Tracking User Activities

Oct 14, 2005

Sybase and DB2 both have the capability of tracking user activities at
a number of levels: invalid access attempts to databases, table, etc.;
creation/deletion/modification of database objects/users/groups,

For MS SQLServer, the only setting that I've seen in the documentation
is access attempts (none, fail only, etc.)

The monitor program has the capability of tracking the events that I
want to be monitored, but it seems as though these settings persist
only while the monitor program is running.

I'd like these settings to persist permanently and the event records to
be sent to the system log.

I can't seem to find the right term to get this information out of the
MS Books On LIne.


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Analysis :: Creating User Who Can Only Do User Management Activities?

Nov 25, 2015

I would like to limit the role of an user In Visual Studio only to assign roles to other users for the cubes. Other than that the user should not be able to create / delete the exisiting cubes or dimensions.

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Auditing User And Security Related Activities In SQLServer

Jul 23, 2005

On the other database types, there is an audit capability in that yourecord such items asfailed login attemptsattemtped access to tables user is not authroized tochanges to databse schemachanges to permissionschanges to logins (add, delete, lock, unlock, passwrod reset)All I can find in the SQLServer documentation is the reference totracking failed logins when you set up a database, plus the Profiler'sactivities.Yes, I'm taking voer my first SQLServer database and have been asked tomake sure that this database is closely monitored for inappripriateactivity.Questions:1) Does SQLServer have this capability? (Sybase has this, which iswhere I'm coming from)2) Does SQLServer do this automatically or do I have to set up theevents to be tracked as happens with Sybase?3) What commands are there for setting up these events to be tracked?Thanks in advance!

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Customize Database Admin Activities By Creating New User Group?

Aug 17, 2012

The requirement is to customize database admin activities by creating new user group.

Need to create a group of user / dbauser1 which will have restriction in seeing the data but they should be able to alter database - add / remove the data file , increase or decrease the data file space when required.

This requirement came we wanted to create a new dba group they should not be able to any user data / any table but increase / decrease / add / modify space etc.

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User Tracking..

Feb 6, 2004

I have a table in my database and it holds some important information,I want to track the users
who are executing DML commands(select,update,delete) on the data in that table.
Is there any way do that?If so how could i implement that.can any one help me in this regard?
Thanks in advance...

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User Ip Tracking

Jun 20, 2007

Hello everyone, I have a fairly unique need :) I am trying todetermine the use/clients for databases in my corporation that I ammaintaining, but that noone seems to know what they are for. Many ofthese databases never seem to have anybody connected to them in thecurrent activity.What I'd like to do is find a way to audit the logins, so everytimesomeone connects to a database it simply logs the clients IP address,what login they used, and maybe what time. I've been searching googlefor this and have found tons of information on auditing the logins,but not the clients, such as by ip. Any help in this regard would beGREATLY appriciated!Joshua

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Tracking User Access To A DB

Mar 22, 2001


Does any one have any idea of how to track a user access to a spesfic DB because we have an old DB and we don't know if any body using it, I know Profiler can help but I need to know when it was the last time this DB has been accessed.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: User Wise Query Tracking

Apr 30, 2015

In my production server i created sql server user for limited permission. Now I want details of what are all the Query executing in user wise .

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Dba Activities

Sep 20, 2006

can any one tell me what are the sql server dba activities?
i'm a junnior dba in hyderabad, my organization is product based company.

i need the general activities, so that i can become master in atleast some aspects.

generally what is the expectations of big organizations from DBA's? especially i'm plannning for H1.

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Can Not See Current Activities

Mar 31, 1999

Today when I opened current activity window on my SQL6.5 server, I could not able to see any activities listed. What will be the problem?

But sp_who works fine.


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Auditing Sa Activities

Jun 24, 1999

Someone had changed the SA password on one of my servers. I need to find out who did this. Can you tell me if there is any historical information kept on any of the system tables that can tell me who (what machine name) and when (date and time)this was done?
Does anyone have a 3rd party or inhouse developed task/procedure to report this kind of security issues?

