This Record Has Been Changed By Another User Since You Started Editing It....

Jul 9, 2002

I am getting the following error while trying to update a SQL Server 7.0 table thru' MS Access('97 version). It was working fine until now. This problem started happening after re-linking the table to MS Access as new columns have been added on the SQL Server table. We tried re-starting the MS Access,re-linking the table again,giving all the permissions to the user on the table etc. Also, no other user is accessing the table at the same time..Any help?

Error message in MS Access:

This record has been changed by another user since you started editing it. If you save the record, you will overwrite the changes the other user made.

Copying the changes to the clipboard will let you look at the values the other user entered, and then paste your changes back in if you decide to make changes.


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Error - Record Has Been Changed By Another User

Mar 3, 2005

I apologize in advance if this has been posted but if you get the attached error "The record has been changed by another user...", we've discovered that this error can occur if you have a SQL Server Data Type of "Float" and also a "Text" Data Type in the same table. We discovered that it only happens on some records though and I am not sure why this is so. The solution is apparently to add a TimeStamp Data Type to the SQL Server table which does seem to fix the problem. If anyone has any insight on any other solutions (we cannot change the Data Types) or the reasoning behind this error, I would greatly appreciate the feedback.

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Odbc Error - Record Has Been Changed By Another User

Oct 9, 2001

The following error is recieved when updating a record using access 97 and odbc driver to an oracle database.

This record has been changed by another user since you started editing it. If you save the record, you will overwrite the changes the other user made.

Any help is greatly appriciated.
Thanks in Advance

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Changed Context To ... Message When Editing Permissions W/ VBA

Oct 25, 2007

I have a client using a small SQL Express database with an Access front end.

I've created a form in the front end that allows a supervisor the ability to perform two very basic security operations. 1) Adding a new user, and 2) granting/removing write privileges. The code behind the form uses VBA to build some T-SQL strings and then executes them via an ADO connection.

The strings are as follows:

1) Add new login to server:

2) Add user to database:

3) Grant Write Permissions:
" USE MyDatabase EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_datawriter', 'NETWORKUserName' "

4) Remove Write Permissions:
" USE MyDatabase EXEC sp_droprolemember 'db_datawriter', 'NETWORKUserName' "

I have full privileges over the server & database, and everything runs perfectly.

However, when the supervisor - whose login includes security admin privileges - tries this, he gets a message that says "Changed Context to MyDatabase, Error# -2147217900, 80040e14" and the code fails.

If I grant him "db_owner" status, the message does not come up and everything runs perfectly.

I'm not a security guru or anything, but I suspect that it's not the greatest idea to hand out db_owner privileges.

I ran a search, and the best I could come up with were a couple of KB articles:;EN-US;197459;EN-US;143339

I'm not even sure these articles are talking about what's happening..

Any ideas?

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Changed Context To ... Message When Editing Permissions W/ VBA

Feb 15, 2008

I have a client using three small SQL Express databases with MS Access front ends. I've created a form in each of the front end apps that allows a supervisor the ability to perform some very basic security operations. The VBA code in the form concatenates some simple TSQL strings and then executes them via an ADO connection. The strings are as follows:

1) Add new login to server:

2) Add user to database:

3) Grant Write Permissions:
" USE MyDatabase EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_datawriter', 'NETWORKUserName' "

4) Remove Write Permissions:
" USE MyDatabase EXEC sp_droprolemember 'db_datawriter', 'NETWORKUserName' "

Everything runs perfectly for me. However, when the supervisor tries this, he gets a message that says "Changed Context to MyDatabase, Error# -2147217900, 80040e14" and the VBA code fails.

I've found two workarounds, but they have drawbacks that I'd rather not deal with

1) If I change the default database for his login to "MyDatabase1" it runs fine. But sometimes he needs to be able to perform these same operations in "MyDatabase2" or "MyDatabase3".

2) If I grant him "db_owner" status, it runs fine. However, I'd rather not hand out "db_owner" status if I don't have to

The only other idea I have to to build "EXECUTE AS.." stored procedures for each of these operations and then call those SPROC's from VBA.. Will this help? Any other ideas?

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Problems In Editing A Record... Why? Help Pls....

