TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - Implementation And Maintenance
Jun 18, 2007
I want to prepare for the TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - Implementation and Maintenance exam. I want to know that how can i tackle it in the proper way. Can somebody please give me tips & tricks or study guide?
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Dec 24, 2006
Hi, I am about to take a MCTS 70-431 exam next week. I tried to find few information regarding this exam, but I cannot find what I need at Microsoft site. I wonder if anyone has taken this exam or knows about any information about this exam. My Questions: Q1: Number of questions on the exam Q2: Passing Score or percentange or numbers of right questions Q3: Format of exam: Definition, concepts, case study, or simulation? Q4: What if I fail? Retake policy Do I pay same amount to take it again? Any information is really helpful and appreciated. Thank you so much!
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Sep 21, 2007
Is there a Forum for those of us who study from SS 2005 Implementation and Maintenance (Exam 70-431), a la Wrox P2P user forum?? Thanks.
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Jul 7, 2007
Hi All, I have Oracle 9i personal edition on my laptop which I use to learn Oracle/SQL including creating and quering tables. With this I have been able to go into jobs confident with being able to query Enterprise implementations of Oracle in a commercial environment. Now I would like to learn Microsoft/SQL and I was wondering whether Microsoft's SQL Server 2005 Express will be enough for me to learn MS/SQL like Oracle personal edition has. Regards, Seaweed
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Aug 9, 2005
I installed Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Manager and connect to SQL 2000 normally
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Jun 21, 2007
Hi I am trying to use Association Viewer Control in Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Viewers.DLL dll in VS 2005 but sometimes it gives an error. "Code generatio for property 'ConnecitonManager'" failed. Error was:'Property accesor 'ConnectionManager' on object 'AssosiactionViewer1' threw the following exception:'Object referance not set to instance of an object" Is there anyone here who use "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Datamining Viewer Controls" in SQLServer2005 FeaturePack ? http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=50b97994-8453-4998-8226-fa42ec403d17&DisplayLang=en i am using VS2005 Version 8.0.50727.762 (SP.050727-7600) and SQL Server 2005 SP2 thanks from now. Cem Üney
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Mar 27, 2008
Pls tell me about the adjact difference between sql server 2005 and sql server 2008. Why to upgrade for Sql Server 2008
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Jul 23, 2005
Hello everybody,I need to know if Microsoft always officially maintains Microsoft SqlServer 7.My society is an editor also, if Microsoft does not maintains SQL7 wemust say taht ou new versions are only compatible with MSSQL2K ormore.Thanks for your answersBest regardsAxel THIMONIERDBA
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Apr 1, 2008
Hi, I am facing a problem in Reporting Service 2005 custom security(formsauthentication). I have implemented Custom Security(using sample code in msdn site) Reporting Service 2005. When i try to view report from my webapplication(within iframe) it redirects me to Logon.aspx page instead of showing result.If both Reporting Service 2005 and Webapplication is present in the same machine then there is no issues it is working fine, the session is establised. If both are (Reporting Services 2005 and Webapplication) in different in machine then the above mention error is occured ie., it redirects to Logon.aspx page. Please help. Thanks and Regards, S.Vallinayaagm
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Jan 4, 2007
Hi, I'm a novice user of SQL Server. I'm using Win SBS R2 2003 with SQL Server 2005 Workgroup Edition, and the database have been up and runnning now. I was wondering whether I can perform a backup database from the workstation computers or not? That would mean I login as domain users and using the SQL Server Management Studio (located in the server), I will perform the particular database that I wish to backup... Can this be done? If so, perhaps someone could tell me how (step by step procedure) or is there a document about this? Thanks!
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Jan 17, 2006
I'm trying to create a maintenance plan to backup a database, and when I go to select the database in the dropdown, I don't have any of the user databases any more. They were there several weeks ago when I first created the 'plan'. Does anyone know how to get the user db's to show up in the dropdown?
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Oct 4, 2007
Hello, everyone: I have a strange trouble on SQL Server 2005 on XP/local and Win 2003/server. When I connect local database and create a backup plan named by "backup plan", I can see the name under "maintenance plan" and "Jobs" under SQL Server Agent. But if I connect to server database and do the samething, I cannot see the name under "maintenance plan". I can see the name under "Jobs" under SQL Server Agent. But cannot delete this job, and message: Drop failed for job "Backup Plan".(Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo). Did someone meet this bug and have suggestions? Thanks ZYT
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Aug 4, 2006
Afternoon All, We have a SQL Server 2005 instance that I am running a few databases on, nothing too big though. CRM-3.0 GFI-Network Monitor Database Future Use Solomon, and Sharepoint The goal is to have all of our databases running on one server for backup and maintenace. Currently we are using VMWare to hose all of our servers and we use nightly scripts to backup all of the data. So backups are good to go. What I am most concerned about is preventative maintenance on the databases. What would people recommend that I set-up for nightly, weekly, or monthly cleaning, integrity checks, etc? Are there third party tools that would do a better job? I am fairly naive on SQL server so any help would be greatly appreciated. Joe
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Feb 2, 2007
I am update/inserting records threw a web form in vb.net. I need to insert 'NULL' into my microsoft sql server database. I am not talking about the below line of code where website is the name of my paramater. If i do that it will just place a blank into that field in the database. If i dont enter anything into that textbox I want it to to say NULL in that field. So if I go into the actual table in the SQL Server Management Studio and look at the website field of the recored I just added or updated and did not type anything into the web site textbox it needs to say NULL. I also tried the second line of code but that places a single quote in front and behind NULL. So the field will have the value 'NULL'. website.value = txtwebsite.text.tostirng if txtwebsite.text ="" then website.value ="NULL" end if The reason why I need the NULL there is because I bind the website filed to a hyperlink template in a gridview. The actual text of the hyperlink is bound to PAYER which is a name of a insurance payer but the navigateto is bound to the website field. If i do not enter any data into the website field and it stays as NULL, then when my gridview is loaded, payers that dont have a website will not be underlined and user wont have the option to click on them since there is no value for the navigateto. But if i use my form to update/add a payer and leave the website textbox blank in puts a blank into that field in my database and when it loads that new row into the gridview the PAYER is underlined and u can click on it but it will just take u to the web site is unavailable page. So is there anyway to actaull have NULL placed into a filed and not just blank space
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May 16, 2007
