Tool In SQL For Backup Of Some Columns

Dec 27, 2004

Hi ...

I really need a tool that doesn't make a backup of all content of my database, and I don't want a script with just a schema of it.
I want a backup of just some columns and the data that has in them.
I know that It has a tool, but I never heard about it, and It's too important, so much that now I'm needing.

Anyone knows something?


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Is There A MS SQL Backup Tool That Will Zip Or Compress The Backup Files?

Feb 27, 2007

Currently we use a SQL maintenance plan to do a full backup of all our databases daily (about 40 databases on our production server).  As you can imagine, this eats up disk space quickly so currently we manually zip the backup files and/or move them to an archive drive.  I considered writing an application to walk through the backup folder structure and zip any .bak file it finds, but I know there are some third party tools out there that will backup/restore a MS SQL database.
I was wondering if any of these also zip the backups once they are created.  Any recommendations or suggestions are welcome.

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SQL Server Backup And Third Part Backup Tool

Oct 2, 2001

SQL 7.0 SP1.
We do SQL Server backup and also third part backup (with SQL agent active) of SQL Server databases.
Sometimes happen this situation:

01.00 SQL Server backup of DB1
01.00 third part backup of DB1
02.00 SQL Server T-LOG backup of DB1
03.00 SQL Server T-LOG backup of DB1
03.30 SQL Server differnatial DB backup of DB1
04.00 SQL Server T-LOG backup of DB1

or this situation:

01.00 SQL Server backup of DB1
02.00 SQL Server T-LOG backup of DB1
03.00 SQL Server T-LOG backup of DB1
03.10 third part backup of DB1
03.30 SQL Server differnatial DB backup of DB1
04.00 SQL Server T-LOG backup of DB1

My questions now are:
Are my SQL Server backups valid (DB,Differenatial and T-LOG)?
In case of a restore operation, can I use my SQL Server backups without problem?
In other words, can we leave the third part backup tool active or it should be taken away?

Can anybody clarify this for me?
Thank you in advance.

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Best Tool For Backup/Recovery

Apr 29, 2004

I know SQLLiteSpeed is one best tool for MSSQL server Backup Recovery.
And also I wanted know that the top 5 best tools for MSSQL server Backup/Recovery.

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Mssql Db Backup Tool

Jun 2, 2007

Hi all!
I need to have a backup of a database that is stored on a remote server.
Is there any tool to do it?

Thank you in advance

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Is There A FREE, Pure Web Based Backup Restore Tool ?

May 10, 2008


I am trying to find a pure web based backup restore tool that can be used on MS SQL 2000.

I have found a few that claim to be web based, but then it tells you to log into your MS SQL server and make some adjustments.

I know that microsoft Enterprise manager comes with a backup / restore tool. but 1) i dont want to have to install a complete copy of 2005 server, and 2) i dont hav ethe physical space to do it right now anyway. all i need to do is move 2 databases from one account to another.


View 3 Replies View Related Confgiguration Tool. Tool Keeps Timing Out

Mar 2, 2006

is it possible to change the settings on this tool. i want to have it so that it does not time out at all? or is that possible??

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Cannot Decrypt Encrypted Columns From Database Backup On Local Machine

Jun 29, 2015

I've a SQL server 2014 running on one of our server. We're in the process of implementing security steps for our databases. I've encrypted a column in one of the table in the database on the server. The issue is when I restore the backup on my local SQL server and run a query to decrypt the column data it gives me null values. On the other end when I decrypt the column data on the main server it works fine. I found a thread on this forum which states to do the following when restoring the encrypted database on different server.

USE [master];

select File_Name
, CONVERT(nvarchar,DECRYPTBYKEY(File_Name))
from [test].[dbo].[Orders_Customer]

I tried doing above still no luck.

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Looking For A Tool/ Middleware Tool Which...

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all.I'm looking for a tool which should act like some kind of middleware/logical layer bewtween the SQL server and the webbased user interface.- It should be possible to easily create simple web forms (only datainput and output) without programming effort by "clicking" the fieldsand their order on the web mask within an admnistrative interface.- It should also be bossible to add "new fields" to the database,including field type, permissions, value lists etc. (excluding anybusiness logic) without programming effort by administration.I know, that most workflow tools or "Trouble Ticket Tools", based ondatabases have this feature to easily configure new masks and add newfields to the database, but i need it as an tool-unspecific layer forthe MS SQL Server.Thank you very much for your feedback, any ideas are welcome!Best regards, Heiko.

