Time Range

Apr 21, 2008

Hi there

I am using SQL2005 and would like to check the whether the time is within the valid range for instance:

Data to check: 2:15AM

Range is between: 01:00AM till 06:59AM, 07:00AM till 02:00 PM

I can use the datepart for hh but that is not what I want. I want to have a full time: HH:MM cause sometimes if you do datepart by hour and if you apply into the above excample will be:

2 BETWEEN 1 AND 6 (this is ok)
2 BETWEEN 7 AND 2 (this is not ok)

Any idea?

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Query Info Between Time Range & Date Range

Aug 16, 2006

I am attempting to write a SQL query that retrieves info processed between two times (ie. 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm) during a date range (ie. 8/1/06 to 8/14/06)... I am new to SQL and am perplexed... I have referenced several texts, but have not found a solution. Even being pointed in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!!

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Query A Time Range?

Oct 5, 2007

Hello,I have a table that lists a number of available time slots for a party venue. I want a user to select a particular time slot and have the query show results for that time slot plus two time slots before and two time slots after the user's selection. If the user selects a time slot that is the first of the day, I still want that user to be shown 5 results including the one he selected. The same goes for the last time slot of the day. Can anyone help me with the SQL statement?
 Thank you very much in advance!

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Group By Day Name - And Time Range

Jul 5, 2007

Hi there,

With a DateStamp field

Im trying to group by Day Name

and also group it By Time ranges

i.e. Morning 00:00 to 11:59
Afternoon 12:00 to 17:59
Evening 18:00 to 23.59

I can do the group By Day Name ok
Like Below


SELECT COUNT(ISNULL(createdDate, 1)) AS DayCount, ISNULL(DATENAME(dw, createdDate), 'No Date Set') AS DayOftheWeek
FROM dbo.MyTable
GROUP BY ISNULL(DATENAME(dw, createdDate), 'No Date Set')

its just the grouping by time ranges im having trouble with..


M | T | W | Th | F | S | Su

Morning ||

Afternoon ||

Evening ||

Thanks for any help ..

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Time Range Set By Query

May 7, 2014

I have a query to determine the time range like following

SET @StartDate = CAST (DATEDIFF(d, 0, DATEADD(d, 1 - day(getdate()), getdate()))as datetime)
SET @EndDate = GetDate()

What time range that query set ??

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Range On Time Field...

Sep 17, 2007

I want to create one complex query with Date time field,  my query is I want a grouping   between the time range



13/09/2007 1:00:00 PM    to  14/09/2007 4:00:00 AM    will be as Day1

14/09/2007 1:00:00 PM    to  15/09/2007 4:00:00 AM    Will be as Day2



This way the end date for the period will be 13/10/2007 4:00:00Â as Day 30


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Run Time Error: Out-of-range Datetime Value

Nov 26, 2003

Hi everyone, this is the exception:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value

Here's my code!

... 'datagrid code
cmdSelect.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [Table] WHERE [Date and Time] > '" & Me.tbFromDate.Text & "' AND [Date and Time] < '" & Me.tbToDate.Text & "'"

Me.tbFromDate.Text and Me.tbFromDate.text look like this: 27/11/2003 1:11:43 PM

The SQL Query works fine - just that this code gives a runtime error.

Can someone help?? I'm guessing I have to do somekind of conversion!!


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Retrieving 1st Record In Time Range Else

Jan 5, 2014

I have a date/time value (dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss) stored in a field as part of each record in a dataset.

I would like to achieve the following via a single T-SQL query if possible (efficiency is not an issue as the dataset is small)

On query run;

Check if any records in the dataset are within 10 minutes + or - of the current system time (using the date/time value referenced above)

if none

Load the first record

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Check Time Range In Store Procedure.

Oct 12, 2006

I have reservation database, suppose somebody reserved a resource on 10/12/2006 from 9:00am to 12pm. If anybody else want to reserve the same resource from 10am to 3pm. It will not let them reserver. I would like to check a range in store procedure. Is there has any function to check range in easy way?
Many thanks.

