Thanks Ray... 'corrupt Log Scenario' Any Help Appreciated

Aug 26, 2002

Server: Msg 9004, Level 21, State 1, Line 1
The log for database ' ' is corrupt.

Connection Broken

How do i continue to perform a successful restore if one of the logs is corrupt? do i perform dbcc?

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Any Help Is Appreciated!

Mar 21, 2000

How would I make something like this work?

CREATE TRIGGER [tr_update_doc_count] ON [Documents]
[Declared variables]

[I want to get the tablereference from the inserted information]
SELECT @tableref = Table_id, @Account_id = Account_id from inserted

[Then I get the Actual Table Name from the UsercreatedTables Table where it is stored]
SELECT @tablename = TableName from UsercreatedTables WHERE Table_id = @tableref

[Now I want to use the @tablename I got from UsercreatedTables in the query]
SELECT @Current_Doc_Count = Account_Docs from @tablename WHERE Account_id = @Account_id

I am not sure how to get it to use the variable @tablename for the table name in the last query.
It gives me an error stating that @tablename is invalid syntax.

Any help is much appreciated!

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SQL MIN() And GROUP BY Help Appreciated

Nov 17, 2006

g'day gents, I run a select query against my mysql database using The query looks like this: SELECT distinct(rubbet.ortnamn) as Bebyggelsenamn, count(rubbet.ortnamn) as 'Antal',min(rubbet.artal) as Beläggsår, rubbet.belaggsform as Beläggsform, rubbet.harad as Härad, rubbet.socken as Socken, rubbet.ovrigt as Övrigt, rubbet.filnamn as Filnamn, rubbet.path as Sökväg FROM rubbet WHERE rubbet.ortnamn like '%" + searchTextBox.Text + "%' and rubbet.harad like '" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue + "' and rubbet.socken like '" + DropDownList2.SelectedValue + "' and rubbet.ovrigt like '" + ovrigtRadioButtonList.SelectedValue + "' group by Bebyggelsenamn ORDER BY '" + sorteraDropDownList.SelectedValue + "' " + ordning + "; The query works just fine and runs smoothly. I only have one problem. If a user types for example monkey in the 'searchTextBox' the database finds all the instances of monkey, counts them and presents one line that states: Monkey, 138 instances, bla bla bla my problem is with the Min aggregate function. It selects the lowest rubbet.artal for Monkey but I want rubbet.belaggsform to get the data from the same row as Min(rubbet.artal) gets the data from. As it is now, rubbet.belaggsform selects its data from the row with the lowest primary key. For example the result could look like the following: Holmagården, 127, , 1873 when it should say: Holmagården, 127, Holmagaard, 1873 I'm only presenting the columns above, the rest of them are for creating links and what not. I guess I should write a sub query of some kind to pick the correct rubbet.belaggsform that corresponds to MIN(rubbet.artal) together with the other factors but I just can't get it to work.
Help me out here please.

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SQL Taking Up Too Much Ram. (memory Leak) Any Help Appreciated.

May 2, 2007

Situation: I have a web application that is running on a server. IT has told me that the application I developed is taking up enormous amount of ram. It seems that the amount of ram that is taken up, is slowly increasing. About 10 megs per hour (memory leak). Furthermore, he has informed me that the ram is taken up by the sql. My senior developer told me that I probably have sqlconnections open that are not closed. I have checked through the application and it seems they are all closed properly. But I may have missed some, as the application is pretty big.
1. Is there an application or piece of code that can monitor how many sql connections I have open during runtime?
2. Could there be any other common causes to such a kind of memory leak.
Any help with this matter would be very much appreciated.
Thank you for your time.

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Data Insertion Failure. Help Much Appreciated.

Jan 3, 2008

Hi everybody.I'm having difficulties with a button handler I put together from a few examples around the internet.Here's my code: <script runat="server">                Sub Add_To_Cart(ByVal Src As Object, ByVal Args As EventArgs)                       Dim FVArtikel_id As Label = FormViewDisplay.FindControl("Artikel_idLabel")        Dim FVArtikel_naam As Label = FormViewDisplay.FindControl("Artikel_naamLabel")        Dim FVArtikel_prijs As Label = FormViewDisplay.FindControl("Artikel_prijsLabel")        Dim DBConnection As OleDbConnection        Dim DBCommand As OleDbCommand        Dim SQLString As String        Dim SQLAddString As String          If Not Session("sid") Is Nothing Then                                DBConnection = New OleDbConnection( _              "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _              "Data Source=C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorBureaublad2ehandslego.nldatadb.mdb")                        DBConnection.Open()                        SQLString = "SELECT Count(*) FROM Orders WHERE sid = '" & CType(Session("sid"), String) & "' AND Artikel_id = '" & FVArtikel_id.Text & "'"                        DBCommand = New OleDbCommand(SQLString, DBConnection)                        DBCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sid", Session("sid"))                             'string?             DBCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Artikel_id", FVArtikel_id.Text)                 'string?                         If DBCommand.ExecuteScalar() = 0 Then                    SQLAddString = "INSERT INTO Orders (sid, Order_datum, " & _                  "Artikel_id, Order_artikel, Order_prijs, Order_hoeveelheid) VALUES (" & _                  "'" & Session("sid") & "', " & _                  "'" & Today & "', " & _                  "'" & FVArtikel_id.Text & "', " & _                  "'" & FVArtikel_naam.Text & "', " & _                  "'" & FVArtikel_prijs.Text & "',  1)"                                DBCommand = New OleDbCommand(SQLAddString, DBConnection)                                DBCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sid", Session("sid"))                         'string?                 DBCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Artikel_id", FVArtikel_id.Text)             'string?                 DBCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Artikel_naam", FVArtikel_naam.Text)                DBCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Artikel_prijs", FVArtikel_prijs.Text)       'string?                                 DBCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()                End If                        DBConnection.Close()              Src.Text = "Item Added"            Src.ForeColor = Color.FromName("#990000")            Src.BackColor = Color.FromName("#E0E0E0")            Src.Font.Bold = True                    End If            End Sub</script> I'm not getting any errors, it seems to me that i'm not getting a 'sid' value passed along but i don't know what to do about it.I've also already tried step debugging. This is my last resort. I hope you can help me.

