This Is Making My Head Spin

Dec 18, 2007

I have a table that contains categories, users, modifydates . All three of those fields may be repeated many times.

I need to build a table that contains user, modifydate, oldcategory, newcategory, duration (number of days between modifydates when there is a category change)

I can use the min(modifydate) to get the 1st occurrence of each new category, but I am having trouble populating the oldvalue and then also getting the duration.

Adding to the complexity, I have to take the last entry of a null category prior to category being populated the first time and populate it with the first occurrence of category, Likewise, I have to populate the first occurrence of null after the last occurrence of a popoulated category. In other words, this simulates populated categories prior to first occurrence and after the last occurrence.

Any help would be great.

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SQL Server Express Edition Spin Down

Jan 30, 2008

"SQL Server Express Edition does spin down when not in use for several minutes."

Is there a way to prevent and/or configure this spin down?

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New Spin On SQL Server Express Management.

Dec 28, 2006

Hi there - I asked the question about automated adminsitration on Express and was given some good solutions since it didn't have SSIS which is used to schedule admin tasks.

HOWEVER, unless I am wrong, I think I heard at PASS that in SP2 SQL Server Express will have maintenance plans -- and thus SSIS? Is this true -- can someone fill me in. I was happy when tooling came down to Express and automated maintenance would help as well.


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Spin Loop Attaching Database In 2000 =&&> 2005 Upgrade

Apr 21, 2008

I just upgraded a large SQL 2000 database server to SQL 2005, and I have 2 databases that won't attach to the 2005 Server. They are both very small, about 90MB in size, and when I attach them to 2005, the process alternates between running and spinloop status. It can sit forever, and will never complete. I restored backups before the upgrade to a SQL 2000 Server, and reran DBCC CheckDB on both, and got no consistency errors, Updated Stats and indexes, then detached and moved the data files to 2005, and same thing.

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Contains Not Working Or Probably It's My Head......but Anyhow I Need Help

Jan 25, 2008

I try to execute the below statement on a column, I've been trying on a row where subType3 contains this string ",31,32,34,23,55,54,39,44,51,52," without the ",. The column is declared as varchar(MAX)
SELECT subType3 FROM aTable WHERE CONTAINS(subType3, '32')
The above statement executes and returns the result as expected, BUT if I execute this:
SELECT subType3 FROM aTable WHERE CONTAINS(subType3, '55')
then nothing is returned. I can't see any real pattern, 32, 34 and 54 returns the row. If I try with any of the others nothing is returned....Why is this? 
I sort of need to use contains, if I dont wan't to start chopping up the string and patindex or something like that. Patindex works by the way, but when I have many values then it gets a bit cumbersome using anything else than contains.
Thanks for any and all help,

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Row Size Over Head

Apr 25, 2000

Hi all !
I have a table where there are a number of columns with varchar(20) and varchar(255).
I am looking at a table with 4 varchar(255) and 10 varchar(20) 's.
I have to estimates the size of the table.I can do that given the rowsize and the number of rows in the table.
My problem is what is the kind of over head that I need to take into account when I am dealing with a table with soo many variable length columns when calculating the row size?
What is the over head difference between char datatye and varchar datatype?
I can't go for char datatypes now.
Help and info regarding this is very much appreciated.


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Column Head

Feb 13, 2007

Is there a way to get the column head in query output.

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A Query That Is Over My Head...

Dec 8, 2005

How do I return a list of items that matches one or more criteria that I pass in?

A user enters a sales lead (a company is looking for a place to have their event). That lead has a number of
criteria elements (start date, end date, city, region, maximum room rate, one or more amenities, etc. - more
details below) that should be used when trying to find Hotels that match that criteria. Obviously, some
criteria is more important than others (city, start and end date are more important than the maximum room
rate) - and it's unlikely that many (if any) of the Hotels will match *all* of the criteria entered by the
user. So, I'm looking to return a list of Hotels that match at least one of the criteria - if possible,
ordered by how many criteria elements match.

