The Query Processor Ran Out Of Internal Resources

Oct 17, 2006


I have MS SQL Express installed on my local machine and I have problems runnig some unit tests. Precisely, an exception is thrown as follows:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException : The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan. This is a rare event and only expected for extremely complex queries or queries that reference a very large number of tables or partitions. Please simplify the query. If you believe you have received this message in error, contact Customer Support Services for more information.

Nevertheless, everythin is ok on the server, where MS SQL Developer Edition is installed.

What can be the reason for such behavior?

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Error: 8624 Internal Query Processor Error: The Query Processor Could Not Produce A Query Plan.

May 24, 2007

SQL Server 2005 9.0.3161 on Win 2k3 R2

I receive the following error:

"Error: 8624, Severity: 16, State: 1 Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan. For more information, contact Customer Support Services."

I have traced this to an insert statement that executes as part of a stored procedure.

INSERT INTO ledger (journal__id, account__id,account_recv_info__id,amount)

VALUES (@journal_id, @acct_id, @acct_recv_id, @amount)

There is also an auto-increment column called id. There are FK contraints on all of the columns ending in "__id". I have found that if I remove the contraint on account__id the procedure will execute without error. None of the other constraints seem to make a difference. Of course I don't want to remove this key because it is important to the database integrity and should not be causing problems, but apparently it confuses the optimizer.

Also, the strange thing is that I can get the procedure to execute without error when I run it directly through management studio, but I receive the error when executing from .NET code or anything using ODBC (Access).

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Internal Query Processor Error: The Query Processor Encountered An Unexpected Error During Execution.

Nov 26, 2007

I am running a query on a SQL Server 2005 database and encounter the following error message

"Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor encountered an unexpected error during execution."

There is a join between a table on the 2005 database and another on a 2000 database. I have run DBCC CHECKTABLE and found no errors on the two tables.

Anybody with ideas?


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Internal Query Processor Error

Mar 31, 2008

Hi,I am trying to execute rather complex query, and I got query processorerror. I read the Microsoft support page and it said I should install SP4,and I did, but the error is still there.I am running MSDE with SP4 installed. Everything else works like a charm.Zvonko

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Internal Query Processor Error

Jan 15, 2008

Hi All,

I am hoping somebody can help with this. I have searched other posts and it seems like my problem should have been fixed with the hotfix but it wasn't. I am using SQL Express (SQL Server 9.0.3161) and have been using this database for quite some time and have never experienced this problem till yesterday. I am getting the error message "Internal Query Process Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan." This error appears when trying to add a new record to a table either when using a form through a MS Access front-end or when entering data directly into a table using MS SQL Server Managemnet Studio Express. It happens on different tables but not all tables. If I run a INSERT INTO query I can add data to the table. At the same time this has happened, when I run some of my stored procedures I get the same error.

This morning I installed the Cumulative Update Package (build3161) for SQL Server Service Pack 2, KB# 935356 and it didn't make any differance. I have attached the database to another SQL server (9.0.3042) and it did the same thing. This leads me to believe that the problem may be in the database itself. But I can't for the life of me figure out where to start as the database was working fine when used the day before and no changes had been made to the structure of it recently. Can anybody tell me what I should be looking for or where the problem might be?


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Internal Query Processor Error

Nov 9, 2007

Ok, I'm getting an issue with SQL Server and I'm at a bit of a loss to understand why it's happening.

Situation: We have an existing database, and we're running a migration script over it to bring it up to a new version.

We get partway through the script when we get the error:
Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor ran out of stack space during query optimization.

I've searched around the web and it seems that people get this when they do silly things like have 300 Foreign Keys, or 17 pages of where clauses, or something else rediculous to hit the boundary conditions of SQL Server.

this is what i've gathered so far about our situation, using SQL Server 2000 SP4
1. I've recreated/changed a clustered index using the drop_existing clause
/****** Object: Index [IX_BM_SYNCHRONIZATION_1] Script Date: 08/28/2007 18:42:11 ******/

2. later on the script, we attempt to delete from this table with a query that doesn't use this index eg

and we get the error: Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor ran out of stack space during query optimization.

We're running this through osql.exe and not using any transactions

likewise, there is another section where it tries to insert into this table and it gets the same error.

Does anyone have an idea of what we could be running into here - the table only has 3 indexes on it, has only 18 columns (of which one is a 'text' column) and the particular datbase we're running this on is tiny.


