The BackgroundColor Expression For The Textbox Error
Apr 4, 2008
Hi all,
I've recently started using reporting services after about a 2 year break and have been refreshing my knowledge. I've got a very simple report linked into MS CRM, the report is designed to display cases that are overdue, displaying green colums for cases less that 2 hours old, orange for 2 - 4 hours and red for over 4 hours.
In the backgroundColor field for the details colums I have this code-
Code Snippet
=iif(Fields!Hours_Neglected.Value < 2, "Green", iif(Fields!Hours_Neglected.Value > 4, "Red", "Goldenrod"))
this works fine in the preview window in VS2005 but when I try to deploy I get this error:-
"Warning 1 [rsRuntimeErrorInExpression] The BackgroundColor expression for the textbox €˜ticketnumber€™ contains an error: Input string was not in a correct format. G:AppsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsCRM ReportsCRM ReportsNo Responce.rdl 0 0"
Can anyone shed any light on what this problem is as I'm struggling to find anything online......
Thanks in advance
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Jul 24, 2007
I currently have a text box that say "Company", I have the a visibility expression set on that text box as follows:
=iif(Sum(Fields!ID.Value,"Footnote") <> 0, False, True)
Basically if a number is greater than 0 show it, if not don't
I want to modify it to say always show Company, if its greater than 0 show Company *
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Sep 5, 2007
Hi all,
Is there any way in Reporting Services (2005) to set the Top and Left properties of the TextBox control with an expression? What I would like to do is use two integer report parameters, and alter these properties based on the parameters.
Any help very much appreciated.
Ed Allison
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May 3, 2007
I'm calculating the format string for currency values based upon what's selected as a report currency parameter value. Just to mention, it's a call to a .net dll. Because this call is in every textbox in the details section of the report,I believe it's getting called for every textbox that is displayed on the report - but I really don't need to calculate it at this level. The format string will only be one way per report execution.
Is it possible to only call this function once, stuff the format expression in a textbox (or some method that's similar) and then reference that ReportItems!textbox3.Value for the format string of other textboxes? I threw the calculation in a textbox in the report header and also body, but I get an issue either way:
Report item expressions can only refer to other report items within the same grouping scope or a containing grouping scope
I understand that it doesn't seem possible, but can anyone help me think out of the box? I see that a database call and another dataset holding the FormatString might work... I'll try this out, but in the meantime, is there a solution to not do this?
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Aug 17, 2007
In SQL Reporting Services - How can you configure a textbox (in a table row/cell) to display (and more importantly print to hard copy) an underline area that is "appended" to the end of variable length text. The objective is to be able to print out a form with an identified area for handwritten text entry. I need the underlined area for the textbox to be "right aligned". For example,
Customer Satisfaction
Were you satisfied with the service(s) received? _________________________________________
How long did the service call take? ____________________________________________________
Would you recommend us to your friends? _____________________________________________
Is this possible? How can I do this?
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Apr 10, 2008
On a Reporting Services 2005 report, I have a table with a single group row and a single detail row (and about 5 columns). The details are set up to toggle visibility based on a textbox in the group header called "txt_Order_Number". The order line item details are set with their initial visibility set as hidden. So, when you click on the Plus sign next to the Order Number, the detail rows display below.
However, what I'd like to do is change the background color of the toggled group header row when it is toggled and the details are displayed. Here's what's going on . . .
The row with the Order header information has every textbox set in bold. That's good. It makes a subtle distinction between the order detail rows and the order header row, so when you're looking at the dollar amounts on each line item and trying to add them up in your head to see whether they correctly add up to the dollar amount in the order header row, you can at least more easily see the total amount. However, it makes the whole overall report look funny because all of the order header information is in bold. What I really want to do is change the background color of the order header row to light gray or some other subtle color and change the font to Bold when the details are toggled to visible in order to distinguish that row as the header row.
In order to do this, I think I somehow need to get to a certain element of the Reporting Services object model called "Textbox.ToggleState". If I can get to that piece of the puzzle in an expression or even in code within the report, that should tell me the state of the textbox's toggle switch and I should be able to use that information to conditionally set the color of the textbox.(or every textbox in the row probably.) Here's all I could find out about this on TechNet
I just can't figure out how to get to that piece of information in a Reporting Services expression or in the report's code block.