Feb 4, 2007

can someone help me why it produces an error....
error is: ERROR 22001 Microsoft ODBC SQL Server Driver SQL Server STRING or data of BINARY was cut short. ERROR 01000 Microsoft ODBC SQL Server Driver SQL Server statement was ended.
This is my code here for editing a  record....
Protected Sub Button_save2_Click1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button_save2.Click        '|||||   Create string connection         Dim StrConn As String = "Dsn=MS_PKG01;UID=emiline;APP=Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005;WSID=MSHNP200603;DATABASE=MS_PKG01;Trusted_Connection=Yes"        '|||||   Create connection object        Dim MyConn As Odbc.OdbcConnection = New Odbc.OdbcConnection(StrConn)
        '|||||   Open connection        MyConn.Open()
        '|||| Create odbcCommand object        Dim Update_record As New Odbc.OdbcCommand("UPDATE TM0001 SET TM0001.syain_name = ?, TM0001.syain_pass = ?, TM0001.office_id = ?, TM0001.birth_date = ?, TM0001.empl_date = ?, TM0001.user_iden = ? ", MyConn)
        Dim hireYear As String        Dim hireMonth As String        Dim hireDay As String        Dim date_hire As String
        hireYear = DropDownList_hire_yr.Text        hireMonth = DropDownList_hire_mo.Text        hireDay = DropDownList_hire_day.Text
        date_hire = hireYear + "/" + hireMonth + "/" + hireDay
        '|||| Add command parameters        Update_record.Parameters.Add("@P1", OdbcType.Char, 8).Value = TextBox_id.Text        Update_record.Parameters.Add("@P2", OdbcType.Char, 20).Value = TextBox_name.Text        Update_record.Parameters.Add("@P3", OdbcType.Char, 20).Value = TextBox_pswd.Text        Update_record.Parameters.Add("@P3", OdbcType.Char, 40).Value = DropDownList_office.SelectedValue        Update_record.Parameters.Add("@P3", OdbcType.Char, 2).Value = date_hire        Update_record.Parameters.Add("@P3", OdbcType.Char, 10).Value = TextBox_bday.Text        Update_record.Parameters.Add("@P3", OdbcType.Char, 1).Value = DropDownList_iden.SelectedValue
        '|||| Execute command        Update_record.ExecuteNonQuery()
        '|||| Close connection        MyConn.Close()    End SubEnd Class

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Someone Else Editing Record ? Only Me On The Server ?

Jul 20, 2005

I have some software (written in Delphi 5) which has been working forseveral months without a problem.I have been given a copy of the database on our development server(SQL 7) and have pointed the software to this. So, nothing has changedwith the software. In theory the servers should be the same.However, if I try to make a small change to any record (as I would onthe 'live' system), I get an error stating that another user isediting the record. Now, I'm the only person with access to thisserver. So am I stopping myself I wonder ?If I create an ODBC connection to the database through Access 2000, Iget the same error. I feel I can reasonably assume that the softwareis not at fault.I'm sure it's something SQL based, whether it's an error orconfiguration difference, but I'm stuck.I've checked who is locking/blocking, and yes it will show me ashaving the record open, but this is me attempting to edit the recordso I would expect this.I can edit the table directly in SQL, but it takes 30 seconds or more,freezes EM and then allows the change. Table info below :if exists (select * from sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[PostReceived]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)drop table [dbo].[PostReceived]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[PostReceived] ([PostID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[Type] [varchar] (100) NULL ,[ClientsName] [varchar] (100) NULL ,[DateReceived] [datetime] NULL ,[EnteredBy] [varchar] (100) NULL ,[AssignedTo] [varchar] (100) NULL ,[DateAssignedTo] [datetime] NULL ,[Adviser] [varchar] (100) NULL ,[TargetDate] [datetime] NULL ,[CompletionDate] [datetime] NULL ,[Completed] [bit] NULL ,[KeyAccount] [varchar] (100) NULL ,[Notes] [text] NULL ,[Specific1] [varchar] (20) NULL ,[Specific2] [varchar] (20) NULL ,[Specific3] [varchar] (20) NULL ,[Specific4] [varchar] (20) NULL ,[Specific5] [varchar] (20) NULL ,[ToDelete] [bit] NULL ,[EnterUser] [varchar] (20) NULL ,[Returned] [bit] NULL ,[ReturnDate] [datetime] NULL ,[ReturnReason] [varchar] (87) NULL ,[PrintAdviser] [bit] NULL ,[EmailAdviser] [bit] NULL ,[EmailSM] [bit] NULL ,[EmailRegionManager] [bit] NULL ,[ReturnText] [varchar] (150) NULL) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY]GO(Yes I know about using Identity in the key, but it's on my list tochange before anyone says anything).

