Tracing HTTP/SOAP Endpoints

Mar 23, 2008

Has anyone worked out how to trace SOAP/HTTP Endpoints in SQL 2005 SP 2?

I'm not having a particular problem, just want to know how things work, such as which layer is responsible for the HTTP Authentication. I've traced the HTTP.sys stack using logman.exe (see .

I cannot see any SQL Profiler events, and I've tried setting trace 7801 and 7803 as described in but they do not result in any logging.


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Http Endpoints For SOAP In SQL Server 2005 - Can The Stored Proc Referenced Do More Than Select?

Feb 17, 2008

I am new to web services and as a DBA I only have limited .net experience. Our development team is creating a web services interface for our new IVR phone system, and we've decided on a solution that will send each of the phone call parameters from our database to the phone system in an XML based on line number and extension. I've found that Http Endpoints in sql server will be a perfect solution for exactly that and I won't need any .net to develop it. Thats the good news. There are, however, other requirements for our phone system to communicate back to our database. All of the examples I've seen for endpoints use a stored procedure performing a select statement.

Is it possible to create an endpoint that references a stored procedure performing an insert or update? To be more specific, can I create an endpoint that references a stored procedure that has parameters? If so, how do I pass those parameters through a web service request? Is it as simple as adding &variable="value" to the url?

If so I could develop this entire solution from the database side and not involve our .net programmer!

Another alternative: the phone system does have it own database in sql server. I'm not sure if our phone system provided can or will do this, but if they are willing to work with this, maybe a service broker can fit into this solution.

I look forward to any response. Thanks!

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HTTP Endpoints

Jun 9, 2006

Are HTTP Endpoints able to be reached by another application that does not run on the same network?

For example, we have a partner that has a Web Application that would like to retrieve data from our database. We would like them to call a SOAP method through the Endpoint and in essence let their Web Application consume the Web Service. Is this possible?

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How To Use Http Endpoints?

Mar 18, 2008

I am new to sql so i created this http endpoint int sql 2005.

now how to use it?

for example i create stored procedure and i can use it by "execute procedurename"
how it works on endpoint side?

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HTTP Endpoints On Vista

Mar 20, 2007


I'm looking into hosting SQL Server endpoints on Vista. Unfortunately they don't work nicely because, as far as I know, they require http.sys which is part of Windows Server 2003. Hence, I can create my endpoint but i can't browse to it over http.

So, siple question (not so simple answer) how can I access SQL Server endpoints on Vista?



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HTTP Endpoints How To Performance Measure?

Mar 11, 2008

I have application who like to use HTTP Endpoints in our cosolidate enviornment. How I can measure the performance on HTTP Endpoints? I would like to know how much CPU, Memory and IO used by HTTP Endpoints?

Any suggestion? Thanks in advance.

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Reporting Services :: Server Did Not Recognize Value Of HTTP Header SOAP Action

Jun 29, 2015

I have just upgraded from Report server 2005 to 2008 r2. I have a program that calls the report server to run some reports but I have getting the error Server did not recognize the value of http header SOAPAction:

[URL] .....

I can log in to the report server and run any report that I want without any issues.

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Change Reporting Services Default URL (From Http://server/reports To Http://CompanyReports)

Jul 31, 2007

I looked online and couldn't find anything to help me make this change. I want to change the default URL for reporting services to another url. Is this possible? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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Http://localhost/reportserver Works Http://&&<servername&&>/reportserver Doesn't

Aug 1, 2007

Hi All,

I have setup SSRS 2000 and gotten it to work but I am having trouble with SSRS 2005. I can't access to reportserver anywhere on the network. The only way to get to reportserver is termserv into the server and hit it with http://localhost/reportserver The server is Windows 2003 server Standard Ed. running SQL 2005 SP2 and Sharepoint Portal Server 2007. Can somebody please help? Thank you.

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About Endpoints

Mar 2, 2007

When I constructed my endpoint:

PATH = '/MyEndpoint',
SITE = 'arkansas'
WEBMETHOD 'GetSession'
NAMESPACE = 'http://MyDB/MyEndpoint'

the site is hardcoded. But, when I'm getting ready to deploy I'll need the site to be my production site. Is there an easier way to accomplish this then to edit the script each time before delpoyment?

Dave C.

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Endpoints And Authentication

Mar 5, 2007

I tried asking a similar question over at the, but I'm not getting any replies.

I created an endpoint in SS 2005 using DIGEST authentication, and I was successful in adding the web service to my project and getting results from a call to it.

