Top Not Getting Supported In Sqlserver2000

Nov 10, 2007


I have  created the below procedure in SQL SERVER 2005.

But when I copy out the same in SQL SERVER 2000. I get an error at the underlined place. It says

Line 32: Incorrect syntax near '('.

 ALTER procedure [dbo].[VTELcardvalidation1]

@CardValue1 int,

@CardValue2 int,

@CardValue3 int,@Result nvarchar(50)output



declare @CrdPinNo varchar(100)

declare @CrdNo nvarchar(100)declare @count int

declare @inc int

declare @concat nvarchar(200)create table #temptable(crno nvarchar(50),pno nvarchar(50))


--First Card

--Change here

select @count=count(cardno) from vendorcardvalidation where cardvalue=1500 and flag=0if (@count)>@CardValue1


declare cur1 cursor forselect top(@CardValue1) pin,cardno from vendorcardvalidation where cardvalue=1500 and flag=0 order by cardno

open cur1fetch next from cur1 into @CrdPinNo,@CrdNo


beginupdate vendorcardvalidation set flag=1 where cardno=@CrdNo

insert into #temptable values(1500,@CrdPinNo)fetch next from cur1 into @CrdPinNo,@CrdNo

endclose cur1

deallocate cur1

set @Result='Success'end



set @Result='Failure'


select * from #temptable

drop table #temptable




It seems the the word 'top' will not be supported in sqlserver 2000. What should I do?






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UNABLE TO CONNECT TO SQLSERVER2000 FROM VS2005 .How To Enable Remote Connection On Sqlserver2000

Sep 10, 2007


iam having vs2005 installed on my machine and i also installed sqlserver2005 dev edition on my machine...Now iam devloping a Window Appplication in which I need to populate a grid from Sqlserver2000 (dev edition) which installed on remote (i.e another network)....when i try to run my application it gives me a error tht "Unable to connect to sqlserver2005".actaully i specified in my connection string to connect to Sqlserver2000 on the remote machine.

I feel to know how to enable remote connection on Sqlserver 2000.So tht i can access this sqlserver2000 from another machine

With regards

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SQLServer2000 Vs ADO VB6

Aug 4, 2004

Hi, I have a little question regarding
SQLServer2000 vs ADO of Visual Basic 6

In a code snipplet a have something like:


Set rec_tmp = Conn1.Execute("SELECT * FROM IDENTIFICATIONS;")


and whe VB tries to execute the line with the
DELETE sentence the Err object says something like:
"cannot create a new connection because you are in
distributed or manual transaction mode"

However, if I remove the line that executes the sentence
SELECT * FROM IDENTIFICATIONS the error never shows up.
Seems like I canīt execute a SELECT before a DELETE/UPDATE
even if I execute the SELECT in some other table.
Iīve tried changing the IsolationLevel, Mode and Cursor
Location properties and the error always occurs.
Furthermore, I tried putting the SELECT out of the
transaction and the error continues showing up.

Why does this occurs? Is there a way to solve it?

NOTE: I need forcely to execute that SELECT before the DELETE.

Thanks for the time

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SQLServer2000 Vs ADO VB6

Aug 4, 2004

Hi, I have a little question regarding
SQLServer2000 vs ADO of Visual Basic 6

In a code snipplet a have something like:


Set rec_tmp = Conn1.Execute("SELECT * FROM IDENTIFICATIONS;")


and whe VB tries to execute the line with the
DELETE sentence the Err object says something like:
"cannot create a new connection because you are in
distributed or manual transaction mode"

However, if I remove the line that executes the sentence
SELECT * FROM IDENTIFICATIONS the error never shows up.
Seems like I canīt execute a SELECT before a DELETE/UPDATE
even if I execute the SELECT in some other table.
Iīve tried changing the IsolationLevel, Mode and Cursor
Location properties and the error always occurs.
Furthermore, I tried putting the SELECT out of the
transaction and the error continues showing up.

Why does this occurs? Is there a way to solve it?

NOTE: I need forcely to execute that SELECT before the DELETE.

Thanks for the time

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In Sqlserver2000 Date ?

Oct 11, 2006

date(m/dd/yyyy)9/18/2006 In this above table i want to select only the month in this format Sep 2006 . How to do that ?  