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Record Lock - When Is It Started ?

Jul 9, 2006

Suppose there is a SQL Server table with a trigger behind it.

Suppose a client VB (or VBA) program is trying to update a certain record in that table, say record #1, by issuing the update statement:


My Question:
When is SQL Server starting to lock that record (record #1) ?
Right after the RS.update is issued OR after the trigger has been executed ?

Thanks in advance.

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Editing A Sql Record That Contains NULL Values

Mar 25, 2008

Seems that when i use the edit functionality of the formview, and there are NULLs in the record, that my sql update statement (default from the FormView wizard) doesnt work (nothing updates). However, if i populate all fields, everything works fine. I have modified the FormView edit template to add my own textboxes and dropdowns to simplify the user record editing. 
Because it works when all fields are populated with non-NULL values, Seems my Bind's are all correct.

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How Can I Reserve A Record To Prevent Anyone Else From Editing For X Minutes?

Nov 30, 2006

Hey All,I think this is something like locking, but not quite. I need to select a record in a database and display the information to the end user. The end user has a few minutes to review it before giving the ok at which point I will update the record.However, while the user is reviewing the record, i dont want anyone else to be able to grab that record. I also want to make sure that if the user doesnt submit the page, that the record will be freed up and not indefinitely marked as taken.What would be the best way to do this?  This is with .net 2.0 and sql2000

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How To Find Who Has Changed The Record

Aug 14, 2001

Is there any method so that I can find that the particular user has changed the record in the particualr table..?

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#Deleted When A Record Is Changed

Feb 1, 2008

First of all, let me apoligize if this is a stupid question, but just a few days ago I decided to change my FE/BE database from Ms Access to SQL Server Express. Now I have a FE in ACC2002 and a BE in SQL SERVER (the two connected via ODBC). Anyway, this is my question:

When everything was in Access I had a form retreiving a series of records based on a filter - for understanding purpose let's say that a field must have been 'Not Null'. The operator then filled that field with data. With Access everything was static, and the operator could see all the records, the ones already changed and the ones not changed. With SQL now: everytime the operator fills in the field, the record changes to #Deleted. I assume that that is happening because the query - someway - is "alive" and is "filtering data alive"... or is updating records instantly. Just to make things more clear: is the record changed immediately so it is not considered part of the filtered data by the query, thus being change to #Deleted? What could I do to prevent this?

Thanks a lot for your help.

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Find Record Where 1 Field Value Has Changed

Apr 2, 2015

I need to find all items in an inventory table where a field has been unticked in the last 24 hours (there is no audit trail), as well as the contract number of the contract it has been added to (it will not have existed in that table before).

These are the two table querys in their basic form:

select item (nvarchar(20)), inactive (bit) from inventory

select item (nvarchar(20) , contract (nvarchar(20)) , original_start_rent (datetime) from deltickitem

I would like to see just the item number and the contract number it has been added to.

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Editing User Account

Mar 7, 2008

ung txtConPass ko is ung Confirmation input textbox
ung txtNewPass ko is ung New Password input textbox
ung oldPass ko is ung Old Password existing
ung highlighted texts ko, dat is not working. That is my problem.
I need to check if the old password that he typed is existing. When it is existing, then update the db. But if not, do not update. The problem is, even if the password that he typed does not correspond to the user that he is editing, still the data is being updated. Please help me fix it. Maybe I have to use other codes. Tnx!

Private Sub OK_Button_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK_Button.Click
Me.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK
Dim oldPass As String = frmUsers.UsersDataGridView.SelectedRows(0).DataBoundItem(2).ToString
Dim check As Boolean = True

If Me.txtConPass.Text.Length = 0 Or Me.txtNewPass.Text.Length = 0 Then
check = False
ElseIf Not Me.txtConPass.Text.ToString.Equals(Me.txtNewPass.Text.ToString) Then
check = False
ElseIf Me.PasswordTextBox.Text.ToString.Equals(oldPass) Then
check = True
End If

