Table-valued User-defined Function: Commands Completed Successfully, Where Is The Result? How Can I See Output Of The Result?
Dec 11, 2007
Hi all,
I copied the following code from Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Online (September 2007):
USE AdventureWorks;
IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.ufnGetContactInformation', N'TF') IS NOT NULL
DROP FUNCTION dbo.ufnGetContactInformation;
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ufnGetContactInformation(@ContactID int)
RETURNS @retContactInformation TABLE
-- Columns returned by the function
FirstName nvarchar(50) NULL,
LastName nvarchar(50) NULL,
JobTitle nvarchar(50) NULL,
ContactType nvarchar(50) NULL
-- Returns the first name, last name, job title, and contact type for the specified contact.
@FirstName nvarchar(50),
@LastName nvarchar(50),
@JobTitle nvarchar(50),
@ContactType nvarchar(50);
-- Get common contact information
@ContactID = ContactID,
@FirstName = FirstName,
@LastName = LastName
FROM Person.Contact
WHERE ContactID = @ContactID;
SELECT @JobTitle =
-- Check for employee
WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM HumanResources.Employee e
WHERE e.ContactID = @ContactID)
FROM HumanResources.Employee
WHERE ContactID = @ContactID)
-- Check for vendor
WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Purchasing.VendorContact vc
INNER JOIN Person.ContactType ct
ON vc.ContactTypeID = ct.ContactTypeID
WHERE vc.ContactID = @ContactID)
FROM Purchasing.VendorContact vc
INNER JOIN Person.ContactType ct
ON vc.ContactTypeID = ct.ContactTypeID
WHERE vc.ContactID = @ContactID)
-- Check for store
WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Sales.StoreContact sc
INNER JOIN Person.ContactType ct
ON sc.ContactTypeID = ct.ContactTypeID
WHERE sc.ContactID = @ContactID)
FROM Sales.StoreContact sc
INNER JOIN Person.ContactType ct
ON sc.ContactTypeID = ct.ContactTypeID
WHERE ContactID = @ContactID)
SET @ContactType =
-- Check for employee
WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM HumanResources.Employee e
WHERE e.ContactID = @ContactID)
THEN 'Employee'
-- Check for vendor
WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Purchasing.VendorContact vc
INNER JOIN Person.ContactType ct
ON vc.ContactTypeID = ct.ContactTypeID
WHERE vc.ContactID = @ContactID)
THEN 'Vendor Contact'
-- Check for store
WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Sales.StoreContact sc
INNER JOIN Person.ContactType ct
ON sc.ContactTypeID = ct.ContactTypeID
WHERE sc.ContactID = @ContactID)
THEN 'Store Contact'
-- Check for individual consumer
WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Sales.Individual i
WHERE i.ContactID = @ContactID)
THEN 'Consumer'
-- Return the information to the caller
INSERT @retContactInformation
SELECT @ContactID, @FirstName, @LastName, @JobTitle, @ContactType;
I executed it in my SQL Server Management Studio Express and I got: Commands completed successfully. I do not know where the result is and how to get the result viewed. Please help and advise.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
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Dec 9, 2007
Hi all,
I executed the following sql script successfuuly:
USE pubs
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.AuthorsForState(@cState char(2))
RETURN (SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE state = @cState)
And the "dbo.AuthorsForState" is in the Table-valued Functions, Programmabilty, pubs Database.
I tried to get the result out of the "dbo.AuthorsForState" by executing the following sql script:
USE pubs
SELECT * FROM shcInLineTableFN
I got the following error message:
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'shcInLineTableFN'.
Please help and advise me how to fix the syntax
"SELECT * FROM shcInLineTableFN"
and get the right table shown in the output.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
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May 20, 2008
We have created several Table Valued User Defined Functions in a Production SQL Server 2005 DB that are returning large (tens of thousands of) rows obtained through a web service. Our code is based on the MSDN article Extending SQL Server Reporting Services with SQL CLR Table-Valued Functions .
What we have found in our implementations of variations of this code on three seperate servers is that as the rowset grows, the length of time required to return the rows grows exponentially. With 10 columns, we have maxed out at approximately 2 500 rows. Once our rowset hit that size, no rows were being returned and the queries were timing out.