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Query Of Set Time Range Relative To Current Date

Dec 26, 2013

I come in to work 6.30am, and need to audit what happened from 5pm when I left to 6.30am this morning. I have used code to search 13.5 hours back from any given time:


Problem is if I run query later, I lose time from the start, eg. If I run query at 7am, I only get results from 5.30pm onwards. Rather than change criteria every day, I wanted to able to search from 6.30am of the current day, back to 5.30pm of the previous day.

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Compare Today And Yesterday Time Range On Sales

Aug 23, 2014

I have to do a report for each hour compare yesterday each hour of sales amount their output is below, how to write a query.

desire output 08:00 am -23:00pm
shop today Time yesterday current Amt Yest Amt diff amount
001 13:00-14:00 13:00-14:00 $10000 $20000 -10000 (down)
002 14:00-15:00 14:00-15:00 $10000 $15000 500 (up)

Time as at HH:MM
Yesterday Total $20000
today Total $35000

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Query To Show Total By Shop On Time Range

Aug 28, 2014

How to edit this query to show the total by shop on time range ?

current result.(Time range from 9:00am-23:00pm)
Shop Time_slot cur Amt, yest Amt, Diff Amt, Sales Direction
Abc 10:59 $100 $50 +50 (+)
Abc 11:59 $100 $50 +150 (+)
Abc 12:59 $100 $50 +50 (+)
BBB 11:59 $100 $50 +150 (+)
BBB 12:59 $100 $50 +50 (+)

Desired Result .
Shop Time_slot cur Amt, yest Amt, Diff Amt, Sales Direction
Abc 10:59 $100 $50 +50 (+)
Abc 11:59 $100 $50 +150 (+)
Abc 12:59 $100 $50 +50 (+)
Total $300 $150 +$200 (+)

BBB 11:59 $10 $50 -40 (-)
BBB 12:59 $10 $50 -40 (-)
Total $20 $100 -80 (-)

select shop
,ltrim(str(datepart(hh,yourdatetimefield)))+':00 - '+ltrim(str(datepart(hh,yourdatetimefield)))+':59' as time_span
when datediff(dd,yourdatetimefield,getdate())=0

[Code] .....

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Analysis :: Parallel-period Equivalent For A Time Range?

Jan 27, 2009

Our client wants to report on their trade volume for last year as compared to the current quarter. For simplicity let's pretend they have a report where they have a two key measures:

[Trade Volume - Tons]
[Trade Volume - Tons MTD]
[Trade Volume - Tons]

is based on outlook - that is, for any period we are reporting on the trade volume will be reported as actuals that have been loaded up until the current period, and forecast for the current and future periods.

[Trade Volume - Tons MTD] is based only on actuals - that is for any period we are reporting on the trade volume will be reported as actuals that have been loaded up until and including the current period, and 0 for any future periods.

If Feb09 is our current period, and we are using quarter on the time dimension (where quarter 1=Jan09,Feb09,Mar09) and we have the following data:

Jan09 Trade Volume Actual: 100 Trade Volume Forecast: 150
Feb09 Trade Volume Actual: 50 Trade Volume Forecast: 200
March09 Trade Volume Actual: 75 Trade Volume Forecast: 225


[Trade Volume - Tons]=100+200+225=525
[Trade Volume - Tons MTD]=100+50=150

This is a problem, because the comparison with their current results ([Trade Volume - Tons MTD]) with what they 'forecast' ([Trade Volume - Tons]) is not based on the same period of time - we are comparing the sum of two periods versus three periods.To solve this we changed the reporting period to be monthly granularity, and now select Jan09-Feb09 as our range (as opposed to having a quarter granularity and selecting Q1,2009 in the example above).

This works well and produces the expected results:

[Trade Volume - Tons]=100+200=350
[Trade Volume - Tons MTD]=100+50=150

However, this introduces a secondary problem: we are doing a prior year calculation on the Trade Volume also, so the users can compare how the actuals are comparing to the same period last year.To do this we use the following formula for the prior year calculation:

Prior Year Actuals=([Measures].[Trade Volume - Tons], ParallelPeriod([Time].[544 Hierarchy].[Period Year],1,[Time].[544 Hierarchy].currentmember))

The problem is as soon as we move from quarter granularity to (monthly granularity AND select more than one monthly period) the Prior Year Actuals calculation produces a an error "The MDX function CURRENTMEMBER failed because the coordinate for the 'Period Year' attribute contains a set".So, ParallelPeriod does not like it when currentmember is a range (Jan09,Feb09) rather than a single period (Jan09).

