Tool To Test Stored Procedure In SQL Server

Jan 30, 2007

Hi All

Is there any Tool available To Test Stored procedure in SQL server?

Thanks in Advance

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Informix To SQL Server Stored Procedure Tool

Oct 6, 2005

Does anyone know where to get a migration tool for porting Informix stored procedures to SQL Server? I'm not looking forward to hand migrating 111 stored procedures. I can't find a migration tool on the net. :eek:

Thanks for any tips.

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Stress Test Tool For SQL Server 7.0

Mar 20, 2001

I am looking to purchase tool where I can perform the stress test on SQL 7.0.
Any recommendation will be appreciated.

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Stored Procedure Conversion Tool?

Aug 21, 2001

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Tool For Listing Stored Procedure

May 14, 2004

Does anyone know a program which I can use to make a list of stored procedures I have in a particular database?

I looking for something like that gives me an output as under here :)


Create procedure USP_GetUSerInfo

@Domain VARCHAR(50)

Select *
FROM V_GetUserInfo

and so one for every stored procedure in my DB :)


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Stored Procedure Passes Test In Gridview, But Nothing Shows Up On The Page

Feb 25, 2008

Like the subject says I have tested the SP in Gridview. Everything looks fine. But when run nothing shows up on the page.
I have tried using QueryStrings to pass the data and Controls.
Here is the Gridview Code:<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
BackColor="White" BorderColor="#3366CC" BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="1px"
CellPadding="4" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1">
<FooterStyle BackColor="#99CCCC" ForeColor="#003399" />
<RowStyle BackColor="White" ForeColor="#003399" />
<Columns><asp:BoundField DataField="FirstName" HeaderText="FirstName"
SortExpression="FirstName" /><asp:BoundField DataField="LastName" HeaderText="LastName"
SortExpression="LastName" /><asp:BoundField DataField="EthnicID" HeaderText="EthnicID"
SortExpression="EthnicID" /><asp:BoundField DataField="Gender" HeaderText="Gender"
SortExpression="Gender" /><asp:BoundField DataField="Height" HeaderText="Height"
SortExpression="Height" /><asp:BoundField DataField="Weight" HeaderText="Weight"
SortExpression="Weight" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Hair" HeaderText="Hair" SortExpression="Hair" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Eyes" HeaderText="Eyes" SortExpression="Eyes" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="City" HeaderText="City" SortExpression="City" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="State" HeaderText="State" SortExpression="State" />
<PagerStyle BackColor="#99CCCC" ForeColor="#003399" HorizontalAlign="Left" />
<SelectedRowStyle BackColor="#009999" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#CCFF99" />
<HeaderStyle BackColor="#003399" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#CCCCFF" />
Here is the Datasource:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:SQL2005_311004_modelsystemConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="spSearch" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure">
<SelectParameters><asp:QueryStringParameter DefaultValue="" Name="FirstName"
QueryStringField="fn" Type="String" />
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="LastName" QueryStringField="ln" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="EthnicID" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Gender" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Height" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="weight" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Hair" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Eyes" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="City" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="State" Type="String" />
I hope you can help me with this one!!!

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How To Test Stored Procedure With Output Parameters In Management Studio

Jun 6, 2007

I have this SP:


ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetSessionInformation]
@CustomerID int,
@Success bit OUTPUT,
@Email VarChar(55) OUTPUT,
@FirstName VarChar(55) OUTPUT,
@LastName VarChar(50) OUTPUT,
@PhoneNumber VarChar(50) OUTPUT,
@CompanyName VarChar(50) OUTPUT


DECLARE @UserKey AS int

SELECT @CustomerID = CustomerID
FROM Customers
WHERE CustomerID = @CustomerID

IF @CustomerID IS NULL
SET @Success = 0
SET @Success = 1


SELECT customerID, Email, FirstName, LastName, PhoneNumber, CompanyName
FROM Customers
WHERE CustomerID = @UserKey

How do I test it in management studio?

When I run a EXECUTE GetSessionInformation 56

I get this error:
Procedure 'GetSessionInformation' expects parameter '@Success', which was not supplied.

Thanks for any help!

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Is There A Free Intellisense Tool For SQL Server Stored Procedures?

May 14, 2008

I was looking for a 'free' intellisense tool that will prompt me with options when I am writing stored procedures in SQL Server Studio. Very much like the intellisense in Visual Studio.
Does someone know about such a tool? I know there are tools of this type but they cost 600 to 1000 dollars for a single user.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Embed Parameter In Name Of Stored Procedure Called From Within Another Stored Procedure?