What makes this query particularly difficult, is that some of the criteria to match are stored in multiple
tables. For example, each Hotel has "Amenities" (Golf, Spa, etc.) - that are stored in a seperate table.
When a user enters a lead, they select which amenities they want to match. Also, a lead specifies a number
of rooms to block for each day between the Arrival and Departure date - these numbers can change from day
to day - but for this query - I think it's acceptible to get the largest number of rooms needed from any of
the days and compare that one number against the "MaxDailyRoomBlock" field of a Hotel (represented by the
"Property" table). Also, since a Hotel has different rates defined for each season, the query will have to
match the "MaxRate" against the rate of the correct season based on the Arrival and Departure dates. Also,
the rate can be within 20% of the stated "MaxRate".

Here are the following variables that will be passed into the query as criteria items:
RequestCity, RegionINDEID, ArrivalDate, DepartureDate, MaxRate, MaxTheaterSeating, MaxBanquetSeating,
MaxSchoolSeating, MaxBreakoutRooms, MaxRoomBlock

I know this is a huge post - and I sincerly appreciate any help you can provide.

DDL for Tables:
*In the DDL.txt attachment

Sample Data:
* In the data.txt attachment

Previous Attempts:
Unfortunately, I don't even know where to begin, so I haven't tried anything yet.

Expected Results:

1Marriot San Diego5
2Hilton San Diego3
3Hilton San Diego Downtown2

Thanks in advance, again...

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In Over My Head And Need Guidance

Aug 24, 2007

I am the IS manager for a medium business. I am also the DBA and the programmer and help desk and trainer etc etc.

In 2003 I embarked on a project which went live in 2005. We contracted to have our order processing system rewritten into SQL. I went from a character based 4GL language called Progress running in a UNIX enviroment to a knock down, drag out, full blown microsoft solution. I have been operating this new system for two years making modest enhancements and improvements as my skills with microsoft are increasing and improving (retraining my brain to think objects)and hiring contractors to do the really cool fun stuff.

I have to learn Server 2003, SQL Server 2005, SQL Express, T-SQL, Replication, Reporting Services, SSIS, IIS, DTS, Visual Source Safe, Visual Studio, VB, C#, ADO.NET and the .NET Framework fits in here too although I don't really know where.

I hope you are starting to understand my feeling of being 'in over my head'. Right now everything is running perfect. I do backups, restore them and create new reports. Basic stuff.

On top of this our company has merged with a larger one and this bigger company does not have a microsoft solution. They have an AS400 home grown application that I do not want to learn. I will not go backwards!!!!! I will loose my job/position in the next couple of years. I want certifications (to get that interview).

I just don't have the skills to back up the certification (I don't want to be one of those exam cram people) I do a plethora of unrelated taks all day long. Not because I have to do them I choose to do them. I like both DBA and Programming.

So, if you were me, and could get certifications and have experience to back them up what would you do first?

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How To Find The Head Of A Blocking Chain?

May 1, 2002

I'm trying to write a script that will go against sysprocesses (I think) and find the head of a blocking chain, and how many SPIDs it is blocking on down the line.

I found a reference to a script called head_blockers.sql in the Swynk Scripts database (posted March 2000), but the script appears to no longer be available for download.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you,
Susan Jones

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Function To Return Head Of Parent

Jan 19, 2014

I have an existing function and need to alter function to give result of the parent-description until its parent is reached.


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CityData](
[Id] [int] NULL,
[ParentID] [int] NULL,
[City] [nchar](20) NULL,
[Location] [nchar](50) NULL,
[Amt] [int] NULL

[Code] ....

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Column Head On A Matrix Report.

Jan 24, 2008

I have a huge matrix with 8 columns and then all the data that's generated when choosing a date span. These 8 columns are Topic, Salesperson, Company and so on and then the right part of the matrix grows with values for each month.

My problem is that there are no column headers for the first 8 columns!! How come?
What I did to resolve this was to put in a table in the top left cell and then write in the corresponding column header. This works €¦ in IE but not in PDF or Excel. And I really need it when I export it to Excel.

Any ideas?

Kind regards.

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Time Spans, Tricky SQL, My Head Hurts

Apr 8, 2006

Data apx (5 million rows):

Span example:

Needs to b converted to this (ignore the underscore, used for spacing):

---M-------|-------M & Rx----|---Rx--

The time spans can slide either way.