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RS2k Issue: PDF Exporting Report With Hidden Columns, Stretches Visible Columns And Misplaces Columns On Spanned Page

Dec 13, 2007


I am running into an issue with RS2k PDF export.

Case: Exporting Report to PDF/Printing/TIFF
Report: Contains 1 table with 19 Columns. 1 column is static, the other 18 are visible at the users descretion. Report when printed/exported to pdf spans 2 pages naturally, 16 on the first page, 3 on the second, and the column widths have been adjusted to provide a perfect page span .

User A elects to hide two of the columns, and show the rest. The report complies and the viewable version is perfect, the excel export is perfect.. the PDF export on the first page causes every fith column, starting with the last column that was hidden to be expanded to take up additional width. On the spanned page, it renders the first column on that page correctly, then there is a white space gap equal to the width of the hidden columns and then the rest of the cells show with the last column expanded to take up the same width that the original 2 columns were going to take up, plus its width.

We have tried several different settings to see if it helps this issue or makes it worse. So far cangrow/canshrink/keep together have made no impact. It is not possible to increase the page size due to limited page size selection availablility for the client. There are far too many combinations of what the user can elect to show or hide to put together different tables to show and hide on the same report to remove this effect.

Any help or suggestion on this issue would be appreciated

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BACKUP LOG Cannot Be Performed Because There Is No Current Database Backup. BACKUP LOG Is Terminating Abnormally.

Jan 31, 2008

Hi there

I'm getting this message on my third automated backup of the transaction logs of the day. Both databases are in full recovery mode, both successfully backed up at 01.00. The transaction logs backed up perfectly happily at 01:30 and 05:30, but failed at 09:30.

The only difference between 05:30 and 09:30's backups is that the log files were shrunk at 08:15 (the databases in question are the ones that sit under ILM2007, and keeping the log files small keeps the system running better).

Is it possible that shrinking the log files causes the database to think that there hasn't been a full database backup?



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Transact SQL :: Select And Parse Json Data From 2 Columns Into Multiple Columns In A Table?

Apr 29, 2015

I have a business need to create a report by query data from a MS SQL 2008 database and display the result to the users on a web page. The report initially has 6 columns of data and 2 out of 6 have JSON data so the users request to have those 2 JSON columns parse into 15 additional columns (first JSON column has 8 key/value pairs and the second JSON column has 7 key/value pairs). Here what I have done so far:

I found a table value function (fnSplitJson2) from this link [URL]. Using this function I can parse a column of JSON data into a table. So when I use the function above against the first column (with JSON data) in my query (with CROSS APPLY) I got the right data back the but I got 8 additional rows of each of the row in my table. The reason for this side effect is because the function returned a table of 8 row (8 key/value pairs) for each json string data that it parsed.

1. First question: How do I modify my current query (see below) so that for each row in my table i got back one row with 19 columns.


If updated my query (see below) and call the function twice within the CROSS APPLY clause I got this error: "The multi-part identifier "A.ITEM6" could be be bound.

2. My second question: How to i get around this error?

CROSS APPLY fnSplitJson2(A.ITEM5,NULL) B,  fnSplitJson2(A.ITEM6,NULL) C

I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 version. Windows 7 desktop.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Select Group On Multiple Columns When At Least One Of Non Grouped Columns Not Match

Aug 27, 2014

I'd like to first figure out the count of how many rows are not the Current Edition have the following:

Second I'd like to be able to select the primary key of all the rows involved

Third I'd like to select all the primary keys of just the rows not in the current edition

Not really sure how to describe this without making a dataset

CREATE TABLE [Project].[TestTable1](
[TestTable1_pk] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Source_ID] [int] NOT NULL,
[Edition_fk] [int] NOT NULL,
[Key1_fk] [int] NOT NULL,
[Key2_fk] [int] NOT NULL,

[Code] .....

Group by fails me because I only want the groups where the Edition_fk don't match...

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SQL Server 2014 :: Creating A Table With Updatable Columns And Read-only Columns

May 26, 2015

Here is My requirement, I'm not sure if this is possible. Creating table called master like col1, col2 col3, col4 , col5 ...Where Col1, col2 are updatable - this can be done easily

Col3, col4 are columns in another table but these can be just a read only ?? Is this possible ? this is possible with View but not friendly with share point CRUD...Col 5 is a computed column of col 2 and col5 ? if above step can be done then sure this can be done I guess.