Jan 29, 2015

I have some code that I need to run every quarter. I have many that are similar to this one so I wanted to input two parameters rather than searching and replacing the values. I have another stored procedure that's executed from this one that I will also parameter-ize. The problem I'm having is in embedding a parameter in the name of the called procedure (exec statement at the end of the code). I tried it as I'm showing and it errored. I tried googling but I couldn't find anything related to this. Maybe I just don't have the right keywords. what is the syntax?

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[runDMQ3_2014LDLComplete]
@QQ_YYYY char(7),
@YYYYQQ char(8)
select [provider group],provider, NPI, [01-Total Patients with DM], [02-Total DM Patients with LDL],

[Code] ....

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Connect To Oracle Stored Procedure From SQL Server Stored Procedure...and Vice Versa.

Sep 19, 2006

I have a requirement to execute an Oracle procedure from within an SQL Server procedure and vice versa.

How do I do that? Articles, code samples, etc???

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SQL Server 2012 :: Executing Dynamic Stored Procedure From A Stored Procedure?

Sep 26, 2014

I have a stored procedure and in that I will be calling a stored procedure. Now, based on the parameter value I will get stored procedure name to be executed. how to execute dynamic sp in a stored rocedure

at present it is like EXECUTE usp_print_list_full @ID, @TNumber, @ErrMsg OUTPUT

I want to do like EXECUTE @SpName @ID, @TNumber, @ErrMsg OUTPUT

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What Is The Best Way To Test T-SQL Stored Procedures?

Nov 7, 2006

What is the best way to test T-SQL stored procedures?Do You use some special tools for this task?

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What Is The Best Way To Test T-SQL Stored Procedures?

Aug 29, 2006

What is the best way to test T-SQL stored procedures?
Do You use some special tools for this task?

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What Is The Best Way To Test T-SQL Stored Procedures?

Nov 7, 2006


what is the best way to test T-SQL stored procedures?
Do You use some special tools for this task?


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SQL Server 2012 :: CLR Procedure Takes Ages To Pass TVP To Stored Procedure?

Jan 21, 2014

On SQL 2012 (64bit) I have a CLR stored procedure that calls another, T-SQL stored procedure.

The CLR procedure passes a sizeable amount of data via a user defined table type resp.table values parameter. It passes about 12,000 rows with 3 columns each.

For some reason the call of the procedure is verz very slow. I mean just the call, not the procedure.

I changed the procdure to do nothing (return 1 in first line).

So with all parameters set from

create proc usp_Proc1
@myTable myTable read only
return 1

it takes 8 seconds.I measured all other steps (creating the data table in CLR, creating the SQL Param, adding it to the command, executing the stored procedure) and all of them work fine and very fast.

When I trace the procedure call in SQL Profiler I get a line like this for each line of the data table (12,000)

SP:StmtCompleted -- Encrypted Text.

As I said, not the procedure or the creation of the data table takes so long, really only the passing of the data table to the procedure.

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DB Engine :: Replicate A Master Test Database To 100 Test Environments?

Oct 12, 2015

We are setting up a test lab environment with 100 machines.  We want one master testing db that gets replicated to each to run scripted application tests nightly.  

My goal is to minimize the amount of work to move this thing to each of the 100 test machines.  I am wondering if we need to even have the sql local and invest in a monster db server with 100 copies of the db we restore and each test machine point to their own db on that server, or if I should use db mirroring or something to get the master test db to each of those machines instead.

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Calling A Stored Procedure Inside Another Stored Procedure (or Nested Stored Procedures)

