Temporarily Disable Replication

Jun 15, 2007

Is there a way to temporarily disable replication? My problem is that I have pull subscribers that I do not want accessing the database at certain times, so that data updates and backups can occur. Is there a way to make that happen?

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Temporarily Disable Subscriptions

Feb 13, 2008

I and my backup admin have full server, database, and SRS admin rights. We both have several subscription reports active. I need to temporarily disable all subscriptions for today. Of course, I can see my subscriptions, get into them, and stop them. However, from SQL Server Management Studio / Reporting Services, I can see her subscriptions but can not find a way to disable them.

Any ideas?

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Temporarily Disable Logging During Large Inserts?

Feb 19, 2007

I have an application that dumps massive amounts of data into a database during the installation. My log file always ends up being 30-40GB+ at the end of the install. Can I turn off logging while I do the install and enable it after? What are my options.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Temporarily Stop Replication / What To Do When Publication Is Dropped

Aug 12, 2015

I have transactional replication configured where the publisher and subscriber are on two different servers. Yesterday a database upgrade was carried out, and the DBA dropped replication by issuing sp_removedbreplication on the published database. The subscription is still set up.

I have two questions:

1 - What is the safest way to temporarily switch off replication without losing the publication or subscription? As far as I was aware (my replication knowledge isn't great), simply disabling the relevant agents would do the job.

2 - I now have the task of creating the publication again (fortunately we have a saved script). If I recreate this publication, will I be able to point the existing subscription at it?

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Disable Trans. Replication - HELP!

Mar 20, 2000


I am trying to disable transactional replication, but am having some problems. I used the wizard, however, it has taken 7 hours so far and is still not done. SQL Server (7.0) is showing the connection as runnable but it seems as if nothing is being removed. Am I missing something? Should I have done something else before running the wizard? I can't even kill the SPID.

Can anyone help or offer some advice?

Thanks in advance...

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Can Not Disable Replication In SQL7

Oct 24, 2000

Hi, guys

I have an urgent problem in replication.

Yesterday I set up a Transaction replication with 1 publication
Server A (publisher)(push)(SQL 7)
Server B (distributor and subscriber)(SQL 7)

The replication was succesful and the suscriber can get correct data.

This morning I found the Red sigh in replication mornitor/miscellaneous agents.The error message is:
"The job failed. Unable to determine if the owner (domain nameuser ID) of job Agent history clean up: distribution has server access (reason: Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user 'domain name'. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 8198))."

I tried to use the 'disable publishing and distribution wizard' to disable this replication, but it did not finish and the screen jusr freeze. I used the task manager to end the task.

then I check the replication monitor, the publication was gone but the RED sigh still there.

I tried to use sp_dropdistpublisher to drop a Publisher
but it said "the server A is not a distributor"

I tried to use sp_dropdistributiondb to delete the distribution database.
but it said "Could not drop the distribution database 'distribution'.
This distributor database is associated with a Publisher."

I tried to use sp_dropdistributor to remove the Distributor .
but it said "Could not drop the Distributor 'Server B'.
This Distributor has associated distribution databases."

Any suggestion? Thank you in advance.


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Why Transactional Replication Option Is Disable?

May 3, 2007

i read about what replication is and what are the types of replication but when i m trying to implement this i am unable to perform one of its type "Transactional Replication" i have no idea why this option is disable,can u plz guide me where i m wrong?

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Transactions Are Still Pending For Distribution After Disable Transactional Replication

Apr 11, 2007

Recently we disabled the transactional replication on a prodution database(data size:300GB) , two weeks later we were aware of the transaction log of that db almost reached the limitation (70GB).I investigated the issues and found:

1. open transactions pending for distribution:

DBCC opentran('xxxx')

Replicated Transaction Information:

Oldest distributed LSN : (0:0:0)

Oldest non-distributed LSN : (323830:7083:1)

DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

2. exec sp_replcounters, got over 240,000 replicated_transactions, which caused the tran log extremely large.

The transactional replication has been disabled on this server, there are no publication, distribution DBs any longer, all replication-related agents are also gone, why did this still happen???

3. use sp_repldone manaully reset those 240,000 transactions to distributed, check opentran, it was fine for a while. The tran log file was freed up 99% after that.

4. check open transactions and run sp_replcounters today, found the over 60000 transactions again on the db.

Did anybody experience the same issue and knows how to fix this issue and stop this happening ?