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Creating Missing Records In A Date / Time Range?

Nov 6, 2014

creating the missing records in a date/time range.

However, I need to return different groups for each span of records.

here's some data....


The numbers are the hour of the day.

I need to return

aaa 0 0
aaa 1 1
aaa 2 0
aaa 3 0
bbb 0 0
bbb 1 0
bbb 2 1
and so on.

I've got a numbers table and I can left join with it but I just get nulls for the missing hours instead of having it as above.....I can't think of a way of repeating the groups for each of the 'missing' hours - other than creating a length insert statement to fill in the gaps....unless that is the only way of doing it.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Retrieving Minimum Value Over Rolling Time Range?

Apr 28, 2015

I need to provide a minimum value over a 12 hour time range of data. I'm struggling with performance issues due to the amount of data. Currently I log about 100 devices reporting once per minute into a table. Also about once per minute I need to pull the minimum value reported for each device in the last 12 hours. Currently I'm maintaining a separate table with entries for just the last 12 hours and just performing a Select Min(Temp) Where DeviceID=x, but it already holds about 700,000 records at any given time. The number of devices will increase substantially and this will no longer be viable.

Sample Table
ID DeviceID Temp InsertDate
1 10 55 04-28-2015 8:00 AM
2 65 74 04-28-2015 8:00 AM
3 44 23 04-28-2015 8:00 AM
4 10 87 04-28-2015 8:01 AM
5 65 65 04-28-2015 8:01 AM

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Reporting Services :: SSRS - Display Static Time Range On Y-axis?

Oct 6, 2015

displaying time interval on y -axis for an ssrs report.

the values are static... it should start from 00:00 - 23:59 with 00:30 interval....

interval of 30 mins...

I tried several functions that are available but didnt work.

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Analysis :: MDX - Aggregate Measure For Specific Time Range / Filtering And Print Only Current Month

Aug 6, 2015

At the following MDX code , I want to get the aggregate of measure only for  members that are also in the specified last time (like in examp 01/06/2015) . I tried existing and exists, but without any lack.

MEMBER [Measures].[Aggregate] AS

[Code] ....

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Select Rows Where Value In A Range And Below A Range?

Nov 26, 2014

I'm running a pre-defined script which used to work fine on a file which was resupplied every month. below is the script used and the error message. looking at the error I assume that there is a rouge record within the file but have looked in Textpad and cannot find it.

UPDATE [matching].[dbo].[hot_nov] SET [AOV] = (CAST([Demand] AS DECIMAL)/CAST([Orders] AS INT)) WHERE [Demand] <> '';

UPDATE [matching].[dbo].[hot_nov] SET [POST2] = left([PostCode], PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', [PostCode] + '1') - 1) ;
UPDATE [matching].[dbo].[hot_nov] SET [POST4] = left([PostCode],LEN([PostCode])-4);
UPDATE [matching].[dbo].[hot_nov] SET [POST6] = left([PostCode],LEN([PostCode])-2);

error message

(1000 row(s) affected)
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 181
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '2014-09-03 00:00:00' to data type int.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Query To Select Date Range From Two Tables With Same Date Range

Apr 6, 2015

I have 2 tables, one is table A which stores Resources Assign to work for a certain period. The structure is as below

Name StartDate EndDate
Tan 2015-04-01 08:30:00.000 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000
Max 2015-04-01 08:30:00.000 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000
Alan 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000 2015-04-02 00:30:00.000