Sp2 cannot be install can someone help me this is hotfix log 05/16/2007 13:05:30.583 ================================================================================ 05/16/2007 13:05:30.599 Hotfix package launched 05/16/2007 13:05:30.630 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion" 05/16/2007 13:05:30.646 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:ProgrammiFile comuni 05/16/2007 13:05:30.662 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion" 05/16/2007 13:05:30.677 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Programmi 05/16/2007 13:05:30.693 Local Computer: 05/16/2007 13:05:30.708 Target Details: DC-01 05/16/2007 13:05:30.724 commonfilesdir = C:ProgrammiFile comuni 05/16/2007 13:05:30.740 lcidsupportdir = e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359d1040 05/16/2007 13:05:30.755 programfilesdir = C:Programmi 05/16/2007 13:05:30.771 programfilesdir_wow = C:Programmi 05/16/2007 13:05:30.771 supportdir = e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359d 05/16/2007 13:05:30.802 supportdirlocal = e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359d 05/16/2007 13:05:30.818 windir = C:WINDOWS 05/16/2007 13:05:30.833 winsysdir = C:WINDOWSsystem32 05/16/2007 13:05:30.849 winsysdir_wow = C:WINDOWSSysWOW64 05/16/2007 13:05:30.865 05/16/2007 13:05:30.958 Enumerating applicable products for this patch 05/16/2007 13:05:31.005 Found Redist 2005 product definition 05/16/2007 13:05:31.021 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion" 05/16/2007 13:05:31.036 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:ProgrammiFile comuni 05/16/2007 13:05:31.052 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion" 05/16/2007 13:05:31.068 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Programmi 05/16/2007 13:05:31.442 Found Redist 2005 product definition 05/16/2007 13:05:31.458 Found Redist 2005 product definition 05/16/2007 13:05:31.474 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion" 05/16/2007 13:05:31.489 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:ProgrammiFile comuni 05/16/2007 13:05:31.505 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion" 05/16/2007 13:05:31.521 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Programmi 05/16/2007 13:05:31.677 Found SQL 2005 product definition 05/16/2007 13:05:32.270 Enumeration: Determining QFE level for product instance MSSQLSERVER 05/16/2007 13:05:32.286 Enumeration: Associated hotfix build information not found for the following file: C:ProgrammiMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinnSQLServr.exe 05/16/2007 13:05:32.286 Enumeration: Found following QFE level for product instance MSSQLSERVER: 1399 05/16/2007 13:05:32.302 Enumeration: Determining GDR branching Hotfix for product instance MSSQLSERVER 05/16/2007 13:05:32.317 Enumeration: Associated hotfix build information not found for the following file: C:ProgrammiMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBinnSQLServr.exe 05/16/2007 13:05:32.333 Enumeration: No GDR branch Hotfix found for product instance MSSQLSERVER 05/16/2007 13:05:32.348 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion" 05/16/2007 13:05:32.348 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:ProgrammiFile comuni 05/16/2007 13:05:32.364 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion" 05/16/2007 13:05:32.380 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Programmi 05/16/2007 13:05:32.395 Product discovery completed during the install process for MSSQLSERVER 05/16/2007 13:05:32.411 SP Level check completed during the install process for MSSQLSERVER 05/16/2007 13:05:32.411 Product language check completed during the install process for MSSQLSERVER 05/16/2007 13:05:32.426 Product version check completed during the install process for MSSQLSERVER 05/16/2007 13:05:32.442 Command-line instance name check completed during the install process 05/16/2007 13:05:32.458 SKU check completed during the install process for MSSQLSERVER 05/16/2007 13:05:32.473 Baseline build check completed during the installation process for MSSQLSERVER 05/16/2007 13:05:32.489 Baseline build check completed during the install process 05/16/2007 13:05:32.505 Found OLAP Server 2005 product definition 05/16/2007 13:05:33.004 Command-line instance name check completed during the install process 05/16/2007 13:05:33.004 Baseline build check completed during the install process 05/16/2007 13:05:33.036 Found Notification Services 2005 product definition 05/16/2007 13:05:33.520 Baseline build check completed during the install process 05/16/2007 13:05:33.551 Found Report Server 2005 product definition 05/16/2007 13:05:34.051 Command-line instance name check completed during the install process 05/16/2007 13:05:34.066 Baseline build check completed during the install process 05/16/2007 13:05:34.082 Found DTS 2005 product definition 05/16/2007 13:05:34.582 Baseline build check completed during the install process 05/16/2007 13:05:34.613 Found SQL 2005 Tools product definition 05/16/2007 13:05:35.113 Enumeration: Determining GDR branching Hotfix for product instance 05/16/2007 13:05:35.144 Enumeration: Associated hotfix build information not found for the following file: C:ProgrammiMicrosoft SQL Server90Tools\BinnVSShellCommon7IDESQLWB.EXE 05/16/2007 13:05:35.160 Enumeration: No GDR branch Hotfix found for product instance 05/16/2007 13:05:35.175 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion" 05/16/2007 13:05:35.191 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:ProgrammiFile comuni 05/16/2007 13:05:35.207 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion" 05/16/2007 13:05:35.207 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Programmi 05/16/2007 13:05:35.222 Product discovery completed during the install process for SQL Tools 05/16/2007 13:05:35.238 SP Level check completed during the install process for SQL Tools 05/16/2007 13:05:35.253 Product language check completed during the install process for SQL Tools 05/16/2007 13:05:35.253 Product version check completed during the install process for SQL Tools 05/16/2007 13:05:35.269 SKU check completed during the install process for SQL Tools 05/16/2007 13:05:35.285 Baseline build check completed during the install process 05/16/2007 13:05:35.300 Found Redist 2005 product definition 05/16/2007 13:05:35.316 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion" 05/16/2007 13:05:35.332 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:ProgrammiFile comuni 05/16/2007 13:05:35.347 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion" 05/16/2007 13:05:35.363 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Programmi 05/16/2007 13:05:35.597 Found Redist 2005 product definition 05/16/2007 13:05:35.613 Found Redist 2005 product definition 05/16/2007 13:05:35.628 Found Redist 2005 product definition 05/16/2007 13:05:35.644 Found Redist 2005 product definition 05/16/2007 13:05:35.660 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion" 05/16/2007 13:05:35.675 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:ProgrammiFile comuni 05/16/2007 13:05:35.675 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion" 05/16/2007 13:05:35.691 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Programmi 05/16/2007 13:05:35.909 Found Redist 2005 product definition 05/16/2007 13:05:35.925 Found Redist 2005 product definition 05/16/2007 13:05:35.941 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion" 05/16/2007 13:05:35.941 Registry: Read registry key value "CommonFilesDir", string value = C:ProgrammiFile comuni 05/16/2007 13:05:35.956 Registry: Opened registry key "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion" 05/16/2007 13:05:35.972 Registry: Read registry key value "ProgramFilesDir", string value = C:Programmi 05/16/2007 13:05:36.128 Found Redist 2005 product definition 05/16/2007 13:05:36.191 Product Enumeration Results: 05/16/2007 13:05:36.206 INF File Name: e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359dHotFixSqlncli.inf 05/16/2007 13:05:36.222 baselinebuild = 1399 05/16/2007 13:05:36.237 build = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:36.253 description = SQL Server Native Client 05/16/2007 13:05:36.269 details = Service Pack per Microsoft SQL Server Native Client. 05/16/2007 13:05:36.284 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:36.300 kbarticle = KB921896 05/16/2007 13:05:36.316 kbarticlehyperlink = http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=921896 05/16/2007 13:05:36.331 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:36.347 legalproductname = Microsoft SQL Native Client 05/16/2007 13:05:36.362 machinetype = x86 05/16/2007 13:05:36.362 package = HotFixSqlncli 05/16/2007 13:05:36.378 packagetype = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:36.394 productcode = {BA06B694-0CFE-4A3E-81A7-9CED25B74E2B} 05/16/2007 13:05:36.409 productname = Redist9 05/16/2007 13:05:36.425 recommendinstall = 1 05/16/2007 13:05:36.441 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf 05/16/2007 13:05:36.456 servicepackname = Installazione di Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 05/16/2007 13:05:36.472 splevel = 2 05/16/2007 13:05:36.487 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe 05/16/2007 13:05:36.519 supportdir = e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359d 05/16/2007 13:05:36.519 upgradecode = {A6B19337-7392-4765-8675-5C25B758BA37} 05/16/2007 13:05:36.534 version = 9 05/16/2007 13:05:36.550 05/16/2007 13:05:36.581 File Group Details: MSI 05/16/2007 13:05:36.597 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache 05/16/2007 13:05:36.612 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files 05/16/2007 13:05:36.628 File Details: sqlncli.msi 05/16/2007 13:05:36.644 05/16/2007 13:05:36.659 Instance Details: SQL Server Native Client 05/16/2007 13:05:36.690 fullversion = 9.00.3042.00 05/16/2007 13:05:36.706 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:36.722 productcode = {BA06B694-0CFE-4A3E-81A7-9CED25B74E2B} 05/16/2007 13:05:36.753 qfelevel = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:36.769 sp = -1 05/16/2007 13:05:36.784 05/16/2007 13:05:36.800 Product Enumeration Results: 05/16/2007 13:05:36.831 INF File Name: e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359dHotFixSqlncli_x64.inf 05/16/2007 13:05:36.847 baselinebuild = 1399 05/16/2007 13:05:36.862 build = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:36.878 description = SQL Server Native Client 05/16/2007 13:05:36.893 details = Service Pack per Microsoft SQL Server Native Client. 