008

Is there a way to set a field value to the column default in an update statement?
UPDATE Table2 SET field1 = DefaultValue
where DefaultValue is the field1 column default in the table definition.
The reason I need to do this is when I delete a record from Table1, I need to set the foreign key in Table2 to the default (I don't want to delete the record in Table2, just want to set the key to a default key). I could hard-code the default value in the stored procedure but I think that's just not clean. If I create a new instance of the DB and the default value changes, I'd need to change the stored procedure(s). Just not clean...
To avoid a drawn-out discussion, there are reasons why I can't setup a relationship between the two tables and use "ON DELETE SET DEFAULT".
Any info greatly appreciated.

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Extrach Part Of A Column String Into Another Field

Feb 6, 2001

hi, I have a field named city_state that contains city and state together (Warren, OH) in the same field. I need to create two seperate columns one city, another state. how can I extract the state out of the city_state column and have two different column.


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How To Encrypt A Column(field In A Table) In MS SQL 2000

Jul 3, 2006


I want to store user-id and passwords in a table in SQL Server. But as passwords are very secure, I want to encrypt them while storing and may be decrypt them when reqd.

How can I achieve this functionality


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How To Encrypt A Column(field In A Table) In MS SQL 2000

Jul 3, 2006


I want to store user-id and passwords in a table in SQL Server. But as passwords are very secure, I want to encrypt them while storing and may be decrypt them when reqd.

How can I achieve this functionality


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Hide A Field In Column Without Removing It From Table

Aug 21, 2014

I need an SQL statement that will hide a field in a column without removing it from the table.

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Unknown Column 'state' In Field List

Feb 25, 2006

I installed a script that is suppose to accept paypal, however on trying totest a payment, I get this error msg:ErrorDatabase access errorand I get this error msg emailed to me:Unknown column 'State' in 'field list'Query: 'INSERT INTO `TransactionsMembership` (ID, Sum, State ) VALUESwhat could be swrong, importantly how do I fix it?

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SELECT Statement - How To Not Get Column Field Names?

Jan 24, 2007

I do a SELECT * from table command in an ASP page to build a text fileout on our server, but the export is not to allow a field name rows ofrecords. The first thing I get is a row with all the field names. Whydo these come in if they are not part of the table records? How do Ieliminate this from being produced? Here's the ASP code....<html><head><title>Package Tracking Results - Client Feed</title></head><body><%' define variablesdim oConn ' ADO Connectiondim oRSc ' ADO Recordset - Courier tabledim cSQLstr ' SQL string - Courier tabledim oRSn ' ADO Recordset - NAN tabledim nSQLstr ' SQL string - NAN tabledim objFSO ' FSO Connectiondim objTextFile ' Text File' set and define FSO connection and text file object locationSet objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")'Set objTextFile =objFSO.CreateTextFile(Server.MapPath("textfile.txt"))'Response.Write (Server.MapPath("textfile.txt") & "<br />")Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C: extfile.txt",2)' write text to text file'objTextFile.WriteLine "This text is in the file ""textfile.txt""!"' SQL strings for Courier and NAN tablescSQLstr = "SELECT * FROM Courier"' set and open ADO connection & oRSc recordsetsset oConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")oConn.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" &"c:/Database/QaTracking/QaTracking.mdb" & ";"set oRSc=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")oRSc.Open cSQLstr, oConnResponse.ContentType = "text/plain"Dim i, j, tmpIf Not oRSc.EOF ThenFor i = 1 To oRSc.Fields.CountobjTextFile.Write oRSc.Fields(i-1).NameIf i < oRSc.Fields.Count ThenobjTextFile.Write " "End IfNextobjTextFile.WriteLineWhile Not oRSc.EOFFor i = 1 To oRSc.Fields.CountIf oRSc.Fields(i-1) <"" Thentmp = oRSc.Fields(i-1)' If TypeName(tmp) = "String" Then' objTextFile.Write "" &_'Replace(oRSc.Fields(i-1),vbCrLf,"") & ""' ElseobjTextFile.Write oRSc.Fields(i-1)' End IfEnd IfIf i < oRSc.Fields.Count ThenobjTextFile.Write " "End IfNextobjTextFile.WriteLineoRSc.MoveNextWendEnd IfobjTextFile.CloseSet objTextFile = NothingSet objFSO = NothingoRSc.CloseSet oRSc = NothingoConn.CloseSet oConn = Nothing%></body></html>

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How To Create A Column Group Using Two Field Values?

Mar 11, 2008

Hello Friends,
I am creating a report in which I want to create group column using two field value. Is it possible to do so? We have a requirement in which we are fetching data from two different hierarchy.

L 1 2 3....................4 5
M .............................
N .........................
O .......................

The report matrix look like the above one. The elements A,B,C are coming from one hierarchy and D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K are coming from other hierarchy. But i have created one data set to fetch the values for the report. But while creating the column group I am getting both two diff fields so I am not able to use it in single Column group and I want to use only one column group.

Can anybody help me out to solve this issue?

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Table Column Extended Field Properties

Jul 17, 2007

through MS SQL Server Management Studio I have a database defined as:


- Tables

- dbo.xyz


Field definition_a

Field definition_b

Field definition_c


For each "Field definition" I can define "extended properties"

So the question is, from a stored procedure in C#, how can I read through the "Field definitions"

looking for an extended property of a specific integer value?


