TableAdapters And Custom SQL Statements

Nov 15, 2007

I've been working with TableAdapters, DAL, and BLL for a few months
now.  At this point, most of my new queries are too customized with
multiple tables to fit into any of my existing TableAdapter schema's.

instance, if I want to execute an aggregate function with group by's
and counts that includes three separate tables, how would I go about
doing this with a strongly typed DAL using TableAdapters.  My
workaround to this point is to just create a whole new TableAdapter for
that one query.

Is there anyway to extend the DAL in a strongly
typed dataset to create these "read-only" aggregate queries, or should
I continue to create new TableAdapters for each one of these queries?
 What's the proper way to handle such customized SQL statements that
don't fit any of my existing TableAdapters?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Use Unique Custom Error Numbers For THROW Statements?

Apr 20, 2015

My team is starting to implement error handling in our sprocs. One question we have is whether or not to use unique error numbers for custom errors (ie Errors we throw after doing some sort of validity check, not SQL Server errors). For example, we might check the value of a parameter and then throw an error that says "Parameter State_Date must be less than today, please retry".

We are using SQL Server 2012 and will be using the THROW statement, not RAISERROR, so we don't HAVE to put the numbers in sys.messages. Also, we are going to log the errors in a table, along with the error message, sproc name, line number, etc.

Is it useful to maintain a custom list of error numbers and messages? Or is it just as useful to use one standard error number and add a custom error message (which we can then search for in our code, or use the sproc name & line number we logged)? And if it is worth maintaining a list of numbers plus messages, should we go ahead and put them in sys.messages?

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May 23, 2008

I moved from using data adapters to tableadapters. This is my sql query that is included in my data adapter

sql = "SELECT f.Date, CPT, CPTModifier, CPTModifier2, Description, Fee, Tax, Balance, [SPatient Number]
FROM Financial f
INNER JOIN Demographics d ON d.[Patient Number]=f.[SPatient Number] WHERE (f.[SPatient Number]= (" & intPID & "))"

conn.ConnectionString = My.Settings.EbtblsConnectionString
da = New SqlDataAdapter(sql, conn)

intPID is an input box that a user types a number in and compares it to SPatient Number on the Financial table. The query has been working fine.

However, when I go into designer view and hit the table adapter's "add query" property, in vs2008. I put that query in, and it gives me an error saying that intPID is not a valid column. I am aware it's not a valid column..because it isn't a column, it's a variable in the windows form. How do I put a variable in the sql string for table adapters?

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May 14, 2007

I have problem vith implementing Transaction with TableAdapters. My code is:
using (bookTableAdapter adapter = new bookTableAdapter())
transaction = TableAdapterHelper.BeginTransaction(adapter);
ID=(Guid) adapter.bookInsertNew(bookOrgId, bookISBN, bookName, Convert.ToInt32(bookYear), publisherId, languageId, orgLanguageId, bookTranslation, Convert.ToInt32(bookColors), Convert.ToInt32(bookPages), bookFormat, Convert.ToDouble(bookWidth), Convert.ToDouble(bookHeight), Convert.ToDouble(bookWeight), Convert.ToDouble(bookThickness), Convert.ToInt32(bookPrize), bookResumeText, bookResumeHtml, bookPicture_s, bookPicture_m, bookPicture_l, Convert.ToInt32(bookStatusId));
using (bookAuthorTableAdapter adapter1 = new bookAuthorTableAdapter())
TableAdapterHelper.SetTransaction(Adapter1, transaction);
for (int i = 0; i <= leng1; i++)
First Insert is ok, but trow exception on second try to insert in database.
Exceprion is :
Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.The statement has been terminated.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.The statement has been terminated.Source Error:

Line 1839: }
Line 1840: try {
Line 1841: int returnValue = this.Adapter.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
Line 1842: return returnValue;
Line 1843: }
 I also set Connect Timeout=200 in Web.config but nothing change :(
Please help :( :( :(

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Should I Use TableAdapters Or DataAdapters For My DAL?

