Time Out Expired Error In .net Application

Apr 5, 2004


I have a problem in my .net application.

I am executing a stored procedure from my .net application.

The scope of this stored procedure is,

1.It should filter the records using several conditions(say it is Customer)

2.Using the filtered records, again some details are fetched(say it is transaction details)

3.For each and every transaction , Some of the details has to be updated in more than three tables, meanwhile the data to be updated is to be calculated (like tax amount, commision amount)which in turn calls two more stored procedures.

my problem is ..

if there are few records like 1000 or 2000, it is working fine...

but if it exceeds like say 6000 records, i am getting Time out expired error in my application .

If i catch the stored procedure exectution statement in sql profiler and execute it in Sql Query analizer , the stored procedure is executing properly but it takes nearly 6 minutes.

How can i solve this problem.

Please suggest me if i can work with any of the following options.

1)go for web services

2)go for windows services

3)optimize the stored procedure

If any one know some better answer to solve my problem..please post it.

Advance thanks




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Got Time Out Expired Error After Pooling

Mar 4, 2008

The database connection was ok without specify any pooling parameter, however, after I decide to put pooling parameter to the connection string. I frequently expierence "Time out expired" exception.Here is the connection string: "Pooling = True; Min Pool Size = 5; Max Pool Size = 100;Server = servername; AttachDbFilename = database_file; Integrated Security = True;"As you see, it is not much different from default value. I was thinking may be I should give a "Time out" value to the connection, will this help? 

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Time Out Expired Error When Using Ado And SQL Server 2005

Oct 18, 2007

Any help would be appreciated.

We have a C++ program that connects to a remote SQL Server database. Recently the system we pull data from upgraded to SQL Server 2005 and my program can no longer connect to the database. We're getting TimeOut expired errors (not login timeout expired) within 15 - 20 seconds after attempting to open the connection. I have confirmed with this other system that my id does not show up in any logs on their end.
Here is some background:
Nothing has changed on my end. We have another system that my team supports that is able to connect, and they have changed nothing. They're using a different connection method. We're using oledb and they use odbc and a different provider. I confirmed with the SQL Server team that this id made a connection.

Connect String:

Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;;User ID=XXX;Password=xxxx;Data Source=serverdb instance;Initial Catalog=xxxx;
From what i've read, etc this connect string should work still

Here is an example of the code and context of this connect string

'Set connection object
pConnect->ConnectionString = OurConnectString;
'Create and open recordset
pRstEmployee->Open("Employee", This is the point at which we get a timeout.
_variant_t((IDispatch *)pConnection,true), adOpenKeyset,
adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable);

pCmd->CommandText = SomeString;

pRstEmployee = pCmd->Execute(NULL,NULL,adCmdText);

Server Info:
I have succesfully pinged the server
The client is not in the same domain as the db server

Appl: A database error has occured ->
Code = 80040e31
Code meaning = IDispatch error #3121
Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Description = Timeout expired

Other info:
Not sure about my client database provider.
This is coded in Visual C++ 6.

I'm not knowledgeable on SQL Server configuration, etc.

Things i've tried so far
Change provider from SQLOLEDB.1 to SQLOLEDB
Change provider to SQLNCLI
Had SQL server query time out set to never time out. The remote login timeout changed to 600 seconds from 30 seconds. However we are getting a timeout in only a few seconds, so i find that interesting.

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Application Reflecting Time Out Error - No Backup Running

Jun 23, 2015

If an application is reflecting timeout errors but there are no backups running, the network is fine and the data and log files are within normal parameters, what else could be the cause of the errors?

