Table Corruption After Sp_rename

Oct 5, 2000

Sql 7. SP 2

After renaming a table Table_tbl to Table_old
and vise-versa.

When selecting from Table_old (for yesterday's data)
I get errors stating that Page belongs to Table_tbl.

Any suggestions on how to successfully rename Old to New, etc.
And not have cross-linked data pages??

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Table Corruption

Jun 28, 2001

I have a database with a corrupt table and no matter what I do (dbcc's and rebuilding indexes), there are row fetch errors still occurring daily. My solution now is just to drop the table and recreate it.
Is it as simple as copying the data out of the original table, dropping the original table, and recreating the original table? What about the pointers to other pages? Referential integrety? Please give me a good reference for this subject or let me know. Thank you?

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Table Corruption...

Oct 3, 2005

I get the following errors when I ran dbcc checkdb..

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Table error: Object ID 0, index ID 0, page ID (1:13015). The PageId in the page header = (0:0).
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Table error: Object ID 0, index ID 0, page ID (1:13039). The PageId in the page header = (0:0).
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Object ID 18099105, index ID 0: Page (1:13015) could not be processed. See other errors for details.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Table error: Object ID 18099105, index ID 1. Page (1:12777) is missing a reference from previous page (1:12567). Possible chain linkage problem.


[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Table error: Object ID 562101043, index ID 2. The high key value on page (1:1779) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (0:1), slot 0 of the next page (1:13072).

What does it mean and how can i resolve them....
Database went into suspect mode , is this the likely cause..

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Table Corruption?

Jul 23, 2005

I have a table in my database called Users:CREATE TABLE [Users] ([UserID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Users_UserID]DEFAULT (newid()),[UserName] [nvarchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL ,[password] [nvarchar] (40) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL ,[EmailAddress] [nvarchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNOT NULL ,[ValidFrom] [datetime] NOT NULL ,[ValidTo] [datetime] NULL ,[passwordSalt] [bigint] NOT NULL ,[FullName] [nvarchar] (200) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL ,[CreatorUserID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ,[DeletorUserID] [uniqueidentifier] NULL ,CONSTRAINT [PK_Users] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([UserID],[]) ON [PRIMARY] ,CONSTRAINT [UX_Users_UserName] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED([UserName]) ON [PRIMARY] ,CONSTRAINT [FK_Users_UsersCreator] FOREIGN KEY([CreatorUserID]) REFERENCES [Users] ([UserID]),CONSTRAINT [FK_Users_UsersDeletor] FOREIGN KEY([DeletorUserID]) REFERENCES [Users] ([UserID]),CONSTRAINT [CK_Users_Finished] CHECK ([ValidTo] is null and[DeletorUserID] is null or ((not([ValidTo] is null))) and((not([DeletorUserID] is null)))),CONSTRAINT [CK_Users_ValidDates] CHECK ([ValidFrom] <= [ValidTo])) ON [PRIMARY]GOIf you're looking at the Primary Key constraint above, you can probablyalready see the problem (this script was produced by Query Analyzer).If I try to get query analyzer to just script the PK, I get thefollowing error message:[SQL-DMO]The name '' is not a valid object identifier, or is not avalid format for this property or method.I've googled for this phrase, and cannot locate it. If I drop all ofthe constraints in my database, and reapply the constraints to Usersusing the following script:alter table Users add constraintDF_Users_UserID DEFAULT NEWID() FOR UserIDgoalter table Users add constraintPK_Users PRIMARY KEY(UserID) on [PRIMARY]goalter table Users add constraintUX_Users_UserName UNIQUE(UserName)goalter table Users add constraintCK_Users_ValidDates CHECK(ValidFrom <= ValidTo)goalter table Users add constraintCK_Users_Finished CHECK((ValidTo is null andDeletorUserID is null)or(not ValidTo is null andnot DeletorUserID is null))goalter table Users add constraintFK_Users_UsersCreator FOREIGN KEY(CreatorUserID)REFERENCES Users(UserID)goalter table Users add constraintFK_Users_UsersDeletor FOREIGN KEY(DeletorUserID)REFERENCES Users(UserID)goI *still* have this wierd PK. I've checked through both theINFORMATION_SCHEMA views and directly through the system tables, and sofar as they are concerned there is only a single column (UserID) actingas part of the PK.So, any ideas? It appears to be preventing us from setting upreplication. Thankfully, it also occurs in a restored backup of the DB,so I'll be able to reproduce/attempt fixes to my hearts content.Thanks,Damien

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Table Corruption - DBCC Output

Dec 14, 2005

Server: Msg 8928, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 1513928615, index ID 0: Page (3:33709) could not be processed. See other errors for details.
Server: Msg 8944, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1513928615, index ID 0, page (3:33709), row 0. Test (ColumnOffsets <= (nextRec - pRec)) failed. Values are 95 and 30.
DBCC results for 'Result'.
There are 41589306 rows in 660667 pages for object 'Result'.
CHECKTABLE found 0 allocation errors and 2 consistency errors in table 'Result' (object ID 1513928615).
repair_allow_data_loss is the minimum repair level for the errors found by DBCC CHECKTABLE (LASAR2.dbo.Result ).

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Apparent Data Corruption In Table

Apr 17, 2007

I use SQL Server 2000 as a backend database for my Access Front end. It has been working fine for months with no problems.
This morning I arrived in work to find a problem with a table called "TimeSheets". If I try to access the table through Access I get an ODBC timeout error. Likewise, if I open the table in Enterprise manager, it opens fine, but any sorts or if I try to go to the last record, it returns the following error: "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Timout expired".

So I tried to query the table in SQL Query Analyzer. Everytime it freezes on record 15,936. The table holds 17,643 records.

I tried running DBCC CHECKTABLE ('Timesheets'), and get the following message:

DBCC results for 'Timesheet - Item'.
There are 17643 rows in 401 pages for object 'Timesheet - Item'.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

I can't see any error messages, but by now I'm reaching the limit of my knowledge of SQL Server.

So, can anybody please help me with this? Any suggestions why my table has apparently become corrupted? Any suggestions how I might fix it?

Thanks a lot for any help


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Index Corruption On Table Without Key: What Could Be The Reasons ?

Sep 14, 2005

Dear group,we are running a SQL-Server Database which is about 30 GB large. Thepurpose of this database is to contain periodic data from automaticdevices which insert values into some tables.Unfortunately most of these tables don't have a key (and a key can onlybe introduced when the application programmers have changed theirsoftware). Tables have this structuredeviceno timestamp datawhere we expect for every device and timestamp one row of data.In the ongoing operation it happens that the index of this large tablegets corrupted and a select from this table yields 2 rows for somedevices.In fact a select "SELECT DEVICENO, TIMESTAMP, COUNT(*) FROM TABLE GROUPBY DEVICENO, TIMESTAMP HAVING COUNT(*) > 1" returns lots of data.After rebuild of the indexes the table is "clean" again.What could cause the index corruption ?Missing key?Faulty application program ?a combination of both ?How can i prevent this from happening again, as long as there is noupdated database / application ?I'd be grateful for any useful commentRegardsUli

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Nov 28, 2007

Hi There,
 Why does the following statement doesn't work when i execute this in the master database? How should it be altered?
Kindest Regards

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May 16, 2008

Does anyone know how to do a sp_rename thats not held to the current database?

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Table Corruption On Adjust Table

Mar 15, 2006

I have an old application running on SQL Server 6.5 (6.50.416) that has a number of internal issues - inability to dump the transaction logs (would dump 9gb out of a 10gb datbase everytime regardless of truncating the logs), transaction log size of 0 even though 700mb allocated, very long DBCC's (though they complete properly).

I am trying to salvage the database by using DTS to copy out the schema, data, sp's, etc. into a new database.

I have the conversion running without error. Data usage goes from almost 10gb down to under 3gb and the transaction logs are now working.

However, when I use DBCC checkdb on the new database, I get the following (just a small sample):

Checking 524528902
Msg 2506, Level 16, State 3
Table Corrupt: The values in adjust table should be in ascending order starting from the end of the table (page#=25930 row#=10); check adjust table in this row
Msg 2524, Level 16, State 1
Table Corrupt: Row length is inconsistent between the computed row length and the recorded row length on page; check the following page and row: pageno=25930 row#=10 computed row length=551 row length on page=550
Msg 2506, Level 16, State 3
Table Corrupt: The values in adjust table should be in ascending order starting from the end of the table (page#=25941 row#=2); check adjust table in this row
Msg 2524, Level 16, State 1
Table Corrupt: Row length is inconsistent between the computed row length and the recorded row length on page; check the following page and row: pageno=25941 row#=2 computed row length=527 row length on page=526
Msg 2596, Level 16, State 1
Page pointer = 0x1b20a800, pageno = 25941, status = 0xD, objectid = 524528902, indexid = 0 has an incorrect pgfreeoff value of 1794. The offset should be 1384.
Msg 2506, Level 16, State 3
Table Corrupt: The values in adjust table should be in ascending order starting from the end of the table (page#=25967 row#=2); check adjust table in this row
Msg 2524, Level 16, State 1
Table Corrupt: Row length is inconsistent between the computed row length and the recorded row length on page; check the following page and row: pageno=25967 row#=2 computed row length=527 row length on page=526
Msg 2596, Level 16, State 1
Page pointer = 0x22ab9000, pageno = 25967, status = 0x5, objectid = 524528902, indexid = 0 has an incorrect pgfreeoff value of 1667. The offset should be 1345.
Msg 2506, Level 16, State 3
Table Corrupt: The values in adjust table should be in ascending order starting from the end of the table (page#=26146 row#=0); check adjust table in this row
Msg 2524, Level 16, State 1
Table Corrupt: Row length is inconsistent between the computed row length and the recorded row length on page; check the following page and row: pageno=26146 row#=0 computed row length=551 row length on page=550
Msg 2506, Level 16, State 3
Table Corrupt: The values in adjust table should be in ascending order starting from the end of the table (page#=26151 row#=5); check adjust table in this row
Msg 2524, Level 16, State 1
Table Corrupt: Row length is inconsistent between the computed row length and the recorded row length on page; check the following page and row: pageno=26151 row#=5 computed row length=521 row length on page=520
Msg 2506, Level 16, State 3
Table Corrupt: The values in adjust table should be in ascending order starting from the end of the table (page#=26163 row#=0); check adjust table in this row
Msg 2524, Level 16, State 1
Table Corrupt: Row length is inconsistent between the computed row length and the recorded row length on page; check the following page and row: pageno=26163 row#=0 computed row length=546 row length on page=545
Msg 2596, Level 16, State 1
Page pointer = 0x218ba800, pageno = 26163, status = 0x5, objectid = 524528902, indexid = 0 has an incorrect pgfreeoff value of 1387. The offset should be 577.