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Hiding/Showing Columns Based On The Columns Present In The Dataset

Jun 27, 2007

I have query which retrieves multiple column vary from 5 to 15 based on input parameter passed.I am using table to map all this column.If column is not retrieved in the dataset(I am not talking abt Null data but column is completely missing) then I want to hide it in my report.

Can I do that??

Any reply showing me the right way is appricited.



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How Dose It Matter For The Non-clustered Index Key Columns And Included Columns?

Apr 24, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

Thanks a lot for your kind attention.

As I am creating the non-clustered indexes for the tables, I dont quite understand how dose it really matter to put the columns in the index key columns or put them into the included columns of the index?

I am really confused about that and I am looking forward to hearing from you and thank you very much again for your advices and help.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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A Word About Meta-data, Pass Through Columns And Derived Columns

Oct 13, 2006

Here's another one of my bitchfest about stuff which annoy the *** out of me in SSIS (and no such problems in DTS):

Do you ever wonder how easy it was to set up text file to db transform in DTS - I had no problems at all. In SSIS - 1 spent half a day trying to figure out how to get proper column data types for text file - OF Course MS was brilliant enough to add "Suggest Types" feature to text file connection manager - BUT guess what - it sample ONLY 1000 rows - so I tried to change that number to 50000 and clicked ok - BUT ms changed it to 1000 without me noticing it - SO NO WONDER later on some of datatypes did not match. And boy what a fun it is to change the source columns after you have created a few transforms.

This s**hit just breaks... So a word about Derived Columns - pretty useful feature heh? ITs not f***ing useful if it DELETES SOME of the Code itself after there have been changes in dataflow. I cant say how pissed off im about that SSIS went ahead and deleted columns from flow & messed up derived columns just because the lineageIDs dont match.

Meta-data - it would be useful if you could change it and refresh it - im just sick and tired of it that it shows warnings and errors when there's nothing wrong - so after a change i need to doubleclick all my transforms so that those red & yellow boxes would disappear.

Oh and y I passionately dislike Derived columns - so you create new fields based on some data - you do some stuff - combine multiple columns to one, but you have no way saying remove the columns from the pipeline. Y you need it - well if you have 50K + rows with 30+ columns then its EXTRA useless memory overhead for your package.

Hopefully one day I will understand how SSIS works (not an ez task I say) - I might be able to spend more time on development and less time on my bitchfest - UNTIL then --> Another Day - Another Hassle with SSIS

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Can Anyone Help Me Regarding Tool

Jul 22, 2005

hiis there any tool to write stored procedurei have long queries to write instead of that i want a tool or editor where i can click or drag and drop to write procedurei make my work to complete fasterif any please tell me the site to downloadthanx byeramesh

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SQL Tool

Aug 5, 2005

Hello,I'm looking for recommendations for SQL tools used for comparing schemas from different databases. I would like the tool to be able to compare schemas for at least two databases and list the difference in tables, sps, functions, and view. Even if the both schemas contain the same structures I would like to know what differences exist. Also, I would like to be able to type in a table field name and get a list of every place in the db that field is referenced. On another note, how do others go about maintaining a version history of db structures? Any tools available for this functionality? Currently, I use visual source safe for my app. code. I could place copies of my SPs in visual source safe and edit them within  visual studio. I'm not sure how I would easily get the edited version into my sql database without having to create a script or copy the edited version back to the db. Any thoughts?Any information is appreciated.Oscar

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Sql Bcp Tool.

Apr 23, 2008

Hi guys, Im trying to use Bulk copy to transform a csv file into a table

FROM 'c:stock.csv'



TABLE Looks like this

id, stock,barcode, qty

can anyone give any guidance on performing this - at present this doesn't seem to work. Worth mentioning id is autoincrementing. I would also need to strip quotes around the second field. Note. Stock file has a header - do I need to strip this to use BCP?

Any help appreciated.


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SQL Bcp Tool

Oct 18, 2007


I am using bcp to copy some data from a flat file to a data table using the format file that look like this.

