Tips On EveryDay

Jun 13, 2008

Hi Gurus ..

Could any one create a thread called Tips for the Day and Give any imports and complex query to learn on each and every Day ?

Thanks in Advance

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Is There A Site Or A Document For Query Optimization Tips And TSQL Coding Tips?

May 9, 2008


Me any my team are soon going to work on a performance critical application. My team has some experience of writing SQL, however we have not done performance oriented coding.

I am looking for a comphrehensive document which lists information for writing good SQL with performance. Please guide if there is such a document or web site.


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SQL + Everyday

Jul 20, 2005

Can somone explain me how to run some procedure everyday at 22:00 in MSSQL.This is not an Administrative Task, it's my procedure.

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How To Loop Everyday For Whole Year

Mar 5, 2012

Wanted to get those who are absent everyday 365 days for the whole year of 2011. the procedure below is only for the present day. How could i get the list of all the days and those that are absent for each day for the whole year? how could i loop through it everyday.


SET @TOMMOROW=DateAdd("d",0,@Today)

SELECT v.strViagID,
FROMtblViaggi v LEFT JOIN tblEmp e ON v.strEmpIDFK = e.strEmpID
WHERE (@FUTURE <= v.dtViagEDate) AND (@FUTURE >= v.dtViagSDate)

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Extracting Data From Csv With A Different Name Everyday

Jan 30, 2008

I am new to SSIS and everything in it. I have been reading up on it but I am stumped. I need to do the following:
Automatically open a .csv file that will have a different name each day
Extract the data
Convert it to SQL format
Append it to it to an existing SQL table in my DB
Delete or move the .csv file to a different directory

Thanks for the guidance!


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Copying 4 Million Rows Everyday

Mar 21, 2000

In our database, we have a very large table that gets updated every morning, start of the day is copying 4 million rows from the fact table from previous date to today's date in the same table and then some other processing. It takes 1 1/2 to 2 hrs to do this. There is a dts package created to copy these rows into temp table and then to this fact table.

This table has more than 200 million rows

Any ideas on how to accomplish this without doing the copy twice and not running into locking problems.

Thanks for any suggestions.

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How Can I Update One Database Automatically Everyday Based On Another One?

Sep 3, 2002

Hi guys,

I need to update one table in database A based on the other database B, which is on a romote server. The requirement is to update it automatically at 12:00 in the mid-night everyday. Database A is MS SQL Server 7, and database B is Oracle database.

What's the best to implement it? I thinking to use trigger, am I right?

Thanks in advance for any advice.


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How To Send Mail Everyday At 3:00 AM In SQL Server 2000

Feb 14, 2008


I want some ides rearding sending mail at specified time. I want to send mail at everyday 3:00AM from SQL Server. I have stored procedure to send mail.

Thanks in advance

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Any Tips

Aug 4, 2007

Employee Date Enquired Title Company

Bryan Cole 2007-05-01 Recruiter ABC
Bryan Cole 2007-05-15 Recruiter ABC
Bryan Cole 2007-05-21 Recruiter ABC
Bryan Cole 2007-06-15 Recruiter ABC
Bryan Cole 2007-07-01 Recruiter ABC
Bryan Cole 2007-07-30 Recruiter ABC

I have to do row by row date comparisons in a date column. If the date difference is more than 30 days we keep it , otherwise we suppress it. How can we write the query without using cursor so that only the bold rows will come ?

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SQL Profiler Tips?

Nov 7, 2000

What is it mean GHOST in SQL Trace column ?

Thanx in advance.