The errors occur only on 3 specific user tables, and are consistent each time I try the conversion. Same exact page numbers and offsets (page pointers are of course different). I do not get any DBCC errors on the original DB at all. I can do select's on the tables without issue, and they seem to have the correct amount of data (did row counts and sums of various columns)

Any insight into what might be causing this or what the actual error is would be welcome.



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Sp_Rename Problem...

Jul 20, 2005

SQL Server 7.0I have a stored procedure that builds some tables. To minimize down time(it is the backend for a website), I build the tables into temp (not #temp)tables, drop and rename the tables with SP_Rename. On ONLY one of the tablerenames (1 of 8), I get the following Error:sp_rename error: 15248 Severity 11Error: The parameter @oldname is either ambiguous or the claimed @itemtype((null)) was wrong. It refers to Line 256.Again I get no errors doing the exact same process on the other 7 tables.Anybody have any ideas?Barry

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DDL Triggers And Detecting Sp_rename

Jan 2, 2008

I am trying to use DDL triggers to detect all changes to a table.

Sometimes a user directly or (more likely) through the SQL Server Management Studio GUI renames a column via sp_rename.

I can't seem to figure out how to detect such renames using a DDL trigger. Is there any way or is this a limitation of the DDL trigger system?

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2005 Breaks Sp_rename For Constraints?

Aug 30, 2006

BooksOnline indicates that sp_rename can still be used to rename constraints such as primary keys, foreign keys, defaults, etc. in SQL Server 2005. However, when I try to do so I get this:

"Either the parameter @objname is ambiguous or the claimed @objtype (object) is wrong."

After looking at the code for sp_rename, it looks like this problem might be related to another bit of apparent misbehavior on 2005's part: when I execute "select object_name()" with the Id number of a constraint, it returns the name, but when I execute "select object_id()" with the name of that same constraint, it returns null. Why is that?



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Multiple Sp_rename In Transact-SQL Script Won't Work

May 6, 2008

Recently I have been trying to write a script in order to redo this entire database, it's actually only about rectifying column and table names as well as a few erroneous relations, etc. The idea is that the actual data is okay it's just the organization that is completely messed up (spaces in column and table names, etc.)

Anyway my problem is this, a part of this script is about mass-renaming columns and tables the code is as follows in the Query Analyzer:

Code Snippet

sp_rename 'DOMAINE.[Nom DOMAINE]', 'NOM', 'COLUMN';

When I barely analyze the code (Ctrl+F5) it gives me the following error:
Serveur : Msg 170, Niveau 15, État 1, Ligne 2
Ligne 2 : syntaxe incorrecte vers 'sp_rename'.

Which would roughly translate into:
Server : Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Line 2 : Incorrect syntax near 'sp_rename'

When I execute it, it gives the same error. Why does it do that when i give it the two lines while if i enter the lines one by one it works just fine. How is a SCRIPT supposed to work if I have to "baby-feed" every statement separately.

i am working on SQL Server 2000 (in Query Analyzer menu ?/About .. it says SQL Version 8.00.194

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DB Corruption

Mar 26, 1999

The MS SQL Server SQLMaint Utility returned this error:

[4] Check System Data...

The following errors were found:

Database Corrupt: The last checkpoint in Sysdatabases is incorrect.
Syslogs recorded a different checkpoint
** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 1 secs **

I've read that this is no big deal, that a row in the sysdatabases table
hasn't been updated to reflect the latest checkpoint, and that rebooting
the server would clear this. However, rebooting did not clear it.
Any ideas?

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Corruption Anyone?

Apr 18, 2008

Here's the dbcc of a corrupt database. I had to eventually run it with data loss and piece together the deleted records from an old backup and drop them in a clean db.

I apologize in advance if there's an faq out there already that explains my answer in detail...

The question I put to you is: 1) How do I we prevent our customers from having this occur again? I can guess the list would include: IO checks, battery backup, SQL 2000 sp4 applied (only sp3 is applied btw), SQL log checks, event log checks. 2) Our custom maint plan includes a dbcc reindex every night and some tables have over 200000 records and a mess of constraints. Is this a potential problem?