1 SQLCHAR 0 4 "" 1 Col1 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
2 SQLCHAR 0 9 "" 2 Col2 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
3 SQLCHAR 0 8 "" 3 Col3 ""
4 SQLCHAR 0 7 "" 4 Col4 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

There are 4 columns in total, however some rows have missing values for Column 4, and but given there are no field separators (all columns have fixed width and data is truncated if needed), how should the format be written to define a row terminator to apply to Column 3 if Column 4 is null.

Thanks for your suggestions.

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What Ad Hoc Tool Do You Use?

May 23, 2008

I'm in the process of delivering a SQL Server BI solution to a customer. I have the cube built, SSIS working and an SSRS package with several hundred reports. They would like to roll their own reports.

I've looked at ProClarity (or whatever MS calls it now) and Report Builder. Both seem to have their pros and cons.

What tool does the community recommend?


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Is This The Right Tool?

Jul 20, 2006

I think Service Broker is the right tool for what I want to do but need confirmation. Here is what I want to do.

Our company sells small business consulting services. When a client signs up with us, we put a server at their site that runs our app (using SQL Server 2005). Once the server is setup at their site and operational we constantly send certain information from that server to our central corporate server. There could be thousands of records every day being sent from each of these servers to our corporate server. We're using webservices now to transfer this data from each server but I'm afraid we're reaching a point where webservices will no longer work because of the volume of data.

1) I assume that Service Broker was created, in part at least, to address these types of situations?

2) If #1 is correct, is there any step by step examples/instruction that shows me how to use Service Broker to communicate between two SQL Server databases on two different servers?

Thanks very much.


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SQL 2012 :: Error (backup Failed To Complete The Command BACKUP LOG) In Event Viewer

Aug 23, 2013

On the SQL Server the Event Viewer shows the same messages and errors every evening between 22:05:00 and 22:08:00. The following information messages are shown for every database:

"I/O is frozen on database <database name>. No user action is required. However, if I/O is not resumed promptly, you could cancel the backup."

"I/O was resumed on database <database name>. No user action is required."

"Database backed up. Database: <database name>, creation date(time): 2003/04/08(09:13:36), pages dumped: 306, first LSN: 44:148:37, last LSN: 44:165:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=VIRTUAL_DEVICE: {'{A79410F7-4AC5-47CE-9E9B-F91660F1072B}4'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required."

After the 3 messages the following error message is shown for every database:

"BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP LOG <database name>. Check the backup application log for detailed messages."

I have added a Maintenance Plan but these jobs run after 02:00:00 at night.

Where can I find the command or setup which will backup all databases and log files at 22:00:00 in the evening?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Backup Running Long And Backup Threads Show Suspended

Feb 18, 2015

SQL Server 2008 r2 - 6 GB memory...I attempted a backup on a 500GB database but it was taking way too long. I checked the resources on the box and saw the CPU at 100%. I checked the SQL Server activity log and saw a hung query (user was not even logged on) that had multiple threads so I killed it and now the CPU utilization is back to normal.

Trouble is, now all of the threads in the activity monitor for the backup show 'suspended' and the backup appears to be not doing anything.

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Backup Failed (Error 3041) While Try To Issue A BACKUP Statement In Local

Feb 9, 2004


I use the Transact-SQL BACKUP statement in Visual Basic to backup my local MSSQL Database. It give me this error

Error 3041

BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP DATABASE [BCFPC] to BCFPCBKP

I already created a backup device called BCFPCBKP and it is backup to the disk.

I tried to run the same BACKUP statement in SQL Query Analyzer and it worked fine. I tried to run my VB application in another PC. It worked fine when i use this command remotely. Can anyone tell me what's the problem?

Thanks in advance

M.Y. Yap

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SQL 2012 :: Backup Cleanup Of Differential And Log Backups Based On Full Backup?

Feb 19, 2015

Using Ola Hallengren's scripts I do a full backup of a database on a Sunday. Then differential backups every 6 hours and log backups every hour. I would like to keep a full week of backups based off the full backup done on Sunday. Is there a way for me to clear out the diff and log folders after the successful full backup on Sunday nights?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Restore DB With Full Backup And Transactional Log Backup

Aug 3, 2015

Need to restore database,here's the scenario:

Data got deleted on Friday evening, need to have database restored to FRiday afternoon and also some data has been entered on Monday, which needs to be there.