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Random Internal Query Processor Error

Aug 24, 2007

Application folks experiencing recurrence of problem previously reported. This is causing delays with multiple projects. Errors below are occuring when attempting to run a DTS package that will refresh data from prod to pilot.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.

Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Another example reads:
Step Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package
Step Error Description:The task reported failure on execution. (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (80004005): Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.)
Step Error code: 8004043B
Step Error Help Fileqldts80.hlp
Step Error Help Context ID:1100

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SQL Server 2005 Error 8630: Internal Query Processor Error

Jan 22, 2007

I have a SProc that runs across many clients without any problems. Every now and then, though, I get the following error:

Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor encountered an unexpected error during execution. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 8630).

All I am doing is populating Temp tables with some data and then joining them together to create a Global Temp table that is being BCP'd to a network share.

Has anyone come across this error in SQL Server 2005? I cannot find anything on Google or Microcsoft.


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SQL Server 7 Error 8630 - Internal Query Processor Error

Mar 15, 2004

Has anyone come across error 8630 "Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor encountered an unexpected error during execution." with SQL Server 7 with SP4 installed?

There are microsoft articles on the error, but the errors are suposidly fixed in SQL Server 7 SP2 and SP3.

We are selecting from one view left outer joined with another, but no unions are involved.

This is not a problem in SQL Server 2000, but unfortunatlely Microsoft are supporting SQL Server 7 until 2005 and so we have to do the same...

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How Can Internal Activation Use More Resources?

May 5, 2007


I'm using service broker queue with internal activation to run a stored procedure.
The DB server is windows 2003 R2, 4 cpu, with SQL server 2005 SP2.
When I'm runing the stored procedure directly from the sql management studio it takes about 75% of the cpu and running for about a minute, but when the stored procedure is activated by the queue internal activation (as a background process) it uses only 25% of the machine cpu (my guess it uses only 1 cpu insted of all 4 cpu) and running for much longer time (sometimes even more than one hour).
How can I change this behavior? I want it to run as fast as possible.

The queue decleration is:

PROCEDURE_NAME = ProcessTasksProc,

Thanks in advance,
Shai Brumer

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Master Data Services :: Error - Query Processor Could Not Produce A Query Plan

Jul 19, 2015

We have a issue with a MDS server that have been over us for a couple of days, the original error msg from SQL Server Engine is the one "The query processor could not produce a query plan" but the ones we get on the Excel-Addin are "Sequece contains no elements" or "The value cannot be null" T

• Using Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3393.0 (X64) for 6months on this server without issues

• Two weeks ago we started to have 2 errors: "Sequence Contains No Elements" | "The Value Cannot Be Null"

• We are using the last version of Excel Add-in

• We try to reinstall the MDS feature

• If I backup/restore MDS database to other server it works

• We updated to SQL 2012 SP2 + CU4 but the error persisted ...

Looking at the MDSTraceLog we are routed to the this msg

SQL Error Debug Info: Number: 8624, Message: Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan. For more information, contact Customer Support Services., Server: bbdvsql03inst01, Proc: udpMetadataEntityGetDetailsXML, Line: 28

At line 28 udpMetadataEntityGetDetailsXML is calling udfMetadataEntityGetDetailsXML … and here is where we stopped

** Error found when try to get data from a entity using Excel add-in **
Sequence contains no elements
Program Location:
   at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.AsyncEssentials.AsyncResultBase.EndInvoke()
   at Microsoft.MasterDataServices.ExcelAddInCore.AsyncProviderBase`1.EndOperation(IAsyncResult ar)


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SQL 2005 V9.0.2047 (SP1) - The Query Processor Could Not Produce A Query Plan

May 15, 2006

Hi Everyone:

*Before* I actually call up Microsoft SQL Customer Support Services and ask them, I wanted to ping other people to see if you have ever ran into this exact error

"Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan. For more information, contact Customer Support Services."

I would have searched the forums myself, but at this moment in time, search is broken :(

If anyone has run into this error before, what conditions would exist that this could happen? That is, if I can sniff this out with suggestions from the community, I would be happy to do so.

It is an oddity because if I alter a couple subqueries in the where clause [ i.e., where tab.Col = (select val from tab2 where id='122') ]to not have subqueries [hand coded values], then the t-sql result is fine. It's not as if subqueries are oddities... I've used them when appropriate.

fwiw - Not a newbie t-sql guy. ISV working almost daily with t-sql since MS SQL 2000. I have never seen this message least I don't recall ever seeing it.

Thanks in advance for other suggested examination paths.

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The Query Processor Ran Out Of Stack Space....Please Simplify The Query.

