The Stored Procedure For Distributed Query

Jul 28, 2001

Hello All!

I have created the following Distributed Query to maintain the current data between local server and Remote server:


-----UPATE asp org table
set identity insert tn.asp org on
insert into tn.asp orhh ( ao key, ao name, ao pid, ao login link, ao login instr top, ao login instr bot,ao login link nm, ao lms enabled, ao lms prefix )SELECT ao key, ao name, ao pid, ao login link, ao login instr top, ao login instr bot,ao login link nm, ao lms enabled, ao lms prefix from SSNTDB2.icomm org jung w
WHERE key not in ( select ao key from tn.asp orhh )

set identity insert tn.asp org off

---update themesw table

set identity insert tn.themesw on


insert into tn.themews (seq nbr,name,source dir,th desc,update by,update dt,partner id,Inst Payer Nbr,def lang key,t status,def audience key)
SELECT seq nbr,name,source dir,th desc,update by,update dt,partner id,Inst Payer Nbr,def lang key,t status,def audience key FROM SSNTDB2.icomm jun
WHERE jun.seq nbr not in (select seq nbr from tn.themes)

set identity insert tn.themesw off

EXEC droplinkedserver 'SSNTDB2'

I want to create the stored procedure to make this script run automatically and create a scheduled job so that the local server can be updated it's records periodically. What is the best way to do this? Any tips will be appreciated..

Thanks John

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Ad Hoc Query Vs Stored Procedure Performance Vs DTS Execution Of Stored Procedure

Jan 23, 2008

Has anyone encountered cases in which a proc executed by DTS has the following behavior:
1) underperforms the same proc when executed in DTS as opposed to SQL Server Managemet Studio
2) underperforms an ad-hoc version of the same query (UPDATE) executed in SQL Server Managemet Studio

What could explain this?


All three scenarios are executed against the same database and hit the exact same tables and indices.

Query plans show that one step, a Clustered Index Seek, consumes most of the resources (57%) and for that the estimated rows = 1 and actual rows is 10 of 1000's time higher. (~ 23000).

The DTS execution effectively never finishes even after many hours (10+)
The Stored procedure execution will finish in 6 minutes (executed after the update ad-hoc query)
The Update ad-hoc query will finish in 2 minutes

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Stored Procedure In Query Analyzer Vs Linked Procedure In MS Access

Jan 12, 2007

For some reason, I run a stored procedure in Query Analyzer and it works fine. When I run the very same procedure in MS access by clicking on its link I have to run it twice. The first run gives me the message that the stored procedure ran correctly but returned no records. The second run gives me the correct number of records but I have to run it twice. I am running month-to-month data. The first run is Jan thru March. Jan and Feb have no records so I run three months on the first set. The ensuing runs are individual months from April onward. The output is correct but any ideas on why I have to do it twice in Access? I am a bit new to stored procedures but my supervisor assures me that it should be exactly the same.


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Using A Stored Procedure To Query Other Stored Procedures And Then Return The Results

Jun 13, 2007

Seems like I'm stealing all the threads here, : But I need to learn :) I have a StoredProcedure that needs to return values that other StoredProcedures return.Rather than have my DataAccess layer access the DB multiple times, I would like to call One stored Procedure, and have that stored procedure call the others to get the information I need. I think this way would be more efficient than accessing the DB  multiple times. One of my SP is:SELECT I.ItemDetailID, I.ItemDetailStatusID, I.ItemDetailTypeID, I.Archived,     I.Expired, I.ExpireDate, I.Deleted, S.Name AS 'StatusName', S.ItemDetailStatusID,    S.InProgress as 'StatusInProgress', S.Color AS 'StatusColor',T.[Name] AS 'TypeName',    T.Prefix, T.Name AS 'ItemDetailTypeName', T.ItemDetailTypeID    FROM [Item].ItemDetails I    INNER JOIN Item.ItemDetailStatus S ON I.ItemDetailStatusID = S.ItemDetailStatusID    INNER JOIN [Item].ItemDetailTypes T ON I.ItemDetailTypeID = T.ItemDetailTypeID However, I already have StoredProcedures that return the exact same data from the ItemDetailStatus table and ItemDetailTypes table.Would it be better to do it above, and have more code to change when a new column/field is added, or more checks, or do something like:(This is not propper SQL) SELECT I.ItemDetailID, I.ItemDetailStatusID, I.ItemDetailTypeID, I.Archived,     I.Expired, I.ExpireDate, I.Deleted, EXEC [Item].ItemDetailStatusInfo I.ItemDetailStatusID, EXEC [Item].ItemDetailTypeInfo I.ItemDetailTypeID    FROM [Item].ItemDetails IOr something like that... Any thoughts? 

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A Problem In Distributed Transaction In A Procedure

Jul 17, 2005

-- I made local procedure:

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Estimated Query Plan For A Stored Procedure With Multiple Query Statements

Oct 30, 2015

When viewing an estimated query plan for a stored procedure with multiple query statements, two things stand out to me and I wanted to get confirmation if I'm correct.

1. Under <ParameterList><ColumnReference... does the xml attribute "ParameterCompiledValue" represent the value used when the query plan was generated?

