According to our stratergy we are taking trans log backup of every user database everuy two hours.things seem to work great and with success at the day time and at night once at 12.03 and 2.03 they fail and when i checked the error log i found that there is only one database for which its failing and it gives the following error.
Database ors: Transaction Log Backup...
Destination: [D:BackupTranLogorsors_tlog_200108280203.TRN]
[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 4213: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot allow BACKUP LOG because file 'ors_Data' has been subjected to nonlogged updates and cannot be rolled forward. Perform a full database, or differential database, backup.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Backup or restore operation terminating abnormally.
We had a option called select into/bulccopy set which i disabled once this failure has occured but still the problem persists....there are no other options set...i am out of resources i donno what to do..could you suggest me something and how to solve this problem its happening in prod.
According to our stratergy we are taking trans log backup of every user database everuy two hours.things seem to work great and with success at the day time and at night once at 12.03 and 2.03 they fail and when i checked the error log i found that there is only one database for which its failing and it gives the following error.
Database ors: Transaction Log Backup... Destination: [D:BackupTranLogorsors_tlog_200108280203.TRN] [Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 4213: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot allow BACKUP LOG because file 'ors_Data' has been subjected to nonlogged updates and cannot be rolled forward. Perform a full database, or differential database, backup. [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Backup or restore operation terminating abnormally.
We had a option called select into/bulccopy set which i disabled once this failure has occured but still the problem persists....there are no other options set...i am out of resources i donno what to do..could you suggest me something and how to solve this problem its happening in prod.
As Said by someone i took a full backup...tooooo it does not solve the issue.
I'm trying to connect to another slq server db through a linked server (and synonyms) but I get the following error.
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction. ,Unable to start a nested transaction for OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "BURT". A nested transaction was required because the XACT_ABORT option was set to OFF. , at Westfalia.TDMN.TxObjects.TxBurtOCIInterface.BurtOCIPalletChangedRecords_Get() , --- End of inner exception stack
I've set up MSDTC and executed the procedures noted in MS's article ID 873160. I am using 2005, but the Burt server is 2000. I can run the stored procedure from my server, which queries theirs. But when I execute the sp from a service, I get the error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have a trans log backup that runs every 15 minutes on san, works fine until I do a backup after a large load. I get the below error message. Anyone had this before?
Executed as user: DPSCSDOMsqlexec. The file on device 'n:sqllogsmdentallgdmp' is not a valid Microsoft Tape Format backup set. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3242) BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3013). The step fail
Is there anyway in SQL to backup the Database and Transaction log without truncte the Transaction log? :o. I would like to keep all or as much of the Transaction log info as possable. I know the Trans log will get large but HD space is not a problem. I use the transaction log to report field changes usung Log Explorer.
I am in the process of migrating databases from a SQL Server 2000 server to a 2005 server.
I have taken full backups and restored without recovery on the 2005 server. I now need to take transaction log backups and restore with recovery tonight to complete the operation. My question is this:
Some of the transaction logs have grown very large. Is it safe practice to perform a backup tran with truncate only and then run dbcc shrinkfile to reduce the size before I back up? This would make the process much quicker.
I've 2 Stored Procedures which are almost identical to each other. 1st one runs just fine from the ASP page, but the 2nd one returns the following error:
Provider error '8000ffff' Catastrophic failure
The query execution plan, indexes, other objects referenced by the Stored Procedure are just fine. Can someone help me to know whether this is a problem related to SQL Server / Stored Procedure / Query or is it the problem related to wrong MDAC version ?
By Accident One table got truncated on the subscriber which is one of the table in Published articles. Now all the Update inserts and delete are failing . and other tables are not being replicated either. what could be done to fix this . Publisher gets a lots of updates every hour how ever because of this problem all the tables are not getting any transactins replicated. Please help ASAP
Hi, I was using an accounting software which uses sql server 2005 express and while I was processing a transaction my machine got stuck and didn't allow to do any operation and I had to restart the machine.I've connected to a domain and after I logged in to the software I can process all other transactions but Couldn't process the one I tried when the machine got stuck. It says connection failure and Select * command dosent work. the software runs in the domain and it need .net frame work 2.o and Windows Installer 3.0 for installation.(Sage Pastel Evolution).I removed sage and Sql server completely and reinstalled but the result was same. Then I applied a patch for clearALLPool but I'm in the simmillar situation
How do we know the list of all the backups that are present in a particualr backup device like file# and time of backup taken etc for the purose of restore?