Oct 9, 2007

I received the following error today while migrating some code from SQL 2000 standard to SQL 2005 standard:

The query processor ran out of stack space during query optimization. Please simplify the query.

From what I gather, this error is usually an indication that one of the SQL Server 2005 maximum capacity specifications has been exceeded. However, I'm not sure which one. The only one that seems suspect is the number of nested subqueries (32), however I believe the numerous subqueries in my query would be classified as correlated rather than nested.

An example of my code is below. It is necessarily messy, as the output needs to be denormalized somewhat. Note that this runs just fine on SQL 2000, and it retrieves the 1500 or so rows of data in about 30 seconds. Thanks in advance for any ideas as to what may be causing this error. (Sorry for not using code-block, but all the html tags it threw in were exceeding the 50,000 character limit for the message)



(SELECT Agent FROM Agent a WHERE a.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND Agent_Number = 1) AS A5,

(SELECT Agent FROM Agent a WHERE a.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND Agent_Number = 2) AS A6,

(SELECT Agent FROM Agent a WHERE a.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND Agent_Number = 3) AS A7,

(SELECT Agent FROM Agent a WHERE a.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND Agent_Number = 4) AS A8,

dbo.f_formatpseudodate(Accrued_Interest_To) AS AI,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('AM', c.Card_Number, Amended) AS AM,

Basis_Shareblock_1 AS B1,

Basis_Shareblock_2 AS B2,

Basis_Shareblock_3 AS B3,

Basis_Shareblock_4 AS B4,

Basis AS BS,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('C1', c.Card_Number, Price_Code_1) AS C1,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('C2', c.Card_Number, Price_Code_2) AS C2,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('C3', c.Card_Number, Price_Code_3) AS C3,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('C4', c.Card_Number, Price_Code_4) AS C4,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('C5', c.Card_Number, Price_Code_5) AS C5,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('C6', c.Card_Number, Price_Code_6) AS C6,

CAST(Card_Date AS smalldatetime) AS CD,

c.Card_Number AS CN,

dbo.f_getisocurrencycode(Currency_Code) AS CR,

Card_Status AS CS,

dbo.f_formatpseudodate(Record_Date) AS CT,

Currency_Description AS CU,

(SELECT New_Issue_Description FROM New_Issue ni WHERE ni.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND New_Issue_Number = 1) AS D1,

(SELECT New_Issue_Description FROM New_Issue ni WHERE ni.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND New_Issue_Number = 2) AS D2,

(SELECT New_Issue_Description FROM New_Issue ni WHERE ni.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND New_Issue_Number = 3) AS D3,

(SELECT New_Issue_Description FROM New_Issue ni WHERE ni.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND New_Issue_Number = 4) AS D4,

(SELECT New_Issue_Description FROM New_Issue ni WHERE ni.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND New_Issue_Number = 5) AS D5,

(SELECT New_Issue_Description FROM New_Issue ni WHERE ni.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND New_Issue_Number = 6) AS D6,

dbo.f_formatboolean(Dutch_Auction) AS DA,

dbo.f_formatpseudodate(Dated_Date) AS DD,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('DI', c.Card_Number, Distribution_In) AS DI,

Dealer_Manager_2 AS DL,

Dealer_Manager_1 AS DM,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('DV', c.Card_Number, Dividend_In) AS DV,

Basis_Surrender_1 AS E1,

Basis_Receive_1_1 AS E2,

Basis_Amount_1_1 AS E3,

Basis_CUSIP_1_1 AS E4,

Basis_Receive_1_2 AS E5,

Basis_Amount_1_2 AS E6,

Basis_CUSIP_1_2 AS E7,

Basis_Receive_1_3 AS E8,

Basis_Amount_1_3 AS E9,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('EC', c.Card_Number, Record_Date_Code) AS EC,

Equity_Debt AS ED,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('EF', c.Card_Number, Effective_Date_Code) AS EF,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('EX', c.Card_Number, Expiration_Date_Code) AS EX,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('F1', c.Card_Number, Refer_Code_1) AS F1,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('F2', c.Card_Number, Refer_Code_2) AS F2,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('F3', c.Card_Number, Refer_Code_3) AS F3,

dbo.f_formatpseudodate(Effective_Date) AS FD,

File_Activity_Type AS FT,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('G1', c.Card_Number, Rights_Ratio_1) AS G1,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('G2', c.Card_Number, Rights_Ratio_2) AS G2,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('G3', c.Card_Number, Rights_Ratio_3) AS G3,