Any suggestions? I'd appreciate a response even if it's "You can't do that." Actually, the best response someone might be able to provide might be a link to a sample showing how to get to any of the textbox properties like that.
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Feb 8, 2007
Error 3 Error loading MLS_AZ_PHX.dtsx: The result of the expression ""C:\sql_working_directory\MLS\AZ\Phoenix\Docs\Armls_Schema Updated 020107.xls"" on property "ConnectionString" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property. c:documents and settingsviewmastermy documentsvisual studio 2005projectsm l sMLS_AZ_PHX.dtsx 1 1
"C:\sql_working_directory\MLS\AZ\Phoenix\Docs\Armls_Schema Updated 020107.xls"
Directly using C:sql_working_directoryMLSAZPhoenixDocsArmls_Schema Updated 020107.xls
as connectionString works
However - I'm trying to deploy the package - and trying to use expression:
@[User::DIR_WORKING] + "\Docs\Armls_Schema Updated 020107.xls"
which causes the same error to occur
(Same error with other Excel source also:
Error 5 Error loading MLS_AZ_PHX.dtsx: The result of the expression "@[User::DIR_WORKING] + "\Docs\Armls_SchoolCodesJuly06.xls"" on property "ConnectionString" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property. c:documents and settingsviewmastermy documentsvisual studio 2005projectsm l sMLS_AZ_PHX.dtsx 1 1
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Apr 23, 2008
One of the columns within a table on my parent page contains data that increases the height of the row, (a 'comments' field). Unfortunately a subreport within that table does not expand to fill the entire height of the cell it is in because of the expanded row height, therefore leaving "white space" below it. Some rows have a different background color depending on a certain fields' value but in the column where the subreport is, I can't set the background color in the properties window because that attribute has been removed.
Everything with my report works correctly but I just can't seem to get that white space to change to the correct color.
I've tried the following so far with no luck:
1. Setting the background color of the table row. This option is not available within the properties dialog box. I assume because the row has a subreport nested in it. (Can I set the background color somewhere else?)
2. I passed the row color variable as a parameter to the subreport but obviously that only colors the subreport and not the whitespace underneath it within the table row.
My report looks goofy with a whole row one color except for the whitespace under my subreport in each row so if anyone could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.
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Jan 9, 2008
Has anyone seen the error:
[rsInvalidColor] The value of the BackgroundColor property for the textbox €˜textbox14€™ is €œTransparent€?, which is not a valid BackgroundColor.
This is appearing when I set the BackgroundColor property in a SSRS report using an expression. What I'm trying to do is have the colour of the text and background returned by the stored procedure that returns the data for use in Matrix and Table. But the problem seems to relate to all controls in SSRS 2005.
Steps to reproduce are create a new report, add a TextBox.
Go to properties of the textbox and select the Backgroundcolor and select Expression...
Then add the expression:
Transparent doesn't seem to be a constant, but does appear to be a value you are allowed to selected (and is the default) from the drop down in the background colour.
The work-around is to use White, which works if you don't use a background image or change the background colour of the page.
However if you do us the "Transaparent" colour, then it does return the correct effect, but generates an error in the Output window within the development environment. I'm just ignoring the error for the time being. but has anyone else seen this error.
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Apr 11, 2008
I'm using business objects to show the report Some fields have expression like
but when Address value == null then textbox will show #Error label.
Any ideas how to hide this #Error label, beacause if Customer does not have address I'd rather see empty value than #Error in report
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May 24, 2007
I want to add up the values in a couple of text boxes in another textbox. How do I refer to the textboxes?
fields!textbox1.value doesn't work..what does?
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Sep 22, 2006
I want to do a login in, when the user enters username and password, it looks into ms sql to find user then compare password with database then select user in database and closes form to open another form with selected database. please help, i am stranded with my project and i am getting nowhere.
