The Ads With The Sound Effects Might Give Me A Heart Attack

Feb 16, 2005

I like this forum but recently I have noticed they are running ads with sound effects.

I like a lot of programmers I know listen to music through their computer with headphones on all day. Whenever one of those adds fire off it about scares the BeJesus of me and comes through louder than the music. I am playing with my settings but I each time I find one that kills the sound effects it kills the music too.

Starting to make me mad.

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Script For SQL Heart Beat - Doesn't Work For Me

May 28, 2004

Hello Techies,

Have one of you tried MAK's script to monitor SQL heartbeat...

I have configured the script as per his article. didn't work and reports errors with the log file...and seems like struck in INFINITE loop. I have attached the log file.

Anyone faced similar issue? How can I get this going?


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Simulate Heart Beat Code To Manage Production Servers

Jan 1, 2008


I am currently developing a DBA management console for a company who have 45 SQL Servers, 20 of which are in the production environment. As part of the development I have created a DBA dashboard with various alerts and information dials regarding the state of the SQL Infrastructure. I came accross a problem yesterday that I cannot find the answer to.

One of the alerts I have developed is a simple "Heart Beat" indicator that displays that the SQL Server is present and "alive". To do this I have a central database running on SQL 2005 which has linked server connections toall 45 SQL Servers. This central database runs a simple select statement on each server (something that I know works if the server is there). The select is run as dynamic SQL as I need to build up the SQL as part of a cursor to place the server name within the from clause. Here is the select I am using: -

select top 1 dbid from [server].master.dbo.sysdatabases

If the server is not there an error occurrs. I trap this and record that the server may not be present. The cursor then moves on to the next server to check.

This works fine when ran from Query Analyser. I can simulate a failed server by deleting the link server connection. For the server in questions an error is raised when the select is run, I store the error and on the Dashboard screen you can see an indicator saying that the server is currently non-contactable (i.e. failed Heart Beat).

My problem comes when I try and schedule this procedure. If I run it as an SQL Agent Job it behaves differently. Here, as soon as the error is detected it bombs out stating that the step has failed. I don't mind it stating that the step has failed, what I want it to do is to complete the cursor loop on all the servers. You see at the top of the procedure I set all the heartbeats flags to 0 (i.e. not contactable) so I need to to complete the run. I have search the Agent set-up and can find no flag to stop it halting processes when an error occurs.

The servers are configured not to allow RPC and I would rather not have to put a job on every server to tell me they exist as this would need managing going forward.

Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated - Happy New Year by the way!

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Beep Sound

Apr 17, 2008

How to check whether a beep sound may occur and to supress?

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Data Type For Sound

Nov 3, 2007

hi .. what datatype should i use for sound clip in sqlserver?

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Sound Device/driver

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have a database table contains a field that has data like1,3/3,0/30,0/2,1/4,2 , and I am trying to make a sql query to queryout this record if two numbers seperated by a comma, left side isequal to 1 and right site is greater than 0. Is it possible? if so,how can I do it?Thank you very much for your help.

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Sp1 Effects...

Mar 23, 2006

Is anyone here aware of anything else that has been changed in regard to SQLCLR via sp1 (excluding this

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Saving A Sound File Into Database?

Oct 30, 2006

Hi guys,

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Storing Sound/wave File

Oct 2, 2001

How do I store a sound/wave file in SQL Server. Does SQL Server have the facility to store sound files in the database, if so what data type should be used and functions related to it.

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Totally Sound Query Not Working In ACCESS

Jan 26, 2006

okay so i have query which sure does run fine if i drop it into a SQL server's console. however i try and put this into ACCESS so the accounting department can use it and it returns no values.

not sure if i should drop in the vb forum or what but im about to build a page in c# and have them get it that way.

Any one have any suggestions


select Doc.Dat, Doc.DocNo, Doc.IdPers, Pos.ItemNo, Pos.[Description], Pos.Quantity, Pos.SinglePrice, Pos.Discount from Pos, Doc where Doc.Dat like '%2005%' AND IdPers = (select IdPers from Pers where match = 'Aec One Stop Group, Inc.') AND Pos.IdDoc in ( select idDoc from Doc where Type = 8 ) ORDER by Dat, DocNo DESC

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What Is An SQL INJECTION Attack?

May 8, 2008

        I need to find out what sql injection attack is, what it does how it is done and how to protect form it....Any through explanation will be much appreciated.

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SQL Server Attack ???

