I have created a stored procedure in SQL Server. I found it very slow, so i putted "select getDate(), 'testposition 1'" at different places, so I could see what part of the code that takes time.
The problem is: Depending on where I put the select statements, the execution of the stored procedure seems to just stop. And depending on where i put the select statements, it stops at different places.
This is how I do (example):
1. I re-create the stored procedure with some "select getDate()"-statements
2. I run the stored procedure 15:00:00
3. I cancel the stored procedure after 20 seconds and look at the resultsets. All getDate-functions show a time between 15:00:00 and 15:00:02
4. I run the stored procedure 15:01:00
5. I cancel the stored procedure after 5 seconds and look at the resultsets. The same amount of resultsets are showed, so I can make the conclusion that the execution stopped at the same place as last time. All getDate-functions show a time between 15:01:00 and 15:01:02 this time too.
6. I re-create the stored procedure with some new "select getDate()"-statements
7. Now the execution stops at an other position. Somtimes even between two "select getDate()"-statements!
I pasted the whole stored procedure here:
drop PROCEDURE spUpdateASW
create PROCEDURE spUpdateASW
DECLARE @DataBatchID int
DECLARE @DataHeaderID int
DECLARE @ASWTableName varchar(25)
DECLARE @ASWFieldName varchar(25)
DECLARE @AllowASWUpdate tinyint
DECLARE @IsPrimaryKey tinyint
DECLARE @DataTypeIsNumeric tinyint
DECLARE @Data varchar(100)
DECLARE @SQL_Where as varchar(400)
DECLARE @SQL_Insert as varchar(1000)
DECLARE @SQL_InsertValues as varchar(400)
DECLARE @SQL_Update as varchar(1000)
DECLARE @updateCounter int
DECLARE @whereCounter int
DECLARE @SQL_CheckIfAlreadyExist as varchar(1000)
DECLARE @ErrorMessage varchar(500)
DECLARE @RuleWhen as varchar(50)
DECLARE @RuleWhenToExec as varchar(500)
DECLARE @tempStr as varchar(700)
DECLARE @server varchar(50)
DECLARE @shortServer varchar(50)
SET @server = 'GIBSON_A3MFGF_T1.S44E5797.A3MFGFT1'
SET @shortServer = 'GIBSON_A3MFGF_T1'
DECLARE @SQL varchar(5000)
select getdate(), 'testposition 1'
CREATE Table #tmptblUpdateASW(
ASWRowAlreadyExists int,
RuleWhenIsValid int
INSERT INTO #tmptblUpdateASW(ASWRowAlreadyExists, RuleWhenIsValid) Values(-1, -1)
SELECT DataBatchID from tblDataBatch
where DateConverted is not null and ASWUpdateStarted = 0
and DataBatchID not IN(
select fkDataBatchID from tblDataHeader where DataHeaderID IN(
select fkDataHeaderID from tblASWData where ConversionErrorMessage is not null
OPEN Batch_Cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM Batch_Cursor INTO @DataBatchID
Update tblDataBatch set ASWUpdateStarted = 1 where DataBatchID = @DataBatchID
from tblDataHeader
inner join tblAgileFieldType on tblDataHeader.fkAgileFieldTypeID = tblAgileFieldType.AgileFieldTypeID
where fkDataBatchID = @DataBatchID and isSentToASW = 0 order by tblAgileFieldType.InsertOrder
OPEN Header_Cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM Header_Cursor INTO @DataHeaderID
SELECT ASWTableID, ASWTableName, RuleWhen
from tblASWTable
inner join tblASWField on tblASWTable.ASWTableID = tblASWField.fkASWTableID
inner join tblASWData on tblASWField.ASWFieldID = tblASWData.fkASWFieldID
where fkDataHeaderID = @DataHeaderID
group by ASWTableID, ASWTableName, RuleWhen, InsertOrder
order by InsertOrder
OPEN ASWTable_Cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM ASWTable_Cursor INTO @ASWTableID, @ASWTableName, @RuleWhen
exec spBuildRuleString @DataHeaderID, @RuleWhen, @RuleWhenToExec output, 0
SET @tempStr = 'IF ' + @RuleWhenToExec + ' UPDATE #tmptblUpdateASW SET RuleWhenIsValid=1 ELSE UPDATE #tmptblUpdateASW SET RuleWhenIsValid=0'
EXEC (@tempStr)
IF (SELECT RuleWhenIsValid FROM #tmptblUpdateASW) = 1
set @ErrorMessage = null
exec spASWDataCheck_hardCoded @DataHeaderID, @ErrorMessage output