The table B stores the item process time. The structure is as below

Item ProcessStartDate ProcessEndDate
V 2015-04-01 09:30:10.000 2015-04-01 09:34:45.000
Q 2015-04-01 10:39:01.000 2015-04-01 10:41:11.000
W 2015-04-01 11:44:00.000 2015-04-01 11:46:25.000
A 2015-04-01 16:40:10.000 2015-04-01 16:42:45.000
B 2015-04-01 16:43:01.000 2015-04-01 16:45:11.000
C 2015-04-01 16:47:00.000 2015-04-01 16:49:25.000

I need to select the item which process in 2015-04-01 16:40:00 and 2015-04-01 17:30:00. Beside that I need to know how many resource is assigned to process the item in that period of time. I only has the start date is 2015-04-01 16:40:00 and end date is 2015-04-01 17:30:00. How I can select the data from both tables. There is no need for JOIN, just seperate selections.

Another item process time is in 2015-04-01 10:00:00 and 2015-04-04 11:50:59.

The result expected is

Table A

Name StartDate EndDate
Alan 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000 2015-04-02 00:30:00.000

Table B

Item ProcessStartDate ProcessEndDate
A 2015-04-01 16:30:10.000 2015-04-01 16:32:45.000
B 2015-04-01 16:33:01.000 2015-04-01 16:35:11.000
C 2015-04-01 16:37:00.000 2015-04-02 16:39:25.000

Scenario 2 expected result

Table A

Name StartDate EndDate
Tan 2015-04-01 08:30:00.000 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000
Max 2015-04-01 08:30:00.000 2015-04-01 16:30:00.000

Table B

Item ProcessStartDate ProcessEndDate
Q 2015-04-01 10:39:01.000 2015-04-01 10:41:11.000
W 2015-04-01 11:44:00.000 2015-04-01 11:46:25.000

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How To Convert UTC Time (retrieved From SQL) To Local Time In Reporting Services Based On Time Zone

Aug 7, 2007

Hi all,

I have created a report in SSRS 2005 which is being viewed by users from different Time Zones.

I have a dataset which has a field of type datetime (UTC). Now I would like to display this Date according to the User Time Zone.

For example if the date is August 07, 2007 10:00 AM UTC,

then I would like to display it as August 07, 2007 03:30 PM IST if the user Time Zone is IST.

Similarly for other Time Zones it should display the time accordingly.

Is this possible in SSRS 2005?

Any pointers will be usefull...

Thanks in advance
sudheer racha.

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SELECT Where Value In A Range And Below A Range

Jul 29, 2013

I have a need to select rows where values in a column are within a range AND ALSO the first row that is highest (MAX) but just UNDER the range. For example:

Jim 4
John 5
Tom 6
Julie 7
Rich 8
Rob 9

RANGE TO SELECT is 6-8 (inclusive)

Rows with a value in the range are returned (6, 7, & 8) as well as the row with a highest value that is JUST BELOW the range (5)

John 5
Tom 6
Julie 7
Rich 8

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SQL 2012 :: Accurate Sorting Data Each Time With Millions Of Records Without Time Field?

Apr 25, 2014

Sample Table

USE [Testing]
/****** Object: Table [dbo].[Testing] Script Date: 4/25/2014 11:08:18 AM ******/

[Code] ....

It seems to work fine with one million records.

Each primary key is unique, but the begindate is non-unique, and i guess even if i use datetime2 and add nanoseconds, from what i have read, there is a chance that i could have a duplicate datetime since the date is imported via XML from multiple sources.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Gathering Stored Procedure Execution Time In Real Time?

Jun 11, 2015

Is there a way to keep track in real time on how long a stored procedure is running for? So what I want to do is fire off a trace in a stored procedure if that stored procedure is running for over like 5 minutes.

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Integration Services :: Exclude Time In Date Time Variable In SSIS For Loop?

Oct 22, 2015

I am trying to load previous days data at 3 am via a SSIS job.

The Date variable is initiated as DATEADD("dd",-1, GETDATE()) in the for loop.

Now, as this job runs at 3 am, and I set the variable as GETDATE() - 1, it excluded the data from 12 am to 3 am in the resultset as Date is set as YYYY-MM-DD 03:00:00:000 I need this to be set as YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00:000

How can i do this? 