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Cannot Connect To SQLServer2000

Jul 3, 2007

Hello everyone,My project ( and sqlserver2000) is working fine in my intranet. But sometime, it cannot connect to sqlserver, it shows "SQLServer does not exists or access denied". If I restart my dbserver and webserver, then it again works fine.Please give me a solution.

View 1 Replies View Related Queries With Sqlserver2000

Oct 2, 2005

Sir,i am running .net1.1 on my system with sqlserver as my database.I am devaloping an e-trading project in ASP.NET with problem is that,I am not getting the correct syntax to query the database with SELECT(with WHERE clause)in help me.

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Groups In SQLServer2000

Jan 31, 2002

I would like to create groups in SQLServer2000.Do i need to do this by roles or can i create groups for each database.I read some where that there where
no groups for SQLServer7.0. Is this option available for the latest versions.
Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.

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SQLServer2000- Audit - ALL

Jun 23, 2006

I turned the Audit ALL option on SQLServer instance "security" tab and restarted the SQLServer but do not see any information logged in SQLServer Logs though I tried to access databases and logged in a couple of times through Query Analyzer. Why is that no logging happened and how can I get this fixed?

Any help is appreciated.


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Handling Errors In Sps In Sqlserver2000

Feb 11, 2008

I wrote a sp in sqlserver2000 and sp consists of 1 input parameter of type datetime and everything is working fine but if i pass the argument of invalid date format it is giving error.Is there any way to handle errors in sps and even if i give invalid format it should not raise errors.Pls reply as early as possible.

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Adding Users SqlServer2000

Oct 7, 2004

More of a SQL Server problem than a ASP one but hope you can help me :)

Im tryin to do my first data based application using and silly me I forgot to add users when I created then database so now Visual Studio can't access it.

Can someone tell me the syntax to add/create a user to MSSQL database so I can then grant them privelidges to the tables.

thanks very much


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Failure In Connection To SQLserver2000

May 12, 2004

hi all,
my problem is failure in the connection to SQLserver2000 remotly( to city a) by enterprise manager or query analyzer via windows authentication ( this error appears "login failed for (domain/user)" ),while no problems happened in the connection when i would to connect to other servers at other locations(to cities b,c) via windows authentication.

note that i can access to (city a)server via sql server authentication , but i want to access to this server(city a) via windows authenication as the other locations because this authentication mode is policy of our system, and note also that persons in city b can access to all servers (city a,c) via windows authenication .


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File Extension For Sqlserver2000

Oct 25, 2006


If access database has an extension of .mdb then what is sqlserver2000 file extension?

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Optimizations Job Failure - SQLServer2000

Jun 30, 2004

Hi all,
I created a database maintenance plan with backup + transsactionlog backup+optimizations. The first two jobs work fine but the Optimizations job is failing with error:
sqlmaint.exe failed. SQLSTATE 42000, Error: 22029. The step failed.

User is admin on local box and "sysadmin" in db server role. Any suggestions to resolve this?


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Enterprise Manager SQLServer2000

Jul 16, 2004

When I click on Enterprise manager->Database this is the error I am getting:
A runtime error has occurred. Do you wish to debug. Line 306 Error: unspecified error. Yes/No

This is happening on user databases only not the SQL standard dbs; pubs,master,northwind.

How can I fix this?

Thanks for any help.

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Error On Win98 And Sqlserver2000

Aug 23, 2006

Wilson writes "Hi, I have Sql Server 2000 on win98, i can't retrieve any data. Instead, it shows an error, says that some files is missing or is not registered.

the mssql was reinstalled and it's goin then same.

what could be the problem? what could be the solution?"

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Indexing Newbie - SQLServer2000

Jan 8, 2008

Hi All,

I understand I can use Index tuning Wizard to index a DB. I understand as well I have to feed it with a workload file, which is a collection of queries. I do have a limited number of stored procedure (150-200 in total) being constanlty executed against this DB (around 700MB).

Can I generate a workload file with these storedprocedures optimizing so the DB for their execution?
If yes, how? can someone point out some good tutorial about this?

Any help would be much appreciated,


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SqlServer2000: Autonumbering Records - How To ?

