This Is Not Good, Heads(mine) Are Gonna Roll

Jun 27, 2006

The package is corrupt, who knows why, who knows what. It was running fine but there was a bug in an active script. Having failed miserably to debug this (note the ability to put a breakpoint in a script would be nice and dear god do not ask for edit and continue in here, it is bad enough as it is!) i eventually stuck a ref to the winforms namespace and debugged with a hundred statements. I did try to fire up an event that would write to an event tlog and i'm pretty sure that that is where the main problem lies as the package is still trying to load/use/connect to some log options but it did run for a while after i abandoned this path. Either way, I need some clue as to what bits of the xml file i can hack cos that is all i can get access to. 4 miles of xml, somwhere within the errors below are related. Clue me please or its curtains. Note also, the package is corrupt everywhere - in bin, in deployment, could not the last good compile get saved somewhere for recovery purposes as opposed to being overwriten with the bust one?

Error 1 Error loading Copy of pckSplitSourceNQ.dtsx: Element "{AD446434-4355-42C7-AD07-3D64A37C1671}" does not exist in collection "LogProviders". G:Visual Studio 2005 ProjectsSSISDataCleanseDataCleanseCopy of pckSplitSourceNQ.dtsx 1 1

Error 2 Error loading Copy of pckSplitSourceNQ.dtsx: Element "{F43808C7-03B1-4A09-86B1-08274073DA5C}" does not exist in collection "Executables". G:Visual Studio 2005 ProjectsSSISDataCleanseDataCleanseCopy of pckSplitSourceNQ.dtsx 1 1

Error 3 Error loading Copy of pckSplitSourceNQ.dtsx: Error loading value "<DTS:Executable xmlns:DTS="" IDREF="{F43808C7-03B1-4A09-86B1-08274073DA5C}" DTS:IsFrom="0"/>" from node "DTS:Executable". G:Visual Studio 2005 ProjectsSSISDataCleanseDataCleanseCopy of pckSplitSourceNQ.dtsx 1 1

Error 4 Error loading Copy of pckSplitSourceNQ.dtsx: Error
loading value "<DTS:PrecedenceConstraint
DTS:Name="Expression"></" from node "DTS:PrecedenceConstraint".
G:Visual Studio 2005 ProjectsSSISDataCleanseDataCleanseCopy of
pckSplitSourceNQ.dtsx 1 1

Error 5 Error loading Copy of pckSplitSourceNQ.dtsx: Error loading value "<DTS:SelectedLogProvider xmlns:DTS="" DTS:InstanceID="{AD446434-4355-42C7-AD07-3D64A37C1671}"/>" from node "DTS:SelectedLogProvider". G:Visual Studio 2005 ProjectsSSISDataCleanseDataCleanseCopy of pckSplitSourceNQ.dtsx 1 1

Error 6 Error loading Copy of pckSplitSourceNQ.dtsx: Error
loading value "<DTS:LoggingOptions
DTS:DataType="8">2,10,OnProgress,23,ScriptComponen" from node
"DTS:LoggingOptions". G:Visual Studio 2005
ProjectsSSISDataCleanseDataCleanseCopy of pckSplitSourceNQ.dtsx
1 1

Error 7 Error loading Copy of pckSplitSourceNQ.dtsx: Error loading a task. The contact information for the task is "Performs high-performance data extraction, transformation and loading;Microsoft Corporation; Microsoft SQL Server v9; (C) 2004 Microsoft Corporation; All Rights Reserved;;1". This happens when loading a task fails. G:Visual Studio 2005 ProjectsSSISDataCleanseDataCleanseCopy of pckSplitSourceNQ.dtsx 1 1

Error 8 Error loading 'Copy of pckSplitSourceNQ.dtsx' : The package failed to load due to error 0xC0010014 "One or more error occurred. There should be more specific errors preceding this one that explains the details of the errors. This message is used as a return value from functions that encounter errors.". This occurs when CPackage::LoadFromXML fails. . G:Visual Studio 2005 ProjectsSSISDataCleanseDataCleanseCopy of pckSplitSourceNQ.dtsx 1 1


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Query - Nearest Birthdays To Mine

Dec 7, 2007

I have a date (my birthday). I would like to find the closest birthdays to mine, both before and after my birthday. I would like to list the people in my database who are the closest age to me, but in that order. So sorting my table by age and taking a row below and above my birthday is not going to work. This is because the three people below me may all have their birthday the next day, while those above me may have theirs years before mine.