If check = True Then
Me.UsersTableAdapter.UpdateQueryBySearchID(Me.UsernameTextBox.Text, Me.txtNewPass.Text, Me.NameTextbox.Text, frmUsers.UsersDataGridView.SelectedRows(0).DataBoundItem(0).ToString)
Me.txtConPass.Text = ""
Me.txtNewPass.Text = ""
MsgBox("Your account has been updated.", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
MsgBox("Unable to update data.", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
End If
End Sub

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Editing User Defined Constraints

Nov 20, 2007

I am working with SQL server management studio express and have added a variety of user- defined constraints to my table. I would like to edit these constraints (not using T-SQL if possible), but I can't find where they are stored! When I made them I didn't really keep track of what I named them, or how exactly I defined them, as I was assuming i would be able to go back easily and change them, in some sort of object-explorer/editor type window- but that is exactly what I can't find.

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Transact SQL :: Send Changed Database Record To Computer

Apr 21, 2015

I have an online SQL Server database, and my web site registered clients can change the records of this database. My need: if a record of this database is changed, whole the changed record send to me and to the person who changed it immediately. I thought it could be possible through Transact-SQL,

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How To Disable User From Editing In Enterprise Manager

Aug 4, 2004

I have couple sql servers. Users need to login and view tables and stored procedures, for that they use enterprise manager, recently one of the user logged in to one server and accidently stopped another sql server through service manager.
How can I prevent user from accessing service manager but still be able to open enterprise manager ?? I would like also if it is possible to hide from user view certain things like dts packages, jobs ,etc

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Transact SQL :: Send Changed Record Of Online Database To Application

Apr 23, 2015

I am programming an online game (such as chess) which two players can play together online.

Each one of the players should have installed the game application (developed by C#) on their computers.

When a player do some action, a record of a database (SQL Server 2012) which has been placed on the internet will be changed.

My need: when a record of this online database changes, whole the record send to both players' game application immediately.

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User Loggon Password Changed

Dec 4, 2005

Dear AllI have a problem ,as i created the new user itspassword became changed.I logon SQL Server as[color=blue][color=green]>> Server Name: localhost>> Server option : window athentication[/color][/color]then i created a new user[color=blue][color=green]>>user name = test>>password = 123[/color][/color]then,i refreshes the serveras i click on the test userits password become too long as ************what is the reason

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Query To Get User Database Startup DateTime When It Started?

Feb 12, 2014

I would like to find Query to retrieve User DataBase Startup Time from SQL server that we see in the Sql Server Log.

I was able to find the Server Startup Time but not the individual Databases .

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SQL 2012 :: AlwaysOn AG Failed Over Changed User Passwords?

Jul 30, 2014

I had a failover occur last night on my AlwaysOn AG, the SQL accounts had to have the passwords re-entered in order to connect to the databases?

1. I checked the SIDS, they match
2. both accounts have sysadmin rights, I know, I don't like it either but the apps will not run without it.
3. Only a few people have access to the SQL servers, right now, they all deny changing the password,

MCSA SQL Server 2012

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Recovery :: Configuration Option User Options Changed From 0 To 0

May 12, 2015

I'm trying to execute backup job on secondary replica on clustered server(with HA) and I getting the error:execution failed see the maintenance plan and sql server agent job history logs for details.When I going to see the log, it says :configuration option 'user options' changed from 0 to 0.

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DB Engine :: How To Capture Date And Time When DB Changed To Single User

Nov 29, 2015

I have a requirement to track the sqlserver when any DB changed from multiuser to singleuser.

I want to capture the date and time when anyone change any db from multiuser to single user and save this information in one text or csv file.

How can we do this using powershell?

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Login Failed For User '%.*ls'. Reason: The Password Of The Account Must Be Changed.

Apr 3, 2008

Hi All,

I have a sql server database user with Password must change, and I get this error when i use ODBC connection wizard,


Login failed for user '%.*ls'. Reason: The password of the account must be changed.

where would the windows shows up to change it similary we do when we connect through Management studio and provide new password.

Any idea.

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Login Failed For User 'dd_user'. Reason: The Password Of The Account Must Be Changed.

May 5, 2008

Any idea why this happened and what do i have to do to reslove it?

Code Snippet
Login failed for user 'dd_user'. Reason: The password of the account must be changed.

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User Functions - Getting First Record

Sep 8, 2004

Here is my problem - I have a user defined function that needs the FIRST value from a specially sorted result set. When I do my set statement I get the LAST value in my result set. I can't figure out how in a SQL function to only get that first value (since I can't do a cursor or temp table).