Here is a chart comparing the time elapsed to the rows returned at that time for a sample trial i ran:
Sec / Actual Rows Returned
0 0
10 237
20 447
30 481
40 585
50 655
60 725
70 793
80 860
90 940
100 1013
110 1081
120 1115
130 1151
140 1217
150 1250
160 1325
170 1325
180 1430
190 1467
200 1502
210 1539
220 1574
230 1610
240 1645
250 1679
260 1715
270 1750
280 1787
290 1822
300 1857
310 1892
320 1923
330 1956
340 1988
350 1988
360 2022
370 2060
380 2094
390 2094
400 2130
410 2160
420 2209
430 2237
440 2237
450 2274
460 2274
470 2308
480 2342
490 2380
500 2380
510 2418
520 2418
530 2451
540 2480
550 2493
560 2531
570 2566
It took 570 seconds (just over 9 1/2 minutes to return 2566 rows).
The minute breakdown during my trial is as follows:
1 = 655 (+ 655)
2 = 1081 (+ 426)
3 = 1325 (+244)
4 = 1610 (+285)
5 = 1822 (+212)
6 = 1988 (+166)
7 = 2160 (+172)
8 = 2308 (+148)
9 = 2451 (+143)
As you can tell, except for a few discrepancies to the resulting row count at minutes 4 and 7 (I will attribute these to timing as the results grid in SQL Management Studio was being updated once every 5 seconds or so), as time went on, fewer and fewer rows were being returned in a given time period. This was a "successful" run as the entire rowset was returned but on more than several occasions, we have reached the limit and have had 0 new rows per minute towards the end of execution.
Allow me to explain the code in further detail:
[SqlFunction(FillRowMethodName = "FillListItem")]
public static IEnumerable DiscoverListItems(...)
ArrayList listItems = new ArrayList();
SPToSQLService service = new SPToSQLService();
DataSet itemQueryResult = service.DoItemQuery(...); // This is a synchronous call returning a DataSet from the Web Service
//Load the DS to the ArrayList
return listItems;
public static void FillListItem(object obj, out string col1, out string col2, out string col3, ...)
ArrayList item = (ArrayList) obj;
col1 = item.Count > 0 ? (string) item[0] : "";
col2 = item.Count > 0 ? (string) item[1] : "";
col3 = item.Count > 0 ? (string) item[2] : "";
As you will notice, the web service is called, and the DataSet is loaded to an ArrayList object (containing ArrayList objects), before the main ArrayList is returned by the UDF method. There are 237 rows returned within 10 seconds, which leads me to believe that all of this has occured within 10 seconds. The method GetListItems has executed completely and the ArrayList is now being iterated through by the code calling the FillListItem method. I believe that this code is causing the result set to be returned at a decreasing rate. I know that the GetListItems code is only being executed once and that the WebService is only being called once.
Now alot of my larger queries ( > 20 000 rows) have timed out because of this behaviour, and my workaround was to customize my web service to page the data in reasonable chunks and call my UDF's in a loop using T-SQL. This means calling the Web Service up to 50 times per query in order to return the result set.
Surely someone else who has used Table Valued UDFs has come accross this problem. I would appreciate some feedback from someone in the know, as to whether I'm doing something wrong in my code, or how to optimize an SQL Server properly to allow for better performance with CLR functions.
Dragan Radovic
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Jun 6, 2006
I need to return a table of values calculated from other tables. I have about 10 reports which will use approx. 6 different table structures.
Would it be better performance wise to create a physical table in the database to update while calculating using an identity field to id the stored procedure call, return the data and delete the records. For Example:
DataUserID, StrVal1,Strval2,StrVal4,IntVal1,IntVal2,FloatVal1...
Or using a table-valued function to return a temp table as the result.
I just dont know which overhead is worst, creating a table per function call, or using a defined table then deleting the result set per sp call.
