Tough 2 Year Comparison Sales Query

Dec 17, 2007

I'm developing a 2 year comparison rolling 12 month Sales report but am having problems with the query I'm using. Because I need to include every month (whether no sales or not) I have a calendar table named metaDates and each table gets outer joined as a result. (Forgive the long query) Please see below.

SELECT, Order_Line_Invoice.prodcatid, MetaDates.[Month], MetaDates.[Year], isNull(SUM(Order_Line_Invoice.Sales),0) AS Sales , SUM(Order_Line_Invoice.Cost) AS Cost,
( isNull(SUM(Order_Line_Invoice.Sales),0) - isNull(SUM(Order_Line_Invoice.Cost),0) )AS GM,
'Current 12 Months' AS yearNum
FROM MetaDates
LEFT OUTER JOIN Order_Line_Invoice ON (MetaDates.Date = Order_Line_Invoice.InvoiceDate AND (Order_Line_Invoice.prodcatid IN (@GroupByFieldFilter)) )
LEFT OUTER JOIN Customer ON (Order_Line_Invoice.CustId = Customer.CustId and IN (@country) )
LEFT OUTER JOIN Product ON (Order_Line_Invoice.ProdId = Product.ProdId)
WHERE (MetaDates.Date BETWEEN dateadd(m, datediff(m, 0, DATEADD(month,-11,@EndDate) ), 0) AND @EndDate)

GROUP BY MetaDates.[Year], MetaDates.[Month],, Order_Line_Invoice.prodcatid

SELECT, Order_Line_Invoice.prodcatid, MetaDates.[Month], MetaDates.[Year], isNull(SUM(Order_Line_Invoice.Sales),0) AS Sales , SUM(Order_Line_Invoice.Cost) AS Cost,
( isNull(SUM(Order_Line_Invoice.Sales),0) - isNull(SUM(Order_Line_Invoice.Cost),0) ) AS GM,
'Previous 12 Months' AS yearNum
FROM MetaDates
LEFT OUTER JOIN Order_Line_Invoice ON (MetaDates.Date = Order_Line_Invoice.InvoiceDate AND (Order_Line_Invoice.prodcatid IN (@GroupByFieldFilter)) )
LEFT OUTER JOIN Customer ON (Order_Line_Invoice.CustId = Customer.CustId and IN (@country) )
LEFT OUTER JOIN Product ON (Order_Line_Invoice.ProdId = Product.ProdId)
WHERE (MetaDates.Date BETWEEN dateadd(m, datediff(m, 0, DATEADD(month,-23,@EndDate) ), 0) AND dateadd(m, datediff(m, 0, DATEADD(month,-11,@EndDate) ), -1))

GROUP BY MetaDates.[Year], MetaDates.[Month],, Order_Line_Invoice.prodcatid
ORDER BY MetaDates.[Year], MetaDates.[Month]

That said the second outer join ( IN (@country)) never gets executed. It's really a simple concept. "Give me last 2 year sales by month (every previous and last month even if no sales) but only for the country the user is in"

Can someone help me out with this sql statement. Any help would be much appreciated.

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Report That Shows Customer And Total Sales Who Had Max Sales By Year?

Dec 9, 2014

I have the below data. I need to produce a report that shows customer and total sales who had the max sales by year.

Order ID Cust ID Year Sales
O1 C1 2000 100
O2 C1 2000 150
O1 C2 2000 50
O1 C1 2001 150
O2 C3 2001 200


Cust ID Year Sales
C1 2000 250
C3 2001 200

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Sales Report - Previous Year Stats In Same Query?

Aug 6, 2004


I am creating a sales report that needs to display Sales statistics for a selected month grouped by Material. Also, it needs to display the same stats for the selected month of the previous year. Finally, it needs to display Year To Date Statistics for the current year and previous year up to and including the selected month.

Currently, I am using 3 queries to do this. The first one gets the statistics the current month grouped by material. The others sprocs get their corresponding information by me passing in the material number and the month and doing the appropriate sum. So, essentially, for a single line of the report, 3 queries are being done. The problem arises in that sometimes there may be as many as 300 materils displayed in a given month, which amounts to alot of db activity and a long delay loading the report.

Is there anyway to get this information in one swoop using some fancy aggregation?


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Fiscal Year Totals - Calculating Sales By Month And Current Year

Sep 18, 2013

I have the following script that calculates Sales by month and current year.

We run a Fiscal year from April 1st thru March 31st.

So April 2012 sales are considered Fiscal Year 2013.

Is there a way I can alter this script to get Fiscal Year Totals?

select ClassificationId, YEAR(inv_dt) as Year, cus_no,
isnull(sum(case when month(inv_dt) = 4 then salesamt end),0) as 'Apr',
isnull(sum(case when month(inv_dt) = 5 then salesamt end),0) as 'May',
isnull(sum(case when month(inv_dt) = 6 then salesamt end),0) as 'Jun',
isnull(sum(case when month(inv_dt) = 7 then salesamt end),0) as 'Jul',

[Code] ....

Data returned looks like the following.

ClassificationID Year Cus_no Apr May June ....
100 2012 100 $23 $30 $400
100 2013 100 $40 $45 $600

What I would need is anything greater than or equal to April to show in the next years row.

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Reporting Services :: Calculate Sales Percentage Difference Between Selected Year And Previous Year In A Matrix

Mar 27, 2015

I'm trying to generate a report using matrix like this

Product     PreviousYearSalesAmount    SelectedYearSalesAmount      %SalesDifference

I can populate year sales amount, but i cant calculate the percentage.

Note: Month and Year are passed as parameters.

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Sales For Current Year To Previous Year

Oct 20, 2007


I wanted to find the ratio: (sales made for current year 2007 - sales made for previous year 2006)/sales made for previous year 2006.

so, the result should be something like this:

Year: Sales: %change in sales:
2005 100 10%
2006 200 20%
2007 300 30%

How do I write a query for this...??? so that i can plot this in a chart in SSRS.

somebody help me.

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MDX Question About Getting Year To Date Sales

Jun 8, 2004


I have 2 dimensions Time and Product....

If I stay at the Year level (say 2004), I get the Year To Date Sales for the selected Product(s)... However when I "zoom into" the Time dimension and select, say, Quarter 2, I get the Sales only for Quarter 2 of the selected Product(s). This is fine but at the same time I also want to see the Year To Date Sales of the selected Products. I hope my post is clear? Let me add a little example to clarify this further and will really appreciate your help:

Suppose I have selected ALL products and have selected Quarter 2 of 2004. I want the following results (Note it's really the YTD column that I am after):

Total Sales YTD Sales
----------- ----------
$ 50,000 $ 125,000

Again, I'll appreciate your help in writing the MDX for this.

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Transact SQL :: Calculate Rolling Year Sales?

Aug 19, 2015

I have 2 tables as follows:

table A-NewParts
product a


I want to get end result as sales for each new product for a rolling period from Launch date as year1 sales,year2 sales...and so on which I got through case statements.I am stuck on how to get the total Sales for all products (including new products) in the same rolling period based on the different launch dates for each new product.