Nov 1, 2007

Hi all - I'm trying to optimized my stored procedures to be a bit easier to maintain, and am sure this is possible, not am very unclear on the syntax to doing this correctly.  For example, I have a simple stored procedure that takes a string as a parameter, and returns its resolved index that corresponds to a record in my database. ie
exec dbo.DeriveStatusID 'Created'
returns an int value as 1
(performed by "SELECT statusID FROM statusList WHERE statusName= 'Created') 
but I also have a second stored procedure that needs to make reference to this procedure first, in order to resolve an id - ie:
exec dbo.AddProduct_Insert 'widget1'
which currently performs:SET @statusID = (SELECT statusID FROM statusList WHERE statusName='Created')INSERT INTO Products (productname, statusID) VALUES (''widget1', @statusID)
I want to simply the insert to perform (in one sproc):
SET @statusID = EXEC deriveStatusID ('Created')INSERT INTO Products (productname, statusID) VALUES (''widget1', @statusID)
This works fine if I call this stored procedure in code first, then pass it to the second stored procedure, but NOT if it is reference in the second stored procedure directly (I end up with an empty value for @statusID in this example).
My actual "Insert" stored procedures are far more complicated, but I am working towards lightening the business logic in my application ( it shouldn't have to pre-vet the data prior to executing a valid insert). 
Hopefully this makes some sense - it doesn't seem right to me that this is impossible, and am fairly sure I'm just missing some simple syntax - can anyone assist?

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Execute Stored Procedure Y Asynchronously From Stored Proc X Using SQL Server 2000

Oct 14, 2007

I am calling a stored procedure (say X) and from that stored procedure (i mean X) i want to call another stored procedure (say Y)asynchoronoulsy. Once stored procedure X is completed then i want to return execution to main program. In background, Stored procedure Y will contiue his work. Please let me know how to do that using SQL Server 2000 and ASP.NET 2.

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Unit Testing For SSIS - To Test Or Not To Test?

Oct 17, 2006

Now that we have a good programming model in SSIS - the question is whether to write automated unit tests for your packages, and would it generally be a good idea for packages?

Also - if yes to write tests - then where to find more informations regarding How to accomplish that?

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How To Test SSis Package And What Are The Things I Need To Test It ?

Nov 27, 2007

hi every one,
i need to test SSIS pacakge which will import data from different database where record count is around 5 millions.
iam planning to test it through c# code as well as manually also.
SSIS source : consist of 7 tables
SSIS destination :consist of 7 tables
Using c# code iam trying to run ssis package through batch file.
i am putting expected rowcount, column count in an excel file and comparing same with destination tables by writing query implementing ADO.Net concept.
am i going right way ,can any one suggest best and productive way to test the ssis package .
what are the other things i need to test it.
do any one can add test cases to it.


Test Case


Verify all the tables have been imported.


Verify all the rows in each table have been imported.


Verify all the columns specified in source query for each table have been imported


Verify all the data has been received without any truncation for each column.


Verify the schema at source and destination


Verify the time taken /speed for data transfer


Fields truncated due to difference in length of the field at destination.
Arif shareef

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Calling A Stored Procedure From ADO.NET 2.0-VB 2005 Express: Working With SELECT Statements In The Stored Procedure-4 Errors?

Mar 3, 2008

Hi all,

I have 2 sets of sql code in my SQL Server Management Stidio Express (SSMSE):

(1) /////--spTopSixAnalytes.sql--///

USE ssmsExpressDB


CREATE Procedure [dbo].[spTopSixAnalytes]



SELECT Labtests.Result AS TopSixAnalytes, LabTests.Unit, LabTests.AnalyteName

FROM LabTests

ORDER BY LabTests.Result DESC


(2) /////--spTopSixAnalytesEXEC.sql--//////////////

USE ssmsExpressDB

EXEC spTopSixAnalytes

I executed them and got the following results in SSMSE:
TopSixAnalytes Unit AnalyteName
1 222.10 ug/Kg Acetone
2 220.30 ug/Kg Acetone
3 211.90 ug/Kg Acetone
4 140.30 ug/L Acetone
5 120.70 ug/L Acetone
6 90.70 ug/L Acetone
Now, I try to use this Stored Procedure in my ADO.NET-VB 2005 Express programming:

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim sqlConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source = .SQLEXPRESS; Integrated Security = SSPI; Initial Catalog = ssmsExpressDB;")

Dim sqlDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdaptor("[spTopSixAnalytes]", sqlConnection)

sqlDataAdapter.SelectCommand.Command.Type = CommandType.StoredProcedure

'Pass the name of the DataSet through the overloaded contructor

'of the DataSet class.