dbcc checkdb
DBCC results for 'mycustdb'.
DBCC results for 'sysobjects'.
There are 3221 rows in 60 pages for object 'sysobjects'.
DBCC results for 'sysindexes'.
There are 2694 rows in 223 pages for object 'sysindexes'.
DBCC results for 'syscolumns'.
There are 16338 rows in 410 pages for object 'syscolumns'.
DBCC results for 'systypes'.
There are 26 rows in 1 pages for object 'systypes'.
DBCC results for 'syscomments'.
There are 2176 rows in 609 pages for object 'syscomments'.
DBCC results for 'sysfiles1'.
There are 2 rows in 1 pages for object 'sysfiles1'.
DBCC results for 'syspermissions'.
There are 49 rows in 1 pages for object 'syspermissions'.
DBCC results for 'sysusers'.
There are 13 rows in 1 pages for object 'sysusers'.
DBCC results for 'sysproperties'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'sysproperties'.
DBCC results for 'sysdepends'.
There are 41985 rows in 214 pages for object 'sysdepends'.
DBCC results for 'sysreferences'.
There are 547 rows in 4 pages for object 'sysreferences'.
DBCC results for 'sysfulltextcatalogs'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'sysfulltextcatalogs'.
DBCC results for 'sysfulltextnotify'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'sysfulltextnotify'.
DBCC results for 'sysfilegroups'.
There are 1 rows in 1 pages for object 'sysfilegroups'.
DBCC results for 'sysCompany'.
There are 8 rows in 1 pages for object 'sysCompany'.
DBCC results for 'a_admResCensus'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'a_admResCensus'.
DBCC results for 'sysTask'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'sysTask'.
DBCC results for 'glJournalEntryTemplate'.
There are 7 rows in 1 pages for object 'glJournalEntryTemplate'.
DBCC results for 'admResUdAssessAns'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'admResUdAssessAns'.
DBCC results for 'arTAC'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'arTAC'.
DBCC results for 'arRecCharge'.
There are 2578 rows in 21 pages for object 'arRecCharge'.
DBCC results for 'arFormLocator'.
There are 1900 rows in 14 pages for object 'arFormLocator'.
DBCC results for 'rptVitalSigns'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'rptVitalSigns'.
DBCC results for 'glMajorDepartment'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'glMajorDepartment'.
DBCC results for 'a_arTAC'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'a_arTAC'.
DBCC results for 'sysUserDefQuesAns'.
There are 5128 rows in 41 pages for object 'sysUserDefQuesAns'.
DBCC results for 'glTransaction'.
There are 67594 rows in 581 pages for object 'glTransaction'.
DBCC results for 'arOccupancyRate'.
There are 144 rows in 1 pages for object 'arOccupancyRate'.
DBCC results for 'sysErrorScreenLink'.
There are 60 rows in 1 pages for object 'sysErrorScreenLink'.
DBCC results for 'arResCaseMix'.
There are 2634 rows in 21 pages for object 'arResCaseMix'.
DBCC results for 'glTransImportTemp'.
There are 0 rows in 1 pages for object 'glTransImportTemp'.
DBCC results for 'arTAR'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'arTAR'.
DBCC results for 'admContactTypeLink'.
There are 3460 rows in 15 pages for object 'admContactTypeLink'.
DBCC results for 'arResRoomAndBoard'.
There are 1839 rows in 16 pages for object 'arResRoomAndBoard'.
DBCC results for 'secAccountLink'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'secAccountLink'.
DBCC results for 'glTransToArTransLink'.
There are 216168 rows in 478 pages for object 'glTransToArTransLink'.
DBCC results for 'arChargeHistory'.
There are 634 rows in 4 pages for object 'arChargeHistory'.
DBCC results for 'admContPhone'.
There are 3091 rows in 17 pages for object 'admContPhone'.
DBCC results for 'arRevenueCode'.
There are 18 rows in 1 pages for object 'arRevenueCode'.
DBCC results for 'glGroup'.
There are 1 rows in 1 pages for object 'glGroup'.
DBCC results for 'glUnits'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'glUnits'.
DBCC results for 'mdsSectionDefinition'.
There are 1735 rows in 71 pages for object 'mdsSectionDefinition'.
DBCC results for 'sysUserDefQuesType'.
There are 6 rows in 1 pages for object 'sysUserDefQuesType'.
DBCC results for 'glUnitType'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'glUnitType'.
DBCC results for 'arChargeUpdTemp'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'arChargeUpdTemp'.
DBCC results for 'arChargeBatch'.
There are 2 rows in 1 pages for object 'arChargeBatch'.
DBCC results for 'sysWarning'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'sysWarning'.
DBCC results for 'sysCustomReportLayouts'.
There are 3 rows in 1 pages for object 'sysCustomReportLayouts'.
DBCC results for 'arCheckPoint'.
There are 5922 rows in 85 pages for object 'arCheckPoint'.
DBCC results for 'arServiceCategory'.
There are 47 rows in 1 pages for object 'arServiceCategory'.
DBCC results for 'tblClassTemp'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'tblClassTemp'.
DBCC results for 'secCompUserLink'.
Server: Msg 8941, Level 16, State 102, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 232387897, index ID 0, page (1:35630). Test (sorted [i].offset >= PAGEHEADSIZE) failed. Slot 100, offset 0x1 is invalid.
Server: Msg 8942, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 232387897, index ID 0, page (1:35630). Test (sorted[i].offset >= max) failed. Slot 0, offset 0x64 overlaps with the prior row.
There are 33 rows in 1 pages for object 'secCompUserLink'.
DBCC results for 'sysRptMenu'.
There are 4 rows in 1 pages for object 'sysRptMenu'.
DBCC results for 'a_admResDiagnosis'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'a_admResDiagnosis'.
DBCC results for 'arPaymentHistory'.
There are 0 rows in 1 pages for object 'arPaymentHistory'.
DBCC results for 'secPermissionLevel'.
There are 4 rows in 1 pages for object 'secPermissionLevel'.
DBCC results for 'arPaymentLink'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'arPaymentLink'.
DBCC results for 'a_admResident'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'a_admResident'.
DBCC results for 'tblECSLinkTemp'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'tblECSLinkTemp'.
DBCC results for 'mdsVersion'.
There are 1 rows in 1 pages for object 'mdsVersion'.
DBCC results for 'arResExportDetail'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'arResExportDetail'.
DBCC results for 'tblECSRecordTemp'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'tblECSRecordTemp'.
DBCC results for 'sysRptToMenuLink'.
There are 9 rows in 1 pages for object 'sysRptToMenuLink'.
DBCC results for 'arResExportHistory'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'arResExportHistory'.
DBCC results for 'arStmtDetailPP'.
There are 98372 rows in 887 pages for object 'arStmtDetailPP'.
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 2 consistency errors in table 'arStmtDetailPP' (object ID 232387897).
DBCC results for 'a_admResInsurance'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'a_admResInsurance'.
DBCC results for 'sysScrnSetting'.
There are 331 rows in 8 pages for object 'sysScrnSetting'.
DBCC results for 'arStmtChargeLink'.
There are 13594 rows in 148 pages for object 'arStmtChargeLink'.
DBCC results for 'arStmtDetailUB92'.
There are 19070 rows in 221 pages for object 'arStmtDetailUB92'.
DBCC results for 'admGender'.
There are 3 rows in 1 pages for object 'admGender'.
DBCC results for 'arStmtHeaderPP'.
There are 15188 rows in 690 pages for object 'arStmtHeaderPP'.
DBCC results for 'sysMasterFormLocator'.
There are 866 rows in 7 pages for object 'sysMasterFormLocator'.
DBCC results for 'rptMdsResCensusTemp'.
There are 82 rows in 2 pages for object 'rptMdsResCensusTemp'.
DBCC results for 'sysScrnSettingDetail'.
There are 3590 rows in 39 pages for object 'sysScrnSettingDetail'.
DBCC results for 'arTransHistory'.
There are 9767 rows in 57 pages for object 'arTransHistory'.
DBCC results for 'arCalculationType'.
There are 24 rows in 1 pages for object 'arCalculationType'.
DBCC results for 'tblglAcct'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'tblglAcct'.
DBCC results for 'arRate'.
There are 1304 rows in 11 pages for object 'arRate'.
DBCC results for 'arStmtTransLink'.
There are 152635 rows in 324 pages for object 'arStmtTransLink'.
DBCC results for 'a_admResNotes'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'a_admResNotes'.
DBCC results for 'admMaritalStatus'.
There are 6 rows in 1 pages for object 'admMaritalStatus'.
DBCC results for 'tblglBgtAcct'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'tblglBgtAcct'.
DBCC results for 'sysSpellDict'.
There are 15438 rows in 94 pages for object 'sysSpellDict'.
DBCC results for 'arSpecRate'.
There are 40 rows in 1 pages for object 'arSpecRate'.
DBCC results for 'arTFIntsTemp'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'arTFIntsTemp'.
DBCC results for 'sysInsuranceType'.
There are 81 rows in 1 pages for object 'sysInsuranceType'.
DBCC results for 'tblglDept'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'tblglDept'.
DBCC results for 'tblSpellDict'.
There are 15357 rows in 91 pages for object 'tblSpellDict'.
DBCC results for 'arToGLTemp'.
There are 0 rows in 1 pages for object 'arToGLTemp'.
DBCC results for 'sysUdQuest'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'sysUdQuest'.
DBCC results for 'tblglFNPeriod'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'tblglFNPeriod'.
DBCC results for 'admResRoom'.
There are 1820 rows in 11 pages for object 'admResRoom'.
DBCC results for 'admResDiagnosis'.
There are 6480 rows in 63 pages for object 'admResDiagnosis'.
DBCC results for 'tblglTrans'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'tblglTrans'.
DBCC results for 'dtproperties'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'dtproperties'.
DBCC results for 'arStatement'.
There are 17784 rows in 102 pages for object 'arStatement'.
DBCC results for 'sysMasterFormVersion'.
There are 51 rows in 1 pages for object 'sysMasterFormVersion'.
DBCC results for 'admComments'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'admComments'.
DBCC results for 'tblglUnit'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'tblglUnit'.
DBCC results for 'arPercentage'.
There are 2 rows in 1 pages for object 'arPercentage'.
DBCC results for 'arTransLink'.
There are 103583 rows in 372 pages for object 'arTransLink'.
DBCC results for 'a_admResRoom'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'a_admResRoom'.
DBCC results for 'mdsAssessment'.
There are 9 rows in 2 pages for object 'mdsAssessment'.
DBCC results for 'arTransLinkTemp'.
There are 0 rows in 1 pages for object 'arTransLinkTemp'.
DBCC results for 'mdsAssessSummary'.
There are 3933 rows in 87 pages for object 'mdsAssessSummary'.
DBCC results for 'sysReportCategories'.
There are 53 rows in 1 pages for object 'sysReportCategories'.
DBCC results for 'a_admResSchdCodePassTime'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'a_admResSchdCodePassTime'.
DBCC results for 'admPhyOrderPassTime'.
There are 51 rows in 1 pages for object 'admPhyOrderPassTime'.
DBCC results for 'admTaskData'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'admTaskData'.
DBCC results for 'arTransOrigin'.
There are 12 rows in 1 pages for object 'arTransOrigin'.
DBCC results for 'ap1099Form'.
There are 89 rows in 5 pages for object 'ap1099Form'.
DBCC results for 'sysDiagnosis'.
There are 16464 rows in 165 pages for object 'sysDiagnosis'.
DBCC results for 'mdsRugsFormLocators'.
There are 9 rows in 1 pages for object 'mdsRugsFormLocators'.
DBCC results for 'admPhyOrdersHistory'.
There are 20165 rows in 300 pages for object 'admPhyOrdersHistory'.
DBCC results for 'rptTempTable'.
There are 4 rows in 1 pages for object 'rptTempTable'.
DBCC results for 'tblRandomNames'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'tblRandomNames'.
DBCC results for 'mdsRugsMedicaid'.
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DBCC results for 'secAccessControl'.
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DBCC results for 'admPhyOrders'.
Server: Msg 2534, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:27978) with object ID 1395757021, index ID 0 in its header is allocated by another object.
Server: Msg 2534, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:27979) with object ID 1395757021, index ID 0 in its header is allocated by another object.
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Table error: Page (1:27980) with object ID 1395757021, index ID 0 in its header is allocated by another object.
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Table error: Page (1:27981) with object ID 1395757021, index ID 0 in its header is allocated by another object.
Server: Msg 2534, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:27982) with object ID 1395757021, index ID 0 in its header is allocated by another object.
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Table error: Page (1:27983) with object ID 1395757021, index ID 0 in its header is allocated by another object.
Server: Msg 2534, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:27984) with object ID 1395757021, index ID 0 in its header is allocated by another object.
Server: Msg 8944, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1395757021, index ID 0, page (1:27985), row 1. Test (!(hdr->r_tagA & (VERSION_MASK | RECTAG_RESV_A | RECTAG_RESV_B))) failed. Values are 94 and 193.
Server: Msg 8944, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1395757021, index ID 0, page (1:27985), row 1. Test (GetRecType (pRec) >= 0 && GetRecType (pRec) <= LAST_REC_TYPE) failed. Values are 14 and 12.
Server: Msg 8926, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Cross object linkage: Parent page (0:1), slot 0, in object ID 1395757021, index ID 1, and page (1:27977), slot 0, in object ID 1539757534, index ID 1, next refer to page (1:27978) but are not in the same object.
Server: Msg 8926, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Cross object linkage: Parent page (0:1), slot 0, in object ID 1395757021, index ID 1, and page (1:28007), slot 0, in object ID 1539757534, index ID 1, next refer to page (1:27984) but are not in the same object.
Server: Msg 8936, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1395757021, index ID 1. B-tree chain linkage mismatch. (1:28007)->next = (1:27984), but (1:27984)->Prev = (1:27983).
Server: Msg 8937, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539080819, index ID 20. B-tree page (1:14640) has two parent nodes (0:1), slot 0 and (0:0), slot 0.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:27978) allocated to object ID 1539757534, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:27979) allocated to object ID 1539757534, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:27980) allocated to object ID 1539757534, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:27981) allocated to object ID 1539757534, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:27982) allocated to object ID 1539757534, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:27983) allocated to object ID 1539757534, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:27984) allocated to object ID 1539757534, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 8928, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 1539757534, index ID 0: Page (1:27985) could not be processed. See other errors for details.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:35629) allocated to object ID 1539757534, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 8928, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 1539757534, index ID 0: Page (1:35630) could not be processed. See other errors for details.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:35638) allocated to object ID 1539757534, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:35639) allocated to object ID 1539757534, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:35640) allocated to object ID 1539757534, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
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Table error: Page (1:35641) allocated to object ID 1539757534, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:35642) allocated to object ID 1539757534, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:35643) allocated to object ID 1539757534, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:35644) allocated to object ID 1539757534, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 8928, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Object ID 1539757534, index ID 0: Page (1:35785) could not be processed. See other errors for details.
Server: Msg 8944, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 0, page (1:35785), row 0. Test (ColumnOffsets <= (nextRec - pRec)) failed. Values are 133 and 57.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:35786) allocated to object ID 1539757534, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:35787) allocated to object ID 1539757534, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 2533, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Page (1:35788) allocated to object ID 1539757534, index ID 0 was not seen. Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.
Server: Msg 8978, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 1. Page (1:27968) is missing a reference from previous page (1:27983). Possible chain linkage problem.
Server: Msg 8982, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Cross object linkage. Page (1:27977)->next in object ID 1539757534, index ID 1 refers to page (1:27978) in object ID 1395757021, index ID 1 but is not in the same index.
Server: Msg 8925, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Cross object linkage: Page (1:28984), slot 88, in object ID 1539757534, index ID 1, refers to page (1:27984), slot 0, in object ID 1395757021, index ID 1.