Yr1 Sales
Total Yr1 Sales
Yr2 Sales
Total Yr2 Sales


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Month && Year Comparison

Oct 24, 2007

Hi,The problem here in hand is comparing the month & year ranges rather than the entire date. I am passing a start month and start year along with the end month and end year, now the query that i have written does not seem to be appropriateMy Query:MONTH(Date_Added) BETWEEN @StartMonth AND @EndMonthAND YEAR(Date_Added) BETWEEN @StartYear AND @EndYearFor some reason this works fine if i specify the startmonth as 1 and endmonth as 12, whereas if i specify 1 and 1 it doesnot work. Can anyone help me by refining my query so that i can search a particular date within mm/yyyy and mm/yyyy. Thanks in advance.Santosh   

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Variables And Grouping - Calculate Net Sales And Margin Percentage For Each Month Of Current Year

Mar 11, 2014

I need to calculate “NET_SALES” and “MARGIN_PERCENT” for each month of the current year … the following returns the same values for each month in the list, which are for the current month. Taking out the GROUP BY line works fine for an overall number.

January, 1246627.69, 24
February, 1246627.69, 24
March, 1246627.69, 24


,@Cost = sum(IL.COST)

[Code] .....

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Tough Query

Feb 13, 2004


I have a table with a couple of million rows. Each row as its datetime field spilt between numerous columns (year, month, day, hour... it's a datawarehouse fact table).

Here's what I'd like to do in a query:

If a value is missing (in the column value) it's set to -999. What I'd like to do is to set this column to the value of the hour before this one. For example, here's some data before and after an update:

01 31 21 33.5
01 31 22 -999
03 07 24 87.6
03 08 01 -999

01 31 21 33.5
01 31 22 33.5
03 07 24 87.6
03 08 01 87.6

Here's the complete design of my table
IDENT nvarchar 50
THEDATE datetime
SOURCE nvarchar 255

How can I do this?



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Tough Sql Query

Feb 18, 2006

I am going mad with this Query. I need to join 3 Tables. Their FormatsareVouchers[VoucherID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ,[VoucherTypeID] [int] NOT NULL ,[VoucherNo] [int] NULL ,[VoucherDate] [datetime] NOT NULL ,[VoucherNarration] [varchar] (255)CONSTRAINT [PK_Vouchers] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([VoucherID]) ON [PRIMARY]Ledgers[LedgerID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[LedgerName] [varchar] (50) COLLATECONSTRAINT [PK_Ledgers] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([LedgerID]) ON [PRIMARY]CREATE TABLE [Transactions] ([TransactionID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ,[VoucherID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL ,[ByTo] [char] (1)[LedgerID] [int] NOT NULL ,[Credit] [money] NOT NULL ,[Debit] [money] NOT NULL ,CONSTRAINT [PK_Transactions] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([TransactionID]) ON [PRIMARY] ,CONSTRAINT [FK_Transactions_Ledgers] FOREIGN KEY([LedgerID]) REFERENCES [Ledgers] ([LedgerID]),CONSTRAINT [FK_Transactions_Vouchers] FOREIGN KEY([VoucherID]) REFERENCES [Vouchers] ([VoucherID])) ON [PRIMARY]GOThe Required Output isID VoucherNo VoucherDate LedgerName Amount1 1 2001-09-03 Bank-1 2400.002 2 2001-09-03 Cash 600.003 3 2001-09-03 TAX A/C 0.004 4 2001-09-03 Bank-1 4000.005 5 2001-09-03 Bank-10.00But, I am getting More than One row from the transactions table. I justneed the first matching rowID VoucherNo VoucherDate LedgerName Amount1 1 2001-09-03 Bank-1 2400.002 2 2001-09-03 Cash 600.003 3 2001-09-03 TAX A/C 0.004 4 2001-09-03 Bank-1 4000.005 4 2001-09-03 Cash 400.006 5 2001-09-03 Bank-1 0.007 5 2001-09-03 Cash 5035.00The Query I am using isSELECTdbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherID,dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherNo,dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherDate,dbo.Ledgers.LedgerName,SUM(dbo.Transactions2001.Debit) AS AmountFROM dbo.Vouchers2001 INNER JOINdbo.Transactions2001ON dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherID =dbo.Transactions2001.VoucherID INNER JOINdbo.Ledgers ON dbo.Transactions2001.LedgerID =dbo.Ledgers.LedgerIDWHERE (dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherTypeID = 1)GROUP BY dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherID,dbo.Ledgers.LedgerName,dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherDate,dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherNo,dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherTypeIDORDER BY dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherID,dbo.Ledgers.LedgerName,dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherDate,dbo.Vouchers2001.VoucherNoPlz help Out*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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Tough Query?