Dim dataSet As DataSet ("ssmsExpressDB")




End Sub

End Class

I executed the above code and I got the following 4 errors:
Error #1: Type 'SqlConnection' is not defined (in Form1.vb)
Error #2: Type 'SqlDataAdapter' is not defined (in Form1.vb)
Error #3: Array bounds cannot appear in type specifiers (in Form1.vb)
Error #4: 'DataSet' is not a type and cannot be used as an expression (in Form1)

Please help and advise.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

More Information for you to know:
I have the "ssmsExpressDB" database in the Database Expolorer of VB 2005 Express. But I do not know how to get the SqlConnection and the SqlDataAdapter into the Form1. I do not know how to get the Fill Method implemented properly.
I try to learn "Working with SELECT Statement in a Stored Procedure" for printing the 6 rows that are selected - they are not parameterized.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: One Stored Procedure Return Data (select Statement) Into Another Stored Procedure

Nov 14, 2014

I am new to work on Sql server,

I have One Stored procedure Sp_Process1, it's returns no of columns dynamically.

Now the Question is i wanted to get the "Sp_Process1" procedure return data into Temporary table in another procedure or some thing.

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Grab IDENTITY From Called Stored Procedure For Use In Second Stored Procedure In ASP.NET Page

Dec 28, 2005

I have a sub that passes values from my form to my stored procedure.  The stored procedure passes back an @@IDENTITY but I'm not sure how to grab that in my asp page and then pass that to my next called procedure from my aspx page.  Here's where I'm stuck:    Public Sub InsertOrder()        Conn.Open()        cmd = New SqlCommand("Add_NewOrder", Conn)        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        ' pass customer info to stored proc        cmd.Parameters.Add("@FirstName", txtFName.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@LastName", txtLName.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@AddressLine1", txtStreet.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@CityID", dropdown_city.SelectedValue)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@Zip", intZip.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@EmailPrefix", txtEmailPre.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@EmailSuffix", txtEmailSuf.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@PhoneAreaCode", txtPhoneArea.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@PhonePrefix", txtPhonePre.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@PhoneSuffix", txtPhoneSuf.Text)        ' pass order info to stored proc        cmd.Parameters.Add("@NumberOfPeopleID", dropdown_people.SelectedValue)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@BeanOptionID", dropdown_beans.SelectedValue)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@TortillaOptionID", dropdown_tortilla.SelectedValue)        'Session.Add("FirstName", txtFName.Text)        cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()        cmd = New SqlCommand("Add_EntreeItems", Conn)        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        cmd.Parameters.Add("@CateringOrderID", get identity from previous stored proc)   <-------------------------        Dim li As ListItem        Dim p As SqlParameter = cmd.Parameters.Add("@EntreeID", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)        For Each li In chbxl_entrees.Items            If li.Selected Then                p.Value = li.Value                cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()            End If        Next        Conn.Close()I want to somehow grab the @CateringOrderID that was created as an end product of my first called stored procedure (Add_NewOrder)  and pass that to my second stored procedure (Add_EntreeItems)

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Help: Why Excute A Stored Procedure Need To More 30 Seconds, But Direct Excute The Query Of This Procedure In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Under 1 Second

May 23, 2007

Hello to all,
I have a stored procedure. If i give this command exce ShortestPath 3418, '4125', 5 in a script and excute it. It takes more 30 seconds time to be excuted.
but i excute it with the same parameters  direct in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio , It takes only under 1 second time
I don't know why?
Maybe can somebody help me?
thanks in million
best Regards
My Procedure Codes are here:set ANSI_NULLS ON
-- =============================================
-- Author: <Author,,Name>
-- Create date: <Create Date,,>
-- Description: <Description,,>
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ShortestPath] (@IDMember int, @IDOther varchar(1000),@Level int, @Path varchar(100) = null output )
if ( @Level = 1)
select @Path = convert(varchar(100),IDMember)
from wtcomValidRelationships
where wtcomValidRelationships.[IDMember]= @IDMember
and PATINDEX('%'+@IDOther+'%',(select RelationshipIDs from wtcomValidRelationships where IDMember = @IDMember) ) > 0
if (@Level = 2)
select top 1 @Path = convert(varchar(100),A.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember)
from wtcomValidRelationships as A, wtcomValidRelationships as B
where A.IDMember = @IDMember and charindex(convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember),A.RelationshipIDS) > 0
and PATINDEX('%'+@IDOther+'%',B.RelationshipIDs) > 0
if (@Level = 3)
select top 1 @Path = convert(varchar(100),A.IDMember)+ '-'+convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember)
from wtcomValidRelationships as A, wtcomValidRelationships as B, wtcomValidRelationships as C
where A.IDMember = @IDMember and charindex(convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember),A.RelationshipIDS) > 0
and charindex(convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember),B.RelationshipIDs) > 0 and PATINDEX('%'+@IDOther+'%',C.RelationshipIDs) > 0
if ( @Level = 4)
select top 1 @Path = convert(varchar(100),A.IDMember)+ '-'+convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),D.IDMember)
from wtcomValidRelationships as A, wtcomValidRelationships as B, wtcomValidRelationships as C, wtcomValidRelationships as D
where A.IDMember = @IDMember and charindex(convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember),A.RelationshipIDS) > 0
and charindex(convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember),B.RelationshipIDs) > 0 and charindex(convert(varchar(100),D.IDMember), C.RelationshipIDs) > 0
and PATINDEX('%'+@IDOther+'%',D.RelationshipIDs) > 0
if (@Level = 5)
select top 1 @Path = convert(varchar(100),A.IDMember)+ '-'+convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),D.IDMember)+'-'+convert(varchar(100),E.IDMember)
from wtcomValidRelationships as A, wtcomValidRelationships as B, wtcomValidRelationships as C, wtcomValidRelationships as D, wtcomValidRelationships as E
where A.IDMember = @IDMember and charindex(convert(varchar(100),B.IDMember),A.RelationshipIDS) > 0
and charindex(convert(varchar(100),C.IDMember),B.RelationshipIDs) > 0 and charindex(convert(varchar(100),D.IDMember), C.RelationshipIDs) > 0
and charindex(convert(varchar(100),E.IDMember),D.RelationshipIDs) > 0 and PATINDEX('%'+@IDOther+'%',E.RelationshipIDs) > 0
if (@Level = 6)
select top 1 @Path = '' from wtcomValidRelationships