RTRIM(LTRIM(Original_Card_Number)) AS GC,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('GD', c.Card_Number, Ex_Rights_Date_Code) AS GD,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('GT', c.Card_Number, Rights_To) AS GT,

Basis_Amount_2_3 AS H1,

Basis_CUSIP_2_3 AS H2,

Basis_Surrender_3 AS H3,

Basis_Receive_3_1 AS H4,

Basis_Amount_3_1 AS H5,

Basis_CUSIP_3_1 AS H6,

Basis_Receive_3_2 AS H7,

Basis_Amount_3_2 AS H8,

Basis_CUSIP_3_2 AS H9,

Information_Agent_1 AS I1,

Information_Agent_2 AS I2,

Interest_Rate AS [IN],

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('J1', c.Card_Number, Subscription_Ratio_Code_1) AS J1,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('J2', c.Card_Number, Subscription_Ratio_Code_2) AS J2,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('J3', c.Card_Number, Subscription_Ratio_Code_3) AS J3,

Basis_CUSIP_4_2 AS K1,

Basis_Receive_4_3 AS K2,

Basis_Amount_4_3 AS K3,

Basis_CUSIP_4_3 AS K4,

Basis_Receive_3_3 AS L1,

Basis_Amount_3_3 AS L2,

Basis_CUSIP_3_3 AS L3,

Basis_Surrender_4 AS L4,

Basis_Receive_4_1 AS L5,

Basis_Amount_4_1 AS L6,

Basis_CUSIP_4_1 AS L7,

Basis_Receive_4_2 AS L8,

Basis_Amount_4_2 AS L9,

dbo.f_formatpseudodate(Withdrawal_After) AS LA,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('LC', c.Card_Number, Withdrawal_After_Code) AS LC,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('LG', c.Card_Number, Eligibility) AS LG,

Withdrawal_After_Time AS LT,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('LZ', c.Card_Number, Withdrawal_After_Zone) AS LZ,

Option_Expiration_Time AS M1,

Rights_Expire_Time AS M3,

Expiration_Date_Time AS M4,

dbo.f_formatpseudodate(Maturity_Date) AS MD,

Maximum_Eligibility AS ME,

dbo.f_validatecardnumber(Refer_Card_1) AS N1,

dbo.f_validatecardnumber(Refer_Card_2) AS N2,

dbo.f_validatecardnumber(Refer_Card_3) AS N3,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('NT', c.Card_Number, Interest_Rate_Code) AS NT,

DTC_Match_Card_Number AS O3,

Offer_By AS OB,

Odd_Lot AS OD,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('OV', c.Card_Number, OverSubscription) AS OV,

dbo.f_formatpseudodate(Option_Expiration_Date) AS OX,

(SELECT Agent_Telephone FROM Agent a WHERE a.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND Agent_Number = 4) AS P1,

Information_Agent_Telephone_1 AS P2,

Information_Agent_Telephone_2 AS P3,

Dealer_Manager_Telephone_1 AS P4,

Dealer_Manager_Telephone_2 AS P5,


dbo.f_formatpseudodate(Pro_Ration_Date) AS PO,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('PY', c.Card_Number, Payable_To) AS PY,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('PZ', c.Card_Number, Protect_Period) AS PZ,

Price_1 AS R1,

Price_2 AS R2,

Price_3 AS R3,

Price_4 AS R4,

Price_5 AS R5,

Price_6 AS R6,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('RB', c.Card_Number, Rights_Transferable) AS RB,


Issuer_Description AS RD,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('RI', c.Card_Number, Pro_Ration_Date_Code) AS RI,

Record_Type AS RT,

dbo.f_formatpseudodate(Rights_Expire_Date) AS RX,

CAST(Subscription_Ratio_1 AS varchar(12)) + Subscription_Ratio_1_Unit AS S1,

CAST(Subscription_Ratio_2 AS varchar(12)) + Subscription_Ratio_2_Unit AS S2,

CAST(Subscription_Ratio_3 AS varchar(12)) + Subscription_Ratio_3_Unit AS S3,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('SC', c.Card_Number, Source_Name) AS SC,

Service_Type AS SE,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('ST', c.Card_Number, Subscription_To) AS ST,

(SELECT Redemption_Agent_Telephone FROM Redemption_Agent ra WHERE ra.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND Redemption_Agent_Number = 1) AS T2,

(SELECT Redemption_Agent_Telephone FROM Redemption_Agent ra WHERE ra.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND Redemption_Agent_Number = 2) AS T3,

