Text To Columns Function?

Sep 11, 2013

I have the following Table:



All the values in the 'SKUs' column are combined together, seperated by a comma.

Is there an easy to way "de-pivot" this so that the Order ID gets repeated as follows:


12345678 SCINC
12345678 SCNRQ
12345678 SRPPR

Here's some code:


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Full Text And Text Columns

Oct 21, 2007

Can you not add a text column to a full text index?? If I change it to a nvarchar it works fine but if I change it to a text column it wont index. Anyone know how to fix this?

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Scalar Function Columns

Jul 20, 2005

Is it ill-advised to have columns whose values pull from scalar functionsusing other fields in the record as parameters? For example, if I havecreate table a(iID int primary key)create table b(iID int ,iDetail int,CONSTRAINT PK PRIMARY KEY(iID,iDetail),CONSTRAINT FK FOREIGN KEY (iID) REFERENCES a(iID))Let's say in table b I put price information for each detail and in table aI'd like to put a column that sums these prices for the children of eachrecord. Should I make a computed column that references a function usingiID as a parameter? Or would it be better to create a view for this kind ofpurpose?Regards,Tyler

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Passing Columns To CLR Function

Jul 31, 2007

I am trying to send to colums to SQL CLR function and get some results. I want the CLR code be like:

Code Snippet
public void DoSomething(SqlDouble[] a, SqlDouble[] b, out SqlDouble x, out SqlDouble y, out SqlDouble z)
//Do Something...
x = ....

I want to call this code from SQL code:

Code Snippet

create table #Temp (float a,float b)
declare @x float
declare @y float
declare @z float
exec dbo.DoSomething(a,b,@x,@y,@z) ---????

Do someone have an idea?

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Need Help With MAX Function Using Two Tables With Common Columns

Apr 9, 2006

I have two tables that contain product SKUs (12-character strings):
Table 1Product IdSKU...
Table 2ProductVariantIdSKU...
I need to find the MAX (i.e., last used) SKU that exists in either table. I did write two sps, one for each table that I can compare in code and use the larger (latest) one but I am not that facile with JOINS, etc., so I can't figure how how to create a single sp to return the value I am looking for--although I assume this must not only be possible but trivial to more experienced SQLers.

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Nov 14, 2006

I have a database that contains a column for UnitName , BeginDate andEndDate.I want to pass two parameters (@BeginDate and @EndDate) and retrieve atable of valuesthat include UnitName along with Counts for each UnitName.SELECT UnitName, COUNT(BeginDate) AS Start(SELECT COUNT(EndDate) AS Finish WHERE EndDate BETWEEN @BeginDate AND@EndDate)FROM TableWHERE BeginDate BETWEEN @BeginDate AND @EndDateGROUP BY UnitNameORDER BY UnitNameThis works. But when I try to add another count by using a subselect Iget an error dealing with GROUP BY not including the column in mysubselect.How is the best way to Count two columns using Group By.

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Function That Returns Highest Of Two Columns?

Jul 20, 2005

Is there a function that compares two columns in a row and will returnthe highest of the two values? Something like:Acct Total_Dollars Collected Total_Dollars_Due11233 900.00 1000.00Declare @Value as moneyset @Value=GetHighest(Total_Dollars_Collected,TotalDol lars_Due)Print @ValueThis function will return 1000.00 or the Total_dollars_Due??Is there such a creature???

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Text To Columns

Apr 26, 2002

I need to separate data within one column into two.
For example I have a column in one table that contains first and lastnames separated by a space. I need to export that data in to another table (or create a view) that has a lastname and firstname column.
I'm unable to specify character lengths within the substring statement because obviously the data varies so it was suggested I use the instring function within it. However instring doesn't seem to be a recognised function.
How come something so simple within excel is causing me such a headache in SQL.
I would really appreciate any suggestions.

Many Thanks

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T-SQL Text Columns

Nov 10, 2005

I actually extracted a set of from an email to excel then to a SQL Server table
I'm trying to update a column in a database to clean out everything except the name "George Jeffrey"

bodytext1 column :-
" The following person is leaving the department, please update your records accordingly. Person Leaving: George Jeffrey/Users/DVC Division/Agency: People and Community Advocacy Date Leaving: Thursday 10, November 2005 "

I tried to use the replace method

update test.dbo.test
set bodytext1 = REPLACE(bodytext1,'The following person is leaving the department','')

but this error came out

Server: Msg 8116, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Argument data type text is invalid for argument 1 of replace function.