However, the production environment does not exist in a domain environment, which eliminates even DIGEST (which requires a valid windows domain logon).

But, when I create the endpoint using BASIC authentication, I can no longer "find" the service. SS says the command(s) completed successfully after the Create Endpoint command. As a test, the documentation says that you can enter the http site into IE and the WSDL will display. And that works in digest mode. However, I've tried both:
http://<server>/path?WSDL and
And neither returns the WSDL in IE (nor can it be added to my project as a web service).

I'm hoping someone has some ideas on how I can resolve this problem.


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How Are Endpoints Encrypted?

Dec 13, 2007

Hi All,

I have mirroring set up in a test environment and it works great however I need to know/understand how the endpoints are encrypted. I have them set to use the AES algorithm; however I can not tell from BOL what keys they are using. I know the service master key is the root encryption key and endpoints sit at the server level (same level as service masterkey) but I am not sure if the endpoints use it to perform the encryption or not; do they and if not what do they use?

Thanks in advance,


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UnmappedSoapMethod Using SQL Endpoints

Jul 3, 2007

I am trying to use a SQL Endpoint in my SQL 2005 DB to retrieve information from my C#.Net program. It works fine for me when I run it, but I am set as an administrator in SQL Server. When I try to run it as a normal/test user, I get the error message: "There was an error in the incoming SOAP request packet: Client, Endpoint, UnmappedSoapMethod."
Now, I have set up the endpoint in SQL and I can see the method I am trying to call when I do a select on the sys.endpoint_webmethods table. I have also allowed the domain group which the test user is a member of execute permission to the stored procedures and Access permissions to the endpoint.
What have I missed in the set up for me to be receiving this error message?
Cheers and thanks in advance.

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Typed Endpoints In SQL 2005?

May 18, 2007

Is it possible to return typed data in an Endpoint for an ASP.Net Web Reference to Proxy? If so, is there any specific terminology I should be aware of to target my search?

I realize there is a choice between Object (returns a dataset or error) or dataset, but the automatically generated WebReference Proxy in ASP.Net (2.0) is untyped and we can't change the typing there as you have to remove the entire WebReference to pick up new WebMethods (or changes to signitures I'd assume).

I'm able to create my own typed proxy as a psuedo-DAL assembly which takes the WebReference and cast rows/objects into typed rows/objects one at a time, but this seems like a lot of work and probobly not the best practice.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Service EndPoints Not Accessible

Dec 20, 2006

I am trying to expose a stored procedure on SQL Server 2005 as a web service. So I just have an end point created with the procedure as my web method. Now when I try to reference this web service in my C# windows application, I am only able to see the procedure definition by requesting for the WSDL http://servername/path?wsdl. But when I try to reference it, I get the error 501/505 - Not Implemented or not supported. Any ideas what the issue here could be? Would really appreciate the help here as I am kinda stuck! - Thanks, Manmeet

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How Do You Set Up And Use Endpoints? Examples Required

Jun 20, 2007

i have posted here a few times on my endpoint issues but i cant find a resolution so im approaching the issue from a different angle. can you guys tell me how you create and consume endpoints, preferably with the endpoint code, the url you use to see the wsdl, and any network/pc settings you may have altered to get endpoints to work. im looking for tips or steps that may not be included in basic endpoint tutorials. I really am stuck and have no idea what else to try. thanks all

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Fun With Tracing

May 24, 2001

I would greatly appreciate any help with this problem, as I've been digging thru every resource I can find looking for a solution with no luck.

I'm going to be monitoring a database for all SQL statements containing INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE. I'm grabbing the user name, time, and the entire text of the query. I can already do this programmatically, no problem. The problem lies in this. When I set up a trace on SQL Server 2000 using the system stored procedures sp_trace_create, sp_trace_setfilter, etc, and set the trace to save to a trace file, I find that I must first stop the trace then close the trace before I can use fn_trace_gettable to get the information that I want. However, this is undesirable, because this database may be accessed worldwide, and stopping the trace to read the data could cause the trace to miss some users making changes. Does anyone know how that I could get my trace data into a table so that I can just run queries on that table to get my data? It's very important that I not stop the trace to do this. Thanks for your help!
JR Rickerson
Software Engineer
Infinite Software Solutions, Inc.

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May 20, 2008

What are different kind of traces we can take regarding the performace and how traces can be used for improving performance ?