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Sep 22, 2006
I want to do a login in, when the user enters username and password, it looks into ms sql to find user then compare password with database then select user in database and closes form to open another form with selected database. please help, i am stranded with my project and i am getting nowhere.
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Mar 11, 2005
hi im trying to code a login page using, i have 2 web-controlled textboxes whose values i want to compare to userID and password stored on a SQL server database called users. When button clicked, call function checklogin.
heres the code:
Private Sub btn_login_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_login.Click
If Page.IsValid Then
Dim usersDS As New System.Data.DataSet
usersDS = checklogin(userID.Text, password.Text)
If usersDS.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(userID.Text, False)
error_log.Text = "Invalid Credentials: Please try again"
End If
End If
End Sub
Function checklogin(ByVal userID As Char, ByVal password As Char) As System.Data.DataSet
Dim connectionString As String
Dim dbConnection As New SqlConnection
Dim dbCommand As New SqlCommand
Dim dataAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim ds As New DataSet
connectionString = "server=localhost;user id=sa; password=chaos; Integrated Security=SSPI; database=users"
'server=localhost; database=users; integrated Security=SSPI;Â?@user id=sa; password=chaos
dbConnection.ConnectionString = connectionString
With dbCommand
.Connection = dbConnection
.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT (*)Â?@AS pass FROM tbl_users WHERE ((tbl_users.userId = @userId) AND (tbl_users.password = @password))"
End With
dataAdapter.SelectCommand = dbCommand
Return ds
End Function
Heres the error i get:
Details of exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: There is a syntax invalid near
line {''1
Source error:
Line 75:. CommandText = "declare@userID As varChar; declare @password As varChar; End With .."Line 76:.. line 77:of SELECT COUNT(*) AS pass FROM tbl_users WHERE((tbl_users.userId=@userId)AND(tbl_users.password=@password))
Line 78: DataAdapter.SelectCommand=dbCommand
Line 79: DataAdapter.Fill(ds)
ive just started using .net, im a lil lost...thanks for any help. cheers
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May 19, 2008
I use LINQ to SQL for showing reports, everything works fine but when I do something like
Fields!Order.Value.Customer.Address.StreetName it will show The addressStreet value
but if Customer or Address object value is null Textbox will output #ERROR message.
How can I get rid of this, is there any way to override the Textbox control?
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Mar 22, 2007
$exception {"Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type smalldatetime.
The statement has been terminated."} System.Exception {System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException}
here is my code
protected void EmailSubmitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlDataSource NewsletterSqlDataSource = new SqlDataSource();
NewsletterSqlDataSource.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NewsletterConnectionString"].ToString();
//Text version
NewsletterSqlDataSource.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text;
NewsletterSqlDataSource.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO NewsLetter (EmailAddress, IPAddress, DateTimeStamp) VALUES (@EmailAddress, @IPAddress, @DateTimeStamp)";
//storeprocedure version
//NewsletterSqlDataSource.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure;
//NewsletterSqlDataSource.InsertCommand = "EmailInsert";
NewsletterSqlDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("EmailAddress", EmailTb.Text);
NewsletterSqlDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("IPAddress", Request.UserHostAddress.ToString());
NewsletterSqlDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("DateTimeStamp", DateTime.Now.ToString());
int rowsAffected = 0;
rowsAffected = NewsletterSqlDataSource.Insert();
catch (Exception ex)
NewsletterSqlDataSource = null;
if (rowsAffected != 1)
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Aug 25, 2006
I would appreciate assistance as to how I should correct the following CASE expression::
BilledCarrier = CASE LEN(cur_billed_carrier) WHEN >0 THEN cur_billed_carrier ELSE 'Not Billed' END
I want to return the cur_billed_carrier when its length is >0 but I can't find the correct syntax. My attempt returns an error at the '>' operator. Thank you.
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May 22, 2006
Greetings my SQL friends.
Why do I get an error message saying that the following expression won't evaluate?
"Select * from Price_grp where price_grp_id >= " + (dt_str, 10, 1252) @[User::MIN_PRICE_GRP_ID] +
" and " + (dt_str, 10, 1252) @[User::MIN_PRICE_GRP_ID] + " > 0"
Thanks for your help in advance.
