There Is Any RowId Field Available In SQL Server

Sep 1, 2005

Hello gays,I am using Oracle and there is one rowid field ButI donot know RowId Field available in Sql Server Or NotIf Yes then give me reply how to use it ?If No then Give me replay What is alternate of Rowid?

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Rowid In Sql Server

Dec 28, 1999


I'm new to Sql Server. I have a jdbc program which gets data from
tables in a Sql Server database and inserts it into the corresponding
tables in an Oracle database. This program is supposed to run in an
infinite loop. On every run of the program, it should get the rows
added after the last run. Is there any way I could get the rowid of the last record?
I know that there is no visible rowid in Sql Server. Can anyone please suggest a way
around this problem? It would be a great help.

Thank you so much.

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Rowid,Rownum In SQL Server...

Oct 13, 2001

Do we have Rowid or Rownum in SQL Server, or any alternative.


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RowId In SQL Server 2000

Mar 4, 2005

:confused: Hi Champs,

Is there anyway to get row id of row stored in specific table in sql server 2000 database similar to Oracle?

Thanks in advance,

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Oracle:RowId &<=&> Sql-Server:?

Feb 27, 2004

Hi all

I have an easy question. In Oracle I can retrieve a column named "ROWID" which returns an unique identifier of the row in the
database. I want to have the same element in SQL Server.

Do you know how is this handle in SQL Server ?

Thanks in Advance

Fabian Bonilla

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SQL Server 2012 :: Adding RowID To Existing Table - Inconsistent Results

May 6, 2015

I am getting inconsistent results when BULK INSERTING data from a tab-delimited text file. As part of my testing, I run the same code on the same file again and again, and I get different results every time! I get this on SQL 2005 and SQL 2012 R2.

We have an application that imports data from a spreadsheet. The sheet contains section headers with account numbers and detail rows with transactions by date:

AAAA.1234 /* (account number)*/
1/1/2015 $150 First Transaction
1/3/2015 $24.233 Second Transaction
1/1/2015 $350 Third Transaction
1/3/2015 $24.233 Fourth Transaction

My Import program saves this spreadsheet at tab-delimited text, then I use BULK INSERT to bring the data into a generic table full of varchar(255) fields. There are about 90,000 rows in each day's data; after the BULK INSERT about half of them are removed for various reasons.

Next I add a RowID column to the table with the IDENTITY (1,1) property. This gives my raw data unique row numbers.

I then run a routine that converts and copies those records into another holding table that's a copy of the final destination table. That routine parses though the data, assigning the account number in the section header to each detail row. It ends up looking like this:

AAAA.1234 1/1/2015 $150 First Purchase
AAAA.1234 1/3/2015 $24.233 Second Purchase
BBBB.5678 1/1/2015 $350 Third Purchase
BBBB.5678 1/3/2015 $24.233 Fourth Purchase

My technique: I use a cursor to get the starting RowID for each Account Number: I then use the upper and lower RowIDs to do an INSERT into the final table. The query looks like this:

SELECT RowID, SUBSTRING(RowHeader, 6,4) + '.UBC1' AS AccountNumber
FROM GenericTable
WHERE RowHeader LIKE '____.____%'

Results look like this:

But every time I run the routine, I get different numbers!

Needless to say, my results are not accurate. I get inconsistent results EVERY TIME. Here is my code, with table, field and account names changed for business confidentiality.

TRUNCATE TABLE GenericImportTable;
BULK INSERT GenericImportTable FROM ''
SELECT RowID, SUBSTRING(RowHeader, 6,4) + '.UBC1' AS AccountNumber
FROM GenericImportTable
WHERE RowHeader LIKE '____.____%'

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Rowid In Sql

Jan 13, 2001

In SQL7 books online its written about RID ( row identifier)
Is there any method to use this RID in programming?
Also it stated that the option for row level lock and table level lock can be given explicitly through system procedures. I would like to know how to use these options.

Can any body help ???

Thanx in advance


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Sep 13, 2001

What is unique column name fo each row.
Like we use ROWID in Oracle which is unique for each row in the table.
So what sthe same in SQL SERVER 6.5...?

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Oct 20, 2004

do we have max(rowid) kind of stuff in sql server as we have in oracle?

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Rowid Is There?

Sep 4, 2006

Hi experts,
I'm in need to use the rowid of a column.
is there any concept like rowid?

for example, i need the first row of a table.or 5th row of a can i write the query?

thank you verymuch in advance.

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ADO And The RowID

May 15, 2007

I am trying to update a SQL db record with ADO commands from an asp page thru a stored proc using the RowID and it is not working. RowID is the Identity seed record.

