The Publisher Failed To Allocate A New Set Of Identity Ranges For The Subscription
Apr 25, 2006
Hi All,
The following is the report from the SQL Server Mobile Subscription wizzard, Any Ideas?
New Subscription Wizard
- Beginning Synchronization (Success)
- Synchronizing Data (100%) (Error)
A call to SQL Server Reconciler failed. Try to resynchronize.
HRESULT 0x80004005 (29006)
The Publisher failed to allocate a new set of identity ranges for the subscription. This can occur when a Publisher or a republishing Subscriber has run out of identity ranges to allocate to its own Subscribers or when an identity column data type does not support an additional identity range allocation. If a republishing Subscriber has run out of identity ranges, synchronize the republishing Subscriber to obtain more identity ranges before restarting the synchronization. If a Publisher runs out of identit
HRESULT 0x80045647 (0)
Invalid parameter @subid specified for sys.sp_MSmerge_log_idrange_alloc_on_distributor.
HRESULT 0x0000523F (0)
The operation could not be completed.
- Finalizing Synchronization (Stopped)
- Saving Subscription Properties (Stopped)
Initially i thought it might be that some of the articles had primary keys that were of type nvarchar rather then Int thus resulting in no identity range being able to be assigned to those articles.
Test 1: I tried removing all articles that had nvarchar primary keys and left only one table that had an identity Int primary key colum. I then ran the snapshot agent. I then run through the Subscription Wizzard again and the error was the same.
Test 2: Then reading the error message again i tried those tables that didnt use identity columns and the wizzard completed successfully. Any idea what would be wrong with my articles that have identity columns. The article properties for the identity columns use the Identity Range Management defaults.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Jan 17, 2007
First of all, I apologize for my english
I have two publications. Some of the data are the same on the two publications. Both are configured as follow : The identity range management is set to "automatic" and the tracking-level is set to "Column-level tracking". Until there, every things works fine.
But, if i'm deleting one of the publication and if i'm deleting one of the rows that were replicated on the two publications i'm getting the following SQL Exception : "Invalid object name 'dbo.MSmerge_repl_view_1CAD32C4FF904A3CA27518B0C4BFF716_70308DE2261C4EC784C56131902E7D1C'"
If i'm watching the status of the leftover replication through the replication monitor, i get this error message :
"Error messages:
The Publisher failed to allocate a new set of identity ranges for the subscription. This can occur when a Publisher or a republishing Subscriber has run out of identity ranges to allocate to its own Subscribers or when an identity column data type does not support an additional identity range allocation. If a republishing Subscriber has run out of identity ranges, synchronize the republishing Subscriber to obtain more identity ranges before restarting the synchronization. If a Publisher runs out of identit (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL-2147199417)
Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL-2147199417
The publisher's identity range allocation entry could not be found in MSmerge_identity_range table. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 20663)
Get help: http://help/20663"
I checked the given links but they're useless.
So I tried to reinitialize the subscription with the "use a new snapshot" option enabled without any success either. I did only obtain a new error message :
"The publisher's identity range allocation entry could not be found in MSmerge_identity_range table.
Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates that a COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement is missing. Previous count = 1, current count = 2.
Failed to pr"
I didnt have any idea to correct this issue, so I would appreciate any help.
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Apr 11, 2002
There is a push subscription to an immediate-updating transactional publication with a queued failover. The publisher was also the distributor.
The publisher melted down and has been removed from service. The subscriber continues to queue up transactions for the now nonexistent publisher.
How do you remove the push subscription directly from the subscribing machine?
Thanks for your help,
Jim Schweitzer
Anobi Technology
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Aug 9, 2015
in the clustering lab I was setting up transact replication - created the publication ok, but when I setup the subscription, wasn't sure what account it needed to use :/Â tried various formats of Administrator and Password;1 etc - but no dice. what account I need to be using?
btw: im trying to set this up on single server.
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Oct 3, 2006
I have a program running on Pocket PCs that synchronizes with a desktop SQL database using SQL Mobile. My problem is that I can't delete old subscriptions from the publication; now the publication has 25 subscriptions and won't accept any more (limit of SQL Workgroup edition). I can delete non-SQL Mobile subcriptions just fine.