<ColumnReference Column="@Measure" ParameterCompiledValue="'all'" />

2. Does each query statement that makes up the execution plan for the stored procedure have it's own execution plan? And meaning the stored procedure is made up of multiple query plans that could have been generated at a different time to another part of that stored procedure?

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Stored Procedure Dbo.SalesByCategory Of Northwind Database: Enter The Query String - Query Attempt Failed. How To Do It Right?

Mar 25, 2008

Hi all,
In the Programmability/Stored Procedure of Northwind Database in my SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE), I have the following sql:

USE [Northwind]


/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SalesByCategory] Script Date: 03/25/2008 08:31:09 ******/





CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SalesByCategory]

@CategoryName nvarchar(15), @OrdYear nvarchar(4) = '1998'


IF @OrdYear != '1996' AND @OrdYear != '1997' AND @OrdYear != '1998'


SELECT @OrdYear = '1998'


SELECT ProductName,

TotalPurchase=ROUND(SUM(CONVERT(decimal(14,2), OD.Quantity * (1-OD.Discount) * OD.UnitPrice)), 0)

FROM [Order Details] OD, Orders O, Products P, Categories C

WHERE OD.OrderID = O.OrderID

AND OD.ProductID = P.ProductID

AND P.CategoryID = C.CategoryID

AND C.CategoryName = @CategoryName

AND SUBSTRING(CONVERT(nvarchar(22), O.OrderDate, 111), 1, 4) = @OrdYear

GROUP BY ProductName

ORDER BY ProductName

From an ADO.NET 2.0 book, I copied the code of ConnectionPoolingForm to my VB 2005 Express. The following is part of the code:

Imports System.Collections.Generic

Imports System.ComponentModel

Imports System.Drawing

Imports System.Text

Imports System.Windows.Forms

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Imports System.Data.Common

Imports System.Diagnostics

Public Class ConnectionPoolingForm

Dim _ProviderFactory As DbProviderFactory = SqlClientFactory.Instance

Public Sub New()

' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.


' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.

'Force app to be available for SqlClient perf counting

Using cn As New SqlConnection()

End Using



End Sub

Sub InitializeMinSize()

Me.MinimumSize = Me.Size

End Sub

Dim _SelectedConnection As DbConnection = Nothing

Sub lstConnections_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles lstConnections.SelectedIndexChanged

_SelectedConnection = DirectCast(lstConnections.SelectedItem, DbConnection)


End Sub

Sub DisableAllButtons()

btnAdd.Enabled = False

btnOpen.Enabled = False

btnQuery.Enabled = False

btnClose.Enabled = False

btnRemove.Enabled = False

btnClearPool.Enabled = False

btnClearAllPools.Enabled = False

End Sub

Sub EnableOrDisableButtons(ByVal cn As DbConnection)

btnAdd.Enabled = True

If cn Is Nothing Then

btnOpen.Enabled = False

btnQuery.Enabled = False

btnClose.Enabled = False

btnRemove.Enabled = False

btnClearPool.Enabled = False


Dim connectionState As ConnectionState = cn.State

btnOpen.Enabled = (connectionState = connectionState.Closed)

btnQuery.Enabled = (connectionState = connectionState.Open)

btnClose.Enabled = btnQuery.Enabled

btnRemove.Enabled = True

If Not (TryCast(cn, SqlConnection) Is Nothing) Then

btnClearPool.Enabled = True

End If

End If

btnClearAllPools.Enabled = True

End Sub

Sub StartWaitUI()

Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor


End Sub

Sub EndWaitUI()

Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default


End Sub

Sub SetStatus(ByVal NewStatus As String)


Me.statusStrip.Items(0).Text = NewStatus

End Sub

Sub btnConnectionString_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnConnectionString.Click

Dim strConn As String = txtConnectionString.Text

Dim bldr As DbConnectionStringBuilder = _ProviderFactory.CreateConnectionStringBuilder()


bldr.ConnectionString = strConn

Catch ex As Exception

MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Invalid connection string for " + bldr.GetType().Name, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)


End Try

Dim dlg As New ConnectionStringBuilderDialog()

If dlg.EditConnectionString(_ProviderFactory, bldr) = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then

txtConnectionString.Text = dlg.ConnectionString



SetStatus("Operation cancelled")

End If

End Sub

Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click

Dim blnError As Boolean = False

Dim strErrorMessage As String = ""

Dim strErrorCaption As String = "Connection attempt failed"



Dim cn As DbConnection = _ProviderFactory.CreateConnection()

cn.ConnectionString = txtConnectionString.Text


lstConnections.SelectedIndex = lstConnections.Items.Add(cn)

Catch ex As Exception

blnError = True

strErrorMessage = ex.Message

End Try


If blnError Then


MessageBox.Show(strErrorMessage, strErrorCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)


SetStatus("Connection opened succesfully")

End If

End Sub

Sub btnOpen_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnOpen.Click





SetStatus("Connection opened succesfully")


Catch ex As Exception


Dim strErrorCaption As String = "Connection attempt failed"


MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, strErrorCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)

End Try

End Sub

Sub btnQuery_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnQuery.Click

Dim queryDialog As New QueryDialog()

If queryDialog.ShowDialog() = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then

Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor



Dim cmd As DbCommand = _SelectedConnection.CreateCommand()

cmd.CommandText = queryDialog.txtQuery.Text

Using rdr As DbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()