May 15, 2008

Hi Recently we moved our site from Access to MS SQL Server 2005 Express on a dedicated server. Guess what.... we came under some attack (may be SQL injection). Our database was manipulated and data's in some field were replaced by "<script src=></script>" We don't know how it was done .. then i googled around to find any clue . too my surprise i found around 30,000 sites which were affected by this / have a look also an interest fact popped up also sites where in ASP But unfortunately no documentation was available for it ... So i wonder if their is any flaw in coding or database permission .. 30,000 webmaster can't go wrong. May be their is security flaw either in SQL Server 2005 or ASP .. can't say As of now i have cleared my database using find and replace function. But i know we might me soon be under attack again Please help me out find out exact reason for it .. Thanks in advanceSuraj jain 

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Sql Injection Attack

Aug 18, 2006

Hope everybody is fine.Well,today I want to know the smartest ways to prevent sql injection attacks.It would be really helpful if anybody gives light to it.

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SQL Injection Attack

Jul 23, 2005

All,I am trying to test an attack against a web page. The VBScript runs 2queries against the database; the first must succeed before the secondruns. Here is the code:1st-select * from users where (userid=' + @string + ') and password=' +@pwdstring + '2nd-select * from permissions where userid=' + @string + 'When attempting the attack the problem lies in the "(" & ")"surrounding the first userid string in the 1st query. if I attempt toput a ")" in the original @string function to cancel out the first "("it then causes problems for the second string. Also, the @pwdstringgets encrypted before it is sent to the SQL Server, so attempting theattack from that field is useless.For instance:@string = ' or 1=1)--@pwdstring = blank (becomes @pwdstring = 55-12-567-3244-123 due toencryption)select * from users where (userid='' or 1=1)--') andpassword='55-12-567-3244-123' WORKS OKselect * from permissions where userid='' or 1=1)--' DOES NOT WORKIs this an instance where the original developers made a happy codingerror (I asked and preventing injection attacks wasn't intended) or isthere something I can do to circumvent this?Thanks,josh

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Effects Of A Database Restoration.

May 22, 2006

Hi,Does a database restoration perform anyupdate-statistics/defragmentation by default. We observed a markedimprovement in performance when we restored the a database from an highend machine to a low machine.Could someone shed some light on this.Regards,Thyagarajan Delli.

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Brute Force Attack

Oct 22, 2007

Hi to all,

Im looking at the sql server log, and I see a strange behavior.
Im getting at least 5 "sa" login attempts from an sepcific IP address.
How can I avoid this, lock that IP or add a delay to 'sa' failed logins?

Thanks so much


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Effects Of Restoring SQL Enterprise To SQL Standard

Jul 17, 2002

I need to know if it is possible, and if so, the effects of restoring databases from a server running SQL Enterprise Edition to a server running SQL Standard Edition. There will be an application database as well as the "master" database to be restored.

Any suggestions?

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Procedure Encryption - Any Side Effects?

Jul 23, 2005

If I encrypt the SQL Procedures in my database will that cause any sideeffects?Will there be performance degradation?Is it good to encrypt them or they can easily be unencrypted?Thank you

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Brute Force Password Attack

Nov 3, 2005

In the Application event log I am seeing entries like the

Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:]

every second.

I am assuming this is a brute force password attack, an
ARIN query of the IP address indicates it's from:
Asia Pacific Network Information CentreIs there any way to block this IP from accessing my server?Thanks,Tylerp.s. I tried posting this on MSDN forums, but the site appears to be broken.

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Injection Attack - Guru Needed.

Jan 19, 2007

Hello all,

I have a question on whether the following stored precedure would be open to an SQL Injection attack. Assume that a string query would be passed to the SP.

I am told that because the password parameter is only varchar(8) that it is safe.

Can someone prove this wrong?


I have added sample code below.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[JB_Test](
[Name] [varchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_JB_Test_Name] DEFAULT (''),
[Email] [varchar](100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_JB_Test_Email] DEFAULT (''),
[Password] [varchar](8) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_JB_Test_Password] DEFAULT (''),


Insert dbo.JB_Test (Name, Email, Password )
values ('John', '', '2345')
Insert dbo.JB_Test (Name, Email, Password )
values ('Paul', '', '2345')
Insert dbo.JB_Test (Name, Email, Password )
values ('Geroge', '', '2345')
Insert dbo.JB_Test (Name, Email, Password )
values ('Ringo', '', '2345')


Create procedure dbo.JB_Test_Login

@Username varchar(100),
@Password varchar(8)


select Name
from dbo.JB_Test
where Name = @Username
and Password = @Password

--Clean Up Your Mess
--Drop procedure dbo.JB_Test_Login

--Drop Table dbo.JB_Test

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SQL SERVER 2005 Unknown Attack

Dec 27, 2006

Hello Every one,

can any one please let me know what is below mentioned errors i found on my newly installed sql server and also let me know severiarity of this and if you know the solution for this i would wel come all your suggestion.