Running sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription provides this information:
subscriber: LVCONTACTSMERGE - 5FA305234F0C
subscriber_db: Program FilesPocketLVContactsLVContacts.sdf
publisher_db: LVContacts
publication: LVContactsMerge
So I set up this bit of code:
USE LVContacts
EXEC sp_dropmergesubscription
@publication = 'LVContactsMerge',
@subscriber = 'LVCONTACTSMERGE - 5FA305234F0C',
@subscriber_db = 'Program FilesPocketLVContactsLVContacts.sdf',
No errors are reported, but the subscription doesn't get deleted.
I've tried shutting down SQL Server Agent (mentioned in another thread); makes no difference.
Any ideas?
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May 30, 2001
Hi All,
Can push and pull subscriptions be configured on the publisher/distributer server?
We have server A running SQL Server 2000 configured as Publisher/Distributor and also a Push subscription (transactional replication) to Server B configured as Subscriber.
The idea was to have Server B as backup server if Server A goes down. Users will continue to update data in server B till server A is up.
Once server A is up, I want to synchronise the up-to-minuit date from Server B to Server A in the form of Transactional replication configured as "Pull Subscription" from Server A.
Is that possible?
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Jun 15, 2007
I keep getting this following error when trying to set-up an updateable subscription on SQL 2005 (latest service packs). Server is set for mixed mode auth.
At the final stage of the new subscription wizard I get:
Unable to set the Publisher login for the updatable subscription. You may have to set this up directly on the Subscriber machine using sp_link_publication. (New Subscription Wizard)
The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection
Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection
Error Number: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 1,Line Number: 1
Can anyone recommend a possible way of debugging this? Is it some issue with RPC security?
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Aug 5, 2015
We got an error "Failed Virtual Allocate Bytes: FAIL_VIRTUAL_RESERVE"
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.5000.00 (Intel X86)
Dec 10 2010 10:56:29
Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation
Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)
We had 24CPU intell cores and 64 gb RAM on server.
Sql service starts with enabled AWE + LPM and "-g512" option.
Why we still use such relic configuration it is not my fault. i'm investigate log and find that memorystatus "Optimization Queue" section has really huge values.
Optimization Queue
Overall Memory = 1321132032Target Memory = 1158799360 Last Notification = GROW Timeout = 6 Early Termination Factor = 5Small Gateway Configured Units = 32 Available Units = 26 Acquires = 6 Waiters = 0 Threshold Factor = 250000 Threshold = 250000Medium Gateway Configured Units = 8 Available Units = 7 Acquires = 1 Waiters = 0 Threshold Factor = 12 Threshold = 16094435Big Gateway Configured Units = 1 Available Units = 1 Acquires = 0 Waiters = 0 Threshold Factor = 8 Threshold = 144849920
What forced bPOOL to allocate pages in MTL? How to determine that queries? Same about SQL OS.As workaround i increase -g startup option to "-g2048", and "max server memory" was decreased to 54Gb.
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Feb 26, 2004
Hi all,
I'm a rather newbie, not only to this forum but also to sql server having a question to the following issue:
Is it possible to drop/remove/delete the "orphan" of a merge subscription on one instance of sql server without having the (former) distributor/publisher (on other instance) available?
The background is: I had a small replication infrastructure with two instances (on two machines), one the publisher and distributor, the other the subscriber. Now it happened that the publisher/distributor machine was completely set up new without having the replication dropped in advance, what remained on the subscriber is now a database with all the merge/replication tables and the guid columns in the user tables.
Moreover this, an entry remained in the subscription saying that a subscription with the former publisher exists...
Can I remove these "orphans" without having to setup the instance again?
Thank you,
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Sep 4, 2007
From the SSMS GUI it is possible to re-initialize one or all subscriptions to a merge publication. This is done at the publisher.
How can I achieve these operations programmatically?
In particular, how do I initialize a single merge subscription from the publisher?
I have looked at the documentation for sp_reinitmergepullsubscription but it says that this proc must be run at the subscriber - which isn't much use when subscribers are disconnected for the majority of the time
I have a large number of merge subscribers and want to reinitialize all except one
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Sep 21, 2005
I'm using Merge replication on a database that was designed using integer identity columns for primary keys. When I create a publisher it's great because Sql Server will create rowguid columns for me on most of the tables; actually all but one table.
