This Is Related To Microsoft Operations Management

Jun 4, 2007

We would like to use MOM to monitor every problem in SQL Server. I was trying to find all the MOM rules corresponding to severity 17 to severity 25 errors. But there are a lot of the errors don't have the matching MOM rules, I wonder if someone can help me or direct me to the proper place.

For example,

error 8653, severity 17. Warning: The query processor is unable to produce a plan because the table '%.*ls' is marked OFFLINE

I can't find corresponding MOM rule for it.

Thanks in advance,


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SqlDMO Connect Error From Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM)

Nov 21, 2006

MOM connects to 19 instances without issue and fails on one (1). The failing instance resides on a server with two(2) other instances that do not fail. Security is setup the same on windows and sqlserver.

Receiving error in MOM:
"Could not connect using SQLDMO to SQL Instance WEB. However, the instance is currently running."

Presents in Event Viewer as:
"18452: Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection."

Troubleshooting so far:
Created simple SqlDMO VBScript that uses a trusted connection. This works fine from my desktop to all twenty (20) instances yet fails on the one server that MOM is running on.

Any ideas?

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Dec 13, 2007

I am looking for a way to script out all tables within a SQL Server 2005 database using VB.NET. I am writing a backup utility and have been able to do stored procedures, the data within the tables, but am now stuck on scripting out the tables with their primary keys, indexes, etc. Sure, I could hard-code some stuff like "CREATE TABLE dbo" & strTable, but I am pretty sure there is a way to do it within VB.NET using SMO. So, any help that someone could offer is greatly appreciated.

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Microsoft SQL Server Management

Oct 18, 2006

Hi,im trying to learn SQL Server Management Expressknow a good place to start?Im trying to upload an sql database from Visual Web DeveloperIve been told that this can be done using SQL Server manegement express...cant see how to import into it yet....   any ideas?

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Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Mar 10, 2008

i try to open database table using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio i got the follwing error msg i don't know what the problem
Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (SQLEditors)
------------------------------Program Location:
   at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors.OpenTableNode.CreateDesigner(IDTDocToolFactoryProvider factoryProvider, IVsDataConnection dataConnection)   at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors.VsDataDesignerNode.CreateDesigner()   at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors.VsDataDesignerNode.Open()   at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors.VirtualProject.Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors.ISqlVirtualProject.CreateDesigner(Urn origUrn, DocumentType editorType, DocumentOptions aeOptions, IManagedConnection con)   at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors.ISqlVirtualProject.CreateDesigner(Urn origUrn, DocumentType editorType, DocumentOptions aeOptions, IManagedConnection con)   at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.VSIntegration.Editors.VsDocumentMenuItem.CreateDesignerWindow(IManagedConnection mc, DocumentOptions options)

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Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

May 9, 2008

I was looking for Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio but downladed Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio EXPRESS.
the express version doesn't have the SQL server agent. I read that the express doesnt support SQL server agent. Is there any add-on or service pack available for this.
I am trying to find "SQL server Management studio". Any idea where I can download it?

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Trigger - Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Apr 3, 2007

How to create Trigger in "SQL SERVER 2005 - Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio"? This is my 1st interaction with SQL SERVER 2005.

Rahul Jha

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Microsoft SQL Servers Not Showing In Computer Management.

Jul 23, 2005

Hi there,Got a small tech support problem. We gave our manual writer an installerthat should install SQL Server (MSDE) and our software. Over the phone I'vemanaged to ascertain that SQL Server is installed (it is running as aservice, along with SQL Server Agent), but it does not show up in "ComputerManagement -> Services and Applications". I need to set the permissions forthis user (over the phone!) in order to get our test software to work andyet it does not show here. What am I doing wrong? (and/or why would theMSDE instance not show up here?).Thanks,Robin

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Query Abt Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Feb 25, 2008

Hi all,
I am Vaibhav.I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.1399.00 on my machine , which have Windows 2000 Professional OS installed. Now I am upgrading My ystem to Windows Vista OS.
And I am not getting whether Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.1399.00 will support Windows Vista? or I have to go for Higher version available for Microsoft SQL Server Management studio ?
Please asist me on same.


Vaibhav Tare

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Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express

Mar 7, 2008

Is Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express (sql 2005) compatible with Sql Server 2000 databases?
I'm using Windows Vista and the sql 2000 Enterprise Manager is not fully compatible with Vista...long not responding messages.
Can i use the client version of Slq 2005?


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Where Can I Find Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo Namespace?

Mar 2, 2008


Where can I find the reference to Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo in SQL Server 2005?

I currently have Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Microsoft SQL Native Client and Server VSS writer installed. (and ran the Service Pack 2 installer, but it doesn't want to update 'Database Services')

Thanks in advance,

Ruben Pieters

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Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express Problem

Mar 30, 2007

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio ExpressI have restored the database into it with 100tables and stored procedures.I have also created the new database in it.But,i don't know how to add the existing database in to Visual Studio.Net 2005 .I m using ASP.Net.Where are the database stored ?? I don't want to create the new database,.Can anyone pls tell me ....