If rdr.HasRows Then

Dim resultsForm As New QueryResultsForm()

resultsForm.ShowResults(cmd.CommandText, rdr)

SetStatus(String.Format("Query returned {0} row(s)", resultsForm.RowsReturned))


SetStatus(String.Format("Query affected {0} row(s)", rdr.RecordsAffected))

End If

Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default


End Using

Catch ex As Exception

Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default


Dim strErrorCaption As String = "Query attempt failed"


MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, strErrorCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)

End Try


SetStatus("Operation cancelled")

End If

End Sub
I executed the code successfully and I got a box which asked for "Enter the query string".
I typed in the following: EXEC dbo.SalesByCategory @Seafood. I got the following box: Query attempt failed. Must declare the scalar variable "@Seafood". I am learning how to enter the string for the "SQL query programed in the subQuery_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnQuery.Click" (see the code statements listed above). Please help and tell me what I missed and what I should put into the query string to get the information of the "Seafood" category out.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

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Stored Procedure Query Optimization - Query TimeOut Error

Nov 23, 2004

How to optimize the following Stored procedure running on MSSQL server 2000 sp4 :

@Franchise ObjectId
, @dtmStart DATETIME
, @dtmEnd DATETIME


SELECT p.Product
, c.Currency
, c.Minor
, a.ACDef
, e.Event
, t.Dec
, count(1) "Count"
, sum(Amount) "Total"
FROM tb_Event t
JOIN tb_Prod p
ON ( t.ProdId = p.ProdId )
JOIN tb_ACDef a
ON ( t.ACDefId = a.ACDefId )
JOIN tb_Curr c
ON ( t.CurrId = c.CurrId )
JOIN tb_Event e
ON ( t.EventId = e.EventId )
JOIN tb_Setl s
ON ( s.BUId = t.BUId
and s.SetlD = t.SetlD )
WHERE Fran = @Franchise
AND t.CDate >= @dtmStart
AND t.CDate <= @dtmEnd
AND s.Status = 1
GROUP BY p.Product
, c.Currency
, c.Minor
, a.ACDef
, e.Event
, t.Dec



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Executing Distributed Stored Procedures

Oct 21, 2007

I have a database created on SQL Server 2000 server. And I have created a new database with SQL Server2005. I want to extract some data from old SQL Server2000 database. I have written a SP at SQL Server 2000 database and I want to know how to execute a SQL Server2000 SP from SQL Server2005.

Thanks & Regards!

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Mar 28, 2001

Hi Folks,

Is there anyway of running a Store Procedure in Database A that's going against database B? I have a store procedure that does a select on table A in database A and a select on table B in database B.

The problem is that the user have exec rights to the store procedure, which is an object in database A. The store procedure won't run because of permission rights to table B in database B.

Is there anyway of queryiny table B without giving the user select rights to that table? Anyone out there had the same problem?

thank you

Joe R.

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Distributed Query

Feb 4, 2004


I am trying to execute a proc on Linked Server. Now as the Linked server name starts with 2, all of the following fails...

Any help to make it work highly appreciated...

exec [2Kxyz.SQLJobMon.dbo.usp_SQLAlertSMTPEmail]

exec 2Kxyz.SQLJobMon.dbo.usp_SQLAlertSMTPEmail

exec "2Kxyz.SQLJobMon.dbo.usp_SQLAlertSMTPEmail"

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Distributed Query

Mar 25, 2002

Hi Guys.

Many posted this message and no one anwered. i am facing the same problem now.

Got the error message

Server: Msg 7391, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: New transaction cannot enlist in the specified transaction coordinator. ]

My MSDTC is on. I had setup linked server using OLEDB.

Microsoft did'nt give enough info or solution for this. ANybody faced this prob and solved it?

Any suggestions , comments, solutions?


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Distributed Query

Apr 17, 2001

I have a procedure where it runs a procedure on another server and returns the results to the calling procedure and dumps it into a temp table..

I get the following message:
Server: Msg 7391, Level 16, State 1, Procedure proc1, Line 60
The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' does not support distributed transactions.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: Distributed transaction error]

But both the servers are running the distributed transaction corordinator


create procedure dbo.proc1
@param1 int

create table #temp
(col1 int
col2 varchar(255)

insert into #temp
EXEC server.database.dbo.proc2 @param1 = @param1


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Help: Why Excute A Stored Procedure Need To More 30 Seconds, But Direct Excute The Query Of This Procedure In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Under 1 Second

