TableAdapter Wizard Not Writing Stored Procedures?

Nov 9, 2006

My TableAdapter wizard will not write the update and delete stored procedures and I do not know why.  Any thoughts?

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Writing Stored Procedures In C#

Jun 17, 2008

Sorry, not sure if this is the right forum for this but hopefully you may be able to give me an answer.I have a website  which fetches data from a SQL Server database using stored procedures, so I only grant execute rights to the proceduresto avoid granting select rights to the tables. This has been working fine but I would like to try writing this code in C# instead. I have writtenstored procedure that runs a select to test, and I am getting the error that the user has no rights to do select over the table.My question is, is the code writen this way (in C#) considered equivalent to dynamic SQL (which would require select rights over the tables)?Would this mean that I want to code my procedures in C# I need to grant select privileges over the tables to the db user?Thanks for your time  

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TableAdapter Configuration Wizard Error

Jan 31, 2007

Hi,I always use the following sql statement to check whether an email address exists in a database. With my latest project I tried to do this within the TableAdapter Configuration Wizard and it gave me an error:  IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT Email FROM tblEmailList WHERE Email=@Email) BEGIN INSERT INTO tblEmailList (Email, DateRegistered) VALUES (@Email, @DateReg) SELECT 1 AS RESULT END ELSE BEGIN SELECT 0 AS RESULT END first it gave an error saying I must declare the variables @Email and @DateReg then when I removed the part of insert and just wanted to check the email address existence it gave me this error:The Compound statement SQL construct or statement is not supportedAny idea anyone? 

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Best Practices For Writing SQL Server Stored Procedures

Jul 23, 2005

Dear All,Please suggest some of the best practices for writing SQL serverstored procedures?I'm writing a business function (stored procedure), which callsmany-stored procedure one after another.I want this to be best optimized, so that speed can be very good.Suggestion in this regard will be appreciated.Thanks in advance,T.S.Negi

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Editing Tables & Writing Custom Stored Procedures

Feb 26, 2007

Hi all,

I’m currently writing a web application on student exam timetables, I’m using SQL Server 2005 as the back-end for the database.

At present, the case states that if a student is in one examination, he/she can’t attend, or be allocated another examination while the first examination is in place, which would result in a clash

The way I’m going to target this is by writing a stored procedure in SQL Server 2005 to return an error code, which I’ll translate using ASP,NET, however at present I’m having difficulty writing the SQL code. This is because…

I’m using SQL Server 2005 Management Studio; I created the tables using MS Access and upsized them using the wizard. I can now access my database, but having difficulty editing my tables and with code…

Any ideas??


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Writing Insert And Update Stored Procedures For Normalized Schemas?

May 25, 2006

I have a database schema that has an Address table used to store addresses for different entities such as Customers and Employees. I want to reuse the same Address record between different Customers and Employees without duplicating any address information. I'm not sure what the best approach might be.

Should have I have seperate stored procedures on the Address table that update and insert new addresses, where each Address record remains immutable once created? (So the update stored procedure actually creates a new Address record if the data changes). These stored procedures would then be invoked by business logic and used in tandem with stored procedures that act on Customers and Employees to ensure that no address records are duplicated.

Or should I create a view on a Customer joined with Address, and similarily with Employee and Address, and have stored procedures that act on these views and ensure that no Address records are duplicated. Should I use instead of triggers to override the behavior of insert and update on the view to achieve these?

I'm rather lost as to what direction I should take. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!

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TableAdapter Reversing Values Sent By A Stored Procedure

Nov 5, 2007

I have a  stored procedure which returns 3 different kind of values. I am checking whether a certain value entered by user is present in one of the columns of database table. Accordingly the SP returns 1 if present, -1 if not present and third value is SQL server 2005  error.But the problem is that I am only getting  -1  everytime even if the value is present.I executed  the SP alone to find out if it is the one which is returning the INCORRECT value. I found that that SP is returning the correct value.Therefore I came to the conclusion that it is the Table ADapter which got corrupted.I deleted the TableAdapter and created it again, but then it didn't solve the problem.I have now run out of ideas.
The code of the SP is:ALTER PROCEDURE spcheck_ServerName
(@Server_Name nvarchar(50)
ASDECLARE @Result int
[SERVER NAME] = @Server_Name
 SELECT @Result = -1
 SELECT @Result = @@ERROR
RETURN @Result
And I am calling the tableAdapter method in the code behind file of the web form in the following manner:private int chkServerName(string sname1)
{Serverlist1TableAdapters.SERVERDETAILSTableAdapter nwAdapter = new Serverlist1TableAdapters.SERVERDETAILSTableAdapter();
int snval = (int)nwAdapter.spcheck_SName(sname1);return snval;
}catch (Exception ex)
{return ex.GetHashCode();
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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How To Get The Return Value When Using A TableAdapter Access A Stored Procedure