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Transact SQL :: Update Time Portion Of DateTime Field With Time Parameter

Oct 3, 2015

I hope to update a DateTime column value with a Time input parameter.  Poor attempt below but it looks like the @ApptTime param is coming in as 10:45:00.0000000 and I might have an existing @SendOnDate as: 2015-10-05 07:00:00.000...I hope to end up with 2015-10-05 10:45:00.000

@QuePoolID int=null
,@ApptTime time(7)
,@SendOnDate datetime


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It Takes A Long Time To Insert The First Record Each Time When The Program Start

Dec 15, 2006

I am using VS2005 (VB) to develop a PPC WM5.0 Program. And I am using SQLCE 3.0. My PPC Hardware is in 400MHz.

The question is when the program try to insert the first record into sdf database after each time the program started. It takes a long time. Does anyone know why and how can I fix it?

I will load the whole database into a dataset when the program start and do all the "Insert", "Update", "Delete" in this dataset and fill it into database after each action.

        sda = New SqlCeDataAdapter(SQL, cn) 'SQL = Select * From Table
        scb = New SqlCeCommandBuilder(sda) 

I check the sda.update(), it takes about 0.08s for filling one record into database normally. But:

1. Start the PPC Program

2. Load DB into dataset

3. Create a ONE new record in dataset

4. Fill back to DB

When I take this four steps everytime, the filling time is almost 1s or even more!

Actually, 0.08s is just a normal case. Sometimes, it still takes over 1s to filling back a dataset which only inserted one record when the program is running. (Even all inserted records are exactly the same in data jsut different in the integer key)

 However, when I give up the dataset and using the following code:

            Dim cmd As New SqlCeCommand(SQL, cn) ' I have build the insert SQL before (Insert Into Table values(XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX All field)

           cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
            StartTime = Environment.TickCount

 I found that it is still the same that the first inserted record takes more time, but just about 0.2s. And the normal insert time is around 0.02s. It is 4 times faster!!!

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Transact SQL :: Converting 24hrs Time To 12 Hours Time Query Format?

Apr 21, 2015

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),attnc_chkin_dt,101) as INDATE,
    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),attnc_chkin_dt,108) as TimePart
FROM pmt_attendance

indate   04/18/2015
time part :17:45:00

I need to convert this 17:45:00 to 12 hours date format...

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Problem With Getdate() In Transaction Takes The Insert Time Instead Of The Commit Time

Nov 12, 2007


We need to select rows from the database that have been recently inserted/updated. We have a main primary table (COMMIT_TEST) and a second update table (COMMIT_TEST_UPDATE). The update table contains the primary key and a LAST_UPDATE field which is a datetime (to tell us when an update occurred). Triggers on the primary table are used to populate the update table.

If we insert or update the primary table in a transaction, we would expect that the datetime of the insert/update would be at the commit, however it seems that the insert/update statement is cached and getdate() is executed at the time of the cache instead of the commit. This causes problems as we select rows based on LAST_UPDATE and a commit may occur later but the earlier insert timestamp is saved to the database and we miss that update.

We would like to know if there is anyway to tell the SQL Server to not execute the function getdate() until the commit, or any other way to get the commit to create the correct timestamp.

We are using default isolation level. We have tried using getdate(), current_timestamp and even {fn Now()} with the same results. SQL Queries that reproduce the problem are provided below:

/* Different functions to get current timestamp €“ all have been tested to produce the same results */
SELECT {fn Now()}
/* Use these statements to delete the tables to allow recreate of the tables */
/* Create a primary table and an UPDATE table to store the date/time when the primary table is modified */
CREATE TABLE dbo.COMMIT_TEST (PKEY int PRIMARY KEY, timestamp) /* ROW_VERSION rowversion */
/* Use these statements to delete the triggers to allow reinsert */
/* Create insert, update and delete triggers */
declare @time datetime
select @time = getdate()

select PKEY, getdate()
from inserted
declare @time datetime
select @time = getdate()

set LAST_UPDATE = getdate()
from COMMIT_TEST_UPDATE, deleted, inserted
/* In our application deletes should never occur so we don€™t log when they get modified we just delete them from the UPDATE table */
if ( select count(*) from deleted ) > 0
from COMMIT_TEST_UPDATE, deleted
/* Delete any previous inserted record to avoid errors when inserting */
/* What is the current date/time */
/* Insert a record into the primary table */
/* Simulate additional processing within this transaction */
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'
/* We expect at this point that the date is written to the database (or at least we need some way for this to happen) */
/* get the current date to show us what date/time should have been committed to the database */
/* Select results from the table €“ we see that the timestamp is 10 seconds older than the commit, in other words it was evaluated at */
/* the insert statement, even though the row could not be read with a SELECT as it was uncommitted */