Many Thanks,


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Temporarily Dropping Constraints

Apr 27, 2007

Assuming that I have created relationships (PKs and FKs) on my tables already, does the following statement permanently remove a Foreign Key constraint, or does it mearly disable it?ALTER TABLE myTable NOCHECK CONSTRAINT FK_myForeignKeyGO Also, I can't seem to find out how to temporarily remove the Identity qualifier of a field, and then reset it back as Identity later. Any help?Finally, will a failure of ALTER TABLE affect the @@ERROR variable? Can I check @@ERROR after each ALTER TABLE table statement to see if @@ERROR <> 0?The reason for both of these issues is that I am redesigning an unnormalized database, and I need to write a large script to drop all constraints on all tables, transform the data as normalized into the new table structure, and then re-enable constraints, Identity fields, etc. Thanks.

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Temporarily Avoiding Writing Into Trans Log

Mar 9, 2007


Is there a way to temporarily disable logging into the transaction log.

In our system, we perform purging of our database every night, where the purging consists of 2 steps:

1. For each table, insert the data, to be deleted, into a corresponding "purged" table, to remain there for one day only.

2. For each table, delete the unnecessary data (i.e. same data stored in purged tables in step 1)

During these 2 steps, the transaction log grows, and since we perform the transactional log back up, the back up at that time is huge. We are running a bit low on the hard disk space and I'd like to disable logging into the transaction log when these operations are performed.

I really don't care about being able to recover this data.

I thought that one option is to set the database to simple recovery, then perform the purging of the database, and then change back to full.

However, I think that trans log can grow even if recovery model is simple [although you won't be able to retrieve any changes].

So, is there a way to delete a portion of a table [or insert into it] so that no data is written to a transaction log (I know that we can use TRUNCATE if we need to remove whole table without logging)?

Thanks a lot

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Substitution Variables To Temporarily Store Value

Dec 13, 2013

I am looking for "substitution variables to temporarily store value" with sqlcmd in sql server . I know the query in oracle, but looking for equivalent query in sql server?

In oracle query is like this:

select *
from tablename
where deptnumber = &department_number;
Enter Value for department_number

I am looking this query in sql serevr2008.

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Temporarily Suspending Synchronous Mirroring

May 13, 2006

I have synchronous mirroring. Some times I loose connection to witness and mirror servers. These times primary server is down. Is there any way I can change mirroring to asynchronous when primary server is down due to communication break down between witness and mirrored servers? I can break mirroring but to re-establish mirroring, I have to backup and restore on the other side. So if I can change mirroring to asynchronous when primary server is down due to connection breakdown between witness and mirrored server, then when witness and mirror servers come back, I don't need to restore the entire database. Ofcourse I could use asynchronous always but that does not failover automatically. I am thankful to all answers and suggestions. Thanks.

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Temporarily Dropping Not-null Constraint

Nov 15, 2007

I am doing a data conversion in which I drop constraints before inserting data and then reapply at the end. I would like to also drop the not null constraints for certain columns, transfer the nulls and then fill them in later before reapplying the constraints. Is there a relatively simple way to drop and reapply the not null constraints?

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Temporarily Removing A Record And Putting It Back?

Apr 4, 2014

is there a way to temporarily remove a record and then putting it back again? in my case I have lots of test patient with last)name ='test' and first_name='test'. I want to remove these test patient temporarily , do my calculation and them put them back.

The table is called "person" and all these test patients are in there including real patient under their last-name, first_name.

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Poor Performance Temporarily Cured By Re-booting SQL Server

Feb 27, 2007

Poor Performance Temporarily Cured by Re-booting SQL Server

Please can you help?

SQL Server 2000.
Accessed by VB.Net 2003.
Server set up by SQL consultant (who is no longer available).

We have a regular problem, which is most noticeable when analysing data (rather than data inserts/deletions) for producing xml or csv files or reports, even though the amount of data is relatively small. However structure of database means that there are still quite a lot of records and a lot of links between tables (database is currently being redesigned but in the mean time the problem still exists).

The problem is that access slows down dramatically and in some cases all but stops (one example is a csv file being produced where only a few lines have been output in 30 minutes). In every case the symptoms can be solved by re-booting the SQL server, after which the entire csv file is output in 10 minutes. Obviously though we wish to solve the problem and not just the symptom.

Additional information:
Transaction logs are backed up at 13:00 and in the evening (both periods of very low usage).Full backup is run in the evening and at 13:00 (both periods of very low usage), with integrity check performed prior to full backup. Database is optimized after the full backup including shrinking the database leaving 15% of the data space free.

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Temporarily Drop FOREIGN KEY Constraints To Truncate A Table After Testing

Feb 21, 2007

I am testing Insert, Update etc. and messing up my database with "dirty" data. Is there a way to temporarily drop FOREIGN KEY constraints to truncate a table after testing without dropping the whole table and rebuilding it?