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Jun 4, 2015
I have an SSRS report with parameters for Created On Start and Created On End. Users run this manually and choose the date range to display records for.
I would like to set up two different subscriptions
1) to send weekly on Monday morning for "last weeks" records and
2) to send monthly to send "last month's" records.
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May 7, 2015
I have setup Transnational replication with updatable subscription.
There were around 7000 rows update at subscriber from one query which was executed at subscriber side.
But this update has not taken place at publisher yet and so to other subscribers.
Is there any way i can monitor pending log or where is the issue?
I find so many ways to see pending logs or statistics for - "Publisher to Subscriber" but not for "subscriber to publisher"
What is the way to see subscriber to publisher pending and issues?
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Feb 6, 2007
I have the following problem:
- I have a transactional replication between a publisher and a few suscribers,
- The servers are SQL 2003.
- I have Identities columns in some of the tables
- I'm using the Automatic Identity Range Handling
The problems happens when the publisher or one of the suscriber goes down, (it happens relativly often and we can't do anything against it), so when the connection is restablished, the merge agent assign a new identity range to the publisher or
the suscriber(the one that went down).
Everytime a server goes down, it "eats" a idetity range, doesnt matter how many idenities have been used, and i am running out of identity ranges.
I want to keep using the Automatic Identity Range Handling to manage the replication activity because
changing it to manual would be really hard for us.
Im new at this but I see two ways to solution it:
1) avoid that the marge agent assign a new identity range when a server goes down
2) let the merge agent assign a new identity range, and the reestablish the identity to the heigest id value (using CHECKIDENTITY()), but i think i would have to do some extra things to make the publisher to be sincronized with the suscribers (maybe modify a table on the publisher or something)
Could someone please tell me what is the easier way to solution it, if there is another easier way and how to implement it, or the other two?
thanks for your attention
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Feb 6, 2007
I have the following problem:
- I have a transactional replication between a publisher and a few suscribers,
- The servers are SQL 2003.
- I have Identities columns in some of the tables
- I'm using the Automatic Identity Range Handling
The problems happens when the publisher or one of the suscriber goes down, (it happens relativly often and we can't do anything against it), so when the connection is restablished, the merge agent assign a new identity range to the publisher or
the suscriber(the one that went down).
Everytime a server goes down, it "eats" a idetity range, doesnt matter how many idenities have been used, and i am running out of identity ranges.
I want to keep using the Automatic Identity Range Handling to manage the replication activity because
changing it to manual would be really hard for us.
Im new at this but I see two ways to solution it:
1) avoid that the marge agent assign a new identity range when a server goes down
2) let the merge agent assign a new identity range, and the reestablish the identity to the heigest id value (using CHECKIDENTITY()), but i think i would have to do some extra things to make the publisher to be sincronized with the suscribers (maybe modify a table on the publisher or something)
Could someone please tell me what is the easier way to solution it, if there is another easier way and how to implement it, or the other two?
thanks for your attention
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Feb 6, 2007
I have the following problem:
- I have a transactional replication between a publisher and a few suscribers,
- The servers are SQL 2003.
- I have Identities columns in some of the tables
- I'm using the Automatic Identity Range Handling
The problems happens when the publisher or one of the suscriber goes down, (it happens relativly often and we can't do anything against it), so when the connection is restablished, the merge agent assign a new identity range to the publisher or
the suscriber(the one that went down).
Everytime a server goes down, it "eats" a idetity range, doesnt matter how many idenities have been used, and i am running out of identity ranges.
I want to keep using the Automatic Identity Range Handling to manage the replication activity because
changing it to manual would be really hard for us.
Im new at this but I see two ways to solution it:
1) avoid that the marge agent assign a new identity range when a server goes down
2) let the merge agent assign a new identity range, and the reestablish the identity to the heigest id value (using CHECKIDENTITY()), but i think i would have to do some extra things to make the publisher to be sincronized with the suscribers (maybe modify a table on the publisher or something)
Could someone please tell me what is the easier way to solution it, if there is another easier way and how to implement it, or the other two?
thanks for your attention
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Apr 5, 2008
I have a database table with a simple identity column. As a starting point... when I run the following queries... this is what I get:
SELECT Max(AliasID) FROM Account_Managers
DBCC CHECKIDENT ('Account_Managers')
Checking identity information: current identity value '1300006', current column value '1300006'.