May 23, 2007

Hello to all,
I have a stored procedure. If i give this command exce ShortestPath 3418, '4125', 5 in a script and excute it. It takes more 30 seconds time to be excuted.
but i excute it with the same parameters  direct in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio , It takes only under 1 second time
I don't know why?
Maybe can somebody help me?
thanks in million
best Regards
My Procedure Codes are here:set ANSI_NULLS ON
-- =============================================
-- Author: <Author,,Name>
-- Create date: <Create Date,,>
-- Description: <Description,,>
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ShortestPath] (@IDMember int, @IDOther varchar(1000),@Level int, @Path varchar(100) = null output )
if ( @Level = 1)
select @Path = convert(varchar(100),IDMember)
from wtcomValidRelationships
where wtcomValidRelationships.[IDMember]= @IDMember
and PATINDEX('%'+@IDOther+'%',(select RelationshipIDs from wtcomValidRelationships where IDMember = @IDMember) ) > 0
if (@Level = 2)
select top 1 @Path = convert(varchar(100),A.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember)
from wtcomValidRelationships as A, wtcomValidRelationships as B
where A.IDMember = @IDMember and charindex(convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember),A.RelationshipIDS) > 0
and PATINDEX('%'+@IDOther+'%',B.RelationshipIDs) > 0
if (@Level = 3)
select top 1 @Path = convert(varchar(100),A.IDMember)+ '-'+convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember)
from wtcomValidRelationships as A, wtcomValidRelationships as B, wtcomValidRelationships as C
where A.IDMember = @IDMember and charindex(convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember),A.RelationshipIDS) > 0
and charindex(convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember),B.RelationshipIDs) > 0 and PATINDEX('%'+@IDOther+'%',C.RelationshipIDs) > 0
if ( @Level = 4)
select top 1 @Path = convert(varchar(100),A.IDMember)+ '-'+convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),D.IDMember)
from wtcomValidRelationships as A, wtcomValidRelationships as B, wtcomValidRelationships as C, wtcomValidRelationships as D
where A.IDMember = @IDMember and charindex(convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember),A.RelationshipIDS) > 0
and charindex(convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember),B.RelationshipIDs) > 0 and charindex(convert(varchar(100),D.IDMember), C.RelationshipIDs) > 0
and PATINDEX('%'+@IDOther+'%',D.RelationshipIDs) > 0
if (@Level = 5)
select top 1 @Path = convert(varchar(100),A.IDMember)+ '-'+convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),D.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),E.IDMember)
from wtcomValidRelationships as A, wtcomValidRelationships as B, wtcomValidRelationships as C, wtcomValidRelationships as D, wtcomValidRelationships as E
where A.IDMember = @IDMember and charindex(convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember),A.RelationshipIDS) > 0
and charindex(convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember),B.RelationshipIDs) > 0 and charindex(convert(varchar(100),D.IDMember), C.RelationshipIDs) > 0
and charindex(convert(varchar(100),E.IDMember),D.RelationshipIDs) > 0 and PATINDEX('%'+@IDOther+'%',E.RelationshipIDs) > 0
if (@Level = 6)
select top 1 @Path = '' from wtcomValidRelationships

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Distributed Query Problem

Mar 15, 2001

I am trying to set up linked servers between several SQL 7.0 servers, but everytime I try, I get the message:

Error 18456: Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'

Only thing is, I thought I was logged into both servers using my NT name. Any ideas?

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Distributed Query Question

May 11, 2000

Can anyone tell me why Query B (see below) works but Query A does not? When Query A is run the following error is received. I would love to know why using a subquery allows Query B to run.

Server: Msg 8623, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query

Query A.
SELECT pt.Description,
Sum(pa.Amount) Total
FROM BO_PaymentAmountsApplied pa,
BO_OrderStatusLog os,
Members.members.dbo.MBR_PaymentTypes pt
WHEREpa.LogID = os.LogID AND
os.LogAction IN (1,2,3) AND
pt.PmntTypeID = pa.MethodID AND
pa.OrderID = 1526925
GROUP BY pt.Description, pa.Method_Order, os.LogAction

Query B.
SELECT pt.Description,
Sum(pa.Amount) Total
FROM BO_PaymentAmountsApplied pa,
BO_OrderStatusLog os,
Members.members.dbo.MBR_PaymentTypes pt
WHERE (pa.LogID = os.LogID) AND
(os.LogAction IN (1,2,3)) AND
(pt.PmntTypeID = pa.MethodID) AND
(os.orderid = pa.orderid) AND
(pa.OrderID in (select orderid from BO_PaymentAmountsApplied where orderid = 1526925))
GROUP BY pt.Description, pa.Method_Order, os.LogAction

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Distributed Query Question.

Mar 8, 2001

I am trying to set up linked servers between several SQL 7.0 servers, but everytime I try, I get the message:

Error 18456: Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'

Only thing is, I thought I was logged into both servers using my NT name. Any ideas?

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Distributed Query Problem

Mar 20, 2003

I have the following distributed query. I am running it from
SQL Server "CASTER" while it links databases from SQL1 and SQL2

AND T3.FISCAL_YR = '2003'
ORDER BY 1,2,5,6

In the error line, it says, T1 does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.

AND T3.FISCAL_YR = '2003'
ORDER BY 1,2,5,6

When I am going to have the query like the above, i dont get any error.

Any help wd be appreciated.


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Subquery Within A Distributed Query.. HELP!!

Mar 20, 2003

I did not get any reply for my previous post. So i am just trying to make my doubt clear.

I have a subquery within a distributed query.


where deptid IN (SELECT T2.DEPTID

In the above query.. T1.DIVISIONID is not recognoized and it says
T1 is not a table or alias name though I have declared it upfront.

You have to note that both the ACCOUNT and the DEPARTMENT database are on different servers.

If they are on the same servers, this should not be a problem at all. Also, all the security is working perfectly for running a distributed query for me.

What is the means to make this subquery work.

Thanks for any help

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Distributed Query Issue

Oct 9, 2003

SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Excel 8.0;Database=W:MyExcel.xls', 'select * from [Sheet1$]')
which works on my local server with Microsoft office XP Professional installed

But keep on failing on the QA server which has MDAC installed only, no Microsoft Office installed

The error msg is 7399. I thought it's because of permission issue.