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Data Import - Your Thoughts Appreciated

May 10, 2007

I have a database with a dozen or so tables. No table constraints. Logic is all in stored procedures.

I have several Excel spreadsheets of data to import into the database, one speadsheet to a table. Each spreadsheet has additional data(columns) that each table has no interest in and should be ignored.

I would appreciate your thoughts on methods and best practices for loading this data to the database.

I am about to investigate SQL Server 2005 Express handling of XML. I am familiar with XML and XSL conversions and it seems to me that XSL conversion of Excel data to XML gives me a lot of flexibility prior to database import for shaping the data.

In short, importing data to the database from an XML source.

I am not famliar with SQL Server's XML capability and would appreciate thoughts on this while I look into it.

And of course alternate ways that I am overlooking.


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Simple General SQL Question...any Help Would Be Appreciated

Sep 25, 2007

Hi, sorry if this is not the right place to post, any help or direction would be appreciated. I'm using SQLServer2005.

I'm having trouble writing a query and could do with some help. I'll illustrate the problem with an example.

Say I have 2 tables.

Table 1 - tbl_news:


my news title
Table 2 - tbl_docs:







Now, I'd like to write a query which returns bascially the first table, but which gets the doc title from table 2 using the would I write this?

The end table would look like this:


my news title

Thanks so much!!

View 13 Replies View Related

VLDB Design Ideas And Suggestions-Appreciated

Mar 24, 2008

Im a Jr DBA and have been given an assignment by my lead to find information on the following.
We are to migrate existing db of size 4TB to a
DELL PowerEdge 2950[Mem:Up to 32GB]
OS : Windows Server 2003 Std Edition X64 SP2
DB : SQL Server Enterprise Edition x64

I am to find on how to design the db to provide optimum performance,fail over and consider the growing factor of the db.

1)What would be the recommended RAID settings?
2)Placement of the tempdb ?
3)Should we do clustering and why ?
4)What Data partioning would do to help?
5)Any Other aspects to be considered for sizing db ?
6)Placement of data files and log file on separate physical disk ?

I have read many sites.I would appreaciate if someone could write suggestions and opinions based on their current db design spec or previous experience,by selecting best db design points.Thank You.

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Data Source Column Discovery At Runtime? Help Much Appreciated

May 10, 2006

Hi -- I am fairly new to SSIS development, although I am starting to appreciate it more an more, especially since I have started getting into extending the object model. Here's my question:

I have a data flow that pulls data from any number of different delimited files with different numbers of columns. I have had no problem dealing with setting up run-time file locations and file names by using the expressions of a flat file data source, and i have been able to pretty easily deal with varying file delimiters by standardizing the files before they get into the data flow. however, I have not been able to come up with a solution that will allow my data source to discover its column info at run time, and then pass that information on to the data flow task. all i really care about is being able to properly parse the individual rows into individual column data by the flat file data source because the data flow itself is able to discover the actual data that the columns hold at run-time.

i would very much appreciate any feedback from anyone on possible solutions for this.


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Database Marked Suspect ID5 And Could Not Recover. Any Quick Help Will Be Very Appreciated.

Nov 17, 2007

I have the MS SQL2000 database failed to recover at computer restart. Now the database is marked suspect. How can I manage to recover the data?
Thank you.

View 5 Replies View Related

Install Of SQL Server 2000 Dev Edition Over MSDE. Any Advice Appreciated.

