I have a question,how to fix table header in reporting services?
because my informations are alot
and when i scroll on my report i lose the header and my user always
wants to see table header
create table temp ( Â Â date1 datetime, Â Â category varchar(3), Â Â amount money
In above format:15-10 means Oct 15, 15-09 means Sept 15I am getting issues while formatting this in SSRS.I need SSRS table headers to be dynamic. I need that it should be according to the sql table header...The table header should change according to the sql query
I have a report that I created and the report was working until I added some fields to a group footer row in a table.
My table has 5 group levels. I had information displaying in the 5th level header group and detail. It was working fine. Then I added some fields to the 4th level group footer. Now it displays only the Page header, Table header, and the 4th level group footer data.
What happened to the rest of the data?
All the cells and rows I want to display have the Visibility Hidden set to false. I tried removing the objects I added (to the 4th level group footer) and it still does not work. Is this a bug or did I set something that is hiding the data.
I need some help. I am writing a report in SSRS 2005 that I then need to export to Excel. When I put a report header I would expect the header to not display in the Excel spreadsheet until the Print Preview or the Print. The report footer works just fine I put some text in the footer, and it shows up in the footer. The header though, shows up as a row in the Excel spreadsheet that then causes columns to merge. How do I get the report header to act like a page header?
I am making a book-like report, I am using a report that has a header and calling a sub-report that has it's own header. However the sub-report header is not showing on the parent report. Parent report header is prevailing over the sub-report. Is it possible to have both headers displaying?
There is a one header in the report, when I publish and hit the report in IE(internet explor) the header appears fine on first page when I go to next page this header does not appear.
But in mozilla the header is visible on every page of the report. so it is working fine in mozilla.
I feel like I read about a new ability in SSRS 2005 to be able to lock the position of a table's header row (when viewing through the report viewer) so that it does not scroll out of view when scrolling down long report. Now that I need it, I have not been able to find any information about it. Does anyone have any information about this feature or know if this feature exists?
I have inserted a table in the layout. I want to create in the header of this table a field that sums up a set of values from a iif statement. So My expression is =sum(iif(Fields!aloc.value=2, Fields!balc.Value, 0)). What I'm trying to do is sum all the values where aloc=2. I Get an error saying The value expression for the textbox €˜textbox134€™ uses an aggregate function on data of varying data types. Aggregate functions other than First, Last, Previous, Count, and CountDistinct can only aggregate data of a single data type. That data type of balc is Float. What am I doing wrong or what do I need to do to fix this? I have no schooling on Reporting Services or SQL. I've been learning as I go for the past 6 months.
I am trying to create a csv file without the field header information. First, I hid the table header row, then each column header separately, then removed the table header alltogether, but when I print to a CSV file the field headers still show up. This file is going to be use as input to another application and they do not want the header information.
I have been requested to add the sum of an interger field to the table header. I have the sum in the footer (which is very easy to do), but I cannot get the sum to appear in the table header.
I then set-up the stored procedure to run the sum, and place it into a dummy field. I still cannot add this field to the table header. Instead of printing the data for the dummy field (the correct total), it instead prints the actual field name on the report.
Is there anyway to place a sum in a table header on a SQL Server Report?
In RS 2005 i am using a table to show the multiple records.Now i want to repeat the header of the table for each record of table but dont know how to do this.the layout should like..
Hi. I have a rectangle in the page header which contains the report graphic and title. I use the rectangle's Propeties > Visibility tab > Expression, with the following code,
=IIF(Globals!PageNumber = 1, False, True)
However, on pages after page 1, the report table's height is the same as page 1 and it's positioned at the same spot as page 1 -- down about 2 inches from the top. How do I get the table's height to fill the page on pages after page 1?