Server: Msg 8926, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Cross object linkage: Parent page (1:28984), slot 89, in object ID 1539757534, index ID 1, and page (1:27984), slot 0, in object ID 1395757021, index ID 1, next refer to page (1:27985) but are not in the same object.
Server: Msg 8925, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Cross object linkage: Page (1:28984), slot 98, in object ID 1539757534, index ID 1, refers to page (1:27978), slot 0, in object ID 1395757021, index ID 1.
Server: Msg 8925, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Cross object linkage: Page (1:28984), slot 99, in object ID 1539757534, index ID 1, refers to page (1:27979), slot 0, in object ID 1395757021, index ID 1.
There are 4539 rows in 75 pages for object 'admPhyOrders'.
DBCC results for 'a_secCompUserLink'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'a_secCompUserLink'.
DBCC results for 'glDueToDueFrom'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'glDueToDueFrom'.
DBCC results for 'sysInfo'.
There are 1 rows in 1 pages for object 'sysInfo'.
DBCC results for 'arPayment'.
There are 24361 rows in 360 pages for object 'arPayment'.
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 12 consistency errors in table 'arPayment' (object ID 1395757021).
DBCC results for 'glTransToAPTransLink'.
There are 44021 rows in 101 pages for object 'glTransToAPTransLink'.
DBCC results for 'secGenSettings'.
There are 1 rows in 1 pages for object 'secGenSettings'.
DBCC results for 'mdsQuestions'.
There are 1716 rows in 19 pages for object 'mdsQuestions'.
DBCC results for 'arBillingCategory'.
There are 13 rows in 1 pages for object 'arBillingCategory'.
DBCC results for 'sysTaskCodes'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'sysTaskCodes'.
DBCC results for 'arBatch'.
There are 4147 rows in 45 pages for object 'arBatch'.
DBCC results for 'arBillingForm'.
There are 16 rows in 1 pages for object 'arBillingForm'.
DBCC results for 'arPaymentBatchDetail'.
There are 2 rows in 1 pages for object 'arPaymentBatchDetail'.
DBCC results for 'sysWizardPage'.
There are 67 rows in 1 pages for object 'sysWizardPage'.
DBCC results for 'tblapVendor'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'tblapVendor'.
DBCC results for 'a_admPhyOrderAdmin'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'a_admPhyOrderAdmin'.
DBCC results for 'arBillingParty'.
There are 64 rows in 1 pages for object 'arBillingParty'.
DBCC results for 'sysWizardSettings'.
There are 22 rows in 1 pages for object 'sysWizardSettings'.
DBCC results for 'a_secGenSettings'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'a_secGenSettings'.
DBCC results for 'sysInsuranceProvider'.
There are 78 rows in 1 pages for object 'sysInsuranceProvider'.
DBCC results for 'a_admResPGA'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'a_admResPGA'.
DBCC results for 'arCharge'.
There are 80123 rows in 1521 pages for object 'arCharge'.
DBCC results for 'admResCensus'.
There are 303 rows in 2 pages for object 'admResCensus'.
DBCC results for 'rptAssessmentScreening'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object 'rptAssessmentScreening'.
DBCC results for 'arBPartyInsTypeLink'.
There are 26 rows in 1 pages for object 'arBPartyInsTypeLink'.
DBCC results for 'sysMedicationFile'.
There are 168 rows in 3 pages for object 'sysMedicationFile'.
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in table 'sysMedicationFile' (object ID 1539080819).
DBCC results for 'arTransaction'.
Server: Msg 8925, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Cross object linkage: Page (1:28984), slot 100, in object ID 1539757534, index ID 1, refers to page (1:27980), slot 0, in object ID 1395757021, index ID 1.
Server: Msg 8925, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Cross object linkage: Page (1:28984), slot 101, in object ID 1539757534, index ID 1, refers to page (1:27981), slot 0, in object ID 1395757021, index ID 1.
Server: Msg 8925, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Cross object linkage: Page (1:28984), slot 102, in object ID 1539757534, index ID 1, refers to page (1:27982), slot 0, in object ID 1395757021, index ID 1.
Server: Msg 8925, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Cross object linkage: Page (1:28984), slot 103, in object ID 1539757534, index ID 1, refers to page (1:27983), slot 0, in object ID 1395757021, index ID 1.
Server: Msg 8978, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 1. Page (1:35624) is missing a reference from previous page (1:35639). Possible chain linkage problem.
Server: Msg 8976, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 1. Page (1:35629) was not seen in the scan although its parent (1:36209) and previous (1:35628) refer to it. Check any previous errors.
Server: Msg 8976, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 1. Page (1:35638) was not seen in the scan although its parent (1:36209) and previous (1:35637) refer to it. Check any previous errors.
Server: Msg 8980, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 1. Index node page (1:36209), slot 262 refers to child page (1:35639) and previous child (1:35638), but they were not encountered.
Server: Msg 8976, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 1. Page (1:35640) was not seen in the scan although its parent (1:36209) and previous (1:35655) refer to it. Check any previous errors.
Server: Msg 8980, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 1. Index node page (1:36209), slot 248 refers to child page (1:35641) and previous child (1:35640), but they were not encountered.
Server: Msg 8980, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 1. Index node page (1:36209), slot 249 refers to child page (1:35642) and previous child (1:35641), but they were not encountered.
Server: Msg 8980, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 1. Index node page (1:36209), slot 250 refers to child page (1:35643) and previous child (1:35642), but they were not encountered.
Server: Msg 8980, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 1. Index node page (1:36209), slot 251 refers to child page (1:35644) and previous child (1:35643), but they were not encountered.
Server: Msg 8978, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 1. Page (1:35645) is missing a reference from previous page (1:35644). Possible chain linkage problem.
Server: Msg 8980, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 1. Index node page (1:36209), slot 202 refers to child page (1:35787) and previous child (1:35786), but they were not encountered.
Server: Msg 8980, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 1. Index node page (1:36209), slot 203 refers to child page (1:35788) and previous child (1:35787), but they were not encountered.
Server: Msg 8978, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 1. Page (1:35789) is missing a reference from previous page (1:35788). Possible chain linkage problem.
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 20. The high key value on page (1:24303) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:24802), slot 160 of the next page (1:24288).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 20. The high key value on page (1:24304) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:24802), slot 145 of the next page (1:24305).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 20. The high key value on page (1:24305) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:24802), slot 146 of the next page (1:24306).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 20. The high key value on page (1:24306) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:24802), slot 147 of the next page (1:24307).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 20. The high key value on page (1:24307) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:24802), slot 148 of the next page (1:24308).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 20. The high key value on page (1:24308) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:24802), slot 149 of the next page (1:24309).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 20. The high key value on page (1:24309) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:24802), slot 150 of the next page (1:24310).
Server: Msg 2511, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, Index ID 20. Keys out of order on page (1:24310), slots 332 and 333.
Server: Msg 2511, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, Index ID 20. Keys out of order on page (1:24310), slots 333 and 334.
Server: Msg 8981, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 21. The next pointer of (1:22815) refers to page (1:22760). Neither (1:22760) nor its parent were encountered. Possible bad chain linkage.
Server: Msg 8978, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 21. Page (1:22800) is missing a reference from previous page (1:22815). Possible chain linkage problem.
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 21. The high key value on page (1:22810) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (0:1), slot 0 of the next page (1:22811).
Server: Msg 8933, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 21. The low key value on page (1:22811) (level 0) is not >= the key value in the parent (1:23522) slot 321.
Server: Msg 8933, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 21. The low key value on page (1:22812) (level 0) is not >= the key value in the parent (1:23522) slot 322.
Server: Msg 8933, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 21. The low key value on page (1:22813) (level 0) is not >= the key value in the parent (1:23522) slot 323.
Server: Msg 8933, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 21. The low key value on page (1:22814) (level 0) is not >= the key value in the parent (1:23522) slot 324.
Server: Msg 8933, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 21. The low key value on page (1:22815) (level 0) is not >= the key value in the parent (1:23522) slot 325.
Server: Msg 8933, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 21. The low key value on page (1:22816) (level 0) is not >= the key value in the parent (1:23522) slot 310.
Server: Msg 8933, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 21. The low key value on page (1:22817) (level 0) is not >= the key value in the parent (1:23522) slot 311.
Server: Msg 2511, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, Index ID 21. Keys out of order on page (1:22825), slots 333 and 334.
Server: Msg 2511, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, Index ID 21. Keys out of order on page (1:22825), slots 546 and 547.
Server: Msg 8933, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 21. The low key value on page (1:22826) (level 0) is not >= the key value in the parent (1:23522) slot 304.
Server: Msg 8933, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 21. The low key value on page (1:22827) (level 0) is not >= the key value in the parent (1:23522) slot 305.
Server: Msg 8933, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 21. The low key value on page (1:22828) (level 0) is not >= the key value in the parent (1:23522) slot 306.
Server: Msg 8933, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 21. The low key value on page (1:22829) (level 0) is not >= the key value in the parent (1:23522) slot 307.
Server: Msg 8933, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 21. The low key value on page (1:22830) (level 0) is not >= the key value in the parent (1:23522) slot 308.
Server: Msg 8933, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 21. The low key value on page (1:22831) (level 0) is not >= the key value in the parent (1:23522) slot 309.
Server: Msg 8933, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 21. The low key value on page (1:22832) (level 0) is not >= the key value in the parent (1:23522) slot 294.
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 21. The high key value on page (1:22847) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (0:1), slot 0 of the next page (1:22832).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 24. The high key value on page (1:20555) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:20578), slot 27 of the next page (1:20556).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 24. The high key value on page (1:20556) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:20578), slot 28 of the next page (1:20557).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 24. The high key value on page (1:20557) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:20578), slot 29 of the next page (1:20558).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 24. The high key value on page (1:20558) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:20578), slot 30 of the next page (1:20559).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 24. The high key value on page (1:20559) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:20578), slot 31 of the next page (1:20544).
Server: Msg 2511, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, Index ID 24. Keys out of order on page (1:20560), slots 332 and 333.
Server: Msg 2511, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, Index ID 24. Keys out of order on page (1:20560), slots 418 and 419.
Server: Msg 2511, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, Index ID 24. Keys out of order on page (1:20560), slots 546 and 547.
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 24. The high key value on page (1:20568) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:20578), slot 8 of the next page (1:20569).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 24. The high key value on page (1:20569) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:20578), slot 9 of the next page (1:20570).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 24. The high key value on page (1:20570) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:20578), slot 10 of the next page (1:20571).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 25. The high key value on page (1:19467) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:19922), slot 297 of the next page (1:19468).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 25. The high key value on page (1:19468) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:19922), slot 298 of the next page (1:19469).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 25. The high key value on page (1:19469) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:19922), slot 299 of the next page (1:19470).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 25. The high key value on page (1:19470) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:19922), slot 300 of the next page (1:19471).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 25. The high key value on page (1:19471) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:19922), slot 301 of the next page (1:19456).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 25. The high key value on page (1:19472) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:19922), slot 286 of the next page (1:19473).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 25. The high key value on page (1:19480) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:19922), slot 278 of the next page (1:19481).
Server: Msg 2511, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, Index ID 25. Keys out of order on page (1:19480), slots 417 and 418.
Server: Msg 2511, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, Index ID 25. Keys out of order on page (1:19480), slots 545 and 546.
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 25. The high key value on page (1:19481) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:19922), slot 279 of the next page (1:19482).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 25. The high key value on page (1:19482) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:19922), slot 280 of the next page (1:19483).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 25. The high key value on page (1:19835) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:19922), slot 95 of the next page (1:19836).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 25. The high key value on page (1:19836) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:19922), slot 96 of the next page (1:19837).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 25. The high key value on page (1:19837) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:19922), slot 97 of the next page (1:19838).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 25. The high key value on page (1:19838) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:19922), slot 98 of the next page (1:19839).
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 25. The high key value on page (1:19839) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:19922), slot 99 of the next page (1:19824).
Server: Msg 2511, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, Index ID 25. Keys out of order on page (1:19840), slots 332 and 333.
Server: Msg 8934, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1539757534, index ID 25. The high key value on page (1:19850) (level 0) is not less than the low key value in the parent (1:19922), slot 78 of the next page (1:19851).
Server: Msg 8926, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Cross object linkage: Parent page (0:1), slot 0, in object ID 1539757534, index ID 26, and page (1:18935), slot 0, in object ID 1539757534, index ID 27, next refer to page (1:18920) but are not in the same object.
Server: Msg 8926, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Cross object linkage: Parent page (0:1), slot 0, in object ID 1539757534, ind