Here is the stored proc:

CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_Update_tblECMTimeTrackingMain]
@RowID int,
@StartTime datetime,
@EndTime datetime,
@TransxStatus varchar(50)
UPDATE [tblECMTimeTrackingMain]
SET FStartTime = @StartTime,
FEndTime = @EndTime,
TransxStatus = @TransxStatus
where RowID = @RowID

Here is the asp/ado code:

set cmdINSERT = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.command") cmdINSERT.ActiveConnection = strCONN_DATA cmdINSERT.CommandText = "[sp_Update_tblECMTimeTrackingMain]" cmdINSERT.CommandType = 4

set param = cmdINSERT.CreateParameter("@RowID",3,1,4) cmdINSERT.Parameters.Append param

set param = cmdINSERT.CreateParameter("@FStartTime",135,1,8) cmdINSERT.Parameters.Append param

set param = cmdINSERT.CreateParameter("@FEndTime",135,1,8) cmdINSERT.Parameters.Append param

set param = cmdINSERT.CreateParameter("@TransxStatus",129,1,50) cmdINSERT.Parameters.Append param

cmdINSERT.Parameters(0) = CInt(mACTREFNUM) ...when I change this to "568" it actually does the update. Yes there is something in mACTREFNUM.

cmdINSERT.Parameters(1) = meStartTime

cmdINSERT.Parameters(2) = meEndTime

cmdINSERT.Parameters(3) = meStatus

cmdINSERT.Execute lngRECS,,128

Any clues?

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Locking And Rowid

Jul 20, 2005

Hello!1. How can I know exactlly what row is locked? Is data in "resource"column of sp_lock usable? For example, resource = 03000d8f0ecc511400DB SGRANT51142775760271KEY(03000d8f0ecc)XGRANT51142775760271PAG1:1112IXGRANT51142775760270TABIXGRANT511855753430TABISGRANT2. Is there any equivalent of ORACLE's "rowid" pseudocolumn? How can Iuniquelly identify some row in any given table ( which may not haveprimary key defined )?

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Rowid Equivalence

Jul 18, 2005

Hi All,

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Rownum Rowid

Jan 23, 2008

Hi. Is there a rownum, rowid, or autonumber in t-sql for SQL Server 2005?


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How To Get The Rowid Of The Table Maintained By The Sql

Mar 24, 2008

I want to fetch the records from the table which does not have Id column and also I don't want to use the temp tables, as my table is having thousands of records then it will create temp and all the records will be added to that temp table which will consume a lot of time
so I want to fetch the records depending upon the rowid maintained by the sql
 please revert with ur valuable answers
thankx in advance

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Urgent - Alternate For Rowid

Apr 6, 2001


What is the alternate for Rowid (in Oracle) in SQL Server ?? Can u tell me ...


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Oracle Rowid Equivalent In MS SQL

Jul 1, 2004

Hi all,

I'ld like to get the last record inserted into my DB. In oracle I use:
select * from <tabella>
where rowid = (select max(rowid) from <tabella>.

It is an equivalent of rowid in MS SQL?


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What Is Equalent Of Oracle Rowid ? In Sql Ser.

May 12, 1999

Hi guys,

how to identify the rowid values.i am having one table without primarykey how to remove repeated data ?


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Oracle RowID In SQLServer?

Mar 5, 2007


In Oracle we have a datatype called 'ROWID' - Oracle uses this datatype to store the address (rowid) of every row in the database. Do we have any equivalent datatype in SQLServer similar to this ?


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Rownum And Rowid Equivalent In MS SQL

Mar 31, 2006

do we have any equivalent of rownum and rowid in MS SQL

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Similar Option Of Oracle's ROWID

Oct 12, 2007


Im a SQL server2000 user, do we have any option similar to Oracle's ROWID in sql server?


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Equivalence De ROWID In SqlServer 2005

Oct 12, 2006

je cherche l equivalence de RowId en SqlServer 2005, surtout dans la clause where : exp : comment faire traduire cette requete en T-sql

Update table set col1 = @col1 where RowId = 5;

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Is There Any Internal Rowid Used In Tables Other Than Identity Column?

Feb 7, 2008

I have a table without Identity column. Is there any way can I know the Table row insert Order? I want to update the table based on the insert order.

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Newly Inserted Record RowID To A Label Control

Apr 22, 2008

Greetings all,
I am tring to capture the ID of a newly inserted record from a form to a label that I will reference in a reciept page.  I intend to pass the rowid to retrieve record information on other pages.
The insert suceeds... I just need to capture the auto generated ID for the new row to a label on the page post onclick.  Any thoughts?
Dim MySQL As String = "Insert into dropkick (name, status, payroll, unit, contactnumber, email, equipment, issue, timein) values (@name, @status, @payroll, @unit, @contactnumber, @email, @equipment, @issue, @timein)"Dim myConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(SqlDataSource1.ConnectionString)
Dim Cmd As New SqlCommand(MySQL, myConn)Cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@payroll", txt_payroll.Text))
Cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@name", txt_name.Text))Cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@status", "W"))
Cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@unit", txt_dept.Text))Cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@contactnumber", txt_cell.Text))
Cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@email", txt_email.Text))Cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@equipment", txt_equipment.Text))
Cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@issue", txt_issue.Text))Cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@timein", lbl_datetime.Text))
Label1.Visible = "true"
Label1.Text = "Your data has been received!"
lbl_id.Text = ID

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Problem Importing Data From An Access Memo Field Into A SQL Server Ntext Field.