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The Selected File Is Not A Microsoft Management Console Document

Sep 5, 2001

Any idea on what this error is?I am not able to open Enterprise Manager in SQL server 7.0.Thanks.

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Microsoft SQL 2005 Express Management Tool-errors

Sep 10, 2006

Hi guys, I've tried to back a database from a server on the net ie: by using Microsoft SQL 2005 Express management tool.
After all the set up:
(1) the part "Destination", in the "Disk" radio button was cheked, the path for the backup file shows like: D:MSSQL.1MSSQLBackupmyDatabase.back; As I understand D: is the CD drive(?), so I put a CDisc in the drive, and kept going with the process. The Process went very well and inform that the Database has been fully backed up. But I never have found the "saved" or "backed up" that I backed up. Can anyone show me where this backup Database in that D: drive, and where is that D: drive anyway?

(2) In that "destination" part, if I clicked "add", and then typed in the path address part like: C:....mybackupDatabase.bak for example, the the tool gave me the error: ... not set to an instance ...; I counldn't even select the Browse to browse to the directory that I wanted to back up the Database.

Please help me for this.

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Reinstalling Microsoft Server Management Studio Express

Feb 27, 2008

I was having some trouble with the DTS Wizard and so I thought I'd just reinstall the whole MSSM. I used remove programs, rebooted my Vista computer and am trying to reinstall the Server Express Toolkit. It tells me that MSSM already exists on my computer (which it doesn't).

The actual screen reads:

Existing components
The following components that you chose to install are already installed on the machine.
Grayed out -- Workstation components and development tools 9.2.3042.00

How do I reinstall MSSM now? It's gone from my computer.


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Problem In Attaching Database (Microsoft Management Studio)

Aug 9, 2006

I want to change a database to different physical file. So i try the following step:

Detach the database
Attach the new different file

But i get an error "....... SQL server, error:5133".

It still needs the original file.

How to solve this problem?

many-many thanks,


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Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo Backup And Restore Classes

Jan 10, 2006


Hopefully someone out there will be able to help me with this question. I'm trying to setup my C# program to use the Backup and Restore classes to perform backups and restores on an SQL Express 2005 database.

From the documentation I've read... it seems that when you go to restore the database, it's a good idea to backup the current transaction log. But when I do this using the Backup.SqlBackup method I get an error saying that no database backup is detected so a log backup can't occur. I'm not sure if this has something to do with the fact that I moved my backup files from the default SQL Express/Server Backup folder to a different location. Shouldn't it know I've already performed a backup though?

And does anyone know how to set a parameter to backup to a different file location than the default? I've been doing a backup then a file move. Works the same, but it would be nice to have everything together in the Backup object.


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The Machine Could Not Be Found (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.RSClient)

Jul 25, 2007

We are getting this error when we try and log on to a Reporting Services connection Via SQL Server Management Studio on a client Machine. It works fine if we are on the Server.

We can logon to the Database Engine just fine (from the Client) and the Web version of the Report manager Works fine too.

Any help would be appreciated!!!1

Code Snippet

The machine could not be found (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.RSClient)


W've gotten a little farther. We have determined that The users who are in the "BuiltinAdministrators" Group can Connect to the Report Server from a client machine but the users that we are trying to fix are not in that Group, But they are in a Group that we added to the SQL Security. We have that group setup like the Admin group, but we still can't get them to Connect

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Status 401: Unauthorized. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.RSClient)

Apr 30, 2008

We are in the process of setting up a test server for reporting services in which the reporting server is on a seperate IIS server as the SQL Database. I was able to resolve a previous error I was receiving when connecting to reporting services using SQL server management studio and within SQL Surface Area Configuration (HTTP Status 404: Not Found. ((Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.RSClient)) by editing the URLRoot in the rsreportserver.config file. But now whenever we try to connect using SQL Management Tool from other than on the server we receive this new error:

TITLE: Connect to Server

The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.RSClient)

Any Thoughts?

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How To Get Started On Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express

Sep 13, 2006


Was trying to open AdventureWorks when i got this error: "There is no editor available "C: Program Flies.....AdventureWorksDW_Log.LDF'
Make sure the application for the file type(.LDF) is installed.
How can this error be corrected? I also have some error on mdf not installed.May i know how should be the initally steps to be done inorder for me to view this database.
And if i do have a database from microsoft access, what are the steps that i need to do inorder to get it export to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express. Please advise as i really new to it. Thanks!

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HTTP 400: Bad Request (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.RSClient)

Apr 4, 2007

Hi all,

I need your help on the following:

I can't connect to Reporting Services from SQL Server Management Studio. I get the following error message:
"No connection can be made with SERVER. Additional information: Error at request with HTTP-Status 400: Bad Request (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.RSClient)"

What is wrong?? I'm running SQL Server 2005 SP2 on Windows Server 2003 hosting on an internet server.

Thanks in advanced!!


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Is It Possible To Create A DTS Package Using Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio

Jul 24, 2007

Is it possible to create a DTS package using microsoft sql server management studio. if yes? How can i do it.

Any help is appreciated.