Data example:

MemberID Eff_Date Term_Date Med_COB Rx_COB
1 20050101 20050912 Y N
1 20050310 20051120 N Y
1 20060101 <null> Y N
1 20060101 <null> N Y

Resulting Records need to be in this format:

MemberID Eff_Date Term_Date Med_COB Rx_COB
1 20050101 20050310 Y N
1 20050311 20050912 Y Y
1 20050913 20051120 N Y
1 20060101 <null> Y Y

Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated. We are running SQL2K. I like most people,would like to stay away from cursors and loops if possible.


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Need To Replicate Sales Info To Head Office

Aug 21, 2007

Here's My scenario,

I am using SQL2k5 with sp2. In have three branch stores in my site each with SQL 2k5 and a master server at headoffice also with SQL 2k5. The sales transactions for each store goes to a table called sales transaction. What I need is that the info from the sales transaction of each branch populate the sales transaction table at the head office, but not vice versa. That is to say the sales transaction table at each branch must have their information alone and no information from any other branch. Only the head office must have sales transactions from all branches in it's table. What type of replication do i use and how do i implement it?

Muchas muchas gracias.

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Get 1 Record Out Of SQL Express And Use Info In &<head&> And &<body&> Areas, Not In A Grid.

Jan 1, 2008

Just started using Visual Studio Express 2005 (Web) with Server 2005 Express and I am trying to extract the data from a SQL but cannot find how to connect to and open a SQL recordset so as to use the values of a single record dotted around a page.  I would be using the values in the <Head> and <body> areas of the page.  The body of the page would utilise standard data grids for sub and sub data, this being no problem.
Below is how I would have retrieved the "EndDate" value from an Access databse under asp.

 Set Conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") Conn.Open "DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("../private/Drapers.mdb") & ";Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" "SELECT * FROM Products where ID = 44", Conn, 3, 3     rs("Metta1") rs("Metta2")
The following is from the Web.config file

<connectionStrings><add name="ConnectCB" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|CBBasic.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/></connectionStrings>
I have tried lots of things that were either code that was superceeded  or just plainly didn't work.
Any help would be appreciated.

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Failed Assertion = &#39;m_activeSdesList.Head () == NULL&#39; (in Combination With Error: 1203)

Jun 6, 2000

On our datawarehouse server we are regularly having a 1203 error, causing the sql-server to hang. We get this message in the errorlog: Failed Assertion = 'm_activeSdesList.Head () == NULL'. In the knowledgebase I found a bug description that is very lookalike to our problem.

Article: Q240853 FIX: Lock Escalation With Parallel Query May Cause 1203 Error And Server Shutdown

*** part of the article ***
If a lock escalation occurs while running a parallel query, it is possible to encounter error message 1203 as follows:

spid7 Process 7 unlocking unowned resource: KEY: 13:117575457:2 (35010560ebcd)
spid7 Process 7 unlocking unowned resource: KEY: 13:117575457:2 (35010560ebcd)
spid7 Error: 1203, Severity: 20, State: 1
spid7 Process ID 7 attempting to unlock unowned resource KEY: 13:117575457:2 (35010560ebcd).
spid7 Error: 1203, Severity: 20, State: 1
spid7 Process ID 7 attempting to unlock unowned resource KEY: 13:117575457:2 (35010560ebcd).

The error message included in the error log probably mentions the same lock resource in several of the error messages.

Once the error is printed, an assertion message similar to the following is also printed:
1999-08-09 13:15:26.79 kernel SQL Server Assertion: File: <proc.c>, line=1866 Failed Assertion = 'm_activeSdesList.Head () == NULL'.
After a dump of the stack for all threads, the server initiates a shutdown of the SQL Server process.
*** end ***

You can find the complete article on:

We can't use the workaround, because that would shut out parallelism, which is necessary for the project.

There is a fix, but in the article Microsoft says: "A supported fix that corrects this problem is now available from Microsoft, but it has not been fully regression tested and should be applied only to systems experiencing this specific problem.".
You understan,d this is not one of my favorite type of fixes...