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Temporarily Block A Table From User Access

Feb 10, 2015

I need to run a script in production that adds primary key to a table. Because table is large, I can't run it in one shot, the log file is not so large to accommodate it. Instead, I created a new table with same structure plus new surrogate primary key, and I populate it in a cursor loop.

I already ran it many times in test server, and no problems with that. But the problem will be in production when applications will be accessing this table and try to insert/update it while I am running my loop.

So I am looking for a solution how to block users to access this table, it's OK if they receive an error. Setting database to single user mode will not work because I don't want to block them from all the rest tables in this database.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Measuring Volume Of Data Created Temporarily To Replace Usage Of Physical Tables In Query

Sep 12, 2014

How I can measure the volume of data created temporarily to replace usage of physical tables in an SQL query.

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Can We Disable A Trigger In SQL 7.0

Jun 14, 2002

Is there a way to disable trigger for a time window and enable it when desired.

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Disable Trigger

Jul 12, 2001

Is it possible to disable a trigger to manually manipulate data without completely removing it? Thank you.

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Disable Identity

Oct 26, 2000

A quick question, how can I disable identity for the identity column
without dropping that column? Thanks!

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Disable Logs

Aug 28, 2000

Is there a way to disable logging ?
I'm about to split a 1000000 rows table into three other tables , and would prefere not to log this action ...
Does anyone know how to do it in a SQL 7.0 statement ?

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Disable Triggers

Nov 21, 2001

I don't seem to be able to find a command to disable triggers. Can this
be done in SQL7?


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Disable Trigger

May 11, 2001

Is it possible to disable a trigger in SQL Server 6.5?
Is so, how can i do that?

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How To Disable Locking?!?

Apr 2, 1999

read-only option
dbo-use option

Anyone any ideas ?!?

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Disable Trigger

Oct 25, 2004


can I disable a trigger in Sqlserver 2000??? When i run a store procedure who works with one table i want that the trigger doesn�t work it. After that the trigger would be enabled again.

I know i can delete it and create it again but something like "ALTER TRIGGER DISABLED" would be ok.


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Disable Trigger

Mar 23, 2004

Sorry, may be it is very simple, but
how can I disable all trigger on a tabled under sql 2000

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SQL 2012 :: CDC Is Disable

May 20, 2014

CDC is disabling when we do bulkinsertsupdateschange schema .how to findout why CDC disabled and how to prevent it ?

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Is There Any Way To Disable The Primary Key ..?

Feb 24, 2007


Is there any way to disable the primary key constraint?.I want to move the records from one table to another.say column 'x' in the source table doesnt contain a primay key.But my target table column 'x' contains primay key.
How to ovecome this problem?
Thanks in advance

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Disable Indexes

May 30, 2007

Hello all.

Could anyone advise me how to disable indexes on a specific table at the start of a script, then re-enable them at the end?

Thanks all.

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Disable DatabaseMail90.exe

Feb 28, 2008

I am looking for a way to disable DatabaseMail90.exe (temporarily) while still allowing emails to queue up.

At first, I thought the solution was sysmail_stop_sp... but if I use this... calls to sp_send_DBMail fail with the following message:

Mail not queued. Database Mail is stopped. Use sysmail_start_sp to start Database Mail.

I'd like the emails to be queued... I just want to postpone sending them. Anyone know how to do this?

- Alan D. Nelson

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Is It Possible To Disable All Restrictions On A Ms Sql DB?

Jul 20, 2005

In meen. primary keys, NOT NULL, IDENTETIES...et.cI have to do a maunally, one time, building of a database. Sometables has tostay an some are to be exchanged. The foreignkey inforcemnt ill do for myself so everything is correct. I just need to be allowed to de thede taskfor a while. Is it impossible?RegardsAnders

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Not Able To Disable Users

May 6, 2008

I am trying to disable certain users, but it is giving me this error. I am able to disable some accounts, but not all of them. It seems to happen with user that have been recently created.

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Disable Login. failed for Login 'domainuser'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.3042.00&EvtSrc=Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ExceptionTemplates.FailedOperationExceptionText&EvtID=Disable+Login.+Login&LinkId=20476


An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user 'domainuser', error code 0x5. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15404)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=09.00.3042&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=15404&LinkId=20476

The links lead to a page that is no longer available.

I read somewhere that it had to do with the SQL Server service account and that if you change it to a Domain Administrator it would and it does, but I can not believe the solution. I would say that this even started happening after we applied SQL 2005 Service Pack 2.

Has anyone else seen this problem. Do I really need to make it a Domain Administrator?


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