Birthdays sorted by date:

05/10/1979 jim
12/01/1980 bob
10/04/1983 mike
10/05/1983 larry
11/21/1983 dan
12/07/1984 josh
05/07/1999 dylan

The order I wish to achieve is:

10/05/1983 larry
11/21/1983 dan
12/07/1984 josh
12/01/1980 bob
05/10/1979 jim
05/07/1999 dylan

Thanks in advance.

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Basic Steps As How To Web Usage Mine In Sql Server 2005

Jan 26, 2007

Hi there,

I am doing a project on web usage mining of my universities server logs and im just wondering how i go about mining them in sql server 2005?

Do i mine them in one table? do i normalise the web log data? what algorithms will i use on them as im trying to get usage patterns from the users and also where most of the users come from.

Thanks in advance


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Data Mining :: How To Mine Data From One Spreadsheet And Place It In Another

Jun 15, 2015

I have very little experience with programming and data mining, but I am working on a project where I need to take data from one spreadsheet and place it in another. Since it is hard to describe what I would like to do, I will provide an example:

Column 1, Column 2
100, ?
101, ?
102, ?
103, ?

Column 1, Column 2
102, 202
100, 200
103, 203
101, 201

In this example, the data in Column 1 is always tied to the data in Column 2 (i.e., 100 in Column 1 means 200 in Column 2, etc.) However, the data for Column 2 is only available in SPREADSHEET 2; moreover, the data is not in the same order in both spreadsheets.

My question is how can I create some sort of program where I can transfer the data from SPREADSHEET 2 into SPREADSHEET 1?

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Roll Back

May 14, 2007

I wrote a stored procedure. It work properly.
But I want to catch if any error occurs while executing it. And I want to make roll Back on error .And send the error OUTPUT
How can I roolBack the command below and How can I send the error over OUTPUT parameter?

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How To Roll Back The Replication?

May 26, 2004

Hi, all.
I make a db replacated as distributor.
I decided later removing replication.
But, I don't know how to remove rowguid column from all tables.

How can I set back to the initial state of DB before replication?

thank you..

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Roll Back In For Each Container

Jul 31, 2007

I'm using data flow as flat file source -> derived column ->Data Conversion-> oledb destination
I have a fifty thousand record in a delimited file. while processing i got error in 45000th row. In database only 40000 records are there(why is there no all 45000 records). Is there any way to roll back all the 40000 records.

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Roll Back Synchronization

Sep 4, 2007


I have an application that allows users to synchronize SQL CE data with the server. I would like to implement the functionality wherein if the synch process hits an error, the whole synchronization rolls back.

Is it possible to roll back the Synchronization process? I am using Merge replication over web in the application.


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How To Implement Transaction Roll Back

Feb 28, 2008

Hello, I do not know how to implement transaction roll back in application. I am using SqlHelper class to communicate with my sql db.Thanks, junior 

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Is There Any Way I Can Roll Back In Sql Server Without Using Transactions ?

May 5, 2005

i wanna know how to use rollback in sql server without actually using transaction...
is there any way i can do that?
thanx in advance

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The Cumulative Hotfix Is Able To Roll Back??

Aug 23, 2006

I'm planning to install the cumulative hotfix (build 2187) on my sql 2000 clustering server (SP4, 2040). And I would like to know if the cumulative hotfix is able to roll back. If possible, please provide me any information about that. Thanks in advance.