Hello,I am currently working on a monthly load process with a datamart. Ioriginally designed the tables in a normalized fashion with the ideathat I would denormalize as needed once I got an idea of what theperformance was like. There were some performance problems, so thedecision was made to denormalize. Now the users are happy with thequery performance, but loading the tables is much more difficult.Specifically...There were two main tables, a header table and a line item table. Thesehave been combined into one table. For my loads I still receive them asseparate files though. The problem is that I might receive a line itemfor a header that began two months ago. When this happens I don't get aheader record in the current month's file - I just get the record inthe line items file. So now I have to join the header and line itemtables in my staging database to get the denormalized rows, but I alsomay have to get header information from my main denormalized table(~150 million rows). For simplicity I will only include the primarykeys and one other column to represent the rest of the row below. Thetables are actually very wide.Staging database:CREATE TABLE dbo.Claims (CLM_ID BIGINT NOT NULL,CLM_DATA VARCHAR(100) NULL )CREATE TABLE dbo.Claim_Lines (CLM_ID BIGINT NOT NULL,LN_NO SMALLINT NOT NULL,CLM_LN_DATA VARCHAR(100) NULL )Target database:CREATE TABLE dbo.Target (CLM_ID BIGINT NOT NULL,LN_NO SMALLINT NOT NULL,CLM_DATA VARCHAR(100) NULL,CLM_LN_DATA VARCHAR(100) NULL )I can either pull back all of the necessary header rows from the targettable to the claims table and then do one insert using a join betweenclaims and claim lines into the target table OR I can do one insertwith a join between claims and claim lines and then a second insertwith a join between claim lines and target for those lines that weren'talready added.Some things that I've tried:INSERT INTO Staging.dbo.Claims (CLM_ID, CLM_DATA)SELECT DISTINCT T.CLM_ID, T.CLM_DATAFROM Staging.dbo.Claim_Lines CLLEFT OUTER JOIN Staging.dbo.Claims C ON C.CLM_ID = CL.CLM_IDINNER JOIN Target.dbo.Target T ON T.CLM_ID = CL.CLM_IDWHERE C.CLM_ID IS NULLINSERT INTO Staging.dbo.Claims (CLM_ID, CLM_DATA)SELECT T.CLM_ID, T.CLM_DATAFROM Staging.dbo.Claim_Lines CLLEFT OUTER JOIN Staging.dbo.Claims C ON C.CLM_ID = CL.CLM_IDINNER JOIN Target.dbo.Target T ON T.CLM_ID = CL.CLM_IDWHERE C.CLM_ID IS NULLGROUP BY T.CLM_ID, T.CLM_DATAINSERT INTO Staging.dbo.Claims (CLM_ID, CLM_DATA)SELECT DISTINCT T.CLM_ID, T.CLM_DATAFROM Target.dbo.Target TINNER JOIN (SELECT CL.CLM_IDFROM Staging.dbo.Claim_Lines CLLEFT OUTER JOIN Staging.dbo.Claims C ON C.CLM_ID =CL.CLM_IDWHERE C.CLM_ID IS NULL) SQ ON SQ.CLM_ID = T.CLM_IDI've also used EXISTS and IN in various queries. No matter which methodI use, the query plans tend to want to do a clustered index scan on thetarget table (actually a partitioned view partitioned by year). Thenumber of headers that were in the target but not the header file thismonth was about 42K out of 1M.So.... any other ideas on how I can set up a query to get the distinctheaders from the denormalized table? Right now I'm considering usingworktables if I can't figure anything else out, but I don't know ifthat will really help me much either.I'm not looking for a definitive answer here, just some ideas that Ican try.Thanks,-Tom.
NOTE: Excel 07' is installed on my machine, but saved file as Excel 97-03
SSIS package- -Execute sql task with sql statement that drops table (drop table [sheet1]) -Execute sql task with sql statement to create table -Data flow task to send some rows to excel sheet
Running this package over and over will keep appending rows to the excel sheet. Upon further examination I'm noticing that the drop table excecute sql task is only deleting the header record. I know this used to work when I only had the previous version of excel installed on my machine.
Any ideas? Is this a problem when working with Excel 2007 in compatibility mode? I'm about to just delete the file altogether and re-create it.
I'm not sure what is going on but I created a table in the body of a report. I have set the RepeatOnNewPage property to be true. When I preview it the header is on all pages. Perfect! However when I print preview it or export to PDF the header is on Page 1 thru 6 it skips 7 and 8 and then prints on 9. This is happening on a few of my reports.
I am trying to work on a database with 3 tables. To make it easier I have created a couple of temp tables to work out the syntax.
CREATE TABLE #owner ( [NameId] tinyint IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Name] varchar(50) NOT NULL )
INSERT INTO #owner VALUES ('ME'); INSERT INTO #owner VALUES ('Other');
CREATE TABLE #propertyType ( [TypeId] tinyint IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Name] varchar(50) NOT NULL )
INSERT INTO #propertyType VALUES ('Home'); INSERT INTO #propertyType VALUES ('Car');
CREATE TABLE #property ( [NameId] tinyint NOT NULL, [TypeId] tinyint NOT NULL, [Value] varchar(50) NOT NULL )
INSERT INTO #property VALUES (1,1, 'Blue'); INSERT INTO #property VALUES (1,2, 'Black'); INSERT INTO #property VALUES (2,1, 'Red'); INSERT INTO #property VALUES (2,2, 'Black');
DROP TABLE #owner; DROP TABLE #propertyType; DROP TABLE #property
| NameId | Name | | 1 | ME| | 2 | other |
| TypeId | Name | | 1 | Home | | 2 | Car |
| NameId | TypeId | Value | | 1 | 1 | Blue | | 1 | 2 | Black | | 2 | 1 | Red | | 2 | 2 | Black |
Where property value is some arbitrary detail. The real propertyType has 50 or 60 rows and not every property has all of the values. I am trying to create a pivot table that would look like so that I can present the data in an easier to understand format:
[Owner | Home | Car ] [ME | Blue | Black ] [Other| Red | Black ]
The propertyTypes are added often, and I don't really have the ability to change them. There is a unique constrant on property on nameid and typeid so there will never be two of the same property with the same owner. Any help would be very helpful.