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Security Tips

Dec 20, 2006

Dear all,I'm designing a system including the database and the securityrepresents the most crucial aspect of the system; hence for thedatabase security i have implemented the following aspects and needyour advise on further aspects or perhaps corrections where by thesystem is web based using and under iis 6.0 with https; in engine side, i have included client-side validations for whatever is inputed and validated against sql injections for postbackforms:The features of security in SQL Server 2005 side i have implemented:1.) Created MACHINEASPNET Account2.) Allowed ASPNET Account to access the DB3.) Explicity denied ASPNET Account all permissions to all tables,functions and views4.) Denied all permissions to the ASPNET user for stored proceduresexcept EXECUTE permissions5.) By Stored procedure creation, WITH ENCRYPTION, EXECUTE AS'MACHINEASPNET' was usedNo SQL was included in the code except for calling storedproccedures; the policy is to only call stored procedures within pages and encrypt the connection strings inside the web.configfile.Kindly, give me some guidelines for better security or discuss with methe security aspects i mentionedRegards

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Interview Tips

Feb 29, 2008

pls help me ,i am going to attend the interview for SQL DBA pls give me a some tips.

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Tips For Speed Up Sql Querys Using

Mar 22, 2004

Somebody can give some tips or hints for speed up my querys and procedures from sql and get more performance, what is best to use, joins o cursors, using cursors can give me more performance?

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Replication Troubleshooting Tips

Jan 6, 1999

Hi all:

I'm new to replication but I have already set up replication and have seen it
working and failing and have gotten myself out of jams so far but there must
be an easy way to administer it when things don't replicate as expected. I'm
finding that I could easily kill half a day just trying to dig up
information leading to troubleshooting tips. Is there documentation just on
managing this feature. The regular MS Administrator's guide doesn't offer much.

Currently I have a problem that if replication fails on one command I get a
SQL Mail telling me of the problem but does replication continue to the next
command or does it just stop until the problem is fixed? I'm finding that I am
constantly checking the publisher and subscriber databases and verifying if
replication is indeed doing what the msjob_commands table reports. I set the
batch to commit after each transaction instead of every 100.


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SQL Server Tips And Tricks

Sep 4, 2007

For your day-to-day SQL Server issues like query tuning, optimization, TSQL problems, I am writing the blog called

Some of the latest articles are:
Generating 1 million rows in less than a second
Conditionally add column in the table
Multiple Inserts in one statement
Capture every data operation in SQL Server 2008
100 Nano seconds precision in SQL Server 2008
Represent Trees and Graphs in TSQL
MERGE Statement of SQL Seerver 2008
Return Last n Orders by using APPLY operator
Number padding in TSQL
Microsoft Performance Point Server and Sharepoint
Caching and Recompilation in SQL Server 2005

and many more....

I will really appreciate comments and suggestions.

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Updates Are Blocking.Tips Welcome

Nov 26, 2007


We come accross situations where people are running big updates on the database (i.e. 50.000 updates).
Our problem is that those big updates are blocking other user updates.

Thanks to snapshot isolation, users can query (select) the database with no lock.
We rebuilt the indexes setting that the indexes used by the update procedure would not use page locks and only row locks.
We set that the database would update the statistics asynchronously.
Now we are still facing blockings and we would like to optimize the database to avoid those blockings.
What else could we check? Any tips regarding the way to avoid that problem is really welcome.



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Tips On Securting Sql Server

Jul 23, 2005

Hello I have 2 sql servers in my company and many remote sites. I amtrying to figure out the best way to keep them safe, since both haveaccess to the internet behind the firewall. I was planning to disbablethe default gateway on one or maybe disabling file sharing on both, iwas also thinking to block access to the the terminal server that isrunning in admin mode, either through the firewall or the permissionsof the rdp protocol. I have a few admins that have account manager andserver operator permission as well as exchange admin. Any ideas in howto restrict access to my servers? thanks.

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Sql Server Performance Tuning Tips

Jun 9, 2008

Hi everybody,
i would be thankful if anybody posts some references of the web sites
which relates to  SQL Server Performance tuning.
Thanks in Advance
Suresh Kumar Goudampally

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Is There A Good Website With SQL Index Tips?

Aug 27, 2004

I've created a few indexes on my tables but before I over-do it I wanted to see if there were any good websites out there with recommendations. My plan is to create clustered indexes on my primary keys and non-clustered for each foreign key. Also there are a few fields that are regularly searched so I will index them separately as well.