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System Stored Procedure Call From Within My Database Stored Procedure

Mar 28, 2007

I have a stored procedure that calls a msdb stored procedure internally. I granted the login execute rights on the outer sproc but it still vomits when it tries to execute the inner. Says I don't have the privileges, which makes sense.

How can I grant permissions to a login to execute msdb.dbo.sp_update_schedule()? Or is there a way I can impersonate the sysadmin user for the call by using Execute As sysadmin some how?

Thanks in advance

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Ad Hoc Query Vs Stored Procedure Performance Vs DTS Execution Of Stored Procedure

Jan 23, 2008

Has anyone encountered cases in which a proc executed by DTS has the following behavior:
1) underperforms the same proc when executed in DTS as opposed to SQL Server Managemet Studio
2) underperforms an ad-hoc version of the same query (UPDATE) executed in SQL Server Managemet Studio

What could explain this?


All three scenarios are executed against the same database and hit the exact same tables and indices.

Query plans show that one step, a Clustered Index Seek, consumes most of the resources (57%) and for that the estimated rows = 1 and actual rows is 10 of 1000's time higher. (~ 23000).

The DTS execution effectively never finishes even after many hours (10+)
The Stored procedure execution will finish in 6 minutes (executed after the update ad-hoc query)
The Update ad-hoc query will finish in 2 minutes

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FoxPro Triggers Call FoxPro Stored Proc Calls SQL Server Stored Procedure

Mar 10, 2005

I didn't want to maintain similar/identical tables in a legacy FoxPro system and another system with SQL Server back end. Both systems are active, but some tables are shared.

Initially I was going to use a Linked Server to the FoxPro to pull the FP data when needed. This works. But, I've come up with what I believe is a better solution. Keep in mind that these tables are largely static - occassional changes, edits.

I will do a 1 time DTS from FP into SQL Server tables.

I then create INSERT and UPDATE triggers within FoxPro.

These triggers fire a stored procedure in FoxPro that establishes a connection to the SQL Server and fire the appropriate stored procedure on SQL Server to CREATE and/or UPDATE the corresponding table there.

In the end - the tables are local to both apps.

If the UPDATES or TRIGGERS fail I write to an error log - and in that rare case - I can manually fix. I could set it up to email me from within FoxPro as well if needed.