But problem still resides after I move the Excel file into that QA NT server and execute the statement with a service account which has sysadmin permission on both NT Server and SQL Server

What might be te reason?Why it's working perfectly in my Local server.

This is the error message:

Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: Unspecified error]
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' IDBInitialize::Initialize returned 0x80004005: ].

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Distributed Query Problem

Apr 26, 2006

Hi All!

While running a distributed query i am having following problem.

Server: Msg 7391, Level 16, State 1, Procedure t25, Line 8
The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: New transaction cannot enlist in the specified transaction coordinator. ]
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'SQLOLEDB' ITransactionJoin::JoinTransaction returned 0x8004d00a].

can any body give any solution for this ?

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Tuning A Distributed Query

Apr 10, 2007


I have 2 servers: myLocalServer (SQL2005) and myRemoteServer (SQL2000), both in the same LAN. I wish to syncronize a remote table with a local table (both share the same structure) by means of a stored procedure. The amount of rows to carry from the local to the remote table is about 20,000. The query takes more than a minute, and I would like to take down that time. Can you please help me?

myRemoteServer is declared in myLocalServer by means of a Linked Server object, and I declared a synonym called Syn_RemoteTable which represent the remote table.

First I tried a cursor, but it did not worked:

declare curLocalTable cursor local forward_only static read_only for
select ID, Value from myLocalTable where UpdateTimeStamp>@LastUpdate

open curLocalTable
fetch curLocalTable into @ID, @Value

while @@Fetch_Status=0
if exists(select ID from Syn_RemoteTable where ID=@ID)
update Syn_RemoteTable set Value=@Value where ID=@ID
insert into Syn_RemoteTable (ID, Value) values (@ID, @Value)
fetch curVentasMensuales into @ID, @Value

close curLocalTable
deallocate curLocalTable

Other way that I tried -performing equally poorly- was:

update Syn_RemoteTable
set Value=T.Value
from Syn_RemoteTable
inner join
select ID, Value from myLocalTable where UpdateTimeStamp>@LastUpdate
) as T
on T.ID=Syn_RemoteTable.ID

insert into Syn_RemoteTable
from myLocalTable
UpdateTimeStamp>@LastUpdate and
ID not in (select ID from Syn_RemoteTable)

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Ad Hoc Distributed Query Against MS Access

Aug 21, 2007

I have been looking for an example of how to do an ad hoc distributed query to an MS Access database. I've tried this;

select * from OpenRowSet('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
'\Server1DataCorporateCPSDailyToolsTest.mdb' ;'admin';'',Names)

I recieve an OLEDB provider error when I try it this way. The version of Access is 2003. The database 'Test.mdb' is on a network share, and the table is called 'Names'. The share is located on the machine that hosts SQL Server 2000.

Is there a setting in sql server that can be set to allow/disallow ad hoc distributed queries?

What am I missing?

Thank you for your help!


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Distributed Query &&amp; OLE DB Provider

Aug 13, 2007


I hope I'm in correct forum..
I'm working on simple OLE DB provider that should be usable in SQL server as a linked server. The provider should provide some support for SQL (certain SELECTs for now) and therefore I'd like the SQL server to delegate portions of query processing to the provider instead of fetching all rows and doing SELECT on its own.

Alas, I'm no OLE DB expert and my provider apparently doesn't implement enough things to actually make SQL server pass the query to it. My provider's session currently implements mandatory interfaces + couple of others (IDBCreateCommand, IDBSchemaRowset) and via provider properties, I 'claim' to have full support for SQL92. I'm testing the provider with SQL Server 2005 ('Express edition').

I'd like to know what am I missing in the implementation, or whether/how can I find out what makes SQL server decide between fetching full rowset and creating a command to let rthe query run in provider.


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Linked Server / Distributed Query

Oct 18, 2000

Three weeks ago we began a project that involved importing data from an AIX DB2 6 environment via a linked server configuration. Following the data import a second query was executed against the db2 environment using data that resides in the new table within SQL 7 in the join statement (a very basic example is provided below) This was all accomplished in sequence via a package.




Originally we had no problems and while the execute time was not exactly speedy it was tolerable as we would revisit optimization after we established if what we were trying to accomplish was feasible. At the outset the first data import to build the local table was immeadeate and then the distributed query to retirieve more info to build another local table against the DB2 server took aproxiamtly 1 minute per user row returned. Currently we are looking at still having an immeadeate data import (a matter of seconds to build the first table)but now we are looking at more than 1 hour returned for 1 correesponding row of data off of DB2. We are utilizing the the IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER.

Any input or suggestions as to what could be causing this or perhaps a more efficeint way to code the statement would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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Distributed Query Doing Inserts -----Very Slow

Jul 26, 2002

Below given query is being executed on a Sql 2k box with 4CPU and 2GB RAM
testXX.DB_GRP.dbo.group1-----> is a sql 7 box with single CPU and 512MB RAM
The result set is abt 30,000 rows .
This whole Process is taking abt 5 mins to do the Insert Process.
Is there a way to optimise the query and bring down the execution time

insert into testXX.DB_GRP.dbo.group1
select num, group_num,group_desc from group2
where id = 20

If we just run the
select num, group_num,group_desc from group2
where id = 20

it takes 10 secs to execute this selct statement so i was wondering why it takes 5 mins to do the insert process across the network thru linked server query.