SET @SQL_Insert = 'INSERT INTO ' + @server + '.' + @ASWTableName + '('
SET @SQL_InsertValues = 'VALUES('
SET @SQL_Update = 'UPDATE ' + @server + '.' + @ASWTableName + ' set '
SET @updateCounter = 0
SET @SQL_Where = ' WHERE '
SET @whereCounter = 0
SELECT ASWFieldName, AllowASWUpdate, IsPrimaryKey, DataTypeIsNumeric, Data
from tblASWField
inner join tblASWData on tblASWField.ASWFieldID = tblASWData.fkASWFieldID
where fkASWTableID = @ASWTableID and fkDataHeaderID = @DataHeaderID
OPEN ASWField_Cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM ASWField_Cursor INTO @ASWFieldName, @AllowASWUpdate, @IsPrimaryKey, @DataTypeIsNumeric, @Data
select getdate(), 'testposition 2'
select getdate(), @ASWFieldName, 'testposition 3'
set @Data = replace(@Data, char(39), char(39) + char(39))
if @DataTypeIsNumeric = 0
set @Data = char(39) + @Data + char(39)
set @SQL_Insert = @SQL_Insert + @ASWFieldName + ', '
set @SQL_InsertValues = @SQL_InsertValues + @Data + ', '
IF @AllowASWUpdate = 1
set @SQL_Update = @SQL_Update + @ASWFieldName + ' = ' + @Data + ', '
set @updateCounter = @updateCounter + 1
IF @IsPrimaryKey = 1
set @SQL_Where = @SQL_Where + @ASWFieldName + ' = ' + @Data + ' and '
SET @whereCounter = @whereCounter + 1
FETCH NEXT FROM ASWField_Cursor INTO @ASWFieldName, @AllowASWUpdate, @IsPrimaryKey, @DataTypeIsNumeric, @Data
select getdate(), 'testposition 4'
CLOSE ASWField_Cursor
IF @whereCounter = 0
insert into tblASWUpdateLog(LogTime, fkDataHeaderID, fkASWTableID, ASWAction, ErrorMessage)
values(getDate(), @DataHeaderID, @ASWTableID, '(allvarligt fel. Inget skickades till ASW)', 'Fel! Inga primary keys var valda för denna tabellen!')
ELSE IF (select ASWRowAlreadyExists from #tmptblUpdateASW) > 1
insert into tblASWUpdateLog(LogTime, fkDataHeaderID, fkASWTableID, ASWAction, ErrorMessage)
values(getDate(), @DataHeaderID, @ASWTableID, '(allvarligt fel. Inget skickades till ASW)', 'Fel! Kombinationen av primary keys genererade följande where-sats: ' + @SQL_Where)
ELSE IF (select ASWRowAlreadyExists from #tmptblUpdateASW) = 1 and @updateCounter > 0
insert into tblASWUpdateLog(LogTime, fkDataHeaderID, fkASWTableID, ASWAction, ErrorMessage)
values(getDate(), @DataHeaderID, @ASWTableID, @SQL_Update, @ErrorMessage)
update tblDataHeader set isSentToASW = 1 where DataHeaderID = @DataHeaderID
ELSE IF (select ASWRowAlreadyExists from #tmptblUpdateASW) = 0
insert into tblASWUpdateLog(LogTime, fkDataHeaderID, fkASWTableID, ASWAction, ErrorMessage)
values(getDate(), @DataHeaderID, @ASWTableID, @SQL_Insert, @ErrorMessage)
update tblDataHeader set isSentToASW = 1 where DataHeaderID = @DataHeaderID
FETCH NEXT FROM ASWTable_Cursor INTO @ASWTableID, @ASWTableName, @RuleWhen
CLOSE ASWTable_Cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM Header_Cursor INTO @DataHeaderID
CLOSE Header_Cursor
DEALLOCATE Header_Cursor
UPDATE tblDataBatch set DateToASW = getDate() where DataBatchID = @DataBatchID
FETCH NEXT FROM Batch_Cursor INTO @DataBatchID
CLOSE Batch_Cursor
Hi. I have a query that returns several averages and percentages. Is there some way to set up the query so the results only go to 2 decimal places? Here is a sample of the query I am using: Code:
$query = "SELECT COUNT(deal_id), SUM(vs), SUM(vs)/COUNT(deal_id)*100, AVG(fin) FROM sales GROUP BY salesperson";
It works great,except the results are several decimal places long, and I need it to be only 2.
Hey - I have a quick question and know that it is probably pretty simple, but I am stumped. I have a query where I need to make a colum a number that looks like a percent with 2 significant digits:
i.e., SELECT tblNumericCovert.number1, tblNumericCovert.number2, [number1]/[number2] AS testDiv FROM tblNumericCovert
where testDiv needs to spit out results like this ###.##
I am totally lost, if anyone can help, I would appreciate it.
