I was running a server with TempDB in RAM (please don't comment on why that's not a good idea). Well, everything was fine until one of our administrator install teh backup exec agent and restarted the server. Since then the server won't start giving an error the Tempdb coulld not be moved into ram. Well, I started the server using the -f parameter and reset the Tempdb in RAM setting to zero. Howeever, it still won't start and gives the same error about not being able to move Tempdb into RAM. Is my only option to rebuild the master database? This is just a backup server but I'd like to avoid the hassle of rebuilding master and reinitializing the databases.
Hey guys... i cant figure this out for the life of me. I have a long T-sql query, and when i enter the string "Rental" into the Listingtype, it says invalid column name "Rental" ... im not looking for the value to be a column, im looking for it to match the value in the ListingType column... here's the query:
IF @Studio IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND r.StudioFlag = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @Studio) IF @Br1 IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND r.BRFlag1 = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @Br1) IF @Br2 IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND r.BRFlag2 = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @Br2) IF @Br3 IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND r.BRFlag3 = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @Br3) IF @Br4 IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND r.BRFlag4 = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @Br4) IF @OverBr4 IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND r.OverBRFlag4 = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @OverBr4) IF @Condo IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND r.CondoFlag = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @Condo) IF @ListingType IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND r.ListingType = ' + CONVERT(char, @ListingType) IF @WindowAir IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.WindowAir = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @WindowAir) IF @CentralAC IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.CentralAir = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @CentralAC) IF @BalconyDeckPatio IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.BalconyDeckPatio = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @BalconyDeckPatio) IF @UseOfYard IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.UseOfYard = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @UseOfYard) IF @Dishwasher IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.Dishwasher = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @Dishwasher) IF @WasherDryer IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.WasherDryer = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @WasherDryer) IF @Fireplace IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.Fireplace = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @Fireplace) IF @EIK IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.EIK = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @EIK) IF @HardwoodFloors IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.HardwoodFloors = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @HardwoodFloors) IF @BroadBandNet IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.BroadbandNet = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @BroadbandNet) IF @TV IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.TV = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @TV) IF @Thermostat IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.Thermostat = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @Thermostat) IF @LandlordNotPresent IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.LandLordNotPresent = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @LandLordNotPresent) IF @Smoking IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.Smoking = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @Smoking) IF @NoPetsAllowed IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.NoPetsAllowed = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @NoPetsAllowed) IF @Cat IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.Cat = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @Cat) IF @MoreCats IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.MoreCats = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @MoreCats) IF @SmallDog IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.SmallDog = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @SmallDog) IF @LargeDogs IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.LargeDogs = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @LargeDogs) IF @Doorperson IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.Doorperson = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @Doorperson) IF @IngroundPool IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.IngroundPool = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @IngroundPool) IF @AboveGroundPool IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.AboveGroundPool = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @AboveGroundPool) IF @Elevator IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.Elevator = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @Elevator) IF @UseOfGarage IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.UseOfGarage = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @UseOfGarage) IF @LaundryFacilities IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.LaundryFacilities = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @LaundryFacilities) IF @HealthCenter IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.Health Center = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @HealthCenter) IF @StorageAreas IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.StorageAreas = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @StorageAreas) IF @WheelchairAccess IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.WheelchairAccess = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @WheelchairAccess) IF @BusinessCenters IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.BusinessCenters = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @BusinessCenters) IF @RentChargeMin IS NOT NULL AND @RentChargeMAX IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.RentCharge BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @RentChargeMin) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @RentChargeMax) IF @RentChargeMin IS NOT NULL AND @RentChargeMAX IS NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.RentCharge >= ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @RentChargeMin) IF @RentChargeMAX IS NULL AND @RentChargeMAX IS NOT NULL SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND a.RentCharge <= ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @RentChargeMax)
Hi. I am trying to setup php4 to talk to MSSQL 7, but am having no luck. Both are on a Win2k server. I get the error below. Please can someone tell me what to do, or even a step by step guide to setting up php to connect to a MSSQL7 database. I originally created the database in access 2000 and now want to use MSSQL to use it. This is the error i get:
Warning: MS SQL message: Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'customers'. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly. (severity 16) in C:Websiteewsiteestdb.php on line 13
Warning: MS SQL: Unable to select database: customers in C:Websiteewsiteestdb.php on line 13 Database unavailable
I'm trying to work out how to extract the information that I need from a set of database tables and can't think of a way of doing it with SQL.