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How To View Activities Of Companies

Jun 16, 2008

Hi, I've a table named Attività there I can have many type "IDAttivitaTipo" field:T TelefonataV VisitaP PreventivoC Chiuso CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Attivita]( [IDAttivita] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [IDAttivitaStato] [varchar](1) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [IDAttivitaTipo] [varchar](2) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [IDAnagrafica] [int] NULL, [Data] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Attivita_Data] DEFAULT (getdate()), [Descrizione] [varchar](max) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Attivita] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [IDAttivita] ASC)WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY] with "IDAttivitaTipo":T TelefonataV VisitaP PreventivoC Chiuso with "IDAttivitaStato" E Eseguita  (held)D Da Eseguire (not held)I would like to see the state of each IDAnagrafica (company) creating a query with X rows (X companies ... X IDAzienda) and 4 fields 1/0 (true/false ....bit) that tell me if there is or there isn't an activity (IDAttivita) in T V P C type for each IDAzienda (company) .... with IDAttivitaStato E (held)T -> 1/0V -> 1/0P -> 1/0C -> 1/0I've created a SP with a parameter "IDAttivitaTipo" that allow me to view all campanies (IDAnagrafica) stopped in the "IDAttivitaTipo"if I use 'V' parameter in the SPI want to see all the companies stopped in V (IDAttivitaStato E -> Held) ...that don't have activities in P and C state .... I'm not interested if there are activities in T stateif I use 'P' parameter in the SP
I want to see all the companies stopped in P (IDAttivitaStato P ->
Held) ...that don't have activities  C state .... I'm not interested if there are activities in T or V state
if I use 'C' parameter in the SP
I want to see all the companies stopped in C (IDAttivitaStato C ->
Held) ...that don't have activities  after C .... I'm not interested if there are activities in T or V or P state
I've tried with these query but the result insn't right ... I can't to see some activieswhere is it my error??IF(@IDAttivitaTipo= 'V') BEGIN SELECT
(case when exists (SELECT 1 FROM Attivita WHERE (Attivita.IDAnagrafica
= Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica) AND (IDAttivitaTipo='T') AND
(IDAttivitaStato='E') AND (Privato = 0)) then 1 else 0 end) as
Telefonata, (case when exists (SELECT 1 FROM Attivita WHERE
(Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica) AND
(IDAttivitaTipo='V') AND (IDAttivitaStato='E') AND (Privato = 0)) then
1 else 0 end) as Visita, (case when exists (SELECT 1 FROM Attivita
WHERE (Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica) AND
(IDAttivitaTipo='P') AND (IDAttivitaStato='E') AND (Privato = 0)) then
1 else 0 end) as Preventivo, (case when exists (SELECT 1 FROM
Attivita WHERE (Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica) AND
(IDAttivitaTipo='C') AND (IDAttivitaStato='E') AND (Privato = 0)) then
1 else 0 end) as Chiuso FROM Anagrafica WHERE ('V' in (SELECT IDAttivitaTipo FROM Attivita WHERE Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica)) AND ('P' not in (SELECT IDAttivitaTipo FROM Attivita WHERE Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica)) AND ('C' not in (SELECT IDAttivitaTipo FROM Attivita WHERE Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica)) ENDIF(@IDAttivitaTipo = 'P') BEGIN SELECT
(case when exists (SELECT 1 FROM Attivita WHERE (Attivita.IDAnagrafica
= Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica) AND (IDAttivitaTipo='T') AND
(IDAttivitaStato='E') AND (Privato = 0)) then 1 else 0 end) as
Telefonata, (case when exists (SELECT 1 FROM Attivita WHERE
(Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica) AND
(IDAttivitaTipo='V') AND (IDAttivitaStato='E') AND (Privato = 0)) then
1 else 0 end) as Visita, (case when exists (SELECT 1 FROM Attivita
WHERE (Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica) AND
(IDAttivitaTipo='P') AND (IDAttivitaStato='E') AND (Privato = 0)) then
1 else 0 end) as Preventivo, (case when exists (SELECT 1 FROM
Attivita WHERE (Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica) AND
(IDAttivitaTipo='C') AND (IDAttivitaStato='E') AND (Privato = 0)) then
1 else 0 end) as Chiuso FROM Anagrafica WHERE ('P' in (SELECT IDAttivitaTipo FROM Attivita WHERE Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica)) AND ('C' not in (SELECT IDAttivitaTipo FROM Attivita WHERE Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica)) AND END