Here's the FoxPro and SQL Server code for reference for the Record Insert:

FOXPRO employee.dbf InsertTrigger:
employee_insert_trigger(VAL(Employee.ep_pk),Employ ee.fname,Employee.lname,, er_login,

FOXPRO corresponding Stored Procedure:
PARAMETERS wepk,wefname,welname,weemail,WEUSERID,WEPHONE

nhandle=SQLCONNECT('SS_PDITHP3','userid','password ')

IF nhandle<0
IF !USED("errorlog")
USE tisdata!errorlog IN SELECT(1)

SELECT errorlog
INSERT INTO errorlog (date, time, program,source,user) ;
values (DATE(), TIME(), 'EMPLOYEE_INSERT_TRIGGER','nhandle<0 PARAMS: '+STR(wepk)+wefname+welname+weemail+WEUSERID+WEPHO NE,GETENV("username"))

IF m.errclose
USE IN errorlog

nquery="exec ewo_sp_insertNewEmployee @WEPK ="+STR(wepk)+",@WEFNAME ='"+wefname+"',@WELNAME ='"+welname+"',@WEEMAIL ='"+weemail+"',@WEUSERID ='"+weuserid+"',@WEPHONE='"+wephone+"',@RETCODE =0"


IF nSucc<0
IF !USED("errorlog")
USE tisdata!errorlog IN SELECT(1)

SELECT errorlog
INSERT INTO errorlog (date, time, program,source,user) ;
values (DATE(), TIME(), 'EMPLOYEE_INSERT_TRIGGER','nSucc<0 PARAMS: '+STR(wepk)+wefname+welname+weemail+WEUSERID+WEPHO NE,GETENV("username"))

IF m.errclose
USE IN errorlog


SQL SERVER Stored Procedure called from FOXPRO Stored Procedure
CREATE procedure ewo_sp_insertNewEmployee (
@WEPK int,
@WEFNAME char(20),
@WELNAME char(20),
@WEEMAIL char(50),
@WEUSERID char(15),
@WEPHONE char(25),


insert into WO_EMP (


IF @@ERROR <> 0

return @RETCODE

View 2 Replies View Related Confgiguration Tool. Tool Keeps Timing Out

Mar 2, 2006

is it possible to change the settings on this tool. i want to have it so that it does not time out at all? or is that possible??

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User 'Unknown User' Could Not Execute Stored Procedure - Debugging Stored Procedure Using Visual Studio .net

Sep 13, 2007

Hi all,

I am trying to debug stored procedure using visual studio. I right click on connection and checked 'Allow SQL/CLR debugging' .. the store procedure is not local and is on sql server.

Whenever I tried to right click stored procedure and select step into store procedure> i get following error

"User 'Unknown user' could not execute stored procedure 'master.dbo.sp_enable_sql_debug' on SQL server XXXXX. Click Help for more information"

I am not sure what needs to be done on sql server side

We tried to search for sp_enable_sql_debug but I could not find this stored procedure under master.

Some web page I came accross says that "I must have an administratorial rights to debug" but I am not sure what does that mean?

Please advise..

Thank You

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Please Help Me With My SQL Server Stored Procedure

Oct 9, 2007

Can someone help me with my SQL stored procedure? I am trying to do a query. The query will return one  record. I then want to set a single valuedepending on the record returned from the query. Here is my sql stored proc. And below it is the error message. Please can someone help me?
USE [QMS07]GO/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetQuarterIdBasedOnDescription]     ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGO
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetQuarterIdBasedOnDescription](  @QuarterString nvarchar(10),  @TheQuarterId int output)AS
 BEGIN   SELECT QuarterId from Quarter WHERE Description=@QuarterString    @TheQuarterId = QuarterId  END
------------------------------------------------------------Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure GetQuarterIdBasedOnDescription, Line 10Incorrect syntax near ','.

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How To Do This In SQL Server Stored Procedure

Jan 20, 2004

Here is my problem:

I am designing Support System. I have a stored procedure for storing new Support Ticket. This stored procedure internally gets next ticket number and inserts Support Ticket

CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_SaveSupportTicket]
@pid int,
@uidGen int,
@status VarChar (100),
@probDes text,
@probSol text,
@guestName VarChar (100),
@os VarChar (100),
@roomNum VarChar (100)
DECLARE @ticNum int
SELECT @ticNum = MAX(ticNum) + 1 FROM sup_TicDetails
INSERT INTO sup_TicDetails ( ticNum, pid, uidGen, status, probDes, probSol, guestName, os, roomNum,dateofsub)
VALUES (@ticNum, @pid, @uidGen, @status, @probDes, @probSol, @guestName, @os, @roomNum, CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETDATE(),101))

Now... before this happens, on my ASP.NET Page I have a label Ticket# . This label displays next ticket number

CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_GetNextTicketNumber] AS
SELECT max (ticNum) + 1
FROM sup_TicDetails

Now.. how can I have only 1 stored Procedure so that I can obtain next ticket number and display it on ASP.NET page and when I hit "Submit Ticket" sp_SaveSupportTicket gets executed ??

