Is there any way to give Title to matrix row and column groups?
I know If i have only one row i can give title in the textbox provided at the top of the Rows group area. But i have more than one row and group and more than one column group. i want to give title to all of them.
I have a new SQL 2005 (SP2) Reporting Services server to which I've just upgraded and deployed some SSRS 2000 reports.
I have a subreport that contains a matrix with two groups. The report data seems to be inexplicably repeating the data for the first row in the group for all rows in the group. Example:
ID1 ID2 DisplayData
1 1 A
1 2 B
1 3 C
2 1 A
2 2 B
2 3 C
Parent group is on ID1, child group is on ID2, report would show:
1 1 A
2 A
3 A
2 1 A
2 A
3 A
Is this a matrix bug in 2005 SP2, or do I need to do something differently? I can no longer pull a comparison version from an SSRS 2000 server to verify, but I believe it was working as expected before...
This maybe a very simple question but somehow I cannot find the way to do it.
1. How to delete Subtotal in Matrix by using Report Designer (Visual Studio). It looks simple, but after I click on the Total and right click - delete. Somehow only the text "Total" being deleted and not the whole row. I still can see the grey cell in my matrix table
2. How to create link from the value in Total in Matrix We can add the link in the Data via navigation and jump to another report by passing the parameter, but the Total value will follow whatever we have set in the Data. Which means that it will passing the parameter as well. How to enable the link via the Total value and remove all the previous filter and jump into my other report without any filter value ?
3. How to create drill up function in matrix ? For example I have 2 Reports, 1st report is Region (AP, EMEA, US), 2nd Report is Country When I click on 1st report and click on AP, it will open up another report and show country like Hongkong, Indonesia, Singapore Now, I want to click on AP in 2nd report and going back to 1st report by showing all AP, EMEA, US. When I click on AP in 2nd report, I am going to pass the parameter of Region there and still I want to show AP, EMEA, and US.
4. How to show the Title in Matrix ? I cannot find a way to show the Field name as the title in the Matrix for column grouping. Anyone can help me ?
I have a report thats fully functional. I just want to add a filter so that my "Visits" field only displays the Visits per day that are less then 6. When i try to filter out the matrix or the group, it tells me the datatypes are different . Something about int32. Its in a matrix, but i have seen this happen in a table too, so i guessing thats not the problem. I just want to be able to display the information for Sales Reps with less then 6 Visits. Any help, will be greatlly appreciated.
Adding more columns in a matrix report that don€™t belong to the columns drilldown dimensions€¦
That is, for example, having the following report:
Product Family
Country City Number of units sold
Then I would add some ratios, that is, Units Sold/Months (sold per month) and other that is the average for Product Family (Units Sold/Number of Product Family), for putting an example€¦ some columns should be precalculated prior to the report so do not get into it, the real problem I don€™t see how to solve is adding one or two columns for showing these calculated column that doesn€™t depend on the column groups but they do for the rows groups€¦
Any guidance on that?
The only way I am seeing by now is to set it as two different reports, and that is not what my client wants€¦
I have what I thought would be a simple problem, maybe my approach is all wrong!
Say you have customers, registered in a year/month group. They can be active in another year/month group.
So we get a simple table with registration year/month down the side and activity along the top.
This shows "of all the people p who register in month m, how many are active in month a?"
So assuming that all people registered in month m are also active in month m, the max(activity) for that slice (ie the max value for any active month for the registered month) should be the value if we collapse the activemonth group to activeyear.
Let me try to draw it :D
Registered/Active 2006 2007 ... Jan Feb Mar ... Jan Feb Mar ... ... 2 Jan 20 10 10 20 . 5 3 1 5 20 0 Feb 0 25 15 25 . 8 5 5 8 25 0 Mar 0 0 40 40 . 11 1 6 11 40 6 ... 20 35 65 65 . 24 9 12 24 85 2 Jan 0 0 0 0 . 50 34 44 34 50 0 Feb 0 0 0 0 . 0 45 40 41 45 7 ... 20 35 65 65 . 50 79 44 75 95 ..... 20 35 65 65 . 74 88 56 99 180
I think. The ...'s represent the grouping band total.
I have a report that calculates shipping quantities based on customer orders, and color codes them based on whether or not we have stock for a full shipment (green), have partial stock for a shipment (blue), or if we have none (red). Every week we get customer orders and build accordingly.
I have this all worked out except for parts with multiple ship to locations. RS seems to parse the entire row of the first ShipTo, then the second ShipTo. I'm using the running total function to calculate if there is a need or not. Anybody have any ideas?
Here is an example of the output I am getting. On the 17th, the 360 should be in green not red. I double checked the grouping, and it is on part number. This is for a matrix.
Please, i need a very urgent help, for this question... tkssss :-)
I need to create a report with dynamic columns. I try use Matrix, but in this time, i dont konw how to calcutate the subtotal e groups in the correct way.
The data for generate the report ( ) This is the actual report ( 2 rows groups and 1 columns group ) ok, but how group dates now ? ( The correct report i need( if is possible?) ( I need group by Filial (idFilial) Dates (Dta) and inside dates the Dispositivos(NomeDispositivo or IdDispositivo) of the date.... and finally total all by group Filial (idFilial)...
I have a table that is a very general layout so I can expand upon values later in the future easily. Basically it looks like this:
ID PlayerID Ability Score 1 1 STR 18 2 1 DEX 17 3 1 CON 16
What I'm trying to do is create a stored procedure where I pass in a PlayerID and it will return a result set of
STR DEX CON 18 17 16
It doesn't appear that there's a way in SQL Server 2000 to SELECT a column AS a variable. I suppose I could go about creating a temporary table, but seems like an odd work around to get it to work. Any suggestions? Or am I just missing something obvious?