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Current Activities - No Items

Jun 4, 2001

We are having blocking issues on our server. Recently, I noticed that we no longer have any thing under Current Activity. When I click the plus sign beside it, it shows no items - that is, no process info, locks/process ID, or the locks/object. Does anybody know why and how I can reset it?? Thanks for your help.

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Auditing Database Activities

Aug 5, 1999

We are finding ourselves editing data within a sql database using tools such as MS Query, Access or VB. Is there anyway to log these edits? Auditing is set up within the application to log changes made by the users but not by third pary applications. ANy thoughts?


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Scheduling Maintenance Activities

Jun 26, 2006

Am I able to do this in SS Express -like a backup or something or do I need to purhcase a SQL Server Agent (I believe I saw a 3rd party company always advertising this in SQL Server It's cheap -- just curious if I really need it.

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How To Monitor All Sql Query Activities On Sql Server 7.0?

Nov 4, 2004

Hi Gurus,
I have a database server running on a sql server 7.0. Some external app is accessing this db server, reading and updating some tables. For some reason, some updating actions didn't work. I just want to track those updating actions, and see if there're some logs reporting failure reason. Is there some tool in sql server 7.0 that could help me do that? Thank you.

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Calculating Duration Of Activities Per Hour

Jul 25, 2014

My data is in the following form:


INSERT INTO Temp VALUES('Org Name', '2014-06-20 14:25:00.000', '2014-06-20 15:25:00.000') - AND many more like these with different START_TIME and END_TIME.

The Task:

- I need to calculate the duration of the activities PER HOUR.

i.e. in the example above, if I want to see the productivity for 2PM (i.e. activity duration from 2-3PM), I should only get 35 mins (as the activity started at 14:25). In the same way, if I see the productivity for 3PM (i.e activity duration from 3-4 PM), I should only see 25 minutes (as activity ended at 15:25).

There would technically be many activities with overlapping times - for example, there might be 5 activities starting at 14:30 and ending at 15:10. In this case, if I were to see the productivity for 2PM, I'd see 150 minutes (as each activity starts at 14:30, so 30 min per activity = 150 min). In the same way, if I saw the productivity for 3PM for those 5 activities, I'd see 50 minutes.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: CDC Activities On Receiving Machine?

Aug 19, 2014

Is there a way for me to set up CDC so that all the processing (SQL Agent, etc) happens on the machine receiving the data? I'd like to move as much of the processing as possible to the destination.

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Transact SQL :: Server Trigger To Monitor Member Of Sysadmin Activities

Jul 22, 2015

I have to make server trigger to monitor the actitites if sysadmin members. i need to get the login name,hostname and query which they are running.

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Failed To Generate A User Instance Of SQL Server Due To Failure In Retrieving The User's Local Application Data Path. Please Make Sure The User Has A Local User Profile On The Computer. The Connection Will Be Closed

Dec 7, 2006

This is my first time to deploy an asp.net2 web site. Everything is working fine on my local computer but when i published the web site on a remote computer i get the error "Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed" (only in pages that try to access the database)
Help pleaseee

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Tracking Changes

Sep 26, 2003

Please Help.

How do you track changes to objects in SQL Server.
For example changes in stored procedure,views and indexes. What system table or column track or indicate changes in text of sp or views.
Help appreciated.