View 7 Replies View Related

6.5 (YES...6.5) Corruption

Nov 2, 2005

A rouge 6.5 DB was brought to my attention a few weeks ago. We can't upgrade until we solve some corruption issues. We're receiving the listed message after running a DBCC NEWALLOC. We're not sure but we believe the corruption is with a primary key. We can't drop the primary key without of course, first dropping all the foreign keys. ALLOW_DATA_LOSS wasn't introduced until 7.0. Rebuilding the indexes doesn't fix the problem. Does anyone have any suggestion on how to fix this corruption? Any help is appreciated. Restoring isn't an option as this corruption exists in the oldest backup we have...
thanks in advance
INDID=1 FIRST=4041968 ROOT=4039657 DPAGES=14304 SORT=0
Msg 2525, Level 16, State 1
Table Corrupt: Object id wrong; tables: alloc page 4036864 extent id=4036880 l page#=4036880 objid in ext=204527762 (name = ABS_PAT_INSURANCES) objid in page=348528275 (name = ABS_PAT_MAIN)objid in sysindexes=204527762 (name = ABS_PAT_INSURANCES)
Data level: 1. 0 Data Pages in 1789 extents.
INDID=2 FIRST=3926064 ROOT=3917574 DPAGES=4305 SORT=1
Msg 2525, Level 16, State 1
Table Corrupt: Object id wrong; tables: alloc page 3926016 extent id=3926064 l page#=3926064 objid in ext=204527762 (name = ABS_PAT_INSURANCES) objid in page=348528275 (name = ABS_PAT_MAIN)objid in sysindexes=204527762 (name = ABS_PAT_INSURANCES)
TOTAL # of extents = 1789

View 5 Replies View Related


Dec 17, 2007

I tried to paste the whole file but didn't work. So here is a small part of it. Anyone know how i could solve it. Thanks

v 16, State 1, Line 1 : DBCC results for 'SW_DS_FINAL_SUM'. [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2593, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : There are 15 rows in 1 pages for object "SW_DS_FINAL_SUM". [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2536, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : DBCC results for 'BOM_Active_Sku_DV_Report'. [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2593, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : There are 12610 rows in 789 pages for object "BOM_Active_Sku_DV_Report". [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2536, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : DBCC results for 'ml_city'. [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2593, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : There are 640 rows in 3 pages for object "ml_city". [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2536, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : DBCC results for 'Monthly_SalesReps_2006_2007_SalesReps_List'. [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2593, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : There are 546 rows in 15 pages for object "Monthly_SalesReps_2006_2007_SalesReps_List". [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2536, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : DBCC results for 'ADHOC_2008_IPG_Comp_Program_Report'. [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2593, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : There are 9 rows in 1 pages for object "ADHOC_2008_IPG_Comp_Program_Report". [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2536, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : DBCC results for 'swidziun.TEMPCDVAR'. [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2593, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : There are 21 rows in 1 pages for object "swidziun.TEMPCDVAR". [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2536, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : DBCC results for 'Adhoc_Dom_April_July'. [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2593, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : There are 30522 rows in 3393 pages for object "Adhoc_Dom_April_July". [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2536, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : DBCC results for 'SW_DS_QTD_FLEX'. [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2593, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : There are 13 rows in 1 pages for object "SW_DS_QTD_FLEX". [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2536, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : DBCC results for 'cr_parent_top10'. [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2593, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "cr_parent_top10". [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2536, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : DBCC results for 'laugusti.Sheet1$'. [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2593, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : There are 518 rows in 2 pages for object "laugusti.Sheet1$". [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2536, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : DBCC results for 'LUC_Top20_Step3'. [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2593, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : There are 29412 rows in 898 pages for object "LUC_Top20_Step3". [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2536, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : DBCC results for 'ADHOC_STRETCH_2007_DOM_DATA_REPORT'. [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2593, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : There are 844 rows in 21 pages for object "ADHOC_STRETCH_2007_DOM_DATA_REPORT". [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2536, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : DBCC results for 'WEEKLY_SUBCLASS_BF_LQ'. [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2593, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : There are 5610 rows in 99 pages for object "WEEKLY_SUBCLASS_BF_LQ". [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2536, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : DBCC results for 'ML_city_final'. [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2593, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : There are 640 rows in 8 pages for object "ML_city_final". [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2536, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : DBCC results for 'ML_ORDERS_2007'. [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2593, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : There are 299291 rows in 5173 pages for object "ML_ORDERS_2007". [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2536, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : DBCC results for 'ml_xpdex_user_name'. [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2593, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : There are 0 rows in 97 pages for object "ml_xpdex_user_name". [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2536, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : DBCC results for 'SW_DS_BOOKED_ORDERS'. [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2593, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "SW_DS_BOOKED_ORDERS". [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 2536, Sev 16, State 1, Line 1 : DBCC res