We built a Cache component that take advantage of the SQL Server 2005 query notification mechanism, all went well , we tested the component in a console application , and notifications kept coming for as long time as the console application ran.
When we initiate our Cache Component in our web service global.asx application start event , the query notification works for a few minutes , but if we came after 10 minutes or so , we stoped getting notifications from sql, the SQL Server queue is empty , and all is showing that there is nothing wrong on the DB side...
Our Cache component is a Singleton class , that perform all registrations ,catch the notification events and resubscribe for notifications.
What can be the problem? is our Cache component object are being collected by GC?
Does IIS disposes the SQL Connection that the Query notification uses?
I am having a recurring issue that involves a stored proc using OPENROWSET to query an excel file. I used the surface area config to enable this on the server, and made sure that is still set. After an undetermined amount of time, the OPENROWSET query starts failing with this message:
OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "(null)" returned message "Unspecified error". Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "(null)".
I corrected this previously by restarting the SQL server, but not before I checked permissions, the excel file itself, etc, and that was the last thing to try.
I am using SQL 2005 with SP1 installed - my primary approach to tackling this issue is to install the SP2, but I did not find this bug referenced in the fixes, and was wondering if anyone else had further insight.
Hi, I am trying to get my string to 2 decimal places... Here is the code:string sumSQL = "SELECT CONVERT (float,sum(callTime)/count(callTime)) as CAVG FROM leads where agent = '" + agent + "' and " + dates.Text; SqlCommand sumCMD = new SqlCommand(sumSQL, conn2); object null1 = sumCMD.ExecuteScalar();if (null1 != null) {string avgS = sumCMD.ExecuteScalar().ToString();Response.Write(avgS + "<br>" + "</td></tr><tr>"); }
The underlying table for my fact contains a Sale field whose data type is decimal.
In the cube editor, I have tried a few options (both for Data Type and Display format) but in my front end I am still getting the results with 2 decimal places.
Can someone kindly help me how I can get the results in a rounded form so that the decimal places are not shown e.g. instead of seeing 12,345,678.98 I want the results rounded as 12,345,679.
If (and i really hope not) it boils down to using MDX in the front end then can u kindly guide me since I can only spell MDX at the moment :(
I have many columns of data. They are all using the money datatype. When Ienter a value into a column such as 32.00, it only shows up as 32. Whenoutputted to an ASP page using a query it also only displays 32. If thedata is 32.33, then the display is 32.33. How do I get it to display 32.00?Thanks!DarrenMCP
I'm new to this SQL thing, and I inherited a DB that has a job that runs every two hours 24/7. Normally the process takes about 5 minutes to complete, but on occasion it just doesn't finish. In those cases, it cannot run at the next two hour cycle. If this happens on a Friday evening, it doesn't get noticed until Monday morning. That is a Bad Thing (tm).
Someone told me to create a second job that would run 45 minutes behind the first and automatically stop the first job if it hadn't terminated on it's own. My problem is I cannot find anywhere how to do this. I have found how to start other jobs, but not stop them.
I created some test data in two tables. Then I went to one of the tables and right clicked then Selected Script Table asSelect ToNew Query Editor Window. I then cleared the generated data and selectedDesign Query in Editor. I then picked both tables in the 'Add Table' window and picked 'Add'. This produced two windows and I made the links I needed and clicked OK. This generated the SQL I wanted and it works great! But when I close the SQL Express and then re-open it the SQL does not work! I open SQL Express and selectFileOpenFile and pick the SQL I had just saved. Then I pick Execute I get the following message.
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'dbo.FileData'
How can I save SQL that works and then not be able to use it?
Hello, I have a datatable with a column of decimal numbers 0 - 1. I want to move the decimal 2 places to the right to make the column a percent column. I don't know how to do that. Thanks Steve
I am new to SQL 7, and am having trouble with the money and smallmoney data-types. When I pull data from these columns, it has four decimal places, and I need only two (four is screwing the perl code up). What do I do now?
I use Visual Basic 6.0, I have notice that sometimes when I add a new record into a table using ADO Recordset, SQL Server places the new record wherever it wants, and I suppose that any new record added to a table is placed at the end.
This situation cause me a lot of problems on the normal perfomance of my aplication.
I tried to include the ORDER BY sentence on the SELECT of my Recordset, but a ADO Recordset with ORDER BY is not dynamic.
The underlying table for my fact contains a Sale field whose data type is decimal.
In the cube editor, I have tried a few options (both for Data Type and Display format) but in my front-end I am still getting the results with 2 decimal places.
Can someone kindly help me how I can get the results in a rounded form so that the decimal places are not shown e.g. instead of seeing 12,345,678.98 I want the results rounded as 12,345,679.