Jul 20, 2005

It's arriving from ebuyer tomorrow for 32 quid. I already have aninstance of MSDE running on the laptop and ideally i would like SQLserver to be installed and use the current instance and not installany other additional services. [hope i got my terminology correcthere.] Basically all i would like is to use the Enterprise Managerwith my existing MSDE database. I was wondering if there is anything ishould be doing before I install. Should i shut down the service orleave it running for instance.Thanks for any tips,AndyB

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SQL 2000 To SQL 2005 Upgrade Error - Database Down - Updated - Help Appreciated

Jan 3, 2007

SQL 2000 to SQL 2005 Upgrade Error - Database Down - Help Appreciated

I am upgrading a SQL 2000 standard database server to SQL 2005 standard on a windows 2003 server

I am logged in as domain admin and started the upgrade as 'sa'

The upgrade stops with the error:

Service MSSQLSERVICE can not be started. Verify you have sufficient privilages to start system services. The error code is (17185)

The error log shows:

2007-01-04 15:59:38.77 Server      Authentication mode is MIXED.

2007-01-04 15:59:38.79 Server      Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86)

 Oct 14 2005 00:33:37

 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation

 Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)


2007-01-04 15:59:38.79 Server      (c) 2005 Microsoft Corporation.

2007-01-04 15:59:38.79 Server      All rights reserved.

2007-01-04 15:59:38.79 Server      Server process ID is 4188.

2007-01-04 15:59:38.79 Server      Logging SQL Server messages in file 'F:SQLDataMSSQLlogERRORLOG'.

2007-01-04 15:59:38.79 Server      This instance of SQL Server last reported using a process ID of 2980 at 1/4/2007 3:56:58 PM (local) 1/4/2007 2:56:58 AM (UTC). This is an informational message only; no user action is required.

2007-01-04 15:59:38.79 Server      Registry startup parameters:

2007-01-04 15:59:38.79 Server        -d F:SQLDataMSSQLdatamaster.mdf

2007-01-04 15:59:38.79 Server        -e F:SQLDataMSSQLlogERRORLOG

2007-01-04 15:59:38.79 Server        -l F:SQLDataMSSQLdatamastlog.ldf

2007-01-04 15:59:38.79 Server      Command Line Startup Parameters:

2007-01-04 15:59:38.79 Server        -s MSSQLSERVER

2007-01-04 15:59:38.79 Server      SQL Server is starting at normal priority base (=7). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

2007-01-04 15:59:38.79 Server      Detected 4 CPUs. This is an informational message; no user action is required.

2007-01-04 15:59:38.83 Server      Set AWE Enabled to 1 in the configuration parameters to allow use of more memory.

2007-01-04 15:59:39.02 Server      Using the static lock allocation specified in the locks configuration option.  Allocated 20000 Lock blocks and 20000 Lock Owner blocks per node.  This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

2007-01-04 15:59:39.02 Server      Multinode configuration: node 0: CPU mask: 0x0000000a Active CPU mask: 0x0000000a. This message provides a description of the NUMA configuration for this computer. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

2007-01-04 15:59:39.04 Server      Multinode configuration: node 1: CPU mask: 0x00000005 Active CPU mask: 0x00000005. This message provides a description of the NUMA configuration for this computer. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

2007-01-04 15:59:39.04 Server      Attempting to initialize Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

2007-01-04 15:59:41.04 Server      Attempting to recover in-doubt distributed transactions involving Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

2007-01-04 15:59:41.04 Server      Database Mirroring Transport is disabled in the endpoint configuration.

2007-01-04 15:59:41.04 spid7s      Starting up database 'master'.

2007-01-04 15:59:41.05 spid7s      1 transactions rolled forward in database 'master' (1). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

2007-01-04 15:59:41.07 spid7s      0 transactions rolled back in database 'master' (1). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

2007-01-04 15:59:41.07 spid7s      Recovery is writing a checkpoint in database 'master' (1). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

2007-01-04 15:59:41.08 spid7s      SQL Trace ID 1 was started by login "sa".

2007-01-04 15:59:41.08 spid7s      Starting up database 'mssqlsystemresource'.

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      Using 'dbghelp.dll' version '4.0.5'

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      ***Stack Dump being sent to F:SQLDataMSSQLLOGSQLDump0035.txt

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 7 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process.

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * *******************************************************************************

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * BEGIN STACK DUMP:

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *   01/04/07 15:59:41 spid 7

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *   Exception Address = 78144D3A Module(MSVCR80+00014D3A)

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *   Exception Code    = c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *   Access Violation occurred reading address 0000001E

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * 

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *  MODULE                          BASE      END       SIZE