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ENDPOINTs In SQL Server 2005 April CTP

May 3, 2005


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Closed Conversation Endpoints Not Being Purged

Sep 25, 2006

We have been having a problem with service broker for quite a while now and searching on these forums and more generally on the web has not yielded any kind of answer...

Our application utilises service broker within a single database (there is no cross database, cross instance or cross server communication). There are approximately 12 queues which are used to varying degrees. A few of the queues have a throughput rate in the order of up to 100s per minute at peak periods.

In some scenarios we are able to make use of persistent conversations but the majority of messages are sent on their own conversation or in small batches on their own conversation.

Some time ago we found that the database was growing in size more than expected due to a build up of data in the service broker meta data internal tables, exposed via the sys.conversation_endpoints system view.

We identified a problem in the application that was preventing some conversations from being closed and have now fixed this.

However, we are still experiencing a build up in the service broker tables and sys.conversation_endpoints shows this is now due to a very large number of conversations in the "CLOSED" state.

I know that conversations are kept around to prevent replay attacks but thought they were supposed to be cleared after about 30 minutes. This is certainly not happening as we currently have conversations that were opened on the 18th September, a full week ago. We currently have about 350,000 closed conversations and this figure is increasing!

We have tried restarting the SQL Server instance with no effect.

I have been using a script to loop through all closed conversations and get rid of them using the "WITH CLEANUP" clause but I'm loath to create a scheduled task that does this in the background when service broker should be doing the job itself.

Has anybody experience this problem and, even better, have any idea how to solve it?


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Tracing The Deadlock

Jul 12, 2006

I need to trace deadlock, one of article was mentioning “QL Server Profiler's Create
Trace Wizard to run the "Identify The Cause of a Deadlock" for SQL Server 7.0, is there any way I can do this in Sql Server 2000?

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Tracing UDFs

Jun 6, 2006

How would I go about tracing UDF performance in profiler? I'd like to
specifically know the impact of the UDF without having to dig into the
execution plan of the statement containing it. Is this possible?

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DTS And SOAP Web Service

Feb 3, 2007

Hi,I have a client that needs to issue soap calls to a third-party webservice from within a DTS package. Is this even possible? I'velooked everywhere and found the sqlxml, but that looks like itprovides a soap web service, not consumes one.Right now, we are consuming the same web service in an ASP.NETapplication and would love to use the same code, but am really justlooking for the best solution. Basically, the only firm requirementsare that the client needs to provide a text file of items that need tobe posted to the third-party via their web service. Right now, we usedts for the client to upload other text files, that's why I was hopingto use the same procedure, but if we need to go another route, I'msure I can convince them.Any suggestions?Trey

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Tracing Sql For Locks

Jul 20, 2005

I am fairly new to SQL Server. I am writing a tool in stored procedureto identify locks in a table. I have already written the basic frameworkof the SP. It will reside in master database and take two inputs. Databasename and table name. From that it will show all locks at that instanton that table of that database. If table name is omitted, then it will showlocks on all tables.I am using syslockinfo, spt_values tables and joining with SP_WHO procedureto get the table name, user name and the session id.Now what I need is to find out which SQL is causing the lock and since whenlock is being held on the table. Which tables in master database holds therequired information.TIA.Ravi

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Tracing Sql From Code

Jul 20, 2005

HiI want to trace all the selects/deletes/modifys whatever on a databasein an application that are performed in a seperate application.I need to look into this, any ideas?- Can triggers do this kind of thing- Can you somehow access the profiler via OLE or similiar to do this?- Anything else?TaF

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Troubleshooting SOAP

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,This is the first time I use SOAP. Dont really know the exact pictureyet. Hope you can shed some lights on me.May I know where should I start troubleshooting if I get the followinerror message when running SOAP on Windows 2003, SQL Server 2000 ?Error Code: 0 Error Source= Microsoft VBScript runtime error ErrorDescription: ActiveX component can't create object:'MSSOAP.SOAPClient' Error on Line 1. The step failed.Thanks.

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Tracing The Deadlock

Jul 12, 2006

I need to trace deadlock, one of article was mentioning €œQL Server Profiler's Create
Trace Wizard to run the "Identify The Cause of a Deadlock" for SQL Server 7.0, is there any way I can do this in Sql Server 2000?

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Tracing The Sp_executesql

Oct 17, 2006


I am using sp_executesql to get some data but it is not working. Is there a way to actually see the actual statement where subsituted variables are replaced with the actual values.

