Tool To Trace Lead Blocker

Jun 5, 2006

Hi guys,

Do you have any stored procs or utility to track down the lead blocker as well as the blocked processes on SQL Server 2000? Similar to a tree structure with the lead blocker on top followed by the processes being blocked by the lead blocker.

Thank you very much.

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Nov 30, 2005

Hi Guru,After spening quite sometimes to watch my box, I've seen PAGEIOLATCH isa lead blocker in my SQL Server 2000 server. Below is the detailed:SPID lastwaittype waitresource blocked status cmd57 LCK_M_S KEY: 7:963690681:8 65 sleeping execute65 PAGEIOLATCH_SH 7:1:217904 0 sleeping selectI thought, latching should be very short-term synchronization. Fromsystemprocess table, I saw the latch waited in a minute sleepingwithout doing any work.My database is about 23GB and more than 5000 tables. The RAID subsystemis RAID1 with 1 disk mapped to C and D logically. Data files and tempdbfiles are located in one location. Tranlog file and log backup filesare located in the same location with different disk spindle.Currently, we are experiencing very slowness and IO bound. I'm ready torebuild the server by putting the RAID10 and 1 and distributingmultiple data files to different RAID10 and tempdb and log files toRAID1.Other than this, how to minimize the IO latch contention?Thanks so much,Silaphet,

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SQL 2012 :: Identifying Specific Blocker Statement When It Is Part Of Explicit Tran

Jul 2, 2014

App developers are complaining that a blocking report I sent them today does not have enough info to troubleshoot and fix the root cause of the blocking.(I used SQL Sentry to get the report and send to the users, but I think my question is more fundamental than just using one 3rd-party tool.)The reason for the complaints is that the top blocker is a SELECT stmt on TableA that is not the Wait Resource of the blocking (TableB).

I explained that this is likely because the "blocking" SELECT stmt on TableA is part of a larger explicit tran that includes TableB, and that they need to look through their code to identify the SQL stmt that is the root cause of the blocking.They would like that root statement identified in the blocking report, but I don't think it is possible to get to that through DMVs.

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Hi I Need Help About Lag/lead

Apr 18, 2008

i want to create a new table from one table like this

--------- ---------- ---------- ----------
10-OCT-00 238,479 23,183
11-OCT-00 23,183 238,479 24,616
12-OCT-00 24,616 23,183 76,516
13-OCT-00 76,516 24,616 29,795
14-OCT-00 29,795 76,516

i think i use some functions in my stored procedure can anyone help me about this stuation Thanks!!

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Can Migration Lead To Index Problems?

Mar 5, 2007

Starting with a SQL Server 2000 database, my company built a new server with SQL Server 2005 and restored the SS2000 database from backups. We're now seeing some extreme issues where queries that took 30 seconds now take 3 minutes. Would this make you suspect index issues? Any recommendations on diagnosing and fixing this would be appreciated.

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All Roads Lead To Rome But Which One Is Most Desirable?

Jul 29, 2005

-- Business Rule, first name, middle name and last name can all be null-- ddlcreate table #cat (catID char(8) primary key, first_name varchar(15)null, middle_name varchar(2) null, last_name varchar(15) null)-- dml, populate sample datainsert into #catvalues ('Black123','ghost','','bigger')insert into #catvalues ('Arab0123','Hama','','Abbas')insert into #catvalues ('Mixed001','',null,null)insert into #catvalues ('Mixed002',null,null,null)insert into #catvalues ('Mixed003',null,'','Smith')insert into #catvalues ('White123','','','Talley')insert into #catvalues ('Yello123','Nick','H','Pisa')-- dml, name concatenation, get all or anyselect (first_name + ' ' + middle_name + ' ' + last_name) as namefrom #cat-- the above does not meet with requirement-- option 1select (IsNull(first_name,'') + ' ' + Case Len(middle_name) when 0 then'' else IsNull((middle_name + ' '),'') end + IsNull(last_name,'')) asnamefrom #cat-- option 2select (IsNull(first_name,'') + ' ' +IsNull(NullIf(Coalesce((middle_name + ' '),''),''),'') +IsNull(last_name,'')) as namefrom #catq:both option 1 and option 2 produces same result, which one is moredesirable?TIA.

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Transact SQL :: Getting Delta Value With Lead Windows Functions?