Aug 5, 2006

The following data set is building inspection visits. It consists ofmultiple visits (2+) made to the same building on the same day.I want to get a list of visits made to the same building on the same day,but by different employees, and for different visit codes (eg records 5-6,or 9-11)Here's the table=====================================CREATE TABLE VISITS(VISITID NUMBER(5,0) NOT NULL ,BLDGCODE VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL ,VISITDATE DATE NOT NULL ,EMPID NUMBER(5,0) NOT NULL ,VISITCODE VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL);ALTER TABLE VISITSADD CONSTRAINT PK_VISITS PRIMARY KEY(VISITID);CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UIDX_VISITS ON VISITS(BLDGCODE,VISITDATE,EMPID,VISITCODE);=====================================And here's the data:=====================================VISITID,BLDGCODE,VISITDATE,EMPID,VISITCODE1, BLDG1, 10/18/2005, 128, V62, BLDG1, 10/18/2005, 128, V93, BLDG2, 1/24/2006, 128, V84, BLDG2, 1/24/2006, 165, V225, BLDG3, 2/15/2006, 13, V146, BLDG3, 2/15/2006, 143, V87, BLDG4, 8/1/2006, 319, V98, BLDG4, 8/1/2006, 390, V99, BLDG4, 8/2/2006, 319, V910, BLDG4, 8/2/2006, 390, V911, BLDG4, 8/2/2006, 390, V812, BLDG5, 8/28/2006, 318, V1113, BLDG5, 8/28/2006, 376, V1114, BLDG5, 8/29/2006, 318, V1115, BLDG5, 8/29/2006, 334, V1116, BLDG5, 8/29/2006, 376, V1117, BLDG5, 8/30/2006, 318, V1118, BLDG5, 8/30/2006, 376, V1119, BLDG5, 8/30/2006, 334, V1120, BLDG5, 8/31/2006, 318, V1121, BLDG5, 8/31/2006, 376, V1122, BLDG5, 8/31/2006, 334, V1123, BLDG6, 10/11/2005, 323, V1924, BLDG6, 10/11/2005, 323, V2725, BLDG6, 11/8/2005, 323, V826, BLDG6, 11/8/2005, 323, V2727, BLDG7, 10/18/2005, 323, V328, BLDG7, 10/18/2005, 323, V2729, BLDG7, 11/14/2005, 14, V330, BLDG7, 11/14/2005, 323, V331, BLDG7, 11/14/2005, 143, V332, BLDG7, 12/15/2005, 143, V333, BLDG7, 12/15/2005, 323, V334, BLDG8, 3/8/2006, 15, V2335, BLDG8, 3/8/2006, 120, V2336, BLDG9, 5/22/2006, 25, V237, BLDG9, 5/22/2006, 391, V1438, BLDG10, 11/3/2005, 310, V639, BLDG10, 11/3/2005, 310, V840, BLDG10, 3/15/2006, 139, V2841, BLDG10, 3/15/2006, 310, V2842, BLDG10, 3/16/2006, 139, V2843, BLDG10, 3/16/2006, 310, V2844, BLDG11, 11/3/2005, 323, V2245, BLDG11, 11/3/2005, 323, V2746, BLDG12, 4/18/2006, 71, V247, BLDG12, 4/18/2006, 337, V1348, BLDG12, 4/19/2006, 71, V249, BLDG12, 4/19/2006, 337, V1350, BLDG13, 10/3/2005, 142, V2251, BLDG13, 10/3/2005, 142, V2752, BLDG14, 5/23/2006, 32, V2353, BLDG14, 5/23/2006, 139, V2354, BLDG14, 5/24/2006, 32, V2355, BLDG14, 5/24/2006, 139, V2356, BLDG15, 5/30/2006, 141, V1757, BLDG15, 5/30/2006, 141, V2258, BLDG16, 6/1/2006, 71, V1859, BLDG16, 6/1/2006, 336, V1860, BLDG16, 6/1/2006, 123, V1861, BLDG17, 2/21/2006, 34, V862, BLDG17, 2/21/2006, 34, V1963, BLDG18, 12/14/2005, 141, V764, BLDG18, 12/14/2005, 141, V1765, BLDG19, 10/18/2005, 320, V1466, BLDG19, 10/18/2005, 320, V1667, BLDG20, 3/6/2006, 141, V868, BLDG20, 3/6/2006, 141, V2269, BLDG21, 10/11/2005, 324, V670, BLDG21, 10/11/2005, 324, V771, BLDG22, 7/10/2006, 38, V2372, BLDG22, 7/10/2006, 252, V1173, BLDG22, 7/11/2006, 38, V2374, BLDG22, 7/11/2006, 252, V1175, BLDG22, 7/11/2006, 142, V2276, BLDG23, 11/10/2005, 308, V777, BLDG23, 11/10/2005, 308, V878, BLDG23, 5/11/2006, 308, V879, BLDG23, 5/11/2006, 391, V280, BLDG24, 3/23/2006, 143, V2481, BLDG24, 3/23/2006, 155, V282, BLDG24, 3/24/2006, 143, V2483, BLDG24, 3/24/2006, 155, V2584, BLDG25, 10/3/2005, 31, V1485, BLDG25, 10/3/2005, 31, V1986, BLDG26, 2/20/2006, 31, V1487, BLDG26, 2/20/2006, 31, V2288, BLDG27, 2/15/2006, 13, V1489, BLDG27, 2/15/2006, 143, V890, BLDG28, 10/12/2005, 141, V891, BLDG28, 10/12/2005, 141, V1792, BLDG29, 10/4/2005, 32, V2293, BLDG29, 10/4/2005, 310, V294, BLDG30, 9/12/2005, 53, V2395, BLDG30, 9/12/2005, 123, V2196, BLDG30, 9/12/2005, 141, V2397, BLDG30, 9/13/2005, 53, V2398, BLDG30, 9/13/2005, 141, V2399, BLDG30, 9/13/2005, 123, V21100, BLDG30, 9/14/2005, 53, V23101, BLDG30, 9/14/2005, 141, V23102, BLDG30, 9/14/2005, 123, V21103, BLDG31, 2/14/2006, 13, V14104, BLDG31, 2/14/2006, 143, V8105, BLDG32, 11/1/2005, 320, V3106, BLDG32, 11/1/2005, 320, V27107, BLDG33, 11/3/2005, 34, V7108, BLDG33, 11/3/2005, 34, V19109, BLDG34, 7/10/2006, 37, V23110, BLDG34, 7/10/2006, 62, V23111, BLDG34, 7/11/2006, 37, V23112, BLDG34, 7/11/2006, 62, V23113, BLDG34, 7/12/2006, 37, V23114, BLDG34, 7/12/2006, 62, V23115, BLDG35, 11/21/2005, 78, V27116, BLDG35, 11/21/2005, 334, V8117, BLDG36, 7/10/2006, 358, V1118, BLDG36, 7/10/2006, 358, V8119, BLDG37, 8/14/2006, 50, V14120, BLDG37, 8/14/2006, 71, V11121, BLDG37, 8/15/2006, 50, V14122, BLDG37, 8/15/2006, 71, V11123, BLDG38, 9/13/2005, 130, V6124, BLDG38, 9/13/2005, 130, V8125, BLDG39, 2/22/2006, 34, V8126, BLDG39, 2/22/2006, 34, V14127, BLDG40, 2/14/2006, 13, V14128, BLDG40, 2/14/2006, 143, V8129, BLDG41, 5/22/2006, 252, V17130, BLDG41, 5/22/2006, 326, V17131, BLDG41, 5/23/2006, 252, V17132, BLDG41, 5/23/2006, 326, V17133, BLDG42, 7/10/2006, 309, V2134, BLDG42, 7/10/2006, 318, V23135, BLDG42, 7/11/2006, 309, V2136, BLDG42, 7/11/2006, 318, V23137, BLDG42, 7/12/2006, 309, V2138, BLDG42, 7/12/2006, 318, V23139, BLDG43, 10/18/2005, 206, V8140, BLDG43, 10/18/2005, 206, V14141, BLDG44, 3/9/2006, 142, V24142, BLDG44, 3/9/2006, 233, V23143, BLDG44, 3/9/2006, 319, V24144, BLDG44, 3/10/2006, 142, V24145, BLDG44, 3/10/2006, 319, V24146, BLDG44, 3/10/2006, 233, V23147, BLDG45, 9/15/2005, 128, V6148, BLDG45, 9/15/2005, 128, V9149, BLDG46, 5/24/2006, 25, V2150, BLDG46, 5/24/2006, 391, V8151, BLDG47, 1/17/2006, 321, V6152, BLDG47, 1/17/2006, 321, V22153, BLDG48, 7/13/2006, 38, V18154, BLDG48, 7/13/2006, 318, V11155, BLDG49, 7/12/2006, 142, V23156, BLDG49, 7/12/2006, 263, V23157, BLDG50, 4/11/2006, 62, V24158, BLDG50, 4/11/2006, 142, V24159, BLDG50, 4/12/2006, 62, V24160, BLDG50, 4/12/2006, 142, V24161, BLDG51, 10/13/2005, 78, V13162, BLDG51, 10/13/2005, 325, V13163, BLDG52, 5/2/2006, 145, V9164, BLDG52, 5/2/2006, 390, V12165, BLDG52, 5/2/2006, 390, V9166, BLDG52, 5/3/2006, 145, V8167, BLDG52, 5/3/2006, 390, V9168, BLDG52, 5/3/2006, 390, V12169, BLDG53, 12/14/2005, 76, V9170, BLDG53, 12/14/2005, 322, V9171, BLDG53, 12/15/2005, 76, V9172, BLDG53, 12/15/2005, 322, V9173, BLDG53, 12/15/2005, 322, V22174, BLDG54, 9/6/2005, 323, V3175, BLDG54, 9/6/2005, 323, V27176, BLDG54, 12/13/2005, 323, V22177, BLDG54, 12/13/2005, 323, V27178, BLDG55, 9/6/2005, 129, V21179, BLDG55, 9/6/2005, 233, V23180, BLDG55, 9/7/2005, 38, V23181, BLDG55, 9/7/2005, 233, V23182, BLDG55, 9/7/2005, 142, V23183, BLDG55, 