05/16/2007 13:05:36.909 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:36.940 kbarticle = KB921896 05/16/2007 13:05:36.956 kbarticlehyperlink = http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=921896 05/16/2007 13:05:36.972 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:36.987 legalproductname = Microsoft SQL Native Client (64 bit) 05/16/2007 13:05:37.018 machinetype = x64 05/16/2007 13:05:37.034 package = HotFixSqlncli_x64 05/16/2007 13:05:37.050 packagetype = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:37.081 productname = Redist9 05/16/2007 13:05:37.097 recommendinstall = 1 05/16/2007 13:05:37.112 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf 05/16/2007 13:05:37.128 servicepackname = Installazione di Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 05/16/2007 13:05:37.159 splevel = 2 05/16/2007 13:05:37.175 supportdir = e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359d 05/16/2007 13:05:37.190 upgradecode = {6EC3319D-84BE-4C32-AA91-7D6057CF05A5} 05/16/2007 13:05:37.206 version = 9 05/16/2007 13:05:37.237 05/16/2007 13:05:37.253 File Group Details: MSI 05/16/2007 13:05:37.268 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache 05/16/2007 13:05:37.284 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files 05/16/2007 13:05:37.315 File Details: sqlncli_x64.msi 05/16/2007 13:05:37.331 05/16/2007 13:05:37.346 Product Enumeration Results: 05/16/2007 13:05:37.362 INF File Name: e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359dHotFixSqlSupport.inf 05/16/2007 13:05:37.393 alwaysinstall = 1 05/16/2007 13:05:37.409 baselinebuild = 1399 05/16/2007 13:05:37.425 build = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:37.456 description = File di supporto dell'installazione 05/16/2007 13:05:37.534 details = Service Pack per i file di supporto dell'installazione di SQL Server. 05/16/2007 13:05:37.565 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:37.581 kbarticle = KB921896 05/16/2007 13:05:37.596 kbarticlehyperlink = http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=921896 05/16/2007 13:05:37.612 keyqualifier = 1 05/16/2007 13:05:37.643 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:37.659 legalproductname = File di supporto dell'installazione di SQL Server 2005 05/16/2007 13:05:37.674 machinetype = x86 05/16/2007 13:05:37.690 package = HotFixSqlSupport 05/16/2007 13:05:37.690 packagetype = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:37.706 productcode = {6379FD0A-8964-4A50-80A6-B20B65117905} 05/16/2007 13:05:37.737 productname = Redist9 05/16/2007 13:05:37.753 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf 05/16/2007 13:05:37.768 servicepackname = Installazione di Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 05/16/2007 13:05:37.784 splevel = 2 05/16/2007 13:05:37.815 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe 05/16/2007 13:05:37.831 supportdir = e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359d 05/16/2007 13:05:37.846 upgradecode = {3A91FA19-A197-467C-850F-0AFE90899371} 05/16/2007 13:05:37.862 version = 9 05/16/2007 13:05:37.877 05/16/2007 13:05:37.893 File Group Details: MSI 05/16/2007 13:05:37.909 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCacheSQLSupport<MachineType><LCID> 05/16/2007 13:05:37.940 parameters = REINSTALL=ALL 05/16/2007 13:05:37.956 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files 05/16/2007 13:05:37.971 File Details: SqlSupport.msi 05/16/2007 13:05:37.987 05/16/2007 13:05:38.002 Instance Details: File di supporto dell'installazione 05/16/2007 13:05:38.018 fullversion = 9.2.3042 05/16/2007 13:05:38.049 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:38.065 productcode = {6379FD0A-8964-4A50-80A6-B20B65117905} 05/16/2007 13:05:38.081 qfelevel = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:38.096 sp = -1 05/16/2007 13:05:38.112 05/16/2007 13:05:38.143 Product Enumeration Results: 05/16/2007 13:05:38.159 INF File Name: e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359dHotFixSQL.inf 05/16/2007 13:05:38.174 baselinebuild = 1399 05/16/2007 13:05:38.190 baselinebuildmax = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:38.205 build = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:38.221 description = Servizi di database 05/16/2007 13:05:38.237 details = Service Pack per il Motore di database e gli strumenti di SQL Server per la gestione di dati relazionali e XML, per la replica e per la ricerca full-text. 05/16/2007 13:05:38.252 installer = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:38.268 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:38.284 kbarticle = KB921896 05/16/2007 13:05:38.299 kbarticlehyperlink = http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=921896 05/16/2007 13:05:38.330 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:38.346 legalproductname = Servizi di database SQL Server 2005 05/16/2007 13:05:38.362 machinetype = x86 05/16/2007 13:05:38.393 package = HotFixSQL 05/16/2007 13:05:38.409 packagetype = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:38.424 productname = SQL9 05/16/2007 13:05:38.440 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf 05/16/2007 13:05:38.471 servicepackname = Installazione di Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 05/16/2007 13:05:38.487 sku = DESKTOP,STANDARD,WORKGROUP,ENTERPRISE,SBS,OFFICE,MSDE,DEVELOPERDESKTOP,DEVELOPERSTANDARD,PERSONAL,DEVELOPER,EVAL 05/16/2007 13:05:38.502 splevel = 2 05/16/2007 13:05:38.518 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe 05/16/2007 13:05:38.549 sqlutility = sqlcmd.exe 05/16/2007 13:05:38.565 supportdir = e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359d 05/16/2007 13:05:38.580 validateauthentication = true 05/16/2007 13:05:38.596 version = 9 05/16/2007 13:05:38.612 05/16/2007 13:05:38.627 File Group Details: MSP 05/16/2007 13:05:38.658 parameters = SQLBUILD=3042 KBNUMBER=KB921896 REBOOT=ReallySuppress 05/16/2007 13:05:38.674 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files 05/16/2007 13:05:38.690 File Details: sqlrun_sql.msp 05/16/2007 13:05:38.705 05/16/2007 13:05:38.721 Instance Details: MSSQLSERVER 05/16/2007 13:05:38.752 agentservicename = SQLSERVERAGENT 05/16/2007 13:05:38.768 clustername = 05/16/2007 13:05:38.783 default = TRUE 05/16/2007 13:05:38.815 ftsservicename = MSFTESQL 05/16/2007 13:05:38.830 fullversion = 2005.090.1399.00 05/16/2007 13:05:38.846 hiveregpath = SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1 05/16/2007 13:05:38.877 id = MSSQL.1 05/16/2007 13:05:38.893 installsqldatadir = C:ProgrammiMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQL 05/16/2007 13:05:38.908 installsqldir = C:ProgrammiMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQL 05/16/2007 13:05:38.924 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:38.940 name = MSSQLSERVER 05/16/2007 13:05:38.971 productcode = {E0BB3923-308B-4BE9-B3A3-FD5517481E48} 05/16/2007 13:05:39.002 qfelevel = 1399 05/16/2007 13:05:39.018 servicename = MSSQLServer 05/16/2007 13:05:39.033 sku = STANDARD 05/16/2007 13:05:39.049 sp = 0 05/16/2007 13:05:39.065 type = SQL Server Standalone Product 05/16/2007 13:05:39.096 vermajbld = 1399 05/16/2007 13:05:39.111 version = 9 05/16/2007 13:05:39.127 05/16/2007 13:05:39.143 Product Enumeration Results: 05/16/2007 13:05:39.174 INF File Name: e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359dHotFixAS.inf 05/16/2007 13:05:39.189 baselinebuild = 1399 05/16/2007 13:05:39.205 baselinebuildmax = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:39.236 build = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:39.252 description = Analysis Services 05/16/2007 13:05:39.268 details = Service Pack per Analysis Services e per gli strumenti per il supporto dell'elaborazione analitica in linea (OLAP) e del data mining. 