Tools For Graphical Format

Oct 8, 2014

Other than SSRS, is there a cheap product or free tool that can present SQL Queries in graphical format that is easy to implement?

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SQL Tools :: Tool To Create Graphical Layout Of Tables?

Nov 6, 2015

SQL Server 2008 R2.  SQL Server Management Studio 2016 CTP2. I am looking for a tool where I could create and save a nice graphical layout of some tables in a database and their relation to each other (how they join or connect).  I get something like this in the Query Editor, where it shows the fields and joins of tables as I select them.  However, I cannot save this representation to show say in a PowerPoint or Word document (Visio, etc.). 

Is there a tool that would enable me to create a nice document showing my tables and their relationships, which would also allow me to annotate each table with notes about the fields, etc.? 

I searched and found a reference to "Visual Database Tools" which is supposed to be part of Management Studio 2016.  However, I cannot find such a set of tools listed anywhere in my menus.


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SQL 2012 :: Power Pivot Graph / Need To Display In Graphical Format

May 19, 2014

Power pivot graph. I do have different transaction names, dates, count, exec time with me, I need to display each transaction execution day, execution time in graph format. Suppose execution time is on Y axis and Exec time is on X-axis then to display the which transaction takes more time for execution.I have Query just I need to display in graphical format

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SQL Tools :: Datazen - Query String Format For Microsoft SharePoint List Data Connection

Sep 17, 2015

I am trying to create a Datazen query against a Microsoft SharePoint List.  The Data View successfully returns records from the list; however, it appears that the Query String parameter is entirely ignored.  I want to use the query string to grab only records with a certain status value.

So far I have attempted specifying a View and Filters:


Just the filters:


And even:


All return the complete set of records in the list. I do not see a single example or comment online other than the claim that SharePoint List sources are supported.  How I can specify a Query String value that will filter the list records?

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Graphical CPU Use From SQL

Oct 5, 2007

Has anyone created a report that shows something like performance monitor, but shows only SQL CPU use. I would be interested to see which users cause high CPU use, at what moments in time is SQL processing high and what queries are causing the processor to spike.

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Graphical Tool

Aug 22, 2005

Do you guys use a graphical tool for building SQL - like MS Query? I know its lazy but it does save lots of typing for long multiple-table queries.
Also, the graphical drag-drop method of adding relationships in Access would seem much quicker than adding rules thru sql.

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DB Mail; Graphical View

Apr 28, 2008

Is there a graphical view in SSMS, to check the properties of DBMail?

I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes

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Graphical Usrer Interface For SQL Server 7.0

Nov 15, 2000

Dear SQL Server users,
I would like to build a Graphical User Interface for my MS SQL Server 7.0 database.
Should I use Visual Studio, Visual Basic, or Dalphi?
I am new to this community. Any advice will be appreciated.
Thank You.

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Graphical Edit Interface For MSDE 2000 A Database

Jan 23, 2004

Greetings all,

Is theyr an Graphical edit interface for the MSDE 2000 A database ? Windows based would be best.

Tnx for the answer.


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How To Load/Unload Non-Graphical Files Into/From IMAGE Field?

Dec 13, 2007

I want to be able to load and unload, byte-for-byte, a file to and from a field of data type IMAGE in a SQL Server CE database. The files are larger than 8000 bytes so IMAGE appears to be the way to go data type wise.

I'm using VB 2008 but pseudocode for any VS language would be awesome.

I was able to do this without much effort using ADODB and its stream object, fetching a recordset object and updating the appropriate data field one "chunk" of bytes at a time. I cannot for the life of me find a way of doing this using, for example, a SqlCeResultSet.

I've tried using ADODB to connect to a SqlCe SDF database file, using a connection string that I found online, and am able to write action and select queries successfully against the database... but when I try and return a recordset that is updatable, it returns an error. So no help there.

I've searched other threads in the forums, and online in general, and I've found information on loading/unloading graphic files using a memoryStream and the toArray method thereof, but this will not work as many of the files I want to load and unload as BLOBs are not graphical in nature. FileStreams do not implement the toArray method, so I can't just stream an arbitrary file's worth of bytes that way. I also do not want to change the original file in any fashion--e.g., a hash of the source file should be identical to the file after it has been loaded into the data field and then unloaded into a new file.

Any thoughts? Your help is MUCH appreciated!

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SQL Server 2008 :: Graphical (Include Execution Plan) Left On By Default?