Any help would be appreciated, we understand we could make changes to the application/database to approximate what we need, but all the solutions have identified suffer from possible performance issues, or could still lead to missing deals (assuming the commit time is larger than some artifical time window).



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DB Engine :: Time Testing Azure Point In Time Database Restores?

Sep 21, 2015

I need to do a time test for restoring an Azure SQL database from a point in time. Can I automate this through PowerShell.

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SQL 2012 :: Converting Time String In Temp Table To Military Time Then Cast As Integer?

Dec 26, 2014

I need to take a temporary table that has various times stored in a text field (4:30 pm, 11:00 am, 5:30 pm, etc.), convert it to miltary time then cast it as an integer with an update statement kind of like:

Update myTable set MovieTime = REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(5),GETDATE(),108), ':', '')

how this can be done while my temp table is in session?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Displaying Transaction Time Punch Data In A Time Card Form?

Oct 7, 2015

I have a table called employee_punch_record that we use to store employee time clock punches.

The columns are:

punch_type (In / Out),
closed (bit used as status for open or closed pay periods),

Here are some examples of a record:

bkingery62015-10-06 16:59:04.000In0
bkingery72015-10-06 16:59:09.000Out0
bkingery82015-10-06 16:59:13.000In0
bkingery92015-10-06 18:22:44.000Out0
bkingery102015-10-06 18:22:46.000In0
bkingery112015-10-06 18:22:48.000Out0
bkingery122015-10-06 18:22:51.000In0
tfeller52015-10-05 17:00:05.000In0

We are using SQL Server 2008 as our database and use Access as a GUI. I am looking to create a form in Access where employees can access their time card and request changes from management. I want to use the format from the attached screen shot for the form. I pretty much know how to do it all, the only point of complication is trying to figure out the easiest way to get the transaction punch record data on employee_punch_record into a format where I can easily populate the form in the horizontal format you see in the screen shot.

I am not super strong in SQL, but figure I can do it using a formatting table of some sort. quick and easy way to move transaction records into a more horizontally oriented record?

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A Time Series Prediction Was Requested With A Start Time Further In The Past Than The Internal Models Of The Mining Model

Feb 19, 2008

Hi all,

I have a very simple time series model which processing works fine without any problem. However when I run the following query




PredictTimeSeries(PriceChange, -3, 2)




[TimeSeries].[Symbol] = 'x'

I get the following error:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services
Error (Data mining): A time series prediction was requested with a start time further in the past than the internal models of the mining model, TimeSeries, specified in the HISTORIC_MODEL_GAP and HISTORIC_MODEL_COUNT parameters can process.

The following is the excerpt of the minding model script related to the two parameters:




<Value xsi:type="xsdtring">Previous</Value>




<Value xsi:type="xsd:int">1</Value>




<Value xsi:type="xsd:int">10</Value>



These HISTORIC_MODEL_GAP (1) and HISTORIC_MODEL_COUNT (10) should accommodate PredictTimeSeries(PriceChange, -3, 2). Could anyone shed some light on this?

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Loses Ability To Delegate User Credentials To Database Time To Time?

Apr 30, 2015

we have problems with our SQL Reporting Service 2012 (SSRS) server . We have setup Kerberos delegation between SSRS and the database server (SQL Server Always-on cluster) so users are authenticated down to the database. The issue occurs from time to time that SSRS loses the ability to delegate the user credentials to the database. At this point in time the Report Server logs contain rejected database connections because of ANONYMOUS logon. After restarting SSRS the problem is gone.

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