9/7/2005, 129, V21184, BLDG55, 9/8/2005, 38, V23185, BLDG55, 9/8/2005, 233, V23186, BLDG55, 9/8/2005, 142, V23187, BLDG55, 9/8/2005, 129, V21188, BLDG55, 9/9/2005, 129, V21189, BLDG55, 9/9/2005, 233, V23190, BLDG55, 6/20/2006, 142, V8191, BLDG55, 6/20/2006, 142, V29192, BLDG56, 6/28/2006, 131, V13193, BLDG56, 6/28/2006, 319, V13194, BLDG56, 6/29/2006, 131, V13195, BLDG56, 6/29/2006, 319, V13196, BLDG57, 11/8/2005, 320, V22197, BLDG57, 11/8/2005, 320, V27198, BLDG58, 1/25/2006, 13, V3199, BLDG58, 1/25/2006, 14, V13200, BLDG59, 11/29/2005, 233, V9201, BLDG59, 11/29/2005, 233, V14202, BLDG60, 2/8/2006, 323, V22203, BLDG60, 2/8/2006, 323, V27204, BLDG61, 1/17/2006, 166, V3205, BLDG61, 1/17/2006, 166, V22206, BLDG62, 9/27/2005, 320, V3207, BLDG62, 9/27/2005, 320, V22208, BLDG62, 2/21/2006, 115, V9209, BLDG62, 2/21/2006, 320, V9210, BLDG62, 2/22/2006, 115, V9211, BLDG62, 2/22/2006, 320, V9212, BLDG63, 11/14/2005, 87, V11213, BLDG63, 11/14/2005, 129, V27214, BLDG63, 11/14/2005, 323, V27215, BLDG63, 11/15/2005, 129, V11216, BLDG63, 11/15/2005, 143, V11217, BLDG63, 11/16/2005, 129, V11218, BLDG63, 11/16/2005, 143, V11219, BLDG63, 11/17/2005, 129, V11220, BLDG63, 11/17/2005, 143, V11221, BLDG63, 11/18/2005, 129, V27222, BLDG63, 11/18/2005, 143, V11223, BLDG64, 6/7/2006, 253, V2224, BLDG64, 6/7/2006, 391, V6225, BLDG65, 6/7/2006, 253, V2226, BLDG65, 6/7/2006, 391, V14227, BLDG66, 1/11/2006, 39, V25228, BLDG66, 1/11/2006, 141, V25229, BLDG66, 1/12/2006, 39, V25230, BLDG66, 1/12/2006, 141, V25231, BLDG66, 3/20/2006, 39, V23232, BLDG66, 3/20/2006, 76, V23233, BLDG66, 3/21/2006, 39, V23234, BLDG66, 3/21/2006, 115, V23235, BLDG66, 3/21/2006, 76, V23236, BLDG66, 3/22/2006, 39, V23237, BLDG66, 3/22/2006, 115, V23238, BLDG66, 3/22/2006, 76, V23239, BLDG67, 5/26/2006, 141, V7240, BLDG67, 5/26/2006, 141, V17241, BLDG68, 12/21/2005, 141, V8242, BLDG68, 12/21/2005, 141, V17243, BLDG69, 5/23/2006, 50, V3244, BLDG69, 5/23/2006, 50, V8245, BLDG70, 2/1/2006, 114, V17246, BLDG70, 2/1/2006, 114, V22247, BLDG71, 10/11/2005, 131, V8248, BLDG71, 10/11/2005, 334, V8249, BLDG71, 3/10/2006, 334, V8250, BLDG71, 3/10/2006, 334, V22251, BLDG72, 7/31/2006, 398, V2252, BLDG72, 7/31/2006, 398, V22253, BLDG73, 11/30/2005, 129, V23254, BLDG73, 11/30/2005, 326, V24255, BLDG74, 11/29/2005, 143, V22256, BLDG74, 11/29/2005, 143, V23257, BLDG75, 4/26/2006, 12, V18258, BLDG75, 4/26/2006, 17, V18259, BLDG76, 6/6/2006, 320, V14260, BLDG76, 6/6/2006, 320, V15261, BLDG77, 1/10/2006, 78, V2262, BLDG77, 1/10/2006, 325, V9263, BLDG77, 1/11/2006, 78, V2264, BLDG77, 1/11/2006, 325, V8265, BLDG77, 1/11/2006, 325, V6266, BLDG78, 5/17/2006, 141, V17267, BLDG78, 5/17/2006, 141, V22268, BLDG79, 9/13/2005, 37, V19269, BLDG79, 9/13/2005, 318, V19270, BLDG80, 12/20/2005, 34, V13271, BLDG80, 12/20/2005, 250, V13272, BLDG81, 4/19/2006, 25, V22273, BLDG81, 4/19/2006, 391, V2274, BLDG82, 5/3/2006, 108, V14275, BLDG82, 5/3/2006, 391, V2276, BLDG83, 6/19/2006, 36, V8277, BLDG83, 6/19/2006, 393, V8278, BLDG84, 2/13/2006, 13, V14279, BLDG84, 2/13/2006, 143, V8280, BLDG85, 5/8/2006, 308, V8281, BLDG85, 5/8/2006, 391, V2282, BLDG86, 4/25/2006, 322, V8283, BLDG86, 4/25/2006, 322, V22284, BLDG87, 7/14/2006, 322, V13285, BLDG87, 7/14/2006, 322, V15286, BLDG88, 2/2/2006, 322, V8287, BLDG88, 2/2/2006, 322, V22288, BLDG89, 4/13/2006, 390, V2289, BLDG89, 4/13/2006, 390, V8290, BLDG90, 10/12/2005, 131, V8291, BLDG90, 10/12/2005, 334, V8292, BLDG91, 6/26/2006, 131, V22293, BLDG91, 6/26/2006, 319, V22294, BLDG91, 6/27/2006, 131, V22295, BLDG91, 6/27/2006, 319, V22296, BLDG92, 3/1/2006, 39, V23297, BLDG92, 3/1/2006, 141, V23298, BLDG92, 3/2/2006, 39, V23299, BLDG92, 3/2/2006, 115, V23300, BLDG92, 3/2/2006, 141, V23301, BLDG92, 3/3/2006, 39, V23302, BLDG92, 3/3/2006, 141, V23303, BLDG92, 3/3/2006, 115, V23304, BLDG92, 7/20/2006, 115, V23305, BLDG92, 7/20/2006, 141, V25306, BLDG92, 7/21/2006, 115, V23307, BLDG92, 7/21/2006, 141, V25308, BLDG93, 5/8/2006, 78, V2309, BLDG93, 5/8/2006, 325, V9310, BLDG93, 5/9/2006, 78, V2311, BLDG93, 5/9/2006, 78, V9312, BLDG93, 5/9/2006, 325, V9313, BLDG94, 6/19/2006, 128, V9314, BLDG94, 6/19/2006, 358, V9315, BLDG94, 6/20/2006, 128, V9316, BLDG94, 6/20/2006, 358, V9317, BLDG95, 6/6/2006, 253, V2318, BLDG95, 6/6/2006, 391, V14319, BLDG96, 6/6/2006, 253, V2320, BLDG96, 6/6/2006, 391, V14321, BLDG97, 6/5/2006, 253, V7322, BLDG97, 6/5/2006, 391, V7323, BLDG98, 1/24/2006, 322, V9324, BLDG98, 1/24/2006, 322, V22325, BLDG99, 10/12/2005, 323, V7326, BLDG99, 10/12/2005, 323, V15327, BLDG100, 12/21/2005, 320, V14328, BLDG100, 12/21/2005, 320, V22329, BLDG100, 2/23/2006, 115, V9330, BLDG100, 2/23/2006, 320, V9331, BLDG100, 2/24/2006, 115, V9332, BLDG100, 2/24/2006, 320, V9333, BLDG101, 2/22/2006, 115, V9334, BLDG101, 2/22/2006, 320, V9335, BLDG101, 2/23/2006, 115, V9336, BLDG101, 2/23/2006, 320, V9337, BLDG102, 10/13/2005, 131, V8338, BLDG102, 10/13/2005, 334, V8339, BLDG103, 1/12/2006, 119, V7340, BLDG103, 1/12/2006, 119, V22341, BLDG104, 5/17/2006, 233, V23342, BLDG104, 5/17/2006, 243, V23343, BLDG104, 5/18/2006, 233, V23344, BLDG104, 5/18/2006, 243, V23345, BLDG105, 11/22/2005, 309, V6346, BLDG105, 11/22/2005, 309, V22347, BLDG106, 1/12/2006, 166, V8348, BLDG106, 1/12/2006, 166, V22349, BLDG107, 9/27/2005, 206, V7350, BLDG107, 9/27/2005, 206, V20351, BLDG108, 4/12/2006, 322, V14352, BLDG108, 4/12/2006, 322, V22353, BLDG109, 3/27/2006, 17, V11354, BLDG109, 3/27/2006, 358, V11355, BLDG109, 3/27/2006, 127, V11356, BLDG109, 3/27/2006, 142, V11357, BLDG109, 3/27/2006, 144, V11358, BLDG109, 3/27/2006, 318, V11359, BLDG109, 3/27/2006, 129, V11360, BLDG109, 3/28/2006, 17, V11361, BLDG109, 3/28/2006, 115, V11362, BLDG109, 3/28/2006, 358, V11363, BLDG109, 3/28/2006, 334, V11364, BLDG109, 3/28/2006, 323, V11365, BLDG109, 3/28/2006, 318, V11366, BLDG109, 3/28/2006, 144, V11367, BLDG109, 3/28/2006, 142, V11368, BLDG109, 3/28/2006, 129, V11369, BLDG109, 3/28/2006, 127, V11370, BLDG109, 3/29/2006, 17, V11371, BLDG109, 3/29/2006, 323, V11372, BLDG109, 3/29/2006, 358, V11373, BLDG109, 3/29/2006, 334, V11374, BLDG109, 3/29/2006, 318, V11375, BLDG109, 3/29/2006, 144, V11376, BLDG109, 3/29/2006, 142, V11377, BLDG109, 3/29/2006, 129, V11378, BLDG109, 3/29/2006, 127, V11379, BLDG109, 3/29/2006, 115, V11380, BLDG109, 3/30/2006, 17, V11381, BLDG109, 3/30/2006, 129, V11382, BLDG109, 3/30/2006, 358, V11383, BLDG109, 3/30/2006, 334, V11384, BLDG109, 3/30/2006, 323, V11385, BLDG109, 3/30/2006, 318, V11386, BLDG109, 3/30/2006, 144, V11387, BLDG109, 