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * sqlservr                       01000000  02BA7FFF  01ba8000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * ntdll                          7C800000  7C8BFFFF  000c0000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * kernel32                       77E40000  77F41FFF  00102000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * MSVCR80                        78130000  781CAFFF  0009b000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * msvcrt                         77BA0000  77BF9FFF  0005a000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * MSVCP80                        7C420000  7C4A6FFF  00087000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * ADVAPI32                       77F50000  77FEBFFF  0009c000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * RPCRT4                         77C50000  77CEEFFF  0009f000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * USER32                         77380000  77411FFF  00092000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * GDI32                          77C00000  77C47FFF  00048000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * CRYPT32                        761B0000  76242FFF  00093000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * MSASN1                         76190000  761A1FFF  00012000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * Secur32                        76F50000  76F62FFF  00013000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * MSWSOCK                        71B20000  71B60FFF  00041000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * WS2_32                         71C00000  71C16FFF  00017000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * WS2HELP                        71BF0000  71BF7FFF  00008000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * USERENV                        76920000  769E3FFF  000c4000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * opends60                       333E0000  333E6FFF  00007000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * NETAPI32                       71C40000  71C97FFF  00058000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * SHELL32                        7C8D0000  7D0D2FFF  00803000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * SHLWAPI                        77DA0000  77DF1FFF  00052000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * comctl32                       77420000  77522FFF  00103000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * psapi                          76B70000  76B7AFFF  0000b000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * instapi                        48060000  48069FFF  0000a000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * sqlevn70                       4F610000  4F7A0FFF  00191000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * SQLOS                          344D0000  344D4FFF  00005000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * rsaenh                         68000000  6802EFFF  0002f000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * AUTHZ                          76C40000  76C53FFF  00014000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * MSCOREE                        61FB0000  61FF4FFF  00045000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * ole32                          77670000  777A3FFF  00134000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * msv1_0                         76C90000  76CB6FFF  00027000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * iphlpapi                       76CF0000  76D09FFF  0001a000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * kerberos                       62220000  62277FFF  00058000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * cryptdll                       766E0000  766EBFFF  0000c000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * schannel                       76750000  76776FFF  00027000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * COMRES                         77010000  770D5FFF  000c6000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * XOLEHLP                        622E0000  622E5FFF  00006000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * MSDTCPRX                       622F0000  62367FFF  00078000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * msvcp60                        780C0000  78120FFF  00061000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * MTXCLU                         62370000  62388FFF  00019000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * VERSION                        77B90000  77B97FFF  00008000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * WSOCK32                        71BB0000  71BB8FFF  00009000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * OLEAUT32                       77D00000  77D8BFFF  0008c000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * CLUSAPI                        62390000  623A1FFF  00012000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * RESUTILS                       623B0000  623C2FFF  00013000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * DNSAPI                         76ED0000  76EF8FFF  00029000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * winrnr                         76F70000  76F76FFF  00007000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * WLDAP32                        76F10000  76F3DFFF  0002e000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * rasadhlp                       76F80000  76F84FFF  00005000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * security                       62800000  62803FFF  00004000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * dbghelp                        671B0000  672C7FFF  00118000

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *        Edi: 62FA0040:  62FA0028  671AFFF0  00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000 

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *        Esi: 0000001E: 

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *        Eax: 0416C05E:  C0400096  C0400416  00000416  000062FA  00000000  00000000 

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *        Ebx: 0416C040:  0105F270  00002000  00000005  00000000  3368C1E0  00000000 

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *        Ecx: 0105B010:  458B0046  01F88348  00D3850F  458B0000  89C23B50  0F342444 

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *        Edx: 00000000: 

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *        Eip: 78144D3A:  24FFA5F3  144E5495  C78B9078  000003BA  04E98300  E0830C72 

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *        Ebp: 33D6E770:  33D6E790  01C65B97  62FA0040  0000001E  0416C040  0416C6DC 

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *      SegCs: 0000001B: 

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *     EFlags: 00010212:  0020006D  00690046  0065006C  005C0073  006F0043  006D006D 

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *        Esp: 33D6E768:  62FA0040  33D6E7A4  33D6E790  01C65B97  62FA0040  0000001E 

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      *      SegSs: 00000023: 

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * *******************************************************************************

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2007-01-04 15:59:41.11 spid7s      * Short Stack Dump

2007-01-04 15:59:41.13 spid7s      78144D3A Module(MSVCR80+00014D3A)

2007-01-04 15:59:41.13 spid7s      01C65B97 Module(sqlservr+00C65B97)

2007-01-04 15:59:41.13 spid7s      01CA43B5 Module(sqlservr+00CA43B5)

2007-01-04 15:59:41.13 spid7s      01CA452E Module(sqlservr+00CA452E)

2007-01-04 15:59:41.13 spid7s      0217D3BD Module(sqlservr+0117D3BD)

2007-01-04 15:59:41.13 spid7s      0217B896 Module(sqlservr+0117B896)

2007-01-04 15:59:41.13 spid7s      0100889F Module(sqlservr+0000889F)

2007-01-04 15:59:41.13 spid7s      010089C5 Module(sqlservr+000089C5)

2007-01-04 15:59:41.13 spid7s      010086E7 Module(sqlservr+000086E7)

2007-01-04 15:59:41.13 spid7s      010D764A Module(sqlservr+000D764A)

2007-01-04 15:59:41.13 spid7s      010D7B71 Module(sqlservr+000D7B71)

2007-01-04 15:59:41.13 spid7s      010D746E Module(sqlservr+000D746E)

2007-01-04 15:59:41.13 spid7s      010D83F0 Module(sqlservr+000D83F0)

2007-01-04 15:59:41.13 spid7s      781329AA Module(MSVCR80+000029AA)

2007-01-04 15:59:41.13 spid7s      78132A36 Module(MSVCR80+00002A36)

2007-01-04 15:59:41.13 spid7s      Stack Signature for the dump is 0x2BEDE9E0

2007-01-04 15:59:41.27 spid7s      External dump process return code 0x20000001.