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Mar 12, 2008
I'm getting this invalid expression error (#error) when I try to return the following in a text box. Is there syntax error?
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Sep 12, 2007
I dont know if i will explain this correctly, but my problem is with reporting service.
I'm supposed to Sum value in one textbox and than that sum use it in sum in other textbox.
Something like this:
I get error msg 'The Value expression for the textbox 'textbox49' contains an aggregate function (or RunningValue or RowNumber functions) in the argument to another aggregate function (or RunningValue). Aggregate functions cannot be nested inside other aggregate functions.'
Something like this wont work either Sum(Fields!abc.Value/ReportItems("textbox56").Value)*100
Error The Value expression for the textbox 'textbox55' uses an aggregate function on a report item. Aggregate functions can be used only on report items contained in page headers and footers.
So, pls help if you know how to reference textbox in other in body of report.
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Jul 22, 2005
I am getting an error from the case part of the select statement below which reads 'Incorrect Column Expression' then it quotes the case statement. All I am trying to do is convert and return the weight value to kilos if it was entered in pounds.
SELECT Salesinv.Unique, Salesinv.SalesNo, Salesinv.PurchNo, Salesinv.SalesInvNo, Salesinv.InvValue,
(case when Salesinv.WUnits = 'Llb' then round(Salesinv.NettWeight/2.2046,0) else Salesinv.NettWeight end)
FROM Salesinv Salesinv
WHERE (Salesinv.Unique>=38397.3092 And Salesinv.Unique<=38537.39885)
Any help would be greatly appreciated, hopefully thanks in advance.
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Mar 28, 2008
insert into----
select ID_NO,cast(row_number() over(partition by ID_NO order by ID_NO)as varchar(2))
I am trying to insert into test222 table .The id_no column is varchar field
Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type varchar.
The statement has been terminated.
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Sep 4, 2007
Hello friends'
I am new to integration services,first time I'm using XML Task Control in SSIS,
I am stuck with problem saying....
"[XML Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Expression must evaluate to a node-set.".
I am trying to perform XPath operation type and accumulating values in a variable.
I have no clule about error if u can help to come around the problem.
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Aug 29, 2006
I'm trying to set the DestinationDatabaseFiles property programmatically through an expression. I keep getting the error:
SSIS package "Package1.dtsx" starting.
SSIS breakpoint 'Break when the container receives the OnPreExecute event' at executable 'Transfer Database Task' has been hit
Error: 0xC002929C at Transfer Database Task, Transfer Database Task: The transfer file information "","","" is missing the filename.
Error: 0xC002929D at Transfer Database Task, Transfer Database Task: The transfer file information "","","" is missing the folder part.
Error: 0xC0024107 at Transfer Database Task: There were errors during task validation.
Warning: 0x80019002 at Package1: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (4) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
SSIS package "Package1.dtsx" finished: Failure.
I'm setting the property to a variable, copyDestFiles, which I've tried numerous ways to set, the latest being in a script.
Dts.Variables("User::copyDestFiles").Value = _
"""" + stageDataName + """,""D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerData"","""";""" + _
stageLogName + """ ,""D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerData"","""""
When I view the variable at runtime it looks like this: "Prod2.mdf","D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Data","";"Prod_log2.ldf" ,"D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Data",""
How does one set this property using an expression?
Thanks, Nathan Vollmer
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Oct 17, 2007
An error has occurred during report processing.
Cannot set the command text for data set 'ScoreboardOLAP'.
Error during processing of the CommandText expression of dataset €˜ScoreboardOLAP€™
Can anyone help at all here? I've seen about 10 articles on this one but none appear to be relevant. I have a complex report comprising many sub-reports which runs successfully in a development environment. When deployed to an environment which comprises a separate report sever and report server DB I get the above error even when I try and browse to any of the sub-reports.
The sub-report is using an OLEDB connection to an SSAS DB and its command text is set as:-
Where GetQueryString is a function in the code section of the report which returns some MDX based on the supplied parameters. I obviously know the function works because it works in development mode.
