Table Flow

Oct 3, 2006

Premnath writes "How do i find the order of my Tables in my database? I need to populate them from the beginning. As i have 600 tables in my database how do i find out its order."

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How To Pass Parameter Froon Control Flow To Data Flow

Feb 14, 2006

Hi, All,

I need to pass a parameter from control flow to data flow. The data flow will use this parameter to get data from a Oracle source.

I have an Execute SQL task in control flow to assign value to the Parameter, next step is a data flow which will need take a parameter in the SQL statement to query the Oracle source,

The SQL Looks like this:

select * from ccst_acctsys_account

where to_char(LAST_MODIFIED_DATE, 'YYYYMMDD') >?

THe problem is the OLE DB source Edit doesn€™t have anything for mapping parameter.

Thanks in Advance

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Temp Table In Data Flow

Mar 28, 2006

is it possible to retrieve data from a #temp table in flow control task? or create a temp table perhaps?

or what if i create a table in the control flow using sql execute task and inside the data flow access that table, is that possible?

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HELP: How Do I Pass Variables From Control Flow To Data Flow

Mar 9, 2007

I have an Execute SQL Task that returns a Full Rowset from a SQL Server table and assigns it to a variable objRecs. I connect that to a foreach container with an ADO enumerator using objRecs variable and Rows in first table mode. I defined variables and mapped them to the columns.

I tested this by placing a Script task inside the foreach container and displaying the variables in a messagebox.

Now, for each row, I want to write a record to an MS Access table and then update a column back in the original SQL Server table where I retreived data in the Execute SQL task (i have the primary key). If I drop a Data Flow Task inside my foreach container, how do I pass the variables as input to an OLE DB Destination on the Data Flow?

Also, how would I update the original source table where =

Thank you for your assistance. I have spent the day trying to figure this out (and thought it would be simple), but I am just not getting SSIS. Sorry if this has been covered.



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Handle Tasks In Control Flow Tab From Data Flow Tab

Jan 17, 2008

Dear All!
My package has a Data Flow Task. In Data Flow Task, I use a Script Component and a OLE BD Destination to transform data from txt file to database.
Within Data Flow Task, I want to call File System Task to move file to a folder or any Task of "Control Flow" Tab. So, Does SSIS support this task? Please show me if any

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SSIS Variables Between Data Flow And Control Flow... How To????

May 17, 2007

Hi everyone,

Primary platform is 64 bit cluster.

How to move information allocated in SSIS variables from Data Flow to Control Flow layers??

We've got a SSIS package which load a value into a variable inside a Data Flow. Going back to Control Flow how could we retrive that value again????

Thanks in advance and regards,

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Is There A Way To Set A Variable In A Data Flow From A SQL Statement (like In Control Flow)

Jan 12, 2006

I'm currently setting variables at the package level with an ExecuteSQL task.  This works fine.  However, I'm now starting to think about restartability midway through a package.  It would be nice to have the variable(s) needed in a data flow set within the data flow so that I only have to restart that task. 

Is there a way to do that using an SQL statement as the source of the value in a data flow? 

OR, when using checkpoints will it save variable settings so that they are available when the package is restarted?  This would make my issue a moot point.

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How Can Data Flow Destination Be A Temp Table?

Sep 26, 2007

I have a series of data flow tasks that I want to output to a temp table. I've set the data source for RetainSameConnection and the Data Flows are DelayValidation. The OLE DB data source inside the Data Flow works fine, but the data destinations don't offer a # or ## as a target. I've tried every destination that sounds logical, without success.

Any pointers? ... Thanks!

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Data Flow OLE DB Command And Table Locking

Jan 7, 2008

Hi all,

I'm just testing an SSIS package and am having issues with dealing with locked records.

my situation is as follows:

my source table is oracle, my destination table is in SQL server. my data flow is a very simple update with a lookup transformation and then two OLEDB commands for update and insert.

On each of the OLEDB commands I have set the "command timeout" to 5 seconds (just for testing purposes). also each OLE DB command has a failure path that outputs to a flat file. I'm expecting that if the destination table/records is/are locked then after 5 seconds the record will be output to the flat file.

so to test this I begin a transaction on the destination table and don't commit it. then I start the SSIS job. it doesn't appear to even get to the OLE DB commands. it appears to stop at the beginning of the data flow task. the output window shows this:

"Information: 0x40043007 at Import from Phoenix, DTS.Pipeline: Pre-Execute phase is beginning."

but it just hangs there indefinately. the progress tab tells me that it get's from the validating stage and past the prepare for execute stage but hangs on pre-execute - 0 percent.