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Microsoft Sql Server Management Object--Getting Problem In Defining DataType

Mar 28, 2008

     I am working on a application where I will upload my excel sheet.Then the application will read the header and will create a table to store the excel sheet.
When the excel sheet will be uploaded first it will read the header of the excel and will display it inside a gridview to choose which columns are to be created along  with datatype.I am giving u a snapshot

Column Name

Group Code

Emp No

Mem code


So Here the user is selecting tha data type.So I am passing the data type to my functions.But while assigning the datatype I am getting error that can no convert from sting to Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType.I am giving u the demo codeprivate void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ServerConnection objsvrconn = new ServerConnection();
objsvrconn.LoginSecure = false;objsvrconn.ServerInstance = "DEMO";
objsvrconn.Login = "sa";objsvrconn.Password = "sa";
Server objsvr;objsvr = new Server(objsvrconn);
//objsvr.ConnectionContext.Connect();Table tb = objsvr.Databases["Demo"].Tables["Temp"]; Column c = new Column(tb, "GrpCode");
DataType dt = new DataType();dt.SqlDataType =(DataType)"Varchar" ---I am getting the error here.It only accecept from a enum i.e Datatype.Typename but doesnot accept like this
dt.MaximumLength = 10;
c.DataType = dt;
Please help me.

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Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) Upgrade

Feb 28, 2008


Apologies for this question

I have just found out i/we need to upgrade to the full version of this management tool to make use of SSRS for a new CRM we are putting in place, The CRM company tells me we can just install the tool from our SQL 2005 disk.

Im wondering what the best way to go about this is? i would guess we just un-install the express version install the full version of the management tool and reconnect to the database. unless im missing anything?


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Problem Copying Database With Microsoft SQl Server Management Studio

Aug 16, 2007

I am trying to copy a database from the server on my web host(crystaltech) to my new local install of MS SQL Server 2005 Enterprise (trial version).

I go to Tasks>Copy Database which opens the wizard. When I get to the select database screen I get this error:

Server user 'username' is not a valid user in database '123foo'

(123foo is the first database of all those on the server)

I need have it look only at my database which I have permissions for to copy it. How do I do this?

I tried copying the tables the other way(import data) but it dropped all my identities and primary keys which is a pain to recreate. Is there a way to copy tables from one server to another without losing primary keys and identity fields?

Thanks for any help!

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Importing Tables To Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express

Jan 11, 2006


I'm trying to import some tables from another sql server to my laptop.  I just downloaded Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express and i'm not sure how to import things.  Could anyone help me with that?



Thanks a bunch




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How To Fix Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Urn'

Jan 25, 2008

In Sql Server 2005, Sql Server Mangerment Studio 9.00.1399.00
I connected an user instance to the databases under .SQLEXPRESS(SqlServer 9.0.3042 -....)
when I right click on a table
and chose modify, or new table...
I get

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Urn' to type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Urn'. (SQLEditors)

same thing for views
What can I do to fix the problem? is there a patch?

btw script .... as seem to be erro free Error free is also View dependence,

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Can't Connect To Reporting Services Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Sep 15, 2006

When I try to connect to the Reporting Services using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, the following error message propmpts up:

The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.RSClient)

Is there any settings that I need to do in the "Reporting Services Configuration Manager" ?


Best regards,

Michael Wu

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Cannot Connect To Reporting Services Using Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio.

Nov 19, 2005


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Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express Version To Use For SQL Compact

Jan 18, 2007


i don't know if it was mentioned before, but i solved the issue that Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express won't show the option to create/modify a sql compact database by installing not this Version:

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express
Date: 19.04.2006

but this one:

SQL Server Management Studio Express Service Pack 2 €“ CTP-Version
Date: 19.12.2006

hope this helps.


P.S. i'm curious if anybody else had the same issue, caused of using the wrong Version of  SSMSe?

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Problems Downloading Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express

Oct 26, 2006

I everybody,

I'm trying to download Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express from

However, the download never finishs.

If I try to download using a download manager it stops after 98% (the segment that stops is the first segment).
If I try to download without a download manager it stops after 1% (456Kb).

What can I do?

Is there an alternate place where I can download the file?



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Error In Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio Trying To Modify Tables Or Columns

May 21, 2008

I get the error below when trying to modify a table or colum with MSSMS.  I can expad out the tree and look at the columns, but I can't change them, view the data in them, or create new ones.
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Class does not support aggregation (or class object is remote) (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040110 (CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION)) (Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlTools.VSIntegration)
 I resintallelled .NET Framework, recommended from another post.  I am using .NET 3.5 BETA Frame work, ans SQL Server 2005 V

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Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express To Export/copy Database?

Apr 11, 2006

How does one export/copy a database using Microsoft SQL Server
Management Studio Express?  At this time, I have an existing
database that I can access and run queries against.  However, I
cannot connect to it via Visual Wed Developer 2005 Express.  At
this time, I'm getting the following error message with the existing

Login failed for user 'bigide2_gims2'.  The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server Connection.

Next, I'm running everything locally.  If anyone can assist, it would be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance.


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