Jun 25, 2015

Is there a way to leave the graphical 'Include Execution Plan' on by default in SSMS? I don't know how many times I run a long-running query, say to myself, "wow, that took a while; I wonder what the execution plan looks like?" only to realize that I left it turned off. Now I have to turn it on, and wait for the query to run again. I'm guessing there's a setting in the options somewhere to always leave it on, but I'm not sure where

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SQL Tools :: How To Disable Customer Improvement Program From Menu For Server MGMT Tools 2012

Mar 25, 2014

Am customizing SQL server MGMT tools 2012 for Mass deployment.Client had asked to remove Customer Feedback option from help to disable that.

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SQL Tools :: R2 Management Tools Install Fails - Specified Account Already Exists

Oct 20, 2014

The installation SQL 2008 R2 Management Tools on a Windows 7 workstation fails with the error, The specified account already exists.

Final result: SQL Server installation failed. To continue, investigate the reason for the failure, correct the problem, uninstall SQL Server, and then rerun SQL Server Setup.

  Exit code (Decimal):           -2068052700
  Exit facility code:            1212
  Exit error code:               1316

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Backup Strategy - SQL2005 Tools Versus 3rd Party Tools

Jun 1, 2007

I am running SQL Server 2005 x64 Enterprise under Windows 2003 x64 Enterprise. My current backup strategy uses T-SQL jobs run by SQL Agent (writes out *.bak files) and then I have an Integration Services job that copies the *.bak files to our NAS device. I have performed a restore without issue. The jobs are all automated every four hours via SQL Agent. Is this a sound strategy or are there additional benefits to using 3rd party tools? If so, what are the advantages and which tool provides them?

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Design Tools / Sql Server Mgt Tools Cause Login Fail

Sep 20, 2007

Login failed for user 'TOSHIBA-USERASPNET'
I know that the file persmission for the web application have to include aspnet, so i keep resetting the folder permission for aspnet in file manager, but the login failed keeps coming back every day or two
problem is after working with VS05 Pro, SQL Server Management Studio CTP, somehow the aspnet persmission get changed, use alot of sqldatasource wizards and often there is a conflict/hang between the datasource wizard and the need to have the mdf in a dettached state within VS server explorer,
not sure but the procedure to fix this seems to be to reboot, detach and re-attach the mdf in the Sql server Studio tool, re-apply the aspnet file permission on the web app folders (wonder should i be doing this in IIS instead), make sure the mdf within server explorer is detached, the it works
anyway, getting real tired of the resulting delays and design time derailment, clues greatly appreciated, thanks
 sometimes i can use View in Browser when in VS05 form view and i wont get the aspnet folder permission error and other times i do.
last thing, is it a bad idea to give aspnet full permission for the entire web applicaiton??

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SQL Tools :: Tools To Determine Version From BAK File

Apr 24, 2014

Is there - apart from the notorious RESTORE HEADERONLY - an tool which is able to tell which SQL Server version created a specific BAK file? I'm looking for a tool that can be used w/o an available/running SQL Server installation.

Alternatively, is there any documentation about what is read with RESTORE HEADERONLY so I could write a tool myself?

Where would I find the version "bytes" in a BAK file?

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Server Tools Or Client Tools?

Jun 16, 2008

Dear All,
how can we know that wether we had server tools or client tools on my machine?

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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Tools Tools Tools For Performance ???

May 16, 2002

Know any good performance monitoring and analysis tools for SQL server.

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Reporting Services :: Exporting SSRS Output To Word Format And PDF Format Differs

Aug 19, 2015

I have created SSRS report which has many overlapping objects, the output in PDF format seems to good but in word format it is not giving the required output.

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Conversion Of Date From Legacy Systems With 7 And 6 Digit Format To DD/MM/YYYY Format

Nov 19, 2014

We are migrating data from old DB2 systems to sql server 2012, the DATE FORMAT in those systems is in decimal format with 7 digits. CYYMMDD format.

I need to convert this into DD/MM/YYYY format.

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Date In String Format Has To Be Changed Datetime Format

Jun 15, 2005

I have date coming to one page as a string in the following format"May 4 2005 12:00AM"
I need to query one of my tables using this date in combination of other nondate values. How can I convert this date into valid sql server datetime format before I query a database tables
Please help

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Transact SQL :: How To Format A String In A Format Coming From A Table

Jun 4, 2015

I have a table which stores date-of-birth in varchar 19861231(yyyymmdd). A view takes this data. I want to store this date as mmddyyyy in the view. How can we achieve this?

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Converting Csv Files From One Format To Another Format With Differing Columns

Dec 19, 2007


I have a set of csv files and a set of Format Specification files for each of the csv files. I need to convert the csv files into another format of csv files as specified in the Format Specification files. All the columns of the input csv files do not have a mapping with the columns of the output csv files. How can I achieve this using SSIS ? This is an urgent requirement. Please reply asap. Thanks.