I've put the command timeout = 5 on everything that I can find. I've mucked arround with all the possible "validateExternalMetadata" properties even though I only guessed that it may be the cause. is there anything that I'm missing? where should I look next?

(yes it does work perfectly when there is no transaction locking the target table)


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Updating Existing Table With Result Of Data Flow

Dec 4, 2007


I could use some help on how to save the result of my data-flow in an existing table.

I have created a data flow. I have no trouble storing the result of the flow in a new table. But I'm trying to store the result of my data flow in an existing table. (The flow involves fuzzy grouping, and i would like to store the result in the original table on which the fuzzy grouping was performed). But I cannot get it to work.

I can select the existing table as OLE DB destination. I can write an SQL to manipulate this table, but how do i address the result of the flow in the SQL?

Help is welcome here!

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Updating A Permanent Table From A Dataset Within The Data Flow

Feb 14, 2007

I have a dataset that was created via a source + lookups + derived columns.

I wish to take this dataset and treat is as a table within a sql statement so that I can update a permanent table with the a specific value within the temp dataset.

In sql this is what I am trying to do:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS Count_of_Employees, DEPT
FROM Employees

UPDATE Departments
SET Number_of_Employees = Count_of_Employees
WHERE Dept = dept.

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How Do I Create A Temp Table As The Beginning Of A Process Flow?

Dec 29, 2006

am new to SQL Server and I am struggling.

SQL Server Integration Services Designer Version

SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.1399.00

would like to
create a temp table
load the temp table from a flat file
insert into a destination table the rows from the temp table where NOT EXIST the
primary key of the destination table.


File Source will not accept that a resource will be available that does not yet
exist (the temp table)

set the Flat File Source to €œIgnore Failure€? and ran the package. It ran with
warnings but did not insert the new rows.

€œIgnore Duplicates€? radio button is €œgrayed out€? because the index is clustered

I could work around this thing by keeping a table just for purposes of this
process flow. I am opposed to that philosophically and would prefer to do this
in the way that I consider appropriate€¦is there a solution?


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Created A Stage Table For First Data Flow Component But...

Jan 1, 2008

How do I tell the destination of the dataflow to use the stage table that has not been created yet?

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Use Newly Created Table In Data Flow Task

Jul 20, 2006

Hello dear Forum,

I guess this should be rather simple to answer but i just don't get how to do this. I just want to import some data from an Access mdb file into a SQL Server 2005 Database.

As I dont want to create all tables in Sql Server 2005 beforehand i'd like to create them out of my SSIS Package. Therefore i use the 'Execute SQL Task' in the control flow before stepping into the dataflow where only a oledb-source and an oledb-destination exist...

VERY simple... My problem is, that i can't select the table from the selectionlist in the oledb-destination because it does not exist before executing the package...

If i create the table by hand just to be able to select it, that does not help. because if everything is set up and then i delete the table (because it will be created by the package anyway) an error occurs before executing the package - in the validation phase:

Package Validation Error: "Invalid object name 'myToBeCreatedTable'".

Can't i create tables on the fly which i use then in my dataflow tasks?

Kind regards,


Hello dear Forum,

I guess this should be rather simple to answer but i just don't get how to do this. I just want to import some data from an Access mdb file into a SQL Server 2005 Database.

As I dont want to create all tables in Sql Server 2005 beforehand i'd like to create them out of my SSIS Package. Therefore i use the 'Execute SQL Task' in the control flow before stepping into the dataflow where only a oledb-source and an oledb-destination exist...

VERY simple... My problem is, that i can't select the table from the selectionlist in the oledb-destination because it does not exist before executing the package...

If i create the table by hand just to be able to select it, that does not help. because if everything is set up and then i delete the table (because it will be created by the package anyway) an error occurs before executing the package - in the validation phase:

Package Validation Error: "Invalid object name 'myToBeCreatedTable'".

Can't i create tables on the fly which i use then in my dataflow tasks?

Kind regards,


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Using Newly Created Table In Data Flow Task

Jul 20, 2006

Hello dear Forum,

I guess this should be rather simple to answer but i just don't get how to do this. I just want to import some data from an Access mdb file into a SQL Server 2005 Database.