3/30/2006, 142, V11388, BLDG109, 3/30/2006, 127, V11389, BLDG109, 3/30/2006, 115, V11390, BLDG109, 3/31/2006, 17, V11391, BLDG109, 3/31/2006, 318, V11392, BLDG109, 3/31/2006, 358, V11393, BLDG109, 3/31/2006, 144, V11394, BLDG109, 3/31/2006, 142, V11395, BLDG109, 3/31/2006, 129, V11396, BLDG109, 3/31/2006, 127, V11397, BLDG109, 3/31/2006, 115, V11398, BLDG110, 11/7/2005, 320, V22399, BLDG110, 11/7/2005, 320, V27400, BLDG111, 10/12/2005, 146, V8401, BLDG111, 10/12/2005, 146, V22402, BLDG112, 2/14/2006, 141, V8403, BLDG112, 2/14/2006, 141, V22404, BLDG113, 2/15/2006, 145, V9405, BLDG113, 2/15/2006, 233, V9406, BLDG113, 2/16/2006, 145, V8407, BLDG113, 2/16/2006, 233, V9408, BLDG114, 1/26/2006, 310, V6409, BLDG114, 1/26/2006, 310, V8410, BLDG115, 5/5/2006, 36, V9411, BLDG115, 5/5/2006, 376, V9412, BLDG115, 7/5/2006, 36, V9413, BLDG115, 7/5/2006, 376, V9414, BLDG115, 7/6/2006, 36, V9415, BLDG115, 7/6/2006, 376, V9416, BLDG116, 4/12/2006, 34, V4417, BLDG116, 4/12/2006, 34, V13418, BLDG117, 12/27/2005, 323, V13419, BLDG117, 12/27/2005, 323, V27420, BLDG117, 2/17/2006, 14, V3421, BLDG117, 2/17/2006, 323, V3422, BLDG118, 1/31/2006, 308, V17423, BLDG118, 1/31/2006, 308, V22424, BLDG119, 5/9/2006, 308, V8425, BLDG119, 5/9/2006, 391, V2426, BLDG120, 11/8/2005, 233, V28427, BLDG120, 11/8/2005, 233, V29428, BLDG121, 12/15/2005, 141, V8429, BLDG121, 12/15/2005, 141, V17430, BLDG122, 5/23/2006, 25, V2431, BLDG122, 5/23/2006, 391, V22432, BLDG123, 4/20/2006, 25, V14433, BLDG123, 4/20/2006, 391, V2434, BLDG124, 4/17/2006, 25, V22435, BLDG124, 4/17/2006, 391, V2436, BLDG125, 4/18/2006, 25, V22437, BLDG125, 4/18/2006, 391, V2438, BLDG126, 10/18/2005, 13, V19439, BLDG126, 10/18/2005, 13, V22440, BLDG127, 5/10/2006, 308, V8441, BLDG127, 5/10/2006, 391, V2442, BLDG128, 1/10/2006, 78, V11443, BLDG128, 1/10/2006, 233, V23444, BLDG129, 11/8/2005, 78, V9445, BLDG129, 11/8/2005, 325, V9446, BLDG129, 11/9/2005, 78, V9447, BLDG129, 11/9/2005, 325, V9448, BLDG130, 10/18/2005, 325, V28449, BLDG130, 10/18/2005, 334, V9450, BLDG130, 11/9/2005, 78, V9451, BLDG130, 11/9/2005, 334, V9452, BLDG130, 11/9/2005, 325, V9453, BLDG130, 11/10/2005, 78, V9454, BLDG130, 11/10/2005, 325, V9455, BLDG130, 11/10/2005, 334, V6456, BLDG131, 5/30/2006, 50, V3457, BLDG131, 5/30/2006, 50, V8458, BLDG132, 5/24/2006, 31, V6459, BLDG132, 5/24/2006, 31, V22460, BLDG133, 2/7/2006, 114, V17461, BLDG133, 2/7/2006, 114, V22462, BLDG134, 6/21/2006, 62, V9463, BLDG134, 6/21/2006, 309, V28464, BLDG135, 5/10/2006, 78, V9465, BLDG135, 5/10/2006, 325, V9466, BLDG135, 5/11/2006, 78, V9467, BLDG135, 5/11/2006, 325, V9468, BLDG136, 12/15/2005, 129, V23469, BLDG136, 12/15/2005, 233, V23470, BLDG137, 5/17/2006, 129, V6471, BLDG137, 5/17/2006, 129, V8472, BLDG138, 3/8/2006, 336, V8473, BLDG138, 3/8/2006, 336, V22474, BLDG139, 3/20/2006, 129, V14475, BLDG139, 3/20/2006, 129, V19476, BLDG140, 3/22/2006, 52, V29477, BLDG140, 3/22/2006, 334, V29478, BLDG140, 3/23/2006, 52, V29479, BLDG140, 3/23/2006, 334, V29480, BLDG141, 1/4/2006, 78, V22481, BLDG141, 1/4/2006, 334, V22482, BLDG142, 9/7/2005, 52, V8483, BLDG142, 9/7/2005, 52, V10484, BLDG143, 5/4/2006, 78, V28485, BLDG143, 5/4/2006, 334, V29486, BLDG144, 5/11/2006, 50, V3487, BLDG144, 5/11/2006, 50, V8488, BLDG144, 5/12/2006, 50, V7489, BLDG144, 5/12/2006, 50, V8490, BLDG145, 10/4/2005, 119, V16491, BLDG145, 10/4/2005, 119, V19492, BLDG146, 6/6/2006, 34, V7493, BLDG146, 6/6/2006, 34, V8494, BLDG147, 9/14/2005, 36, V28495, BLDG147, 9/14/2005, 324, V5496, BLDG148, 9/14/2005, 322, V14497, BLDG148, 9/14/2005, 322, V15498, BLDG149, 6/20/2006, 123, V8499, BLDG149, 6/20/2006, 123, V22500, BLDG150, 5/16/2006, 12, V18501, BLDG150, 5/16/2006, 318, V18502, BLDG151, 4/17/2006, 62, V23503, BLDG151, 4/17/2006, 142, V23504, BLDG151, 4/17/2006, 318, V23505, BLDG151, 4/17/2006, 154, V2506, BLDG151, 4/18/2006, 62, V23507, BLDG151, 4/18/2006, 318, V23508, BLDG151, 4/18/2006, 142, V23509, BLDG151, 4/18/2006, 154, V2510, BLDG151, 4/19/2006, 62, V22511, BLDG151, 4/19/2006, 318, V23512, BLDG151, 4/19/2006, 154, V2513, BLDG151, 4/19/2006, 142, V23514, BLDG152, 10/20/2005, 320, V14515, BLDG152, 10/20/2005, 320, V15516, BLDG153, 7/11/2006, 334, V8517, BLDG153, 7/11/2006, 334, V9518, BLDG154, 2/1/2006, 53, V23519, BLDG154, 2/1/2006, 323, V23520, BLDG154, 2/2/2006, 53, V23521, BLDG154, 2/2/2006, 323, V23522, BLDG154, 2/3/2006, 53, V23523, BLDG154, 2/3/2006, 323, V27524, BLDG154, 2/3/2006, 323, V23525, BLDG154, 7/12/2006, 53, V24526, BLDG154, 7/12/2006, 139, V26527, BLDG154, 7/12/2006, 141, V25528, BLDG154, 7/13/2006, 53, V24529, BLDG154, 7/13/2006, 139, V26530, BLDG154, 7/13/2006, 141, V25531, BLDG154, 7/14/2006, 53, V24532, BLDG154, 7/14/2006, 141, V25533, BLDG154, 7/14/2006, 139, V26534, BLDG155, 9/14/2005, 323, V7535, BLDG155, 9/14/2005, 323, V27536, BLDG156, 9/12/2005, 165, V6537, BLDG156, 9/12/2005, 165, V8538, BLDG157, 10/27/2005, 32, V13539, BLDG157, 10/27/2005, 310, V13540, BLDG158, 11/2/2005, 320, V14541, BLDG158, 11/2/2005, 320, V15542, BLDG158, 2/20/2006, 115, V9543, BLDG158, 2/20/2006, 320, V9544, BLDG158, 2/21/2006, 115, V9545, BLDG158, 2/21/2006, 320, V9546, BLDG158, 4/26/2006, 320, V3547, BLDG158, 4/26/2006, 320, V17548, BLDG159, 3/14/2006, 336, V14549, BLDG159, 3/14/2006, 336, V22550, BLDG160, 3/15/2006, 336, V8551, BLDG160, 3/15/2006, 336, V14552, BLDG160, 8/24/2006, 336, V8553, BLDG160, 8/24/2006, 336, V27554, BLDG161, 1/5/2006, 253, V6555, BLDG161, 1/5/2006, 253, V17556, BLDG162, 3/13/2006, 141, V9557, BLDG162, 3/13/2006, 141, V22558, BLDG163, 6/29/2006, 78, V6559, BLDG163, 6/29/2006, 78, V9560, BLDG164, 12/12/2005, 76, V9561, BLDG164, 12/12/2005, 322, V9562, BLDG164, 12/13/2005, 76, V9563, BLDG164, 12/13/2005, 322, V22564, BLDG164, 12/13/2005, 322, V9565, BLDG165, 1/11/2006, 166, V8566, BLDG165, 1/11/2006, 166, V22567, BLDG166, 5/24/2006, 141, V17568, BLDG166, 5/24/2006, 141, V22569, BLDG167, 1/11/2006, 165, V8570, BLDG167, 1/11/2006, 165, V22571, BLDG168, 10/18/2005, 244, V14572, BLDG168, 10/18/2005, 309, V14573, BLDG169, 1/31/2006, 144, V8574, BLDG169, 1/31/2006, 144, V22575, BLDG170, 6/6/2006, 123, V18576, BLDG170, 6/6/2006, 383, V18577, BLDG171, 1/17/2006, 263, V6578, BLDG171, 1/17/2006, 263, V9579, BLDG172, 8/10/2006, 233, V9580, BLDG172, 8/10/2006, 376, V9581, BLDG172, 8/11/2006, 233, V9582, BLDG172, 8/11/2006, 376, V9583, BLDG173, 4/4/2006, 131, V13584, BLDG173, 4/4/2006, 144, V13585, BLDG174, 7/4/2006, 383, V4586, BLDG174, 7/4/2006, 383, V8=====================================Thanks