Feb 26, 2008

So I just created a very nice dataset class with 30+ tables and relationships for a very large project. Each table has 3-8 associated queries besides the usual Fill/Get and then there will be many more in the BLL that utilize this DAL.  I then created a BaseDAL class and other DAL classes that inherit from the BaseDAL(has basic sql query access if needed).  What I want to know is if the way I am doing this is correct and if this is a good idea for a database of this size.  I've never used TableAdapters before and I don't know if I should be using them at all?  I don't know how they handle connections and if one user will have more than one connection open because of using them or will they all share an open connection? 
 Can someone please direct me.  Thank you! Also, if you notice in the top of the UserDAL code I have listed below, I declare and initialize the usersTableAdapter and usersDeptTableAdapter.  Should the call to create the object be moved into each function?Public Class Users : Inherits BaseDAL
Private usersDS As OEE_USERSTableAdapter = New OEE_USERSTableAdapter()Private usersDeptDS As OEE_USER_DEPTSTableAdapter = New OEE_USER_DEPTSTableAdapter()Private retcode As Integer = 0
#Region "USER"
' Returns employee ID if user is in system, otherwise returns 0
Public Function ValidateUser(ByVal username As String) As String
'Dim usersDS As OEE_USERSTableAdapter = New OEE_USERSTableAdapter()Dim dtUser As New OEE_USERSDataTable
dtUser = usersDS.GetUser(username)
If dtUser.Rows.Count = 1 ThenReturn dtUser.Rows(0)("EMPLID").ToString
Return "0"
End IfEnd Function
'Add User
Public Function InsertUser(ByVal emplid As String, ByVal username As String) As String
Dim insertedEmplid As String = ""
emplid = usersDS.AddUser(emplid, username)Return insertedEmplid
End Function
Public Function FlagAsInactive(ByVal emplid As String) As Boolean
retcode = usersDS.FlagAsInactive(emplid)Return retcode <> 0
End Function
'Sets inactive flag to null for user (Reactivates them)
Public Function ActivateUser(ByVal emplid As String) As Boolean
retcode = usersDS.ActivateUser(emplid)
Return True
End Function
'Returns list of all usersPublic Function GetUsers() As DataTable
Return usersDS.GetUsers
End Function
#End Region

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SQL Server 2005 And TableAdapters

Dec 11, 2006

Hello.  I have been using Table Adapters in VS2005 for the last several
projects and love them.  However, when I am connecting to a 2005 SQL
Server database, I have problems connecting.  That is, I cannot create
new stored procedures with the TableAdapter Config Wizard.  For
instance, I try to create a new query.  I use the wizard to create my
SQL statement and continue through until then end of the wizard, when
it asks me to "finish".  At this point, I get an error --  This only happens when trying to connect to a 2005 table.  Any ideas?  

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TableAdapters With Multiple Queries

Jul 18, 2007

Hello everyone...
I have created a report that pulls data from 5 different tables. I have created a tableadapter for this. I have a sql stored procedure with left joins that I am trying to use but keep getting key violations and not null value violations when I try to use it. I have tried setting the NULLValue to NOT throw exception but that has not helped. I have also tried to writing a query for each table. I can add each query to my tableadapter but I can use them all at the same time for some reason. Can this be done? When I go to my report and try to add fields to it from the tableadapter, I only see the results of one query. I am only trying to SELECT. I am not doing any updates or deletes to the tables on the SQL Server.
 Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Problem With Return Value Of Stored Procedure When Using Tableadapters

Dec 8, 2007

Could you please help me with this problem?
I have a stored procedure like this:
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.UniqueChannelName
@UserName nvarchar(50),
@ChannelName nvarchar(50)
return 5;
Then inside of my dataset, I added a new query(dataset1.QueriesTableAdapter) to handle above mentioned stored procedure. Properties window is showing that return type of this adapter is of type int32 as we expected to be.
now I want to use it inside of my code:
DataSet1TableAdapters.QueriesTableAdapter b = new DataSet1TableAdapters.QueriesTableAdapter();
int i;
i=Convert.ToInt32( b.UniqueChannelName("Ahmad", "test"));
as you may guess, the return type of  b.UniqueChannelName("Ahmad", "test") is object and needs to be type-casted before assigning it's value to i; but even after explicit type casting, the value of i is always set to 0, not 5.
could you please show me the way?
many thanks in advance

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XMLDocument I/O With DataTables And TableAdapters (final Version?)