The database forms the basis for a diary/calendar system for part-time employees and has two tables:
- One is called 'Availability' and holds info on each available hour slot in the calendar. The table just has fields 'time' and 'date', where the time is an integer representing an hour and date is datetime. The calendar runs from 07.00 to 23.00 each day, so there could be 16 rows in 'Availability' for one day. If any part of a day is unavailable (i.e. the employee doesn't work then) there will be no corresponding rows in the table.
- The second table is 'Appointments', which holds details of appointments that the employee is booked for. The main fields are 'date', 'time' and 'duration' (integer for minutes). All appointments will cover a time span that is also covered by an available period, but they are not actually linked in any way.
I need an SQL query that will return all available time slots that start at least 60 minutes after any appointments have FINISHED and at least 120 minutes before any appointment STARTS.
Since there is no link between the 'Appointments' table and the 'Availability' table, I can't think of any way of doing this.
Hi,I would like to convert real data type to datetime type. Example:I have a real data type which is: 23,613456 (23 hours and 0,613456). Iwould like to have it in hh:mm:ss format. How to do this? Can I useconvert/cas function?Thanks for helpRgdsMario
Timings... sometimes there are almost too many ways to do the same thing.The only significant findings I see from all the below timings is:1) Integer math is generally fastest, naturally. Bigint math isn't muchslower, for integers that all fit within an integer.2) Converting float to varchar is relatively slow, and should be avoided ifpossible. Converting from integer to varchar or varchar to int is severaltimes faster.3) Most significantly, and less obvious, CASE expr WHEN .... recomputes exprfor each WHEN condition, unfortunately, and is the same speed (or perhapsslightly slower) as listing WHEN expr = value for each condition. Perhaps anindexed computed column (somehow materialized) would be advisable whenpossible to avoid repeated computations in CASE..WHEN expressions (if thathelps..).Note that if you divide by COUNT(*), most timings below are below onemicrosecond per row, so this all may not be very significant in mostapplications, unless you do frequent aggregations of some sort.COUNT(*) FROM [my_sf_table] = 477446 rowsThe result from each query = either 47527 or 47527.0Platform: Athlon 2000 XP w/512MB RAM, table seems to be cached in RAM, SQL2000, all queries run at least 3 times and minimum timings shown (msec).SRP is a REAL (4 bytes)Fastest ones are near the end.CPU SQL(ms)-- Convert to varchar (implicitly) and compare right two digits-- (original version -- no I didn't write it)4546 select sum(case right(srp,2)when '99' then 1 when '49' then 1 else 0 end)from sf-- Use LIKE for a single comparison instead of two, much faster-- Note that the big speedup indicates that-- CASE expr WHEN y then a WHEN z then b .-- recalculates expr for each WHEN clause2023 select sum(case when srp like '%[49]9' then 1 else 0 end)from sf-- Floating point method of taking a modulus (lacking fmod/modf)2291 select sum(case round(srp - 100e*floor(srp*.01e),0)when 99 then 1 when 49 then 1 else 0 end)from sf-- Round to nearest 50 and compare with 491322 select sum(case round(srp-50e*floor(srp*.02e),0)when 49 then 1 else 0 end)from sf-- Divide by 49 by multiplying by (slightly larger than) 1e/49e811 select sum(floor((cast(srp as integer)%50)*2.04082E-2))from sf-- Integer approach without using CASE731 select sum(coalesce(nullif(sign(cast(srp asinteger)%50-48),-1),0))from sf-- My original integer approach651 select sum(case cast(srp as integer)%100when 99 then 1 when 49 then 1 else 0 end)from sf-- Modulus 50 integer approach without CASE481 select sum((cast(srp as integer)%50)/49)from sf-- Modulus 50 integer approach460 select sum(case cast(srp as integer)%50when 49 then 1 else 0 end)from sf-- bigint without CASE531 select sum((cast(srp as bigint)%50)/49)from sf-- bigint with CASE521 select sum(case cast(srp as bigint)%50when 49 then 1 else 0 end)from sf-- get SIGN to return -1 or 0, then add 1-- much better than the coalesce+nullif approach500 select sum(sign(cast(srp as integer)%50-49)+1)from sf-- SIGN with BIGINT551 select sum(sign(cast(srp as bigint)%50-49)+1)from sfBTW, I know srp should be int to begin with for this to be faster... Okay,so...select cast(srp as