As I dont want to create all tables in Sql Server 2005 beforehand i'd like to create them out of my SSIS Package. Therefore i use the 'Execute SQL Task' in the control flow before stepping into the dataflow where only a oledb-source and an oledb-destination exist...

VERY simple... My problem is, that i can't select the table from the selectionlist in the oledb-destination because it does not exist before executing the package...

If i create the table by hand just to be able to select it, that does not help. because if everything is set up and then i delete the table (because it will be created by the package anyway) an error occurs before executing the package - in the validation phase:

Package Validation Error: "Invalid object name 'myToBeCreatedTable'".

Can't i create tables on the fly which i use then in my dataflow tasks?

Kind regards,


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Please Advise: Big Control Flow Or Big Data Flow

Jul 22, 2007

Hi all! I recently started working with SSIS and one of the things that is puzzling me the most is what's the best way to go:

A small control flow, with large data flow tasks
A control flow with more, but smaller, data flow tasksAny help will be greatly appreciated.

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Transact SQL :: Get Back (Identity) ID To The Other Table In SSIS Data Flow?

Jul 17, 2015

Table 1:

-------     -----                ----          ----
Name       Add                  No         RowID
-------     -----                 ----         -------

aa     #a-1,India                              10
bb     #a-1,India                              11                
aa     #a-1,India                              12


 table 1 inserting to Table 2 (Using 1st Data flow)

Table 2:

-------     -----                ----
Name       Add                 ID(Note:Here Identity1,1)
-------     -----                 ----
aa     #a-1,India                 1
bb     #a-1,India                 2
aa     #a-1,India                 3


My Requirement is Update  Table 1 set Column::No=Table 2.ID
based on Exact Match of
Table1.Name=Table2.Name  and

It means Get back the Id for Source Table 1

 2nd Data flow
             Source(Table1:Name, Add,No)

   --LOOKUP(Table2:Name, Add::Matched Look Columns Name, Add and
Tick Mark on ID)

   -->OLEDB Command: update Table1 set N0=? where  RowID=?(Here Param_0= NO ,Param_1=RowID)

Here My Issue is if  Table 1 had Duplicates(same Name, Add, but Row Id is different it is Updating Same ID for Table 1.No It means Get Back ID correctly not updating Result::

Table 1:

-------     -----                ----          ----
Name       Add                  No         RowID
-------     -----                 ----         -------
aa     #a-1,India                1              10
bb     #a-1,India                2              11                
aa     #a-1,India              1 12


My correct Output is     3      instead of Result:Table1 1.NO  1   where RowID =12

It caused by LOOKUP , It picking Top1 ID while Matching Look on fields.

How Should I update the (Identity) Get Back Table 2.ID to Source Table1. NO  in Above logic in SSIS?

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Question On Which Component To Use In Data Flow For Default Value Stored In A Table

Jan 30, 2008


I have SSIS which will have OLF DB Source, and then have Derived Column component to managering all data from OLF DB Source. I used to have default columns such as Create Date, Update Date set as fixed date. Now we decided to put this default column values into a table to manage. I then have problem to choose which component I should use in order to have this columns selected from default table.

For example: if Create Date is null, I have to select default value from the default table; otherwise, use Create Date value and so on.



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Data Flow Task - Have Null Values Take Table Default

Jun 6, 2006


I have a data transform from a flat-file to a SQL server database.
Some of the flat-file fields have NULL values. The SQL table I'm
importing into does not allow NULL values in any field, but each field
has a Default value specified.

I need to have it so that if a null value comes across in a field using
the data transform, it takes the table default on import. I could of
sworn I had this working a few days ago, but I get errors now that
state I'm violating table constraints. Has anyone done this before?


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Data Flow Task - Multiple Columns From Different Sources To A Single Table

Dec 19, 2006


I have a data flow task in which there is a OLEDB source, derived column item, and a oledb destination. My source is a SQL command, that returns some values. I have some values, that I define in the derived columns, and set default values under the expression column. My question is, I also have some destination columns which in my OLEDB destination need another SQL command. How would I do that? Can I attach two or more OLEDB sources to one destination? How would I accomplish that? Thanks


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Save Data Flow Task Result Into Specific Table In Database

Feb 14, 2007


Kindly i need support in this issue, i create task flow import from flat file and store in database but i need to save all result for task into specific table


Like Record count transferred

Destination table name

Time ..........etc


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Load Fact Table, Very Slow With Lookup - Data Flow Transformation

Apr 9, 2008


I have developed some packages to load data into "Fact" tables in the data warehouse.
Some packages are OK, other ones not. What is the problem?: some packages load fact tables with lots of "Lookup - Data Flow Transformation" into the "data flow task" (lookup against dimension tables) but they are very very slow, too much slow to be choosen as a solution.

