Table Size And Access Data

Jul 2, 2001

I am trying to find a way to look at the size of each table in a database and the last time each table was updated/accessed by a user. I was just given control over a DB that is VERY BADLY maintained and I want to look at what I can get rid of in it. I want to start deleating by size and last used. I can find creation dates for the tables and row counts but not total size and last update/access of the tables. Does anyone know how to get this information?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Possible To Find Table Size And In That Table Each Row Size

Jun 10, 2014

It is possible to find table size and in that table each row size.

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Reduce Table Size Without Deleting Data

Jul 20, 2006

We are using SQL Server 2000 Standard ed, sp4 on Server 2000 Advanced.We have one table that is three times as large as the rest of the database.Most of the data is static after approximately 3-6 months, but we arerequired to keep it for 8 years. I would like to archive this table (A), butthere are complications.1. the only way to access the data is through the application (they areimages produced by the application-built on Power-Builder)2. there are multiple tables refrencing this table and vise-versa3. we restore the entire db to two other servers for testing and trainingregularly4. there might be more complications that have not been thought ofCurrently, our only plan is to setup a seperate server with a copy of this dbon it and the application. Leave only the tables necessary to access the data,and if this 'archive' works, remove from production the data from the table Aand all references to the table A from rows on the other tables.I mentioned #3 because someone mentioned a third party tool that may be ableto pull the data from the table, archive it elsewhere, and at the same time,place a 'pointer' in the table to the new storage location. The tool theymentioned only works on Oracle and we have not explored beyond that yet.I am ready to explore ideas and suggestions; I am still new to the DBA world,I am out of ideas.Thank you!--Message posted via SQLMonster.com

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SQL 2012 :: Data Size Of Table Is Not Reduced Even After Deleting Millions Of Rows

Sep 21, 2015

I have deleted nearly 30 million rows from a table. But however when I used the sp_spaceused command to calculate the data occupied by the table I don't see any difference in the data size of the table. In fact the data has increased to few MBs after the deletion, but not much.

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Transact SQL :: Manage Max Table Storage Space In Case Of Excess Data (size In GB)

Apr 23, 2015

I am using sql server 2008 r2 on my end. I have created a database named testDB. I have a lot of tables with some log tables in this. some tables have contain lack of records in log table.

So my purpose is that I want to fix the table size of those tables(log tables) and want to move records in other database table placed on another location. So my database has no problem.

is there any way to make such above steps which I want for my database?

Is there already built any such functionality in sql server?

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SQL2005 Data Import Error, Unicode Data Is Odd Byte Size For Column &&<n&&>. Should Be Even Byte Size

Aug 23, 2006

Hi, I have a problem importing data from SQL Server 2000 'text' columns to SQL Server 2005 nvarchar(max) columns. I get the following error when encountering a transfer of any column that matches the above.
The error is copied below,

Any help on this greatly appreciated...

ERROR : errorCode=-1071636471 description=An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Unicode data is odd byte size for column 3. Should be even byte size.". helpFile=dtsmsg.rll helpContext=0 idofInterfaceWithError={8BDFE893-E9D8-4D23-9739-DA807BCDC2AC} (Microsoft.SqlServer.DtsTransferProvider)

Many thanks

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Query To Move Certian Data From Sql Table To Access Table

Dec 14, 2007

hi all,
is there any query to move certain data from a sql data to access table through query. i am having a requirement where i have to fetch the records from a sql table that falls within a specified range to a ms access table. is this possible through a query.


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Data Access :: Transfer Data From One To Another Table On Another Server Using Stored Procedures

Jun 9, 2013

I have two database(MYDB1 , MYDB2) on two different server's(SERVER1 , SERVER2) . I want to create an store procedure in MYDB1 on SERVER1 and get some data from a table of MYDB2 on SERVER2. How can i do this?

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Data Access :: How To Load Data From CSV File In Temp Table At Run Time

May 28, 2015

how I can load the CSV file data into the sql server table. I know there are ways like bulk insert and other to load the csv file data into the table. But in my case the table doesn't exist and has to be created at the run time. With simple insert in temp table we do like select * into #temp from tablename and that creates the temp table. So. I need something like that which create the temp table and load the data into it. because the CSV file would have different number of columns and names so I can not create the table structure in advance. I have to create the table at run time. 

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Encrypted Data Size By Original Size, Algorithm ?

Jan 24, 2006

I want to know encrypted data's size for designing database field size.

For example, cardnumber varchar(20) Encrypted by Triple_DES and PassPhrase, How match size does need to encrypted data store field.

I think the size does not depend to PassPhrase char length.