Apr 25, 2006

I have a Stored Procedure

SELECT Count(*) FROM dbo.test

I can using the unbox get the return value

but if i direct return a value form a Stored Procedure like this

return 100

I can not get the VALUE
I do not know how to
Please Help Me

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How To Get The Return Value When Using A TableAdapter Access A Stored Procedure

Apr 25, 2006

I have a Stored Procedure

SELECT Count(*) FROM dbo.test

I can using the unbox get the return value

but if i direct return a value form a Stored Procedure like this

return 100

I can not get the VALUE
I do not know how to
Please Help Me

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TableAdapter Can't See Stored Proc Returned Fields When Using Temp Table

Apr 16, 2007

Summary: When my stored procedure uses temporary tables then the TableAdapter won't be able to work out the field names and so won't work. I get an error in the TableAdapter configure wizard saying: Invalid object name '#TempTable'.
I'm not doing anything unusual so this must be a common problem. Let me explain:
I'm using Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2000.
Detail: I've written a new stored procedure (SP)  that uses a temporary table in calculating the resulting results set (several fields with several rows). I recon the temporary table bit is significant.
I've created a new DataSet in VS2005 and dragged the stored proc onto the DataSet design surface.
I right click on the TableAdapter and enter the 'configure'. The problem is that the wizard doesn't think any fields are being returned by the SP.
If I try and do it another way I get the same problem: Right click on DataSet and add new TableAdapter (same thing happens, it won't recognise that there are fields being returned from the SP).
FYI: If I do it for an SP that doesn't use any temporary tables it all works like a dream (problem is that I need to use temporary tables as its complex   ).
Thanks for any advise

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How To Call A Stored Procedure Just After A TableAdapter's INSERT Command Executes

Feb 29, 2008

Is there a way that I can embedd a call to a stored procedure into an existing INSERT section in a table adapter?
Say my objective is to call a stored procedure called personfill automatically RIGHT AFTER the TableAdapter inserts a row into the person table. One catch is that the stored procedure must be sent the value of unique identifier field person_id, which was created for the new person record automatically by the db. (If this is not possible to do, I might try using a TRIGGER in the person table.)
Below is the INSERT code of the TableAdapter. My guess is that if I could call a procedure, I would want to put the call between lines 12 and 13.
Your comments would be most appreciated!!!
-Kurt1 <InsertCommand>
2 <DbCommand CommandType="Text" ModifiedByUser="false">
3 <CommandText>INSERT INTO [person] ([family_id], [circle_id], [person_type_id], [last], [first], [username], [password]) VALUES (@family_id, @circle_id, @person_type_id, @last, @first, @username, @password)</CommandText>
4 <Parameters>
5 <Parameter AllowDbNull="false" AutogeneratedName="" DataSourceName="" DbType="Int16" Direction="Input" ParameterName="@family_id" Precision="0" ProviderType="SmallInt" Scale="0" Size="0" SourceColumn="family_id" SourceColumnNullMapping="false" SourceVersion="Current" />
6 <Parameter AllowDbNull="false" AutogeneratedName="" DataSourceName="" DbType="Int16" Direction="Input" ParameterName="@circle_id" Precision="0" ProviderType="SmallInt" Scale="0" Size="0" SourceColumn="circle_id" SourceColumnNullMapping="false" SourceVersion="Current" />
7 <Parameter AllowDbNull="false" AutogeneratedName="" DataSourceName="" DbType="Int16" Direction="Input" ParameterName="@person_type_id" Precision="0" ProviderType="SmallInt" Scale="0" Size="0" SourceColumn="person_type_id" SourceColumnNullMapping="false" SourceVersion="Current" />
8 <Parameter AllowDbNull="false" AutogeneratedName="" DataSourceName="" DbType="AnsiString" Direction="Input" ParameterName="@last" Precision="0" ProviderType="VarChar" Scale="0" Size="0" SourceColumn="last" SourceColumnNullMapping="false" SourceVersion="Current" />
9 <Parameter AllowDbNull="false" AutogeneratedName="" DataSourceName="" DbType="AnsiString" Direction="Input" ParameterName="@first" Precision="0" ProviderType="VarChar" Scale="0" Size="0" SourceColumn="first" SourceColumnNullMapping="false" SourceVersion="Current" />
10 <Parameter AllowDbNull="true" AutogeneratedName="" DataSourceName="" DbType="AnsiString" Direction="Input" ParameterName="@username" Precision="0" ProviderType="VarChar" Scale="0" Size="0" SourceColumn="username" SourceColumnNullMapping="false" SourceVersion="Current" />
11 <Parameter AllowDbNull="true" AutogeneratedName="" DataSourceName="" DbType="AnsiString" Direction="Input" ParameterName="@password" Precision="0" ProviderType="VarChar" Scale="0" Size="0" SourceColumn="password" SourceColumnNullMapping="false" SourceVersion="Current" />
12 </Parameters>
13 </DbCommand>
14 </InsertCommand>
15 <SelectCommand>
16 <DbCommand CommandType="Text" ModifiedByUser="true">