I have report with a table, that generates rows to more than 1 page. When the user prints the report, each page should show the table header. Presently or by default , the table header is shown(printed) only on the first page.
I hope hope you can help me because I am sort of helpless here. I searched the web for this issue ("reporting services subreport overflow to new page no table header in main report"), however could not seem to be lucky enogh to find a result. The search string pretty much sums it up: A table cell of my report contains a sub-report that displays multiple lines of data itself. If the data output of the sub-report is long enough to overflow to the next page, the table header of the main report table is not displayed on the new page.
Some background info: The data table of this report has three data rows per record, the first of which contains a cell containing an employee's name and some more merged cells containing the sub-report in question. The header row of the main report data table has the attribute "RepeatOnNewPage" set to true and the data table itself has the attribute "RepeatHeaderOnNewPage" also set to true. If it matters, the SQL Server version is the one needed to run MS CRM 3.0 - 2000 it was, IIRC. My software design environment ist Visual Studio 2003 with the Reporting Services addon.
So, if anyone of you knows, what do I have to do to display the table header even on the pages a sub-report overflows to?
I very much look forward to your answers or helpful links.
My problem is about the rendering behaivor of large subreports (more than 1 page) In that cases the subreport begins in a second page (a new page), it skips the end of the first page and starts on the top of the next page, leaving the first page with blank space. Another efect of this behaivor is that the parent table's header row will not print to the next pages even it the RepeatOnNewPage is set to true.
I saw many posts related to this (I list them at the end) and only one answer from the Microsoft team (in the post of the user Luca B. - sub-reports don't start in the first page http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=18227&SiteID=1). In resume, the answer is that there are an implicit keep toghether property and that this behaivor will be reviwed in the fucture
I am using SQL Server 2005 with SP2 and the "behaivor" continues.
Someone of the Microsoft team can tell us if this behaivor will be changed and when?
I find the folowing posts reletade to the problem:
Post title - Author- URL
sub-reports don't start in the first page - Luca B. - http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=18227&SiteID=1
Can't get a Subreport to start on the correct page or table header to repeat on multiple pages - unit107 - http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=423599&SiteID=1
Subreport not printing or exporting properly - EJJ -http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=803828&SiteID=1
Sub Reports Issue - Leo12 - http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=1033532&SiteID=1
Sub report ocassionally forcing page break when printing - Tom Majarov - http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=244333&SiteID=1
Headers on new pages using Lists and Subreports - Charleh - http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=93675&SiteID=1
Subreports and page breaks - dsavill - http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=355655&SiteID=1
I use RS2000 SP2. I would like to set table header to Print titles option when export a report to excel. I try to create text boxes in stead of table on Page header area. This way seems good, however, this way is difficult for preventing merged cell problem.
Does anyone know good solution? Does it solve at RS2005?
I have a need to show a "header" row inside a table group. The row will look like a header but the table has no true Header or Footer. The table will group by the a person's name and inside each group will be a set of rows. If I put a row between the group row and the inside data row, it will show for each row inside the group. I only want this "header" row to show once for each group and before any of the actual data rows in the group.
I have a flat file with header and detail information, it is actually employee punch card data. I need to parse the header line which contains the Employee ID and don't save it to a table just save the value. Then with the detail line, parse the different data elements and save them along with the employee ID to one table. Then continue until the next header line is read.
So I think I need a data flow transformation object that let's me save the Employee ID into a variable available when the next record is read. What type of transformation would be best?
I am staring to lose my mind on all this "work-around" BS in trying to create a dynamic header.
I have a report with contains a table, whose first two lines are a header line in which I want to repeat on each page. Then I have about 20 detail rows of information related to the header. The 21st detail row is a merged cell that contains a subreport relating to the header item.
When printing to PDF, the detail rows consume about half the page and the subreport is anywere from half a page to several pages long. When the subreport is more than half a page, it skips the end of the first page and starts on the top of the next page, leaving the bottom half of the first page blank. No matter what I set the page breaking to, it continues this behavior. In addition, when the subreport data spans more than one page, my parent table's header row will not print to the next page even it the RepeatOnNewPage is set to true.
I am coding this way because I have found no good way of creating a dynamic header that will correctly and consistantly display data that has detail that spans more than one page.
I have a record in an Excel format (Excel 2010) and I would like to bulk import that into SQL Server 2008 and also while importing, SQL Server will automatically create a new table based on the header fields or row of the source file.
I am not sure if SQL Server 2008 has this capabilities.
I have a need to show a row inside a table group to simulate a header row for the data rows inside the group. The table will not have a real header or footer. Thanks for the help.
Hi Guys, In Sql Server Management Studio, when I have run a query and I want to export to file, how do I include the headers (field Names) in the first row to be exported also.