I have tried to determine what is going on from the logs but the only messages I get are those above. I've set the data sources on the server up to use valid Windows Credentials stored on the server so I don't believe the issue is one of authentication
Any thoughts or tips in helping to diagnose the cause of the problem would be greatly appreciated.
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Apr 22, 2008
So, here is my expression that I use in a textbox on the site header. In the report it just returns error... any ides?
="Wareneingangsübersicht" + " " + today() + " / " +
iif(datepart("WeekdayName",dateadd("d",1,today()))= "Samstag", DateAdd("d",3,today()), DateAdd("d",1,today()))
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Mar 26, 2007
I can export to all other formats from the report viewer with no issues, but when I try to render to Excel, I get an exception:
[Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.]
[Exception: An error occurred during rendering of the report.]
[Exception: An error occurred during rendering of the report.]
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.ServerUrlRequest(Boolean isAbortable, String url, Stream outputStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension) +553
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.InternalRender(Boolean isAbortable, String format, String deviceInfo, NameValueCollection urlAccessParameters, Stream reportStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension) +941
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.Render(String format, String deviceInfo, NameValueCollection urlAccessParameters, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension) +97
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReportControlSource.RenderReport(String format, String deviceInfo, NameValueCollection additionalParams, String& mimeType, String& fileExtension) +126
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ExportOperation.PerformOperation(NameValueCollection urlQuery, HttpResponse response) +153
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) +202
System.Web.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +154
System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +64
I've pinned it down to a footer cell that uses an expression to determine the TextAlign property. If I do something as simple as ="Right", I get the error. Of course, if I just use Right, there is no problem. So are expressions not supported in footer cell properties or is there possibly some fix for this?
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Feb 22, 2008
I have been trying to get the following Selects to work using a case expression in the order by section.
I know I can easily separate out the two statements but I want to do a select using the case statement below ;
however, I keep getting error 16 --"Order by items must appear in the select list if the statement contains a union.
If remove the case statement and put order by "internalID desc" I receive no errors. Moreover, when I take out the union statement and execute the two select statements with each including the case expression it runs as planned.
Can anyone tell what the problem is here? I have combed the web looking for an answer, but it seems that the statement is valid.
declare @date
set @date = '2001'
select internalID from section_data_v3
select internalID from section_data_v4
order by
case when (@date = '2001') then internalID end desc
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Nov 16, 2006
We have set up an SSIS package which goes to an FTP site and downloads files.
Everything is fine... EXCEPT (lol) when there are no files to download. This then fails the task.
However, I want the package to continue to run.
Is there away of assigning the error message given to an expression and then using the expression in the precedence contraint?
thanking you in advance
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Oct 28, 2015
I have created 1 report with 2 datasets. This report is attached to the 1st dataset.For example,1st one is "Smallappliances", 2nd is "Largeappliances".
I created a tablix and, the 1st column extracts Total sales per Sales person between 2 dates from 1st dataset (Small appliances). I used running values expression and it works fine.
Now, I would like to add another column that extracts Total sales per sales person between 2 dates from 2nd dataset (Large appliances). I am aware that I need to use Lookup expression and it is giving me the single sales value rather than the total sales values. So, I wanted to use RunningValue expression within lookup table to get total sales for large appliances.
This is the lookup expression that I added for the 2nd column.
sum, " sales_person"),
I get this error when I preview the report.An error occurred during local report processing.The definition of the report is invalid.An unexpected error occurred in report processing.