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Time Out Expired

Jun 18, 2008

Can anyone see a reason that the application keeps timing out, it was work fine a couple of days ago.
private DataTable Search6HostPlaces(string host)    {        DataTable dt;        host = lblHostname.Text;
        SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionString"]);         SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("matchHost", cn);        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pHost", host);
        SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter();        sda.SelectCommand = cmd;
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();        cn.Open(); <--------------------------------------------------------Timeout when is gets here
        sda.Fill(ds, "HostName");        dt = ds.Tables["HostName"];
        return dt;    }
    public void CountRecords()    {
        DataTable dt = Search6HostPlaces("host");
        lblTest.Text = dt.Rows.Count.ToString();    }

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Time Out Expired.

Jan 23, 2008

hi all,

when developer to retreive the data through ssms it displays like this

Error source:- .Net Sql Client Data Provider
Error message :- Time out expired. The time out period elapsed prior to completion of theoperation or the server not responding.

i checked in ssms tools -->options-->query execution is 0.
Last week for all users it display the same above .wht may be the problem.
why it happens?

pls do the needfull..
thanks in advance

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Time Out Expired

Apr 5, 2007

When I try to add an item in App_Data ,in ASP .NET it says "Time out expired.Timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operator or the server is not responding."

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Server Time Out Expired

Jan 5, 2008

Hi Actually i have developed an Web application(intranet) and I put it on IIS which will be using it more than 5 persons at a time. In that application there is a page which will interact more to Database(SQL server 2005). Problem is when persons working on that page some times it throws an error message like "Timeout expired. the timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding". I think it is because of SQL server but i don't find exactly. Plz tell me what is problem and how to solve it.

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Connecting To Remote SQL Server - Time Out Expired?

Mar 23, 2006


Im connecting to a remote SQL Server in Enterprise Manager Via VPN,

we checked the connection and everything but still o cant connect

to the remote server, Error message says "Time Out Expired",

we checked the firewall config, ADSL connection and it's all Ok

what seems to be the problem here??

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Distrib.exe Application Error , Application Failed To Initialize Properly(0xx0000142)

Apr 13, 2008

have SQL Server 2005 std edition SP1 installed on Windows 2003 Std edition .Configured Transactional (single Publisher and no clustered environment.)
Replication past two months working fine, Now
1.Distrib.exe application err is coming.

Due to which my job is failing (Distributor to Subscriber).
Iam attaching thw file.

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Error = -2147467259 (80004005) Error String: Timeout Expired

May 5, 2003

Hi everybody,
I do custom log shipping over network like

step 1 backup log to C:..
step 2 zip log file c:... zip
step 3 copy zip to \sm01
step 4 unzip file
step 5 restore log with stand by

Few times a month it fails with

Error = -2147467259 (80004005) Error string: Timeout expired Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Help file: Help context: 0 Error Detail Records: Error: -2147467259 (80004005); Provider Error: 0 (0) Error string: Timeout expired Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

Any idea ,what might cause it ?

Thank you

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Timeout Expired Error - SQL Server 2005 Error After Exactly 1 Hour

Aug 27, 2007

We have several large government web sites that we help look after. We recently migrated one of them from SQL Server 2000 to 2005 and are having a problem with our nightly email job in that if it runs for more than an hour then after exactly 1 hour the email job gets a "Timeout expired" message back from SQL Server.

Our batch jobs do run on a different server and connect remotely to our SQL Server DB. I did change the connections - remote query timeout and increased it 10 fold, but this didn't make any difference. Is there any other parameter that may be causing the Timeout expired error after exactly 1 hour?

Thanks !

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Application Need Date Without Time

Oct 18, 2004


We are managing industry standard application for solvent business need and it is working fine as per requirement but after replication we got some problem with date type data.

We have stored date data through application in dd/mm/yy format only, we didn't used time data so it is truncated in overall application but after implementation for replication (Merge Model) from multiple location some date field automatically get time with date value, so some time application not retrieving data from database owing to stored time with date.

How I can resolve this issue I didn't get any solution in short way.

Thanks in advance to every particapetience.