05/16/2007 13:05:39.283 installer = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:39.299 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:39.330 kbarticle = KB921896 05/16/2007 13:05:39.346 kbarticlehyperlink = http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=921896 05/16/2007 13:05:39.361 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:39.377 legalproductname = SQL Server Analysis Services 2005 05/16/2007 13:05:39.408 machinetype = x86 05/16/2007 13:05:39.424 package = HotFixAS 05/16/2007 13:05:39.455 packagetype = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:39.471 productname = OLAP9 05/16/2007 13:05:39.486 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf 05/16/2007 13:05:39.502 servicepackname = Installazione di Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 05/16/2007 13:05:39.533 splevel = 2 05/16/2007 13:05:39.549 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe 05/16/2007 13:05:39.564 supportdir = e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359d 05/16/2007 13:05:39.580 version = 9 05/16/2007 13:05:39.611 05/16/2007 13:05:39.627 File Group Details: MSP 05/16/2007 13:05:39.642 parameters = SQLBUILD=3042 KBNUMBER=KB921896 REBOOT=ReallySuppress 05/16/2007 13:05:39.674 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files 05/16/2007 13:05:39.689 File Details: sqlrun_as.msp 05/16/2007 13:05:39.705 05/16/2007 13:05:39.736 Product Enumeration Results: 05/16/2007 13:05:39.752 INF File Name: e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359dHotFixNS.inf 05/16/2007 13:05:39.767 baselinebuild = 1399 05/16/2007 13:05:39.799 baselinebuildmax = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:39.814 build = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:39.830 description = Notification Services 05/16/2007 13:05:39.861 details = Service Pack per Notification Services, una piattaforma per lo sviluppo e la distribuzione di applicazioni per l'invio di notifiche personalizzate e tempestive a un'ampia gamma di dispositivi o applicazioni. 05/16/2007 13:05:39.877 installer = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:39.892 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:39.908 kbarticle = KB921896 05/16/2007 13:05:39.924 kbarticlehyperlink = http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=921896 05/16/2007 13:05:39.939 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:39.970 legalproductname = Istanze di SQL Server Notification Services 2005 05/16/2007 13:05:39.986 machinetype = x86 05/16/2007 13:05:40.002 package = HotFixNS 05/16/2007 13:05:40.017 packagetype = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:40.033 productname = NS9 05/16/2007 13:05:40.064 recommendinstall = 1 05/16/2007 13:05:40.080 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf 05/16/2007 13:05:40.095 servicepackname = Installazione di Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 05/16/2007 13:05:40.111 splevel = 2 05/16/2007 13:05:40.142 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe 05/16/2007 13:05:40.158 supportdir = e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359d 05/16/2007 13:05:40.189 version = 9 05/16/2007 13:05:40.205 05/16/2007 13:05:40.220 File Group Details: MSP 05/16/2007 13:05:40.236 parameters = SQLBUILD=3042 KBNUMBER=KB921896 REBOOT=ReallySuppress 05/16/2007 13:05:40.267 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files 05/16/2007 13:05:40.283 File Details: sqlrun_ns.msp 05/16/2007 13:05:40.298 05/16/2007 13:05:40.330 Product Enumeration Results: 05/16/2007 13:05:40.345 INF File Name: e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359dHotFixRS.inf 05/16/2007 13:05:40.361 baselinebuild = 1399 05/16/2007 13:05:40.376 baselinebuildmax = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:40.408 build = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:40.423 description = Reporting Services 05/16/2007 13:05:40.439 details = Service Pack per Server report e Generatore report, utilizzati per la gestione, l'esecuzione, il rendering e la distribuzione dei report. 05/16/2007 13:05:40.455 installer = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:40.486 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:40.501 kbarticle = KB921896 05/16/2007 13:05:40.517 kbarticlehyperlink = http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=921896 05/16/2007 13:05:40.548 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:40.564 legalproductname = SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 05/16/2007 13:05:40.580 machinetype = x86 05/16/2007 13:05:40.611 package = HotFixRS 05/16/2007 13:05:40.626 packagetype = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:40.642 productname = RS9 05/16/2007 13:05:40.658 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf 05/16/2007 13:05:40.673 servicepackname = Installazione di Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 05/16/2007 13:05:40.689 sku = DESKTOP,STANDARD,WORKGROUP,ENTERPRISE,SBS,OFFICE,MSDE,DEVELOPERDESKTOP,DEVELOPERSTANDARD,PERSONAL,DEVELOPER,EVAL 05/16/2007 13:05:40.720 splevel = 2 05/16/2007 13:05:40.736 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe 05/16/2007 13:05:40.751 sqlutility = sqlcmd.exe 05/16/2007 13:05:40.767 supportdir = e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359d 05/16/2007 13:05:40.798 validateauthentication = 1 05/16/2007 13:05:40.814 version = 9 05/16/2007 13:05:40.829 05/16/2007 13:05:40.861 File Group Details: MSP 05/16/2007 13:05:40.876 parameters = SQLBUILD=3042 KBNUMBER=KB921896 REBOOT=ReallySuppress 05/16/2007 13:05:40.892 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files 05/16/2007 13:05:40.908 File Details: sqlrun_rs.msp 05/16/2007 13:05:40.939 05/16/2007 13:05:40.954 Product Enumeration Results: 05/16/2007 13:05:40.970 INF File Name: e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359dHotFixDTS.inf 05/16/2007 13:05:41.001 baselinebuild = 1399 05/16/2007 13:05:41.017 baselinebuildmax = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:41.032 build = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:41.064 description = Integration Services 05/16/2007 13:05:41.079 details = Service Pack per Integration Services, una serie di strumenti e oggetti programmabili per la creazione e la gestione di pacchetti per l'estrazione, la trasformazione e il caricamento dei dati, nonché per l'esecuzione di attivit� . 05/16/2007 13:05:41.095 installer = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:41.126 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:41.142 kbarticle = KB921896 05/16/2007 13:05:41.157 kbarticlehyperlink = http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=921896 05/16/2007 13:05:41.173 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:41.189 legalproductname = SQL Server Integration Services 2005 05/16/2007 13:05:41.220 machinetype = x86 05/16/2007 13:05:41.236 package = HotFixDTS 05/16/2007 13:05:41.251 packagetype = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:41.282 productname = DTS9 05/16/2007 13:05:41.298 recommendinstall = 1 05/16/2007 13:05:41.314 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf 05/16/2007 13:05:41.329 servicepackname = Installazione di Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 05/16/2007 13:05:41.360 splevel = 2 05/16/2007 13:05:41.376 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe 05/16/2007 13:05:41.392 supportdir = e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359d 05/16/2007 13:05:41.423 version = 9 05/16/2007 13:05:41.439 05/16/2007 13:05:41.454 File Group Details: MSP 05/16/2007 13:05:41.485 parameters = SQLBUILD=3042 KBNUMBER=KB921896 REBOOT=ReallySuppress 05/16/2007 13:05:41.501 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files 05/16/2007 13:05:41.517 File Details: sqlrun_dts.msp 05/16/2007 13:05:41.548 05/16/2007 13:05:41.564 Product Enumeration Results: 05/16/2007 13:05:41.579 INF File Name: e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359dHotFixTools.inf 05/16/2007 13:05:41.610 baselinebuild = 1399 05/16/2007 13:05:41.626 baselinebuildmax = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:41.642 build = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:41.657 description = Componenti client 05/16/2007 13:05:41.688 details = Service Pack per gli strumenti interattivi di gestione per l'esecuzione di SQL Server, tra cui Gestione configurazione SQL Server, SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Profiler e Monitoraggio replica. 