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Oracle Stored Procedures VERSUS SQL Server Stored Procedures

Jul 23, 2005

I want to know the differences between SQL Server 2000 storedprocedures and oracle stored procedures? Do they have differentsyntax? The concept should be the same that the stored proceduresexecute in the database server with better performance?Please advise good references for Oracle stored procedures also.thanks!!

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Stored Procedures 2005 Vs Stored Procedures 2000

Sep 30, 2006


This Might be a really simple thing, however we have just installed SQL server 2005 on a new server, and are having difficulties with the set up of the Store Procedures. Every time we try to modify an existing stored procedure it attempts to save it as an SQL file, unlike in 2000 where it saved it as part of the database itself.

Thank you in advance for any help on this matter

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All My Stored Procedures Are Getting Created As System Procedures!

Nov 6, 2007

Using SQL 2005, SP2. All of a sudden, whenever I create any stored procedures in the master database, they get created as system stored procedures. Doesn't matter what I name them, and what they do.

For example, even this simple little guy:





Gets created as a system stored procedure.

Any ideas what would cause that and/or how to fix it?


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Help Writing A Stored Procedure...

Dec 20, 2007

I'm developing a library and want to display the alphabets across the screen.  When a user clicks on one of the alphabets I want all titles beginning with that letter to appear on the screen.
How would I write this stored procedure?
My table is called Titles
Fields: Title ID Titles

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Need Help Writing A Stored Procedure

Feb 2, 2008

How would I write a stored procedure to get * where duedate is lessthan and not equal to today's date. Is this right?select * from librarywhere duedate < != getdate()Thanks

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Problem In Writing Stored Procedure

Oct 30, 2007

i am new to this.
in my aspx page, i am having a dropdown which has two value

if user clicks on name from drop down, user has enter the name of employee in a textbox. And if user clicks on EmpID, he has to enter the employee ID in textbox.

Based on selection the data will be displayed in grid view.

In my database, i have a table called EmpInfo, which has three fields - EmpName, EmpID and State.

can anybody help me in writing a stored procedure for this??


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Writing Stored Procedure In .NET 1.1 And Using In SQL Server 2005

Jul 7, 2006

I am working on an application in ASP.NET 1.1 and SQL Server 2005 as database.I wanted to use SQLCLR feature of SQL Server 2005. Is it possible that i write Stored Procedures in C# 1.1 and deploy on SQL Server 2005? as it is in case of C# 2.0.
Please refer some good tutorial for it.
Regards,Imran Ghani

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Writing A Monthly Report With Stored Procedure