External dump process returned no errors.

2007-01-04 15:59:41.27 spid7s      Error: 17185, Severity: 16, State: 1.

2007-01-04 15:59:41.27 spid7s      Unable to update password policy.

2007-01-04 15:59:41.27 spid7s      SQL Trace was stopped due to server shutdown. Trace ID = '1'. This is an informational message only; no user action is required.

Any clues?



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Apr 23, 2004

Consider the following scenario:

I got 2 webservers (2003) using NLB.
I want some kind of common data store (SQL Server).
I need this data store to be fault tolerant.
I don't have any more machines.
I don't have an enterprise licence for windows.

How do I solve this???

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Is This Scenario Possible?

May 4, 2007

I have a company with 5 offices connected with a dedicated line (500+ employees).

They have five databases, one in each office.

Now they want a new application which will replace the old (VB6 on MySQL will now be VB.NET 2.0 with MS SQL Server 2005).

The want all the data availiable in all the offices. We will still have 5 databases in 5 offices, but all with the same data.

Sometimes the dedicated line is lost.

Now I have a few questions:

Will the database be still running while a line is down?
Will the database be still running if replication is of type Merge (instead of continuesly).
Is it good practice to use unique identifiers versus Numeric keys?
Is it good practice when the application uses the "master" database to save global things like "Suppliers" and the local database to add and change Orders?
Do you have some recommended reads?

Thx for your time!

There's no place like

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DR Scenario

Aug 13, 2007

For High Protection mode (2servers, no witness, FULL safety), in the event of a catastrophic failure of the principal, can a remote (but well connected) mirror be forced to assume the principal role? The MS manual "Database Mirroring in SQL Server 2005" on p2 says the failover type for HP mode is manual only (as opposed to forced). Elsewhere it seems to seems suggest otherwise but there is no clear and unambiguous discussion describing the exact procedure.

Can anyone clarify this matter? Thanks,


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SSB Scenario, Can It Be Done?

Oct 29, 2006

I currently have a workflow "like" application which uses msmq to pass messages to each step transactionally. I'd like to take advantage to something like SSB to make the app scale. Here's how it works today:

Start Workflow WebService puts message on queue.
Windows Service has threaded listeners on each queue for the workflow.
The listeners do a transactional Receive off the queue. By doing this is in a transaction, we can enforce that only one listener will pick up and process the message. Once they have a message they call a .Net Assembly to perform some work. Once the work is performed succesfully, the listeners put the work context on the next queue using the same transaction as the receive and commit the transaction effectively removing the message from the receive queue permanently. If a fatal error occured during processing, the work context is moved to an error queue transactionaly. If the process blew up due to other reasons, the transaction is rolled back and the message reappears on the original queue so that another instance of the service can pick it up. Currently all this is running on one instance of the Windows service and cannot span more than one host machine since MSMQ did not support transactional reads off public queues without using DTC.

I saw the external activator sample and it looks great but I have a few questions. First, I'd have to modify it to call assemblies instead of external processes. No biggie there. One other requirement that one and only one receiver should process the message and that when the next message is sent to the next queue, it's done within the same transaction as the receive. I hope that this can be done without any deadlocks. I also saw mentioned somewhere that this messaging could advantage of the local SQLExpress instances so that even if the main SQL Server instance is down, the messages can go out. Last requirement is that our message is a blob (serialized .Net object) so how do we define that kind of message?



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Newbie Scenario

Dec 9, 2005

Table1: WriterID, WriterName, WriterSurname
Table2: BookID, WriterID, BookName, Category
Table3: CategoryID, CategoryName
There will be one form. Which way i should use to enter data from one form to multiple tables with same WriterID.
1.) Should i use SqlCommand class and a Stored Procedure?
( Like that: )
2.) Is there another way without a stored procedure? I can't imagine how to insert same form to multiple tables. In real scenario there are lots of table and all contains a column that holds same value such as WriterID.

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My Synchronization Scenario

Sep 22, 2005

Hi, I want to know the a solution for my Synchronization Scenario

I have a several client databses which are SQL Server 2005 Express and i have a master database which is SQL Server 2000 containing all the individual Client databases. All the individual client databases are kept seperately at the master location. I need to Synchronization the client database with its copy at the master database (something like Merge replication). Both the Client Copy as well as Master Copy could be Publishers & Subscribers.

Now the problem is Because of security & firewall issues, only the Client should have the ability to schedule & initiate the synchronization process with the master copy. Unfortunately SQL Server 2005 Express has only subscriber agent and not a publisher agent.

Any help on how to achieve this would be appreciated . Thank You

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Best Practice For This SP Scenario !

Oct 10, 2005

Hello All ..
This is the scenario I'm having :
-- I'm a beginner so bear the way I'm putting it ... sorry !

* I have a database with tables
- company: CompanyID, CompanyName
- Person: PersonID, PersonName, CompanyID (fk)
- Supplier: SupplierID, SupplierCode, SupplierName, CompanyID (fk)

In the Stored Procedures associated (insertCompany, insertPerson, insertSupplier), I want to check the existance of SupplierID .. which should be the 'Output' ...