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Error: Timeout Expired

Sep 2, 2006

I have an Update stored procedure that is used to update four tables at the same time. The issue is that it works perfect when i run the application in local  server,but when i upload the application on to the server that is located in U.S, it gives an error "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed
prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. " I think the sqlCommand is timing out and the value is not returned. Is there a workaround to this issue? What could be the reason for this? Any ideas.. Please help..  

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Timeout Expired Error

Feb 15, 2008

Just purchased a web application, sometime it will cause the timeout error, that will cause the web page can't be opened, and popup an error page."Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding."
The function is below:public static ProfileAnswer[] FetchNonApproved()
using (SqlConnection conn = Config.DB.Open())
SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(conn,"FetchNonApprovedAnswers"); //this is the line where the timeout error occurs.

List lAnswers = new List();

while (reader.Read())
//do something here

return lAnswers.ToArray();

 Is there anyway to jump out of the error if the timeout occurs, abort the further action, and back to current page.  (what is the problem with the code?)
Thanks a lot.

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Timeout Expired Error

Oct 11, 2004


I am getting this error sometimes what can I do for this

Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.

thank you...

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TimeOut Expired Error

Apr 14, 2006

My application always face timeout expired error (as following) whenever i first run the application. But it can run well for second time.
Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
Is there any suggestion or advice for me about this problem? Thank You. 

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SQL Error... Timeout Expired?

Aug 10, 1999

Can anyone please help me... I'm getting the following error and the database
I'm dealing with only has about 10 records in it.....

-----Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm running SQL 7.0

Thank you,
T. Teal

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TimeOut Expired Error (was Need Help...)

Oct 9, 2006

I am getting problem from one of my client that is..
connection Failed: SQLstate: 'HYT00' Sql Server Error: 0 [Microsoft] [ODBC Sql Server Driver]TimeOut expired.
How to solve it please solve....

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Timeout Expired Error

Jul 20, 2005

Hello:I have an application (using ADO 2.7 - written in VB) that access a SQLServer 2000 Database.Every once in a while, the program hangs when I am accessing the DB, andsometimes I get a timeout expired error. The wierd thing is, when it hangs,if you try the function again - it goes throught every timeFor example, If I call a function that retrieves a password from a table inthe DB, it will hang (sometimes it hangs for a few seconds and then goesthrought, sometimes it will timeout and gives me the timeout expired error).If I then call the same function immediately after, there will be no delay.I am stumped on this, any help would be appreciated. I have tried shrinkingthe DB and Backing it up to no avail.Regards,Ryan Kennedy

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Timeout Expired Error? What Caused It?

Apr 14, 2004

I am getting error
Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
StackTrace> at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(Object data, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, String srcTable) at Galileo.Modules.Data.DBDeclare.RunProcedure(String sp, IDataParameter[] parameters) at GalileoModules.Data.PrivateAccomodation.Search3.Query(String[] values

If I don't cache this page, would that help?

Any other suggestions?

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&#34;Timeout Expired&#34; Error On DTS Execution

Jan 22, 2001


I am using a VB script active task object in a DTS package
to connect to one of my databases using an OLE DB connection.
I send an SQL string executing stored procedures, and depending
on the size of the procedures I get a "Timeout Expired" error
on execution of the DTS package. I have trimmed and tuned the
stored procedures to be much smaller and faster, but still
haven't beaten the timeout. How do i avoid, switch off, or
lengthen the timeout period?

Thanks, Joshua

PS, alternately, how might I modify the parameters of and execute
DTS packages from stored procedures?

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Error Description: Timeout Expired

Jan 29, 2008

i am using sql server 2000. and have a DTS with script in it. now the script if failing saying timeout expired.
The script has db connection and calls stored procedure to fetch data. The records are around 63K but its failing due to timeout expired.

is there a way to increase the timeout in script. i dont want to do any changes to sql server settings.

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ReportViewer Error Asp.net Session Expired

Mar 20, 2008

When i am connecting Report Manager report through our ASP.NET 2.0 application using Report Viewer control frequently we get message ASP.Net Session expired .