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Oct 25, 2005
Hi All:I've read a whole slew of posts about creating temp tables using storedproceedures to get the crosstab ability, but I'm wondering if, for thisspecific case, there might be a more efficient way.What makes this question different from the others that I've read isthat I'm using user defined functions, not tables. I actually thinkthat I've got the crosstab thing down, it's just passing the parameterto the 2nd udf that's messing me up.I've got a people table and an address table. Each person can havemultiple addresses. I need to create a dataset that has in each rowthe name of the person, the first address, any second address, and anythird address. I only need to show the first 3, so if there's 100, Ican just ignore the rest.I created a user defined function to return the 1st, 2nd, or 3rdaddress for a given person.udf_ReturnAddress(PersonID,MatchNumber)Another user defined function returns the people that I'm looking for(potential duplicates for a person in this case).udf_ReturnPossibleDupsForAPerson(PersonID)SELECTMain.FoundPersonID, Main.LastName, A1.Street, A2.Street,A3.StreetFROMudf(ReturnPossibleDupsForAPerson(@PersonID) MainTableCROSS JOIN(SELECT Street1 FROMudf_ReturnAddress(Main.FoundPersonID,1) Adr1) A1CROSS JOIN(SELECT Street1 FROMudf_ReturnAddress(Main.FoundPersonID,2) Adr2) A2CROSS JOIN(SELECT Street1 FROMudf_ReturnAddress(Main.FoundPersonID,3) Add3) A3If, for the first parameter for the return address function, I replaceMain.FoundPersonID with the ID of a person, it works just fine. Iobviously don't want a static id as a parameter - I want to use the IDof the person that the first udf found. Leaving the variableMainTable.PersonID there causes an error in the query designer though.I get "Error in list of function arguments: '.' not recognized.So maybe my problem is that I just don't know how to pass the id of theperson that's found by the first UDF as the parameter of the functionto find the found person's 3 addresses.Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!ThanksKen
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Aug 2, 2007
I am trying to code a WHERE xxxx IN ('aaa','bbb','ccc') requirement but it the return values for the IN keyword changes according to another column, thus the need for a CASE function.
I kept on getting errors, like
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 44Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WHERE'.
which leads me to assume that the CASE ... WHEN ... THEN statement does not allow mutiple values for result expression. Is there a way to get the SQL above to work or code the same logic in a different manner in just one simple SQL, and not a procedure or T-SQL script.
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Jun 6, 2007
Hi guys
Is there anyone who was able to successfully retrieve a full result set? I'm really having troubles getting the result after executing my query. Its really even hard to get sample codes over the net.
Please help guys.
Thanks in advance.
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Feb 1, 2006
Ok, I'm pretty knowledgable about T-SQL, but I've hit something that seems should work, but just doesn't...
I'm writing a stored procedure that needs to use the primary key fields of a table that is being passed to me so that I can generate what will most likely be a dynamically generated SQL statement and then execute it.
So the first thing I do, is I need to grab the primary key fields of the table. I'd rather not go down to the base system tables since we may (hopefully) upgrade this one SQL 2000 machine to 2005 fairly soon, so I poke around, and find sp_pkeys in the master table. Great. I pass in the table name, and sure enough, it comes back with a record set, 1 row per column. That's exactly what I need.
Umm... This is the part where I'm at a loss. The stored procedure outputs the resultset as a resultset (Not as an output param). Now I want to use that list in my stored procedure, thinking that if the base tables change, Microsoft will change the stored procedure accordingly, so even after a version upgrade my stuff SHOULD still work. But... How do I use the resultset from the stored procedure? You can't reference it like a table-valued function, nor can you 'capture' the resultset for use using the syntax like:
DECLARE @table table@table=EXEC sp_pkeys MyTable
That of course just returns you the RETURN_VALUE instead of the resultset it output. Ugh. Ok, so I finally decide to just bite the bullet, and I grab the code from sp_pkeys and make my own little function called fn_pkeys. Since I might also want to be able to 'force' the primary keys (Maybe the table doesn't really have one, but logically it does), I decide it'll pass back a comma-delimited varchar of columns that make up the primary key. Ok, I test it and it works great.
Now, I'm happily going along and building my routine, and realize, hey, I don't really want that in a comma-delimited varchar, I want to use it in one of my queries, and I have this nice little table-valued function I call split, that takes a comma-delimited varchar, and returns a table... So I preceed to try it out...