Does anyone have already installed the fix mentioned? Had any problems with it, or did it cause some other troubles?

Kurt De Cauwsemaecker
Database Administrator
Telepolis Antwerpen

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Making A League

Apr 14, 2007

Hello, I have a table of data with the following columns:ParticipantResult (win or lose)The table has other data in, but I want to make a league to sort by the amounts of wins. For example: Participant            Won            PlayedA                          5                  10B                           4                  7C                          3                   3 I want this to show up on web page. I was hoping to do this through the source code on the web page, but I am struggling to do it.Is there a better way to do this, or a place where I can see an example of the code. Many Thanks, Oliver 

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Ok I'm Making A Webpage But

Dec 7, 2003

with SQL desktop engine installed where do I even begin working with it?

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Help Making A Selection

Feb 25, 2005

I hope I can explain this somewhat coherantly. Here goes..

I have a products database. I want to select product details for items having distinct style codes. IE if there are 20 products that different from one another in some way, and 3 different style numbers throughout them, I want to end up with 3 products selected. I don't care which ones, as long as i have a sample product for each style.
I've attemped to use GROUP BY to do this, but it's not giving me what I want. I managed to get right number of products, but the query seems to have mixed and matched the fields together in an undesireable way. I guess this kinda makes sense, since providing aggregate functions for each of the extra fields is necessary.
SO THE QUESTION IS: How do I select (number of distinct styles) products, and still keep the records in tact as they should be?

Here is a sample...


SELECT DISTINCT Min(team) as team, min(pict) as pict, min(colors) as colors, min(league) as league, min(product_description) as product_description, min(category) as category, min(subcategory) as subcategory, min(style) as style
FROM prods
WHERE (style='style1' or style='style2' or style='style3')
AND league='leaguex'
AND soldout=''
GROUP by style
ORDER by style

Thanks very much for any help!! I'm sure I'm going about this all wrong.

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Making Changes To A DB With Replication

Jun 2, 2006


What is the best method/model for having real time replication set up and also needing the ability to drop and recreate SP's/Tables/UDF's etc? I keep getting the error of the SP is being used in replication so it cannot be dropped...

Thanks in advance.

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Making JOINS

Oct 20, 2006

Hi alllI have these tables below with 3 fields each. I want to get the recordin table 1 whose field number value is same in table 2 but field number2 on both tables are different. I mean i want the record1500 800 2. Insight: Table 1 is modules ordered and table 2 is modulesdelivered. I want to get 1500 800 2.beacuse module 800 was ordered butin table 2 module 503 was delivered. can some one help me with a joinnice weekeendTable 110 5012 101600502100 502 31500800 2Table 21500503 114004000100502 10100600100502 3

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Needs Help In Making Database

Jul 20, 2005

Please see the detail of tables with fields in SQL server 2000.·TableStudent .Table Good Qualities( It is a list of Students) (It is a list of Good Qualities)1-Student Id (P.Key)1- Serial No. (P. Key)2-Student Name 2- Good Quality· Table Bad Qualities .Table Future Plans(It is a list of Bad Qualities) (It is a list of Plans)1-Serial No. (P. Key) 1- Serial No. (P. Key)2-Bad Quality 2- Future Plans·Table-Personality1-Student Name/ID2-Good Qualities3-Bad Qualities4-Future PlansData will store in Personality table like thatStudent IDG.Q.No B.Q.NoF.P.No101 3 2 1101 4 5 NUll101 8 Null Null202 4 8 9202Null 3 1Required ResultNow I have to generate a report of One student andsometimes of many students comprising of their Name, G.qualities, BadQualities and Future Plan. To generate report User input will be onlystudent id.I Need help in making relationship of these tables as well as inMaking a Query. Any suggestion to get the required result. Speciallyplease look at the Personality Table because I do not understandPrimary key for it. Should I just include the Serial No. as Primarykey.Please make necessary changes to get the required result.I shall be really thankful to you for your kind favor.

