I'm currently have a problem with a query using a top clause. When I run it by itself as a single query, I have no problems and the results are valid. However, if I try duplicate the query after a union clause, the order by ... desc doesn't order properly.
The following is the query I'm using along with the results. Then I'll have the query I was trying to unite and the results (date ranges selected were the same in both):
select top 1 (s.ldate), v.mdtid, po.odometer, pi.odometer, (pi.odometer-po.odometer) as 'Total Miles'
from EventStrings ES
JOIN schedules s
ON ES.SchId=S.SchId
JOIN vehicles v
ON v.vehicleid=es.vehicleid
JOIN Events PO
ON PO.schid=es.schid
AND po.activity=4
JOIN Events PI
ON PI.schid=es.schid
AND pi.activity=3
WHERE es.providerid in (0,1,4)
and s.ldate>=?
and s.ldate<=?
and v.mdtid=20411
order by s.ldate desc
DATE MDT IDPU Odometer DO Odometer Total Miles
12/6/2007 2041112810.6 12874.5 63.9
QUERY 2 (with Union)
select top 1 (s.ldate), v.mdtid, po.odometer, pi.odometer, (pi.odometer-po.odometer) as 'Total Miles'
from EventStrings ES
JOIN schedules s
ON ES.SchId=S.SchId
JOIN vehicles v
ON v.vehicleid=es.vehicleid
JOIN Events PO
ON PO.schid=es.schid
AND po.activity=4
JOIN Events PI
ON PI.schid=es.schid
AND pi.activity=3
WHERE es.providerid in (0,1,4)
and s.ldate>=[From Date,Date]
and s.ldate<=[To Date,Date]
and v.mdtid=20411
select top 1 (s.ldate), v.mdtid, po.odometer, pi.odometer, (pi.odometer-po.odometer) as 'Total Miles'
from EventStrings ES
JOIN schedules s
ON ES.SchId=S.SchId
JOIN vehicles v
ON v.vehicleid=es.vehicleid
JOIN Events PO
ON PO.schid=es.schid
AND po.activity=4
JOIN Events PI
ON PI.schid=es.schid
AND pi.activity=3
WHERE es.providerid in (0,1,4)
and s.ldate>=?
and s.ldate<=?
and v.mdtid=2642
order by s.ldate desc
DATE MDT ID PU OdometerDO Odometer Total Miles
4/10/2007 20411 1207.21252.5 45.3
1/2/2007 2642 193652.6193817 164.4
As you can see, the results are sorted very differently. Is there any way to have the order by apply to both queries?
I have a quite big SQL query which would be nice to be used using UNION betweern two Select and Where clauses. I noticed that if both Select clauses have Where part between UNION other is ignored. How can I prevent this?
I found a article in StackOverflow saying that if UNION has e.g. two Selects with Where conditions other one will not work. [URL] ....
I have installed SQL Server 2014 and I tried to use tricks mentioned in StackOverflow's article but couldn't succeeded.
Any example how to write two Selects with own Where clauses and those Selects are joined with UNION?
I have created view by jaoining two table and have order by clause.
The sql generated is as follows
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.UWYearDetail.*, dbo.UWYearGroup.* FROM dbo.UWYearDetail INNER JOIN dbo.UWYearGroup ON dbo.UWYearDetail.UWYearGroupId = dbo.UWYearGroup.UWYearGroupId ORDER BY dbo.UWYearDetail.PlanVersionId, dbo.UWYearGroup.UWFinancialPlanSegmentId, dbo.UWYearGroup.UWYear, dbo.UWYearGroup.MandDFlag, dbo.UWYearGroup.EarningsMethod, dbo.UWYearGroup.EffectiveMonth
If I run sql the results are displayed in proper order but the view only order by first item in order by clause.