Now... I set up merge replication, with the plan of allowing SQL Server to manage my identity ranges for me. I set up my ranges to be 100000 on the publication, 100000 on the subscriber, with a threshold of 80.
I would EXPECT to see the constraint
([AliasID]>(1300006) AND [AliasID]<=(1400006)) on the publisher and
([AliasID]>(1400006) AND [AliasID]<=(1500006)) on the subscriber.
However... what I do get is:
([AliasID]>(1300006) AND [AliasID]<=(1400006) OR [AliasID]>(1400006) AND [AliasID]<=(1500006)) on the publisher and
([AliasID]>(1500006) AND [AliasID]<=(1600006) OR [AliasID]>(1600006) AND [AliasID]<=(1700006))
Can anyone tell me why I get the OR... which essentially makes my identity ranges twice as large as they should be?
Thanks in advance.
- Alan D. Nelson
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May 30, 2008
Hi all,
I have a SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition database that synchronizes with a SQL Server 2005 Standard database via merge replication.
The problem I have is when I cancel a synchronization, the database is left in such a state that I cannot add any new records. I dug around a bit and have found that in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS view, AUTOINC_MAX has been incorrectly set to the same value as AUTOINC_MIN for the primary keys, which explains the 'out of range' error I get in my program when running off such a database.
In contrast, a non-corrupted database has AUTOINC_MAX set to AUTOINC_MIN + 999, presumably because of my subscriber identity range of 1000.
If this is the only thing that has gone wrong, all I need to do is programmatically set the AUTOINC_MAX values to AUTOINC_MIN + 999, however I can't find out where to do this (and INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS is a view so it can't be updated obviously.)
I have also heard that 'compacting' the database may help, but I don't know how to do this either!
Any help would be immensely appreciated!
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Jul 21, 2006
I re-created a publication that was having problems and it gives this error when I start the snapshot agent from SQL Server Management Studio: I am stuck on how to resolve - any ideas?
"The publisher's identity range allocation entry could not be found in MSmerge_identity_range table. Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates that a commit or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement is missing. Previous Count = 1, current count = 2."
select * from MSmerge_identity_range returns 19 entries but I don't know how to fix.
I have tried deleting and re-creating but always get this error.
My other publications and subscriptions are working fine and I was able to create a new test publication that worked but can not get this one to work that worked fine up until today.
Any ideas?
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Dec 26, 2007
I have several email data driven subscriptions setup. They have been working fine for the past couple of weeks. We have recently gone through some layoffs. Now the subscriptions are starting to fail.
I am assuming the smtp server is not allowing invalid email address to go. But if I have one invalid email address why would the entire job fail? How can SSRS see if each email address is valid at the time of processing?
Is there a setting to allow invalid email address to not fail the job? They only solution that I could think of is to create distribution email groups. This would be rendered on the smtp server and not in Reporting Service Service.
Does anyone have any good solutions they would like to share?
Log file:
at ReportingServicesCDOInterop.MessageClass.Send()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.EmailDeliveryProvider.EmailProvider.Deliver(Notification notification)
ReportingServicesService!library!10!12/26/2007-10:43:15:: Data Driven Notification for activation id ac381bd5-7a04-4e8e-b5cf-510a3833c4f0 was saved.
ReportingServicesService!library!10!12/26/2007-10:43:15:: Status: The e-mail address of one or more recipients is not valid.
ReportingServicesService!notification!10!12/26/2007-10:43:15:: Notification 65af159a-b2c6-4667-905b-b2342898a28f completed. Success: False, Status: The e-mail address of one or more recipients is not valid., DeliveryExtension: Report Server Email, Report: Tech Lead Program - District Summary, Attempt 0
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!10!12/26/2007-10:43:15:: i INFO: NotificationPolling finished processing item 65af159a-b2c6-4667-905b-b2342898a28f
ReportingServicesService!library!4!12/26/2007-10:43:16:: i INFO: Call to RenderFirst( '/Marketing/TTL/Tech Lead/Tech Lead Program - YTD Technician Summary' )
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!c!12/26/2007-10:43:18:: i INFO: NotificationPolling processing 1 more items. 2 Total items in internal queue.