SELECT *FROM Split(fn_pkeys('MyTable'),DEFAULT)
Syntax Error. Ugh. Eventually, I even try:
SELECT *FROM Split(substring('abc,def',2,6),DEFAULT)
Syntax Error.
Hmm...What am I doing wrong here, or can't you use a scalar-valued function as a parameter into a table-valued function?
SELECT *FROM Split('bc,def',DEFAULT) works just fine.
So my questions are:
Is there any way to programmatically capture a resultset that is being output from a stored procedure for use in the stored procedure that called it?
Is there any way to pass a scalar-valued function as a parameter into a table-valued function?
Oh, this works as well as a work around, but I'm more interested in if there is a way without having to workaround:
DECLARE @tmp varchar(8000)
SET @tmp=(SELECT dbo.fn_pkeys('MyTable'))
FROM Split(@tmp,DEFAULT)
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Jul 20, 2005
Does anyone know where to find or how to write a quick user defined fucntionthat will return a table object when passed the string name of the tableobject. The reason why I want dynamicallly set the table name in a storedprocudue WITHOUT using concatination and exec a SQL String.HenceIf @small_int_parameter_previous = 1 then@vchar_tablename = "sales_previous"else@vchar_tablename = "sales"Endselect * from udf_TableLookup(@vchar_tablename )So if I pass 1, that means I want all records from "sales_previous"otherwise give me all records from "sales" (Sales_Previous would last yearssales data for example).udf_TableLookup would I guess lookup in sysobjects for the table name andreturn the table object? I don't know how to do this.I want to do this to avoid having 2 stored for current andone for previous year.Please respond to group so others may benfiit from you knowledge.ThanksErik
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Aug 9, 2014
I'm trying to create a simple function that will do a count on a table. I want to pass the table name in form of a parameter to the variable and this function will return the count as an int. See my function below...
CREATE FUNCTION count_rows (@tablename varchar(100)
DECLARE @emp_count AS int
declare @declaration varchar(100)
[Code] ....
The errors I am getting are as follows:
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure count_rows, Line 3
Incorrect syntax near 'RETURNS'.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure count_rows, Line 10
Incorrect syntax near '@declaration'.
Msg 178, Level 15, State 1, Procedure count_rows, Line 14
A RETURN statement with a return value cannot be used in this context.
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Oct 4, 1999
How can a tell if a tak completed succesfully from a stored procedure?
I have a task which is executed from a stored procedure. The sp_runtask only returns whether the task started successfully. How can I tell if it completed successfully?
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Sep 6, 2006
hi, i have a message queue system using sql 2005 service broker.
the code and setup is the same on both dev and live database. but
soon after i restored a live backup to dev. the queue stopped
working on dev, live is ok thou. after some trouble shooting, i
found that the server is not sending the message at all, but it says
"Command(s) completed successfully" without any error messages.
create message type TestQueryMessage validation = none
create contract TestQueryContract (TestQueryMessage sent by initiator)
create queue TestSenderQueue
create service TestSenderService on queue TestSenderQueue
create queue TestQueueReceiver
create service TestServiceReceiver on queue TestQueueReceiver (TestQueryContract)
send message:
declare @conversationhandle uniqueidentifier;
begin dialog @conversationhandle
from service [TestSenderService]
to service 'TestServiceReceiver'
on contract [TestQueryContract]
with encryption = off;
send on conversation @conversationhandle
message type [TestQueryMessage] ('blah blah blah');
Command(s) completed successfully.
but when i do "select * from TestQueueReceiver", there's nothing. and i sure nothing else had picked up the messages.
please advise. thanks a lot.
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May 22, 2008
In my cube I have defined a role where thet user can only browse certain dimention value. BUt in grand Total the result showing is for all the diemnsion values.
for example The user restricted to browse only Australia and UK Country , But in grand total its showing the SUM of all the country.
Any help will be appreciated.