There could be different ways to do it like:
1) - In the supplier stored procedure I can read the ID (SELECT) and :

if it exists (I save the existing SupplierID - to 'return' it at the end).
if it doesn't (I insert the Company, the Person and save the new SupplierID - to 'return' it at the end)
2) - Other way is by doing multiple stored procedures,
. one SP that checks,
. another SP that do inserts
. and a main SP that calls the check SP and gets the values and base the results according to conditions (if - else)

3) it could be done (maybe) using Functions in SQL SERVER...

There should be some reasons why I need to go for one of the methods or another method !
I want to know the best practice for this scenario in terms of performance and other issues - consider a similar big scenario ..... !!!

I'll appreciate your help ...
Thanks in Advance . ! .

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CASE Scenario

May 26, 2008

How can I be able to use "NewReceivedTime" as a variable?
Since having to create a new column using CASE statement in SQL would mean that user will not be able to use this new column name and having to receive error such as "Invalid Column Name: NewReceivedTime "

when <value>
else <value>
end) as NewReceivedTime

I'm asking this because, I would want to use "NewReceivedTime" I've created to equate to another Time Column like
NewReceivedTime = LogDateTime something like that.


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How To Implement This Scenario

May 11, 2006


i hav a text file in this format..

now,i want that using this as source.. 2 tables should be created and filled with appropriate data..

how can i do it using SSIS?

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SQL Express Scenario.. Is This Possible?

May 16, 2007

What I'd like to do is use SQL Express as a back-end for an existing Access 2003 application. The application is currently a single-file Access solution. I'm just investigating options to separate the front-end from the back-end so that the users can access a single data store from multiple PCs. We're only talking about maybe 5 users total, and really no more than 2 accessing it simultaneously at any given time (although the same setup exists in several offices). Right now they are just opening the Access db from a fileshare. This has resulted in corruption on a few occasions, which is part of the reason for wanting to replace the current solution with something that will be a little more robust. I'm wondering if there is a way to deploy a SQL Express db on a fileshare so that it can be connected to by the Access front-end. While we can install things on their desktops, we can't install anything on the file server, we can just put files there. Is there any way that I could make that solution work, or should I just stick with separating the Access front-end and back-end?


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Replication Scenario

Dec 17, 2006

Hi all,

I have a huge replication task I need to perform. The source table has over 250,000,000 records and everyday approximately 400,000 records are added to the system regularly.

Currently, I am running snapshot replication and it's taking 10 to 11 hours to complete (The internet connection between the production and the report server is slow). The reason I am using this method is because the source table does not have a timestamp column (so I can run an incremental replication) and I cannot modify that table because it belongs to a third party software. It does have a field which is linked to another table holding the timestamp.

Here is the source table and the other table's structure for reference:


Name Datatype Size

DataLogStampID int 4
Value float 8
QuantityID smallint 2


ID (Which is foreign key to DataLogStampID field in the above table) int 4

SourceID smallint 2

TimestampSoruceLT datatime 8

What I would like to know is, what is the best practice to handle such replication with MSSQL Server 2000.

I am thinking of developing a procedure which follows the following step using a temp table:

This procedure will run (say) every night.

The temp table will contain a timestamp field.

For one time only, I will run a snapshot replication, so that I can have the existing data into the destination db.

I will record this timestamp into a repl_status table which holds the timestamp of the last replication.

The procedure will read the record from repl_status and select all records from the source table which were added since this date and put them into a new temp table (this table will have the same structure as the source and destination tables) and then a snapshot replication will "add" these new records only every night to the dest. table. By using this method, I will only transfer the records which have been added since the last replication (last night - less records).

Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time in advance,

Sinan Topuz

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Unique Scenario

Jul 20, 2006


I am faced with a scenario where I have to predict the time period that will
required to solve a particular problem depending on various factors like
Problem Type, Severity Level, Resource Availability etc.

I would like to know which algorithm is best suited for the
above scenario and the reasons for the same.

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Help With This Scenario On DB Mirroring

Dec 24, 2007


I'm about to implement a DB Mirroring on my production server.and i'm wondering about the scenario what will happen if.
1. if my primary server suddenly i can operate the mirror DB without losing data?
2. when the primary server comes to life, how i make the primary server to lead again with the DB Mirroring?(do i need to recreate all procedures of DB Mirroring again)
3. how can i be sure that the DB mirroring is indeed mirrored on the drp server?
4. what about alerting - can i be notified via email if the DB Mirroring isn't sync? or if the drp server is down and other issues that can be occur .


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Association Scenario

Aug 10, 2006

I have a product basket scenario in where I have to recommend contracts to a customer based on the product and the quantity he/she buys. Product Quantity is an important factor which administers the user in the purchase of a particular contract
I have the following tables with me.
Customer product transaction table, Customer Contract transaction table but there is no direct relationship between contract and product in the database. The only way the two can be linked is through the customer.
If I create a mining structure with Customer-Product information as the nested table and Customer-Contract information as the nested table with customer being the link between the two, the model is showing some irreverent contract recommendations.
what is the solution for the above problem? Is it because the is no direct relationship between the product and the contract?
How can I overcome this problem?