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Roll Up Filtered Detail Group

Apr 4, 2007

I the following report with one group:

Month Number of Sales Total Sales

+ Jan 2007 100 $1,000.00

When you dril down on MonthYear you get the detail data:

Month Number of Sales Total Sales

- Jan 2007 10 $610.00

1 $10.00

1 $20.00

1 $30.00

1 $40.00

1 $50.00

1 $60.00

1 $70.00

1 $80.00

1 $100.00

1 $150.00

My question is. I added a filter to the detail data to give the Bottom % =75 of sales. So My detail data only displays the following rows:

Month Number of Sales Total Sales

- Jan 2007 10 $610.00

1 $10.00

1 $20.00

1 $30.00

1 $40.00

1 $50.00

My problem is the group still displays the total of my dataset (as seen above), but I want it to display the total of the detail data group, like below:

Month Number of Sales Total Sales

- Jan 2007 5 $150.00

1 $10.00

1 $20.00

1 $30.00

1 $40.00

1 $50.00

If I change the fields in the group to look at the detail data ,for instance =count(Fields!NumberofSales.Value,"Details_Group") I get an scope error.

How can I display the totals of the detail data in the parent group after I added a filter to the detail data?

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Roll Backing The Transaction In SSIS

Jun 13, 2007


I have a situation where i need to insert or update the data from a flat file to a sql server database. The flat file contains nearly one lakh records.

I am using transactions. If all the rows are inserted or updated successfully i am commiting. If there is any error i am rollbacking the transaction.

when rollbacking the transaction it is taking more than 3 to 4 hours.

Can any one suggest me how to do that in batches?

Thanks in Advance

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Roll Date If Time Entered Is After Midnight

Feb 19, 2008

Hi again,
 In, is there any elegant way to handle a set of time inserts from a form when the 2nd time is past midnight?
Specifically, I have a form with 2 textboxes on it (startTime and endTime) that are set up to accept time values (using AJAX MaskedEditExtender for formatting/validation - pretty cool). This data is posted to a sub that enters the data into a table (T_Details). However, I've noticed that the data inserted as part of the record (SQL field is smalldatetime) doesn't take into account the fact that a time value past 23:59:59 in the "endTime" textbox is a time on the next day - it simply rolls to an A.M. date for the same day as the date for the pre-midnight value from the "startTime" textbox. 
I'm sure that I can simply do some conditional coding and modify the date if necessary but is there a better way to do it? Thanks as always...this forum is a great resource

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Data Roll Back ?, If Replication Is Interupted

Jun 5, 2008

what will happen if power breaks down during replication. Did the replicated data be rolled back ?
If data is not rolled back then how to roll back ?

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URGENT!!! Roll Back Db To Point Of Time

Aug 27, 2007

hey guys
i need help urgently
i just ran an update statement without a where statement by mistake
and i need to rollback this changes

i;m runnning sql express sp2
and the database is set to recovery model simple

i hace the mdf and ldf file
the mdf is 1.5 gb ledf is 65 mb and the last changed date is the same time i ran the update statement
so i think the changes are there in the ldf file but i just need to roll back to 1 minute b4 i run the update

plz helpppppppppppp

thx in advance

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SSIS: Roll Backed Data Transfer Task

Aug 7, 2006

I'm Designing sql server 2005 SSIS Packages.
According to my requirment i have a sequence container. It has few data flow task, on success of one next one is running. If any one of them get failed then it should roll backed all the transaction. Each Data flow task transfering a data from one server to another server in similar table.


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Desktop Edition SQL 2000 Installation Of Hotfix Roll Ups

Feb 6, 2008

There are special instructions for installing service packs on desktop edition installations -- command line options etc. How do you install hotfix roll-ups? Does build 2187 apply to desktop edition?

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How To Get IDENTITY_INSERT Incriment Primary Key ID Roll Back When The Application Fails.