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Tracking Who Is Doing What?

Aug 9, 2006

We are building an inventory management system complete with BOM. It is important to track what employee is updating what tables. Currently all such tables have a Date field that is updated when a change is made, and an EmployeeID field which records the employee making the change. I am wondering if someone knows of a better way to track this information. Any suggestions?

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Aug 26, 2004


I am trying to create a tracking spreadsheet for my SQL Servers in order to keep track of every thing.

Here is a example of what I have:

DateTracking IDServerIssuesSolution

8/26/20046760FORMSCAPEDOCSBackup failSwitch Transaction logs to the D: and left the database backup on the E:

Should I be more detailed and add some more fields and if yes can you recommend some.


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SQL Tracking

Mar 6, 2006

I have an application that uses SQL server. Is there a way to find out what SQL statements the application is passing to the SQL server?

I would like to know all kinds of activities going on in the background of the application. I am sure there is a way.

Thanks in advance.

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Jul 20, 2005

OK. For DDL, please refer to the classical Northwind ORDERS table,problem/challenge, find the longest duration (start_date andend_date), during which, no orders were placed.FYI, column names by the order of colid per syscolumns:OrderIDCustomerIDEmployeeIDOrderDateRequiredDateShippedDateShipViaFreightShipNameShipAddressShipCityShipRegionShipPostalCodeShipCountryAny idea/approach? TIA.

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CDC Not Tracking Changes

Sep 5, 2007

I'm trying to get CDC going, it works however when i query the LSN using the functions i get no changes. The min and max LSN returns null. SQL agent is running, db is on full recovery model etc.

any ideas ?


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Sp Tracking.

Dec 19, 2007

Yesterday I had problem with that a sp that contained join that the developer had forgotten the where part. The sp join very large tables and sp took more 95% dual itanium processor. How do fastest track this down when it accrues. Find the sp or sql that running and consume this much processor resources. I tried with a lot. Sp_who, sp_who2, activity monitor.

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I/O Tracking For A Sql Table?

Jun 16, 2004

I'm looking for a way to monitor I/O(select, delete, & updates) to a particular SQL Table for a period of time. Any suggestions?

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Tracking Old New Values

Mar 7, 2006

im trying to create a procedure that will insert/update a small table
that has an ID, AmtBefore & AmtAfter.

this is just a table that i'd be using to monitor other activity on the database.

i'm really pulling a price + ID every hour and i need to track that somehow and know when the procedure runs if a price is lower than it was the last hour, plus of course keep the ID's straight.
does anyone have a good approach to something like this?

thanks for any help on this

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Tracking Who Is Changing What?

Aug 9, 2006

We are building an inventory management system complete with BOM. It is important to track what employee is updating what tables. Currently all such tables have a Date field that is updated when a change is made, and an EmployeeID field which records the employee making the change. I am wondering if someone knows of a better way to track this information. Any suggestions?

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Tracking The History Of Changes.

Sep 11, 2006

Hi all,

I have several transaction tables on which I need to track the changes. That is I need to maitain
the history of changes. Only few column values are changed often.

Which is the best way for tracking the changes.

1.Store the whole record after the change ?


2.Store the ColumnName & its respective old & new value ?

Or any other better.

Note : UI part & SP's will take care of the tracking & no plans for triggers.

Thanks in advance,


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Tracking Users

Apr 4, 2007

Hi all how do I track when a users opens, enters data in a database. How can I track them??

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Tracking Searches.

May 10, 2008

Hey everybody,

First thank you for all your help thus far. Now I'm stuck again. I've been doing a lot of reading on triggers and logging information into tables but I've been trying to capture how many times someone enters an item into the search box.

So every time somebody types Gumballs into the search box I want to capture it and the name of the person who is currently logged in. Is there away to do this? Maybe this is something that I should be checking in ASP.NET forums?

Thanks in advanced guys!

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