May 25, 2006

The test sub below operates on a SQL Server Table  with an xml-type field ("xml").  The purpose of the sub is to learn about storing and retrieving a whole xml document as a single field in a SQL Server table row.When the code saves to the xml field, it somehow automagically strips the xml.document.declaration (<?xml...>).  So when it reads the xml field back and tries to create an xmldocument from it, it halts at the xmldocument.load.I order to  get the save/retrieve from the xmlfield to work, I add the <?xml declaration to the string when I read it back in from the xml field (this is in the code below).At that point the quickwatch on the string I'm attempting to load into the xmldocument is this:-----------------------------------------------------<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?><Control type="TypeA"><Value1><SubVal1A>Units</SubVal1A><SubVal1Btype="TypeA">Type</SubVal1B></Value1><Value2><SubVal2A>Over</SubVal2A><SubVal2B>Load</SubVal2B></Value2></Control>-----------------------------------------------------The original xml document string is this:-----------------------------------------------------<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?><Control type="TypeA">     <Value1>          <SubVal1A>Units</SubVal1A>          <SubVal1B type="TypeA">Type</SubVal1B>          </Value1>     <Value2>          <SubVal2A>Over</SubVal2A>          <SubVal2B>Load</SubVal2B>     </Value2></Control>-----------------------------------------------------which seems to have all the same characters as the quickwatch result above, but clearly is formatted differently because of the indenting.THE FIRST QUESTION:  Is there a simpler way to do this whole thing using more appropriate methods that don't require adding the xml.document.declaration back in after reading the .xml field, or don't require using the memorystream to convert the .xml field in order to load it back to the XML document.THE SECOND QUESTION:  Why does the original document open in the browser with "utf-16", but when I write the second document back to disk with "utf-16" it won't open...I have to change it to "utf-8" to open the second document in the browser.Here's the test sub'============================================               Public Sub XMLDSTest()          '===========================================          Dim ColumnType As String = "XML"                    '===========================================          '----------Set up dataset, datatable, xmldocument          Dim wrkDS As New DSet1()          Dim wrkTable As New DSet1.Table1DataTable          Dim wrkAdapter As New DSet1TableAdapters.Table1TableAdapter          Dim wrkXDoc As New XmlDocument          wrkXDoc.Load(SitePath & "App_XML" & "XMLFile.xml")          Dim str1 = wrkXDoc.OuterXml          Dim wrkRow As DSet1.Table1Row          wrkRow = wrkTable.NewRow          '=======WRITE to SQL Server==============          '------ build new row          With wrkRow               Dim wrkG As Guid = System.Guid.NewGuid               TestKey = wrkG.ToString               .RecordKey = TestKey               .xml = wrkXDoc.OuterXml     '<<< maps to SQL Server xml-type field          End With          '----- add row to table and update to disk          wrkTable.Rows.Add(wrkRow)          wrkAdapter.Update(wrkTable)          wrkTable.AcceptChanges()          '----- clear table          wrkTable.Clear()          '=======READ From SQL Server ==============          '----refill table, read row,           wrkAdapter.FillBy(wrkTable, TestKey)          Dim wrkRow2 As DSet1.Table1Row = _             wrkTable.Select("RecordKey = '" & TestKey & "'")(0)          '=====  WRITE TO New .xml FILE ===========================          Dim wrkS1 As New StringBuilder          Select Case ColumnType               Case "XML"                    '---if xml build xml declaration:                      '---add this to xml from sql table   =>  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?>                    wrkS1.Append("<?xml version=" & Chr(34) & "1.0" & Chr(34))                    wrkS1.Append(" encoding=" & Chr(34) & "utf-16" & Chr(34) & " ?>")                    wrkS1.Append(wrkRow2.xml)          End Select          Dim wrkBytes As Byte() = (New UnicodeEncoding).GetBytes(wrkS1.ToString)          Dim wrkXDoc2 As New XmlDocument          Dim wrkStream As New MemoryStream(wrkBytes)          wrkXDoc2.Load(wrkStream)          '===========================================          '---- this just shows that the file actually was touched           Dim wrkN2 As XmlNode = wrkXDoc2.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Text, "ss", "TestNode2")          wrkN2 = wrkXDoc2.SelectSingleNode("//Value1/SubVal1B")          wrkN2.Attributes("type").Value = "This was from the xml field"          '----------------          '------  update the encoding....otherwise the file won't open in the browser with utf-16          Dim wrkN1 As XmlNode = wrkXDoc2.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "ss", "TestNode")          wrkN1 = wrkXDoc2.FirstChild          wrkN1.InnerText = Replace(wrkN1.InnerText, "utf-16", "utf-8")          '------------Now write the file back as an .xml file          Dim wrkFilePath As String = SitePath & "App_XML" & "XMLFile2.xml"          Dim wrkXW As XmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(wrkFilePath)          wrkXDoc2.WriteContentTo(wrkXW)          wrkXW.Close()     End Sub===============================