When I run : RESTORE HEADERONLY FROM BackupDeviceName
it doesn't give that info. Can anyone tell me the exact command to list all the files of a backup device so that I can restore the right one?? Thanks. Shalini.
We used Named Pipes network library when running SQL Server 2000. The firewall and ip address on the box were changed and reconfigured. We rebooted the server. We cannot start the SQL Server now.
Running SQL Server 7: Looking at the jobs under SQL Server Agent in Enterprise Manager, I notice that several of my backup jobs failed last night, is there anywhere I can look that will give me a more descriptive error message? I looked at the SQL Server Logs and didn't find anything that gives me any clue. Thanks. joe
I have backing SQL Server which consists of several database. The scheduled Maintenance plans backs up all the database except the larger one. Backup is across network at night. I get the following errors.
Write on '\tetnassqlbackupTetnetreports201006.BAK' failed, status = 121. See the SQL Server error log for more details.
looking at log gives the following details : (both associated to the same backup)
BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP DATABASE [Tetnetreports] TO DISK = N'\tetnassqlbackupTetnetreports_db_200610192302 .BAK' WITH INIT , NOUNLOAD , NOSKIP , STATS = 10, NOFORMAT
BackupDiskFile::RequestDurableMedia: failure on backup device '\tetnassqlbackupTetnetreports_db_200610192302. BAK'. Operating system error 64(The specified network name is no longer available.).
Yet it allows me to BACKUP to LOCAL C: DRIVE without issues:eek:
HiMy DB backup and transaction backup of a database keep on failing withthe following error:Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 3202: [Microsoft][ODBCSQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Write on'E:SqlServer estdb_db_200604221313.BAK' failed, status = 112. See theSQL Server error log for more details.[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]BACKUP DATABASE isterminating abnormally.Any idea what it really means ?ThanksDavid
I have created a Maintenance plan using Wizard, In this plan I am doing full backup of 12 DBs to share drive, I created only one step as full backup. And Scheduled this at 7 pm everyday, the following is the error I am getting in the Logfile, can some one please through some light on this.
" failed with the following error: "Cannot open backup device \shq-ss2sql backupSQL_PRODDBWorkFlow_backup_200708291911.bak. Operating system error 5(Access is denied.). BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
SQL Server Instance and SQL Agent are running under domain admin account, Share Drive folder has full control by domain admin.
I am the local admin on the SQL Server box, and I have read, write and delete, create permissions on the share drive for backups folder.
I seem to have a problem with my SQL Server log backup system. First I was receiving alerts that the log file was filling up, so I increased it from 3Mb to 150Mb, but then I got another alert saying the same thing, later on I got an alert saying that the log backup had failed. I then decided to truncate the log and do a full backup after as suggested, however this did not work, I don't know if I am doing something wrong, this is really confusing and frustrating.
I have scheduled transaction log backups to occur every 15 minutes with database backups every sunday at 1.00AM and differential db backups every day at 1.30AM.
While viewing the job history of the transaction log backups through enterprise manager, I noticed that one transaction log backup had failed at 1.00AM on sunday. The error message was,
"Backup, CHECKALLOC, bulk copy, SELECT INTO, and file manipulation (such as CREATE FILE) operations on a database must be serialized. Reissue the statement after the current backup, CHECKALLOC, or file manipulation operation is completed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3023) Backup or restore operation terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3013). The step failed. "
Please let me know what the error message implies. Will there be any problem if the transaction log backup takes place at the same time as the full database backup or diff. db backup?