View 4 Replies View Related

SQL Corruption

Jul 20, 2005

We've a database in MSSQL. For some reason, one transaction wasinterrupted at network level. That corrupted our database. If we tryto attach it, we get the following error.Server: message 3624, level 20, state 1, line 1Location: page.cpp:2412Expression: m_slots [-m_slotCnt + 1 + i].offset == 0SPID: 51Process ID: 944connection brokenAny help will be kindregards!

View 2 Replies View Related

Index Corruption

Jan 8, 2001

We have a table with over 6 million rows. 5 fields define the primary key. Some time ago, we started receiving Integrity Check failure notifications on the indexes for the table. I attempted to "Select into" another table and rebuild the index, but the rebuild fails indicating that there are duplicate keys. How can I find the duplicate key? Any idea on how a duplicate would have been inserted in the first place?

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Database Corruption

Feb 15, 2000

Hi All,

I have a database was showing (Suspect). It looks not able to log into the SQL database. After I reboot the machine it turned to recovering for a while and then changed to suspect again. I did the following steps:
1. set database to emergency mode (Status = -32768)
2. after that I tried to do DBCC checkdb but I received “cannot open ‘database’…”

So I have to restore the database from latest backup but I lost one-hour data. My questions are:
1. how to recovery the corruption database instead of restoring from backup?
2. From following error log, does anyone know what is the reason causing database “suspect”?

The database is running at SQL7 and SP1. The database has 1g data (50% free space). The Log file has 600MB.

Thanks for any info/advice,

Stella Liu

Error Log:
2000-01-31 16:07:04.92 spid11 Using 'sqlimage.dll' version '4.0.5'
Dump thread - spid = 11, PSS = 0x4935b0cc, EC = 0x4935b27c
Stack Dump being sent to d:MSSQL7logSQL00007.dmp
************************************************** *****************************
* 01/31/00 16:07:59 spid 11
* Input Buffer 210 bytes -
* I N S E R T I N T O P P F R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s
* V A L U E S ( 4 4 1 1 8 , 1 1 7 9 4 3 1 4 , { f n g e t i m a g e
* ( 1 ) } ) e x e c s p _ d r o p o r p h a n s c o m m i t t r a
* n
************************************************** *****************************
Short Stack Dump
0x77f67a2b Module(ntdll+7a2b) (ZwGetContextThread+b)
0x0077fc6b Module(sqlservr+37fc6b) (utassert_fail+1a0)
0x005a6741 Module(sqlservr+1a6741) (Page::MakeInsertSpace+45)
0x0040df03 Module(sqlservr+df03) (PageRef::InsertRows+132)
0x005b0531 Module(sqlservr+1b0531) (XDES::UndoPageOperation+228)
0x00431ceb Module(sqlservr+31ceb) (XDES::RollbackToLsn+22a)
0x00430560 Module(sqlservr+30560) (XDES::Rollback+14e)
0x00431abf Module(sqlservr+31abf) (XCB::Rollback+2f9)
0x0051ac85 Module(sqlservr+11ac85) (clean_process+162)
0x005b22fd Module(sqlservr+1b22fd) (language_exec+5f9)
0x4106135c Module(opends60+135c) (execute_event+659)
0x4106164b Module(opends60+164b) (process_commands+f3)
0x4109285a Module(ums+285a) (ProcessWorkRequests+ed)
0x41092d28 Module(ums+2d28) (ThreadStartRoutine+139)
0x7800bee4 Module(MSVCRT+bee4) (beginthread+ce)
0x77f04ee8 Module(KERNEL32+4ee8) (lstrcmpiW+be)
2000-01-31 16:08:02.65 spid11 CImageHelper::GetSym Error - The specified module could not be found.

0x00000000 Module(sqlservr+ffc00000)
2000-01-31 16:08:03.34 kernel SQL Server Assertion: File: <page.cpp>, line=2809
Failed Assertion = 'sid >= m_slotCnt || m_slots[-sid].offset ==0'.
2000-01-31 16:08:03.51 spid11 Error: 3624, Severity: 20, State: 1.
2000-01-31 16:10:57.29 spid11 Error: 3314, Severity: 21, State: 4
2000-01-31 16:10:57.29 spid11 Error while undoing logged operation in database 'WebPDM'. Error at log record ID (56:11888:81)..
2000-01-31 16:10:57.37 spid11 Error: 9001, Severity: 21, State: 1
2000-01-31 16:10:57.37 spid11 The log for database 'WebPDM' is not available..
2000-01-31 16:12:39.73 spid11 Error: 3314, Severity: 21, State: 2
2000-01-31 16:12:39.73 spid11 Error while undoing logged operation in database 'WebPDM'. Error at log record ID (55:12913:1)..
2000-01-31 16:12:44.28 spid6 Closing file d:mssql7datawebpdmdata.mdf.
2000-01-31 16:12:44.46 spid6 Closing file d:mssql7datawebpdmlog.ldf.
2000-01-31 16:12:44.60 spid6 Starting up database 'WebPDM'.
2000-01-31 16:12:44.60 spid6 Opening file d:mssql7datawebpdmdata.mdf.
2000-01-31 16:12:44.92 spid6 Opening file d:mssql7datawebpdmlog.ldf.
2000-01-31 16:12:51.65 spid6 Recovery progress on database 'WebPDM' (7): 14 percent.
2000-01-31 16:12:55.39 spid6 Recovery progress on database 'WebPDM' (7): 28 percent.
2000-01-31 16:12:58.14 spid6 Recovery progress on database 'WebPDM' (7): 42 percent.
2000-01-31 16:13:08.39 spid6 102 transactions rolled forward in database 'WebPDM' (7).
2000-01-31 16:13:08.39 spid6 Recovery progress on database 'WebPDM' (7): 57 percent.
2000-01-31 16:13:08.40 spid6 Recovery progress on database 'WebPDM' (7): 71 percent.
2000-01-31 16:13:08.59 spid6 Using 'sqlimage.dll' version '4.0.5'
Dump thread - spid = 6, PSS = 0x41308084, EC = 0x41308234
Stack Dump being sent to d:MSSQL7logSQL00008.dmp
************************************************** *****************************
* 01/31/00 16:13:18 spid 6
************************************************** *****************************
Short Stack Dump
0x77f67a2b Module(ntdll+7a2b) (ZwGetContextThread+b)
0x0077fc6b Module(sqlservr+37fc6b) (utassert_fail+1a0)
0x005a6741 Module(sqlservr+1a6741) (Page::MakeInsertSpace+45)
0x0040df03 Module(sqlservr+df03) (PageRef::InsertRows+132)
0x005b0531 Module(sqlservr+1b0531) (XDES::UndoPageOperation+228)
0x00431ceb Module(sqlservr+31ceb) (XDES::RollbackToLsn+22a)
0x005adfae Module(sqlservr+1adfae) (RecoveryMgr::UndoPass+1c8)
0x004d125a Module(sqlservr+d125a) (RecoveryMgr::RecoverDb+35c)
0x004ce9f7 Module(sqlservr+ce9f7) (DBTABLE::Startup+630)
0x004cdfd4 Module(sqlservr+cdfd4) (DBMgr::StartupDB+2c4)
0x006cc585 Module(sqlservr+2cc585) (TaskDbRestart::ProcessTskPkt+14f)
0x004d79e9 Module(sqlservr+d79e9) (GlobalTskMgrProc+117)
0x4109285a Module(ums+285a) (ProcessWorkRequests+ed)
0x41092d28 Module(ums+2d28) (ThreadStartRoutine+139)
0x7800bee4 Module(MSVCRT+bee4) (beginthread+ce)
0x77f04ee8 Module(KERNEL32+4ee8) (lstrcmpiW+be)
2000-01-31 16:13:18.95 spid6 CImageHelper::GetSym Error - The specified module could not be found.

