I have one query with 3 statments in it, which then creates a table called HCSReturnFile. My problem is that I have an order by in my query, but when I go to create a table that puts all 2 statements into 1, it does not do the order by. What am I doing wrong? Below is my Query.
USE [Impact_PROD]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[p_GenerateHCSReturnFileUPDATE] Script Date: 01/18/2008 14:20:59 ******/
-- =============================================
-- Author:Wendy & Mike
-- Create date: 11/08/2007
---Create Date to Production - 12-06-2007
-- Description:This was a touch one.
---This report drop both Queries into a tabled called HCSRetrunFile
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[p_GenerateHCSReturnFileUPDATE]
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
SELECT Distinct
--c.CLM_id1 AS 'ClaimNumber',
e.EVE_id1 AS 'EventNumber',
ClaimNumber1 = '',
--e.EVE_clm As 'EventEventTable',
--c.CLM_elrc AS 'EventClaimTable',
e.eve_resl1 as 'Resolution',
p.EVEP_RESL1 as 'Resolution2',
p.evep_reas as 'ProviderType',
p.evep_nego as 'Negotiation',
ProviderID = '',
e.EVE_EXNO AS 'HCSAuthorizationID',
p.evep_fname AS proFirstName,
p.evep_offic AS ProOffice,
FROM dbo.EVE e
RIGHT JOIN dbo.clm c
ON e.EVE_id1 = c.clm_id1
ON e.eve_id1 = p.EVEP_id1
JOIN dbo.notes2 n
ON n.eve_id1 = e.EVE_id1
--JOIN evep p2
--ON p.evep_id1 = p2.evep_id1
e.eve_resl1 = 'CL'and
p.EVEP_RESL1 <> 'NG' and
p.evep_reas <>'FA'--and ---means closes Events
--p2.evep_nego = 'Y' and
--((LTRIM(p.evep_id2) <> '0002' AND p.evep_id2 <> '0001' AND p2.evep_id2 <> '0001') OR (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM evep WhERE evep_id1 = p.evep_id1) = 1)
--e.EVE_STAT = 'CL'and
--e.EVE_id1 IN ('00101965','00102080','00102084','00101962','00101963') --and
SELECT Distinct
--c.CLM_id1 AS 'ClaimNumber',
e.EVE_id1 AS 'EventNumber',
ClaimNumber1 = '',
--e.EVE_clm As 'EventEventTable',
--c.CLM_elrc AS 'EventClaimTable',
e.eve_resl1 as 'Resolution',
p.EVEP_RESL1 as 'Resolution2',
p.evep_reas as 'ProviderType',
p.evep_nego as 'Negotiation',
ProviderID = '',
e.EVE_EXNO AS 'HCSAuthorizationID',
p.evep_fname AS proFirstName,
p.evep_offic AS ProOffice,
FROM dbo.EVE e
RIGHT JOIN dbo.clm c
ON e.EVE_id1 = c.clm_id1
ON e.eve_id1 = p.EVEP_id1
JOIN dbo.notes2 n
ON n.eve_id1 = e.EVE_id1
--JOIN evep p2
--ON p.evep_id1 = p2.evep_id1
((e.eve_resl1 = '' and p.evep_reas = 'HO')or (e.eve_resl1 = '' and p.evep_reas = 'PH') or (e.eve_resl1 = '' and p.evep_reas = 'AN'))
Order by e.eve_resl1,p.EVEP_RESL1
--and ---means Open Events will not have claims attached to them. we just need the fields in this report.
--p2.evep_nego = 'Y' and
--((LTRIM(p.evep_id2) <> '0002' AND p2.evep_id2 <> '0001') OR (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM evep WhERE evep_id1 = p.evep_id1) = 1)
SELECT Distinct
c.CLM_elrc AS 'EventNumber',
CASE c.clm_ips
WHEN 'C' THEN c.clm_pclm
ELSE c.clm_id1
END as "claimnumber1", --ClmClaims."CLAIMNUMBER",
--e.EVE_clm As 'EventEventTable',
e.eve_resl1 as 'Resolution',
p.EVEP_RESL1 as 'Resolution2',
p.evep_reas as 'ProviderType',
p.evep_nego as 'Negotiation',
c.CLM_5 AS 'ProviderID',
e.EVE_EXNO AS 'HCSAuthorizationID',
p.evep_lname AS ProLastName,
p.evep_fname AS proFirstName,
p.evep_offic AS ProOffice,
FROM dbo.EVE e
Right Join dbo.clm c
ON e.EVE_id1 = c.clm_elrc
Right join dbo.EVEP p
ON e.eve_id1 = p.EVEP_id1
--JOIN evep p2
--ON p.evep_id1 = p2.evep_id1
JOIN dbo.notes2 n
ON n.eve_id1 = e.EVE_id1
p.EVEP_RESL1 = 'NG'and
clm_adjto = '' ---"NG"This report is going to be changed to the negoitated report the field is going to be "NG"
--e.eve_resl1 = 'NG'and
--p2.evep_nego = 'Y' and
--((LTRIM(p.evep_id2) <> '0002' AND p.evep_id2 <> '0001'AND p2.evep_id2 <> '0001') OR (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM evep WhERE evep_id1 = p.evep_id1) = 1)
I never paid much attention to this before but I noticed this today in a new table I was creating.