Help! I am getting a Job failure for a DB Backup Job when I open up the EM -> Management -> SQL Server Agt -> Jobs When I check the SQL Logs, there is no Error message, nor is there an error message in the DB Maintenance Plan History. I checked the Server to make sure the DB was being backed up, and the current file is there. Does anybody have any suggestions? Thanks! (make me look good to the rest of my group!)
Greetings,I am seeking information related to this subject.BOL suggests backing up the active transaction log immediately after afailure, so that the backup can be used in a recovery scenario if necessary.This is the relevant text from BOL "Transaction Log Backup":----//The transaction log backup created at 8:00 P.M. contains transaction logrecords from 4:00 P.M. through 8:00 P.M., spanning the time when thedatabase backup was created at 6:00 P.M. The sequence of transaction logbackups is continuous from the initial database backup created at 8:00 the last transaction log backup created at 8:00 P.M. The followingprocedures can be used to restore the database to its state at 10:00 P.M.(point of failure).Restore the database using the last database backup created.1.. Create a backup of the currently active transaction log.---// end of excerptIf the failure results in loss of the instance and/or the log's parent db,how would we back up that log? Even if we could, what confidence would wehave that the backed up log was not corrupted at failure time?Thanks,PSG
I have recently started receiving failures on a differential backup thatpreviously succeeded. Nothing has changed with the structure of the db.Here is the message, any ideas are welcomed. Thanks.Executed as user: fsafood-netisqlservice. The backup data in'E:SQL_BackupsBiz_SalesBiz_Sales_Diff.bak' is incorrectly formatted.Backups cannot be appended, but existing backup sets may still beusable. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3266) BACKUP DATABASE is terminatingabnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3013) Associated statement is notprepared [SQLSTATE HY007] (Error 0) The media family on device'E:SQL_BackupsBiz_SalesBiz_Sales_Diff.bak' is incorrectly formed. SQLServer cannot process this media family. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3241)VERIFY DATABASE is terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error3013). The step failed.*** Sent via Devdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
I am having a problem with a regular backup of an SQL Server (MSDE2000) database to a local drive. I initiate the backup once a week, byissuing the required T-SQL, via ADO. In this case, the T-SQL is:BACKUP DATABASE GPRS_Dimensioning_Archive TO local_backup WITHRETAINDAYS=21, NAME='GDA_20040706'Note that "local_backup" is a file sitting on the same physical driveas the database itself, and has > 80 GB free. It is not a RAID device.The database that I am backing up is 1.6 GB. Oddly, the backup ofanother database to the same file was successful; it was ~900 MB.Even more strangely, I also back these databases up to a networkdrive, which has been running successfully for a number of weeks now(longer than the local backup), and continues to work without anytrouble. The resultant backup file is much larger than the one sittingon the local drive (6.8 GB on the network drive vs ~4 GB locally) Thisnetwork drive has less space (~50 GB) and is configured as RAID 0. Itis a Linux box, using Samba to present the drive to the Windowsnetwork.Any ideas?? I am completely stumped. Obviously, Microsoftdocumentation has been particularly unhelpful.The excerpt below is taken from the SQL server error log, covering acouple of attempts.Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!Nick Tompson.2004-07-06 09:56:01.99 spid54 BackupMedium::ReportIoError: writefailure on backup device 'C:Front EndLocal BackupDB_Backup.bak'.Operating system error 112(error not found).2004-07-06 09:56:02.01 spid54 Internal I/O request 0x02672360: Op:Write, pBuffer: 0x02890000, Size: 65536, Position: 4294914560, UMS:Internal: 0x103, InternalHigh: 0x0, Offset: 0xFFFF3200, OffsetHigh:0x0, m_buf: 0x02890000, m_len: 65536, m_actualBytes: 0, m_errcode:112, BackupFile: C:Front EndLocal BackupDB_Backup.bak2004-07-06 09:56:02.01 backup BACKUP failed to complete the commandBACKUP DATABASE GPRS_Dimensioning_Archive TO local_backup WITHRETAINDAYS=21, NAME='GDA_20040706'2004-07-06 09:56:17.08 spid54 Starting up