Any help would be appreciated?



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Distributed Query Performance Is ID-dependent?

Jan 26, 2007

We have an interesting performance issue with a distributed query. When run by a system-administrator account, the remote computer returns the requested row set. It does the same thing for small row counts (<=7) for user accounts. On larger row counts, however, the user account returns the ENTIRE rowset from the remote table, and performs the restrict operation locally. Performance-wise, this results in a difference between 11 seconds and 12 MINUTES. I'm assuming it's some sort of security issue in DTC, but the remote server is on Windows Server 2000, and there's no security button for DTC under Component Services.


The query in question is:
EXEC ("INSERT INTO #XML (vin, ws_xml, lang_id)
INNER JOIN RemoteServer.mydatabase.dbo.build_record br ON =
INNER JOIN #LANGUAGE_IDS li ON br.lang_id = li.lang_id")

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Prob In Distributed Query On SQL 2000

Mar 19, 2004

Hi Chaps!!
I am in serious problem that My production sql 2000 server with winSp 4 and sqlSP 2 with slammer hotfix is not executing four part distributed query well when I combine the query with begin tran statement it enter into hang mode... else without begin tran it is fine.

request to all of u to get rid of this situation as some modules of our applicaiton is not functioning...

can sp3a installation help or going back to winSp2/3 will be helpfull. (recently we have applied winsp4 but i don't think this is concerned with it)

thanks in advance to give your time...

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Linked Server Distributed Query

Feb 13, 2008

I am working on a linked server where a few of the queries use almost exclusively remote tables from 1 other server. I have read somewhere that there are options to specify where a query is performed but can't find it anywhere. Could someone tell me the command and how to use it or point me to something to read about it.


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Four - Part Distributed Query Is Not Working

Aug 28, 2006

I have a huge problem as mentioned in my previous queries some of my applications is using Link Server Query as "select * from sm-matrix.matrix.dbo.stage_orders" this doesn't work it gives following error:-

ODBC: Msg 0, Level 18, State 1
SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 62 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: Unspecified error]

I understand best method to use is "select * from openquery(sm-matrix,"select * from stage_orders")" but i can't do away with above mentioned query as lot of places in application it has been using.

This was working fine till i moved to Windows 2003 from Windows 2000.