int) srp into sf from [my_real_sf_table]720 select sum(case when srp like '%[49]9' then 1 else 0 end) from sf339 select sum(1+sign(srp%50-49)) from sf310 select sum(srp%50/49) from sf300 select sum(case srp%50 when 49 then 1 else 0 end) from sfWhat if it were a char(7)?select cast(cast(srp as integer) as char(7)) srp into sf2 from[my_sf_table]801 select sum(case right(rtrim(srp),2) when '49' then 1when '99' then 1 else 0 end) from sf2717 select sum(case when srp like '%[49]9' then 1 else 0 end) from sf2405 select sum(srp%50/49) from sf2391 select sum(case srp%50 when 49 then 1 else 0 end) from sf2How about varchar(7)?drop table sf2select cast(cast(srp as integer) as varchar(7)) srp into sf2 from[my_sf_table]581 select sum(case right(srp,2) when '49' then 1when '99' then 1 else 0 end) from sf2569 select sum(case when srp like '%[49]9' then 1 else 0 end) from sf2LIKE is faster on VARCHAR than on CHAR columns...Apparently it has to effectively RTRIM the trailing spaces during the LIKEoperation.Is binary collation any faster?drop table sf2select cast(cast(srp as integer) as varchar(7))COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN srpinto sf2 from tbl_superfile561 select sum(case right(srp,2) when '49' then 1when '99' then 1 else 0 end) from sf2530 select sum(case when srp like '%[49]9' then 1 else 0 end) from sf2Binary collation comparisons are slightly faster, though it's not a bigdifference (with just two characters being compared).662 select sum(case convert(binary(2),right(srp,2))when 0x3439 then 1 when 0x3939 then 1 else 0 end) from sf2-----------5037 select right(srp,2) srp,count(*) from my_sf_tablegroup by right(srp,2)order by right(srp,2)920 select cast(srp as int)%100 srp,count(*) from my_sf_tablegroup by cast(srp as int)%100order by cast(srp as int)%100---On the one hand, premature optimization can be a waste of time and energy.On the other hand, understanding performance implications of variousoperations can help write more efficient systems.In any case, an indexed computed column or one updated on a trigger couldvirtually eliminate the need for any of these calculations to be performed,except upon insertion or update, so maybe my comparisons aren't verymeaningful for most applications, considering we're talking about less than3 microseconds per row here worst-case.But the results remind me, some recommend avoiding Identity when it's notnecessary. I find Identity(int,1,1) to be a nice, compact surrogate key thatis useful for quick comparisons, grouping, etc, and so on. Also, it seemsmost appropriate as the primary key to all lookup tables in a star schema inOLAP data warehousing. (?) Of course, in some situations, it's notappropriate, particularly when having a surrogate key violates dataintegrity by allowing duplicates that would not be allowed with a properprimary key constraint, or when the surrogate key is completely redundantwith (especially a short) single-column unique key value that would be abetter selection as the primary key. With multi-column primary keys, I thinkit's sometimes convenient to have a surrogate Identity if only for INclauses that reference that identity column (though EXISTS can usuallyreplace those, so maybe that's a weak excuse for an extra column.)
Showing the mySqlCommand.CommandString it will look like: (A) SELECT myColumn FROM myPersonsTable WHERE myColumn=@FirstName Is this the real string that is send to the Database (among with some hidden string "John")?...
...or does the real string which is send to the Database look like: (B) SELECT myColumn FROM myPersonsTable WHERE myColumn='John' ???
If so, where can I retrieve that last string (B)? Or is (A) the way 'transact sql' operates?
I have a SQL Server 2000 database using Integrated Security. Users are added directly to the database from their domain name. In the Login section of the Security node in Enterprise Manager they show up as DomainNameUserName. I have four users that have the System Administrator database role. When I use the user function to get their user name they show up as dbo. Is there a way to get their actual domain user name?
A problem so simple I'm a little embarrassed to post it... I am setting up a trigger in which I want to, among other things, record the network ID of the user who performs the action that triggers the trigger. I know there is a variable or function out there to pull that information, but I can't find it, and have tried every variation of "login logname usr_id network_id....." I can find.