Jul 1, 2015

I have a table with the next structure:

DECLARE @MaxCountHistogram TABLE 
  PublicationId   INT NOT NULL,
  ProviderId      INT NOT NULL,
  Amount        FLOAT NOT NULL
INSERT INTO @MaxCountHistogram

I need to take for each Publication and Provider  and getting the diferential between two different months, for example:

Period                        Delta Amount                     Provider      PublicationId
20150530                   10.2564                                     3 432
20150630                     3  Result of (13.2564- 10.2564 )        3                      432

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Using Northwind Database To Create A View (was Can You Lead On The Right Track...)

Jan 27, 2006

I am using Northwind database to Create a view showing every order that was shipped to Spain. Name the destination column 'DestinationSpain'. Include code that checks if the view already exists. If it does, it should be dropped and re-created.

Here is my script:

use Northwind

/*STEP 2, #1*/

/* does it exist, if so drop it */
if exist (select * from dbo.sysobjects
where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[OrdersToSpain]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsView') = 1)
drop view [dbo].[OrdersToSpain]

/* Create the View */
create view "OrdersToSpain" AS
Orders.OrderID AS Order_ID,
Orders.CustomerID AS Customer_ID,
Orders.OrderDate AS Ordered_Date.
Orders.ShippedDate AS Shipped_Date,
Orders.ShipCountry AS DestinationSpain
FROM Customers INNER JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
WHERE Orders.ShipCounty LIKE '%SPAIN%'

Here are the errors I am getting:

Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 5
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'select'.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 6
Line 6: Incorrect syntax near ')'.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure OrdersToSpain, Line 7
Line 7: Incorrect syntax near '.'.

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Which Certifications Lead To A Position Involving Data Mining?

Jan 20, 2007

I'm a newbe in the realm of database reporting. At my current position, I'm reporting off of CRM databases using Crystal V-11. Previously I'd experience working with HR databases using the same reporting tool. I am interested in progressing to work with database design and scripting. Any suggestion from anyone on which certifications to pursue?


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SQL Server 2012 :: Incorporate RANK Or NTILE With LEAD Function?

Jan 9, 2014

We have accounts that pay for a particular "premium" service. It's entirely possible an account paid for this service for three consecutive months in 2013, then stopped paying, then started paying again. Why I'm trying to establish is, for the FIRST period of time the accout paid for this service, for how many consecutive months did they pay? Here is my test data:

if object_id('tempdb..#SampleData') is not null
drop table #SampleData
if object_id('tempdb..#DateAnalysis') is not null
drop table #DateAnalysis

-- Create temp tables for sample data

create table #SampleData
(AccountID int,
RandomDate datetime)
create table #DateAnalysis
(RowID int identity(1,1),
AccountID int,
RandomDate datetime,
NextDate datetime,
LeadInMonths int)

-- Insert some sample data

insert into #SampleData values
(1, '1/1/13'), (1, '2/1/13'), (1, '3/1/13'), (1, '6/1/13'), (1, '10/1/13'), (1, '11/1/13'), (1, '12/1/13'),
(2, '1/1/13'), (2, '4/1/13'), (2, '5/1/13'), (2, '6/1/13'),
(3, '2/1/13'), (3, '3/1/13'), (3, '4/1/13'), (3, '9/1/13'), (3, '10/1/13'), (3, '11/1/13')

-- Use lead function to determine how many months are between

-- consecutive dates per account

; with DateInterval as
(select AccountID, RandomDate,
NextDate = lead (RandomDate, 1, NULL) over (partition by AccountID order by RandomDate)
from #SampleData)
insert into #DateAnalysis
select AccountID, RandomDate, NextDate,
datediff(mm, RandomDate, NextDate) as 'Lead'
from DateInterval

where NextDate is not null -- Last row will contain NULL for NextDate. Don't include these rows.

-- Show the results

select *,
'NTile' = NTILE(3) over (partition by AccountID order by RandomDate),
'RowNum' = row_number() over (partition by AccountID order by RandomDate)
from #DateAnalysis

Results (this is not getting me what I'm looking for):

11 2013-01-012013-02-01111
21 2013-02-012013-03-01112
31 2013-03-012013-06-01323
41 2013-06-012013-10-01424
51 2013-10-012013-11-01135
61 2013-11-012013-12-01136
72 2013-01-012013-04-01311
82 2013-04-012013-05-01122


This is what I'm trying to achieve:

11 2013-01-012013-02-0111
21 2013-02-012013-03-0111
31 2013-03-012013-06-0132
41 2013-06-012013-10-0143
51 2013-10-012013-11-0114
61 2013-11-012013-12-0114


The problem comes with accounts like AccountID = 1. They paid consecutively to start, then skipped, then started paying consecutively again. When using window functions, I'm running into trouble attempting to partition by AccountID and LeadInMonths. It's putting all the LeadInMonths = 1 together and that will give me skewed results if I want to know the earliest and latest date within the FIRST consecutive range of dates where the account paid. I've tried NTILE but it expects an integer and there's no telling how many "tiles" would be in AccountID partition.