I don't want too many though because I know that affects the performance of record inserts. I'm also not sure about using multiple keys in one index.

Is there a good site out there with tips on what indexes to create or avoid, or have I pretty much covered it?

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Optimizing Query - Product Tips

Jan 6, 2004

Hello everyone!
I've got a problem with a real slow query, I would be very happy if somebody has any idea to improve the speed of it...
The idea is to get the top 2 products, a customer hasn't bought wich are in his interest...

query (simplificated)
SELECT TOP 2 prodID, Title, Price FROM bestSold7Days WHERE
prodID NOT IN (SELECT prodID FROM orders INNER JOIN orderProducts ON orders.orderID = orderProducts.orderID WHERE (orders.custID=394))
(prodType = COALESCE((SELECT TOP 1 products.prodID FROM orders INNER JOIN orderProducts ON order.orderID = orderProducts.orderID INNER JOIN products ON orderProducts.prodID = products.prodID WHERE (orders.custID=394) GROUP BY products.prodType ORDER BY SUM(orderProducts.PCS) DESC), 2))
end query

(COALESCE is for replacing if the customer hasnt ordered anything, or hasnt ordered anything of this type)...

Thanks for any time spent!

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TIPS On How To Access Ms Sql Server From Vb6 Faster

Apr 1, 2004

please post your idea, experiences what is fastest way to maniulate ms sql server using vb6 .


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Indexing Tips For MIN And MAX In Queries

Jun 6, 2014

Are there any best practices for indexing to support queries with MIN() and MAX() in them? what if MIN() and MAX() are partitioned? Super bonus question: what if MIN() and MAX() are not only partitioned, but are called on a field in a derived table, and one of the partitioning elements comes from a table that's being joined in the derived table?

I experimented with inserting the derived table into a temp table, putting a POC index on that, and querying out, but that actually took longer.

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Moving From SQL 7 To SQL2005 Express- Any Tips?

Dec 1, 2005

We are coming out of the dark ages with our app using SQL 7 and, following the excellent advice of the folks here on SQLTeam, installing SQL 2005 Express on our new webserver.

Not being terribly fluent in all things SQL, I was wondering if anybody could provide input on the best practices for getting SQL 2005 Express going on the new server.

So far I've:

- Installed SQL 2005 Express
- Downloaded and "installed" the SSEUtil for CMD line instructions
- Downloaded and installed the graphical management interface (very nice, makes me feel more comfortable - like SQL 7 console!)
- Copied backup files (made using SQL backup maintenance) to the new server

Should I simply create an empty db of the same name on the 2005 server and then restore the 7 data? Or ????

I searched briefly for previous posts of this nature and didn't find too much info so I hope I'm not duplicating effort here...

Thanks in advance for any advice!

Mmmmmkay. Yeah, did you get the memo about the TPS reports?

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Need To Import An Excel Matrix - Any Tips?

Oct 9, 2007

I need to convert an excel matrix into a table. Currently, the data consists of months going across the top and business names going down the left side. Each business name has three rows of data per monthly column, such that there are three numbers in the january column, three in the february column, etc. etc.

I want to convert to a table that has five columns, the business name, date, and the three data columns.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. As of right now I'm staring at keying in about 2000 rows of data by hand.

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Any Tips For Using Large Parameter Lists

Mar 8, 2007

Our parts table has 5k records. I want to use part number as a parameter for one of my reports. Is there a way to do this and have the report generate in a reasonable amount of time?


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Tips About Slowly Changing Dimensions

Jan 25, 2008

Hi, All experts here,

Thank you for your kind attention.

I have questions about Slowly Changing Dimensions. I am quite confused about when should we use type 1 ( changing), type2 (historical), or type3( fixed) for the dimensions in each table? Is there any good suggestions on that?

Thank you in advance and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

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Tips For Optimizing A SSIS Package

Jan 18, 2008


I have a SSIS package that reads a text file and generates an output file out of it after transformations.