05/16/2007 13:05:41.704 installer = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:41.720 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:41.751 kbarticle = KB921896 05/16/2007 13:05:41.767 kbarticlehyperlink = http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=921896 05/16/2007 13:05:41.782 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:41.798 legalproductname = Componenti workstation e strumenti di SQL Server 2005 05/16/2007 13:05:41.829 machinetype = x86 05/16/2007 13:05:41.845 package = HotFixTools 05/16/2007 13:05:41.860 packagetype = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:41.876 productname = SQLTools9 05/16/2007 13:05:41.892 recommendinstall = 1 05/16/2007 13:05:41.923 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf 05/16/2007 13:05:41.938 servicepackname = Installazione di Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 05/16/2007 13:05:41.954 sku = DESKTOP,STANDARD,WORKGROUP,ENTERPRISE,SBS,OFFICE,MSDE,DEVELOPERDESKTOP,DEVELOPERSTANDARD,PERSONAL,DEVELOPER,EVAL 05/16/2007 13:05:41.985 splevel = 2 05/16/2007 13:05:42.001 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe 05/16/2007 13:05:42.016 supportdir = e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359d 05/16/2007 13:05:42.032 version = 9 05/16/2007 13:05:42.063 05/16/2007 13:05:42.079 File Group Details: MSP 05/16/2007 13:05:42.095 parameters = SQLBUILD=3042 KBNUMBER=KB921896 REBOOT=ReallySuppress 05/16/2007 13:05:42.110 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files 05/16/2007 13:05:42.141 File Details: sqlrun_tools.msp 05/16/2007 13:05:42.157 05/16/2007 13:05:42.188 Instance Details: SQL Tools 05/16/2007 13:05:42.204 associatedhotfixbuild = 1520 05/16/2007 13:05:42.220 clustername = 05/16/2007 13:05:42.235 fullversion = 9.2.3042 05/16/2007 13:05:42.266 hiveregpath = SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server90Tools 05/16/2007 13:05:42.282 id = 05/16/2007 13:05:42.298 installsqldatadir = 05/16/2007 13:05:42.313 installsqldir = C:ProgrammiMicrosoft SQL Server90Tools 05/16/2007 13:05:42.329 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:42.360 name = 05/16/2007 13:05:42.376 productcode = {B03FBBA3-CCE4-40CC-A0F1-01F952E7EB3E} 05/16/2007 13:05:42.391 qfelevel = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:42.407 sku = STANDARD 05/16/2007 13:05:42.438 sp = 2 05/16/2007 13:05:42.454 type = Tools Only 05/16/2007 13:05:42.469 vermajbld = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:42.501 version = 9 05/16/2007 13:05:42.516 05/16/2007 13:05:42.532 Product Enumeration Results: 05/16/2007 13:05:42.563 INF File Name: e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359dHotFixMsxml6.inf 05/16/2007 13:05:42.579 baselinebuild = 1399 05/16/2007 13:05:42.594 build = 6.10.1129.0 05/16/2007 13:05:42.626 description = Parser MSXML 6.0 05/16/2007 13:05:42.641 details = Service Pack per il parser Microsoft XML 6.0. 05/16/2007 13:05:42.657 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:42.688 kbarticle = KB921896 05/16/2007 13:05:42.704 kbarticlehyperlink = http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=921896 05/16/2007 13:05:42.719 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:42.751 legalproductname = Parser MSXML 6.0 05/16/2007 13:05:42.766 machinetype = x86 05/16/2007 13:05:42.782 package = HotFixMsxml6 05/16/2007 13:05:42.797 packagetype = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:42.813 productcode = {8919A89C-D378-4899-BE19-12893E4DCCEE} 05/16/2007 13:05:42.844 productname = Redist9 05/16/2007 13:05:42.860 recommendinstall = 1 05/16/2007 13:05:42.876 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf 05/16/2007 13:05:42.891 servicepackname = Installazione di Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 05/16/2007 13:05:42.922 splevel = 2 05/16/2007 13:05:42.938 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe 05/16/2007 13:05:42.969 supportdir = e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359d 05/16/2007 13:05:42.985 upgradecode = {1B117BA7-5BC1-419E-820E-7D4F3F412C7B} 05/16/2007 13:05:43.000 version = 9 05/16/2007 13:05:43.016 05/16/2007 13:05:43.032 File Group Details: MSI 05/16/2007 13:05:43.063 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache 05/16/2007 13:05:43.079 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files 05/16/2007 13:05:43.094 File Details: msxml6.msi 05/16/2007 13:05:43.110 05/16/2007 13:05:43.141 Instance Details: Parser MSXML 6.0 05/16/2007 13:05:43.157 fullversion = 6.10.1129.0 05/16/2007 13:05:43.172 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:43.188 productcode = {8919A89C-D378-4899-BE19-12893E4DCCEE} 05/16/2007 13:05:43.219 qfelevel = 1129 05/16/2007 13:05:43.235 sp = -1 05/16/2007 13:05:43.250 05/16/2007 13:05:43.266 Product Enumeration Results: 05/16/2007 13:05:43.297 INF File Name: e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359dHotFixMsxml6_x64.inf 05/16/2007 13:05:43.313 baselinebuild = 1399 05/16/2007 13:05:43.328 build = 6.10.1129.0 05/16/2007 13:05:43.360 description = Parser MSXML 6.0 05/16/2007 13:05:43.375 details = Service Pack per il parser Microsoft XML 6.0. 05/16/2007 13:05:43.391 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:43.422 kbarticle = KB921896 05/16/2007 13:05:43.438 kbarticlehyperlink = http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=921896 05/16/2007 13:05:43.453 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:43.469 legalproductname = Parser MSXML 6.0 (64 bit) 05/16/2007 13:05:43.500 machinetype = x64 05/16/2007 13:05:43.516 package = HotFixMsxml6_x64 05/16/2007 13:05:43.532 packagetype = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:43.563 productname = Redist9 05/16/2007 13:05:43.578 recommendinstall = 1 05/16/2007 13:05:43.594 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf 05/16/2007 13:05:43.610 servicepackname = Installazione di Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 05/16/2007 13:05:43.625 splevel = 2 05/16/2007 13:05:43.641 supportdir = e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359d 05/16/2007 13:05:43.656 upgradecode = {5BBED1F8-E6F3-4A02-BC97-26D35BE200CA} 05/16/2007 13:05:43.672 version = 9 05/16/2007 13:05:43.688 05/16/2007 13:05:43.703 File Group Details: MSI 05/16/2007 13:05:43.719 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache 05/16/2007 13:05:43.735 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files 05/16/2007 13:05:43.750 File Details: msxml6_x64.msi 05/16/2007 13:05:43.781 05/16/2007 13:05:43.797 Product Enumeration Results: 05/16/2007 13:05:43.813 INF File Name: e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359dHotFixSqlxml4.inf 05/16/2007 13:05:43.828 baselinebuild = 1399 05/16/2007 13:05:43.844 build = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:43.860 description = SQLXML4 05/16/2007 13:05:43.875 details = Service Pack per Microsoft SQLXML 4.0. 05/16/2007 13:05:43.891 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:43.906 kbarticle = KB921896 05/16/2007 13:05:43.922 kbarticlehyperlink = http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=921896 05/16/2007 13:05:43.938 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:43.953 legalproductname = SQLXML4 05/16/2007 13:05:43.969 machinetype = x86 05/16/2007 13:05:43.984 package = HotFixSqlxml4 05/16/2007 13:05:44.000 packagetype = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:44.016 productname = Redist9 05/16/2007 13:05:44.047 recommendinstall = 1 05/16/2007 13:05:44.063 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf 05/16/2007 13:05:44.078 servicepackname = Installazione di Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 05/16/2007 13:05:44.094 splevel = 2 05/16/2007 13:05:44.109 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe 05/16/2007 13:05:44.125 supportdir = e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359d 05/16/2007 13:05:44.141 upgradecode = {D9CA3D82-6F1B-41A7-8141-B90ACA8F865B} 05/16/2007 13:05:44.156 version = 9 05/16/2007 13:05:44.172 05/16/2007 13:05:44.188 File Group Details: MSI 05/16/2007 13:05:44.203 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache 05/16/2007 13:05:44.219 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files 05/16/2007 13:05:44.234 File Details: sqlxml4.msi 05/16/2007 13:05:44.266 05/16/2007 13:05:44.281 Product Enumeration Results: 05/16/2007 13:05:44.297 INF File Name: e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359dHotFixSqlxml4_x64.inf 05/16/2007 13:05:44.312 baselinebuild = 1399 05/16/2007 13:05:44.328 build = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:44.344 description = SQLXML4 05/16/2007 13:05:44.375 details = Service Pack per Microsoft SQLXML 4.0. 05/16/2007 13:05:44.391 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:44.391 kbarticle = KB921896 05/16/2007 13:05:44.422 kbarticlehyperlink = http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=921896 05/16/2007 13:05:44.422 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:44.437 legalproductname = SQLXML4 (64 bit) 05/16/2007 13:05:44.453 machinetype = x64 05/16/2007 13:05:44.469 package = HotFixSqlxml4_x64 05/16/2007 13:05:44.484 packagetype = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:44.500 productname = Redist9 05/16/2007 13:05:44.516 recommendinstall = 1 05/16/2007 13:05:44.531 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf 05/16/2007 13:05:44.547 servicepackname = Installazione di Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 05/16/2007 13:05:44.562 splevel = 2 05/16/2007 13:05:44.594 supportdir = e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359d 05/16/2007 13:05:44.609 upgradecode = {F457D8E6-7686-437D-9B17-E21D45CCABD8} 05/16/2007 13:05:44.625 version = 9 05/16/2007 13:05:44.640 05/16/2007 13:05:44.656 File Group Details: MSI 05/16/2007 13:05:44.672 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache 05/16/2007 13:05:44.687 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files 05/16/2007 13:05:44.703 File Details: sqlxml4_x64.msi 05/16/2007 13:05:44.719 05/16/2007 13:05:44.734 Product Enumeration Results: 05/16/2007 13:05:44.750 INF File Name: e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359dHotFixSQLServer2005_BC.inf 05/16/2007 