If (and i really hope not) it boils down to using MDX in the front end then can u kindly guide me since I can only spell MDX at the moment :(
I am trying work out if certain columns in a database table have the "correct" data in them and work out the "percentage completeness" of the data...
So, I have been allocating a 1 if the data is complete and a 0 if it's not. Then adding up the results and dividing them by the number of results and multiplying them by 100 to get a percentage.
BUT - the answer always comes back as a whole number and I cannot work our why!
This is my sql:
SELECT Clients.ClientNumber_Legacy, CASE WHEN Client_Details_Enhanced.ClientType_Code = 'NK' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, CASE WHEN Client_Details_Enhanced.Title_Code = 'NK' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, (CASE WHEN Client_Details_Enhanced.ClientType_Code = 'NK' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) + (CASE WHEN Client_Details_Enhanced.Title_Code = 'NK' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) as total,
There's been several good posts on using the node description of a model as the end user description for a specific cluster. My model uses a number of continuous input columns defined as currency from a fact table in the source cube. After processing, the node description has elements that look like this:
-0.5799759795 <=Interest Expense <=0.8397462488 ,
Since the source data is currency, this makes the node description look a little strange. The data type in the model is set as double. The precision implied by the description is not what I want the model to consider. In the case above, the difference between the numbers listed is not significant.
It would be great to have a better node desciption that doesn't imply so much precision, but the bigger question is why does the cluster model turn currency types into doubles. Should I set the data type to long in the model so that cents are ignored? I know I should probably use discrete inputs, but I don't want to have to discretize the currency values in the cube since this would require me to set up fact dimensions for each currency column in the fact table.
Hello, is there a way to convert the value to just 2 decimal places, I created the report in Reporting Services and it has quite a few digits to each value. I looked at the table and found that the data type is {Float}. Is there a way to convert the values to just 2 decimal places?..Thank You.
Hi, i need to display my data in 2 decimal places but now i'm getting results after some calculation (for eg. 2.336224). How can i round it off to 2.34?
I have had my site running for several months now. My pages retrieve data from the SQL Server on the same machine. Today my users are are getting the message "SQL Server does not exist or access denied"
I have made sure that the credentials are correct. I can use those credentials to create a DSN on the server. So I don't know where to look for the problem. Help please!
Hi there!!! We got problem on sql server 2k, Sql server stops unknowingly, and all user database has marked as Suspect/Offline, and later on, after sql server stops, all user database has been detached. what is going on????
Dear Group,I am tring to use a command that calls the server to fill an adapter, itnever seems to get to the adapter, command and the server either times outor does not respond. The timeout is set at 10 hours. I am using VisualStudio to acces MS SQL - Server.I think I have all the rights and permissions set correctly. Also, I haveused this command to fill other adapters and tables.Does anyone have a suggestion.Jeff Magouirk
I have a very weird issue in my latest package. I run it and it just randomly stops. When I watch it in debug mode or not in debugging a command prompt window will flash for an instant (too fast to read) and then the package will stop. It stops inside of a for each loop and the "on completion" is never fired for the loop. I never receive any errors - its just like someone hit the stop button. Sometimes it will process hundreds of files before stopping, other times only a few. (And its not stopping on the same file each time.. it doesn't appear to be related to the file at all)
Any ideas what could be going on? How to troubleshoot?
Have a task that has 120 tables (components) that I am running in debug mode. Just over half of the components run which takes btrieve db and converts into a sybase db. When it stops running there are a few components that are yellow, the components which completed are green and the rest are still white because they have ran yet. The problem is there is not a message to indicate as to why it stopped. I've broken up the task into two tasks and also tried making two projects. The same situation happens at the same point. Our dbas have checked the database to ensure that's fine and it is. Is there some sort of limitation in how many components can be run in debug mode?
Dim subtot As Double Dim tax As Double Dim tot As Double subtot = "0.00" Dim sql As String sql = "SELECT items.qty, products.descrip, products.price FROM items INNER JOIN products ON items.productid = products.id WHERE (items.orderid = " & Request.QueryString("oid") & ")"Dim objConn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|AllStar.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True") Dim cmdCustomers As New SqlCommand(sql, objConn)Dim dataReader As SqlDataReader objConn.Open() dataReader = cmdCustomers.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)While dataReader.Read subtot = subtot + (dataReader.GetValue(0) * dataReader.GetValue(2)) End While tax = (subtot * 0.07) tot = (subtot + tax) Label1.Text = subtot Label2.Text = tax Label3.Text = tot ---------------------------------------- How to a convert the variable tax to just two decimals? I tried label2.text = CType(tax, Double) but that didn't work either Thanks in advance