For tables defined in the tabular model the table properties have something like SELECT Blah FROM TableName ORDER BY Blah Then in the tabular model the table's data is in the same order it was ordered by in the data source for the table.
I have a date table I setup and I noticed it is NOT respecting the sort order.
I have it sorted by DateID which sorts with the oldest date first and newest date as last row.However, the table that is imported and stored in the data model is not in that order.
I can of course manually sort the rows in BIDS/DataTools, but I find this discrepancy odd.
Would this have negative impacts on the EARLIER function for example if the data rows are not in the order specified?
Dear Experts, i've one table named table11. in this perticular table, i've 30 columns and 40,000 rows of data. this table is taking 35 sec for select * from table11.
defnetly it will take more time if i used this in some places like procedures and functions or views like that.
where is the problem? generally it takes that much of time or is there any problem?
guidence please.....
Vinod Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.
I can manipulate this in a pivot table for reporting however I need this to be a table for reporting by filterable searchable information. What can I do short of defining each field with case logic, or union queries.
I'm using a OLE DB COMMAND component to perform an update (SQL statement) but the procces takes about 9 hours, so I changed it to a stored procedure but it was the same, I need to update about a a million of rows and the package is very simple.
How can I improve the time, Can I use another component or startegy?
I have a table that I need to do some computations on all the data but first I need to remove the duplicate records and insert the results into a destination table. Here's the example below. My table has 3.1 million rows. I have tried using the DISTINCT and the GROUP BY but both ways to select the data takes about half a minute to run. I'm wondering if there is a way to increase performance. Users are ok with this time since the process runs overnight but improving it won't hurt. I do have a clustered index on these fields but that doesn't seem to improve any.
Due to localization I have the need to make child tables, where there is a composite Primary Key, between the Id column and the LanguageSign column. On the parent table the Id column is Identity column with auto increment.
The problem is that during the select into query to copy columns from parent to child, this auto increment behaviour of the parent-Id is copied to the child-Id. However I do not want that, because the same Id will be used by different LanguageSign entries
Is there a way to use 'select into' without copying the auto increment, or is my only option to make a whole new column without auto increment on the child and copy the records?
btw I have used this statement
ON , so that inserting into the Id column is possible. I can see however that this does not take away the auto increment...
Disk space is increasing at an alarming rate (about 500MB a day). Shrink of database seems to have no effect. It is a queueing table so data is inserted then a few minutes later it gets processed & deleted.
I have 2 tables: Order(ID, Quantity) and Product(ID,Name, Price) and I want to add a calculated field in Order table based on the price column in the Product table. How do i do that?
this query returns the values i want in the table.
select a.quantity * b.price from tblCustomerPurchases as a join tblProduct as b on a.ID=b.ID
I noticed that some queries against an mssql db require the tables in the FROM part of the statement to be in a particular order. Does anyone know why?
For example SELECT * FROM table1, table2, table3 WHERE <blah>
May throw an error (Unknown table table3 [I can't remember the exact verbiage of the error]), while simply rearranging the table order to:
SELECT * FROM table3, table1, table2 WHERE <blah> will work.
It seems like the error has something to do with how mssql handles the joins of the tables, but I can't seem to find any documentation about it.
merchant contractbr date a 2333 1/1/2005 a A34 3/12/2006 a R78 2/1/2005 .. b b b c c c .....
different merchant has different number of contracts. I want to order the contracts for merchants according to the date. the result table should look like:
merchant contractbr date order a 2333 1/1/2005 1 a R78 2/1/2005 2 a A34 3/12/2006 3 .. b 1 b 2 b 3 c 1 c 2 c 3 c 4 c 5 .....
Greetings,I have an application that need to get all the userdefined child tables first before their parents.I wrote a query, given in this newsgroup only, as belowSELECT o.nameFROM sysobjects oWHERE o.type='U'ORDER BY case WHEN exists ( SELECT *FROM sysforeignkeys fWHERE o.id = f.fkeyid )THEN 1ELSE 0end, o.namegoWhen i try to truncate the first table of the list, it still tells methat tha table is being referenced by foreign key in another table. Mymain job is to truncate all the user defined tables before loading datainto them.Is there something wrong in the query? Or if someone can tell me abetter approach.Any help will be appreciated.TIA
When I say to sort on a datetime field on descending order, the date is sorted. However, the time difference is not reflected in the results. Any way, we can fix it. i.e. If I have two records with the same dates but different times, the sorting order is not considering the time.