How can we avoid this error.While i directly opens Reports through the Report Manager reports are opening without any problem.

My .Net application Code.
ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = new Uri("http://SERVER/reportserver");
ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportPath = @"/myreport/reportname";

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Real Time Live Data On A Windows Application .NET 2.0

Jan 10, 2006

I want to build a windows application in Visual Studio 2005 that grabs some data from a SQL DB and displays it in a gridview. That is easy and I already have it done, but I also want to know how to show this data in real-time. For example: right now we have a application that pulls some login information for all the users and displays their phone extension, their name, and their status. They can change their status by clicking on some radios below the datagrid and on change it updates the data and then posts back. However, I dont know how the guy who did it made it so that these local changes are automatically shown on everyone elses computers around the office. In other words, they are shown the live data as it changes, without having to refresh it or anything. How would I go about doing this or does anyone have any places/resources that could help me accomplish this task. Thanks.
Oh and the guy who wrote this is no longer working here and he deleted the source code so i cant look at it.

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DB Engine :: Identifying Start Time For Application Hitting?

Jun 12, 2015

We have an issue where servers goes slow from morning 2 AM EST to 10 AM EST.

Using SP_WhoIsActive we somehow found that there is netbackup from Symantec which runs during that time phrase.

As per Symantec team there backup should get over by 5 AM EST, per their testing for almost 100 Dbs on the server( not big in size , all of them in total would be 60 GB).

Using SP_whoisactive we only see, start time of that virtual backup occurring on tape, for one database at time.

So is there a way we actually determine when does the above backup kicks and stops?Also, could SQL server be the problem in making these backups run slow or there is something else i need to monitor?

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Error Executing Non Query: Timeout Expired

May 23, 2007

I was having some errors from the webpage accessing the OLlinks table in the database.
Error executing non query: Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
StackTrace:   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)   at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)   at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.ConsumeMetaData()   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData()   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString)   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async)   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result)   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method)   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method)   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader()   at admin_admOLEditLinks.selectData(String strID) in e:wwwroothomeadminadmOLEditLinks.aspx.cs:line 101DateTime:5/23/2007 1:14:10 PMSource:http://www.myDomain.comiAdmin/admOLEditLinks.aspx?ID=3ErrorMessage:Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
I kept getting the above error so then I try to access the table directly inside of MS SQL Server Management Studio and then I recieved the following error:
SQL Execution Error.
Executed SQL statement: SELECT lnkID, linkFromID, linkToID FROM OLlinks
Error Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider
Error Message: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the opration or the server is not responding.
Open any other table works fine except this table only. Any help is much appreciated.

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Member Login - Timeout Expired Error

May 15, 2006


I get this timeout error from the member login page. It does not happen
always. Sometimes when I enter the email and password and try to login,
it will take forever and then it throws a timeout error. "Timeout
expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the
operation or the server is not responding."

I went into our server, started the sql profiler and tried to run the
login sproc manually from the query analyzer. It took 46 secs to finish
running the query. I checked the profiler, there was nothing much going
on, I don't think there is any resource bottleneck.

I went back to the website and I tried to login, it worked fine. I
checked the query analyzer again, this time it took 0 secs (or fraction
of a sec?) to execute the sproc.

It looks like it takes a long time to run the sproc the "first" time,
from then on it only takes less than a sec to execute the sproc. How do
I solve this problem?