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Displaying Custom Properties For Custom Transformation In Custom UI

Mar 8, 2007


I am creating a custom transformation component, and a custom user interface for that component.

my custom UI, I want to show the custom properties, and allow users to
edit these properties similar to how the advanced editor shows the

I know in my UI I need to create a "Property Grid".
the properties of this grid, I can select the object I want to display
data for, however, the only objects that appear are the objects that I
have already created within this UI, and not the actual component
object with the custom properties.

How do I go about getting the properties for my transformation component listed in this property grid?

I am writing in C#.

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Expression Editor On Custom Properties On Custom Data Flow Component

Aug 14, 2007


I've created a Custom Data Flow Component and added some Custom Properties.

I want the user to set the contents using an expression. I did some research and come up with the folowing:

Code Snippet
IDTSCustomProperty90 SourceTableProperty = ComponentMetaData.CustomPropertyCollection.New();
SourceTableProperty.ExpressionType = DTSCustomPropertyExpressionType.CPET_NOTIFY;
SourceTableProperty.Name = "SourceTable";

But it doesn't work, if I enter @[System:ackageName] in the field. It comes out "@[System:ackageName]" instead of the actual package name.

I'm also unable to find how I can tell the designer to show the Expression editor. I would like to see the elipses (...) next to my field.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you

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Expression Issue With Custom Data Flow Component And Custom Property

Apr 2, 2007


I'm trying to enable Expression for a custom property in my custom data flow component.

Here is the code I wrote to declare the custom property:

public override void ProvideComponentProperties()




IDTSCustomProperty90 prop = ComponentMetaData.CustomPropertyCollection.New();

prop.Name = "MyProperty";

prop.Description = "My property description";

prop.Value = string.Empty;

prop.ExpressionType = DTSCustomPropertyExpressionType.CPET_NOTIFY;



In design mode, I can assign an expression to my custom property, but it get evaluated in design mode and not in runtime

Here is my expression (a file name based on a date contained in a user variable):

"DB" + (DT_WSTR, 4)YEAR( @[User::varCurrentDate] ) + RIGHT( "0" + (DT_WSTR, 2)MONTH( @[User::varCurrentDate] ), 2 ) + "\" + (DT_WSTR, 4)YEAR( @[User::varCurrentDate] ) + RIGHT( "0" + (DT_WSTR, 2)MONTH( @[User::varCurrentDate] ), 2 ) + ".VER"

@[User::varCurrentDate] is a DateTime variable and is assign to 0 at design time

So the expression is evaluated as: "DB189912189912.VER".

My package contains 2 data flow.

At runtime,

The first one is responsible to set a valid date in @[User::varCurrentDate] variable. (the date is 2007-01-15)

The second one contains my custom data flow component with my custom property that was set to an expression at design time

When my component get executed, my custom property value is still "DB189912189912.VER" and I expected "DB200701200701.VER"

Any idea ?

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Adding Custom Property To Custom Component

Aug 17, 2005

What I want to accomplish is that at design time the designer can enter a value for some custom property on my custom task and that this value is accessed at executing time.

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Custom Task - Custom Property Expression

Aug 16, 2006

I am writing a custom task that has some custom properties. I would like to parameterize these properties i.e. read from a varaible, so I can change these variables from a config file during runtime.

I read the documentation and it says if we set the ExpressionType to CPET_NOTIFY, it should work, but it does not seem to work. Not sure if I am missing anything. Can someone please help me?

This is what I did in the custom task

customProperty.ExpressionType = DTSCustomPropertyExpressionType.CPET_NOTIFY;

In the Editor of my custom task, under custom properties section, I expected a button with 3 dots, to click & pop-up so we can specify the expression or at least so it evaluates the variables if we give @[User::VaraibleName]

Any help on this will be very much appreciated.


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Enable Error Handling When Writing Custom Source Component /custom Error Handling Component.