Now, a 20MB text file (containing about 50,000 records) is taking around 5 mins to complete.
There is a Data Flow Task which is taking the major chunk of the time.
It contains the following:
1) File Source
2) Conditional Splits (2 in number)
3) Derived Column
4) Data Conversion Transformation
5) OLE DB Destinations (3 in number)

The number of records being processed is close to 50,000

Please share your tips for optimizing the package.

Thanks in advance.


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Repost: DTS -- Insert Into Oracle Is SLOW. Any Tips?

Dec 16, 2001

Originally posted by Jeremy at 12/10/2001 11:39:38 AM

Hello all,

I've written a simple dts job that uses oracle (8.x) as a source and oracle (8.x) as a destination. I'm using SQL 2000 and Microsoft's oledb provider for oracle as the two connections. I've chosen "Transform Data Task" with the following SQL "SELECT * FROM REPORTER_STATUS
WHERE LASTOCCURRENCE > TRUNC(SYSDATE)". As you can see, it's very simple, however it's very very very slow. (averages about 1000 rows per minute). In my column transformations, I've selected many to many versus the one to one. There are no activex scripts or anything along those lines. Just a simple push of the data from one oracle box to the other. The table schemas are identical etc... I've had this problem before with writing to Oracle and I can't imagine that it's really supposed to be this slow. If you need more details, please just let me know.

Thank you,


-----------------------------More -------------------------------

The official response from microsoft is that dts only allows for single inserts... not bulk or bcp for oracle. There must be someone out there who has figured out how to configure / modify / call (something) from a dts pacakage to insert millions of records into Oracle in a decent time frame...

thnx again..

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Migration From 2000 To 2005 Issues/tips

Feb 10, 2008

Hi all..!!

this is my first posting in this forum and I registered since it is very informative and active...

I am looking for pointers to go ahead with migration of DB/DTS from 2000 to 2005.

Any gurus in this forum who can point me any existing links or any info will be highly appreciated..


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Query Too Slow! Need Some Performance Enhancing Tips!

Jul 20, 2005

I have a stored procedure that queries a database using a Selectstatement with some inner joins and conditions. With over 9 millionrecords it takes 1 min 36 sec to complete. This is too slow for myrequirements.Is there any way I can optimize this query. I have thought aboutusing an indexed view. I haven't done one before, does anyone know ifthis would have potential to improve performance or indeed any otherperformance enhancing techniques I might try.SELECT vehicle.vehicle_idFROM (( [vehicle]INNER JOIN [vehicle_subj_item_assn] onvehicle.vehicle_id=[vehicle_subj_item_assn].vehicle_id)INNER JOIN [subj_item] on[vehicle_subj_item_assn].subj_item_id=[subj_item].subj_item_id)INNER JOIN [template_field] on[subj_item].subj_item_id=[template_field].subj_attr_idWHERE([template_field].template_field_id=@template_field_id) AND([template_field].template_field_type_id=3) AND([vehicle_subj_item_assn].subj_item_value_text=@value) AND(vehicle.end_dtm IS NOT NULL)ThanksGavin

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SQL Server 2005 Failover Cluster Install Tips

Feb 8, 2008

I've never performed this type of installation. Any tips/ tricks you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

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Tips On Creating Output Columns In A Custom Transformation

Aug 14, 2007

I would like my transformation to automatically create an output column for each input column. Any tips? I can't seem to determine which event to listen to or method to override.

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DTS From Excel File (excel Filename Is Different Everyday)

Sep 25, 2006

Good Day to all,
Hope you could help me w/ my project.
Im creating a DTS Package. The source data will be coming from an excel file going to my SQL table. The DTS package is scheduled to execute daily, but the source data will be coming from different excel filename.
Example, today the DTS will get data from Data092506.xls. Then tomorrow, the data will be coming from Data092606.xls.
How can I do this? The DTS I've already done has a fixed source data file.
Please help.
Thank you so much.
God Bless.

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