TRIGGER on INSERT INTO SELECT FROM table + add one row for evry employee (on insert)
this is table tb_test1
empid fname unit fld1 fld2 fld3 fld4 fld5
111 aaa 1 a b c d d
222 bbb 3 a c e g g
333 cccc 5 s h t u j
INSERT INTO [nili].[dbo].[tb_test2]
SELECT [empid]
FROM [nili].[dbo].[tb_test1]
i need to insert into tb_test2 + add TRIGGER
ADD one row for evry employee
val_orginal=1 (the orginal ROW)
val_orginal=2 (the extra ROW)
this is table tb_test2
after the insert
empid fname unit fld1 fld2 fld3 fld4 fld5 val_orginal
111 aaa 1 a b c d d 1
I want to be able to create a trigger that updates table 2 when a row is inserted into table 1. However I€™m not sure how to increment the ID in table 2 or to update only the row that has been inserted.
I want to be able to create a trigger so that when a row is inserted into table A by a specific user then the ID will appear in table B. Is it possible to find out the login id of the user inserting a row?
I believe the trigger should look something like this:
create trigger test_trigger on a for insert as insert into b(ID)
I have a trigger on a table named Store. The trigger updates the longitude and latitude on store based on the zip. Simple right? Well, I'm trying to import data and of course the trigger is not updating the data as triggers are not on a row by row basis with multi row inserts.
Here is the error message I'm receiving:
Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Procedure SetLongLat, Line 17
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
How would one go about resolving this issue? I've includes my snippets below:
DECLARE @Long float DECLARE @Lat float
UPDATE Store SET Longitude = @Long, Latitude = @Lat FROM Store INNER JOIN Inserted ON Store.Id = Inserted.Id
UPDATE Store SET Longitude = @Long, Latitude = @Lat FROM Store INNER JOIN Inserted ON Store.Id = Inserted.Id END
we have various user defined fields, so when the user insert new value to this field , i want new records (other user field to get populated) be inserted relevant to the inserted value FROM another table (lookup)
This field is a drop down list , after insert committed , i want other user defined field to populate.
Scenario. Drop down is a list of users, after selecting and updating then i want contact details of the above selected user be populated.
CREATE TRIGGER User_Defined_field_KAE ON [dbo].[AMGR_User_Fields_Tbl] AFTER INSERT
INSERT INTO [dbo].[AMGR_User_Fields_Tbl] (Client_Id, Type_Id, name SELECT Client_Id, '1089', A.USER_PHONE_1 FROM inserted , [dbo].[ADMN_User_Details] as A WHERE name = a.user_id;
I am new to triggers and need help on the following:
I have a hourly table that inserts new rows every hour but I need to either Insert or Update the daily table with the sum of the reading from the hourly table. If a row exist in the daily table with the date of the hourly table, then I need to update this row but if it doesn't exist, I need to insert this row.
I currently have 2 tables as follows:CREATE TABLE [CRPDTA].[F55MRKT119](mhan8 int,mhac02 varchar(5),mhmot varchar(5),mhupmj int)GOCREATE TABLE [CRPDTA].[F55MRKT11](mdan8 int,mdac02 varchar(5),mdmot varchar(5),mdmail int,mdmag int,mdupmj int)What I would like to do is place a trigger on F55MRKT119 which willinsert records to the F55MRKT11 if they do not exist in that tablebased on the [mdan8] field. If the record does exist I would likeUpdate the corresponding record and increment either the [MDMAIL] orthe [MDMAG] based on the inserted [MHMOT]. What I have so far is asfollows:TRIGGER #1:CREATE TRIGGER trgIns_Summary ON [CRPDTA].[F55MRKT119]FOR INSERTASBEGININSERT INTO CRPDTA.F55MRKT11select INS.MHAN8, INS.MHAC02, INS.MHMOT,case when INS.MHMOT='MAG' then 0 ELSE 1 end,case when INS.MHMOT='MAG' then 1 ELSE 0 end,'0' from INSERTED INSWHERE ins.mhan8 not in(select mdan8 from crpdta.f55MRKT11)ENDTRIGGER #2:CREATE TRIGGER trgUpd_Summary ON [CRPDTA].[F55MRKT119]FOR UpdateASBEGINUPDATE CRPDTA.F55MRKT11SET MDMAIL= case when INS.MHMOT='MAG' then 0+MDMAILwhen INS.MHMOT<>'MAG' then 1+MDMAIL end,MDMAG= case when INS.MHMOT='MAG' then 1+MDMAGwhen INS.MHMOT<>'MAG' then 0+MDMAG endfrom INSERTED INS JOIN CRPDTA.F55MRKT11on(ins.mhan8=mdan8)ENDFor instance if I do the following insert:INSERT INTO CRPDTA.F55MRKT119VALUES('212131','VK4','AL4','0')thenINSERT INTO CRPDTA.F55MRKT119VALUES('212131','VK4','MAG','0')This is what I expect in both tables:[CRPDTA.F55MRKT119] (2 Records)MHAN8 MHAC02 MHMOT MHUPMJ------ ------ ----- ------212131 VK4 AL4 0212131 VK4 MAG 0[CRPDTA.F55MRKT11] (1 Record)MDAN8 MDAC02 MDMOT MDMAIL MDMAG MDUPMJ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------212131 VK4 AL4 1 1 0The insert part works fine in that it iserts in both tables with thecorrect values. However it seems as if the Update protion is failingfor some reason. WHat I have tried so far is setting the trigger orderfor the update to run first and vice-versa, but still no luck. Anyhelp would be appreciated.