Do you have any other solutions to avoid using "Lookup - Data Flow Transformation"? Any other solution (SSIS, TSQL and so on....) is welcome to speed up the Fact table loading process.

Thank in advance

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SSIS 2005: Dynamically Create Data Flow Dest Table If It Does Not Exist?

Sep 20, 2007

Hi all,

I am looking for a way to leave a Data Flow Task destination table name as-is, and have SSIS auto-create the table if it doesn't exist already.

I searched on this in the forums but based on the question it's difficult to kow if it has been answered or not.


I am writing some SSIS packages that need to be executable on another server. Many of the Data Flow Tasks copy data (such as from a Fuzzy Grouping transformation, and lots of other stuff) into a new table. But the other server will not have these tables set up for the first run.

My current solution is to check information_schema.tables and drop IF EXISTS. But, then the Data Flow Task will not work (becase table does not exist). So, I script to new window a create table statement based on the existing table that I use in my dev environment. This is a hack and I want to find a better method.

It is quite possible (although unlikely) that the source columns could be changed in the future, or some query used to pull the data might be modified. If this happens, then I would need to change the CREATE TABLE Execute SQL task. I want my package to accommodate without having to modify it.

When I use the Import/Export Wizard, I can select a table name from the drop down list OR type in a new name. When I type in the new name, it assumes I want to create the table. NOW, is there a way to mimic this in BI Developer Studio? Yep, I saved the Wizard version of the SSIS package and all it does is run a CREATE TABLE statement first.

I am looking for a way to leave a Data Flow Task destination table name as-is, and have SSIS auto-create the table if it doesn't exist already.

Any ideas?

Brian Pulliam

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Integration Services :: Check Table For Existing Record Before Data Flow Task

Jun 1, 2015

Using SSIS 2012 (within Visual Studio) on Windows 7.

Before allowing my Data Flow task to fire, I'd like to check the target table (OLE DB Destination) for a specific date value in a specific field. I've seen how the Lookup Task is commonly used to check for dupes before inserting, but I'm not able to use that method because the data value I want to search the table for is contained in a Global Variable (let's say "MyVariableDate"). 

Is there any way to check for any records in a target table where Date1 = MyVariableDate (i.e. scanning the entire table for any occurrence of MyVariableDate in the Date1 field)?

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Mapping Surrogate Keys Of Level 2 Dimensions To Fact Table In SSIS Data Flow

Aug 16, 2007

I use lookups to map surrogate of level 1 dimensions to my fact tables in SSIS.
But how to handle a level 2 dimension with a ValidFrom and a ValidUntil date field?
I do not use an IsCurrent column, because this could problem with late arriving facts.

- In dts I used an SQL statement like this:

update SA
SET SA.DimProdRef = Dim.RecordID
FROM SAWarenEingang SA, DimProd Dim
where SA.ProduktNumber = Dim.ProduktNumber
and SA.ArtikelkontoBewegungsdatum between Dim.ValidFrom and Dim.ValidUntil

Now in SSIS I want to handle the whole thing in the data flow without using a staging table:
- Using Lookups: I would have to pass the date column for each inside the fact table into the lookup. That does not work.
- Using Execute SQL in the data flow: would be very slow, because the statement will be executed for any line in the dataflow

Any ideas?

Best regards,

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Error When Using A Create Table Execute SQL Task Statement In Control Flow Prior To Using An OLE DB Destination Container...

May 18, 2008

SSIS Newbie Question:

I have a simple Control Flow setup that checks to see if a particular table exists. If the table does not exists, the table is created in an alternate path, if it does exist, the table is truncated before moving to a file import Data Flow that uses an OLE DB Destination to output the imported data.

My problem is, that I get OLE DB package errors if the table the OLE DB Destination Container references does not exist when I load the package.