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Jul 20, 2005
I need to send the result of a procedure to an update statement.Basically updating the column of one table with the result of aquery in a stored procedure. It only returns one value, if it didnt Icould see why it would not work, but it only returns a count.Lets say I have a sproc like so:create proc sp_countclients@datecreated datetimeasset nocount onselect count(clientid) as countfrom clientstablewhere datecreated > @datecreatedThen, I want to update another table with that value:Declare @dc datetimeset @dc = '2003-09-30'update anothertableset ClientCount = (exec sp_countclients @dc) -- this line errorswhere id_ = @@identityOR, I could try this, but still gives me error:declare @c intset @c = exec sp_countclients @dcWhat should I do?Thanks in advance!Greg
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Oct 21, 2005
Hi all,
In case i have a script file containt tables, functions, ... when i use Query Analyzer to run this file, the result output in a window. Now i want this result output to a file named logfile.txt. How can i do that?
Thanks first.
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Nov 17, 2006
deepak bhardwaj writes "myself deepak . i have a problem with displaying output.i want to the output just like this
3 mths 6 mths 9 mths 1 yr
Google Ad 8 6 3 0
Yahoo Ad, 4 6 3 3
Friend 3 45 3 1
Print Ad 2 3 3 2
here 3 mths etc. is the column name and 8,4,3,2 are the no of hits for perticuler add .
plz give the solution. its urgent
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Dec 26, 2007
I have an Execute SQL Task that executes "select count(*) as Row_Count from xyztable" from an Oracle Server. I'm trying to assign the result to a variable. However when I try to execute I get an error:
[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "RowCount": "Unsupported data type on result set binding Row_Count.".
Which data type should I use for the variable, RowCount? I've tried Int16, Int32, Int64.
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Feb 13, 2001
I ran a select * from customers where state ='va', this is the result...
(29 row(s) affected)
The following file has been saved successfully:
C:outputcustomers.rpt 10826 bytes
I choose Query select to a file
then when I tried to open the customer.rpt from the c drive I got this error message. I am not sure why this happend
invalid TLV record
Thanks for your help
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May 1, 2008
As the topic suggests I need the end results to show a list of shows and their dates ordered by date DESC.
Tables I have are structured as follows:
SQL is as follows:
SELECT shows.showID AS showID, shows.showTitle AS showTitle,
(SELECT MAX(videos.videoFilmDate) AS vidDate FROM videos WHERE videos.showID = shows.showID)
FROM shows, showAccess
WHERE shows.showID = showAccess.showID
AND showAccess.remoteID=21
I had it ordering by showTitle and it worked fine, but I need it to order by vidDate.
Can anyone shed some light on where I am going wrong?
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Aug 29, 2007
I want to export/output result of a query to a CSV file using SQL Server 2005. How can i do it ? I just want to do it all using SQL Server 2005 query window without having to use some 3rd Party control or software. Is it possible and how? Is there some SP which can convert the result to a CSV File ?
Thanking you...
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Jan 24, 2001
Hi All
I am using cursor in my SP, according to my condition I might be getting around 600 records all this records to send to text file, I have tried few option some how I am able to create file and I am geeting only the last record in my output file, I want to know how can I append records into output file(text file), If some one can give me some suggestion that will be great.
Thanks in advance
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Feb 24, 2006
..calling a stored procedure.SQL
I am using the C programming language... I have two input variables and one output...Not sure how to do the output
This is in a CSTRING format....
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Aug 1, 2005
I have this function in access I need to be able to use in ms sql. Having problems trying to get it to work. The function gets rid of the leading zeros if the field being past dosn't have any non number characters.For example:TrimZero("000000001023") > "1023"TrimZero("E1025") > "E1025"TrimZero("000000021021") > "21021"TrimZero("R5545") > "R5545"Here is the function that works in access:Public Function TrimZero(strField As Variant) As String Dim strReturn As String If IsNull(strField) = True Then strReturn = "" Else strReturn = strField Do While Left(strReturn, 1) = "0" strReturn = Mid(strReturn, 2) Loop End If TrimZero = strReturnEnd Function
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May 12, 2008
Hey guys!
I've come a huge ways with your help and things are getting more and more complicated, but i'm able to figure out a lot of things on my own now thanks to you guys! But now I'm REALLY stuck.
I've created a hierarchal listbox form that drills down From
Product - Colour - Year.
based on the selection from the previous listbox. i want to be able to populate a Grid displaying availability of the selected product based on the selections from the listboxes.