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Can Windows 2003 Server Backup Utility Be Used To Backup A SQL 2000 Dbase

Dec 28, 2007

Windows 2003 backup utility uses the shadow copy option that allows it to copy open files.
Therefore, can I use this utility to backup the .mdf and .ldf files for my SQL 2000 database?
I can then attach the .mdf files if I need to restore the database to another server.
Can anyone tell me if this is safe? I've tried it and it worked but I'm worried there maybe some lurking danger in using this approach.

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SQL Security :: Full Backup Needed After Restoration Of Database Before Transaction Log Backup

Jul 15, 2015

We take a full backup in the early morning and hourly transaction log back during the working hours for one database in the production server. The application team made certain changes to the design of the said database in their development server. The backup from the development server was restored to the production server during working hours. After the restoration should we take a full backup before next transactional logbackup? Would the transactional log backup with out a full backup after the restoration of a database be valid?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Converting Row Values To Columns With Dynamic Columns

Jun 11, 2015

Basically, I'm given a daily schedule on two separate rows for shift 1 and shift 2 for the same employee, I'm trying to align both shifts in one row as shown below in 'My desired results' section.

Sample Data:

;WITH SampleData ([ColumnA], [ColumnB], [ColumnC], [ColumnD]) AS
SELECT 5060,'04/30/2015','05:30', '08:30'
UNION ALL SELECT 5060, '04/30/2015','13:30', '15:30'
UNION ALL SELECT 5060,'05/02/2015','05:30', '08:30'
UNION ALL SELECT 5060, '05/02/2015','13:30', '15:30'

[Code] ....

The results from the above are as follows:

columnAcolumnB SampleTitle1 SampleTitle2 SampleTitle3 SampleTitle4
506004/30/201505:30 NULL NULL NULL
506004/30/201513:30 15:30 NULL NULL
506005/02/201505:30 NULL NULL NULL
506005/02/201513:30 15:30 NULL NULL

My desired results with desired headers are as follows:

506004/30/2015 05:30 08:30 13:30 15:30
506005/02/2015 05:30 08:30 13:30 15:30

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Matching A View's Columns To It's Underlying Table's Columns

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,Using SQL Server 2000, I'm trying to put together a query that willtell me the following information about a view:The View NameThe names of the View's columnsThe names of the source tables used in the viewThe names of the columns that are used from the source tablesBorrowing code from the VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE view, I've got the codebelow, which gives me the View Name, Source Table Name, and SourceColumn Name. And I can easily enough get the View columns from thesyscolumns table. The problem is that I haven't figured out how tolink a source column name to a view column name. Any help would as ViewName, as SourceTable, as SourceColumnfromsysobjects t_obj,sysobjects v_obj,sysdepends dep,syscolumns t_colwherev_obj.xtype = 'V'and = v_obj.idand dep.depid = t_obj.idand = t_col.idand dep.depnumber = t_col.colidorder,,

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SELECT Query - Different Columns/Number Of Columns In Condition

Sep 10, 2007

I am working on a Statistical Reporting system where:

Data Repository: SQL Server 2005
Business Logic Tier: Views, User Defined Functions, Stored Procedures
Data Access Tier: Stored Procedures
Presentation Tier: Reporting ServicesThe end user will be able to slice & dice the data for the report by

different organizational hierarchies
different number of layers within a hierarchy
select a organization or select All of the organizations with the organizational hierarchy
combinations of selection criteria, where this selection criteria is independent of each other, and also differeBelow is an example of 2 Organizational Hierarchies:
Hierarchy 1

Country -> Work Group -> Project Team (Project Team within Work Group within Country)
Hierarchy 2

Client -> Contract -> Project (Project within Contract within Client)Based on 2 different Hierarchies from above - here are a couple of use cases:

Country = "USA", Work Group = "Network Infrastructure", Project Team = all teams
Country = "USA", Work Group = all work groups

Client = "Client A", Contract = "2007-2008 Maint", Project = "Accounts Payable Maintenance"
Client = "Client A", Contract = "2007-2008 Maint", Project = all
Client = "Client A", Contract = allI am totally stuck on:

How to implement the data interface (Stored Procs) to the Reports
Implement the business logic to handle the different hierarchies & different number of levelsI did get help earlier in this forum for how to handle a parameter having a specific value or NULL value (to select "all")
(WorkGroup = @argWorkGroup OR @argWorkGrop is NULL)

Any Ideas? Should I be doing this in SQL Statements or should I be looking to use Analysis Services.

Thanks for all your help!

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