Oct 28, 2007

 My question is how to get IDENTITY_INSERT Incriment Primary Key ID  roll back when the application fails.
Using TransactionScope with single connection in DataObject. I am trying to insert row in two dataTable  using its own tableAdapter (two tableAdapter).
I have Product table with ProductID primary key with incriment identity.  and that ProductID is used to insert row in ProductHistory Table. Lets say Product table has the last ProductID=8 (8 rows) and the next ProductID will be 9.
When I insert row in both table and if the second table insert fails both gets roll back (which is good). but when I insert again another time the Product ID=10 not 9. Is there any way to roll back the ProductID in Product table so when i insert next time it has incriment number instead of gap.

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How We Can Insert Multiple Query With Transaction Roll Bck For A Single Record

Apr 11, 2008

I have problem for insert multiple query for insert in differenr tabels for a single record.
I have mail record for candidate and now i wants to insert candiate labour info, candidate passport detail in diff tabel like candidatLabour and candidatePassport,
i used two store procedure for it and i write code for it.and it works fine,but i think that if one SP executed and one record inserted but then some problem occure and 2nd SP not executed then...........
so plz help me

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SQL 2012 :: Restore Fails - No Files Ready To Roll Forward

Feb 17, 2014

1. Created a database with a couple of tables with no data.

2. Taken a full database backup - db.bak.

3. Deleted the database.

4. Restored the database db.bak and filled the tables with some data.

5. Taken log backup - dblog.trn

BACKUP LOG <dbname> to DISK='D:Demodblog.trn' WITH NO_TRUNCATE, INIT

6. Dropped the database again.

7. Restored the database again from db.bak.

8. But when I am trying to restore log file dblog.trn on this database, i keep getting this error :

The log or differential backup cannot be restored because no files are ready to rollforward.

Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally.

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SQL Server 2014 :: How To Roll Back All Changes If Not All Statements Executed Successfully

Oct 15, 2015

I have a script contains multiple statements to update multiple tables. How can I make sure that either all statements get executed successfully or no changes apply to the tables (in case one or more errors occur)? I've been searching on Internet and it seems like I need to use Rollback and begin transaction.

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SQL2005 Log Shipping Roll Change Where Secondary Is Readonly Standby

Dec 13, 2006


I am trying to implement a log shipping scenario in sql 2005 where the secondary server is in standby mode with the ability to roll change during failover.

With the help of BOL (ms-help://MS.SQLCC.v9/MS.SQLSVR.v9.en/udb9/html/2d7cc40a-47e8-4419-9b2b-7c69f700e806.htm) I can implement my scenario in Recovery mode, but not in standby mode. I use the following sql to put my primary in standby

BACKUP LOG [database]
TO DISK = @filename
WITH STANDBY = 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBackupROLLBACK_UNDO_database.BAK'

which works, but then my restore job fails on the last step. How can I put my primary db in standby mode in such a way that the log shipping restore will work?



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Transaction Scope Rollback Does Not Roll Back Action Of Activation SP

Aug 16, 2007


I followed Remus' post about not doing 'fire and forget'.

I have two queues, ProcessingSendQueue and ProcessingReceiveQueue.

Once i receive from ProcessingReceiveQueue, activation SP gets called on ProcessingSendQueue and ends conversation.

However,if I then get an exception, the action of the activation SP ( ie the ending of the conversation ) does not get rolled back... is this possible? I would have thought that the action of the activation SP would get rolled back too.

My ProcessingSendQueue activation SP is as follows:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ProcessingSendQueue_AP]
DECLARE @message_type SYSNAME;
DECLARE @message_body NVARCHAR(4000);

RECEIVE @dh = [conversation_handle], @message_type = [message_type_name], @message_body = CAST([message_body] AS NVARCHAR(4000))
FROM [ProcessingSendQueue];

IF @message_type = N''
RAISERROR (N'Received error %s from service [ProcessingReceiveQueue]', 10, 1, @message_body) WITH LOG;

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How Do You Roll Back Transactions For A Single Table From The Current Transaction Log?

Nov 1, 2007

Goofed up and ran an update query. It messed up all the data in a single table. I'm trying not to restore the table from a previous backup since the backup is more than 20 GB. It's going to take forever to restore it. Any advice would be much appreciated!