(SELECT Redemption_Agent_Telephone FROM Redemption_Agent ra WHERE ra.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND Redemption_Agent_Number = 3) AS T4,

(SELECT Redemption_Agent_Telephone FROM Redemption_Agent ra WHERE ra.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND Redemption_Agent_Number = 4) AS T5,

(SELECT Agent_Telephone FROM Agent a WHERE a.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND Agent_Number = 1) AS T7,

(SELECT Agent_Telephone FROM Agent a WHERE a.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND Agent_Number = 2) AS T8,

(SELECT Agent_Telephone FROM Agent a WHERE a.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND Agent_Number = 3) AS T9,

Tickler_Date AS TK,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('TP', c.Card_Number, To_Purchase) AS TP,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('TS', c.Card_Number, Transaction_Status) AS TS,

dbo.f_gettxtext(c.Card_Number) AS TX,

Basis_CUSIP_1_3 AS U1,

Basis_Surrender_2 AS U2,

Basis_Receive_2_1 AS U3,

Basis_Amount_2_1 AS U4,

Basis_CUSIP_2_1 AS U5,

Basis_Receive_2_2 AS U6,

Basis_Amount_2_2 AS U7,

Basis_CUSIP_2_2 AS U8,

Basis_Receive_2_3 AS U9,

RTRIM(Issue_Description) AS UD,

Voluntary_Mandatory AS VM,

(SELECT New_Issue_CUSIP FROM New_Issue ni WHERE ni.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND New_Issue_Number = 1) AS W1,

(SELECT New_Issue_CUSIP FROM New_Issue ni WHERE ni.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND New_Issue_Number = 2) AS W2,

(SELECT New_Issue_CUSIP FROM New_Issue ni WHERE ni.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND New_Issue_Number = 3) AS W3,

(SELECT New_Issue_CUSIP FROM New_Issue ni WHERE ni.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND New_Issue_Number = 4) AS W4,

(SELECT New_Issue_CUSIP FROM New_Issue ni WHERE ni.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND New_Issue_Number = 5) AS W5,

(SELECT New_Issue_CUSIP FROM New_Issue ni WHERE ni.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND New_Issue_Number = 6) AS W6,

dbo.f_formatpseudodate(Withdrawal_Prior_To) AS WD,

Withdrawal_Prior_To_Time AS WH,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('WO', c.Card_Number, Withdrawal_Prior_To_Code) AS WO,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('WZ', c.Card_Number, Withdrawal_Prior_To_Zone) AS WZ,

(SELECT Payable_Rate_Amount FROM Payable_Rate pr WHERE pr.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND Payable_Rate_Number =3) AS X1,

(SELECT Payable_Rate_CUSIP FROM Payable_Rate pr WHERE pr.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND Payable_Rate_Number = 3) AS X2,

dbo.f_formatpseudodate(Expiration_Date) AS XD,

dbo.f_formatpseudodate(Ex_Rights_Date) AS XR,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('XT', c.Card_Number, Rights_Expire_Code) AS XT,

Payable_Rate_Shareblock AS Y1,

Payable_Rate_Surrender AS Y2,

(SELECT Payable_Rate_Receive FROM Payable_Rate pr WHERE pr.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND Payable_Rate_Number =1) AS Y3,

(SELECT Payable_Rate_Amount FROM Payable_Rate pr WHERE pr.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND Payable_Rate_Number =1) AS Y4,

(SELECT Payable_Rate_CUSIP FROM Payable_Rate pr WHERE pr.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND Payable_Rate_Number =1) AS Y5,

(SELECT Payable_Rate_Receive FROM Payable_Rate pr WHERE pr.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND Payable_Rate_Number =2) AS Y6,

(SELECT Payable_Rate_Amount FROM Payable_Rate pr WHERE pr.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND Payable_Rate_Number =2) AS Y7,

(SELECT Payable_Rate_CUSIP FROM Payable_Rate pr WHERE pr.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND Payable_Rate_Number =2) AS Y8,

(SELECT Payable_Rate_Receive FROM Payable_Rate pr WHERE pr.Card_Number = c.Card_Number AND Payable_Rate_Number =3) AS Y9,

dbo.f_formatpseudodate(Payment_Date) AS YD,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('YR', c.Card_Number, Payable_Rate) AS YR,

dbo.f_getmiscdescription('Z1', c.Card_Number, Option_Expiration_Zone) AS Z1,

Rights_Expire_Zone AS Z3,

Expiration_Date_Zone AS Z4


INNER JOIN DC_DailyCard dc ON c.Card_Number = dc.Card_Number

WHERE c.Card_Status = 'R' AND c.Card_Date BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date


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Internal Error / Internal Catalog Exception

May 11, 2007


I've read already every thread in this forum regarding this topic with no results.