I've looked at the OVER clause and the new "ROWS BETWEEN" syntax and still cannot get the desired results.

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SQL 2012 :: Using LEAD Function To Show Previous Month Difference?

Mar 25, 2014

I have 12 month report and I need show volume and difference between current and prev month volume, what is the smart way to do this, do I need to put prev month value onto same row horizontally? I think should be some other smart way, I heard about LEAD function?

This what I think for now, It should be listed per ClientID also, in my example I have single ClientID for simplicity.

I tried to do LEAD but with not success..

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#t') is not null drop table #T;
10001 ClientID,


View 2 Replies View Related Confgiguration Tool. Tool Keeps Timing Out

Mar 2, 2006

is it possible to change the settings on this tool. i want to have it so that it does not time out at all? or is that possible??

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Looking For A Tool/ Middleware Tool Which...

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all.I'm looking for a tool which should act like some kind of middleware/logical layer bewtween the SQL server and the webbased user interface.- It should be possible to easily create simple web forms (only datainput and output) without programming effort by "clicking" the fieldsand their order on the web mask within an admnistrative interface.- It should also be bossible to add "new fields" to the database,including field type, permissions, value lists etc. (excluding anybusiness logic) without programming effort by administration.I know, that most workflow tools or "Trouble Ticket Tools", based ondatabases have this feature to easily configure new masks and add newfields to the database, but i need it as an tool-unspecific layer forthe MS SQL Server.Thank you very much for your feedback, any ideas are welcome!Best regards, Heiko.

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How Do I Trace In Sql 7?

Jan 5, 2000

I couldn't find a "sql trace" utility like in sql 6.5... Does anybody know how/if I can do this?

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SQL Trace

Dec 27, 2003

if i dont use the trace to record all the sql transaction. and someone execute the delete command to delete one of the table (ofcourse the person have high enough permissions to do that). is there anyway i can find out who that user's ID is to run the deleted ?? Thanks:D :p

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How To Trace SQL

Jun 21, 2004


I'm trying to debug a vendor package and would like to turn on JDBC trace (either client or server side). The only information I found is DBCC TRACE which seems not very useful (I even don't know where the trace result located). Any help is appreciated!

Env: Windows Server 2003 & SQL Server 2000 8.00.818.

Jeff Li

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How To Trace MS-SQL ....

Feb 21, 2007


How to trace/find out some one has dropped a database from my QA environment? Unfortunately we havent enabled the trace on this server.
We havent find any useful information from SQL Server logs also.

Can any one reply me how to find the details of who dropped the DB, when? is there any query/SP/command/tools avaialble?


With Regards

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May 17, 2007

hi all..
i have 2 tbl..

-- Prepare sample data
DECLARE@tbl1 TABLE (box varchar(10), loc varchar(5) )

SELECT'P3', 'cc'

DECLARE@tbl2 TABLE (box varchar(10), loc varchar(5) )

SELECT'P3', 'cc'