Hi,Does anyone know of a simple way to do this? I want to create aninsert trigger for a table and if the record already exists based onsome criteria, I want to update the table with the values that arepassed in via the insert trigger without having to use all the 'set'statements for each field (so if we add fields in the future I won'thave to update the trigger). In other words, I want the trigger codeto look something like this:if exists (select * from TableA where Fld1 = inserted.Fld1) then//don't do insert, do an update instead (would i want to rollback here?and will I have access to the 'inserted' table still?)Update TableASet TableA.<all the fields> = Inserted.<all the fields>where Fld1 = inserted.Fld1end ifAny help or ideas would be appreciated.Thanks,Teresa
For reasons that are not relevant (though I explain them below *), Iwant, for all my users whatever privelige level, an SP which createsand inserts into a temporary table and then another SP which reads anddrops the same temporary table.My users are not able to create dbo tables (eg dbo.tblTest), but arepermitted to create tables under their own user (eg MyUser.tblTest). Ihave found that I can achieve my aim by using code like this . . .SET @SQL = 'CREATE TABLE ' + @MyUserName + '.' + 'tblTest(tstIDDATETIME)'EXEC (@SQL)SET @SQL = 'INSERT INTO ' + @MyUserName + '.' + 'tblTest(tstID) VALUES(GETDATE())'EXEC (@SQL)This becomes exceptionally cumbersome for the complex INSERT & SELECTcode. I'm looking for a simpler way.Simplified down, I am looking for something like this . . .CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.TestInsert ASCREATE TABLE tblTest(tstID DATETIME)INSERT INTO tblTest(tstID) VALUES(GETDATE())GOCREATE PROCEDURE dbo.TestSelect ASSELECT * FROM tblTestDROP TABLE tblTestIn the above example, if the SPs are owned by dbo (as above), CREATETABLE & DROP TABLE use MyUser.tblTest while INSERT & SELECT usedbo.tblTest.If the SPs are owned by the user (eg MyUser.TestInsert), it workscorrectly (MyUser.tblTest is used throughout) but I would have to havea pair of SPs for each user.* I have MS Access ADP front end linked to a SQL Server database. Forreports with complex datasets, it times out. Therefore it suit mypurposes to create a temporary table first and then to open the reportbased on that temporary table.
hello everyone , i have a table named "Employee" with EmpID as PK. i want to insert EmpID one by one in another table named "AssignedComplaints" so if i have all the EmpID inserted in "AssignedComplaints" table then on next insert operation , the first EmpID will be inserted and then second on so on. like i gave u a sample i have three EmpIDs in "Employee" table named M1,M2,M3 first M1 is inserted secondly M2 and lastly M3. now i have all EmpID in "AssignedCompalints" table. now if i do want to insert again then the whole process will repeat , first M1 will be inserted secondly M2 and so on. i need the query i have created a trigger and will use this query in that trigger. thanks
Sp which inserts inforamtion into a table works fine. The trigger on that table which then inserts information into another table works fine. Only problem is that the SP will not return anything to Visual Basic.. Anyone know how to fix it?
SPbob INsert into b values(1,1,2,2) select 0
(this is a cut up version of the sp just to show about the way it is formated) Please help.
Does anyone have a stored procedure for sending an email (using SQLMail) when a new record is added to a database table?
I have SQLMail all setup, I just need a good example of a stored procedure or trigger that will sending an email with the details for a new record entry into a table.