SQLServer and the corresponding services are at actual update level. The reporting services worked for 4 months without this problem. Suddenly, most of the time all reports return an internal error (it is like 70-30 for internal error) not depending which render format is used.

The system logs (eventlog, iis) show no errors. The ExecutionLog of RS show rsInternalError.

Looking in the log files in RS log directory, there is following stacktrace:

w3wp!processing!1!05/11/2007-10:40:06:: a ASSERT: Assertion failed! Call stack:
Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessing.RenderReport(IRenderingExtension renderer, DateTime executionTimeStamp, GetReportChunk getCompiledDefinitionCallback, ProcessingContext pc, RenderingContext rc, CreateReportChunk cacheDataCallback, Boolean& dataCached)
Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessing.RenderReport(DateTime executionTimeStamp, GetReportChunk getCompiledDefinitionCallback, ProcessingContext pc, RenderingContext rc)
Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSService.RenderAsLive(CatalogItemContext reportContext, ItemProperties properties, ParameterInfoCollection effectiveParameters, Guid reportId, ClientRequest session, String description, ReportSnapshot intermediateSnapshot, DataSourceInfoCollection thisReportDataSources, Boolean cachingRequested, Boolean isLinkedReport, Warning[]& warnings, ReportSnapshot& resultSnapshotData, DateTime& executionDateTime, RuntimeDataSourceInfoCollection& alldataSources, UserProfileState& usedUserProfile)
Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSService.RenderAsLiveOrSnapshot(CatalogItemContext reportContext, ClientRequest session, Warning[]& warnings, ParameterInfoCollection& effectiveParameters)
Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSService.RenderFirst(CatalogItemContext reportContext, ClientRequest session, Warning[]& warnings, ParameterInfoCollection& effectiveParameters, String[]& secondaryStreamNames)
Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RenderFirstCancelableStep.RenderFirst(RSService rs, CatalogItemContext reportContext, ClientRequest session, JobType type, Warning[]& warnings, ParameterInfoCollection& effectiveParameters, String[]& secondaryStreamNames)
Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportServiceHttpHandler.RenderReport(HttpResponseStreamFactory streamFactory)
Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportServiceHttpHandler.DoStreamedOperation(StreamedOperation operation)
Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportServiceHttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)
System.Web.HttpApplication.ResumeSteps(Exception error)
System.Web.HttpApplication.System.Web.IHttpAsyncHandler.BeginProcessRequest(HttpContext context, AsyncCallback cb, Object extraData)
System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestInternal(HttpWorkerRequest wr)
System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestNoDemand(HttpWorkerRequest wr)
System.Web.Hosting.ISAPIRuntime.ProcessRequest(IntPtr ecb, Int32 iWRType)

I don't see any hint in stack trace, Maybe one of yours.

As it seems, after an iisreset the first rendering always works perfect. HD space is enough.

Any ideas?

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Internal SQL Server Error For Nested Query

May 29, 2008


I have a following query:

select cu.Currencies_ShortName

from dbo.Currencies cu
inner join
select p1.Pairs_Shortname as f1, right(p1.Pairs_Shortname,3) as Currency1,

/*v1*/ -- max(SpotBid) as SpotBid, max(SpotAsk) as SpotAsk

/*v2*/ SpotBid, SpotAsk

from dbo.Pairs p1 inner join dbo.PairsQuotes pq1

on p1.Pairs_Id=pq1.Pairs_Id
and pq1.PriceDate=(select max(PriceDate) from dbo.PairsQuotes)

where p1.Pairs_Shortname like 'EUR%'

/*v1*/ -- group by p1.Pairs_Shortname, right(p1.Pairs_Shortname,3)

) as sr
on cu.Currencies_ShortName=sr.Currency1

which would work like /*v2*/, but not like /*v1*/ - there would be a message:
Server: Msg 8624, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
Internal SQL Server error.

Is Group By not manageable in a nested query, or is it some other problem?


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We Get Internal Error When Runing Delete Query

Sep 27, 2007

We have a query: delete from myTable *******

and we get the error:
Msg 8624, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Internal SQL Server error.

When we run the same condition but with select instead of delete, every thing works fine, we only have pb with delete.