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Creating Trigger For A Single Column/Field?

Apr 15, 2008

Hi all,

My code below creates a trigger that fires whenever a change occurs to a 'myTable' row, but this is not what I want. I only want to log changes made to a single field called 'Charges', when that field is changed I want to log it, can anyone tell me how to modify my code to do this, thanks

Create Trigger dbo.myTrigger
ON dbo.[myTable]
Declare @now DATETIME
Set @now = getdate()

Insert INTO dbo.myAuditTable
SELECT 'BEFORE',Charges,@now, suser_sname()
Insert INTO dbo.myAuditTable
SELECT 'AFTER',Charges,@now, suser_sname()


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How To Calculate The Character Number In The Field Column

Apr 25, 2008


I have a field hold varchar. I would like to calculate how many character in the field when user enter the data and save in the database.

Is there any way to do?



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Added A Column To My SQL Database And Now Text Field Will Not Write To It. Why???

Aug 28, 2006

I have a web form that is an interface for a database.  The code was working fine until a field needed to be added.  So I added the new field, updated the data adapter and data set, and when i enter the data into the field, all of the old fields are getting updated, but the new ones aren't.  I am at wits end as to why.  Can someone please help!!! I am using VS Studio 2000 ASP.NET and C#.  The code is below.  The bold items are the new fields.using System;using System.Collections;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Web;using System.Web.SessionState;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;namespace TrafficDept{/// <summary>/// Summary description for AddOwner./// </summary>public class AddOwner : System.Web.UI.Page{protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button Button1;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator RequiredFieldValidator3;protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection sqlConnection1;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox TextBox1;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox TextBox2;protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter daAddOwner;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbOtherOwnerLName;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel namePanel;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbOtherOwnerMI;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbOtherOwnerFName;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbSecondOwnerLName;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbSecondOwnerMI;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbSecondOwnerFName;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button Button4;protected SiteCubed.EditWorksProfessional tbNote;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel notePanel;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList ddlStatus;protected PeterBlum.PetersDatePackage.DateTextBox tbRegDate;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator RequiredFieldValidator2;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbOwner;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator RequiredFieldValidator1;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbOwnerMI;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbOwnerLName;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator RequiredFieldValidator4;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbBusinessName;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbAddress;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbRegNo;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbPreviousOwner;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbPOwnerAddress;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox tbPORegNo;protected PeterBlum.PetersDatePackage.DateTextBox tbTransferDate;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList ddlMeans;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button Button3;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button Button2;protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand sqlSelectCommand1;protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand sqlInsertCommand1;protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand sqlUpdateCommand1;protected System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand sqlDeleteCommand1;protected TrafficDept.dsAddOwner dsAddOwner1;  private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e){// Put user code to initialize the page here}#region Web Form Designer generated codeprivate void Button2_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){Response.Redirect("AddOthers.aspx");}private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){daAddOwner.Fill(dsAddOwner1);dsAddOwner.OwnershipRow drOwner = dsAddOwner1.Ownership.NewOwnershipRow();drOwner.Plates_ID = int.Parse(Session["PlatesID"].ToString());drOwner.Status = ddlStatus.SelectedItem.Text;drOwner.Current_Legal_Owner = tbOwner.Text;drOwner.Owner_CurrentLegalOwnerMI = tbOwnerMI.Text.ToString();drOwner.Owner_CurrentLegalOwnerLName = tbOwnerLName.Text;drOwner.Owner_CurrentBusinessName = tbBusinessName.Text;if (!tbRegDate.xIsEmpty)drOwner.Date_of_Registration = DateTime.Parse(tbRegDate.Text.ToString());drOwner.Address_of_Current_Owner = tbAddress.Text;drOwner.Reg_No_for_Current_Owner = tbRegNo.Text;drOwner.Previous_Owner = tbPreviousOwner.Text;drOwner.Previous_Owner_Address = tbPOwnerAddress.Text;drOwner.Reg_No_for_Previous_Owner = tbPORegNo.Text;if (!tbTransferDate.xIsEmpty)drOwner.Date_of_Transfer = DateTime.Parse(tbTransferDate.Text.ToString());drOwner.By_Means_of = ddlMeans.SelectedItem.Text;drOwner.Owner_SecondaryLegalOwnerFName = tbSecondOwnerFName.Text;drOwner.Owner_SecondaryLegalOwnerMI = tbSecondOwnerMI.Text;drOwner.Owner_SecondaryLegalOwnerLName = tbSecondOwnerLName.Text;drOwner.Owner_OtherLegalOwnerFName = tbOtherOwnerFName.Text;drOwner.Owner_OtherLegalOwnerMI = tbOtherOwnerMI.Text;drOwner.Owner_OtherLegalOwnerLName = tbOtherOwnerLName.Text;drOwner.Owner_Notes = tbNote.Text;dsAddOwner1.Ownership.Rows.Add(drOwner);daAddOwner.Update(dsAddOwner1);Response.Redirect("AddOthersTP.aspx");}private void Button3_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){//daAddOwner.Fill(dsAddOwner1);//dsAddOwner.OwnershipRow drAddOwner = dsAddOwner1.Ownership.NewOwnershipRow();namePanel.Visible = true; }private void Button4_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){notePanel.Visible = true;}}}

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