Yoshihiro Kawabata

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Best Practice For Data Size/Log Size Ratio

Jul 23, 2005

Just wanted to know what is a general rule of thumb when determining log file space against a database's data file.We allow our data file for our database to grow 10%, unlimited. We do not allow our log file to autogrow due to a specific and poorly written process (which we are in a three month process of remove) that can balloon the log file size.Should it be 10% of the Data file, i.e. if the Date file size is 800MB the log file should be 8MB?I realize there are a myraid of factors that go against file size but a general starting point would be nice.ThanksJeff--Message posted via

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Sql Size Vs. Access Size

Jul 20, 2005

I have a SQL Server database that is showing 2853.44 mb in size but when Iexport the data into MS Access the size is less than 1 mb. Can anyone tellme how to reduce the size of my SQL Server database so that it's less than15 mb?Thanks in advance! Rob

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Data Access :: How To Rename Table Name

Jun 13, 2008

how to rename table name in sql?i trid as likerename table table_name to new_table_namebut this raises an error

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Data Not Copying To MS Access Table

Aug 27, 2007

I have a Data Flow Source that uses a SQL Command to pull data. In the SQL statement, I used CAST to change all varchar types to Nvarvchar to suit MS Access. I can preview the data from the source. In testing, the SQL statement only pulls about ten records.

I have a Microsoft 2000 Access database table as a destination. Data in each column in the table is required, and all columns have defaults.

I also have a grid data viewer set up. I have the DefaultBufferMaxRows set to 2 so that I can see data going across. When I execute this dataflow, no data is transfered to the Access database table. No data shows up in the dataviewer. There are no errors. The 'Execution Results' tab does not show errors, but indicates that zero rows were transfered. There are no warnings.

How do I begin to isolate the problem? The following is the SQL Statement in the Data Flow Source. Thank you for your help! - cdun2

DECLARE @CategoryTable TABLE
(ColID Int,
ColCategory varchar(60),
ColValue varchar(500)
--and fill it
INSERT INTO @CategoryTable
(ColID, ColCategory, ColValue)
FROM Collections_Staging
--Assign an ID to each block of data for each occurance of 'Reason:'
SET @ID = 1
UPDATE @CategoryTable
SET [ColID] = CASE WHEN ColCategory = 'Reason:' THEN @ID - 1 ELSE @ID END,
@ID = CASE WHEN ColCategory = 'Reason:' THEN @ID + 1 ELSE @ID END
--Then put the data together
SELECT --cast to Nvarchar for MSAccess
CAST(a.ColValue as Nvarchar(30)) AS OrderID,
COALESCE(CAST(b.ColValue as Nvarchar(30)),'') AS SellerUserID,
COALESCE(CAST(c.ColValue as Nvarchar(100)),'') AS BusinessName,
COALESCE(CAST(d.ColValue as Nvarchar(15)),'') AS BankID,
COALESCE(CAST(e.ColValue as Nvarchar(15)),'') AS AccountID,
COALESCE(CAST(SUBSTRING(f.ColValue,CHARINDEX('$',f.ColValue)+1,500)AS DECIMAL(18,2)),0) AS CollectionAmount,
COALESCE(CAST(g.ColValue as Nvarchar(10)),'') AS TransactionType,
WHEN h.ColValue LIKE '%Matching Disbursement%' THEN NULL
ELSE CAST(h.ColValue AS SmallDateTime)
END AS DisbursementDate,
--COALESCE(h.ColValue,'') AS DisbursementDate,
WHEN i.ColValue LIKE '%Matching Disbursements%' THEN NULL
WHEN CAST(LEFT(REVERSE(i.ColValue),4)AS INT) > 1000 THEN CAST(i.ColValue AS SmallDateTime)
WHEN LEFT(REVERSE(i.ColValue),4) = '1000' THEN NULL
END AS ReturnDate,
--COALESCE(i.ColValue,'') AS ReturnDate,
COALESCE(CAST(j.ColValue as Nvarchar(4)),'') AS Code,
COALESCE(CAST(k.ColValue as Nvarchar(255)),'') AS CollectionReason

FROM @CategoryTable a
LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable b ON b.ColID = a.ColID AND b.ColCategory = 'Seller UserId:'
LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable c ON c.ColID = a.ColID AND c.ColCategory = 'Business Name:'
LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable d ON d.ColID = a.ColID AND d.ColCategory = 'Bank ID:'
LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable e ON e.ColID = a.ColID AND e.ColCategory = 'Account ID:'
LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable f ON f.ColID = a.ColID AND f.ColCategory = 'Amount:'
LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable g ON g.ColID = a.ColID AND g.ColCategory = 'Transaction Type:'
LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable h ON h.ColID = a.ColID AND h.ColCategory = 'Disbursement Date:'
LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable i ON i.ColID = a.ColID AND i.ColCategory = 'Return Date:'
LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable j ON j.ColID = a.ColID AND j.ColCategory = 'Code:'
LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable k ON k.ColID = a.ColID AND k.ColCategory = 'Reason:'
WHERE a.ColCategory = 'Order ID:'

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Table Size And Database Size

Mar 2, 2008

i use this script that show me the size of each table and do the sum of all the table size.

REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[rows]), 1), '.00', '') AS [rows],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[reserved]), 1), '.00', '') AS [reserved],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[data]), 1), '.00', '') AS [data],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[index_size]), 1), '.00', '') AS [index_size],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[unused]), 1), '.00', '') AS [unused]
CAST(object_name(id) AS varchar(50)) AS [name],
SUM(CASE WHEN indid < 2 THEN CONVERT(bigint, [rows]) END) AS [rows],
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, reserved)) * 8 AS reserved,
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, dpages)) * 8 AS data,
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, used) - CONVERT(bigint, dpages)) * 8 AS index_size,
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, reserved) - CONVERT(bigint, used)) * 8 AS unused
FROM sysindexes WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE sysindexes.indid IN (0, 1, 255)
AND > 100
AND object_name( <> 'dtproperties'
ORDER BY X.[name]

the problem is that the sum of all tables is not the same size when i make a full database backup.
example of this is when i run this query against my database i see a sum of 111,899 KB that they are 111MB,but when
i do full backup to that database the size of this full backup is 1.5GB,why is that and where this size come from?


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SQL - System Table In Data Access Layer?

Apr 5, 2007

How do I get a System Table like 'Sysobjects' into the Data Access Layer?
My app generates tables on the fly, and has to check in the sysobjects table which tables are present.

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How Can I Delete Data From Multiple Access Table???

Jul 26, 2007

i am using vb, i have 2 table show as below if i want to delete the forumid 1 row,then how would i delete the topic table who belong to the forumid 1.
how would 1 do it if i am using gridview
Forum table
Forumid   |   Forumname
    1         |      hi
    2         |      me
Topic table
Topicid    |   Forumid   |   Topicname 
   1         |        1         |        yo
   2         |        1         |        everyone
   3         |        1         |        google

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Exporting Structure && Data To Access Table

Mar 11, 2004

Hello E'body

I have an application with MSAccess as front end and SQLServer as backend. have quite a bit of tables. i wanted to write a stored procedure which exports a SQL Server table (both Structure & Data) to a new Access MDB file. i know with the use of DTS its possible but i need to code it down. i need to perform this at runtime. so can anybody help.
Its urgent.



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Access File/Get Data Can't Attach To A SQL Table.

Jul 20, 2005

In Access 97, I am trying to attach to a table in my SQL Server 2000db.I use File/Get Data, which displays all the SQL tables including theone I can't attach to. (I can attach to all the other SQL tables.)But, when I select that table I get a message that tells me the nameis invalid. I don't understand this because it gives me the name inthe Get Data dialog, and I don't have to enter it manually.Any ideas?Thanks,Bob C.

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Inserting Data From Access Table Into Sql Server With

Jan 8, 2008

I am wanting to insert the data from a table in access into a table in an SQL database. I am using VB.Net 2005.

Any idea's, cheers, Darren.

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Data Deletion On MS Access Table Hangs

Jan 18, 2008

I have not been able to locate information on the following problem. The first step I have in a packge (Execute SQL Command) is to delete the data from an MS Access database table. The package hangs at this step after all validation is complete. In the package, once the table data is deleted, it is repopulated in a later step. The deletion step and the repopulation step use the same connection manager.

There is no information in the log about an error. At the time the package ran, there was a lock file on the database with about six users connected. I'm not sure what version of Access the database was created in, but I have 2003 on my machine, and I cannot open the database.

Any ideas?

Thank you for your help!


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Data Access :: Transactions And Table Locking

Sep 3, 2015

Multi user ASP.Net website, SQL Server backend.When using transactions to insert multiple rows into a table and then commiting them once you're happy that everything looks good, the table(s) gets locked before commiting.Basically, I want to perform updates and inserts under a transaction but still allow other users to carry on using the site and potentially the tables that are being used with the transaction.

Question: Is there a way to stop the table lock occurring and for SQL to just do a record lock?, thus avoiding blocking other users?I know that a possibility is to use Snapshot replication, but am a little worried about turning it on due to the small team we have for testing.