Jul 11, 2005

I'm using DTS to import data from an Access memo field into a SQL Server ntext field.  DTS is only importing the first 255 characters of the memo field and truncating the rest.I'd appreciate any insights into what may be causing this problem, and what I can do about it.Thanks in advance for any help!

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Informix Date Type Field To SQL Server Datetime Field Error

Oct 17, 2007

I am trying to drag data from Informix to Sql Server. When I kick off the package
using an OLE DB Source and a SQL Server Destination, I get DT_DBDATE to DT_DBTIMESTAMP
errors on two fields from Informix which are date data timestamp part

I tried a couple of things:

Created a view of the Informix table where I cast the date fields as datetime year to fraction(5), which failed.

Altered the view to convert the date fields to char(10) with the hopes that SQL Server would implicitly cast them
as datetime but it failed.

What options do I have that will work?

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Odbc - Binding Sql Server Binary Field To A Wide Char Field Only Returns 1/2 The Daat

Jul 23, 2005

Hi ,Have a Visual C++ app that use odbc to access sql server database.Doing a select to get value of binary field and bind a char to thatfield as follows , field in database in binary(16)char lpResourceID[32+1];rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_CHAR,&lpResourceID,RESOURCE_ID_LEN_PLUS_NULL , &nLen1);and this works fine , however trying to move codebase to UNICODE antested the followingWCHAR lpResourceID[32+1];rc = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_W_CHAR,&lpResourceID,RESOURCE_ID_LEN_PLUS_NULL , &nLen1);but only returns 1/2 the data .Any ideas , thoughts this would work fine , nit sure why loosing dataAll ideas welcome.JOhn

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Access Memo Field To SQL Server Text Field

Nov 19, 2006


I'm importing an Access database to SQL Server 2000.
The issue I ran into is pretty frustrating... All Memo fields that get copied over (as Text fields) appear to be fine and visible in SQL Server Enterprise Manager... except when I display them on the web via ASP - everything is blank (no content at all).

I didn't have that problem with Access, so I ruled out the possibility that there's something wrong with the original data.

Is this some sort of an encoding problem that arose during database import?
I would appreciate any pointers.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Selecting Field That Contains Data From Another Field

May 28, 2015

We have a stock code table with a description field and a brand field - when the data was entered, some of the records were entered with the brand field in the description field.

Code Description Brand

what I need to do is identify where the Brand is in the Description field ...

I have tried ;

select * from Table
where Description Like Brand

not very successful.

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MS Access Memo Field To SQL Server Text Field

Aug 20, 2006

Hi all,

i've a reasonable amount of experience with MS Access and less
experience with SQL Server. I've just written an .NET application that
uses an SQL Server database. I need to collate lots of data from around
the company in the simplest way, that can then be loaded into the SQL
Server database.

I decided to collect the info in Excel because that's what most people
know best and is the quickest to use. The idea being i could just copy
and paste the records directly into the SQL Server database table (in
the same format) using the SQL Server Management Studio, for

Trouble is, i have a problem with line feed characters. If an Excel
cell contains a chunk of text with line breaks (Chr(10) or Chr(13))
then the copy'n'paste doesn't work - only the text up to the first line
break is pasted into the SQL Server database cell. The rest is not
pasted for some reason.

I've tried with MS Access too, copying and pasting the contents of a
memo field into SQL Server database, but with exactly the same problem.
I've tried with 'text' or 'varchar' SQL Server database field formats.

Since i've no experience of using different types of databases
interacting together, can someone suggest the simplest way of
transferring the data without getting this problem with the line feeds?
I don't want to spend hours writing scripts/programs when it's just
this linefeed problem that is preventing the whole lot just being
cut'n'pasted in 5 seconds!



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Loop Though Table Using RowID, Not Cursor (was Loop)

Feb 22, 2006

I have a table with RowID(identity). I need to loop though the table using RowID(not using a cursor). Please help me.

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Transact SQL :: Return Field When A Field Contains Text From Another Field

Aug 25, 2015

I'm new to SQL and I'm trying to write a statement to satisfy the following:

If [Field1] contains text from [Field2] then return [Field3] as [Field4].

I had two tables where there were no matching keys. I did a cross apply and am now trying to parse out the description to build the key.

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How To Add Date Field And Time Field (not Datetime Field )

May 4, 2006

Good morning...

I begin with SQL, I would like to add a field that will be date like 21/01/2000.

Actually i find just "datetime" format but give me the format 21/01/2000 01:01:20.

How to do for having date and time in two different field.

Sorry for my english....


A newbie

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