The users table has only 50,000 users. The sproc is only a couple of lines. The user table is indexed on userid and email.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_userverifylogin]
@email varchar(100), @pass varchar(50)

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = @email AND pass = @pass)
UPDATE users SET lastlogin = GETDATE() WHERE email = @email
SELECT userid, fname, state FROM users WHERE email = @email


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Timeout Expired (Locking Error & Trans Log)

Oct 5, 2000

Hi, I'm running an MSAccess2000 Project and while I'm running the program, it keeps giving me a timeout expire error, with a locking error number. It seems that if I truncate the database the I could just continue processing. Is there any way to truncate the log file through code VB6? Or any suggestion regarding this problem? Thanks

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ODBC Driver Error - Timeout Expired

Feb 18, 2005

Very common error but wired scenario. Every client machine get this error in morning. VB application works fine until evening but when everyone goes home after shut down the machine and they come back again in morning and try to run the application they get this error. Application runs fine, It can access data, pull data, view data but It can not write any data. (Other words can not enter any data).

Application again starts working fine after I copy database on different SQL server. For temporary solution I swap database from one SQL Server to other one day and back to original SQL server next day. Every morning it takes about 2 hours to copy database. I’m doing this from last few days as working solution. FYI, I have 2 different VB application, each has their own database. One working fine and other started giving me problem, the one I described above.

Few thing I want to let you know:

Recently I changed the SQL server. After I changed I started having this problem. But other application working fine. So I don’t think that could be a problem. (Both application basically same in terms of development and tools they use. VB and SQL Server, ODBC connection, Crystal Reports).

In old SQL server both database had daily backup on third party backup built on different server using Client Network Backup. After I changed the SQL server I never modify backup setting. So after I moved SQL server , every night backup was trying to connect to old SQL server and but It couldn’t take the backup cause I changed the machine. Again if that’s the problem both application should not work but one working fine other is giving me problem.

One more thing I want to mention here is I started having this problem when I left the SQL server copying database overnight. Means, I started copying database and I left the machine ON when I came in the morning copying database was done and I just click on the OK and close the window. Basically It has finished copying database in around 2 hours after I started and I close the window when I came back next morning.

That’s the few things I’m thinking about but I don’t know what kind of database setting this might have changed and how to reset again. Any help will appreciated.

Dose any one know how to combine .mdf (Primary data file) and .ndf (secondary data file) ???

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Error 0: Timeout Expired HYT00 When Trying To Backup DB's

Jul 23, 2005

I am getting this error when I try to back up the larger DB's on myserver. The smaller ones back up ok. Is there a parameter I can changeto increase this timeout? I have gone into ODBC, Query Analyzer, andSQL server properties and played around with some settings, but nothingseems to work.Any help is appreciated!Phil

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Web Application That Deals With Slow/time Consuming Database Processes

Dec 19, 2007

Hello All, 
I’m looking for a solution to timeouts that occur when I’m executing a stored procedure from my web application. Most of the SPs will run from 3 to 15 minutes, and, unfortunately, modifying/optimizing them isn’t an option at the moment. I tried setting the CommandTimeout to 0 with no luck. Unless, I didn’t use it properly. Here’s my code:  1
2 try
3 {
4 string dbConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConStringNTMTLDEV"].ToString();
5 OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(dbConn);
7 lbl_SearchResult.Text = dbConn;
9 //OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter();
10 OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("SP_CallHistoryLookUp", connection);
11 cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
13 cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("@phoneNumber", "1234567890"));
14 cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("@email", "123@123.com"));
15 cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("@WebUser", "123"));
16 connection.Open();
17 cmd.CommandTimeout = 0;
18 cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
19 cmd.Dispose();
20 connection.Close();
21 }catch(OleDbException ex)
22 {
23 lbl_SearchResult.Text += "&lt;br/> Something went wrong </br>";
24 lbl_SearchResult.Text += ex.Message.ToString();
25 }
  Is it possible to launch a stored procedure and close the connection without waiting for a result?Would the stored procedure still run on the SQL server? I’m using MSSQL 7. Would you have any examples that would solve this problem? Thank you for your help. 

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Maintain Session State Throught Application For Long Time

Mar 31, 2008


I need the application not to expire the session always. I need to maintain the session always even if the user keeps the web application idle for long time.

Saravanan Gajendran

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