Jul 23, 2005

I created table with "id" field as "uniqueidentifier" (primary key).I connect via ODBC from MS-Acces.-->>> Don't know how to something like "Autonumber" in MS-Access.Let me know If any trigger or something like this is required.Please post some code of trigger if need.Until now I have only developed some native MS-Accessdatabases. I hope there is some solution about "Autonumbering records"in SQLServer.SqlServer 2000, Access Xp.Marek Bąbski

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How To Encrypt Database In SQLServer2000, Please Help Me, Thanks

Dec 26, 2005

I have 2 questions:

1. How to encrypt data of database in SQL Server 2000 ? Someone can't see true data

if without password or something else.

2. If i have 2 database . All of them have same table, structure, ....How to update or insert or change in the second database when i update or insert or change in the first database automatically ?

Thank you very much.

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Upgrade To Sqlserver2005 From Sqlserver2000

Dec 18, 2007

There is no prompt ' UPGRADE' when I install SqlServer2005
Also check select @@version after installed
Still be 'Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.194 (Intel X86) Aug 6 2000 00:57:48 Copyright (c) 1988-2000 Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2) '
Why does this happened?
OS is Windows2003 Server

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2-way Merge Replication(PDA&&<-&&>SqlServer2000)

Apr 19, 2007

I am working on Windows mobile platform using C#. I am using Merge Replication to do synchronization between SQL Server2000 and SQL Server 2005 Mobile edition and t is working fine.

The Server Tables are copied in the Client DB. It works fine with one way, i.e., server pushing data to Client Database (in PDA), but when i tried to update from PDA database, server keeps over writting PDA databse.

The requirement is that before adding our PDA database as subscriber,there are some tables with same name and structure as in Server with some records. After that i added it as subscriber and sycnchronized.The tables in the server are going to overwrite the records in PDA. My requirement is to not overrite the records but it should update the existing table.

Is it possible....Can Any one Help meeeeeeeeeeeee plzzzzzzzzzz.

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How Can I Connect To Sqlserver2000 From Sqlserver2005

Sep 11, 2007

Can any1 tell me how to connect to Sqlserver2000 from sqlserver2005 ...I cant see sqlserver2000 instance name when i try to search in database engine

With regards

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Error In Connecting To The Databse(sqlserver2000)

Apr 7, 2008

hiam working with VS2005(asp,c#),sql server2000.
i uploaded my application to the webserver.when i try to interact with database in my is giving error
error:An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 25 - Connection string is not valid)
actually am using   sqlserver2000,but it is giving error regarding can i resolve this.
my web.config settings are like this.. 
<?xml version="1.0"?><!--
Note: As an alternative to hand editing this file you can use the
web admin tool to configure settings for your application. Use
the Website->Asp.Net Configuration option in Visual Studio.
A full list of settings and comments can be found in
machine.config.comments usually located in
<add key="cn" value="User ID=redot;Password=redot;Data Source=;Initial Catalog=redot" />
 <!--<add name="redotConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=REDOT;Initial Catalog=redot;Integrated Security=SSPI" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>-->
 <!--<add key="smtpServer" value="" />-->
<!--<remove name="LocalSqlServer"/>--><!--<add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=;Initial Catalog=redot;User ID=redot; Password=redot"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />-->
<add name="redotConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=;Initial Catalog=redot;User ID=redot;Password=redot"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<add name="redotConnectionString1" connectionString="Data Source=;Initial Catalog=redot;User ID=redot;Password=redot"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<add name="redotConnectionString2" connectionString="Data Source=;Initial Catalog=redot;User ID=redot;Password=redot"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<add name="redotConnectionString3" connectionString="Data Source=;Initial Catalog=redot;User ID=redot;Password=redot"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<add name="redotConnectionString4" connectionString="Data Source=;Initial Catalog=redot;User ID=redot;Password=redot"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<add name="redotConnectionString5" connectionString="Data Source=;Initial Catalog=redot;User ID=redot;Password=redot"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<add name="redotConnectionString6" connectionString="Data Source=;Initial Catalog=redot;User ID=redot;Password=redot"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<add name="redotConnectionString7" connectionString="Data Source=;Initial Catalog=redot;User ID=redot;Password=redot"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<add name="redotConnectionString8" connectionString="Data Source=;Initial Catalog=redot;User ID=redot;Password=redot"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<add name="redotConnectionString9" connectionString="Data Source=;Initial Catalog=redot;User ID=redot;Password=redot"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<add name="redotConnectionString10" connectionString="Data Source=;Initial Catalog=redot;User ID=redot;Password=redot"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
sqlConnectionString="data source=;User ID=redot;Password=redot;Trusted_Connection=True"cookieless="false" timeout="60"
<compilation debug="true" />
The <authentication> section enables configuration
of the security authentication mode used by
ASP.NET to identify an incoming user. -->
 <!--<customErrors mode="Off"></customErrors>-->
<!--<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="error.aspx"/>--><!--<error statusCode="403" redirect="NoAccess.htm" />
<error statusCode="404" redirect="FileNotFound.htm" />-->
 <customErrors defaultRedirect="" mode="On">
 <error statusCode="404" redirect="filenotfound.htm" />
<smtp><network host="" port="25" />
<!--password="123456" userName="redot"--></smtp>
can anyone help me ASAP ..pls