0x00000000 Module(sqlservr+ffc00000)
2000-01-31 16:13:19.01 kernel SQL Server Assertion: File: <page.cpp>, line=2809
Failed Assertion = 'sid >= m_slotCnt || m_slots[-sid].offset ==0'.
2000-01-31 16:13:19.04 spid6 Location: page.cpp:2809
Expression: sid >= m_slotCnt || m_slots[-sid].offset ==0
Process ID: 220
2000-01-31 16:13:19.07 spid6 Error: 3624, Severity: 20, State: 1.
2000-01-31 16:13:19.07 spid6 Error: 3314, Severity: 21, State: 3
2000-01-31 16:13:19.07 spid6 Error while undoing logged operation in database 'WebPDM'. Error at log record ID (56:11888:81)..
2000-01-31 16:14:50.73 spid6 Error: 3414, Severity: 21, State: 1
2000-01-31 16:14:50.73 spid6 Database 'WebPDM' (database ID 7) could not recover. Contact Technical Support..

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Data Corruption ?

Jan 19, 2001

When viewing a 6.5 table using ISQL or Enterprise Manager several fields on a few records appear empty.

The records, however, appear correctly populated when viewing them through Visual Studio data links (ODBC or OLEDB).

Any ideas ?

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SQL 6.5 Database Corruption

Mar 23, 2001

Hi I'm new to SQL, and have a big problems that I need help with. I just hired on to as the Network Admin for the company, the company has an NT4.0 box with SQL 6.5 running. The previous administrator has never done a SQL backup of the dbase, so no import or restore can be done. Now the SQL application was corrupted, it would not regconize itself or can be register. After the reinstallation of the SQL 6.5, there are still a folder of data under Mssql. I assumed that this is the dbase but have no idea what the the dbase actually call, if browse through using explore you will see the files name VMData.dat 550 mb in size and VMLog.dat 25 mb in size. If anyone know how I can retrieved this dbase it would be great help, or if you know of a firm that I can contact that would work too. Thank you for your help in advance.

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Index Corruption Help

May 18, 2001

I started seeing the following error in our 6.5 error log:
Retrying row fetch: rid(3) > pnextrno(3) (pg 0x23b1b6, obj 0x337fafdd, db 6, stat 100c/1)

Getrow: rid(3) > pnextrno(3) (pg 0x23b1b6, obj 0x337fafdd, db 6, stat 100c/1)

Error : 624, Severity: 20, State: 1
Attempt to retrieve row from page via RID failed because the requested RID has a higher number than the last RID on the page. Rid pageid is 0x3 and row num is 0xffffee20.Page pointer = 0x14104800, pageno = 2339254, status = 0x111, objectid = 864006109, indexid = 0.
I ran dbcc checkdb to locate the problem and found that a non clustered index on one of the tables was corrupt so I recreated the index and no error show up when I run dbcc checkdb.

But the error message still shows up at least once a day. I ran dbcc newalloc and found an allocation discrepency and looking into this right now. Is there anything I can do to speed up my search process to find the exact cause of this problem? I need all the help I can get. Thanks.

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Database Corruption

Jul 28, 2004

Hello, Everyone:

How to check if a database is corrupted, and how to fix the corruption? Thanks.


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Database Corruption (Please Help!!)

Dec 17, 2006

I created a nonclustered index on sysobjects table. After that, when I
create a new object and sysobjects is modified, the database does not work
properly. I used DBCC CHECKDB to repair it. It works but as soon as a new
object is created, again database get corrupted (CHECKDB reports error). I
cannot drop this index with DROP INDEX command.
I'm wondered if an index on system table cannot be dropped, why it can be
created? If it is allowed to create index, why it corrupts the database?
I found this link:
Although it mentions SP_FixIndex can drop such indexes but there are no description about it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

View 5 Replies View Related

Plagued By Corruption

Nov 7, 2007

Since we have migrated our 2000 databases to SQL 2005 on new hardware (described below), we have experienced re-occurring corruption on the same tables and indexes even after the corruption had been resolved by dropping/re-creating the indexes manually. Typical events include:

1. Clients receiving errors, such as 8646
2. We see the errors in the event logs, run DBCC's to confirm the errors which then creates a dump file
3. We resolve by dropping/creating the index(es) affected
4. Re-run the DBCC checks and they come up clean.

A day or two later, the entire cycle will repeat against the same object/index. This problem exists on multiple different databases on multiple different servers, all with the same structure and hardware. Our SAN engineers say there are no issues they can see with the disks.

I would be very appreciative for any suggestions to better troubleshoot the issue, or, of course, a resolution would be magnificent!!

Here is as much information about our setup and errors experienced as I can think of to provide. Of course, if I am missing something just shout and I will include it. TIA.

We are running SQL 2005 enterprise x64 sp1 on Windows 2003 enterprise x64 sp1 as a 2-node active/passive cluster (native windows clustering). The hardware is HP Proliant DL585, 4 dual-core processors @ 2.8 GHz, 48 GB of RAM.

When clustering the servers, we pay special attention to ensure the NIC settings are as specified by published MS white papers both at the NIC level and as cluster configurations. I can provide those settings if necessary.

Other pertinent settings:
- We set the SQL Server's min/max setting to both be 40960 MB (40GB)
- MAXDOP to 2
- System DB's share two drives, one for data, one for log (all drives are RAID or 10)
- TempDB has 1 drive for data, one for log, and we modify TempDB to have as many data files as processors
- User DBs share multiple pairs of drives, each pair has a dedicated data drive and dedicated log drive
- Backups (litespeed) go to a dedicated drive
- Full-text catalogs go to a dedicated drive
- Maintenance jobs run every night and include: Reindex, update stats, backups and other miscellaneous jobs specific to our environment
- We set physical database files to grow by 200MB increments when over 2GB in size and we proactively grow each file overnight if the file's free space is < 10%

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How To Cause Data Corruption

May 6, 2008


After reading your recent blog about CHECKDB, I need to modify my DBCC CHECKDB stored procedure to cause the SQL job to fail when data corruption is detected. In order to test my changes, I'd like to know how to cause data corruption in SQL Server 2005. In previous versions this was easy as we could modify the FirstIAM column in sysindexes. This was pretty destructive but got the job done. Obviously we did this only in test environments as a recovery exercise.

What is the most effective way to cause data corruption in SQL Server 2005?

Once we've checked the value of @@ERROR, how do we cause the job to fail? Do we simply RAISERROR?

Tara Kizer
Microsoft MVP for Windows Server System - SQL Server

Database maintenance routines:

View 8 Replies View Related

Index Corruption

Jun 27, 2005

We found the following error 4 times in our SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) log:

Error: 644, Severity: 21, State: 3
Could not find the index entry for RID '163030314f564d30353034200' in index page (1:40729731), index ID 0, database 'MyDB'..

The last time it happened in the middle of the delete process, previous time during the reading process.
We run checkDB and result is 162 consistency errors in database 'MyDB'. The errors are like that:

Server: Msg 2511, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1141579105, Index ID 0. Keys out of order on page (1:40729731), slots 14 and 15.
Server: Msg 2512, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1141579105, Index ID 0. Duplicate keys on page (1:40729731) slot 28 and page (1:40729731) slot 29.
Server: Msg 2511, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1141579105, Index ID 2. Keys out of order on page (1:41115503), slots 428 and 429.
Server: Msg 2511, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1141579105, Index ID 2. Keys out of order on page (1:41117738), slots 131 and 132.

What we have to do? Will rebuilding indexes help or we have to do some additional steps? Can Dbcc dbrecover help?
What may be the reason for the problem?

Thank you for your help,

View 16 Replies View Related

Index Corruption

Jun 27, 2005

We found the following error 4 times in our SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) log:

Error: 644, Severity: 21, State: 3
Could not find the index entry for RID '163030314f564d30353034200' in index page (1:40729731), index ID 0, database 'MyDB'..

The last time it happened in the middle of the delete process, previous time during the reading process.
We run checkDB and result is 162 consistency errors in database 'MyDB'. The errors are like that:

Server: Msg 2511, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1141579105, Index ID 0. Keys out of order on page (1:40729731), slots 14 and 15.
Server: Msg 2512, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1141579105, Index ID 0. Duplicate keys on page (1:40729731) slot 28 and page (1:40729731) slot 29.
Server: Msg 2511, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1141579105, Index ID 2. Keys out of order on page (1:41115503), slots 428 and 429.
Server: Msg 2511, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 1141579105, Index ID 2. Keys out of order on page (1:41117738), slots 131 and 132.

What we have to do? Will rebuilding indexes help or we have to do some additional steps? Can Dbcc dbrecover help?
What may be the reason for the problem?

Thank you for your help,

View 1 Replies View Related

How To Recover From A Corruption

Aug 5, 2005


Having read your useful insight into the sorts of issues around the corruptions that folk have posted in this forum I'm interested in preparing for the day when one of our servers gets corrupted :-(

Should I expect to be able to:

Restore FULL backup from Before the corruption first happened
Restore all Tranaction log backups since

and would get me back to ground zero?

I'm thinking:

if I do a DBCC CHECKDB once a week, say, immediately after a FULL backup - then if that gives me some error messages I've got last weeks Full backup and a weeks worth of Trans Log Backups to restore - which is OK for a rare disaster.

I apprecaite that the thing that caused the corruption might be a memory or disk fault, which might also have broken the creation of the backup files too - in which case I'm fairly stuffed!

Does a RESTORE do a checksum of somesort that would detect a corruption caused by, say, a memory fault or a disk controller that wrote the block faultily [twiddled some bits, but did not report error]?

In which case continuous restores of backup files to A.N.Other server would discover the moment at which a backup was "known bad"

Am I close?



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May Be A Corruption Error ? Need Help.

Aug 23, 2005

This error message was thrown in a SQL server 7.0 database. Please let me know the cause and fix.