database'GPRS_Dimensioning_Archive'.2004-07-06 09:56:33.11 spid54 BackupMedium::ReportIoError: writefailure on backup device 'C:Front EndLocal BackupDB_Backup.bak'.Operating system error 112(error not found).2004-07-06 09:56:33.11 spid54 Internal I/O request 0x02674360: Op:Write, pBuffer: 0x028A0000, Size: 65536, Position: 4294914560, UMS:Internal: 0x103, InternalHigh: 0x0, Offset: 0xFFFF3200, OffsetHigh:0x0, m_buf: 0x028A0000, m_len: 65536, m_actualBytes: 0, m_errcode:112, BackupFile: C:Front EndLocal BackupDB_Backup.bak2004-07-06 09:56:33.11 backup BACKUP failed to complete the commandBACKUP DATABASE GPRS_Dimensioning_Archive TO local_backup WITHRETAINDAYS=21, NAME='GDA_20040706'
I have a job that runs full backs and that was successfull but all my transaction log backups failed. This is the error message i get:
1.VDI error 1010: Failed to get configuration from server. Check that the SQL Server instance is running, and that you have the SQL Server Systems Administrator server role. Error code: (-2139684861: The api was waiting and the timeout interval had elapsed.)
2.SQL error 3013: BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.
3.SQL error 4214: BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current database backup.
We have received a backup of a database from an external company for a project that we are taking over. We have attempted to restore the database and it fails giving us the error: "Internal consistency error occurred."
We have run the restore verifyonly command with the results: "The backup set is valid." However, I don't have confidence that the verify is telling the complete story.
It appears that the database is restored and the overall restore is failing on the transaction log file.
I'm getting "Executed as user: SPIESQLService. sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed." on the TRN backup portion of the maintenance plan for the msdb and model databases. On review of files created it's clear that the msdb trn log backup is failing, but there's no other error to indicate the underlying problem.
I have not been able to find any details about backup failures forMSSQL 2000. I am researching the following:1. when a backup fails at a certain point during the process does thebackup:A. stop there having recorded some details?B. quit without backing up any of the data it already processed?C. skip the data it cannot read and move on?2. Does the error log record any of the details above? For instance, ifthere is a table that the backup could not write to .bak, does theerror log report exactly where the error was?I need a way to obtain a Backup Exception 'Report' that when a backupfails it can tell me what did not get into the .bak file. I wouldprefer automatic notification. Our Oracle DBs have something setupthat can be run when a piece of the DB does not get backed up lettingthe Oracle DBA know where there are issues.Thank you,Stephanie
Can someone help me with this error? It only occurs when I try to backup to the UNC name (which is local to the machine). When I do it with a drive letter, I have no problem.
My DB recently goes weird after the Hard Disk failed and replaced last week. The SQL have 3 database running on my computer, DB1, DB2 and DB3. my computer has Disk C and Disk D, they both work fine that i can save and delete on them both. But now, the database backup of DB1 fails everytime, first i thoguth it's the Hard DIsk's problem, but after i tried to backup the other DB (DB2 and DB3) on Disk D, it works fine....therefore...i am here...without any idea. What even weird is, I can backup my DB1 on Disk C without any problem, but just can't do it on Disk C. Can anyone help ~ thank you
Here comes the error message i got : BackupMedium::ReportIoError: write failure on backup device 'D:DB_BAKmy_DB1.bak' Operation system error 2 (The system Can't find the file)
Recently migrated from 2008 to 2012. Everything is working fine; however went to take my first set of backups today and one of them blew up:
Executing the query ...
Backup and restore errors: Unexpected number of disk files associated with database object. Possible cause for that is missing or corrupt cryptokey.bin or detach.log file.
Execution complete
Not finding much online on the specific error.
- Data source is valid - Can process the cube - Can query / navigate cube
Next step would be drop/recreate; however this is an older cube that I'd prefer to leave alone at this stage if possible.