How can we detect what the problem is. Because with Internal error Msg 8624 does not tell us any thing, what re we supposed to make the query works especially that it runs correctly in select mode.

Thanks a lot.

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An Internal Error Occurred. [ ID = 3639 ] On Delete Query

Aug 1, 2007

When I am trying to execute a delete query i'm getting the following error An internal error occurred. [ ID = 3639 ]. This is happening for some specific rows only. Other rows are getting deleted without any issues. Some 7 rows are there which i'm not able to delete. I am able to run update query on that rows. but not delete query
Pls help

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Delete Query Failes On Some Databases With Internal Server Error 8624

Feb 5, 2008


We've got a strange problem.
We are running on SQL 2000 SP4.
Our structure uses database pairs, we have a Current and a History database so old records that don't change and aren't needed very often are only loaded into memory when needed.

The following query (the names have been changed) deletes the quote from the current database when the order raised from the quote has been moved into the history.

Code Snippet
DELETE FROM t_CurrentUnpaid
FROM db_Mule_History.dbo.t_History INNER JOIN
t_Quote ON
db_Mule_History.dbo.t_History.uid = t_Quote.uid INNER JOIN
t_CurrentUnpaid ON
t_Quote.uid_Parent = t_CurrentUnpaid.uid
where t_CurrentUnpaid.uid_cont != -2

This query runs fine on 4 identical database pairs, on the 5th pair it fails. All these pairs are on the same server, with the same permissions and the exact same structure. Only the data would differ

The error returned is:
Internal server error 8624
level 16 state 1 line 1

We have looked at MS articles, but all that I can find are about bugs fixed in SP1, 2, 3 and 4.
Nothing post SP4 that we are running.

Many thans in advance.

Ian Wilkinson

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Reporting Services :: Query To Pull SSRS Parameter Properties (Hidden / Visible / Internal)

May 19, 2015

We have 1000s of SSRS reports hosted on the SQL 2008 R2. All reports are supposed to have all parameters "hidden". Random reports have been reported to expose the parameter when developers accidently deploy to test servers. Is there a way to identify the reports and the parameter property (Hidden, Visible, Internal) from the Report server Database?

I checked executionlog2 but can not find the parameter property.

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Why Does ADO.NET Used So Many Resources?

Nov 10, 2003

I used SqlConnection/SqlDataReader to read data from SQL Server 2000 in my ASP.NET project, but I found that the CPU usage is too high, and I used SQL Query Analyzer to run the same SQL statement, The CPU usage is the half of the previous, is there anyone can tell me why? Thank you!

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SQL Resources

May 8, 2006

Hi everyone!Being new the SQL, I wanted to ask everyone if there are good resources out there that they use?  I could use all the help I can get!  Books, links, websites, etc.Recently my friend sent me this, I found it informative and best of all, free!
Thanks in advance for your help!- Lizzy

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Jul 5, 2001

Sometimes logging in to SQL 7 I get 'Memory resources not available...' and
log in process terminates. Do I need to up number of locks !
If so, how ! Pls. suggest any other ideas !

I have 2g ram, 4 CPUs NT 4 SP5


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What Is Using!

May 5, 2006

This proc will show you what is using SQL system resources right now. If a process is not currently using any resources, it will not show up on the list. Also, a dump of the input buffer is printed so you can see just what is going on.

I use this code whenever somebody whines that "The server is slow!".

The magic is ::fn_get_sql which came with service pack 3 for sql 2000.

use master
IF (object_id('sp_Now')) is not null
PRINT 'Dropping: sp_Now'
PRINT 'Creating: sp_Now'
set nocount on
declare @handle binary(20),
@spid smallint,
@rowcnt smallint,
@output varchar(500)

select sql_handle, spid
from sysprocesses
where sql_handle <> 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-- and spid <> @@SPID --> Uncomment to stop seeing your own process
order by cpu desc

INTO @handle,

set @rowcnt = @@CURSOR_ROWS

print '===================='
print '===================='
print ' '
set @output = 'ACTIVE SPIDS: ' + convert(varchar(4),@rowcnt)
print @output

print ' '
print ' '
print 'O' + replicate('x',120) + 'O'
print 'O' + replicate('x',120) + 'O'
print ' '
print ' '
print ' '