Has somebody experience same thing? How to fix this issue?
insert into test_sort values('Non-A'); insert into test_sort values('Non-O'); insert into test_sort values('Noni'); insert into test_sort values('Nons');
then execute the following selects: select * from test_sort order by cast( 1 as nvarchar(75));
select * from test_sort order by cast( description as nvarchar(75));
I have 2 tables(Customer,Staff) with the same column name 'email'. I would like to join both tables together where email="xxx@xx.com" to check if email exist already in the database. I have tried
Code: Select email from (select email from staff union select email from customer) as 'CombinedEmail' where email = 'xxx@xx.com'
But it does not work at all. Is there anything wrong with my codes?
Select employeeID as id, startDt as startDate from Table1 union all Select CustomerID as id, startDt as startDate from Table2 order by startDt
This works fine, unfortunately, my problem is I only want to display the first latest customer. In a Union All, how do i distinguish whether I'm ordering the table it is trying to union or the actual unioned table tiself?
For example, this does not work.
Select employeeID as id, startDt as startDate from Table1 union all Select top 1 CustomerID as id, startDt as startDate from Table2 order by startDt desc order by startDt
hello, I have 2 tables which contain a lot of articles, and they have same structure. what I want to do is that, select top 10 articles from each table and then union those records to another table, also I need to order these articles in desc order by their added date before i union them.
what I know is that for union sql phrase , there is only one order by is allowed, so how could I order those 2 tables before i union them.
I am having problems retrieving some data from a table,Tablename = "Magazine"ColumnsMagazineID MagazineName12 Times3 People4 National Geographic5 US6 Sports IllustratedI am trying to bind a dropdownlist in .net with the 4 newest magazinesand the empty magazine.SELECT TOP 1 MagazineID, MagazineName from MagazineUNIONSELECT TOP 4 MagazineID, MagazineName from MagazineOrder by MagazineName;The first part returns1,''The second part returns1,''2,'Times'3,'People'4,'National Geographic'Given the above data, how can I get the sql results to display5 'US'4 'National Geographic'3 'People'2 'Times'1 ''Essentially i need to do the followingSelect Top 1 MagazineID, MagazineName from Magazine Order by MagazineIDand add to itSelect Top 4 MagazineID, MagazineName from Magazine Order by MagazineIDdesc
Table1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- A C1 C2 C3 C4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- x 0 0 3 2 x 0 1 0 2 x 0 0 2 1 y 1 5 2 0
Table2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- A C1 C2 C3 C4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- x 0 0 1 4 y 1 0 3 1 y 1 2 0 0 y 0 0 5 1
select * from( select A,C1,C2,C3,C4 from Table1 group by A union select A,C1,C2,C3,C4 from Table2 group by A )as t
Result: -------------------------------------------------------------------- A C1 C2 C3 C4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- x 0 1 5 5 y 1 5 2 0 x 0 0 1 4 y 2 2 8 2
But i need the result like i.e grouped by column 'A' -------------------------------------------------------------------- A C1 C2 C3 C4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- x 0 1 6 9 y 3 7 10 2
select * from( select A,C1,C2,C3,C4 from Table1 group by A union select A,C1,C2,C3,C4 from Table2 group by A )as t group by A
The above query gives the following error [Error Code: 8120, SQL State: S1000] Column 't.C1' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
i have 2 selects:select * from view_veiculos where nome_marc like '%fiat%' and ano='2001'union select * from view_veiculos where nome_marc like '%fiat%'when i execute it on sql server, i get the following results:id 1 _______ ano 2004id 2 _______ ano 2001the row with ano 2004 is before the row with ano 2001the problem is that id like it to be ordered following the select order, which means that 2001 should be displayed before 2004,like that:id 1 _______ ano 2001id 2 _______ ano 2004all the results from the first select from the query need to be placed before the results from the second query.how can i make it ?thanks for all
I am trying to use dynamic ORDER BY with UNION in a stored procedure but I keep getting this error message:
ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if the statement contains a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator.