13:05:44.765 baselinebuild = 1399 05/16/2007 13:05:44.781 build = 2004 05/16/2007 13:05:44.797 description = Compatibilit� con le versioni precedenti 05/16/2007 13:05:44.812 details = Service Pack per i componenti per la compatibilit� con le versioni precedenti, tra cui Data Transformation Services Runtime e SQL-DMO. 05/16/2007 13:05:44.828 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:44.844 kbarticle = KB921896 05/16/2007 13:05:44.859 kbarticlehyperlink = http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=921896 05/16/2007 13:05:44.875 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:44.890 legalproductname = Compatibilit� con le versioni precedenti a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 05/16/2007 13:05:44.906 machinetype = x86 05/16/2007 13:05:44.922 package = HotFixSQLServer2005_BC 05/16/2007 13:05:44.937 packagetype = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:44.953 productcode = {B532F403-16FA-4433-929C-3768090D70E3} 05/16/2007 13:05:44.968 productname = Redist9 05/16/2007 13:05:44.984 recommendinstall = 1 05/16/2007 13:05:45.015 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf 05/16/2007 13:05:45.031 servicepackname = Installazione di Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 05/16/2007 13:05:45.047 splevel = 2 05/16/2007 13:05:45.062 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe 05/16/2007 13:05:45.078 supportdir = e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359d 05/16/2007 13:05:45.093 upgradecode = {1E70C6C9-E1B7-4A74-BC8C-8EB5D010CEC9} 05/16/2007 13:05:45.109 version = 9 05/16/2007 13:05:45.125 05/16/2007 13:05:45.140 File Group Details: MSI 05/16/2007 13:05:45.171 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache 05/16/2007 13:05:45.187 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files 05/16/2007 13:05:45.203 File Details: SQLServer2005_BC.msi 05/16/2007 13:05:45.203 05/16/2007 13:05:45.218 Instance Details: Compatibilit� con le versioni precedenti 05/16/2007 13:05:45.234 fullversion = 8.05.2004 05/16/2007 13:05:45.250 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:45.265 productcode = {B532F403-16FA-4433-929C-3768090D70E3} 05/16/2007 13:05:45.281 qfelevel = 2004 05/16/2007 13:05:45.296 sp = -1 05/16/2007 13:05:45.312 05/16/2007 13:05:45.328 Product Enumeration Results: 05/16/2007 13:05:45.343 INF File Name: e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359dHotFixSQLServer2005_BC_x64.inf 05/16/2007 13:05:45.375 baselinebuild = 1399 05/16/2007 13:05:45.375 build = 2004 05/16/2007 13:05:45.390 description = Compatibilit� con le versioni precedenti 05/16/2007 13:05:45.406 details = Service Pack per i componenti per la compatibilit� con le versioni precedenti, tra cui Data Transformation Services Runtime e SQL-DMO. 05/16/2007 13:05:45.421 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:45.453 kbarticle = KB921896 05/16/2007 13:05:45.453 kbarticlehyperlink = http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=921896 05/16/2007 13:05:45.468 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:45.484 legalproductname = Compatibilit� con le versioni precedenti a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (64 bit) 05/16/2007 13:05:45.500 machinetype = x64 05/16/2007 13:05:45.515 package = HotFixSQLServer2005_BC_x64 05/16/2007 13:05:45.531 packagetype = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:45.546 productname = Redist9 05/16/2007 13:05:45.562 recommendinstall = 1 05/16/2007 13:05:45.578 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf 05/16/2007 13:05:45.593 servicepackname = Installazione di Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 05/16/2007 13:05:45.609 splevel = 2 05/16/2007 13:05:45.624 supportdir = e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359d 05/16/2007 13:05:45.640 upgradecode = {7B6BF434-3C72-4DB3-8049-FEF31AEAFF9A} 05/16/2007 13:05:45.656 version = 9 05/16/2007 13:05:45.671 05/16/2007 13:05:45.703 File Group Details: MSI 05/16/2007 13:05:45.718 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache 05/16/2007 13:05:45.734 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files 05/16/2007 13:05:45.749 File Details: SQLServer2005_BC_x64.msi 05/16/2007 13:05:45.765 05/16/2007 13:05:45.781 Product Enumeration Results: 05/16/2007 13:05:45.796 INF File Name: e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359dHotFixSqlWriter.inf 05/16/2007 13:05:45.812 baselinebuild = 1399 05/16/2007 13:05:45.828 build = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:45.843 description = Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer 05/16/2007 13:05:45.874 details = Service Pack per Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer. 05/16/2007 13:05:45.890 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:45.906 kbarticle = KB921896 05/16/2007 13:05:45.921 kbarticlehyperlink = http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=921896 05/16/2007 13:05:45.937 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:45.953 legalproductname = Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer 05/16/2007 13:05:45.968 machinetype = x86 05/16/2007 13:05:45.984 package = HotFixSqlWriter 05/16/2007 13:05:45.999 packagetype = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:46.015 productcode = {DCEFDFAB-9543-4F03-ADAE-F6729C2B9966} 05/16/2007 13:05:46.031 productname = Redist9 05/16/2007 13:05:46.062 recommendinstall = 1 05/16/2007 13:05:46.078 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf 05/16/2007 13:05:46.093 servicepackname = Installazione di Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 05/16/2007 13:05:46.109 splevel = 2 05/16/2007 13:05:46.124 sqladminprovisioningtool = <PROGRAMFILESDIR_WOW>Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlprov.exe 05/16/2007 13:05:46.140 supportdir = e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359d 05/16/2007 13:05:46.156 upgradecode = {65D8E1DF-6201-4B53-A0F9-E654F8E80F97} 05/16/2007 13:05:46.171 version = 9 05/16/2007 13:05:46.187 05/16/2007 13:05:46.203 File Group Details: MSI 05/16/2007 13:05:46.218 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache 05/16/2007 13:05:46.234 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files 05/16/2007 13:05:46.249 File Details: SqlWriter.msi 05/16/2007 13:05:46.281 05/16/2007 13:05:46.296 Instance Details: Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer 05/16/2007 13:05:46.312 fullversion = 9.00.3042.00 05/16/2007 13:05:46.328 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:46.328 productcode = {DCEFDFAB-9543-4F03-ADAE-F6729C2B9966} 05/16/2007 13:05:46.359 qfelevel = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:46.374 sp = -1 05/16/2007 13:05:46.390 05/16/2007 13:05:46.406 Product Enumeration Results: 05/16/2007 13:05:46.421 INF File Name: e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359dHotFixSqlWriter_x64.inf 05/16/2007 13:05:46.437 baselinebuild = 1399 05/16/2007 13:05:46.453 build = 3042 05/16/2007 13:05:46.468 description = Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer 05/16/2007 13:05:46.484 details = Service Pack per Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer. 05/16/2007 13:05:46.499 installerlogpath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:46.515 kbarticle = KB921896 05/16/2007 13:05:46.546 kbarticlehyperlink = http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=921896 05/16/2007 13:05:46.562 lcid = 1040 05/16/2007 13:05:46.577 legalproductname = Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer (64 bit) 05/16/2007 13:05:46.593 machinetype = x64 05/16/2007 13:05:46.609 package = HotFixSqlWriter_x64 05/16/2007 13:05:46.640 packagetype = Hotfix 05/16/2007 13:05:46.656 productname = Redist9 05/16/2007 13:05:46.671 recommendinstall = 1 05/16/2007 13:05:46.687 relatedlinks = <LCIDSUPPORTDIR>FinalSQL2005Information.rtf 05/16/2007 13:05:46.718 servicepackname = Installazione di Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 05/16/2007 13:05:46.734 splevel = 2 05/16/2007 13:05:46.749 supportdir = e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359d 05/16/2007 13:05:46.781 upgradecode = {E9031696-DD39-4C25-BAEB-425FF28279EA} 05/16/2007 13:05:46.796 version = 9 05/16/2007 13:05:46.796 05/16/2007 13:05:46.827 File Group Details: MSI 05/16/2007 13:05:46.843 cachedmsipath = <PROGRAMFILESDIR>Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapCache 05/16/2007 13:05:46.859 sourcepath = <SUPPORTDIR><PACKAGE>Files 05/16/2007 13:05:46.874 File Details: SqlWriter_x64.msi 05/16/2007 13:05:46.890 05/16/2007 13:05:57.967 Registry: Opened registry key "SystemCurrentControlSetControlSession Manager" 05/16/2007 13:05:57.967 Registry: Read registry key value "PendingFileRenameOperations" 05/16/2007 13:05:57.982 Multi-string values: 05/16/2007 13:05:57.998 Registry: Read registry key value "PendingFileRenameOperations" 05/16/2007 13:05:58.014 Multi-string values: 05/16/2007 13:05:58.029 ??e:1971703f8a5eaa69b207 05/16/2007 13:05:58.045 PFR Check: PFR was found, but no files to be serviced were being referenced 05/16/2007 13:06:18.980 Authenticating user using SAPWD 05/16/2007 13:06:18.995 SQL Service MSSQLServer was not previously running, started for authentication 05/16/2007 13:06:19.011 Starting service: MSSQLServer 05/16/2007 13:06:23.666 Started service: MSSQLServer 05/16/2007 13:06:23.729 SQL Agent Service SQLSERVERAGENT was not previously running 05/16/2007 13:06:24.323 User authentication failed 05/16/2007 13:06:24.354 Messaggio 18456, livello 14, stato 1, server DC-01, riga 1 05/16/2007 13:06:24.385 Accesso non riuscito per l'utente 'sa'. 