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How To Format Leave Detail Into Tabular/pivot Format?

Jun 16, 2006

Hello Expert!

I need help to I translate this data...

Table "LeaveDetail"

StaffNo | StartDate | EndDate | LeaveType |
1 | 23/04/2006 | 26/04/2006 | AL |
2 | 24/04/2006 | 25/04/2006 | MC |
3 | 26/04/2006 | 27/04/2006 | EL |
1 | 30/04/2006 | 02/05/2006 | EL |

Into this format...

StaffNo |23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |28 |29 |30 |01 |02 |03 |04..
1 |AL |AL |AL |AL | | ... |EL |EL |EL |
2 | |MC |MC | | |
3 | | | |EL |EL |

Date From e.g. 23/04/2006 to 23/05/2006

Using only query statement...

Is this possible??



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Adapter To Convert CSV Format File To SAP IDOC Format

Nov 16, 2006

Hi All,

I am stuck at one place, where I have to convert CSV format file data into SAP IDOC format file. In SSIS we don't have any such SAP adapter (though we have .NET Data Provider for mySAP suite [SSIS SAP Adapter] but this is still not fully supported by Microsoft, plus it doesn't have feature to convert data into IDOC format) that can do this. Can someone here please provide me some pointers on any third party adapters available in market to do this job or if anyone has already developed some custom approach to achieve this task?

Your quick response on this is highly appreciated.


Kuldeep Chauhan

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Date Format From Sql Without Millisecond ----12 Hr Format

May 4, 2008

dear all can anybody help me soon....
i am using visual studio 2005 webapplication based on  sql server 2005 database.
i can get one date from sql using one query.
I am selecting my field based on following code CONVERT(varchar, Oman.Positions.Datum, 9) AS LastUpdate
this case my output is May  4 2008  3:19:45:000AM.....
this output is correct but from this output i want to avoid millisecond part.
ie i want the output like May  4 2008  3:19:45 AM....
how i can do this

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How To Convert Long Date Format To Short Date Format In Store Procedure.

Feb 1, 2008

E.g, i have a store procedure. The start date is long date (4/15/2007 3:00pm). i want to select the start date with a particular date (short date format 4/15/2006). Thanks in advance.

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Transact SQL :: Cast Or Convert Date In Format YYYY-MM-DD Into New Format Of MM/DD/YYYY?

Nov 27, 2015

I have a table that has a DATE field named. AccountingDate that is in the format YYYY-MM-DD. It's not a VARCHAR field. I simply want to convert this date field into the format MM/DD/YYYY and call it New_Accounting_Date.

I've played with various combinations of CAST & CONVERT but haven't been able to get it to work.

Below is my latest effort which returns the error:

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'as'

What code would work to return a MM/DD/YYYY value for New_Accounting_Date?

Select GLBATCH.AccountingDate,
convert(GLBATCH.AccountingDate as date),101) AS New_Accounting_Date

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SQL's America Date Format Conflict With Australian Date Format

Nov 14, 2006


I am trying get my VB6 application to insert a record into a table (SQL Express) which has a datetime column but it would not process if the data format is differ to *American Date format*.

The date() function in VB returns 15/11/2006 which is in Australian Date format (DD/MM/YYYY) according to my setting in "Reginal and Lanuage Option-> Locale 0> English (Australia)" setting.

I get the following error:

Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Server KITSQLEXPRESS, Line 1
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.
The statement has been terminated.

My computer's locale is set to English (Australia) and I expect the datetime format would follow what is set in system locale

I've read an article somewhere on the net about how SQL 2005 eliminate the confusion of date conversion when read/write datetime records into a table...but it seems to me that it is still as in-flexible as MS Access

Is there a setting in the database that takes care of it?


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Oct 14, 2007

 Is there a tools simular to php admin. for MS SQL?  If not how can you view the data without writing a query? ThanksDee 

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Sep 28, 2000


Is there a way to determine whether sql tool are installed on a client machine. DTS wouldn't run without sql tools.
Is there a workaround?


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Apr 30, 2002

Is anyone aware of a tool, utility or Stored Procedure that would allow you to compare stored procedures on diferent servers and to copy stored procedures from one server to another (eg. test to prod).

Ken Nicholson

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SQL DB Tools

Apr 9, 2004

Can anyone recommend any tools or bundles that are out there for MSSQL databases used for comparing and syncronizing stucture, data, stored procs, etc.

I'd like to hear about any and all.

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