SET @SQLString = N'SELECT Top(1) @Passenger_OUT = Name, @Ticket_OUT = TicketNumber , @TAN_OUT= [TAN] '

+ N'FROM dbo.Table1 WHERE 1 = 1 '

+ Case @MatchAmount When 1 Then N' and Amount = @BillingAmount ' Else N'' End

+ Case @MatchTicket When 1 Then N' and LTrim(TicketNumber) = STUFF(STUFF(@TicketNumber,Len(@TicketNumber)-@RemoveRight+1,@RemoveRight,''''),1,@RemoveLeft,'''') ' Else N'' End

+ Case @DaysDiff When 0 Then N'' Else N' and DATEDIFF(d,@BillingDate , InvoiceDate) <= @DaysDiff ' End

+ Case @MatchName When 1 Then N' and Left(Name,@CharsToMatch) = Left(@PassengerName, @CharsToMatch) ' Else N'' End ;

SET @ParmDefinition = N'@BillingAmount decimal, @TicketNumber varchar(15), @RemoveRight tinyint, @RemoveLeft tinyint, @BillingDate datetime, @DaysDiff tinyint, @CharsToMatch tinyint, @PassengerName varchar(35), @Passenger_OUT varchar(35) OUTPUT, @Ticket_OUT varchar(15) OUTPUT, @TAN_OUT varchar(25) OUTPUT';

EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition,@BillingAmount=@BillingAmount, @TicketNumber=@TicketNumber, @RemoveRight=@RemoveRight, @RemoveLeft=@RemoveLeft, @BillingDate=@BillingDate, @DaysDiff=@DaysDiff , @CharsToMatch=@CharsToMatch, @PassengerName=@PassengerName, @Passenger_OUT=@Passenger_new OUTPUT, @Ticket_OUT=@Ticket_new OUTPUT, @TAN_OUT=@TAN_new OUTPUT;

Print @SQLString will gives the statement with variables and I need to see the actual data plugged in during runtime.

If I take the ouput of @SQLString and run it myself by adding variables it works fine



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Profiler Only Tracing One Server

Feb 4, 2002

There is a bug in one of the service packs where Profiler (7.0) only traces one server (regardless of the server you tell it to trace). Can anyone tell me how to fix this or point me to a KB article? I thought this was fixed in SQL 7 SP 3, however I'm experiencing this problem with SP3 installed.

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Tracing Failed Logins

Jul 19, 2001

SQL 7 profiler has an event in the Misc. category of Failed Login. It does not, or at least I cannot get it to, produce any output when a failed login occurs. Any hints?

I tried this because every week or so I get this in the error log:
Login failed for user 'Admin'.
It occurs several hundred times within a minute or so. It obviously has to be an automated process as you couldn't click a button or press a key 13 times a second.

The login does not exist as a SQL login so I can't tell which database it is trying to get at. Any suggestions gratefully received.


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SQL Server Error Tracing

Jan 24, 2000

Hi There,
I hope someone can assist me in tracing the cause of a problem I am experiencing. I have a Web Server with ASP's querying the SQL Server 6.50.416 database. There is only one user db on this machine and yet I am running out of User Connections (current setting 2000) and memory (128MB RAM). Also, NT repeatedly experiences Stack Dumps. I have used the PRINTDMP utility to try and trace the cause of the error. The "Input Buffer" section of the Stack Dump (symptom dump) contains the following:


Is this SQL Statement the cause of the Stack Dump? Does anyone have any other ideas on what may be causing my problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Tracing Or Debugging A Procedure

Dec 21, 2005

I have a very simple piece of code (see below) which when executed sometimes takes around 7 minutes and sometimes around 3.5 hours. the difference is that during the 3.5 hours there is a lot of querying of the table being updated. But I don't know how to find out if this is the case. How can I find out whether my process is waiting (for locks or for any other reason) - is there a trace or debug facility within the tandard Microsoft Toolset which I can use.


Problem code below
print 'Updating stm_brnline - Start time is ' + convert(char(25),getdate(),113)
update m
set m.branchpgrade = s.branchgrade
from stm_brnline m, tmp_brngrades s
where m.traddiv = s.traddiv and
m.contcode = s.contcode and
m.merchsect = s.merchsect and
m.branch = s.branchcode
print 'Updating stm_brnline - End time is ' + convert(char(25),getdate(),113)

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SOAP/Native XML Web Services

Apr 3, 2008

Anyone have experience with using SOAP/Native XML Web Services in SQL Server 2005 to expose data to external web clients? Any issues/pitfalls?


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