I hope I have made my problem clear !! If not let me know.......

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Stored Procedure With Ms SQL Server

Jan 28, 2004

please can someone provide some useful links where i can get powerful
documentation for using stored procedures with microsoft SQL Server

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VB.NET SQL Server Stored Procedure

Jul 20, 2005

This one's really got me. I have a VB.NET (version 1.1.4322) projectthat provides an easy way to execute stored procedures on a genericlevel. When I run the code on computer A (running SQL Server 2000version 08.00.0194) the code works great. However, computer B(running SQL Server 2000 version 08.00.0534) bombs when I try toexecute the sproc saying 'Could not find stored procedure'spmw_ReadByPage'. My thought process went as follows...1. Does the procedure really exist. Yes it did. (I tried fullyqualifying it too...'dbo.spmw_ReadByPage')2. Do I have permission to execute the procedure with the way I'mlogging into the database. Yes I did.3. Can I execute a different stored procedure in that db with theexact same code. Yes I could.4. Can I run the same procedure simpliefied to just return a value andno parameters. YES I COULD!!5. So it must be an error in the stored procedure. NO, it executeswith the same parameters in Query Analyzer just fine.6. At this point I guess that what I've come to is....that in version08.00.0534 of SQL SERVER 2000, I could NOT execute any storedprocedure in VB.NET if it accepted parameters (Of course, I mean byusing the OleDBCommand object)Is this true? Is it just me? Any help would be greatly appreciated.Here's what my code looks like. (By the way, the Parameters collectionjust has some home-made objects that have the same properties as aOleDBParameter object, so you don't need it to try the example. Anysproc that takes parameters should reproduce the error.)Public Function ExecuteProc(ByVal ExecutionStyle As ExecutionStyle,Optional ByVal sSQL As String = "") As Boolean'Create a command objectDim oCommand As New OleDbCommand'Create a connection to our default database and open itDim oConn As New OleDbConnection(DBConn.DefaultConnectString)oConn.Open()Try'Go ahead and assing our connection to our Command objectoCommand.Connection = oConn'OK. Did they pass us an SQL statement?If sSQL.Trim <> "" And IsNothing(Parameters) ThenTry to use the sql statementoCommand.CommandType = CommandType.TextoCommand.CommandText = sSQLElse'Don't sweat it, we'll do it for yaoCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure'What's the name of the procedure?oCommand.CommandText = ProcedureName'Use the Parameters the user has specified to createthe'command object parametersFor l = 1 To Parameters.CountWith Parameters(l)Dim oParm As New OleDb.OleDbParameter'Create a new parameteroParm = oCommand.CreateParameter()'Set our parm propertiesoParm.ParameterName = .NameoParm.Direction = .DirectionoParm.OleDbType = .TypeoParm.Value = .Value'Add parameter to our commandoCommand.Parameters.Add(oParm)End WithNextEnd If'Execute our command the way we specifiedSelect Case ExecutionStyleCase ExecutionStyle.ExecuteNonQuerymRowsAffected = oCommand.ExecuteNonQueryCase ExecutionStyle.ExecuteResultSet'Throw that guy in a table so that we canDim oAdapter As New OleDbDataAdapter(oCommand)Dim oSet As New DataSet'Use our data adapter to fill our data setoAdapter.Fill(oSet, "ResultSet")'User our new data table to set our propertiesmResultSet = oSet.Tables("ResultSet")mRowsAffected = 0mResultCount = oSet.Tables("ResultSet").Rows.CountCase ExecutionStyle.ExecuteScalar'Execute this guy returning a single value as anobjectmScalarValue = oCommand.ExecuteScalar()If Not IsNothing(mScalarValue) ThenmResultCount = 1End IfEnd Select'Now that we have executed our commands, we need to'populate the value property for our Output and ReturnvaluesFor l = 0 To oCommand.Parameters.Count - 1With oCommand.Parameters(l)If .Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput _Or .Direction = ParameterDirection.Output ThenParameters(l).Value = .ValueEnd IfEnd WithNext'CleanupoConn.Close()ExecuteProc = TrueCatch ex As ExceptionmResultDesc = ex.MessagemResultCode = Err.NumberEnd TryEnd Function

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