05/16/2007 13:06:24.416 Stopping service: MSSQLServer 05/16/2007 13:06:26.432 Stopped service: MSSQLServer 05/16/2007 13:06:29.978 Authenticating user using Windows Authentication 05/16/2007 13:06:29.994 SQL Service MSSQLServer was not previously running, started for authentication 05/16/2007 13:06:30.009 Starting service: MSSQLServer 05/16/2007 13:06:34.837 Started service: MSSQLServer 05/16/2007 13:06:34.931 SQL Agent Service SQLSERVERAGENT was not previously running 05/16/2007 13:06:35.462 Authenticating user using Windows Authentication 05/16/2007 13:06:35.477 Validating database connections using Windows Authentication 05/16/2007 13:06:35.868 Pre-script database connection check was successful - proceeding with script execution 05/16/2007 13:06:36.337 Received sysadmin status for instance: MSSQLSERVER 05/16/2007 13:06:36.352 Validating database connections using Windows Authentication 05/16/2007 13:06:36.680 Pre-script database connection check was successful - proceeding with script execution 05/16/2007 13:06:36.696 User authentication was successful 05/16/2007 13:06:36.696 Stopping service: MSSQLServer 05/16/2007 13:06:38.711 Stopped service: MSSQLServer 05/16/2007 13:06:40.461 Authenticating user using Windows Authentication 05/16/2007 13:06:40.477 SQL Service MSSQLServer was not previously running, started for authentication 05/16/2007 13:06:40.492 Starting service: MSSQLServer 05/16/2007 13:06:45.086 Started service: MSSQLServer 05/16/2007 13:06:45.101 SQL Agent Service SQLSERVERAGENT was not previously running 05/16/2007 13:06:45.523 Authenticating user using Windows Authentication 05/16/2007 13:06:45.539 Validating database connections using Windows Authentication 05/16/2007 13:06:46.085 Pre-script database connection check was successful - proceeding with script execution 05/16/2007 13:06:46.414 Received sysadmin status for instance: MSSQLSERVER 05/16/2007 13:06:46.429 Validating database connections using Windows Authentication 05/16/2007 13:06:46.742 Pre-script database connection check was successful - proceeding with script execution 05/16/2007 13:06:46.757 User authentication was successful 05/16/2007 13:06:46.773 Stopping service: MSSQLServer 05/16/2007 13:06:48.788 Stopped service: MSSQLServer 05/16/2007 13:06:48.835 Registry: Read registry key value "EnableErrorReporting", DWORD value = 0 05/16/2007 13:06:48.851 Registry: Read registry key value "EnableErrorReporting", DWORD value = 0 05/16/2007 13:06:48.866 Registry: Read registry key value "CustomerFeedBack", DWORD value = 0 05/16/2007 13:06:48.882 Registry: Read registry key value "CustomerFeedBack", DWORD value = 0 05/16/2007 13:06:55.287 Registry: Set registry key value "EnableErrorReporting", DWORD value = 0 05/16/2007 13:06:55.303 Registry: Set registry key value "EnableErrorReporting", DWORD value = 0 05/16/2007 13:06:55.319 Registry: Set registry key value "CustomerFeedBack", DWORD value = 0 05/16/2007 13:06:55.319 Registry: Set registry key value "CustomerFeedBack", DWORD value = 0 05/16/2007 13:06:55.662 Locked file: Checking for locked files 05/16/2007 13:07:05.099 Attempting to pause the 32 bit ngen queue 05/16/2007 13:07:05.271 Installing product: SQL9 05/16/2007 13:07:05.286 Installing instance: MSSQLSERVER 05/16/2007 13:07:05.302 Installing target: DC-01 05/16/2007 13:07:05.317 Installing file: sqlrun_sql.msp 05/16/2007 13:07:05.349 Copy Engine: Creating MSP install log file at: C:ProgrammiMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixSQL9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_sql.msp.log 05/16/2007 13:07:05.364 Registry: Opened registry key "SoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsInstaller" 05/16/2007 13:07:05.380 Registry: Cannot read registry key value "Debug" 05/16/2007 13:09:06.458 MSP Error: 29506 Impossibile modificare le autorizzazioni di protezione del file C:ProgrammiMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData per l'utente SYSTEM. Per continuare, verificare l'esistenza dell'account e del dominio che eseguono l'installazione di SQL Server. Verificare inoltre che tale account disponga dei privilegi di amministratore e che sia presente nell'unit� di destinazione. 05/16/2007 13:10:03.685 MSP returned 1603: Si è verificato un errore irreversibile durante l'installazione. 05/16/2007 13:10:03.701 Registry: Opened registry key "SoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsInstaller" 05/16/2007 13:10:03.716 Registry: Cannot read registry key value "Debug" 05/16/2007 13:10:04.248 Copy Engine: Error, unable to install MSP file: e:3f798aa49a0102c6d1f049aa36bd359dHotFixSQLFilessqlrun_sql.msp 05/16/2007 13:10:04.310 The following exception occurred: Impossibile installare il file MSP di Windows Installer Date: 05/16/2007 13:10:04.310 File: depotsqlvaultstablesetupmainl1setupsqlsesqlsedllcopyengine.cpp Line: 800 05/16/2007 13:10:08.966 Watson: Param1 = Do_sqlFileSDDL 05/16/2007 13:10:08.997 Watson: Param2 = 0x7342 05/16/2007 13:10:09.044 Watson: Param3 = ExceptionInSDDL 05/16/2007 13:10:09.075 Watson: Param4 = 0x7342 05/16/2007 13:10:09.106 Watson: Param5 = sqlcasqlsddlca.cpp@65 05/16/2007 13:10:09.153 Watson: Param6 = Unknown 05/16/2007 13:10:09.184 Watson: Param7 = SQL9 05/16/2007 13:10:09.200 Watson: Param8 = Hotfix@ 05/16/2007 13:10:09.231 Watson: Param9 = x86 05/16/2007 13:10:09.247 Watson: Param10 = 3042 05/16/2007 13:10:09.309 Installed product: SQL9 05/16/2007 13:10:09.356 Hotfix package completed 05/16/2007 13:10:09.388 Attempting to continue the 32 bit ngen queue
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Jul 25, 2007
Hello, How are you? I have a problem when I try to create a new connection with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition from Visual Studio 2005 IDE. When I��m going to choose the data source, the SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition provider doesn��t appear in the list. I installed the SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition from this page http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=%2085E0C3CE-3FA1-453A-8CE9-AF6CA20946C3&displaylang=en. In the additional information says by installing SQLServerCE31-EN.msi installs the provider (System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll) in the GAC (global assembly cache) and registers the OLEDB provider (sqlceoledb30.dll). So, I don��t understand why couldn��t I create a new connection with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition from Visual Studio 2005 IDE? I appreciate your help��
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Apr 17, 2007
Hi,all BI experts here, Thank you very much for your kind attention. I am having a problem with connecting to SQL Server 2005 database from Office Business Scorecard Manager 2005 (the connection string i am using is: provider=SQLOLEDB;Data source=server_name; Initial catalog=database_name). But the connection failed. Would please any experts here shed me any light on what is the problem and how to fix it then? As there is no any forum for Office Business Scrorecard manager 2005. Therefore I post my thread here as it is related to the connection to SQL Server 2005 database engine, thought here is the best place for this question. Thank you very in advance for your kind advices and help. And I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. With best regards, Yours sincerely,
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Sep 19, 2007
I created a database maintenance plan on sql server 2005 (standard SP2, cluster environment). The plan created successfully on scheduled successfully. But when execute the plan, it fails. Here is the information in the log: The last step to run was step 1 (TranLog backup).,00:00:01,0,0,,,,0 09/19/2007 12:06:38,Tranlog backups.TranLog backup,Error,1,LAIWWORKSITE1LA,Tranlog backups.TranLog backup,TranLog backup,,Executed as user: STROOCKSQLSRV. Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility Version 9.00.3042.00 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 12:06:38 PM Warning: 2007-09-19 12:06:39.27 Code: 0x80012017 Source: Tranlog backups Description: The package path referenced an object that cannot be found: "PackageTranLog backup.Disable". This occurs when an attempt is made to resolve a package path to an object that cannot be found. End Warning DTExec: Could not set PackageTranLog backup.Disable value to false. Started: 12:06:38 PM Finished: 12:06:39 PM Elapsed: 0.688 seconds. The package execution failed. The step failed.,00:00:01,0,0,,,,0 Any ideas? Thanks.