So first.... could somebody please tell me the variable or function that will return that piece of information. And second, if you also could point me to a good place, either in print or on line, to look up that kind of information, I would be most grateful.
I was hoping there would be a newbie section in here... But I'll post anyway (And sorry in advance if its a really dumb question)I am using VWDE and have a SQL DB which has been imported from one of my existing forums, when it shows in the database explorer its show like belowtblArcade (jdName)tblArcadePB (jdName)etc..etc...What I want to know is why this DB has (jdName) after the Table name and my other DB's shown don't?? They are just shown as tblArcade tblArcadePB etc..etc.. My main questions are "How do I remove the brackets from the forum DB" as when I try to preview data in VWDE I get a message Invalid object name 'tblArcade'.I know its to do with this extra bit as it only happens to the tables that have this on the end... Hope that makes sense and someone can help me, if you could reply as if I'm really dumb it would be appreciated
I currently have an application which retrieves stats from a SQL database that are updated throughout the day. My application updates every 3 seconds to retrieve these stats but I found that it's quite expensive to the server's CPU when there are several clients running my application. Are there any other methods for extracting the data that won't require so much CPU. The fact that the database is being hit so much isn't good either. I have already written a webservice hoping that this would improve things but I'm not sure it has.
Hi,I want to access the real execution plan via my webapplication after I have executed an SQL statement. I know how to get the estimated execution plan:1 cmd.CommandText = "SET SHOWPLAN_XML ON";2 cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();3 4 cmd.CommandText = myStatement;5 SqlDataReader dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();6 7 String plan = String.Empty;8 9 while (dataReader.Read()) {10 plan += dataReader.GetSqlString(0).ToString();11 }12 13 cmd.CommandText = "SET SHOWPLAN_XML OFF";14 cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();I want do compare the estimated costs with the real costs of the same statement. If I change code line 1 an 13 to "SET STATISTICS XML [ON|OFF]" the string "plan" will contain the result of the submitted SELECT statement, but I just need to get the plan and not the result itself. Thanks in Advance,Dominik
Hi All, What is the difference betwen real and float datatype of SQL server. Please one exapmle for each. The real datatype is like a float except that real can only store numbers.What does it mean: float can store even characters. Thanks Abdul
I have a datagrid that is used to insert values into a table. Before the insert occurs I want to be able to check that there are no identical values already in the table. eg. I am inserting names, so am looking for last name duplicates only.
If a duplicate is found, it should return an error message to the page. My question is, can I do this duplicate checking via SQL script ie. IF EXISTS etc... and have the error message returned from there, or do I need to grab a dataset of the table and look for duplicates before even going as far as the database with the new value to be inerted?
If the best approach is to catch the duplicate error after executing the SQL script, how do I grab the error and return it to the page with the datagrid? I'm sure this is pretty basic, but I am only just now getting into it.
We are using SQL 7 at 2 different locations, on 2 different Domains that are connected via a T1 line.
We need to have our 2 SQL servers be identical at all times, meaning when a change is made on one server, it is immediately replicated to the other. The problem is that both servers are always being used, so there is no primary/backup server scenario.
Does anyone know if there is a third party software available, or if this is even possible to do, given the fact that the databases are always open ?
Can anyone guide me. which is the best method for real time synchronisation of my production server. Is it Transactional Replication or Stand By Server?
Hi, tell me please how I can trace the modification on the table such as "insert" record into one and syncronize mirror table at the same time once the insert has happend, BUT - no indexes no trace jobs, no any modification or objects on the master table... ha?
I have two database, one is for production and another for reporting database, in this Scenario we need to transfer the real time data to reporting database, which replication we need to use and what at the bottelnecks in this..can any one give some suggesstions or give some links...
db1 gets 150k records every hour. db2 is like the backup of db1. db2 is used to retrieve records to create reports using reporting services. what is the best way to synchronize db2 with db1? is it to create a dts package and set up a job that runs every hour?
off topic question. what kind of language does reporting services use to create the reports?
hi guyz ...i m new to sql server so is there anyone who could guide me abt sql server 2005 ....i need some info abt ssis ,ssas ...i have got a proj n have sme ques regd tat so plz let me know ur no or mail id so that i could contact u ..plz its urgent
hi guyz ...i m new to sql server so is there anyone who could guide me abt sql server 2005 ....i need some info abt ssis ,ssas ...i have got a proj n have sme ques regd tat so plz let me know ur no or mail id so that i could contact u ..plz its urgent
I am about to buy some database hardware, and am considering buying adual 64-bit opteron server. In the past, we have run been running the32-bit version of SQL Server 2000.Has anybody tried the new 64-bit version of Sql Server 2000? Can weassume that something that works in the 32-bit world will work in the64 bit, or are we going to spend time debugging Microsoft code? Also,which flavor of 64-bit windows operating system did you use?Any experiences you want to share are much appreciated...-Cheers,Richard
I have DB with type real numbers, I want to calculate the average using a select query with average function. I get a fault answer.