12/24/2006 05:48:47,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:45,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:45,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:44,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:44,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:41,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:41,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:40,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:40,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:40,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:40,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:39,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:39,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:39,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:39,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:35,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:35,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:35,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:35,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:34,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:34,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:34,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:34,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:33,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:33,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:33,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:33,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:32,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:32,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:32,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:32,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:31,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:31,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:31,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:31,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:30,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:30,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:30,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:30,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:29,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:29,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:29,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:29,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:28,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:28,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,
12/24/2006 05:48:27,Logon,Unknown,Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:],
12/24/2006 05:48:27,Logon,Unknown,Error: 18456<c/> Severity: 14<c/> State: 8.,

since last so many days i found that these kind of errors on sql server 2005.It occurs contineously so it keeps server busy all the time.

I have attached a portion of this error log.Thanks for all your help and the time you took to look at my question.



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Adding A Colum & Effects On Stored Procs

Aug 2, 2001

In SQL7, if you add a column to a table, is it necessary to recompile all
stored procs that reference that table?
Under 6.5, this caused problems at our site unless the Procs were 'refreshed'.
Is this only necessary where select * is used?

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Installing Sql Server Then Uninstall , Effects On Backup

Oct 26, 2000

hi, if I install sql server 7.0 and created a user database named myDB that has some data. and I make a back up as a complete database.. Then I uninstall sql server,yet I am still having the backup in another drive. Then I install sql server 7.0. Can I use the restore method to restore myDB with no problems.


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Data Series Color And Fill Effects?

Jun 11, 2007


I was wondering if one could manage the color of the data series in line and bar charts much like what you could do in Excel?

Even changing the default order of the colors would be nice, just so different charts actually look...well, different.


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Index Management And Effects On Database Availability

May 26, 2008


I'm working on an application which is mainly used to look up compressors and their data which are held in documents.

This is a simplified representation of the tables of importance:

Id (int, identity) (PK)
Number (nvarchar(50))

DocumentId (int) (PK, FK)
Id (int, identity) (PK)
Name (nvarchar(50))

CompressorId (int) (PK, FK))
Id (int, identity) (PK)
Value (nvarchar(50))

The tables are linked as follows:
Document -> Compressor -> CompressorData

Non clustered indexes are created on Document.Number and Compresor.Name because these fields are used for querying.

At certain points corrections will be released on compressors which
will result in:
- Creating new documents with new document numbers (note that a non clusterd index exists on Document.Number).
- Copying affected compressors of existing documents into the new documents (note that a non clusterd index exists on Compressor.Name).
- Copying the data of the affected compressors into the new documents.

This can result in creating ten's of new documents and copying hundreds compressors and thousands compressor data records.

My question:

Will the users still be able to query for compressors while corrections are released (thinking about indexes which need to be modified) or will their be so many locks held that the database becomes unusable?

Thanks in advance,


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I Have An Attack Of Sqlslammer.worm On My DB Server (sql Server 2000)

Nov 3, 2007

Hi all,

I have a case of sqlslammer.worm virus on my DB server. I have run Mcafee antivirus software but the virus cannot be removed.

Please can anyone tell me how to getit off my server?


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I Give Up On This One...