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Oct 3, 2007
Hi there, We have lately experianced a strange problem with our SQL Server 2005 x64 (SP2) that is NOT consistent but when it happens it happens on the same time. Almost every night at 03:30 one of our databases (not all) seems to be down or locked. When i have a look at the order table in this database I can see that we have stopped recieving orders after 03:30. Two hours later (05:30) I can see the following error each minute in the error log until we reboot the server: All schedulers on Node 0 appear deadlocked due to a large number of worker threads waiting on LCK_M_IS. Process Utilization 0%%. As we have a maintenance job running at 03:30 it feels like this is the problem. The job performs the following tasks: "Check Database Integrity -> Rebuild Index -> Reorganize Index" When i look at the history of the job it looks like it's not completed and only the "Check Database Integrity" task was runned. No error message here either. Also when i look in the error log i can see that the Maintenance job is started but never ended. Worth to notice is that I get the follwoing info in the log after the start-message: Configuration option 'user options' changed from 0 to 0. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install. Also, when i run this job manually daytime it works great! Anyone having any idees on this? Is it possible to track this even more? I'm tired of restarting the server 03:30 in the morning =) Thanks Jon
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Apr 21, 2008
Hello, I use SQL Server Express 2005 SP2.(Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3042.00) I want to make a maintenance plan, but I don't have a task called "maintenance plan" I am user sa with "sysadmin" How can I make a maintenance plan. Thanks for your help Thomas
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Feb 21, 2008
Can anyone please provide me with some Best Practises for setting up Maintenance plans? IE what order should things be done in? What should be done daily, weekly, monthly, yearly... I am attempting to setup a new server and I am now 100% sure I have the maintenance plan setup correctly... expecially when I attempted to run it last night it and ran for over 8 hours and still didn't do the backup's yet. I had to reboot the server this morning to make it stop using 100% of the CPU. So please any help would be wonderful. Regards, Billy S.
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Aug 10, 2007
I've seen a few threads on this which seem to suppose the problem is on Express edition rather than Standard edition. Not so here. This is definitely Standard edition, SP3 as seen by running SELECT CONVERT(char(20), SERVERPROPERTY('Edition')) SELECT CONVERT(char(20), SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel')) In SSMS Under the Management folder there is no "Maintenance Plans" folder. There IS a "Maintenance Plans" folder under the Legacy Folder. I have another instance which is Standard and SP1 which looks just fine.
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Jul 5, 2007
Hi all, We have a SQL Server 2005 64-bit, and recently I upgrade from build 3042 to 3054 and I try to do a maintenance plan for transaction logs(TL) backup, including cleanup for two days (have full backup every night). Problem I have is that I want the TL files to dump in a different location(due to disk space), so I put in the UNC path in the "Create a backup file for every database - >Folder:\FileServerTLDBLogs" NB: if using the local drives, it work Check List Security: - The account that I used to create the plan is an sa account - The location that I dump the TL files, I have full access to the folder SQL Statement: exec xp_cmdshell 'dir FileServerTLDBLogs' (it list all files) Is this a bug for 64-bit? because I can do this on SQL Server 2005 32-bit and it's work perfectly
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May 15, 2006
We are using SQL Server 2005 (SP1). I have created a maintenance plan that backs up up the datebase every night. The problem is that the transaction log is continuing to grow. I have been told that a full backup will automatically truncate and shrink the transaction log. However, this is not happening. How can I truncate and shrink the transaction log after a full backup as part of our maintenance plan. Thank you.
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Nov 18, 2007
I have a SQL Server 2005 x64 bit with SP2 applied and patched to KB934458-x64-ENU (9.0.3054) I am unable to create a maintenance plan via Management Studio or save a plan in Management Studio using the wizard. If I just try and create a new maintenance plan, then I get the following problem: "An OLE DB error 0x80004005 (Login timeout expired) occurred while enumerating packages. A SQL statement was issued and failed." If I try and create any maintenance plan via the wizard, I get the following problem: "The SaveToSQLServer method has encountered OLE DB error code 0x80004005 (Login timeout expired). The SQL statement that was issued has failed." I've doen a bit of digging on this and had initially thought it was related to the fact that I have two instances installed on 1 server. I've since updated the MsDtsSrvr.ini.xml file to point at both instances, as I thought that might have been causing the problem. That hasn't helped at all. Edited example of xml file is below: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><DtsServiceConfiguration xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <StopExecutingPackagesOnShutdown>true</StopExecutingPackagesOnShutdown> <TopLevelFolders> <Folder xsi:type="SqlServerFolder"> <Name>MSDB SQL Server Instance 1</Name> <ServerName>ServerNameInstanceName1</ServerName> </Folder> <Name>MSDB Server Instance 2</Name> <ServerName>ServerNameInstanceName2</ServerName> </Folder> <Folder xsi:type="FileSystemFolder"> <Name>File System</Name> <StorePath>..Packages</StorePath> </Folder> </TopLevelFolders> </DtsServiceConfiguration> Any suggestions would be most welcome!
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Mar 24, 2008
I used the toolbox to select maintenance cleanup task to create the job to do this. In reading similar notes regarding this problem, some people mentioned that there was a choice to include subfolders. I do not have this choice. When I execute select @@version I get Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3042.00 (X64) Feb 10 2007 00:59:02 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2) . This is running on a cluster. Any idea what is going on here? Thanks.
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Apr 13, 2007
I installed SQL Server 2005 Enterprise, then SP1 and then SP2, Maintenance Plan worked. But if I installed SQL Server 2005 Enterprise and then SP2 directly (skipping SP1), the Check Database Integrity in Maintenance Plan was not working. The error message is as follows: Executed as user: DomainSqlServiceAccount. Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility Version 9.00.3042.00 for 64-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 10:56:21 AM Could not load package "Maintenance PlansTest Plan" because of error 0xC0014062. Description: The LoadFromSQLServer method has encountered OLE DB error code 0x80004005 (Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.). The SQL statement that was issued has failed. Source: Started: 10:56:21 AM Finished: 10:56:21 AM Elapsed: 0.047 seconds. The package could not be loaded. The step failed. Other tasks like Rebuild Index seem to be fine. SP2 is supposed to be inclusive. Does anyone have any ideas on why this is happening. Thanks E.G.
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Jul 26, 2007
Hi Fellas, I would really appreciate if you could help me out with the following two questions? 1) Can 2005 server files be converted to 6.5? and how? 2) How easy it to upgrade from 6.5 to 2005? and how? I would be really grateful by your help Nick
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Aug 1, 2006
I need Microsoft SQL Server 2005 direct link even if is trail plz...
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Aug 31, 2006
What is the maximum number of DB that I can create? Infinite?Thanks
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Nov 10, 2006
Hi,I have a requirement of SQL server 2005 but I am confused about the different edition like Workgroup Edition, Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition. What is the feature base difference in these editions. Can any one help me on this issue it's urgent. I am running a database server in SQL Server 2000 websites (ASP.net application is also running there) and the database access will be high as there are number of websites accessing data from it.Thanks in advance.Ankur
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Nov 6, 2007
Hi,I have a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise installed on Windows Server 2003, and developing web application for 500 clients. So I am interested will I have any performance issues if I put in 'Articles' table, data for all 500 clients and then filter it on client ID, or should I make 500 'Articles' tables for every client one with different name and then change sqldatasource for gridview depending on which client is working on it. I will have, beside 'Articles' table, another 10 tables, which means 5500 tables total, if I use second approach, on first I will have only 11 tables. So I am asking is it better to have more tables with less data, or less tables with more data. And what are pros and cons for both approach. Thanks a lot!
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Mar 1, 2006
Hi, Firstly, I had to post this query here since I did not find any other place relating to Microsoft SQL Analysis Server 2005 and that it is related to SQL server 2005. I am using Microsoft SQL analysis server 2005 and .NET 1.1 for Asp.NET (C#) I need to programmatically create Measures, Dimensions and Cubes using .Net 1.1 (C#) in an Asp.NET page, and then I need to access the measures, dimensions and cubes again from another Asp.Net page. My querys are: 1. To create and manipulate the SQL Analysis server objects like Dimensions, Cubes what should I use? The documentation for Analysis server 2005 says we can use (Analysis Management Objects)AMO. but I am not sure if we can use it with .NET 1.1? 2. If AMO is possible, then what to use? There is one more technology we can use called as (Deciscion Suport Objects) DSO. but they are COM based and were for Analysis services 2000. 3. To query the data, what technology can I use? Microsoft says we can use ADOMD.NET. Microsoft also gives many other technologies that I think do similar work, like XMLA, ASSL. Can somebody help me in this. Also please do give me some links that have code samples for the same. Thanks and Regards Vijay R
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