View 9 Replies View Related

Please Help With This Tough SQL Query

Jul 20, 2005

I've been trying this one for 2-3 hours and can't figure it out. I'deappreciate any help or pointers in the right direction. Thanks.QueryI need the query to return me all the lottery names and results thathave the latest date in the database for that particular game and forthe state [AZ]. So the return data from the data below data would be:Result:--------------------------AZ Atlantic 6/49 2004-08-07 3-6-8-12-19-24 18AZ Atlantic PayDay 2004-08-05 15-51-59-75AZ Atlantic Tag 2004-08-08 4-6-1-6-7-6Example Table "Lottery":----------------------------------------------------State|Game | Date | ResultsAZ Atlantic 6/49 2004-08-04 5-16-17-26-38-44 46AZ Atlantic 6/49 2004-08-07 3-6-8-12-19-24 18AZ Atlantic PayDay 2004-07-29 2-23-62-77AZ Atlantic PayDay 2004-08-05 15-51-59-75AZ Atlantic Tag 2004-08-04 5-8-9-1-2-3AZ Atlantic Tag 2004-08-08 4-6-1-6-7-6

View 3 Replies View Related

How To Do A Year-to-date SQL Query Where Year Commences In August?

Jul 20, 2005

Does anyone have an example of an SQL query which returns rows for theyear-to-date, but where the "year" commences on August 1st?e.g. select * from mytable where datefield > last august 1stTIA for any helpIsabel

View 2 Replies View Related

Tough Query-Please Help!!! URGENT!!!

Nov 21, 2001


I have a table with 3 cols--- id1,id2 and id3
Total no.of rows-- 18


id1 is an identity column.
I have to populate third column which is id3 based on the data in id2.

I have to group similar values in id2 together
and insert 1,2,3 accordingly in id3.
For eg: we have three 100's in id2, so we should have values 1,2,3 for id3.
we have two 45's in id2, we should have values 1,2 for id3.

so final output should be:


Is it possible?
Please help!!!!!!!


View 3 Replies View Related

Aggregate Function - Tough Query For Me...