How can I over come this issue? I need to be able to dynamically create the table in an earlier step, then use that table to import data into in a later step in the workflow.

Is there a switch I can use to turn off checking in the OLE DB Destination Container so that it will allow me to hook up the table creation step?

Seems like this would be a common task...


1. Execute SQL Task to see if the required table exists
2. Use expresions to test a variable to check the results of step 1
3. If table exists, truncate the table and reload it from file in Data Flow using OLE DB Destination
4. If table does not exist, 1st create it, then follow the normal Data Flow

Can someone help me with this?

Signed: Clueless with a deadline approaching...

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Built In Limit Or Setting That Limits The Number Of Rows From An OLE DB Source Table In A Data Flow Task?

Feb 16, 2007

I have a table that I'm loading as part of a control flow that in turn is copied to a target table by using a data flow task. I am doing this because a different set of fields may be used from the source entry to create the target entry based on a field in the source table. That same field may indicate that multiple entries need to be created in the target table from one source table entry for which I use a multi-cast transformation.

The problem I'm having is that no matter how many entries there are in the source table, the OLE DB Source during execution only shows 7,532 entries being taken from the source table. If there are less than 7,532 entries in the source table, everything processes fine. More than 7,532 and the data flow task only takes 7,532 and then seems to hang. It also seems as though only one path of the multi-cast transformation is taken when the conditional split directs a source entry down that path.

Seems like a strange problem I know, but any insight anyone could provide is appreciated. Thanks.

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Integration Services :: Handling Empty Text File Load Into Table Through SSIS Data Flow?

Jun 16, 2015

We have created SSIS package to load a text file into a table. Source system shares 10 text files and recently they stopped generating data for one of the text file (comping empty), after few months they will start generating the data for the empty file batch processing. 

The Issue here is Data Flow task is getting failed while loading empty text file into table. How to handle this empty file load issue in SSIS package.

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Reuse Existing Data Flow Components In A Custom Data Flow Component

Aug 29, 2007


Is it possible to use existing data flow components (Merge Join, aggregation,...) in a custom data flow component?



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Insert / Update In Master Table And Also Save A History Of Changed Records : Using Data Flow/simple Sql Queries

Feb 9, 2007


My scenario:

I have a master securities table which has 7 fields. As a part of the daily process I am uploading flat files into database tables. The flat files contains the master(static) security data as well as the analytics(transaction) data. I need to

1) separate the master (static) data from the flat files,

2) check whether that data is present in the master table, if not then insert that data into the master table

3) If data present then move that existing record to an history table and then update the main master table.

All the 7 fields need to be checked to uniquely identify a single record in the master table.

How can this be done? Whether we can us a combination of data flow items or write a sql procedure to do all this.

Thanks in advance for your help.



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Do We Have To Alawys Use Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCD) Component In The Data Flow For The Loading Of Table Data?

Feb 28, 2008

Hi, all experts here,
Do we always have to use SCD component for the loading of data into data warehouse to handle changes of rows?
I am looking forward to hearing from you and thank you very much in advance for your help.
With best regards,

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Updating A Table By Both Inserting And Updating In The Data Flow

Sep 21, 2006

I am very new to SQL Server 2005. I have created a package to load data from a flat delimited file to a database table. The initial load has worked. However, in the future, I will have flat files used to update the table. Some of the records will need to be inserted and some will need to update existing rows. I am trying to do this from SSIS. However, I am very lost as to how to do this.

Any suggestions?

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Lookup Task Data Flow Transformation Causes Data Flow Task To Hang?

Dec 28, 2007

I'm trying to implement an incremental data pull (Oracle to SQL) based on Andy's blog:

My development machine is decent: 1.86 GHz, Intel core 2 CPU, 3 GB of RAM.
However it seems the data flow task gets hung whenever I test the package against the ~6 million row source, as can be seen from these screenshots. I have no memory limitations on the lookup transformation. After the rows have been cached nothing happens. Memory for the dtsdebug process hovers around 1.8 GB and it uses 1-6 percent of CPU resources continuously. I am not using fast load to insert new records into my sql target table. (I am right clicking Sequence Container 3 and executing this container NOT the entire package in the screenshots)

The same package works fine against a similar test table with 150k rows.

The weird thing is it only takes 24 minutes for a full refresh of the entire source table from Oracle to the SQL target table.
Any hints,advice would be appreciated.

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