--expected result
SELECT 'P1' as box, 'aa' as Location, 'aa' as HeaderLoc UNION ALL
SELECT 'P1' as box, 'bb' as Location, 'aa' as HeaderLoc
how do i trace from @tbl1, that has 1 Box with more than 1 Location?
in this case P1 has 2 distinct location (aa & bb).. and left join in the loc from @tbl2 just to retrieve the loc for that box..

~~~Focus on problem, not solution ¯(º_o)/¯ ~~~

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Trace SQL

Jul 23, 2007

How do you set up the trace in SQL?


sorry, I am an Oracle guy trying to learn SQL

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Help With Trace

Jul 20, 2005

Hello:I am working with SQL Server 2000. I have a stored procedure that creates 3temporary tables (#temp1, #temp2, #temp3). When I view the trace of thestored procedure I see entries that have Object Created #temp1, ObjectCreated #temp2, Object Created #temp3. How can I fix the trace so it doesnot report any objects that get created in the tempdb.Any help will be appreciated.Alee

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ASP.Net Trace File

Jul 2, 2004

When we enable tracing for a web application where exactly the file or content of the file "Trace.axd" saves?

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Trace Flag Help

Apr 2, 2001

I'm trying to use trace flag 1204 to get some detailed deadlock information
In EM, I add startup parameter -T1204, and then I stop and start the server.
I run two jobs that I have setup to deadlock, and they do. But no information about the deadlock is in my sql error log? anyone know what I am doing wrong? thanks.

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Trace Flags

May 1, 2001

Hi ,
I want to trace the deadlock information. I am enabling trace flags 1204 ,1205. Is there any difference in setting these trace flags by using DBCC
TRACEON and by setting them at command prompt by statrting the SQL server with SQLSERVR command. Actually i don't want to bring the server down. I want the information to be logged to Error log. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Table Trace

May 29, 2001

Hi There,
Is there any way to identify how many times a table is accessed by different users in a day from a database.


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Trace On Deadlocking

Jun 21, 2001

Hi all,

I was wondering how much of an overhead would Running this
trace (1204) have over the system. Will my perfomance
degrade significantly. If yes, by what percentage ???

The trace is 1204 to keep a watch on DeadLocking

I am running this command
C:mssql7innsqlservr -T1204 /dc:mssql7datamaster.mdf

How much performance degrade are we talking about here ?
The Application is Peoplsoft and the db sizes is about 10
Gb !!



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Trace Out The USER

Jun 27, 2000


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Can I Tell What Trace Flags Are On?

May 22, 2000

If I issue a DBCC TRACEON (1205) from a query window from a client machine.. Does it continue to run when I close that connection (spid).

Is there a way for me to tell what traceflags are currently on?



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Creating A Trace

Mar 1, 2001

I have to create a trace to monitor how the stored proc.are performing.
The sp are for update/select/insert.
What all counters should I monitor?
The sp are called in from Java applications thru weblogic server and some of them are taking as long as 30 secs to fetch 80 records!
Any help/thoughts appreciated.

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Using Trace Flags

Sep 6, 2000

To solve a problem I encountered with Restoring from Backups in 6.5, I had to install a hotfix and thereafter do the load using Trace Flag 3282.I need help on using the trace flag (syntax etc.) Also there is no mention in books online of this particular Trace Flag.
Please help.

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Apr 13, 1999

One of my SQL servers (v6.5 with SP5a) has begun to display 'DBCC TRACEON 208' in the Error Log. I have not been able to find any reference to the Trace Flag - 208. Can someone please help me?

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Performance Trace-off

Jun 4, 1999

Hi All,

I've just joined a project for improving performance issue on MS-SqlServer(6.5).
I was DBA Sybase a couple years ago I am unsure that MSSQL works in a manner as
Sybase. I want to change some configuration options (sp_compile) and modify
the table and indexes definition for improving the performance and avoid having

Is true that :
When field, which has a default value assigned to NULL, is equal
at a variable-length field and when you execute an update on it you will
get 2 transactions : first a delete and then insert ?
(On Sybase there is the concept of Index Covering to avoid that overhead
what about Ms-Sqlserver 6.5).

To avoid having deadlock I want to use the FILLFACTOR I think this option
is usefull only on cluster indexes, that's right ?

For huge tables the order of fields is important :
first position put the primary key field
after put the FK, secondary key, short type field (tinyint,int,datetime...)
go on with the alpha fields (char) NOT NULL
at last the NULL fields
Is that design efficient for Ms-SQLserver ?

Many thanks,

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Trace Executed SQL

Jun 29, 2004

Hi folks

Is there any (easy!) way in which I can see the SQL that has been executed. I'm using stored procs that create & execute other stored procs(via sp_executesql). At the early stages there are often trivial errors in the created procs that cause rather general exception messages that do not give much of a clue as to where the error is. (It's tedious to find these in the debugger) ... and was wondering if there's any trace output type option I can turn on to see what sql has been presented for execution.


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SQL Trace Question

Jan 10, 2005

I ran a trace on my SQL Server and found that a single SELECT statement showed up the same number of times as the number of id numbers I was selecting on. In the hopes of optimizing my program, it ran worse :(

Instead of having:

SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE id='1'
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE id='2'
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE id='3'
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE id='250'

for all the rows i need data from (sometimes up to 250 rows). I changed the select statement to:

SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE id='1' OR id='2' OR id='3' .. id='250'

When i run a SQL Trace if i have 250 id='num's in my SELECT, the same query shows up 250 times in the trace with high CPU and READS. Can Anyone explain and help me get the optimization Im looking for?

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