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Table Structure And Data Transfer From SQL2000 To Access (.mdb)

Aug 8, 2006

Hello. I want to ask about the possibility of copying both a tablestructure and it's contents from aSQL server table to a table within MS access. The problem cannot besolve with a permanent table structure at the target location.The names of the columns are essentially data with the application andso are subject to change. I am targeting a solution using SQL QueryManager.The approach I have tried (with failure) isSELECT *INTO <linkedserver table>FROM <local table>This should create and copy. However, I am not sure if this isachievable with this approach.Refer to the dialogue;-------------------------------------------------------USE MASTERGOEXEC sp_addlinkedserver@SERVER = 'Freddie',@PROVIDER = 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',@SRVPRODUCT = 'OLE DB Provider for Jet',@DATASRC = 'C: empHMIS_Recipe.mdb'-- I am not sure if this is requiredEXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'Freddie', false, 'sa', 'Admin', NULLSELECT * FROM Freddie...FRED -- This is OKSELECT * INTO #Temp FROM Freddie...FRED -- This is OK-- This fails - Refer errorSELECT * INTO Freddie.FRED65from #tempServer: Msg 2760, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Specified owner name 'Freddie' either does not exist or you do not havepermission to use it.-- This also fails and I thought reflected the above select with naming- Refer errorSELECT * INTO Freddie...FRED65from #tempServer: Msg 117, Level 15, State 1, Line 2The object name 'Freddie...' contains more than the maximum number ofprefixes. The maximum is 2.EXEC sp_dropserver 'Freddie',@droplogins = 'droplogins'------------------------------------------------------------Thank you.Regards JC...

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Data Access :: How To Find Column Names In A Table

Sep 11, 2015

how to find the columns names in a table in sql 2008r2.

as i need to compare the midsing fields in the table from two database.

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Data Access :: Adding Back Constraints To Table

Nov 11, 2015

I have removed all constraints of a table.I have a copy of the database as back up, now how can i add back the constraints to the removed table.

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Advice On Importing Access Data Into MSSQL Table Using Code

Aug 2, 2004


I'm about to embark on writing some code in perl or VBscript that automatically synchronises a constantly updated Access database with an MSSQL database.

I know MSSQL has an import tool built into Enterprise manager but I'm wondering if theres a stored procedure that does this?

The way I'm thinking of doing it is to read the all the access tables into separate hash arrays and then INSERTing them into the MSSQL database after checking for any duplicates. This all sounds a bit time consuming (there are a large number of tables) and processor intensive.

If anyones done anything like this before, I'd love to hear their views......!


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Linked Table From Server To Access Doesn't Show Data?

Oct 25, 2013

I linked an SQL server table into Access, but when I open the table in Access, no data shows. Do I need to set some permissions on the sql table?

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Data Access :: Cannot Truncate Table Because It Is Being Referenced By FOREIGN KEY Constraint

Nov 11, 2015

Am working on sql database table shifting to new database tables. Am getting the following error while truncating the tables:-

Cannot truncate table 'orderItem' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.How can i remove all the items in the table if i found this error.

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Data Access :: Grant A User Permissions To Only One Table In A Database?

Jul 28, 2015

How do I grant a user permissions to only one table in a database.  How would it affect him using our Main App which is NAV with regards to his user's permission in NAV

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Data Access :: MS Access ADODB Connection To Stored Procedure - Cannot Retrieve Data

Sep 22, 2015

I'm trying to re-write my database to de-couple the interface (MS Access) from the SQL Backend.  As a result, I'm going to write a number of Stored Procedures to replace the MS Access code.  My first attempt worked on a small sample, however, trying to move this on to a real table hasn't worked (I've amended the SP and code to try and get it to work on 2 fields, rather than the full 20 plus).It works in SQL Management console (supply a Client ID, it returns all the client details), but does not return anything (recordset closed) when trying to access via VBA code.The Stored procedure is:-

/****** Object: StoredProcedure [Clients].[vms_Get_Specified_Client] Script Date: 22/09/2015 16:29:59 ******/


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Data Access :: How To Retrieve Remote Database Table Value To String Variable

May 28, 2015

I am using C# in  Visual Studio 2008 and remote database as sql server 2008 R2. I want to read remote database table's field value and i have to move that read value to string variable. how to do it. 

And my code is :

string sql = "Select fldinput from tmessage_temp where fldTo=IDENT_CURRENT('tmessage_temp')";
SqlCommand exesql = new SqlCommand(sql, cn);
exesql.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
SqlDataReader rd1 = default(SqlDataReader);
rd1 = exesql.ExecuteReader();

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Database Size Of Access Project.

Nov 14, 2003

I have recently moved from Access mdb to Access project.
I have found that for the same data, an MSDE database occupies more than double the size of an Acess database!
I had upsized a database with a table, comprising about 200,000 rows.
Where as the Access database occupied 40 mb, the MSDE database occupied 120 mb!.
Tried shrinking the database and reduced it to 113 mb.
Is this to be accepted?
Is there any equivalent of the very effective 'compact database' command of Access in SQL Server?

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SQL 2005 Resize Initial Log Size: MODIFY FILE Failed. Specified Size Is Less Than Current Size.

Sep 4, 2007

I am trying to resize a database initial log file from 500M to 2M. I��m using�?


And I'm getting "MODIFY FILE failed. Specified size is less than current size." I tried going into the database properties and setting the log file to 2M, but it doesn��t keep the changes.

Any help with this process?

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