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DR Test Scenario

Apr 25, 2007

Hello All

We have Asynchronous DB Mirroring established for our Production database

which runs on SQL Server 2005.

For the DR Test we plan to do the following during the period of low activity :

1. Pause the mirroring on the Principal Server.

2. Break the mirror on the Mirror Server

3. Take on offline backup on the Mirror.

4. Bring the Mirror Database up.

5. Run the DR Tests on the Mirrored Database

6. Restore the Offline Backup taken in step 3.

7. Reestablish the mirror from the Principal to Mirror.

8. Resume Mirroring on the Principal Server.

9. Verify Mirroring is happening on the Mirror Server

Can u please let me know if this plan is feasible and if there should be any modifications to the plan that are required. Any other suggestions/input is appreciated.




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Locking Scenario

Oct 3, 2007

we have a pretty vast t-sql statement that queries out production db and inserts results into a reporting table on the same db. the problem we're having is that during this process there are several locking processes engaged (key, table, schema, etc). i thought by moving this entire process to a seperate (reporting) database i could bypass this locking problem. however, the same problem exist in the reporting database. is there a way to disable all locking (this is just a reporting database so im not worried about the data integrity. any suggestions to disable all locking? by the way its a sql 2000 server.

//Select cnttrtydayspast
insert into tampa_pmr ( hprop, sCategory, sSubCategory1, sSubCategory2, sSubCategory3, dtMonth, sMonth, sYear, iValue, iSort1, iSort2, iSort3, iSort4, iLevel)
(select d.hprop, d.sCategory, d.sSubCategory1, d.sSubCategory2, d.sSubCategory3, d.dtMonth, d.sMonth, d.sYear, d.iValue, d.iSort1, d.iSort2, d.iSort3, d.iSort4, d.iLevel
p.hmy hProp,
'Avg Days For Outstanding Receivable' sCategory,
'Number of Households' SSUBCATEGORY1,
'#begMonth#' DTMONTH,
month('#begMonth#') SMONTH,
year('#begMonth#') SYEAR,
isnull(SUM(isnull(cnt.cntHmy,0)), 0) IVALUE,
80 ISORT2,
from property p
left join
(select amt.property_hmy phmy, count (distinct amt.thmy) cntHmy from (
p.hmy property_hmy
,t.hmyperson thmy
,tr.stotalamount - (sum(case sign(convert(INTEGER,DATEAdd(day, -1, DATEAdd(month, DATEDiff(month, 0, '#begMonth#')+1, 0))-trr.upostdate))when 1 then d.samount when 0 then d.samount else 0 end))
from property p
inner join trans tr on(p.hmy = tr.hprop and tr.hAccrualAcct is not null)
inner join tenant t on(t.hmyperson = tr.hperson and tr.upostdate < DATEAdd(day, -1, DATEAdd(month, DATEDiff(month, 0, '#begMonth#')+1, 0)))
left outer join detail d on (d.hchkorchg = tr.hmy )

left outer join trans trr on (trr.hmy = d.hinvorrec )
tr.itype = 7

and datediff("dd",tr.sdateoccurred,DATEAdd(day, -1, DATEAdd(month, DATEDiff(month, 0, '#begmonth#')+1, 0))) <=30
group by
having tr.stotalamount <> sum(case sign(convert(INTEGER,DATEAdd(day, -1, DATEAdd(month, DATEDiff(month, 0, '#begMonth#')+1, 0))-trr.upostdate)) when 1 then d.samount when 0 then d.samount else 0 end )
AND SIGN (tr.stotalamount - (sum(case sign(convert(INTEGER,DATEAdd(day, -1, DATEAdd(month, DATEDiff(month, 0, '#begmonth#')+1, 0))-trr.upostdate))when 1 then d.samount when 0 then d.samount else 0 end)) - ISNULL(( SELECT /* available prepays */
sum(isnull(d.samount,0)) tran_amountpaid
from property p
inner join tenant t1 on t1.hproperty = p.hmy
inner join unit u on u.hmy = t1.hUnit
inner join trans tr on tr.hperson = t1.hmyperson and tr.hmy between 600000000 and 699999999
and tr.upostDate <= '#begmonth#'
inner join detail d on d.hinvorrec = tr.hmy
inner join acct a on d.hacct = a.hmy and d.hAcct IS NOT NULL
left outer join trans trc on trc.hmy = d.hchkorchg
Where 1=1
and exists (select detail.hmy from detail
left outer join trans trc on trc.hmy = hchkorchg
where hinvorrec = tr.hmy
and (hchkorchg is null or trc.upostdate > '#begmonth#'))
and (d.hchkorchg is null or trc.upostdate > '#begmonth#')
) amt
where amt.thmy not in
isnull(t.hmyperson,0) thmy
from property p
inner join trans tr on(p.hmy = tr.hprop and tr.hAccrualAcct is not null)
inner join tenant t on(t.hmyperson = tr.hperson and tr.upostdate < DATEAdd(day, -1, DATEAdd(month, DATEDiff(month, 0, '#begMonth#')+1, 0)))
left outer join detail d on (d.hchkorchg = tr.hmy )