Oct 17, 2006

I currently have the following query:

select distinct a.memberFirstName, a.memberLastName, c.ChapterName, d.divisionName,
count(f.memberID) as numMembers
FROM Members a
INNER JOIN groupLeaders b
ON a.memberID = b.memberID
Inner JOIN Chapters c
ON c.chapterID = b.chapterID
LEFT JOIN divisions d
ON d.divisionID = c.divisionID
Inner Join groupsOfEight e
ON e.groupLeaderID = b.groupLeaderID
Inner Join groupOfEightMembers f
ON f.groupOfEightID = e.groupOfEightID
Group BY a.memberFirstName, a.memberLastName, c.chapterName, d.divisionName
Order By divisionName, numMembers

This query returns me the names of all of my Group Leaders, their Chapter, Division, and the number of members they have selected to be in their group.

Now, instead of the number of members in each Group I would like to know the total number of Members in each division to appear in the count.

[NOTE: All chapters have a division, linked by a divisionID in the "Chapters" table -- I need to get a count of all the "ChapterMembers" [chaptermembers is a table also] that are in the Division.

Here is the query I started to build before I ran into serious trouble:

select a.divisionName, count('c.memberID') as numMembers
From Divisions a
Inner Join Chapters b
On b.divisionID = a.divisionID
Inner Join chapterMembers c
ON c.chapterID = b.chapterID
Left Join Members d
ON d.memberID = c.memberID
LEFT Join groupLeaders e
On e.memberID = d.memberID
Group By a.divisionName

This particular query returns only the DivisonName and the number of Members in the division as expected. However, when I try to select the information for the GroupLeader (first & last name) I am forced to add memberFirstName to the Group By statement which changes my Count...

Have I done an okay job of explaining the problem?

The goal here is to select all of the GroupLeaders first & last name, their chapterName, divisionName, and the total number of members in the division.

Thanks for any advice!


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Express Server - Tough Query

Jun 10, 2008

I have tables [CustomerData] ([CD]) and [MembershipData] ([MD]).

[CD] has
ID - Primary key

[MD] has
ID - Primary key
Customer - The ID of the customer from [CustomerData]
StartDate - Membership start date
EndDate - Membership end date

Each [CD] can have multiple [MD].

Memberships can be looked at in one of four ways. They are also prioritized (see next paragraph) in this order
Current: Membership started on or before today and ends on or after today.
Future: Membership starts after today.
Past: Membership ended before today and start and end dates do not fall on 1/1/1900
None: Membership starts and ends on 1/1/1900

I have created four Views that return all memberships for each type. I am trying to create a query that selects all [CD] and includes the highest matching membership for each [CD]

I have a working query that will return the highest priority [MD] that a [CD] has when I specify a [CD] in my WHERE.

That query looks like this. (CurrentMembership, FutureMembership, PastMembership and NoMembership are my Views)

IF (EXISTS(SELECT * FROM CurrentMembership WHERE Customer = 452))
(SELECT TOP 1 * FROM CurrentMembership WHERE Customer = 452)
IF (EXISTS(SELECT * FROM FutureMembership WHERE Customer = 452))
(SELECT TOP 1 * FROM FutureMembership WHERE Customer = 452)
IF (EXISTS(SELECT * FROM PastMembership WHERE Customer = 452))
(SELECT TOP 1 * FROM PastMembership WHERE Customer = 452)
(SELECT TOP 1 * FROM NoMembership WHERE Customer = 452)

I have it working for one specified individual. I'm at a loss as to how to extend it to work for all individuals.

Any ideas?


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Transact SQL :: Establishing Unique Sales ID To Future Sales IDs From Original Sale

May 19, 2015

i am trying to find a way to link an 'initial' Sale ID of a product to 'future' Sale IDs of products that will trace back to the original Sale ID.For example, if I call the original sale , 'Sale ID #123',  how can i link future Sale ID's (child[ren]) and all future sales to the original Sale ID #123? Can I use a Surrogate Key or similar function?

Parent:Sale ID #123
Children: Sale ID # 456,
Sale ID #789,
Sale ID #.....

how I can link the original Sales ID (Parent) to Sale ID's (child[ren]) of future purchases currently existing and in the future going forward?

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Help: Query To Get Total Last 7 Day Sales For Each Day

Aug 5, 2004

Let say I have this table in MS SQL server
table transaction(date,sales)

how to query to get result like this (date,sales,sum(sales last 7 day))
I'm thinking about using self join, but it means I must have to self join 7 times to get the total sales for the last 7 day. Is there any better way to do this? or maybe special function within MS SQL server.

note: i'm not looking for total sales per week group by each week, but total last 7 day sales for each day


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Query Based On The Top MTD Sales

May 29, 2006

I need to write a query based on the top MTD sales in the series of each fabrics within series of Sales Group and Prod Group

Order by: Sales Group (alphabetical ord) , Prod Group (alphabetical ord) , sort Fabric Group based on the TOP MTD sales

Sales Gr: Active
Prod gr: Adult, Girls, Plus, LG
Fabric Gr: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,...

Sales Gr: Dance
Prod gr: Adult, Girls, Plus, LG
Fabric Gr: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,...

Sales Gr: Yoga
Prod gr: Adult, Girls, Plus
Fabric Gr: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,...

Thank you

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7 Day Sales Analysis Query

Aug 31, 2014

Looking for sql query for this requirement output and default get the current day and time as day 7 with count start of 7 day before. Today is Sun. Thus start day is last sun.

now the time is 22:00 & group by shop plus underline +24 hour format

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Total
Shop A 20:00-21:00 $2 $10 $15 $5 $2 $10 $0 $100 $xxx
Shop A 21:00-22:00 $1 $10 $15 $5 $2 $10 $0 $100 $xxx
Shop A 22:00-23:00 $1 $10 $15 $5 $2 $10 $0 $no sales $xxx
Total $4 $20 $30 $10 $4 $20 $0 $200 $xxx
Shop Z 22:00-23:00 $20 $15 $5 $2 $10 $0 $no sales $xxx
Shop Z 23:00-00:00 $10 $15 $5 $2 $10 $0 $no sales $xxx
Total $30 $30 $10 $4 $20 $0 $no sales $xxx

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Need Help Qith SQL Query - How To Group Sales?

Apr 13, 2004


I currently have a table whose structure is as follows:

CREATE TABLE [tblSales] (
[OrderID] [int]
[SaleDate] [smalldatetime] ,
[ProductCode] [nvarchar] (255) ,
[QtySold] [float] ,
[UnitPrice] [float] ,
[Discount] [float] ,
[GrossSaleAmount] NULL ,
[NetSaleAmount] [float]

The GrossSaleAmount and NetSaleAmount are calculated fields. But for this post, kindly ignore why I am storing calcuated fields...

What I want to do is to populate another table (the DDL of which is give below) from tblSales in such a manner that the TOTAL sales from each product for each available date is grouped/summed together.

[blue]CREATE TABLE [tbl_Product_Grouped_Sales] (
[SaleDate] [smalldatetime] ,
[ProductCode] [nvarchar] (255) ,
[TotalQtySold] [float] ,
[NetSaleAmt] [float]

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Analysis :: MDX Query For Sales Unique Rows

Sep 21, 2015

I am trying to calculate the maximum sales per store where multiple stores exist in the same region (i.e there must be doubles of that row) in order to determine the most profitable store per that region.