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Recovery :: Log Or Differential Backup Cannot Be Restored Because No Files Ready To Roll Forward

Oct 30, 2015

I missed the ability to restore based on a time (10/23 6pm) due to our purge cycle in our production environment, but I was able to obtain the 10/18 full backup, the 10/23 differential backup, and the 4, 10/23 trans. log backups.  I moved all the fore mentioned files to a staging environment, and now I am trying to restore all of the files to 10/23 6pm and I get :

"The log or differential backup cannot be restored because no files are ready to rollforward" error.

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Good SQL Book

May 30, 2007

 i am just starting to learn sql and know the basics, but now im looking for a good book to learn some more. A book that covers stored procedure would be very useful. If possible a book with q and a would be very good because i feel this tests if u understand what was just explaned. but if there is a good book without this it is ok. All sugestions welcome

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What Is Good Approch

Aug 7, 2007

hii am using vs2005 for development of web application for reporting with sqlexpress05  as back end .later when project is ready for deployment i have to deploy the project on remote hosting server where i have limited access and sqlserver2000 database to use.i want to ask is there are any limitation or problem of sqlexpress while deploying it on remote sqlservre 2000.and should i have to to continue with sqlexpress as back there any problems for using dynamic database connections(by using smart tags) other than programaticaly connecting database to ie by writing code.i am new in developmentplease guide me, please guide   

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Good Searching

Jan 7, 2008

 hello all..i have make a searching, but is not good. my code like that:Public Class getall Public Function getitem(ByVal id As String) As DataSet        Dim con As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=BOYsqlexpress;Initial Catalog=GAMES;User ID=ha;Password=a")        Dim ds As New DataSet()          Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter("select * from [item] where name like '%" & id & "%'", con)        Try            con.Open()            adapter.Fill(ds, "user")            Return ds        Catch ex As Exception            Console.Write(ex.Message)        Finally            con.Close()            con = Nothing        End Try        ' Next        Return ds    End Functionand class  my item in database is containning  dragon ball 3, counter strikeif i insert dragon, it can display dragon ball 3.but if i insert dragon 3, it not display dragon ball should display dragon ball 3 .how should i change my code?thx... 

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WHERE (@ColName=...) - Not Good?!..

Dec 12, 2003

Hi, gurus!
Of course, you know that this:


works perfectly, but the opposite - when I need to pass
a column name as a parameter - the SQL Server 2000 cursing me...

I was designing some stored procedures and here is what I need:


^^^ I need to use a different column names here, so I decided to use
a parameter, but it does not even budge. Of course, I can use workaround:

SELECT ... WHERE (External = 1)

But, I SO! do not want to do it 9 times - I have 9 column names
to check...

Maybe, there is another way to do it?..


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I've Never Been Good With Relationships

Feb 15, 2004

I'm having some trouble working out how to query some data. Rather than explain up front, here's some examples of what I want to achieve:


I've got a structure which looks vaguely like this:



If limit by grandparents, then I only get the lineage for that particular grandparent. I.e.:

( some sort of joins here )
Where Grandparent.Name = 'Cybill'

This would return all of the children of 'Cybill' and their children. Now, if I use the following query:

( some sort of joins here )
Where Child.Name = 'Jean'

This would return Jean's parents + the parents of Jean's parents (Jean's grandparents).

Likewise, if I enter:

( some sort of joins here )
Where Parent.Name = 'Ron'

Then I would get Ron's parents and also his children.


So, as you can see, at first it appears that I'm after a LEFT JOIN - meaning that the grandparents don't need to have child records to be returned, but, then it turns out that I need INNER JOINS - to limit grandparents when I choose children.

Can anybody see my dilemma here?

Mark-up posts here

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MCDBA Is Good For DBA?

Jan 21, 2001

Hi All

I am planning to do MCDBA, whether it'd good for DBA's, is't worth of doing or not, Please send me your comments.



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Good Book For Using DTS?

Aug 23, 2000

I have been using DTS somewhat, but I would like to read a good discussion (with cpmplex examples) of it.

Anyone found either a book on DTS or a good section in a book?


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