select convert(char(15), loginame) as 'loginame',
convert(char(10),hostname) as 'hostname',
convert(char(20),db_name(dbid)) 'database',
str(spid,4,0) 'spid',
str(blocked,5,0) 'block',
-- str(waittime,9,0) 'wait_time',
str(physical_io,8,0) 'phys_io',
-- str((cpu),10,0) 'cpu(ms)',
-- str((cpu/60000.0),9,3) 'cpu(mins)',
str((cpu/1000/60),6) + ':' + case when left((str(((cpu/1000) % 60),2)),1) = ' ' then stuff(str(((cpu/1000) % 60),2),1,1,'0') else str(((cpu/1000) % 60),2) END as 'cpu(mm:ss)',
str((convert(float,memusage) * 8192.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0),8,2) 'mem(MB)',
convert(char(30),program_name) as 'program_name',
convert(char(15),lastwaittype) 'lastwaittype',
convert(char(20),login_time,120) 'login_time',
convert(char(19),last_batch,120) 'last_batch',
convert(char(10),status) as 'status',
convert(char(15),nt_username) as 'nt_username'
from master..sysprocesses
where spid = @spid
print ' '
print ' '
dbcc inputbuffer(@spid)
print ' '
print ' '
select * from ::fn_get_sql(@handle)
INTO @handle,
close TEST
deallocate TEST
IF (object_id('sp_Now')) is not null
PRINT 'Procedure created.'
PRINT 'Procedure NOT created.'

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SQL Resources

Jul 31, 2006

Im just looking for someone that has a demonstration Visual Basic database script.
Something that makes a database, ad / removes rows and information, does all basic database stuff, just as an example of how a SQL database is supposed to be handled.

Anyone have any links?

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Resources Used By UDF

Jul 23, 2005

I know that a query inside a called UDF does not show up when displaying theestimated query plan, but are the resources (CPU, DiskIO) used by a UDF thatis call from within an SProc or embedded in a SQL statement included insp_who2 and Profiler BatchCompleted?Also how performance draining is it to do something like the following. Iassume for every row returned the udf will be called causing 8000 tablescans on DateTable?Create Functionu udf_GetCountDates (@StartDate datetime, @EndDate datetime)Returns IntbeginReturn(select count(*) from DateTablewhere ColDate > @TestDate and Col1Date <)end--DateTable has 5,000 rowsCreate proc Test@TestDate datetimeAsselect Col1, Col2, udf_GetCountDates(@TestDate, Col2)From OTable--OTable has 8,000 rowsGoThanks,Ray

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Jul 20, 2005

I have a question...say I have an asp app that works as a front end toan sql server 2000 database. Would it be better, performance wise, toseperate the webserver from the sqlserver or to have them on the samemachine?-Jim

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Jul 24, 2007

How should I know if I need to add new processor to my Server?

During Submission of our Records every 24th day of the month the cpu usage of the server is steady 100% can you please help me what alternative can I do? or how can i check if need to add new processor.

Please help me guys.


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Indentifying How Much Resources Are Used

May 13, 2004

I have a sql job(that runs several stored procs) that is run to fix a problem, it is set to run every few minutes (no, this is not my idea). What would be the best way to identify how much this specific job/and it's sp's are using in resources, such as cpu and memory?

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Resources For MS Certification

Jun 19, 2002

I was thinking of doing certification from Microsoft. I was first intending to write exam 70-229 which is :
Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition.

The Microsoft site has a list of topics that I need to be familiar with in order to pass the exam, but it does not have the detailed information.
Can someone guide me to a place where I can go to get the detailed information about these topics so that I can prepare better for the certification exam?

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Mssql Resources

Mar 9, 2006

Hi folks, thought I'd wade into the mssql waters, I've used mysql for some time, thought I'd familiarize myself with the other.

I downloaded mssql server 2005 express edition. Don't know if I missed anything on the site, maybe I did. I've got it running from the command line.

Are there any GUIs out there that are decent to use? Where can I download it?

Is there a specific manual available like mysql has? I think I stumbled across something but wasn't sure it was searchable, sorry the link is on my other 'puter at the moment so I can't see what I was looking at.

perhaps a sticky in this forum with good resources would be helpful to all.


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Point Me To Some Resources

May 21, 2008

I normally develop for MySQL and PHP, but we have a new application that runs on MS SQL and I'm having difficulty using the same structure as MySQL to run queries. Can someone here point me to a good resource to learn the basics?


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Resources Usage

Oct 20, 2005

Hello, I need to know how to see the cpu and memory usage per session, and the cause (What query is causing It)

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Limiting The Resources

Jun 13, 2007


I have a problem on microsoft sql server 2000.
I need to limit the amount of resources(eg cpu, mem..) a query uses
Is there a way to do this in SQL server 2000

Thks in advance

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