Is there another way to do this ?

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Function To Remove Text In Brackets

Mar 3, 2008


I am looking for a function that can remove the brackets and text within them in a given string.

i.e. 'Hello World (text in brackets)' becomes just 'Hello World'

Thanks alot

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SQL Function To Convert RTF To Plain Text

Jul 23, 2005

Does anyone have the logic to convert RTF formatted data in a textcolumn into plain ascii text that I can use in a varchar variable orfield?We have an app that allows formatted comments/notes to be stored in aSQL 2000 text column. Ideally, I would like a trigger that would copyany inserted comments into a seperate table, varchar field so thatthese are viewable in other apps that can not display formatted RTF.I would really like the logic to be all SQL based and not have to use aclient app to read/convert/insert the data in a batch mode.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Using Decimal Columns In SUM Function

Jul 21, 2015

Recently I have come across a requirement where i need to design a table.

There are some columns in table like below with DECIMAL Datatype:




Based on my knowledge, i know that values before Floating-Point will not be more than 4 digits.

Now as per MSDN,

Precision => 1 - 9
Storage bytes => 5

so i can create column as:

BldgLengthDECIMAL(6,2) DEFAULT 0


BldgLengthDECIMAL(9,2) DEFAULT 0

Now while reading some articles, i came to know that when we do some kind of operation like SUM Or Avg, on above column then result might be larger than current data type.

So some folks suggested me that i should keep some extra space/digits considering above MATH functions, to avoid an Arithmetic Over Flow error.

So my question is what should be value of DataType for above column ?

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Transact SQL :: Subtract Two Columns With Windows Function

Dec 5, 2015

How can i subtract two columns:

I have table:
1 200.00 70.00
2 200.00 30.00
3 200.00 90.00
4 200.00 110.00Col1 - COL2

But to continue for each row and value is reduced by the previously value.

My output should be like as:

1 200.00 70.00 130
2 200.00 30.00 100
3 200.00 90.00 10
4 200.00 110.00 -100

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Combine Text Columns

Mar 4, 2007

I have 2 text data type columns that I would like to combine into a new column.  I'd also like to add a newline character between each column value when I combine them.
 I've tried columnA + columnB but that didn't work.
How could I do that?

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How To Combine Two Text Columns

Jun 9, 2006

Hi I have a table that has two columns whose values need to be combined into one column and pipe delimed into the first one.
But I am not sure how to writed the query.

Here is my atmempt, which by the way does not work, but you might understand what I am trying to do.

update tabmodulesettings
set settingvalue =
(Select settingvalue from tabmodulesettings as t2 where t2.settingname='m2' and t.tabmoduleid=t2.tabmoduleid) + '|' +
(select settingvalue from tabmodulesettings as t3 where t3.settingname='m7' and t.tabmoduleid=t3.tabmoduleid)
from tabmodulesettings t
where settingname='m2'

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Sql Function Not Working For TEXT Size More Than 8000

Feb 24, 2005


I wrote this sql function which takes a comma seperated string of numbers, splits the numbers seperately and stores it in a table. I have specified the input parameter type as text instead of varchar, the size of the string can get more than 8000.

But the function is not working properly if the input size is more than 8000. For example if the input string is of length 8005 and this is the input string from 7995 to 8005 - '123,124,125'. It works fine till 123 and after that it throws an error, Syntax error converting the varchar value '124,125' to a column of data type int. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this. I am using string functions like charindex, substring. I can post the full function if you want.


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Use RTRIM Function On TEXTBLOB (text) Field

Feb 21, 2007

Hi,I have erronous white space at the end of my 'description' field within my'product' table. I tried using the RTRIM function but it won't let mebecause it is a TEXTBLOB (text) field.Can anyone show me how to write a query that will update all my rowsautomatically?I'm using SQL Server 2000.Thanks!

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Replace-type Function For Text Datatype

Jul 20, 2005

I have a table that has a Text datatype column that has gotten somegarbagecharacters in it somehow, probably from key entry. I need to removethe garbage, multiple occurances of char(15). The replace functiondoes not work on Text datatype. Any suggestions?