Jul 20, 2005

I have tried and tried to get this to work and I'm doing something dumb.I'm going to include sample data and my format file. Can someone helpme figure out my dumb mistake on a bulk insert using a format file?Don't worry about data types, I'll handle that later. Thanks a lot!!!CSV File:ID,NAME,SPEC_ORIGINAL,SPEC,CATEGORY,ADDRESS1,CITY, STATE,ZIP,PHONE,COMPETITOR,PLAN,HARVESTDATE,EIDs,EIDCount,sourceIds,minS core,maxScore,hasContract,matchFilter,matchFilterBGR,matchFilterCAS,matc hFilterMTV,forceMatch,forceMatchUserId,paymentPlatforms,matchStatusColor ,recordId,dupId,NetworkComparedTo1,name1,Family Practice General Practice,FP,PCP,address1,DeerfieldBeach,FL,33442,phone1,C1,PPO,5/15/2004,1000067851,2,BADG_0874992,9,14.4,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,0,,3,G,1, ,netcomp12,name2,Family Practice GeneralPractice,FP,PCP,address2,Margate,FL,33063,phone2,C 2,PPO,5/15/2004,1000067851,2,BADG_0874992,9,10,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,0,,3,G,2, ,netcomp23,name3,General Practice,GP,PCP,address3,DeerfieldBeach,FL,33442,phone3,C3,PPO,5/15/2004,1000067851,2,BADG_0874992(14.4Y)|BADG_1901859,9,14.4,Y,Y,Y,Y,Y,0,,3,G,3, ,netcomp34,name4,ReproductiveEndocrinology,OBEN,OB,address4,Davie,FL,33328,phon e4,C4,PPO,5/15/2004,1000083687,1,CAS_650410436,10.3,10.3,Y,N,N,N,N,0,,0, Y,4, ,netcomp4Format File:8.0311 SQLCHAR 0 1 "
" 0 quote Latin1_General_CI_AS2 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 1 Provider_Raw_ID Latin1_General_CI_AS3 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 0 none_name Latin1_General_CI_AS4 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 0 none_Spec_orig Latin1_General_CI_AS5 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 3 SpecialtyCode Latin1_General_CI_AS6 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 2 Category Latin1_General_CI_AS7 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 0 none_Address Latin1_General_CI_AS8 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 0 none_City Latin1_General_CI_AS9 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 0 none_State Latin1_General_CI_AS10 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 0 none_Zip Latin1_General_CI_AS11 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 0 none_Phone Latin1_General_CI_AS12 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 0 none_Competitor Latin1_General_CI_AS13 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 0 none_Plan Latin1_General_CI_AS14 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 0 none_HarvestDate Latin1_General_CI_AS15 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 0 none_EIDs Latin1_General_CI_AS16 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 5 EIDCount Latin1_General_CI_AS17 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 0 SourceIds Latin1_General_CI_AS18 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 6 minScore Latin1_General_CI_AS19 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 7 maxScore Latin1_General_CI_AS20 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 8 hasContract Latin1_General_CI_AS21 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 9 matchFilter Latin1_General_CI_AS22 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 10 matchFilterBGR Latin1_General_CI_AS23 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 11 matchFilterCAS Latin1_General_CI_AS24 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 12 matchFilterMTV Latin1_General_CI_AS25 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 13 forceMatch Latin1_General_CI_AS26 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 14 forceMatchUserId Latin1_General_CI_AS27 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 15 paymentPlatforms Latin1_General_CI_AS28 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 16 matchStatusColor Latin1_General_CI_AS29 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 17 recordId Latin1_General_CI_AS30 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 18 dupId Latin1_General_CI_AS31 SQLCHAR 0 3000 "," 4 NetworkComparedTo Latin1_General_CI_ASHere's a script for the table!if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[Provider_Results]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)drop table [dbo].[Provider_Results]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[Provider_Results] ([Provider_Raw_ID] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[Category] [varchar] (3000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[SpecialtyCode] [varchar] (3000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[NetworkComparedTo] [varchar] (3000) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[EIDCount] [varchar] (3000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[minScore] [varchar] (3000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[maxScore] [varchar] (3000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[hasContract] [varchar] (3000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[matchFilter] [varchar] (3000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[matchFilterBGR] [varchar] (3000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[matchFilterCAS] [varchar] (3000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[matchFilterMTV] [varchar] (3000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[forceMatch] [varchar] (3000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[forceMatchUserId] [varchar] (3000) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[paymentPlatforms] [varchar] (3000) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[matchStatusColor] [varchar] (3000) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[recordId] [varchar] (3000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[dupId] [varchar] (3000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOThanks again. I am dying on this one. With everything includedhopefully someone (smarter than me) can figure it out.Thanks,Andrew*** Sent via Devdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Nu Ger Jag Upp (I Give Up)

Feb 5, 2008

Jag har installerat sql server 2008 (I have installed sql server)

I cannot find enterprise manager - I think that the sql server is useless unless there is a manager.

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Sql - If Not Found, Give Name

Mar 13, 2007

Been trying to get this one but need a little input.
SELECT a.Id,g.LabName......
FROM someTbl a,table g
WHERE = @idAND (b.calLab = g.ID OR g.LabName = ???)
With the above, if b.calLab = 0 then there is no entry in table g.(I didn't develop the table or would have included NONE)
So, how to tell g.LabName to come back as 'None' if b.calLab = 0?

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Give All Results Even When Not Available

Oct 15, 2007

Hello I have a problem with a query..
What I want:
I have a query that selects from different tables:


SELECT * FROM table1 as t1 ,table2 as t2 WHERE t1.t2_Id = t2.Id

But now I want all results from table1 even if it's not linked with table2, if that's the case i want to add something like:


WHEN 'notlinked' THEN 1
END HighLight

that way I can show the rows that have to be manually linked
hope you understand my problem...


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Someone Can Give A Litgh?

May 17, 2004

Hi Everybody,

In a table there´s a field for store real values, the database, using the SQL Server Enterprise Manager
and execute query as 'select * from' and it return the value
'15,35' just like stored before, why using Delphi via an ADO conection
in my result set there is a '15,3500003814697' value if in the record time
the inputed value was '15,35'?
What I have doing wrong?

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Would You Like To Give Me Some Advice

May 28, 2004

i use sybase before,and i want to learn ms sqlsr2000,can anybodu give me some advice,or give me some matrial
thx in advance

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Please Give Me Answer

May 20, 2008

batch processing means

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