Example: My table has a keyid (created by identity value, the value I need)
Also it has a vendorid, a repid, and an inventoryid. These tie out to other tables.

If I sort my result set in a certain descending order, the first record's keyid is the value I need. Problem is that I am getting the last keyid instead of the first. I can't switch my sort though and get the right value, because of some well-placed zeros. Hard to explain.

I guess what I want is something like:

Select @keyid = FIRST keyid from sortedtable order by vendorid desc, inventoryid desc, repid asc

It's the select FIRST that hangs me up. Can't find that function - does it or something like it exist that I can use from within my function? I'm sure it can be done, I'm just sure I don't know how... Thanks for your help. - K

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How To Add Record With Same Primarykey That User Deleted

Feb 28, 2007

I have a sql server database that she deleted a record with ID as 2873. I would like to try to add this record manually, but the primary key can't be edit. How can i add this record with the same ID as she deleted?

Many thanks.

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Get Only One Record Out Of X Number Of Records Per User ID

Oct 29, 2013

I need to create a query that will select only one record out of x number of record per user id.

Sample Data
User ID | Date |Status
001 |10/1/2013 |01
001 |10/2/2013 |A1
002 |1/1/2013 |BB
003 |5/8/2013 |EE
003 |4/2/2013 |BB

Expected Result
User ID | Date |Status
001 | 10/2/2013 |A1
002 | 1/1/2013 |BB
003 | 5/8/2013 |EE

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Display Last Updated Record By A User

Mar 30, 2008

I would like to show when leads updated last their records in database. An automated report that tells me when the last date was that the leads updated an entry, only 1 entry per lead.

select Lead,LastUpdated from dbo.KPITbl

I have a table with data that looks like this:

Lead LastUpdated
----------- -----------------------
JOHN SMITH 2008-03-26 08:45:00
JOHN SMITH 2008-03-20 09:33:00
MEG RYAN 2008-02-21 16:16:00
JOHN SMITH 2008-02-21 16:19:00
MEG RYAN 2008-02-21 16:22:00
JOHN SMITH 2008-03-28 16:10:00
JOHN SMITH 2008-03-28 08:49:00
JOHN SMITH 2008-03-23 19:23:00
MARK MCRAE 2008-03-27 03:12:00
MARK MCRAE 2008-03-26 08:48:00
MARK MCRAE 2008-03-26 08:46:00
JOHN SMITH 2008-03-26 08:47:00
JOHN SMITH 2008-03-26 08:48:00
ALLAN WHITE 2008-03-26 08:43:00
ALLAN WHITE 2008-03-26 08:40:00
JOHN SMITH 2008-03-26 08:48:00

Thank you appreciate it.

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Determine Which User Has Locked A Record

Jul 23, 2005

I'm trying to determine which user has locked a given record from VB6.I know I can use sp_lock and sp_who, and match up the data to determinewhich users have locked records in my database, however I haven't seen a wayto match the specific user to the specific record. What am I missing here?Thanks!*David*

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Inserting A New Record Into Sql Db Using User-entered Information