The ORDER BY works fine without the UNION, and the UNION works fine without the dynamic ORDER BY (just putting an ORDER BY works fine)
Here is the whole query in case this helps, thank you
SELECT leave_id, leave_type, annualLeave.from_date, convert(nvarchar(10), annualLeave.request_date, 103) as dated, convert(nvarchar(10), annualLeave.from_date, 103) as from_date, convert(nvarchar(10), annualLeave.to_date, 103) as to_date, annualLeave.canceled, annualLeave.working_days, staff.staff_name, Case WHEN annualLeave.canceled = 'True' THEN 'canceledPO' WHEN annualLeave.authorized_mng is not NUll AND annualLeave.authorized_hr is not Null THEN 'greenItem' ELSE '' END AS pendingStyle, Case WHEN annualLeave.canceled = 'True' THEN 'canceledPO' ELSE '' END AS historyStyle FROM annualLeave INNER JOIN staff ON annualLeave.staff = staff.staff_id WHERE staff.department like @Department and (@staffID is Null or annualLeave.staff = @StaffID) and (@Canceled is Null or annualLeave.canceled = @Canceled) and (@AuthorizedMng is Null or annualLeave.authorized_mng is Null) and (@AuthorizedHR is Null or annualLeave.authorized_hr is Null) and (@StartingDate is Null or annualLeave.from_date > @Startingdate) and (@IsPastLeave is Null or annualLeave.from_date < @IsPastLeave) and (@EndingDate is Null or annualLeave.to_date <= @EndingDate)
SELECT leave_id, leave_type, annualLeave.from_date, convert(nvarchar(10), annualLeave.request_date, 103) as dated, convert(nvarchar(10), annualLeave.from_date, 103) as from_date, convert(nvarchar(10), annualLeave.to_date, 103) as to_date, annualLeave.canceled, annualLeave.working_days, staff.staff_name, Case WHEN annualLeave.canceled = 'True' THEN 'canceledPO' WHEN annualLeave.authorized_mng is not NUll AND annualLeave.authorized_hr is not Null THEN 'greenItem' ELSE '' END AS pendingStyle, Case WHEN annualLeave.canceled = 'True' THEN 'canceledPO' ELSE '' END AS historyStyle FROM annualLeave INNER JOIN staff ON annualLeave.staff = staff.staff_id WHERE staff.department like @Department and (@staffID is Null or annualLeave.staff = @StaffID) and (@Canceled is Null or annualLeave.canceled = @Canceled) and (@AuthorizedMng is Null or annualLeave.authorized_mng is Null) and (@AuthorizedHR is Null or annualLeave.authorized_hr is Null) and annualLeave.leave_type like 'Leave in lieu' ORDER BY CASE @OrderDir WHEN 'ASC' THENannualLeave.from_date END ASC, CASE @OrderDir WHEN 'DESC' THEN annualLeave.from_date END DESC
I have the following query and for some reason when I try to run it, it tells me there is an incorrect syntax near the 'union' statement. Can you tell me what is wrong with this?