Aug 13, 2007

Hi Guys,
I need some help and suggestion to rewrite one of my screens (using ASP.NET) which is using stored procedure. The processing on this screen is taking more than 3 minutes (which i know is totaly
unacceptable). I am making use of cursors within the stored procedure (SQL Server 2005). I really intend to get rid of cursors as they have their performance hit. I have been told to rewrite this screen
(or the stored procedure) so i need some help for SQL Gurus. Following are the details:
            1. This is a Monthly Employee Attendance Report on a day by day basis for any given month (maximum 31 days in a month)
            2. The values (for each day) have to be computed at runtime and not stored. e.g. Since an employee may have signed in/out several times in a day
            3. There are around 500 employees data im dealing with
            4. The user will select any given department and employee's data for the respective department has to be displayed for any given month
            5. If the user selects [All Department], the entire 500 employees have to be displayed on the screen
            6. This report will look like an excel report on the screen i.e. Employee's basic info and record of 31 days (maximum days in a month) are displayed in one row for each employee
            7. This report involves are 7-8 tables. 7 tables are for employees basic info whereas one table has the attendance record
Kindly give me your suggestion on writing the SQL stored procedure. I cannot use any other option such as a real Excel Sheet or anything. I need suggestion on how to write this monthly report. By the
way, we dont intend to Cache the data since the report can be viewed at anytime of the day, so fresh data is required everytime. Also the data for 500 employees may be too much to be cached. Also in
the attendance table, we are dealing with approximately half a million attendance records.
Thanks and waiting for your suggestions...

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Need Help Writing Stored Procedure Involving Dates

Mar 7, 2005

I am trying to write a stored procedure which would execute following logic:

- The stored procedure takes 2 optional parameters @StartDate and @EndDate

@StartDate Datetime = null
@EndDate Datetime = null

- Since the parameters are optional user can enter either one or can leave both blank.
- If user doesnot enter any values for SD (start date) and ED (end date), stored procedure should run select query replacing those values with wildcard character '%' or NULL
- If user enters SD, query should use @StartDate as the SD and GetDate() as the ED
- If user enters ED, query should use @EndDate as the ED and MIN() of the Date field as SD

I was able to write query which did almost everything as is stated above expect for incorporating NULLs
The query is as below

CREATE PROCEDURE SearchDocumentTable

@FName varchar(100) = null,
@LName varchar(25) = null,
@ID varchar(9) = null,
@StartDate Datetime = null,
@EndDate Datetime = null

IF ( @StartDate IS NULL)
Select @StartDate = MIN(DateInputted) from Document

FName as 'First Name',
LName as 'Last Name',
ID as 'Student ID',
Orphan as 'Orphan',
DocumentType as 'Document Type',
DocDesc as 'Description of the Document',
DateInputted as 'Date Entered',
InputtedBy as 'Entered by'

From Document,DocumentTypeCodes
Where FName LIKE ISNULL(@FName,'%')
AND (DateInputted BETWEEN @StartDate AND ISNULL(@EndDate,GETDATE()) OR DateInputted IS NULL)
AND Document.DocTypeCode = DocumentTypeCodes.DocTypeCode


Any help would be appreciated
Thanks in advance :)

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Writing To Text File From Stored Procedure

Sep 26, 2013

Want to write from a table variable to a text file from a stored procedure.Read about xp_cmdshell bcp etc. but worried because it's supposed to be a security problem and needs to be from a permanent database.Also am getting error "The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'xp_cmdshell'..."

1. Is xp_cmdshell a bad idea to use even if I get permissions ?
2. Can a "permanent" table be used in a stored procedure starting out fresh each time with 0 rows rather than use a table variable ?

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Writing To Text File From Stored Procedure

Mar 29, 2006


Writing to text file from table/view is done using osql,bcp etc. How do we write output of stored procedure into text file??

Thank you

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Writing Code Vs Using Stored Procedure Within SSIS

Aug 7, 2007

Was wondering which is better, writing the SQL code within the execute SQL task or calling a SP from within it with respect to performance? and what is the best practice? Also is there any way to incoporate the logic of a cursur within SSIS?


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Writing C# Stored Procs, Is SQL Injection A Concern?

Oct 31, 2006

I just started looking into writing queries/SPs in C#. A simple SP looks like this.

public class ContactCode
public static void GetContactNames(string lastName)
SqlCommand cmd = €¦€¦. €¦€¦
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Person.Contact WHERE LastName = " + lastName;
SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
SqlPipe sp = €¦€¦€¦€¦..;

Since it's concatenating a dynamic SQL in the code, is SQL injection a concern or the CLR integration knows to take care of the input sanity? I know good programming practice is to validate input before it gets to this but it's necessary for CLR SPs to have the same robustness as normal T-SQL SPs when it comes to input parameter handling.