(processing): (SortExpression ++ m_context.ExpressionType)
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Jan 22, 2008
Hi, Please could someone assist - the above error occurs. This is my code: Protected Sub btnReport_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) ' Response.Redirect("CrystalreportTEST_Print.aspx?C_id=" & ddlCompany.SelectedValue) Dim myConnection As New OleDbConnection(connString) Dim Str As String = "SELECT clientid,company FROM Client WHERE company =" & ddlCompany.SelectedItem.Text Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(Str, myConnection) Dim ds As New DataSet Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd) da.Fill(ds) Label7.Text = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("clientid") ' Response.Redirect("CrystalreportTEST_Print.aspx?C_id=" & ds.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("clientid")) End Sub Thank you in advance
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Jan 31, 2008
I'm getting the error listed above. To create this I used the wizard in VS2005 for the datagrid. The delete works but not the updating. I can't seem to find what's wrong. In the update parameters I've removed eventID and added it, neither works. Delete does work. Here's the code:
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="ds1" DataKeyNames="eventID"><asp:CommandField ButtonType="Button" ShowEditButton="True" ShowDeleteButton="True" /><asp:BoundField DataField="eventID" HeaderText="ID" SortExpression="eventID" ReadOnly="True" /><asp:BoundField DataField="trainer" HeaderText="trainer" SortExpression="trainer" /><asp:BoundField DataField="employeeNumber" HeaderText="Emp#" SortExpression="employeeNumber" /><asp:BoundField DataField="area" HeaderText="Area" SortExpression="area" /><asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Training Date" SortExpression="trainingDate"><EditItemTemplate><asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("trainingDate", "{0:M/dd/yy}") %>'></asp:TextBox></EditItemTemplate><ItemTemplate><asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("trainingDate", "{0:M/dd/yy}") %>'></asp:Label></ItemTemplate></asp:TemplateField><asp:CheckBoxField DataField="additionalTrainerExpected" HeaderText="Addl Trainer Expected" SortExpression="additionalTrainerExpected" ><asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Ext Trainer" SortExpression="extendedTrainer"><EditItemTemplate><asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server" Checked='<%# Bind("extendedTrainer") %>' /></EditItemTemplate><ItemTemplate><asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server" Checked='<%# Bind("extendedTrainer") %>' Enabled="false" /></ItemTemplate><HeaderStyle Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="Small" /><ItemStyle Font-Bold="False" HorizontalAlign="Center" /></asp:TemplateField><asp:TemplateField HeaderText="NonExt Trainer" SortExpression="nonextendedTrainer"><EditItemTemplate><asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox2" runat="server" Checked='<%# Bind("nonextendedTrainer") %>' /></EditItemTemplate><ItemTemplate><asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox2" runat="server" Checked='<%# Bind("nonextendedTrainer") %>' Enabled="false" /></ItemTemplate><HeaderStyle Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="Small" /><ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" /></asp:TemplateField><asp:SqlDataSource ID="ds1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:TrainingClassTrackingConnectionString %>"ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:TrainingClassTrackingConnectionString.ProviderName %>"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE [trainingLog] SET [trainer] = ?, [employeeNumber] = ?, [additionalTrainerExpected] = ?, [extendedTrainer] = ?, [nonextendedTrainer] = ?, [area] = ?, [trainingDate] = ? FROM [trainingLog] WHERE [eventID] = ?">
<UpdateParameters><asp:Parameter Name="eventID" Type="Int32" /><asp:Parameter Name="trainer" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Name="employeeNumber" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Name="additionalTrainerExpected" Type="Boolean" /><asp:Parameter Name="extendedTrainer" Type="Boolean" /><asp:Parameter Name="nonextendedTrainer" Type="Boolean" /><asp:Parameter Name="area" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Name="trainingDate" Type="DateTime" /></UpdateParameters>
<DeleteParameters><asp:Parameter Name="eventID" Type="Int32" /></DeleteParameters>
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Nov 7, 2007
When i try to save my stored procedure.. i am getting the above error and this is my sproc
1 INSERT INTO Statement..ClientSources
2 (
3 ClientId,
4 ClientSourceId,
5 SourceName
6 )
7 Select Distinct
8 @ClientId,
10 (Select CASE s.SOURCE_NUMWhen 1 Then SRC1NAME
25 END
27 PlanDBF p
28 Where
30 ) as SourceName
32 SourceDBF s
33 Where
36 ClientSourceId
37 --SourceName
39 Statement..ClientSources
40 Where
41 ClientId = @ClientId
42 )
I am getting the error in Line number 35 .. the inserts works fine... and if use * instead of the field name or use more than 1 field name i get this error
Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.
Any help will be appreciated.
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