left outer join trans trr on (trr.hmy = d.hinvorrec )
tr.itype = 7

and datediff("dd",tr.sdateoccurred,DATEAdd(day, -1, DATEAdd(month, DATEDiff(month, 0, '#begmonth#')+1, 0))) > 30
group by
having tr.stotalamount <> sum(case sign(convert(INTEGER,DATEAdd(day, -1, DATEAdd(month, DATEDiff(month, 0, '#begMonth#')+1, 0))-trr.upostdate)) when 1 then d.samount when 0 then d.samount else 0 end )
AND SIGN (tr.stotalamount - (sum(case sign(convert(INTEGER,DATEAdd(day, -1, DATEAdd(month, DATEDiff(month, 0, '#begmonth#')+1, 0))-trr.upostdate))when 1 then d.samount when 0 then d.samount else 0 end)) - ISNULL(( SELECT /* available prepays */
sum(isnull(d.samount,0)) tran_amountpaid
from property p
inner join tenant t1 on t1.hproperty = p.hmy
inner join unit u on u.hmy = t1.hUnit
inner join trans tr on tr.hperson = t1.hmyperson and tr.hmy between 600000000 and 699999999
and tr.upostDate <= '#begmonth#'
inner join detail d on d.hinvorrec = tr.hmy
inner join acct a on d.hacct = a.hmy and d.hAcct IS NOT NULL
left outer join trans trc on trc.hmy = d.hchkorchg
Where 1=1
and exists (select detail.hmy from detail
left outer join trans trc on trc.hmy = hchkorchg
where hinvorrec = tr.hmy
and (hchkorchg is null or trc.upostdate > '#begmonth#'))
and (d.hchkorchg is null or trc.upostdate > '#begmonth#')
and amt.remain_amount > 0
group by amt.property_hmy
)cnt on cnt.pHmy = p.hmy
where 1=1
and p.itype = 3
Group By p.hmy
) d
where 1=1)
//End cnttrtydayspast

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Which Version For The Following Scenario?

Jun 5, 2007

Hi all,

We are about to start a project that will involve three websites, each of which will have its own public domain name and two of which will act as e-commerce applications. Both e-commerce applications will only contain relatively small amounts of data (few thousand products, up to 15000 customer records with basic order history) and will be synchronised with a central data server at another site that will be responsible for handling payments, order processing, invoicing, etc.

The sites will take approx 500 hits every 24 hours and we will need to manage the DNS on the hosting server.

My question is, would we be ok to host these sites on a Web Edition of Windows 2003 Server with SQL Express, or is there any clear reason that we should go with the Standard editions of Windows Server and/or SQL?



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SQL Server Express Scenario

Jan 10, 2008

Hello !

Please, I am new on SQL Server,

1.It's possible following scenario ?

I want to implement an application with SQL Server Express installed on a PS as server. Other PCs - from network or from http network - could connect to this sse database (my intention is to open a port on the server for using the internet network).

If yes, please give me an example of adequate string connection to use in application.
If no, what amount from this scenario could be implemented ? (And also, if you can, an sample of connection string).

2. Do you know what are the limitations of using SQL Server Developer Edition (~50$ price) in this scenario ?

Thank you very much !

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How To Create An Index In This Scenario?

Mar 20, 2008

I have a table as follows:

PID (PK), int
Postcode, nchar
Address1, nvarchar
Address2, nvarchar
Address3, nvarchar
Address4, nvarchar
Address5, nvarchar

I have a view on the table. The Output of the view is PID, Postcode, ADDRESS (which is Address1 - Address5 concatenated into one string with spaces between notnull values)

I use a sproc to search the view for an address based on a free-text search. Sproc as below. Can anyone advise how I should index the table? I have never created an index before and need to speed up the search, which at the moment is simply to slow. I have 1.8 million records in the table.

Here is the sproc:

SELECT PID, Upper(Postcode) as 'Postcode', ADDRESS
FROM vw_Postcode

Address Like '%' + REPLACE(REPLACE(@address,',','%'),' ','%') + '%'
OR Postcode Like '%' + REPLACE(REPLACE(@address,',','%'),' ','%')+ '%'

Regards MArco

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How Does Replicaiton Work In This Scenario...please Help.

Dec 13, 2005

Hello all,
I am a newbie when it comes to replication. I have read the BOL but I was overwhilemed with the amount of information about replication.
We are planning to have a server with sql server 2005 and disconnected laptops with sql server express. How would replication work in this scenario assuming we are using merge replication:
Table AA [ a replicated table on the server and 9 columns]

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Jul 10, 2006


I'm new to the express edition and not that expert about SQL Server generally, so I want to get the answer to this qquestion in details - if possible - and as simple as it coule be . Is the following scenario acheivable using MS SQL Server XE:

One server running WindowsXP+MS SQL Server Express Edition, about 10 users with an application to connect to the db in server and work within it.

would this scenario be available using XE?

thanks in advance for replying ,

moemen ahmed

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