In a title of a column of a table, I put a too long text, with sorting, but when I spread (display) the report has a problem on text of the title of the column there.
The probleme settles (arises) when I activate the sorting to post (show) the image of sorting.
I got the following code to add a column in a matrix with a variance:
IIF(IsNothing(Previous(Sum(Fields!Amount.Value))) or Fields!year.Value=First(Fields!year.Value,"Category") or Previous(Sum(Fields!Amount.Value))=0,nothing, ( (Fields!Amount.Value) /Previous(sum(Fields!Amount.Value)) ) )
This code works fine, except that the first row of the matrix shows an #error
This happens with each matrix where I use this expression. A warning emerges:
rsruntimeerrorinexpression the value expression for the textrun Textbox43.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]' contains an error.
Attempted to divide by zero.
The strange thing is that the part
Fields!year.Value=First(Fields!year.Value,"Category") should prevent an error and I expect it to show 'nothing'
An screenshot of the table. (each color is a different category. Each row stands for 2013, 2014, 2015)
As you can see, all other 2013 rows show a blank cell, except the first row.
I have a query to get data group by High, Medium and Low so only three rows will be returned.
select sum(case .... ) then 1 else 0 end) as [Column1], sum(case .... ) then 1 else 0 end) as [Column2], sum(case .... ) then 1 else 0 end) as [Column3] from sometable Group by High, Medium, Low
I want to manually add High, Medium and Low to each row's first column. the final result should look like:
Column1 Column2 Column3 High 123 123 123 Medium 123 123 123 Low 123 123 123
I have a SSRS report in which we have a subreport i am trying to hide the link in excel after exporting from report documents, in report my logic is working fine but when we are deploying in SharePoint application then it is not working. Report is not opening.
I have a matrix table with row groups of a date and addresses and also a column group which produces 3 columns and values with in these column.I have a "Total" column based on a Count of the column groups which gives a number.How do you hide all rows where the "Total" column is less then 1? There will be results which still needs the date and addresses groups.
I've a report containing a matrix. I want a column on end of each row in matrix, which shows me sum of that row. Is it possible in matrix? if yes, how can i achieve it?
i m using matrix in my project and i want to calculate the (cell_value/sum_of_column). for data cell values we have to use sum or another aggregate function for subtotaling, so for the cell value i m wirting sum(column) / A. how to write A that points to sum of all cells on the column.
I have a matrix that has the following columns:Date Shift Equipment1 Equipment2 Equipment3 etcBased on a parameter, i want to show/hide the Shift column. If the Shift column is hidden, i want to move the equipment columns over so there is no gap in the columns.I know you can do this in a table by hidding the whole column, but how do you do this in a matrix? when i try to hide the column the visibility option is not there, and when i hide the field, it leaves a gap in the report.Thanks for your help.
Within a report matrix, I want to be able to have different aggregations for totals. One column would be a Sum of the data in that column, the next column would be an Average of the data. Is this possible, or is this not supported in SSR2005?
Hi, I would like to generate following table with reporting service matrix. But if I use the expression : percentage coulmn=sum(field!qty.value) / sum(field!qty.value, "region_group") It will become a percentage of a row total, instead of a group total (store group). Please see the second table. Any ideas?
I am developing a matrix report in SRS. In columns group there are several values. When report runs they apper in any order based on the first record in row group. I want colums to apeear in specific order all the time. For example the column sequence in one out put is Follwup 1, Initial , Followup 2. I want to column header to be in order of Initial, Folloup 1, Followup 2. Can someone help?
Is there any way of having Column names in a matrix report. Actually it is a RowGroup. I want to display the name of the row group at the top, so that the user understands what is the data beneath.
I have one column group and three static columns. I'd like to control static column visibility property depending on a field value. I.e. Hidden: =Fields!GroupId<>5.
But I'm not able to find visibility property in column object. Neither in properties explorer nor RDL documentation. I'm only able to set hidden property in textbox objects.
I have a requirement from my users to be able to drill down for a single column in a matrix. I've been able to implement drilldown for all of the measures (all columns grouped at the same time) in my matrix but they now want to be able to group different columns independently of each other. In other words they want to be able to group the data in different columns by different things.
An example might make my question clearer, the report would need to look like this:
Client Name Sales - Costs + Revenue -
Client A + Europe + Middle East + Asia Pacific + $12,000,000 Products + Investments +
Client B + $77,000,000 $16,000,000 $9,000,000 $22,000,000 $8,000,000 $32,000,000
As you an see, the Sales measure has been expanded so it's grouped by region so the sales figures can be seen for all clients and the 3 regions. The revenue column has also been expanded/grouped so that you can see revenue figures for products and investments for all clients. Costs is not expanded but it could be by clicking on the '+' which would group the data in that column by something else. They have asked for more than 1 level of drilldown, so clicking on "Europe" above would allow another level for the sales measure which might be country. There will also be regular measure columns that are not drilldown/groupable columns.
I'm trying to make a report with the following layout:
Car Sales 2004 2005 Var % Total 10 20 50% Green 7 14 50% Red 3 6 50%
I'm using a matrix and the data is coming from a cube. One dimension called 'Years' is used to fill the matrix columns and the data corresponding to the car sales is filled by a measure called 'Sales'. I've built part of the example but I can't add the final column ( the VAR% column). If I try to add a static column in the end it apears only one year. The behavior that I would like to have is simillar to the situation when we add the Subtotal column. Although, instead the sum() made by subtotal I would like to calculate the variation percentage between years. Is there any way to add a final column into a matrix avoiding the problem that I'm having or maybe change the behavior of Subtotal column?