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Can Install MS SQLServer2000 On Win2k Profestional?

Aug 13, 2004

I only can install client-side of SQLServer2000 on Win2kProfestional
But i need to set up server-side, so can i?

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How To Tranfer Excel Data To Sqlserver2000 ?

Sep 29, 2005

In our project we r having a task such that to convert the excel data to sqlserver2000 . what is the procedure ? (Bulk amount of data )

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Dataset.fill Error In Sqlserver2000 + 2.0

Jun 12, 2006

Hi,I am unable to load data in dataset via sqlconncetion object. Always i get error at ds.fill.Thanks in advance. PLS Help.Sudipta Datta 

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Problems With Groups On Windows Nt4 Ws And Sqlserver2000

Oct 11, 2002

Hi, i had installed on a lan, sql server 2000 (administrative and client tools) on workstations with windows nt4 ws.
The problem is that i shouldnīt give users permissions of "local administrator".

If I give them permissions of only "local users" they canīt start sql services, but they can start the enterprise manager.

If I give them permissions of "advanced users" they can start sql services, but they canīt start the enterprise manager.

What can i do for this to work well, without give them manager rights?

Thank you.

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Disaster Recovery Site In SQLSERVER2000

Mar 5, 2004

I want to setup disaster recovery site for small databases from disffrent data centre.Which method would be good and from where I will get some good stuffs to read except online documents?

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SQLServer2000 - System Admin Problem

Jun 9, 2004


I have SQLServer20000 Enterprise Manager-Version 8.00 and Microsoft Enterprise Manager - V 2.0 Version 5.1 Service Pack 1 and SQL 8.00.760. A "user" owns the database and when I have the user logged to SQL Query Analyzer ( with user and pwd)
When enable Fixed server role as system administrator for that user (owns db)
select * from table1 says that the table does not exist
select * from "owner".table1 gives the records.
When enable fixed server role as security administrator for that user ( owns db)
select * from table1 outputs records
select * from owner.table1 outputs records.
If I have both system administrator and security administrator checked for the user the scenario is like "system administrator" where select statement outputs records only if owner is included in the statement.

When system administrator is the highest role why does it behave this way?

Any help is appreciated.


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SQLServer2000 - Error Logs Change Loc

Jun 14, 2004

The SqlServer2000 error logs go to Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMssqlLog directory by default.

How can I change their location. I could change SqlServerAgent logs but did not find any help or way to change the location of these. Would anyone please help?


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SQLServer2000-User Last Login Info

Jun 22, 2006

I want to be able to see the last login for every user, even if it was
before today in any user database combinedly listing all. Tried to query master..sysprocesses but the last_login or last_batch shows just for today. Can someone help with code or table query how to get this information. Auditors want to see when any user has last logged into any database. Any help is appreciated

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Not Able To Save Existing DTS Package In Sqlserver2000

Jun 19, 2007

I have a dts package created by different user. Now If i want to modify and save the dts package it wont allow me to do that.
I get error message.
"Only onwner of DTS package "PackageName" or a member of sysadmin role can save the package".

I can do save as with different name. But i want to use the same package.
Please help


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Failed To Install Sqlserver2000 W/out Error Msg

Mar 26, 2008

hi... i need help.
i tried to install sql server 2000 on my laptop (WinXP os) and when i reach the form where im supposed to click "Install Database Server", the next form after clicking "Install Database Server" wont show, and there are no error messages. I tried everything i could but it didnt work. My last choice is to format my computer - but i dont want to do that.

there are two processes running on the background that has SQL in its name - SETUPSQL.EXE and SQLSTP.EXE. I think this shows that the setup is still running.

i need help asap please, and i dont want to format my computer...

thanks in advance!

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