SELECT MDN, DATEPART(d,CallDate) as CallDate, DATEPART(hh,CallDate) as Hour, sum(ceiling((Cast(DurationSeconds as Decimal)/60))) as Minutes FROM VoiceCallDetailRecord WHERE DurationSeconds > 0 and CallDate >= '02/19/2007' and calldate < '03/19/2007' and COS = 3 AND (((CONVERT(varchar, CallDate, 108) Between '21:00:00' AND '23:59:59') OR (CONVERT(varchar, CallDate, 108) Between '00:00:00' AND '07:00:00')) OR DATEPART(weekday, CallDate) in (1,7)) and NOT (Left(Endpoint,3) IN ('011') or (Left(Endpoint,4) IN ('1340','1876','1868','1809', '1246','1242','1780','1403', '1250','1604','1807','1519', '1204','1506','1709','1867', '1902','1705','1613','1416', '1905','1902','1514','1450', '1418','1819','1306','1867'))) order BY DATEPART(d,CallDate), DATEPART(hh,CallDate), MDN UNION SELECT MDN, DATEPART(d,CallDate) as CallDate, DATEPART(hh,CallDate) as Hour, sum(ceiling((Cast(DurationSeconds as Decimal)/60))) as Minutes FROM ZeroChargeVCDRecord WHERE DurationSeconds > 0 and CallDate >= '02/19/2007' and calldate < '03/19/2007' and COS = 3 AND (((CONVERT(varchar, CallDate, 108) Between '21:00:00' AND '23:59:59') OR (CONVERT(varchar, CallDate, 108) Between '00:00:00' AND '07:00:00')) OR DATEPART(weekday, CallDate) in (1,7)) and NOT (Left(Endpoint,3) IN ('011') or (Left(Endpoint,4) IN ('1340','1876','1868','1809', '1246','1242','1780','1403', '1250','1604','1807','1519', '1204','1506','1709','1867', '1902','1705','1613','1416', '1905','1902','1514','1450', '1418','1819','1306','1867'))) order BY DATEPART(d,CallDate), DATEPART(hh,CallDate), MDN
SELECT *FROM tblCountryWHERE Country_Id = 26UNION ALLSELECT *FROM tblCountryWHERE Country_Id <26--order by country_Namei need to select country_id =26 and then the rest i want them ordered byname.if i put order by country_name, the country_id 26 isn't displayed as thefirst one.is there anyway to apply the order by only to the second select not thewhole?*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***
All,I've seen several posts regarding using UNION or UNION ALL to mashtogether two or more resultsets into a single result set, but can'tseem to find enough info here to help me answer my particularquestion.I have a stored procedure that gets the column names in a particularformat (i.e. "chassis_id"|"chassis_description"|"modify_date") as wellas actual data for a given table (in a quote-separated, pipe-delimitedmanner i.e. "1"|"description for the chassis"|"2004-09-08").I'd like to get both of these resultsets and mash them together. Thisworks, but when I need to order the second resultset (i.e. select *from chassis order by chassis_id), SQL Server returns an errorcomplaining about the chassis_id column name (invalid column name'chassis_id') in the Order By clause.From what I can tell, I'm using the UNION and Order By in correctly,but I'm not sure exactly what's wrong with it. If I take out the OrderBy, everything works great. Although I would like to be able to ordermy second resultset (in the same sproc) if possible.The actual queries I'm running are actually quite long, but here's onethat's a bit shorter to help illustrate:SELECT '"app_group_id"|"app_group_name"|"create_date"|"create_by"|"modify_date"|"modify_by"'UNION ALLSELECT + ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar,app_group_id), '') + '|'+ SUBSTRING(RTRIM(LTRIM(CONVERT(varchar, 1))), 1,0)+ '"' + ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(1000), +REPLACE(CONVERT(nvarchar(4000),app_group_name), '"', '""')), '') +'"|'+ SUBSTRING(RTRIM(LTRIM(CONVERT(varchar, 2))), 1,0)FROM app_grouporder by app_group_idThank for any help on this./bc
I need to run two select statment on the same tabel and i Use Union to join the result comes from the first table with the one comes from the second one. but one i use order by union dose not work.
my question is : How Can i run the two select statment on the same table and join the results and order each select?
my queries: Select ProductID,ProductSerial,ProductDate Where productID = @ProductID Order by ProductID
Union Select ProductID,ProductSerial,ProductDate Where productID = @ProductID Order by ProductID
I have the following UNION ALL statement that is my attempt to gather data for the past 5 weekdays (adding a "dummy" row for today's data).
I want the final output to end up in descending order, so for today, I would want today first, then Tuesday, then Monday, then Friday, then Thursday (provided there is data for each sequential day - if not, you get the idea, I want to select back to get the latest 5 days, most recent to oldest).