Here is an example :
create table #table (data real)
insert #table values(2.994589)
insert #table values(2.994861)
insert #table values(2.994921)
-- You can see the real values show all the 6 digits after the point select * from #table
-- This is the correct average select sum(2.994589+2.994861+2.994921)/3
-- This is a fault answer
select avg(data) as average from #table
What am I doing wrong ? I want to understand the mistake the SQL is doing and replicate it outside the SQL, do you know what going on in the way the SQL calculates the average on type real ?
BTW, if the the table definitions are : create table #table (data float) , the sql gives the right number...
Does anybody know a good way to get a (near) live view of a sqlce database that doesn't involve ResultSets? I tried to use a resultset with the Sensitive option set, but it doesn't like the joins that I have to do in order to have the data make sense to the user.
The ETL processing for my project will be deployed as part of a larger application which is operated by non-technical users. Therefore I want to provide real-time feedback to the user on progress, errors, etc., using windows standard GUI interface objects and style- for example a progress bar. The "designer" of course does some of this but there won't be any designer in our deployed application (and SSIS designer is neither intended to be used by, nor appropriate for, non-technical users anyway).
Now that I have the ETL logic working, it's time to tackle this UI requirement. I am thinking one way to do this is to start a script task to run in parallel with the main ETL processing, open a winform in that task that has various GUI objects whose "state" is based on package scoped variables, update the package level variables via the "on progress" event (or other events as needed) of various SSIS tasks and components, and refresh the winform's display regularly via a timer event.
Does this approach seem like it would be effective? Has anyone tried maintaining an open winform via a script task and updating it's objects via package variables in parrallel with the package is running other tasks?
We currently have a propriety in memory DB that is used to store the latest transactions in the system and we have a service that copies the data to a SQL Server every couple of seconds - For historical reporting purpose.
We would like to move into a more standard DB as our real time DB, since we have scalability and availability issues. We taught about using SQL Server since this is the DB we know, but I'm not sure it's built to handle real time data.
Does someone has any experience in using SQL Server for "Real Time" applications?
Does someone has any experience in storing the data files on RAM?
Does MS has a solution similar to Oracle's TimesTen, which is their real time DB?
I want to create real time replication of my databaser server.I have two database srevers,one is master which having real time data and another slave,where i want to replicate data from master .
I have a situation where my client wants to ensure that data which is removed from a SQL Server database is truly removed. That is, if I delete a record, or delete data from a row, can I be sure that the data is truly gone and that it's not just the internal B-Tree pointers that were removed? Can I trust that someone with access to the .mdb file could not perform some binary pattern matching on the file and find the data that I assumed was deleted (regardless of how difficult that task would be)? I'm using SQL Server 2000. Thanks in advance.
We have a table which needs to be updated 2 million times per day. It hosts all real time transaction. There are 200K records in this table. Would you please to share your experience with me about how to protect/save such table in SQL 2000 from any possible damage?
We plan to use point-in-time backup (every 5 minutes). It still takes at half an hour to recover the whole database. Any new technology from Microsoft or SQL 2000 you can recommend?
Hi all. Just a quick question for you guys...I did a search on Select @@identity and I'm not sure I understand it. The program I'm migrating over (from sql server to oracle) has "Select @@identity" at the end of some insert statements. I'm just tryin to figure out what this does and what the Oracle equivlant would be? i have read posts(or in this case a blog) like this http://weblog.anthonyeden.com/archives/000054.html that states it gives you the value of the PK.
I've also read this http://www.kamath.com/tutorials/tut007_identity.asp stating select @@identity is handy to use as a "connection specific global variable." This all makes sense, however in the code I am examining select @@identity is not assigned to any variable. Basically, my question is if select @@ identity is not assigned to a variable in your code, what use does putting it at the end of a select statement serve? thank you