I/O error (bad page ID) detected during read of BUF pointer = 0x14682100, page ptr = 0x64ac8000, pageid = (0x1:0x33b0), dbid = 51, status = 0x801, file = E:xxxabcd.mdf

View 3 Replies View Related

What Might Cause Index Corruption?

Mar 24, 2006

Hi, I have experience an Index corruption on one table. I'd like to know the root cause so that I can provent it. Here is some information about the table.

1)This records of the table may be frequently Deleted/Inserted/Updated via stored procedures, one record at a time (no bulk operations).

2)I noticed there are unnecessary index on this table. I suspect the cluster Index of ScriptID, non uncluser Index (ProjectID, ScriptID), non-cluster Index (ProjectID) caused the problem.

3)Will this be hardware related?

The following is the output of DBCC CheckTable

Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:0) identified by (RID = (1:2694:0) ScriptID = 2178) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2178 and ScriptID = 2178).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:1) identified by (RID = (1:2694:1) ScriptID = 2179) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2179 and ScriptID = 2179).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:2) identified by (RID = (1:2694:2) ScriptID = 2180) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2180 and ScriptID = 2180).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:3) identified by (RID = (1:2694:3) ScriptID = 2181) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2181 and ScriptID = 2181).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:4) identified by (RID = (1:2694:4) ScriptID = 2182) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2182 and ScriptID = 2182).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:5) identified by (RID = (1:2694:5) ScriptID = 2183) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2183 and ScriptID = 2183).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
DBCC results for 'tblScript'.
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:6) identified by (RID = (1:2694:6) ScriptID = 2184) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2184 and ScriptID = 2184).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:7) identified by (RID = (1:2694:7) ScriptID = 2185) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2185 and ScriptID = 2185).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:8) identified by (RID = (1:2694:8) ScriptID = 2186) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2186 and ScriptID = 2186).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:9) identified by (RID = (1:2694:9) ScriptID = 2187) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2187 and ScriptID = 2187).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:10) identified by (RID = (1:2694:10) ScriptID = 2188) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2188 and ScriptID = 2188).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:11) identified by (RID = (1:2694:11) ScriptID = 2189) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2189 and ScriptID = 2189).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:12) identified by (RID = (1:2694:12) ScriptID = 2190) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2190 and ScriptID = 2190).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:13) identified by (RID = (1:2694:13) ScriptID = 2191) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2191 and ScriptID = 2191).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:14) identified by (RID = (1:2694:14) ScriptID = 2192) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2192 and ScriptID = 2192).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:15) identified by (RID = (1:2694:15) ScriptID = 2193) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2193 and ScriptID = 2193).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:16) identified by (RID = (1:2694:16) ScriptID = 2194) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2194 and ScriptID = 2194).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:17) identified by (RID = (1:2694:17) ScriptID = 2195) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2195 and ScriptID = 2195).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:18) identified by (RID = (1:2694:18) ScriptID = 2196) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2196 and ScriptID = 2196).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:19) identified by (RID = (1:2694:19) ScriptID = 2197) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2197 and ScriptID = 2197).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:20) identified by (RID = (1:2694:20) ScriptID = 2198) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2198 and ScriptID = 2198).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:21) identified by (RID = (1:2694:21) ScriptID = 2199) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2199 and ScriptID = 2199).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:22) identified by (RID = (1:2694:22) ScriptID = 2200) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2200 and ScriptID = 2200).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:23) identified by (RID = (1:2694:23) ScriptID = 2204) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2204 and ScriptID = 2204).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:24) identified by (RID = (1:2694:24) ScriptID = 2205) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2205 and ScriptID = 2205).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:25) identified by (RID = (1:2694:25) ScriptID = 2207) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2207 and ScriptID = 2207).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:26) identified by (RID = (1:2694:26) ScriptID = 2209) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2209 and ScriptID = 2209).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:27) identified by (RID = (1:2694:27) ScriptID = 2210) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2210 and ScriptID = 2210).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:28) identified by (RID = (1:2694:28) ScriptID = 2211) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2211 and ScriptID = 2211).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'IX_tblScript' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:29) identified by (RID = (1:2694:29) ScriptID = 2212) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2212 and ScriptID = 2212).
Server: Msg 8952, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Database 'LDAC_Figgie_Corrupted', index 'tblScript.IX_tblScript' (ID 848774131) (index ID 2). Extra or invalid key for the keys:
Server: Msg 8956, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Index row (1:3608:105) with values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2170 and ScriptID = 2170) points to the data row identified by ().
Server: Msg 8952, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Database 'LDAC_Figgie_Corrupted', index 'tblScript.IX_tblScript' (ID 848774131) (index ID 2). Extra or invalid key for the keys:
Server: Msg 8956, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Index row (1:3608:106) with values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2171 and ScriptID = 2171) points to the data row identified by ().
Server: Msg 8952, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Database 'LDAC_Figgie_Corrupted', index 'tblScript.IX_tblScript' (ID 848774131) (index ID 2). Extra or invalid key for the keys:
Server: Msg 8956, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Index row (1:3608:107) with values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2173 and ScriptID = 2173) points to the data row identified by ().
Server: Msg 8952, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Database 'LDAC_Figgie_Corrupted', index 'tblScript.IX_tblScript' (ID 848774131) (index ID 2). Extra or invalid key for the keys:
Server: Msg 8956, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Index row (1:3608:108) with values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2174 and ScriptID = 2174) points to the data row identified by ().
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:0) identified by (RID = (1:2694:0) ScriptID = 2178) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2178).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:1) identified by (RID = (1:2694:1) ScriptID = 2179) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2179).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:2) identified by (RID = (1:2694:2) ScriptID = 2180) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2180).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:3) identified by (RID = (1:2694:3) ScriptID = 2181) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2181).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:4) identified by (RID = (1:2694:4) ScriptID = 2182) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2182).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:5) identified by (RID = (1:2694:5) ScriptID = 2183) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2183).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:6) identified by (RID = (1:2694:6) ScriptID = 2184) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2184).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:7) identified by (RID = (1:2694:7) ScriptID = 2185) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2185).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:8) identified by (RID = (1:2694:8) ScriptID = 2186) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2186).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:9) identified by (RID = (1:2694:9) ScriptID = 2187) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2187).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:10) identified by (RID = (1:2694:10) ScriptID = 2188) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2188).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:11) identified by (RID = (1:2694:11) ScriptID = 2189) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2189).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:12) identified by (RID = (1:2694:12) ScriptID = 2190) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2190).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:13) identified by (RID = (1:2694:13) ScriptID = 2191) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2191).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:14) identified by (RID = (1:2694:14) ScriptID = 2192) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2192).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:15) identified by (RID = (1:2694:15) ScriptID = 2193) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2193).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:16) identified by (RID = (1:2694:16) ScriptID = 2194) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2194).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:17) identified by (RID = (1:2694:17) ScriptID = 2195) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2195).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:18) identified by (RID = (1:2694:18) ScriptID = 2196) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2196).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:19) identified by (RID = (1:2694:19) ScriptID = 2197) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2197).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:20) identified by (RID = (1:2694:20) ScriptID = 2198) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2198).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:21) identified by (RID = (1:2694:21) ScriptID = 2199) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2199).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:22) identified by (RID = (1:2694:22) ScriptID = 2200) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2200).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:23) identified by (RID = (1:2694:23) ScriptID = 2204) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2204).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:24) identified by (RID = (1:2694:24) ScriptID = 2205) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2205).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:25) identified by (RID = (1:2694:25) ScriptID = 2207) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2207).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:26) identified by (RID = (1:2694:26) ScriptID = 2209) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2209).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:27) identified by (RID = (1:2694:27) ScriptID = 2210) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2210).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:28) identified by (RID = (1:2694:28) ScriptID = 2211) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2211).
Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'tblScript' (ID 848774131). Missing or invalid key in index 'XIF3tblScript' (ID 4) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:2694:29) identified by (RID = (1:2694:29) ScriptID = 2212) has index values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2212).
Server: Msg 8952, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Database 'LDAC_Figgie_Corrupted', index 'tblScript.XIF3tblScript' (ID 848774131) (index ID 4). Extra or invalid key for the keys:
Server: Msg 8956, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Index row (1:3609:105) with values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2170) points to the data row identified by ().
Server: Msg 8952, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Database 'LDAC_Figgie_Corrupted', index 'tblScript.XIF3tblScript' (ID 848774131) (index ID 4). Extra or invalid key for the keys:
Server: Msg 8956, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Index row (1:3609:106) with values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2171) points to the data row identified by ().
Server: Msg 8952, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Database 'LDAC_Figgie_Corrupted', index 'tblScript.XIF3tblScript' (ID 848774131) (index ID 4). Extra or invalid key for the keys:
Server: Msg 8956, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Index row (1:3609:107) with values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2173) points to the data row identified by ().
Server: Msg 8952, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Database 'LDAC_Figgie_Corrupted', index 'tblScript.XIF3tblScript' (ID 848774131) (index ID 4). Extra or invalid key for the keys:
Server: Msg 8956, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Index row (1:3609:108) with values (ProjectID = 1 and ScriptID = 2174) points to the data row identified by ().
There are 2234 rows in 52 pages for object 'tblScript'.
CHECKTABLE found 0 allocation errors and 68 consistency errors in table 'tblScript' (object ID 848774131).
repair_fast is the minimum repair level for the errors found by DBCC CHECKTABLE (LDAC_Figgie_Corrupted.dbo.tblScript ).

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