This select fails, because it doesn't like the ORDER BY in the subqueryselect CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, GETDATE()) = 'Monday' THEN 'MON' WHEN DATENAME(dw, GETDATE()) = 'Tuesday' THEN 'TUES' WHEN DATENAME(dw, GETDATE()) = 'Wednesday' THEN 'WED' WHEN DATENAME(dw, GETDATE()) = 'Thursday' THEN 'THUR' WHEN DATENAME(dw, GETDATE()) = 'Friday' THEN 'FRI' END AS Dow, 'N/A' AS Freight UNION ALL (select top 4 CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, [OrderDate]) = 'Monday' THEN 'MON' WHEN DATENAME(dw, [OrderDate]) = 'Tuesday' THEN 'TUES' WHEN DATENAME(dw, [OrderDate]) = 'Wednesday' THEN 'WED' WHEN DATENAME(dw, [OrderDate]) = 'Thursday' THEN 'THUR' WHEN DATENAME(dw, [OrderDate]) = 'Friday' THEN 'FRI' END as DOW, CAST(CONVERT(int, (Freight * 100)) as VARCHAR(10)) as Freight from Northwind.dbo.orders where employeeid = 9 order by [OrderDate] desc )
I know you can't use an ORDER BY in a subquery, UNLESS the subquery also uses a TOP n (which this one does)...but does anyone know why this isn't liking my code?
I got the select to work the way I want it to by doing the following (really UGLY) code...SELECT U.DOW, U.Freight FROM ((select GETDATE() as [OrderDate], CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, GETDATE()) = 'Monday' THEN 'MON' WHEN DATENAME(dw, GETDATE()) = 'Tuesday' THEN 'TUES' WHEN DATENAME(dw, GETDATE()) = 'Wednesday' THEN 'WED' WHEN DATENAME(dw, GETDATE()) = 'Thursday' THEN 'THUR' WHEN DATENAME(dw, GETDATE()) = 'Friday' THEN 'FRI' END AS Dow, 'N/A' AS Freight ) UNION ALL (select h.OrderDate as [OrderDate], h.DOW, h.Freight FROM (select top 4 [OrderDate] as [OrderDate], CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, [OrderDate]) = 'Monday' THEN 'MON' WHEN DATENAME(dw, [OrderDate]) = 'Tuesday' THEN 'TUES' WHEN DATENAME(dw, [OrderDate]) = 'Wednesday' THEN 'WED' WHEN DATENAME(dw, [OrderDate]) = 'Thursday' THEN 'THUR' WHEN DATENAME(dw, [OrderDate]) = 'Friday' THEN 'FRI' END as DOW, CAST(CONVERT(int, (Freight * 100)) as VARCHAR(10)) as Freight from Northwind.dbo.orders where employeeid = 9 order by [OrderDate] desc ) H)) U order by OrderDate descbut am still confounded about why my original sub-select is rejected with such impunity.
My confusion seems likely related to understanding the set theory or basic concepts of the building of the select/Union rather than the way I am using the ORDER BY syntax, but I just can't seem to explain it to myself.
This query works perfectly and orders by just as I need
Code: Select '1st' As [Type], #Uno.ID #Uno.Address, #Uno.shippingInfo FROM #Uno
[Code] ....
However, when I use it in a Union All so I can pull data from 2 diff tables, the order by statement no longer works. How can I order by data in 2 tables?
Code: Select '1st' As [Type], #Uno.ID #Uno.Address, #Uno.shippingInfo FROM #Uno
I'm trying to write a UNION statement with 2 selects and can't figure out for the life of me how to do it.
select top 10 * from tblusers ORDER BY dateJoined UNION select top 10 * from tblusers ORDER BY lastLogin
The union works fine without the order by's, but I really need the order by's in there and I don't understand why its so difficult to do. Surely there must be some other strategy?
I am trying to combine 2 queries, each with their own 'order by' and I am having trouble.