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!11!12/26/2007-10:43:18:: i INFO: NotificationPolling processing item a6731001-092e-4a48-841e-bd22640956d7
ReportingServicesService!processing!12!12/26/2007-10:43:18:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: There is no data for the field at position 1., ;
Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: There is no data for the field at position 1.
ReportingServicesService!library!11!12/26/2007-10:43:19:: i INFO: Call to RenderFirst( '/Marketing/TTL/Tech Lead/Tech Lead Program - Customer Detail Report' )
ReportingServicesService!library!11!12/26/2007-10:43:22:: i INFO: Initializing EnableExecutionLogging to 'True' as specified in Server system properties.
ReportingServicesService!emailextension!11!12/26/2007-10:43:22:: Error sending mail, CDO error -2147220977, will not resend
ReportingServicesService!emailextension!11!12/26/2007-10:43:22:: Error sending email. System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8004020F): The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server response was: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for
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Apr 20, 2015
I have a single data driven subscription that is a batch of 250 subscriptions running on SQL Server 2008 R2. All the parameter values for the report are sourced from a database table. During the execution of the data driven subscription 5 of those subscriptions failed due to timeout error.
Final Status as shown on Subscription screen "Done: 250 processed of 250 total; 5 errors."
The SSRS log file has the subscription GUID which is a single record in the reporting server database tables. How can i identify the individual failed subscriptions? Is there an easy way or a work around that i should implement to identify the failed subscriptions?
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Nov 9, 2006
I have a wired situation..!I set up transactional replication on one of my development server (SQL2000 Dev Edition with sp4).It is running fine without any issues and all of a sudden, i noticed inmy repication monitor tab under Publisher where I usually see thepublication is empty now.I do see the snapshot agent, log reader and distribution agent under myagents inside the replication Monitor. But its usefull to see all 3agents in one window under publisher before. What happend? Is there anyway to get that inside that monitor? Has someone encountered thissitation before? Please advise....After that I tried to create a new set of replication on differentdatabase on the same server and i dont see those either underReplication Monitor - Publishers....All it says is (No Items)....I would appreciate any help to correct this issue... Thanks in advance..
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Aug 6, 1999
I've got a table with 65'000 records and when I do a SELECT * FROM tablename ORDER BY Name I receive this error message:
Msg 1105, Level 17, State 1
Can't allocate space for object '-513' in database 'tempdb' because the 'system' segment is full.
If you ran out of space in Syslogs, dump the transaction log.
Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE or sp_extendsegment to increase the size of the segment.
Msg 1510, Level 17, State 2
Sort failed: Out of space or locks in database 'tempdb'
So I've dumped the transaction with no_log and also I've extended the segement from the master database (because tempdb is in it bydefault):
sp_extendsegment system, master
But I've still got the error message. Is there anybody who can advice me?
Thank you
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Oct 25, 2004
Why we allocate .mdf and .ldf on seperate drives?
Please tell me a proper logical reason behind it.
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Oct 25, 2005
I’m hoping someone can help me create a ‘lottery’ for records in a table.
I have a table called tblPoints with a number of fields including Application_ID, Total_Points and Place_No. The following is a sample of the data
Application_ID Total_PointsPlace_No
87 105
68 95
49 75
96 75
155 75
156 70
144 70
146 70
At the moment there is no data in the Place_No field.
I want to assign a Place_No to all records based on the number of Points (Total_Points). The highest Points value should have a place Number of 1 and so on.
However, where a number of applications have the same points I want to randomly allocate a place number for them. Application_ID 49, 96 and 155 all have 75 points so each of the 3 applications should be randomly allocated one of the following place numbers, 3, 4 and 5. I can not allocate them based on their order in the table as it has to be seen as a ‘lottery’ and each time it is run they would expect to get a different result.
