Top Instruction In SQLMOBILE

Feb 24, 2006

As I have tested the top instruccion doesn´t exist I sqlmobile isn´t it?????

How I could load in my dataset for example the 20 next registers of the last register I have load in my dataset previusly??????

Thank for your Help.

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SQL Select Instruction On Two Database At The Same Time

Dec 13, 2006

It may sound like a newb question and if thats the case, I'm really sorry, but I would like to know if something like this is possible....
Lets say I have a table called TestA on a database DBA on a ServerA
and I have an another table called TestB on a database DBB on a ServerB
Now each of these table has a a field Id, to make an INNER JOIN between these two tables, taht are located on two different server on two differents database...Is it possible?  and if so what would be the SELECT instruction to do it?  Thanks for taking the time to read this :)

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Error During SqlDataSource.Update() Instruction

May 29, 2007

Hi, I have such a problem:I try to update (or insert) a row in my table and i fail althought i,ve read many posts here. created a button and "on_click" event to this button and want that event to update or insert a record in my table. I wrote: protected void selectButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        String taskID = projectsGridView.SelectedRow.Cells[0].Text;        usersSqlDataSource.UpdateCommand = "update [Users] set [TaskID]=@task where [UserID]=1";        usersSqlDataSource.UpdateParameters.Add("task", taskID);        usersSqlDataSource.Update();    }  The application creates error in the last line of code (usersSqlDataSource.Update();) and i receive such an error:You have specified that your update command compares all values on SqlDataSource 'usersSqlDataSource', but the dictionary passed in for oldValues is empty. Pass in a valid dictionary for update or change your mode to OverwriteChanges. For me it looks like there is a problem while setting parameters. Shall i change some properties of the sqlDataSource or GridView? Please help..    

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OLE DB Destination Fails With Illegal Instruction

Jul 26, 2006

Environment: Server Windows 2003 SP1, VS 2005

I ran into this problem trying to deploy an SSIS package to a development server. I tested by creating a simple SSIS package on the server itself. Two blocks an OLE DB Source block and an OLE DB Destination block. Two tables in the same database, one the source, the other the destination. Connection manager test connection works fine.

Package will execute from the IDE (locally on the development server), source block will read the table subcessfully, but when the destination block executes it fails and will stay yellow in the status screen. during the execution SQLDumper.exe is triggered. Analyzing the dump tells me:

(2b40.2938): Illegal instruction - code c000001d (first/second chance not available)
eax=04008010 ebx=00000004 ecx=00000010 edx=00000000 esi=00000940 edi=00000000
eip=7c82ed54 esp=0422f598 ebp=0422f608 iopl=0 nv up ei ng nz ac po cy
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000297

An illegal instruction was hit.

This error exists when the destination block is either an OLE DB Destinaltion or a SQL Server Destination block and the SSIS application is executing locally.

Strangely enough if I run this same SSIS application from my development laptop it works fine against either my local datbase instance (on the laptop) or against the development server (App running on laptop, DB on development server).

I have scanned the forums and search engines for this type of error, so any assistance would be appreciated.


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Oct 10, 2006

What is merge?when I update the row on SQLMobile(Subscription) is it Publication will updates too?

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SQLMobile And &Ñ

Jun 30, 2007

I have a problem with the character Ñ:

Insert Into XXX (Cmp1) Values( 'XXXXÑXXX')

But save: XXXXXXX

without the Ñ

Help ..

I use Compact Net Framework 2 y SQL Mobile


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SQLMobile Install Help

May 20, 2006

hi -- I installed SQLServer Mobile SDK several months ago and was able to use the system with VS2005 and a PPC. Somewhat later I installed SQL2005 and shortly after uninstalled SQLMobile SDK. I've had to go back and fix the project I wrote with SQL Mobile and I went to install it again. It installed fine, but the SQL Mobile provider was not available in the dialog for "client choices" when i went to configure the Data Connection.

The lack of a provider then corrupted my xsd file. Is there a way to manually install the SQL Mobile provider (or fix the install?) I've uninstalled and reinstalled the SDK a couple times.


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SQLMobile 2005 IIS 5.1 Problems

Sep 1, 2006

I've installed SQL Server 2005 mobile server tools. Then using the synchronization wizar, i set up a virtual directory on my iis 5.1 (running windows xp).

To test the installation i´ve opened an IE windows, then http://localhost/sqlceremote/sqlcesa30.dll. I get always the same message: "interal server error".

Then i look into the event log and found an IIS WARNING entry saying (in spanish)

"El servidor no pudo cargar la aplicación '/LM/W3SVC/1/root/sqlceremote'. Error 'Interfaz no compatible

-> incompatible interace

I can´t find the way to make this work. Any help?

It may be important to say that i have installed an SQL 2005 express edition instance that is not a default instance becouse i also have an MSDE on the same machine.


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Limited Number Of Connections To SQLMobile?

May 5, 2006

Using System.Data.SqlClient is there a limit to the number of connections an application can have to a SQLMobile dB?

you have a look at the url below, it says "A device can only have a
small number of connections to an instance of SQL Server at any time"

Does this mean 2, or 8 or what?
Should a app try to use only 1 connection throughout, or can we get away with 2-3?
Is this the same on WM5.0/PPP2003?

Any advice in this area much appreciated!

p.s. I'm not interested in connection pooling!

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SQLMobile Replication To SQL Server 05 64bit

May 2, 2006

I am looking at buying a new database server to run SQL Server 2005. I want to get 64 bit server, windows standard 64 and SQL Server 64. I already have an app I created that uses SQLMobile on a Windows Mobile 5.0 device. Will I be able to run this app if I move to the 64 bit or am I better off just staying 32 bit?

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Subscription Failing In Wizzard Foe SQLMobile ?

Dec 15, 2006


Need a little help on this one....

Using SQL Server 2005 and attempting to create the SQL Mobile CE example Publication and Subcripion.  I was able to successfully create the publication on the main server engine but when trying to complete the wizzard for the SQL CE Database subscription I receive an error.

The Subscription fails using the wizzard with the following credentials:

Publisher: LAPTOP

PublisherDatabase: SQLMobile

Publication: SQLMobile

Subscriber: SQLMobile


InternetUrl: http://localhost/SQLMobile

Web Server Authentication: Anonymous

PublisherSecurityMode: Windows Authentication

I have also created the Snapshot folder that is shared.

Here is the error I get when click Finish in the wizzard to create the Subscription:

- Synchronizing Data (Error)

MessagesAn incorrect or unsupported HTTP function call was made.
HRESULT 0x80004005 (28017)

The operation could not be completed.

PLEASE HELP....I Exausted all my attempts !

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