So i've written a stored procedure that selects the final product Id as an INPUT/OUTPUT based on the parameters PRODUCT ID - COLOUR ID - and YEAR ID. This outputs a PRODUCT NUMBER.
I want that product number to be used to populate the grid view. Is there away for me to do this?
Thanks in advanced everybody!
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May 9, 2007
Hi,I need to output result of my query to txt file. So I'm using -oparameter, for example:osql.exe -s (local) -d database1 -U sa -P sa -i 'c:\queryFile.sql' -o'c:\output.txt'But it clears existing output.txt file first and then outputs theresult, while I need to append the result of my query without clearingexisting file content. Is it possible ?
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Jul 23, 2005
Hello,In the project I'm working on, I need to add up all rows data for onecolumn. So, I have this code:$getprodcount = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(qty) FROM purchase");$numproducts=$getprodcount;Later on, I have this code: <?php print $numproducts; ?>What is being printed is Resource id #5...not the numeric value of what issupposed to be a sum. What is wrong? I am assuming taht resource id #5 is apointer of some sorts to the number I am looking for, but how do you getthe actual sum number?Thanks in advance!--Message posted via
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Apr 15, 2008
I have an function executed like that:
select top 1 * from f_Function1('XXX',2099,99) ORDER BY ef DESC
I have about 400 XXX values. I execute function individually for them but normally i get results in individual result sets.
select top 1 * from f_Function1('XXX1',2099,99) ORDER BY ef DESC
select top 1 * from f_Function1('XXX2',2099,99) ORDER BY ef DESC
select top 1 * from f_Function1('XXX3',2099,99) ORDER BY ef DESC
I want all 400 results in one result set. What should i do?
Thanks in advance.
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Nov 5, 2007
I am building this as an expression, but it is not working. I am trying to return the row count into a variable to use later in an update statement. What am I doing wrong? I am using a single row result set. I have one variable defined in my result set. I am receiving an error stating: Execute SQL Task: There is an invalid number of result bindings returned for the ResultSetType: "ResultSetType_SingleRow". Any help is appreciated!
SELECT count(*) FROM hsi.itemdata a
JOIN hsi.keyitem105 b on a.itemnum = b.itemnum
JOIN hsi.keyitem106 c on a.itemnum = c.itemnum
JOIN hsi.keyitem108 d on a.itemnum = d.itemnum
WHERE a.itemtypegroupnum = 102
AND a.itemtypenum = 108
AND b.keyvaluechar = " + (DT_WSTR,2)@[User::Branch] + "
AND c.keyvaluechar = " + (DT_WSTR,2)@[User:epartment] + "
AND d.keyvaluesmall = " + (DT_WSTR,7)@[User::InvoiceNumber] + ")
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Jan 23, 2008
i am using sql server 2000.
1. can i save the sql result to an ascii file using tsql commands. i don't want to use the menu option.
2. how can i use parameters in query statements. pls give me some exampls there any way to get the row numbers along with the query results
thanks & regards
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Dec 18, 2013
Need to INSERT into a different table the function value results in SELECT from a table for PurchorderNum and QtyOrder and not sure how
ALTER proc [dbo].[spCreateContainerFill]
(@containerID as nvarchar(64),
@lotNum as bigint,
@customerID as int = 1164,
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Aug 8, 2007
Hello Sir
I am working on a Teacher Evaluation Project. In my database I store results from 1-5 as evaluation indicators. I apply AVG() function on the result column. The result of the query is in integer values (i.e) 4, 3 2 or 5. I want the resutl up to two decimal places. How can i write the query to get the result in decimal form?
Shahbaz Hassan Wasti
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Apr 27, 2007
I have a table with about 28 million records in it. Each row has an ID (PK), logged (datetime), IP varchar(15)
The data grows at about 14 million records per year. I'm going to be running queries on the table that extract the MONTH or YEAR from the logged column. In Foxpro tables I would have created indexes on YEAR(logged) and MONTH(logged) so my queries would run faster. Is this possible/necessary in SQL Server?
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Mar 22, 2006
Got some errors on this one...
Is Rand function cannot be used in the User Defined function?
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