Following is the error we are getting:-
SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 58 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process..
* *******************************************************************************
* 08/28/06 15:52:06 spid 58
* Exception Address = 00404743 (RecBase::Resize + 00000005 Line 0+00000000)
* Exception Code = c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
* Access Violation occurred reading address 00000000
* [ M A T R I X ] 1b 00 5b 00 4d 00 41 00 54 00 52 00 49 00 58 00 5d 00
* . . s p _ i n d e 2e 00 2e 00 73 00 70 00 5f 00 69 00 6e 00 64 00 65 00
* x e s _ r o w s e 78 00 65 00 73 00 5f 00 72 00 6f 00 77 00 73 00 65 00
* t ç S 74 00 00 00 00 00 e7 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 53 00
* T A G E _ O R D E 54 00 41 00 47 00 45 00 5f 00 4f 00 52 00 44 00 45 00
* R S ç 52 00 53 00 00 00 e7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff ff 00 00
* ç d b o e7 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 64 00 62 00 6f 00
* sqlservr 00400000 00B32FFF 00733000
* ntdll 7C800000 7C8BFFFF 000c0000
* kernel32 77E40000 77F41FFF 00102000
* ADVAPI32 77F50000 77FEBFFF 0009c000
* RPCRT4 77C50000 77CEEFFF 0009f000
* USER32 77380000 77411FFF 00092000
* GDI32 77C00000 77C47FFF 00048000
* OPENDS60 41060000 41065FFF 00006000
* MSVCRT 77BA0000 77BF9FFF 0005a000
* UMS 41070000 4107BFFF 0000c000
* SQLSORT 42AE0000 42B6FFFF 00090000
* MSVCIRT 60020000 6002FFFF 00010000
* sqlevn70 10000000 10006FFF 00007000
* Secur32 76F50000 76F62FFF 00013000
* NETAPI32 110B0000 11107FFF 00058000
* ole32 113A0000 114D3FFF 00134000
* XOLEHLP 11660000 11665FFF 00006000
* MSDTCPRX 11670000 116E7FFF 00078000
* msvcp60 116F0000 11750FFF 00061000
* MTXCLU 11760000 11778FFF 00019000
* VERSION 11780000 11787FFF 00008000
* WSOCK32 11790000 11798FFF 00009000
* WS2_32 117A0000 117B6FFF 00017000
* WS2HELP 117C0000 117C7FFF 00008000
* OLEAUT32 117D0000 1185BFFF 0008c000
* CLUSAPI 118A0000 118B1FFF 00012000
* RESUTILS 118C0000 118D2FFF 00013000
* USERENV 118E0000 119A3FFF 000c4000
* mswsock 119C0000 11A00FFF 00041000
* DNSAPI 11A10000 11A38FFF 00029000
* winrnr 11A80000 11A86FFF 00007000
* WLDAP32 11A90000 11ABDFFF 0002e000
* rasadhlp 11AE0000 11AE4FFF 00005000
* SSNETLIB 00C70000 00C84FFF 00015000
* NTMARTA 00C90000 00CB1FFF 00022000
* SAMLIB 00CC0000 00CCEFFF 0000f000
* security 125D0000 125D3FFF 00004000
* hnetcfg 125E0000 12638FFF 00059000
* wshtcpip 12800000 12807FFF 00008000
* SSmsLPCn 12810000 12817FFF 00008000
* SSnmPN70 12A20000 12A25FFF 00006000
* ntdsapi 12AE0000 12AF4FFF 00015000
* kerberos 12B10000 12B67FFF 00058000
* cryptdll 12B70000 12B7BFFF 0000c000
* MSASN1 12B80000 12B91FFF 00012000
* SQLFTQRY 12920000 12951FFF 00032000
* xpsp2res 12EB0000 13174FFF 002c5000
* CLBCatQ 13180000 13202FFF 00083000
* COMRes 13210000 132D5FFF 000c6000
* sqloledb 132E0000 13360FFF 00081000
* MSDART 12960000 12979FFF 0001a000
* MSDATL3 12980000 12994FFF 00015000
* oledb32 136F0000 13768FFF 00079000
* OLEDB32R 13770000 13780FFF 00011000
* msv1_0 13810000 13836FFF 00027000
* iphlpapi 13840000 13859FFF 0001a000
* PSAPI 13860000 1386AFFF 0000b000
* xpsqlbot 13910000 13915FFF 00006000
* rsaenh 13A50000 13A7EFFF 0002f000
* xpstar 13BB0000 13BF6FFF 00047000
* SQLRESLD 13C00000 13C06FFF 00007000
* SQLSVC 13C10000 13C26FFF 00017000
* ODBC32 13C60000 13C9CFFF 0003d000
* COMCTL32 13CA0000 13D36FFF 00097000
* comdlg32 13D40000 13D89FFF 0004a000
* SHELL32 14110000 14912FFF 00803000
* SHLWAPI 13D90000 13DE1FFF 00052000
* odbcbcp 13C30000 13C35FFF 00006000
* W95SCM 13C40000 13C4BFFF 0000c000
* SQLUNIRL 13DF0000 13E1CFFF 0002d000
* WINSPOOL 13E20000 13E46FFF 00027000
* SHFOLDER 13E50000 13E58FFF 00009000
* comctl32 14920000 14A22FFF 00103000
* odbcint 13EE0000 13EF6FFF 00017000
* NDDEAPI 13F00000 13F06FFF 00007000
* SQLSVC 14CB0000 14CB5FFF 00006000
* xpstar 14CC0000 14CC8FFF 00009000
* ACTIVEDS 14CD0000 14D02FFF 00033000
* adsldpc 14D10000 14D36FFF 00027000
* credui 14D40000 14D6DFFF 0002e000
* ATL 14D70000 14D87FFF 00018000
* adsldp 14DF0000 14E1DFFF 0002e000
* SXS 14FA0000 1505BFFF 000bc000
* xplog70 15060000 15071FFF 00012000
* xplog70 13C50000 13C53FFF 00004000
* DBNETLIB 11630000 1164BFFF 0001c000
* crypt32 15180000 15212FFF 00093000
* SQLOLEDB 11650000 1165EFFF 0000f000
* dbghelp 15620000 156D4FFF 000b5000
* Edi: 00000005:
* Esi: 6BDE4924: 00000000 00000052 00000000 00000000 00000003 0000001B
* Eax: 00000000:
* Ebx: 3B6AFFFD: 013FF000 20000001 CA000000 01000014 CC004200 01000014
* Ecx: 6BDE4924: 00000000 00000052 00000000 00000000 00000003 0000001B
* Edx: 00000E00:
* Eip: 00404743: E183088A 04E9830E 00C9840F 4949001B 4E8B5275 08668304
* Ebp: 1289D77C: 1289D790 005BD328 00A5EA38 1289D78C 1289E8B8 1289EC74
* SegCs: 0000001B:
* EFlags: 00010246: 0057004F 003B0053 003A0043 0057005C 004E0049 004F0044
* Esp: 1289D768: 6BDE4924 00446C52 00000000 00000002 3B6AB940 1289D790
* SegSs: 00000023:
* *******************************************************************************
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Short Stack Dump
* 00404743 Module(sqlservr+00004743) (RecBase::Resize+00000005)
* 00446C52 Module(sqlservr+00046C52) (CSysScan::GetVaried+0000002A)
* 005BD328 Module(sqlservr+001BD328) (CUserScan::CbGroupBitmap+00000016)
* 006315F7 Module(sqlservr+002315F7) (SecCache::FGetFromDiskScedb+00000317)
* 0040C694 Module(sqlservr+0000C694) (checkdbperm+00000114)
* 0040C3BC Module(sqlservr+0000C3BC) (usedb+000000DA)
* 0040C2DF Module(sqlservr+0000C2DF) (CAutoDb::FUse+00000031)
* 004B2BE3 Module(sqlservr+000B2BE3) (CreateFakeTableRowset+00000038)
* 00424175 Module(sqlservr+00024175) (OpenRowsetSS::OpenRowset+000000EC)
* 0050D873 Module(sqlservr+0010D873) (GetTableCursor+00000056)
* 0050D7FE Module(sqlservr+0010D7FE) (CQScanRowset::StandardGetRowset+0000009D)
* 00539A82 Module(sqlservr+00139A82) (CQScanTableScan::CQScanTableScan+0000008E)
* 005399EA Module(sqlservr+001399EA) (CXteTableScan::QScanGet+00000089)
* 004332E2 Module(sqlservr+000332E2) (CQScanHashMatch::CQScanHashMatch+0000051A)
* 00432E02 Module(sqlservr+00032E02) (CXteHashMatch::QScanGet+0000008C)
* 00427368 Module(sqlservr+00027368) (CXteProject::QScanGet+00000092)
* 0053D884 Module(sqlservr+0013D884) (CQScanSort::CQScanSort+000000BC)
* 0053D7A7 Module(sqlservr+0013D7A7) (CXteSort::QScanGet+0000012C)
* 0042306F Module(sqlservr+0002306F) (CQueryScan::CQueryScan+0000028E)
* 00422E59 Module(sqlservr+00022E59) (CQuery::Execute+0000006A)
* 0041D456 Module(sqlservr+0001D456) (CStmtQuery::ErsqExecuteQuery+0000022C)
* 0042C4AF Module(sqlservr+0002C4AF) (CStmtSelect::XretExecute+00000229)
* 0041C3CB Module(sqlservr+0001C3CB) (CMsqlExecContext::ExecuteStmts+000003B9)
* 0041BA11 Module(sqlservr+0001BA11) (CMsqlExecContext::Execute+000001B6)
* 0041B02D Module(sqlservr+0001B02D) (CSQLSource::Execute+00000357)
* 00437EC6 Module(sqlservr+00037EC6) (execrpc+00000507)
* 00437128 Module(sqlservr+00037128) (execute_rpc+00000019)
* 0042921A Module(sqlservr+0002921A) (process_commands+00000232)
* 41072838 Module(UMS+00002838) (ProcessWorkRequests+00000272)
* 410725B3 Module(UMS+000025B3) (ThreadStartRoutine+00000098)
* 77BCB3CA Module(MSVCRT+0002B3CA) (endthread+000000AB)
* 77E66063 Module(kernel32+00026063) (GetModuleFileNameA+000000EB)
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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How To Make Distributed Query By SQL Express