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Using COUNT Function On Multiple Columns With GROUP BY Restrictions

Mar 10, 2014

Consider the following dataset:

COL1 | COL2 | COL3 | COL4
1 | FD | DR. A | Y
2 | FD | DR. A | Y
3 | FD | DR. A | N
4 | FD | DR. A | Y
5 | FD | DR. A | Y
6 | PF | DR. A | Y
7 | FD | DR. B | Y
8 | PF | DR. B | N

Consider the script below:


The script above produces the following output:

FD | DR. A | 5
PF | DR. A | 1
FD | DR. B | 1
PF | DR. B | 1

I need to add one more column to the script that counts records with 'Y' in COL4 for each COL1 category (FD, PF). The final dataset would look like this:

FD | DR. A | 5 | 4
PF | DR. A | 1 | 1
FD | DR. B | 1 | 1
PF | DR. B | 1 | 0

I am having a hard time trying to use COUNT() on multiple columns with the GROUP BY restrictions that exist.

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Aggregate Function To Concatenate Columns Data Into A Single Row

Aug 9, 2007

Hi all,

I have a scenario which I am not able to figure out how to do it better for quite some time.

Assume I have a few rows of data :
RunningID Date WOid
1234 1/23/2007 23
1236 1/24/2007 23
1239 1/2/2007 24
1222 1/4/2007 23
1321 2/4/2007 22

My objective is to merge all RunningID into a single cell when WOid is the same (this will most probably use a "group by" to get the different WOid out). Maybe some aggregate function that can do it as:
select ReturnConca(RunningID, "#") as RunningID_str, max(Date) as MaxDate, max(WOid) as WO from tableXXX
group by WOid

RunningID_str MaxDate WO
1234#1236#1222 1/24/2007 23
1239 1/2/2007 24
1321 2/4/2007 22

Any advise would be much appreciated.

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Can Columns Or Text Be Longer Than 255 Characters

Jan 26, 1999

Is there a way to have a memo field in a table that is larger than 255 characters? I like to have a memo field of of about 1000 characters of text.


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Magic Tables With Text Columns

Oct 6, 2004

Hi folks,

I need to execute some kind of

select a,b,c into #inserted from inserted

a = int
b = varchar(50)
c = text

Easy so far. But I what I need is to find out whether the audited table contains text(or nText / image) columns or not. If it contains any text columns the statement should automatically be changed to

select a,b into #inserted from inserted

Remember that the trigger must be usable for any table in the database without manually entering the tables structure or the column names.

Best would be fetching the structure fropm the system views (INFORMATIONSCHEMES)

Any suggestions ?

Thanks a lot!


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Irritating Behaviour Of Text Columns

May 2, 2008

I'm at my wits end with sql server here, perhaps someone can explain to me why this is happening and hopefully a way around it or to fix it...
I recently had this happen while working with a table and exporting the results of a query to an xml file, one field in the table is a text field, before being output to xml I must parse out some of the text usually near the beginning, during which the text is converted to varchar(max), I handled that just fine but when I examine the output file, The tail end of the field has several bytes that gets duplicated...

empowering them to squeeze every drop of performance available. #x0D;.#x00;ble. #x0D;.#x00;</NOTES>

The first #x00; is the terminating character(which ultimatly i need to strip out to make the file comply by the normal xml rules but thats a different issue alltogether)
here is another example that has even more data duplicated...

encompassing the production, post production, broadcasting and computer video markets.#x0D;.#x00;ing and computer video markets.#x0D;.#x00;#x00;</NOTES>

If anyone can shed some light on why this is happening or at least how I can prevent it, your help would be greatly appreciated...

A side note on this is that when I run the select statement in the sql manager, the results do not include the duplicated bytes...

Nathan V Asdourian

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Copy Text Columns To Nvarchar

Jun 15, 2006

Hi,I have a problem, I have a table with a text type column and anvarchar(2000) type column on my MS SQL 2000 Server.I know that the longest text in the text field is 1000 chars. I want tocopy the content the content of the text field into the nvarchar field.I tried convert and cast but after the update there are only 255 charsin the nvarchar field.Best regardsMarc

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Scripting Text, Image Columns

Jul 20, 2005

We have remote users running MSDE entering information into adatabase. To send the data back to the home office, we've written someroutines that export the data into SQL Scripts in text files:DELETE <table> where KeyID=<x>INSERT INOT <table> (fields) VALUES (fields).We then zip up these scripts, and either email or ftp the ZIPs back tothe home office, where a program opens them up and simply "runs" theSQL statements.The new version of my database application contains both TEXT fields(containing rich text) and IMAGE fields (containing file attachmentslike JPGs or excel spreadsheets). I'm worried that our SQL Scripterengine (which we really like) is going to choke on the text and imagefields. Can anyone suggest a similar method to send the SQL dataaround?thanksmatt tag

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How To Get List (text) Of All Tables And Columns?