Nov 22, 2006

Im trying to add a new rcord to my db on a button click usign the following code
'data adapter
Dim dAdapt1 As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
'create a command object
Dim objCommand As New SqlClient.SqlCommand
'command builder
Dim builderT As SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder
'connection string
Dim cnStr As String = "Data Source=ELEARN-FRM-BETA;Initial Catalog=StudentPlayGround;Integrated Security=True"
Dim dsT As DataSet
Private Sub connect()
objCommand.Connection = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(cnStr)
'associating the builder with the data adapter
builderT = New SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder(dAdapt1)
'opening the connection
'query string
Dim query As String = "SELECT * from StudentPlayground..Employees"
'setting the select command
dAdapt1.SelectCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(query, objCommand.Connection)
dsT = New DataSet("Trainee Listings")
dAdapt1.Fill(dsT, "Employees")
End Sub
Private Sub BindData()
End Sub
Protected Sub submitButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles submitButton.Click
Dim empID As Integer = CType(FindControl("TextBox8"), TextBox).Text
Dim firstName As String = CType(FindControl("TextBox1"), TextBox).Text
Dim lastName As String = CType(FindControl("TextBox2"), TextBox).Text
Dim location As String = CType(FindControl("TextBox3"), TextBox).Text
Dim termDate As Date = CType(FindControl("TextBox4"), TextBox).Text
Dim hireDate As Date = CType(FindControl("TextBox7"), TextBox).Text
Dim dept As String = CType(FindControl("TextBox5"), TextBox).Text
Dim super As String = CType(FindControl("TextBox6"), TextBox).Text
Dim newRow As DataRow = dsT.Tables("Employees").NewRow
newRow.Item(0) = empID
newRow.Item(1) = firstName
newRow.Item(2) = lastName
newRow.Item(3) = location
newRow.Item(4) = hireDate
newRow.Item(5) = termDate
newRow.Item(6) = dept
newRow.Item(7) = super
'do the update
Dim insertStr As String = "INSERT INTO Employees" + _
"(EmployeeID,FirstName,LatName,Location,HireDate,TerminationDate,Supervisor)" + _
"VALUES (empID,firstName,lastName,location,hireDate,termDate,dept,super)"
Dim insertCmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(insertStr, objCommand.Connection)
dAdapt1.InsertCommand() = insertCmd
dAdapt1.Update(dsT, "Employees")
'Dim insertCmd As new SqlClient.SqlCommand = (builderT.GetInsertCommand()).ToString())
'dAdapt1.InsertCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(insertCmd.ToString(), objCommand.Connection)
End Sub
im not sure wats going wrong because the record is not being added. Please help!!

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Insert Automatically Many Record For User Defined Range

Jul 11, 2012

I want insert automatically records for Range that user definded

For example user define :

from to city
10000 12000 tehran
15000 19000 babol

I should inserted 2000 record for tehran (10000,10001,....,12000) and 4000 record for babol (15000,15001,...,19000)

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Web Based Sql Server Record Manipulation In Multi-user Environment

Jan 20, 2007

I was wondering if you guys might give me some advice on how best to handle a particular scenario i'm struggling with.
I have a client that basically wants web-based-update access to their sql server database.  Specifically, for a group of users to be able to access a page where they select a record for editing.  the caveat is that no two users should be able to pull up the same record at the same time.  Originally I would have thought there was some easier record-locking-mechanism I could exploit within sql server or itself, but I haven't been able to come up with anything..  so this is my current approach:
The page they use starts-out with basically a blank form.  there are custom-built paging controls at the bottom of the screen.  they click page-forward to begin and a stored procedure is ran to select a record and update a field on that record to indicate "in-process".  when they finish editing the record - or page on to the next record without updating - another stored procedure is ran - updating/resetting the status field on the record appropriately.
The entire page is encapsulated within an updatepanel.
The entire page has caching disabled.  This works well in conjunction with the first page being blank.  if they get out of the app and try to get back in by clicking the back button - all they can do is get to the first (blank) page.
A piece of javascript window.onunload clicks a button on the page that releases the record they currently have selected in the event of a re-direct, clicking back, etc.. it appears to work with everything except a window close.  in that case, i have a stored procedure running periodically on the server that checks how long a record has been selected - and if it exceeds the time indicated - resets the record as to allow it to be re-selected later.
In the event of session timeout, they are redirected to another page that tells them their session has timed-out (and since the window.onunload fires - it takes care of releasing the record if they have one on the screen).
The concept seemed to be working well until I started multi-user testing.  Now it seems as if two users time it perfectly - they are actually able to both select the same record.  it happens pretty rarely, but it does seem to happen.  I'm guessing this has to do with how my stored procedure is structured - possibly allowing a tiny-enough window between the record being selected for editing - and the update running to actually status the record as in-process (2 separate sql statements within the one stored procedure).
I believe I also have a found a second quirk in my approach where something is causing the window.onunload event to fire twice in some strange situations..  but that's more annoying/confusing from a logging standpoint than anything..
I've read where people say to ensure you dont update a record that's already been updated - that you should compare the fields before you actually perform the update and ensure they haven't changed since you selected it..  but to me that doesn't solve anything.. if two people select the same record and both spend time working on it - the person that tries to update last has just wasted their time.
I've also toyed with the idea of maintaining a separate table in the database to hold the keys to the currently selected records and use that to keep multiple people from selecting the same record - but honestly i dont know if that approach is any better than what i'm doing now.   
anyway, I was just curious if you guys had any advice in regards to how you'd handle a request like this..  or if you see any obvious problems/fixes with my current approach..
I would greatly appreciate any info you could provide-

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