I've set up a transactional replication, but I need to specify in which order the tables are to be replicated (tables with foreign keys last). How/where do set table order ?
For example some data has entered into a table in a random manner i.e the pk filed value is not in a serial fashion.Is there any table or index that holds the entries of rows into a particular table as entered .
i.e 'some_table' has data like this
3,entry3 2,entry2 4,entry4 1,entry1
I want some DB table or Index that holds data like this about above 'some_table'
row_id .... .... .... 1 2 3 4
here 1 refers to entry of the first column in 'some_table' i.e 3,entry3 and so on...
I have a table that I want to re-order the ID column. The ID are not in order now due to some insertion and deletion. What are the steps to re-order the ID column?
SELECT ID,new_unit,mhlka_id,mhlka, DATEPART(DAY, Date) AS theDay, ShiftID FROM v_Employee WHERE Date >= @BaseDate AND Date < DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @BaseDate)
ORDER BY unit desc, Fname
) AS y PIVOT ( min(y.ShiftID) FOR y.theDay IN ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7],[8] , [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30]) ) AS p END
the all code
DECLARE @WantedDate SMALLDATETIME, -- Should be a parameter for SP
SELECT @WantedDate = '20080401', -- User supplied parameter value
I have nested lists and I want to set a global value in my custom code AFTER a specific table footer row. Does anybody know in what order the table elements are rendered? I have tried adding my piece of code into a group value, the hidden property, the color property, and sending it as a parameter to a subreport, but it still sets that variable first before rendering the table footer row that I want to display before I set that variable. I have been pulling my hair out trying to do this one! Help!
how to order by month name query returns Dec13,Mar14,Jan14,Nov13 .. etc but i want to Nov13,Dec13,Jan14,Mar14 ... etc
declare @cols as varchar(max), @query as varchar(max) set @cols =STUFF((select ','+QUOTENAME(tb3.month) FROM ( select distinct (DATENAME(MONTH,dtDate)+''+CONVERT(varchar(5),YEAR(dtDate)) ) as month from tableA) tb3 FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('.','NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'') set @query ='SELECT '+@cols +' from (SELECT DATENAME(MONTH,dtDate) + CONVERT(varchar(5),YEAR(dtDate)) as month,Price FROM tableA ) tb pivot ( sum(Price) for monthin('+@Cols+')) p 'exec(@query)
I have an problem with the order of the results after a join.
My first query works fine and the order of field Name ist correct.
Select * FROM (SELECT * FROM dtree A1 WHERE A1.Subtype=31356 AND A1.DataID IN (select DataID from dtreeancestors where AncestorID=9940974)) t
When I do a join the order of the left table changes
Select * FROM (SELECT * FROM dtree A1 WHERE A1.Subtype=31356 AND A1.DataID IN (select DataID from dtreeancestors where AncestorID=9940974)) t, llattrdata A4 WHERE t.DataID = A4.ID
How can I do a join and keep the order of the left table?
I have a table "Client" that has two columns: "ClientID" and "ProductID". I created on clustered index on ClientID and when I opened the table in the management studio, I saw the table was in the order of ClientID.
Then I added another non-clustered index on ProductID. When I open the table again, it is in the order of ProductID. Shouldn't the table always be in the order of clustered index? Non-clustered index should be a structure outside of the table itself? Did I do anything wrong?
I have to import data into a empty database, that has many tables.some tables have to be inserted first than others due to the foreignkeys.How do I find out the order of the tables that I have to insert datainto?Thanks in advance!Sam
This subject has been posted several times, but I haven't seen a goodanswer.Problem:I want to change the order of the columns in a table using T-SQL only.Explanation:After running your code, I want to see the following table...CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TableName] ([First_Column] [int] NULL ,[Second_Column] [varchar] (20) NULL) ON [PRIMARY]look like this...CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TableName] ([Second_Column] [varchar] (20) NULL ,[First_Column] [int] NULL) ON [PRIMARY]Limitations:Don't post if your post would fall in the following categories:1. If you don't think it can be done2. If you think Enterprise Manager is the only way to do this3. If you think I should just change the order of my Selectstatements4. If you want to state that order column doesn't matter in arelational database5. If you want to ask me why I want to do thisWish:Hopefully the answer WON'T involve creating a brand new table, movingthe data from old to new, dropping the old table, then renaming thenew table to the old name. Yes, I can do that. The table I'm workingwith is extremely huge -- I don't want to do the data juggling.Thanks in advance!
Is it possible to add a column to a table using the "alter table"statement and specify where in the sequence of columns the new columnsits. If not is there any way to alter the order of columns using TSQLrather than Enterprise Manager / Design Table.TIALaurence Breeze