Jul 20, 2005

Is there a way using MS SQL Server and Enterprise Manager to get a textdocument (or perhaps even a Word document) listing all table names,column names, etc of a database?--Sugapablo------------------------------------http://www.sugapablo.com <--musichttp://www.sugapablo.net <--personal

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TEXT Columns Using OLE DB Source Task

Apr 19, 2007

Hi there,

I was trying to execute an OLE DB Source task with a SQL Command and I got the following error:Only text pointers are allowed in work tables, never text, ntext, or image columns. The query processor produced a query plan that required a text, ntext, or image column in a work table.
I read this forum and I checked the data types in boths sides (source and target) and they are the same data types, TEXT. http://www.sqlteam.com/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=46086

I already execute my query from SSMS using linked server to connect to the source and it worked. I could load the data into my target table. Then, I tried to execute it on SSBIMS and it failed. I wanted to try an Execute SQL Task but the problem is that I can only have one connection object assigned to the task. So I cannot pull the data from one db and insert them into another with one Execute SQL Task.

Any ideas of why am I getting this error? Do I need to set a property to something in order to run my query using OLE DB Source Task?

I'd appreciate any help/comments/suggestions.


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LEFT Function On Text-field (SQL Server Datatype)

Dec 6, 2004


I am trying to run a query on an SQL-server database:

SELECT (Left(Comments, 20)) As shortComment FROM myTable

The Field Comments is a Text field (datatype is text), and I can't get the LEFT function to work with this datatype...

How can I bypass this problem? Can I convert the commentfield to varchar in the QUERY?


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How To Convert Rtf To Text From A SQL Server Database Table Using A Function?

Nov 2, 2004

Can anyone tell me, how to convert an rtf string to text string using a function in SQL Server? I got a table in SQL Server database with field datatype text(16), which holds an rtf. I've to extract it as a text using a function.
thank you,

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Including Text And Count Function In The Same Table Footer

Feb 5, 2008


I know this is going to sound embarassingly obvious, but i cannot find a quick solution.

I have some data, I display that data in a table. Simple so far.

I have a table footer, which I want to display the total number of rows returned.

For example

"Total Rows Returned ="

Now I know how to get the total rows returned:


However when I try to put the two together like this:

= "Total Rows Returned =" + CountRows("Dataset1")

I just get the whole thing outputted, and no total for totalrows...

Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

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SQL Server 2005 SELECT MAX Function For Multiple Columns On The Same Record

Aug 25, 2006


I am trying to figure out how to use the select maximum command in SQL Server 2005. I have already created a database and I have it populate it with multiple fields and multiple records. I Would like to create a new column or field which contains the maximum value from four of the fields. I have already created a column and I am trying to figure out how to use a command or SQL statement which is entered into the computed equation or formula in the properties for this field/column.

Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

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Full-Text Indexing For Smaller Columns

Nov 1, 2004


I'm looking at using full-text indexing for tables to query. I have some smaller fields (varchar(50) that stores names) that I was contemplating using full-text indexing for. I was just curious if it is worth it?

Basically the data that will be there are one-word names, without any spaces or whatnot.


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Splitting Text String Into Multiple Columns

Dec 19, 2002

I'm creating a web-based NT RAS report site and am looking for the most efficient way to import the data from NT Event log into SQL2k. I'm using the 'dumpel' utility from rsc kit and all is fine except the 10th column - the message detail:

"The user DOMAINuserid connected on port Mdm15 on 08/23/2002 at 07:25am and disconnected on 08/23/2002 at 07:27am. The user was active for 2 minutes 23 seconds. 78809 bytes were sent and 50675 bytes were received. The port speed was 49300."

I need to parse this one long text string into 6 distinct columns: userID, port, duration, bytes_xmt, bytes_rcv and portspeed. After a quick review of the rowsets, the strings seem to hold a consistent output ... no real variances I can see.

I've dablled with views but am facing a small performance issue that could get bigger: The sql server not only has to run the text file import package, but also the view to format the text dump into a workable dataset, then my report code bangs over 30 queries against the final dataset. It already takes our SQL2k server over 3 minutes to parse about 20,000 rows and the server's a beast (dual 1.8 p4 cpu, 3gb ram, raid, etc).

What I think would work best is to abandon the view (performance will only get worse as the row count increases) and instead INSERT the rows into one table.

Any ideas anyone? any good scripts out there that can help me to parse the long text string quicker that using substring and replace functions?

TIA:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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