I have 2 tables (Dept and Emp) The columns in table Dept are Deptno and Deptname. Deptno is bigint and it is primary key. In Emp table, columns are Empno(PK) ,EmpName and Deptno(foreign key referring to Dept)
To Insert or Update record in Emp through application, value of Deptno is coming as 0(Zero). I want the value of Deptno to be inserted or updated as null if the value is Zero (0). How to do this in sql server 2005 by using trigger on table Emp
I'm trying to update (increment) Company.SumtotalLogons from CompanyUsers.NumberOfLogons where CompanyUsers.CompanyID = Company.CompanyID
I'd like to either write a formula (if it is even possible to fire a formula from one table update/insert to increment a field in another table), or a stored procedure that triggers an auto update/append into Company.SumTotalLogons
I know this is possible in access, so i'm wondering how to go about it in ms-sql?
Hello,i have a table and if a record is inserted i will test a numeric valuein this table. If the this value is greather as 1 million, than anstatus column should be changed from 'A' to 'B'.Yes and sorry, this is a newbie question.On Oracle this work simple:create trigger myTrigger on tableXasbeginif :old.x 100000 then:new.y:='B'end if;end;ThanksMaik
So, I've written an Instead of Trigger to update a foreign key field based on information in another field of the same record.
To add some error handling to the process I updated the Trigger to insert any records that don't have legitimate foreign keys into a second table.
This process works great when I test it by just adding a record using the table view in the SQL Management Studio or through a query run in the query browser.
However, when a record is added via an ODBC connection I get foreign key constraint errors and records are not added to the second table. If the foreign key is legit the record is added and the part of trigger that updates that keyed field executes just fine.
Is anyone aware of this issue? Is there a way around it?
I found the following MSKB article but I'm not sure if it applies to my situation:
Here's my current code, if that track the problem in anyway:
ALTER TRIGGER UpdateTicketID ON Email Instead of INSERT AS IF ((Select charindex('{', [subject]) FROM Inserted) = 0) BEGIN INSERT INTO BadEmail ([Subject], Sender, Body, EntryID, LastModificationTime, AttachmentLInk, SendTo, Cc, ContactID) Select [Subject], Sender, Body, EntryID, LastModificationTime, AttachmentLink, SendTo, Cc, ContactID From Inserted END ELSE IF ((Select substring([subject], charindex('{', [subject])+1, (charindex('}', [subject]) - charindex('{', [subject]))-1) From Inserted) NOT In (Select TicketID From Ticket)) BEGIN INSERT INTO BadEmail ([Subject], Sender, Body, EntryID, LastModificationTime, AttachmentLInk, SendTo, Cc, ContactID) Select [Subject], Sender, Body, EntryID, LastModificationTime, AttachmentLink, SendTo, Cc, ContactID From Inserted END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO Email ([Subject], Sender, Body, ticketID, EntryID, LastModificationTime, AttachmentLink, SendTo, Cc, ContactID) Select [Subject] , Sender , Body , substring([subject], charindex('{', [subject])+1, (charindex('}', [subject]) - charindex('{', [subject]))-1) , EntryID , LastModificationTime , AttachmentLink , SendTo , Cc , ContactID From Inserted END
I have a master table with after insert trigger on it.. When record is inserted into master table, the trigger fires and is captured in the backoffice table. In case the trigger fails, my record is neither in the master table nor in the back office table..
Is there anyway to capture the record either in the master table or in a separate table.
I have a problem described as follows: I have a table with one instead of insert trigger:
create table TMessage (ID int identity(1,1), dscp varchar(50)) GO Alter trigger tr_tmessage on tmessage instead of insert as --Set NoCount On insert into tmessage
When I execute P1 it returns 0 for Id field of @T1.
How can I get the Identity in this case?
PS: I can not use Ident_Current or @@identity as the table insertion hit is very high and can be done concurrently.Also there are some more insertion into different tables in the trigger code, so can not use @@identity either.
I am developing an application in 2005 using SQL Server 2000. In this I have two tables SessionMaster and SessionChild. Fields of session master - SessionMastId, Start_Date, End_Date, Session_Type, Fields of session child - SessionChildId, SessionMastId, UserName, Comment. SessionMastId and SessionChildId are primary keys of respective tables and also they are auto increment fields. Please how to write trigger to insert record into both tables at a time.
I have a row that is being used log track plays on our website.
Here's the table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Music_BandTrackPlays]( [ListenDate] [datetime] NOT NULL DEFAULT (getdate()), [TrackId] [int] NOT NULL, [IPAddress] [varchar](20) ) ON [PRIMARY]
There's a CLUSTERED INDEX on ListenDate ASC and a NON CLUSTERED INDEX on the TrackId.