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Making Subtotals

Jun 18, 2007

Hello Everyone,

I have a dimension that has the following members:


Senior Managers


Senior Associates


But they way they need to be displayed includes subtotals. Senior Managers and Managers are placed into Management and Staff is a total of everyone except Directors. They should appear on the report in something like this:

Directors 10

Senior Managers 15

Managers 9

Management 24

Senior Associates 17

Associates 40

Staff 81

Total 91

What is the best way to do this? Right now I am using a matrix because I am also showing headcounts by Period. Is a table a better way to go? Is it something that should be done in my dimension?

I can do the Total part. I am just not sure how to make the subtotals inbetween the other lines.

Thank you for the help.


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Making A Report

Feb 10, 2006

how can i create a report for my database? how can i create bar graphs, etc.? im using msde and sql express. pls help. thanks.

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Making Schema Changes

May 9, 2007

I have been reading up on how replicating schema changes work, but I must be missing something. When I configured a database for replication, it added a rowguid column to each table. This I understand.

I want to test making a schema change and replicating that change. For example, I tried to add a column to an existing table. When I tried to save the table i get the following error:

"Error validating the default for column rowguid".

"- Unable to modify table.
It is invalid to drop the default constraint on the rowguid column that is used by merge replication.
The DDL operation failed inside merge DDL replication manipulation.
The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted."

So, what am I missing? Do i need to drop the rowguid column, add the new column, and then re-add the rowguid column?

Many thanks...

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Making Use Of The ScriptTask

Oct 2, 2007


I have the following flow in which i am looping through a folder containing textfiles

Foreach loop
ScriptTask -> DataFlowTask -> Execute SQL

In my ScriptTask, i am checking the file validity. Now if the file is found incorrect, I do not want the DataFlowTask and other to execute. Instead i want the file to be moved to Error and the loop to proceed with the next file. If the file validity is correct, DFT and ExecuteSQL execute. How do i do this?

Some explanation supported by examples would help.


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Error While Making Connection

Jul 9, 2006

I am not able to create connection string through vwd express for sql express database file n getting a error:
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
plz tell me where is the problem n how can i resolve it
Thanks n with regardsCN

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Making 2 Columns Unique With Each Other

Feb 21, 2008

Hi Guys, I came here again to ask something about my application, Is there a way to make 2 columns unique with each other even if they don't have a primary key? If there's a way how? I wanna make a rule so, my application wont replicate its record.   Graciaz,Nhoyti 

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Making Random Names!!!

Aug 19, 2005


I have no idea but want to learn it how to make random names with sql server...
I have a table, called table1, for colums Firstname and Last name
I want it to make random names, so much it is possible it can get, in table2 where the colums is named Names


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Making A SQL Update Query Run Once

Aug 22, 2005

I have a datagrid in my file along with an Update Query.

My Update Query basically adds the numerical values in two columns
together when the page is loaded. This means whenever the page is
Refreshed the Update query is fired.

This is my Update Query (which is in an Stored Procedure):

SET TotalFee = ExtraFee + TotalFee
WHERE DaysOverdue >= 0

I have declared my query in the 'Page_Load' part of the coding, because
I want the query to run automatically. Not manually by a button.

My main question is that how can I get the query to run only once a day, no matter how many times the page is loaded.

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DTS Decision Making & Email

Nov 13, 2001

Playing with DTS for converting text data to SQL Server table and sending email messages. Package is to be scheduled hourly.

1. Is there any easy way to force DTS to choose Success or Failure based on a SQL Task? Wish to check contents of a table for new values and branch accordingly in DTS.

2. When new records are brought in I wish to build a custom email message rather than attaching a text file. Any Idea how to build a custom message?

I am attempting to auto scan an error log on a Unix based system and email myself when errors occur. This is an exercise to test scheduling of jobs, bridging between technologies and sending out meaningful messages based on the process via email.


Mike Hoyt

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Making Rows A Column

Jul 26, 2002

Can anyone help me retrieving that result.

take an example
0001 20
0001 63
0001 03

i want result in the following format:

0001 20 63 03

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Making Fields Equal Each Other...

Jun 28, 2005

Sorry if this is a total n00bie question but...

I have table A and table B

I want a field in table B to be equl to the primary key in table A, and i'm not sure how to do that.


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