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Need Help In Writing A Stored Procedure In MSSQL Server 2000

Mar 29, 2007

Hi Everybody,

I am trying to update a column Percentage in a table named Critical Doctors with a column named

PercentTime from tblPercent table, Where the column Doctor matches with any DoctorId from


I am getting an error message for the following query.

Have Two tables


update CriticalDoctors set Percentage =
(select PercentTime from tblPercent)
where CriticalDoctors.Doctor = (select DoctorId from tblPercent)

Server: Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <=

, >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
The statement has been terminated.

Pls give me reply on how to write a stored procedure so that I can equate the percentage column

with one value and also check the condition with one value.

Thanking you guys in advance.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Run Stored Procedure Without Writing To Transaction Log?

Feb 26, 2015

Any way to have a process run that will not write its changes to the transaction log? I have a process that runs every three hours and has a huge impact on the transaction log (it becomes larger than the database itself). We do hourly backups of the transaction log and normally it is reasonably sized but when this process runs, it gets HUGE.

The process takes source data, massages it and writes it to summary tables. It is not something we need to track as we can recreate the summary tables if needed and it has no impact on the source tables.

Everything is driven through a stored procedure. Is there a way to run a stored procedure and tell it that nothing it does should be written to the transaction log?

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Stored Procedure Wizard

Feb 5, 2007

Hello Everyone and thanks for your help in advance.  I am new to SQL Server 2005 and am trying to understand the Stored Procedure Wizard.  In SQL 2000, it seems that the wizard does a lot more fo the actual generation of the sproc.  Also, I haven't figured out how to change the wizard to create an update, insert, or delete sproc.  I'm hoping that I'm simply not understanding how to effectively use it, but it really seems like the wizard has taken a step back.  Can someone give me some insight or articles on how to effectively use this?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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ASP.NET Wizard + Stored Procedure

Feb 21, 2007

HI,I have created a wizard control to collect user informations.First step : Personal informationsStep Two : Educational informationsAfter user completed and click finish button I want to add Personal informations to 'Personal' table in my sql server database.And also Educational information in to 'Educational' table.Using Stored Procedure  (here it is)CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedure1   @Fname varchar(10),  @Lname varchar(10),  @Email varchar(50),  @Tel varchar(20)AS  INSERT INTO Personal (Fname, Lname, Email, Tel)  VALUES (@Fname, @Lname, @Email, @Tel)  RETURN  So Now I want to add another stored procedure for Educational table.How do I do this.Should I modify this.But Educational info should goes to 'Educational' table not to 'Personal' How do I chieve this. Thanks 

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Stored Procedure Wizard

Nov 24, 2005

SQL 2000 had a Stored Procedure Wizard and I was wondering where it is in SQL 2005 or if it even exists any more. If it is gone was an alternative created?

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Stored Procedure Wizard

Feb 7, 2007

Hello Everyone and thanks for your help in advance. I am new to SQL Server 2005 and am trying to understand the Stored Procedure Wizard. In SQL 2000, it seems that the wizard does a lot more of the actual generation of the sproc. Also, I haven't figured out how to change the wizard to create an update, insert, or delete sproc. I'm hoping that I'm simply not understanding how to effectively use it, but it really seems like the wizard has taken a step back. Can someone give me some insight or articles on how to effectively use this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Stored Procedure Wizard Missing

Nov 10, 2006

anyone know where the stored procedure wizard went in sql 2005?
 in 2000 it was so easy to check the type of SP you wanted and then it automatically wrote all the fields and value tsql for that - literally took 1 minute to create an insert update delete stored proc on any table.
i don't see that in sql 2005
let me know, if you know.
thanks - Jeff

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Copying Stored Procs With The DTS Wizard

Oct 3, 2001

Hi All,

I have been abloe to copy tables from one db to another, but am getting a "Failed to copy objects" error when trying to import stored procs. can anyone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?


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Where To Look For Extended Stored Procedure DLL Wizard In VS 2005

Dec 12, 2005


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