I have a TRIGGER on the Music_BandTrackPlays table that looks like the following:
CREATE TRIGGER [trig_Increment_Music_BandTrackPlays_PlayCount] ON [dbo].[Music_BandTrackPlays] AFTER INSERT AS UPDATE Music_BandTracks SET Music_BandTracks.PlayCount = Music_BandTracks.PlayCount + TP.PlayCount FROM (SELECT TrackId, COUNT(*) AS PlayCount FROM inserted GROUP BY TrackId) AS TP WHERE Music_BandTracks.TrackId = TP.TrackId
When a simple INSERT statement is done on the Music_BandTrackPlays table, it can take quite a long time. When I remove the TRIGGER the INSERTs are immediate. The Execution plan for the TRIGGER shows that a 'Inserted Scan' is taking up most of the resources.
How exactly is the pseudo 'inserted' table formed?
For now, I think the easiest thing to do is update my logging page so it performs 2 queries. One to UPDATE the Music_BandTracks table and increment the counter, and perform the INSERT into the Music_BandTrackPlays table seperately.
I'm ok with that solution but I would really like to understand why the TRIGGER is taking so long. The 'inserted' pseudo table will be 1 row 99% of the time. Does SQL Server perform a table scan on all 20 million rows in order to determine what's new and put it in the inserted pseudo table?
I have two different SQL 2008 servers, I don't have permission to create a linked server in any of them. i created a trigger on server1.table1 to insert the same record to the remote server server2.table1 using OPENROWSET
i created a stored procedure to insert this record, and i have no issue when i execute the stored procedure. it insert the recored into the remote server.
The problem is when i call the stored procedure from trigger, i get an error message.
[Code] ....
When i try to insert a new description value in the table i got the following error message:
No row was updated the data in row 1 was not committed Error source .Net SqlClient Data provider. Error Message: the operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "(null)" returned message "The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transaction.".
correct the errors entry or press ESC to cancel the change(s).
Hi I am Importing data in datatable using SSIS package . I made trigger on that table on insert. The trigger on insert is not firing on that table Please help Thanks CP
I do not insert/update/delete on the view directly.
For every insert/update in table A /B the values should get insert/update in the view respectively. This insert/update on view should invoke the trigger.
And I am unable to see this trigger work on the view if any insert/update occurs on base table level.
Trigger is working only if any operation is done directly on the view.
Good Day, I am passing some XML into a stored procedure: <answers> <answer id="60" text="" /> <answer id="65" text="A moderate form of learning disability" /> <answer id="68" text="We will keep ASD checked" /> <answer id="70" text="" /> </answers> Along with a memberid and questionid. I was wondering how I can get this into a table CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Answers]( [PrimaryKeyID] [int] NOT NULL, [MemberID] [int] NOT NULL, [QuestionID] [int] NOT NULL, [AnswerID] [int] NOT NULL, [FreText] [varchar](255) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]What I would also like to do is if the text attribute is empty then put a NULL in the FreText field.I think I am looking for Insert into MyTable ( Select @MemID, @QuesID, 'somexpathforanswer', 'somexpathfortext' -- if empty then NULL From @MyXML ) Any ideas - places to to look - thoughts AprreciatedKal
Hi I have a table called Version and its attributes are Version_ID, Project_ID , Hospital_ ID , Date_Created and comments. I want to select the data by Version_ID,Project_ID and Hospital_ID and the selected data is inserted in the same table(Version) as new row . Table: Version (Version_ID(Primary_key), Project_ID(Foreign_Key),Hospital_ID(Foreign_Key),Date_Created,Comments). Iam using Visual Web Developer Express and SQL Server 2005. Iam doing on 2.0. Could anyone please send me the code 2.0 for the above problem.
i have tbl_location which includes userid, building, room. i combine the building and room into one feild called mailstop
SELECT Userid, Building +'/'+Room AS mailstop FROM tbl_Location
i then want to take this recordset and insert it into a field called mailstop in my employee table. but they must based upon the userid of the location table and the userid of the employee table.
so the userid of the location table must match the userid of the employee table and insert that mailstop value into the mailstop feild in employee table. i want to get this right the first time. any help would be greatly appreciated.
What will be the best way to go to select summary data from a big table with detail records and insert it into another table.
The source table contains approx 100 million detail records for a couple of months. I have a select statement that select a summary of the latest month's data and it average about 15 million records for the month which i want to insert into another table. In the past i just used a standard insert into statement but not the best way of doing it.
If a view is created with just the last months summary data and i select from the view will the performance be better or will it just add more overhead?
Will a SSIS package work better to insert the summary data?