Apr 21, 2006

1) We are writing a custome Source component for Oracle with OCI calls, Could some one please let me know how to Enable Error Handling for the Same,

2) Is it possible to write Custome Error Handeling Component for SSIS? if yes could you please help me on how to write it.

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Statements

Aug 17, 2006

Hi guys,
Need some help in some query processing...
Here goes,this is the results i have obtained so far
|id |cat | name |
1 .....a... apple
1 .....b .. banana
2 .....a ...austria
2 .....b ...brazil
2 .....c ...china
3 .....a ...abraham
3 .....c ...clinton

Column cat can have at most 3 different types of values..{a,b,c}

I wanna write a query such that the result comes out as such
<( ......a .......b......... c..) corresponding to these fields.>

|Col 1| Col 2 | Col 3 | Col 4|
....1 ...banana
....2 ...austria .brazil... china
....3 ...abraham ..........clinton

Anyone can help...thanks guys

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If Statements In SP

Sep 21, 2006

I use SQL Server 2005.I want to create a SP "Search". With this function a user can serach the member database on several criteria: age minimal, age maximal, name, city..BUT these criteria do not necessarily have to be defined by the user, so it might be that a user searches for all members whose age is between ageMin and ageMax leaving the name and city criteria empty.So in my SP I have to check whether these values are empty or not. If a parameter is not empty I have to add it to my selection query.. BUT, I know that SQL Server makes an execution plan, and understood that when you use if-statements the procedure needs to be recompiled every time?Is this true? If so:how does this work then?Is there another way for me to still be able to create this SP?

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Help With If-Else Statements In SQL...please...

Dec 11, 2006

Hello guys. How is this declared in SQL?
Select * FROM my_table
     if my_column = "1" UPDATE my_table SET  my_other_column= "a"       ////my_column and my_other_column belong to my_table
     else if my_column="2" UPDATE my_table SET  my_other_column= "b" ////my_column and my_other_column belong to my_table

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Sql Statements Per Second

Jan 27, 2008

Hi, I would like to know the number of SQL statements per second being generated by my web site. How can I know this?  Best Regards,MeeNge  

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If Statements

Apr 8, 2008

 Hello I have an SQL Data Source  i want to compare 2 dates if one is equal to or less than the other i want to return either a string or a true i have been trying combinations for about an hour and it's getting a little frustrating i;ve tried searching for an example but cant find one so somesthing like Select ValuesWhere Date1 <= Date2 Return "String"(orTrue?) also IF date1 <= Today() Return "String OR True" thanks Chris 

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Sql If Statements

Feb 22, 2006

I have some trade data. One colum is tran_status_mtf. within that column is "settled/traded", "cancelled", and "revised". I want to write and SQL statement that says if the trade is "settled" or "traded" display "A" in my output. How do I do this? I am new to SQL. Thanks in advance guys!!!

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IF Then Statements

Jun 3, 2008

I need to create a brief statement in Design View for SQL 2000.

I successfully wrote "isnull(dbo.Data.Parcel,'')in the Column in Design View, which would ensure that a null value would be listed as a blank. Now I need to have show as 'C&G' in any instance of data, otherwise it will be listed as blank. I tried writing "isnotnull(,'Homestead', '')", but it does not work.

Is there a simple statement I can write in "column" of design view that can get the results that I need?


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Using Sum In Sql Statements

May 21, 2007

I have written an sql statement thats using sum. The problem that I have is that when the value is zero it returns Null. Is there a way that I could return zero instead of null.

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SQL If Statements

Oct 19, 2007

I am totally new to creating IF statements inside stored procedures. I am passing some parameters from a ColdFusion form to a SP and if the form is empty for the small date I get an error. I would like to be able to check in the procedure to see if the parameter is empty and if it is set a default value for it. Here is my code.
@COLLEGEDATE smalldatetime,
@COLLEGEDATE smalldatetime,
@COLLEGEDATE = getDate(),

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Different T-SQL Statements?

Sep 16, 2006

Hi, i just want to know if the T-SQL statements in SQL server 2005 are different from SQL Server 2000???

If they are different, where can i find the Server 2005 T-SQL Statements?

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SUM And Iif Statements

Apr 16, 2007


I have a report with 1 field that I need to sum into 2 different textboxes based on another field's value.