Store Sales
A 500
B 200
B 100
C 400
C 800
D 100
D 200
D 700

Looking for result set like:
B 200
C 800
D 700

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Comparison Query

Aug 24, 2007

Hi guys,

I'm trying to do a comparison of 2 data sets. Basically what I want is: 'where event date from event number -24 is earlier than the event date for event number -13'

To get the eventdate for the eventno's, I have the following 2 queries:

select eventdate
from caseevent, cases
where eventno = -24

select eventdate
from caseevent, cases
where eventno = -13

So what i'm trying to say is: I want it so that the value of the first query is compared to be LESS than the value of the second query...

Any help please????

Thank you!

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Power Pivot :: Calculate Sum Of Actual Sales Until Date And Forecast Sales After A Date?

Sep 30, 2015

I want to calculate the sum of actual sales until a date and forecast sales after a date.I am not sure what the best approach to this problem is, but I have tried my best with the following approach. Any better ways to solve this (using DAX).

I have created a parameter table that offers the last date of each month as possible choices to the user. I have tried to create a measure that sums actual sales up until this date.


Unfortunately the measure above does not work.

In addition to the parameter table, I also have a normal date table.

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Help With Insert And Comparison Query

Jul 15, 2005

I have two tables, one called SUBURBS and one called REGIONS.

The REGION table is more updated, but is missing certain values that are in the SUBURB table that i need to create a query for to not only compare wether the value existas, but to then insert that value in.
Here are the table structures for the SUBURB and the REGION tables respectivly

MEMRGN (This relates to the EAC_REGION field in REGIONS)


THANKS for help

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Need Help With Query -- Sales Data By Customer.GroupCode In Monthly Columns

Jan 22, 2008

I'm trying to develop a query that provides sales data by Customer.GroupCode in monthly columns as depicted below:

Film 5,000 15,000 20,000
Elct 3,000 950 3,950
Edu 150 150

Heres a simplified version of the DDL:
CREATE TABLE invchead (
invoicenum int NULL ,
invoicedate datetime NULL ,
invoiceamt decimal(16, 2) NULL ,
custnum int NULL )

CREATE TABLE customer (
custnum int NULL ,
groupcode varchar (4) NULL )

The query below gets me close but it gives me gives me one row for each customer. So if I have 5 customers with the same group code, I get 5 rows for that group code. I need to modify it or come up with a different approach that gives me only one row for each GroupCode.

SELECT distinct
(SELECT SUM(InvoiceAmt) FROM InvcHead WHERE InvcHead.custnum=i.custnum AND DATEPART(year, InvcHead.invoicedate)= DATEPART(year, i.invoicedate) AND DATEPART(month, InvcHead.invoicedate)=1) JAN,
(SELECT SUM(InvoiceAmt) FROM InvcHead WHERE InvcHead.custnum=i.custnum AND DATEPART(year, InvcHead.invoicedate)= DATEPART(year, i.invoicedate) AND DATEPART(month, InvcHead.invoicedate)=2) FEB,
(SELECT SUM(InvoiceAmt) FROM InvcHead WHERE InvcHead.custnum=i.custnum AND DATEPART(year, InvcHead.invoicedate)= DATEPART(year, i.invoicedate)) TOT

FROM InvcHead i INNER JOIN Customer c ON (i.custnum=c.custnum)
WHERE i.invoicedate>='1-1-2007' AND i.invoicedate<'1-1-2008'

Grateful for any advice that will get me closer to accomplishing this.


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Using Comparison Operators In Query Expression

Sep 14, 2006

I'm trying to put an expression into a view query column. I've already created a column which contains the results of a calculation in the form of an expression. What I don't know how to do is use comparison operators to return a boolean value for display. I'll give some examples of what I'm trying to do, using literal values just to simplify things...

So say I want to display the result of an expression in a view query column, as a boolean value (or BIT), as True or False. I've tried putting the following expressions into the column and none work:

4 < 5: Access converts this to the string '4 < 5' and it's just displayed as a string.

CAST( '4 < 5' AS BIT ): When run, the query displays the error 'Syntax error converting the varchar value '4 < 5' to a column of data type BIT.

Although I'm using Access 2003, It's just a front end for a SQL Server 2000 database. The actual SQL statement containing the latter SQL function is:

SELECT dbo.Tapes.No, dbo.Tapes.Status, dbo.Tapes.LastWrittenDate, dbo.Tapes.Pool, dbo.Tapes.Location, dbo.TapeJobs.No AS Expr1, dbo.TapeJobs.JobNo,
dbo.TapeJobs.TapeNo, dbo.Jobs.No AS Expr2, dbo.Jobs.Date, dbo.Jobs.Successful, dbo.Jobs.RetentionRule, dbo.RetentionRules.No AS Expr3,
dbo.RetentionRules.Name, dbo.RetentionRules.Description, dbo.RetentionRules.RetentionPeriod, dbo.RetentionRules.RetentionCycles,
dbo.Jobs.Date + dbo.RetentionRules.RetentionPeriod AS AgedJob, CAST('4 < 5' AS BIT) AS Expr4
FROM dbo.RetentionRules INNER JOIN
dbo.Jobs ON dbo.RetentionRules.No = dbo.Jobs.RetentionRule RIGHT OUTER JOIN
dbo.TapeJobs ON dbo.Tapes.No = dbo.TapeJobs.TapeNo ON dbo.Jobs.No = dbo.TapeJobs.JobNo

I'm new to SQL. I think the CAST function is the way forward, but I just don't know how to force it to resolve the expression '4 < 5'.

Can someone please help ?

Paul Anderson

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Transact SQL :: Query For Month Wise Running Totals Of Sales Amount?

Nov 28, 2012

I have a sales tables which looks as below.



Now i need Month Wise Running Totals.but i should check the following group as show below i that order

1) Brand
3) Item Group
4) Month

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Edit / Update Query - Change Current Sales Information For A Specific Product

Apr 11, 2012

I am currently working on a website that deals with sales of products. For one of my pages for the website I need it to be able to change the current sales information for a specific product.

The top part of the following code selects the specific product however I cannot get the update query to work.

$describeQuery = "SELECT p.ID, p.NAME, dt.[Year], dt.[Month], dt.SalesVolume FROM Products p
(select ProductCode, sum(SalesVolume) as SalesVolume, [Year], [Month] from MonthlySales
group by ProductCode, [Year], [Month])dt
on dt.ProductCode = p.ID WHERE [NAME] = '$desiredProduct' AND [Year] = '$desiredYear' AND [Month] = '$desiredMonth'";

$editQuery = "UPDATE MonthlySales SET SalesVolume = '$NewSales' WHERE ID = '$desiredProduct' AND Year = '$desiredYear' AND Month = '$desiredMonth'";

$query = sqlsrv_query($link, $describeQuery);

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SQL Server 2008 :: MDX Query Filtering - Return Sales For Each Customer For Past 6 Weeks

Feb 4, 2015

I'm having problems filtering in my MDX query.

My requirements are to return the sales for each customer for each store, for the past 6 weeks.

The catch is that I only want those customers which have had sales over 10,000 within the last week.

This is my query:

WITH SET [CustomerList] AS
([Store].[Store Name].[Store Name], [Customer].[Customer Name].[Customer Name]),
[Measures].[Sales] >= 10000
AND [Date].[Fiscal Week Name].&[2015-01-26 to 2015-02-01]

[Code] ....

The dates are hard-coded for testing purposes.

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Transact SQL :: How Query Engine Works While Comparing String With Comparison Operators

Oct 11, 2015

select Team from @Teams where Team > 'AUS'


co-relation between comparison operators in WHERE Clause and the respective output.

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