This is just an example, not what I'm trying to do, my query is more elaberate but looks simular to this.
SELECT TOP 10 *, 'FieldA' AS SortedBy FROM TableA Order By FieldA Desc UNION ALL SELECT TOP 10 Precent *, 'FieldB' AS SortedBy FROM TableA Order By FieldB Asc
Anyway not to get the following error? Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 34 Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'UNION'.
Hi, Can anyone help as to how to get this to work? dbo.parseInt is a Function which sorts Alpha Numerically. If I removed the top part of the UNION, the Procedure works fine.
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.ByJobNoAlphaNumeric as SELECT 0 AS JobID, '<All Jobs>' AS JobNo UNION SELECT JobID, JobNo FROM tbl ORDER BY dbo.parseInt(JobNo)
i have the following union statement, which works like a charm:SELECT [Name], [EventID] AS [ItemID], [TourID], [Date], NULL AS [StartDate], [Date] AS [SortDate], [Type] FROM [Events] WHERE [TourID] IS NULL AND AccessLevel <= @AuthenticationLevel UNION SELECT [Name], [TourID] AS [ItemID], [TourID], NULL AS [Date], [StartDate], [StartDate] AS [SortDate], '2' AS [Type] FROM [Tours]WHERE AccessLevel <= @AuthenticationLevel ORDER BY [SortDate]
now i want to ad a limit to this statement, but i can't get it working. i have tried this:SELECT * FROM (SELECT [Name], [EventID] AS [ItemID], [TourID], [Date], NULL AS [StartDate], [Date] AS [SortDate], [Type] FROM [Events] WHERE [TourID] IS NULL AND AccessLevel <= @AuthenticationLevel UNION SELECT [Name], [TourID] AS [ItemID], [TourID], NULL AS [Date], [StartDate], [StartDate] AS [SortDate], '2' AS [Type] FROM [Tours]WHERE AccessLevel <= @AuthenticationLevel) ORDER BY [SortDate] LIMIT 2 but i keep getting an error message saying "Incorrect syntax near the keyword "ORDER". what am i doing wrong?
I'm trying to get the results from three different tables, where they have some of the same results. I'm only interested in where they match and then trying to order by date (that's in three columns - M, D, Y). I read previous post in 9/07 but the result doesn't seem to order correctly. It does not have any rhyme or reason to the outputed results as it bounces back and forth through Oct, Nov and Dec posting and throughout all three tables. Here's my query below. Any ideas how I can get my ordering correct for all three tables to display all Oct, all Nov and all Dec?
Thanks so much
select date3, date2, date1, who, what from ( select date3, date2, date1, who, what from shows union select date3, date2, date1, who, what from shares union select date3, date2, date1, who, what from soiree ) a order by date3, date2, date1
I also want to order by date but when I do that it doesn't order correctly because of the conversion to char data type (for example, it puts 6/15/05 before 9/22/04 because it only looks at the first number(s) and not the year). If I try to cast it back to smalldatetime in the order by clause it tells me that ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if the statement contains a UNION operator. I get the same message if I try putting just "r.RRDate" in the ORDER BY clause. It's not that big of a deal - I can lose the formatting on the date if I need to to get it to sort correctly, but this query gets used frequently and I'd like to keep the formatting if possible.
The ORDER BY clause can include items that do not appear in the select list. However, if SELECT DISTINCT is specified, or if the statement contains a GROUP BY clause, or if the SELECT statement contains a UNION operator, the sort columns must appear in the select list.
If I use the order by clause to sort on a date, where the date andtime stamp are the exact same for multiple records, how does SQLoutput the data?At random... or does it look at the primary key?
Hello,Ive got a column which stores integers ranging from 0-200. I need to order them so that 1 is first, and 0 is last like 1,2,2,3,4,6,8....98....0,0,0My Order By clause statement looks like 'ORDER BY column_name', but obviously this will put the '0' records at the top. Is there a way around this?Thanks, Curt.