The same thing then has to happen with the last 3 records in this sample allocating place numbers 6, 7 and 8
I was hoping to create a stored procedure to do this, but I’ve no idea where to begin. I would appreciate any help you could give. Thank you.
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Jan 9, 2006
Sorry for placing it in SQL Server Forum.But I couldn't find a appropiate forum for my question.Can anybody help me?
My question is -
How to allocate expended memory in windows XP?
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Jul 20, 2005
I am getting a "Could not allocate space for object 'temp_trc' in database'Test' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full"The database test has unrestricted growth (All the defaults). It resides ondrive c which has 4Gigs free. I added new data and log files on drive dwhich is about 30G free. I know that my insert doesn't take even 1G diskspace.Why is the database complaining about a full filegroup when I just expandedit?J.
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Feb 11, 2008
It seems to me that if a scheduled SSRS report subscription fails ( Status Message - An error has occurred during report processing) , that I actually need to delete the subscription and reconfigure it from scratch. The scheduled job doesn't try to run again automatically (say the next Monday on a weekly Monday schedule).
Is there a way to "reset" a failed subscription without have to recreate the entire subscription?
Thank you
Devon Kyle
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Sep 26, 2007
Existing subscription already contains table included in the new subscription.
What are the possible causes of this merge replication error?
Could it be caused by a SQL Server Compact Edition User trying to sync their .sdf file after their subscription has already expired on the SQL Server?
Would you expect to see a different message if a SQL Server Compact Edition user tried to sync a subscriber database (.sdf file) with merge replication if it's been longer than the subscription retention period since their last sync?
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May 1, 2007
I need help. The security principal is the correct DomainUser, but the error message says I am not authenticated.
So here is my error Message:
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'. Me.User.Identity.Name=CompanyDomainRyan; System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent=CompanyDomainRyan; HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name=CompanyRyan
Generated by:
Dim secPrinc As System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent
Me.lblError.Text = ex.Message & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Me.User.Identity.Name=" & Me.User.Identity.Name & "; System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent=" & secPrinc.Name & "; HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name=" & HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name
Here is the Connection String:
Private ConnString As String = "Server=;Database=DNS;Trusted_Connection=True"
IIS has 4 websites hosted on it. The parent level allows anonymous with windows auth off, but the website level has anonymous off with widnows auth and digest.
In IIS, is there a problem with having the parent level anonymous and website level windows auth?
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Aug 16, 2000
Could anyone please help me in fixing this error asap...
Server: Msg 1105, Level 17, State 2, Line 1
Could not allocate space for object '(SYSTEM table id: -334560816)' in database 'TEMPDB' because the 'DEFAULT' filegroup is full.
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Dec 8, 2005
Any help would be appreciated.
This message is received on the client. Client pc has Intel 2Ghz or better processor, 512MB Ram, sufficient hard drive space, connecting to MS SQLServer 2000 thru TCP/IP.
Database server is running Windows 2000 Advanced Server w/ SP3 and MS SQLServer 2000 Enterprise Edition w/ SP3, with 4 way 700Mhz PIII Xeon processors and 4GB Ram (I'm not certain about network connectivity, but it's at least 100MB Ethernet). The database is approximately 87GB, with an average of 250 to 300 connections.
The application is vendor supplied, written in Visual Basic 3.0. Therefore I am using 16 bit SQL drivers, the latest I am aware of, dated 6/15/1997.
This database was previously running on SQLServer 7, and this error did not occur. It started after the upgrade to SQLServer 2000. We discovered this error in testing the upgrade and found that by decreasing the "Network Packet Size" setting on SQLServer w/ sp_configure, we were able to make the message go away. However now that we are in a production environment, the message seems to be coming back randomly. We have the NPS set to 1024 (default is 4096). I'm worried about performance if it is dropped much farther.
Any ideas? Thanks again for any help!
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May 9, 2004
"Could not allocate new page for database 'TEMPDB'. There are no more pages available in filegroup DEFAULT. Space can be created by dropping objects, adding additional files, or allowing file growth."
I get this error when running a query on another database. But why?
Both data and transaction files on TEMPDB are set to "automatically grow file" and "unrestricted file growth" and there is 70GB of free space on the disk drive. Shouldn't the files just grow? Why would this happen?
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