Aug 26, 2006

I am going to make a distributed query, but in the query design view I cannot add the tables from another server, why?

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Stored Procedure Query

Jun 27, 2007

hey.. say i have a table with 4 columns, Id, col1, col2 & col 3the way it works is the id and one of the col's will have info, the other 2 cols will be emptyim trying to write a proc that returns the value of the column that has info + a number that is stored in a string to represent the column eg: CREATE PROCEDURE proc_Test     @Id int,      @Answer varchar(100) outputasset nocount on    select @Answer = col1 +', 1'from myTablewhere Id= @Idif @@rowcount < 1select @Answer = col2 +', 2'from myTablewhere Id= @Idif @@rowcount < 1

select @Answer = col3 +', 3'
from myTable
where Id= @IdreturnGO but for some reason, it only process's the first select statment and if nothing is in the column, it returns - ', 1' cheers!!! 

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Need Stored Procedure For This Query

Apr 1, 2008

 Hi,I am weak in writing stored procedure and want to learn it step by step.Now I have written a query and the requirement is such that I need to convert it in stored procedure.query:Select distinct empskill.tcatid,Coalesce(prm,0) as prm,coalesce(secn,0) as secn,a as technology,coalesce(skd,0) as skd,coalesce(knd,0) as knd,coalesce(tnd,0)as tnd,coalesce(dnd,0) as dnd from empskill RIGHT OUTER JOIN (select tcatid,Count(skilltypeid) AS prm from empskill where skilltypeid=1 group by tcatid) prms ON empskill.tcatid=prms.tcatid LEFT OUTER JOIN (select tcatid,Count(skilltypeid) AS secn from empskill where skilltypeid=2 group by  tcatid) secs on empskill.tcatid=secs.tcatid RIGHT OUTER JOIN (select technology.category as a,empskill.tcatid from empskill,technology where empskill.tcatid=technology.tcatid group by empskill.tcatid,technology.category ) s ON empskill.tcatid=s.tcatid LEFT OUTER JOIN (select tcatid,Count(skilllevelid) AS skd from empskill where skilllevelid=1 group by tcatid) skds on empskill.tcatid=skds.tcatid LEFT OUTER JOIN (select tcatid,Count(skilllevelid) AS knd from empskill where skilllevelid=2 group by tcatid) knds on empskill.tcatid=knds.tcatid LEFT OUTER JOIN (select tcatid,Count(skilllevelid) AS tnd from empskill where skilllevelid=3 group by  tcatid) tnds on empskill.tcatid=tnds.tcatid LEFT OUTER JOIN (select tcatid,Count(skilllevelid) AS dnd from empskill where skilllevelid=4 group by tcatid) dnds on empskill.tcatid=dnds.tcatid union select top 1 500 as tcatid,'' as prm,'' as sec,'more' as technology,'' as skd,'' as knd,'' as tnd,'' as dnd from empskill Can you please explain step by step how to convert this to stored procedure.Thanks a lot 

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