Specifically, Is it simply doing something like this below?

=Iif(Fields!iBB.Value=1, Sum(Fields!Billed.Value)

=Iif(Fields!iBB.Value=0, Sum(Fields!UnBilled.Value)

Which will not get past intellisense checking, -or- do I have to do something different here?

Thanks in advance.

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Help With Insert Sql Statements...

Dec 15, 2006

Hi guys! I have these commands that insert into two tables, if condition 1 is met, it will insert into the first table, if the second condition is met, it will insert into the second table.
Is there a way for the insert statements to be merged so that I won't be executing two statements? 
Dim update_phase_before As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO TE_shounin_todokesho_jizen (syain_No,date_kyou,time_kyou) SELECT syain_No,date_kyou,time_kyou FROM TE_todokesho WHERE TE_todokesho.b_a='before'", cnn)
Dim update_phase_after As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO TE_shounin_todokesho_jigo   (syain_No,date_kyou,time_kyou) SELECT syain_No,date_kyou,time_kyou FROM TE_todokesho WHERE TE_todokesho.b_a='after'", cnn)     

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Several Select Statements?

Jan 16, 2007

Hello, how can i merge together several select statements?
I have something like this:
CREATE PROCEDURE Forum_GetThreads @ID int,@AscDesc bitASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;SELECT * FROM forum_ansageSELECT * FROM forum_topics WHERE (status = 0) ORDER BY (created) DESCIF (@AscDesc = 0)BEGIN      SELECT * FROM forum_topics WHERE (status > 0) ORDER BY (created) DESCENDELSEBEGIN      SELECT * FROM forum_topics WHERE (status > 0) ORDER BY (created) ASCENDHere i want to merge them all together and return only one SELECT statement with all the data

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Max SQL Statements In One Page

Feb 21, 2007

I'm running a custom built report on .net page  Basically there are a lot categories.  I need to run SQL statements for and for each category, the catch is these statements are all in loops for i = 1 to 12.  Therefore 108 categories X 12 iterations of SQL calls =  a little more that 1200 sql calls from one .net page. 
 There is obviously a major problem with load time and running these reports are painful to the user and the system.
Is there any easier way to possibly pre-compile all the data into a temp database so I wouldn't need to make as many sql calls???????  If so, would a stored procedure handle something like this.
 Sorry for being somewhat vague.

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Apostrophes, Etc. In WHERE Statements?

Apr 11, 2007

How do I handle and apostrophes and other punctuation in stored procedure Sql statements:
SELECT        L_ID, L_NameFROM            tblHVACContractorsWHERE        (L_Name = 'Mare's Heating & Cooling Services')

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Use Two SQL Statements In One SqlDataSource ?

May 4, 2007

I have SqlDataSource to retrieve a data into DetailsView, or GridView, whatever.
I want to use two Select command like this:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="Data Source=AHMED-4714D04B3;Initial Catalog=mp;Integrated Security=True"
if (( parID == 3) || (ParID ==4)
SelectCommand="SELECT [PID], [PageID], [PageContent], [ParID], [ChiID] FROM [mp_page] WHERE ([ParID] = @ParID)">
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DropDownList1" Name="ParID" PropertyName="SelectedValue" />
SelectCommand="SELECT [PID], [PageID], [PageContent], [ParID], [ChiID] FROM [mp_page] WHERE ([ChiID] = @ChiID)">
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DropDownList1" Name="ChiID" PropertyName="SelectedValue" />
Is it possible to do something like that ?

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Help Writing SQL Statements

Jun 5, 2008

Hey everyone,
  I'm making a site and I need to write some code that will do the following things: 

Write a statement for the Page_Load event to pull the information from the db and load it into a textbox and a textbox with multiline attribute.

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Help With Combining Sql Statements

Mar 7, 2006

I'm trying to combine the following two strings to create a single Insert statement (and thus only generate one record instead of two).
insertString = "Insert comments (uID) Select uID FROM users WHERE uName = @uName"
insertString2 = "INSERT comments (eventID, text) VALUES ( @eventID, @comment)"
I have tried:
Insert comments (uID, eventID, text) SELECT uID FROM users WHERE uName  = @uName VALUES (uID, @eventID, @comment)
Individually they work fine, but I can't get the syntax correct to allow them to work together. As you can tell, I'm not very good with SQL, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance.

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