Trans Log Failed While DB In Standby

Mar 12, 2008

May I know any reason why my Transaction Log Backup job keeps failing while the particular database set to "Standby /Read-Only"?

Kindly help. Thank You.

Jimmy Liew

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Newbie Query - Replicate To Hot Standby And How To Enable The Hot Standby For Access

Nov 14, 2007

I've been reading a million and one posts on replication

My scenario is that i have a live SQL 2000 server. In a DR invokation, i'e i've lost my live sever, i want to be able to access the same data at the DR (SQL 2000) site and have it accessable to the users. DR server has a different name to the live box.



Data changes all the time but can have hourly replication of transaction logs for this example. I've currently researched a sp called update logons but this has to be fed each account name to enable them on the new server. There must be a way to activate all CRMDatabase logons with the new server?

Could someone be kind enough to lead me through a step by step guide on the best solution.

Thanks a lot


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LS - Recover A Standby Database - Deleted Standby File (.tuf File)

Nov 19, 2007


The standby file (.tuf file) got deleted accidentally on the secondary. How can I recover the database without the standby file?

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Oct 27, 1999

I wnat to have a log file with all the updates and inserts made to the DB.
I understand I have to do a trans-log,how?
in order to make a query a transaction do I only have to declare trans...commit ??



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Standby Server

Dec 28, 2001


Could you suggest me some of the ways to have standby database server?

All of a sudden my company is in a need for standby database server in sync upto the 10 minutes. Main production database is about 8 GB. It serves almost 6 main sites for the company. No body in my group has worked with standby server issue before.

Any suggestion would help.



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Help Pls !!! StandBY Server

Oct 23, 2001

Hello !

I need to have a hot backup of my Production db
and i going to set up StandBy server : restore Production's backup
to StandBy

could you help me ?????

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Warm/hot Standby

May 16, 2000

We are planning to provide a disaster recovery facility for a production system. Clustering has been ruled out for technical reasons so we are considering either transactional replication or Log shipping.

Microsoft suggested the log shipping option but it seems a bit messy to me and only provides a warm standby in that it only copies log backups to the secondary machine.

Any ideas why log shipping was suggested in preference to transactional replication? Anyone have any experience in this area?

TIA Colin.

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Standby Server

Dec 28, 2000


I need to create standy server. My production server has SQL Server 7.0 and standby server has SQL Server 6.5. I've sync the data between two servers and is planning to do log shipping every 15 min. But I'm little confused, Can the version of Sql server be problemetic? Pls. anyone guide me.



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Standby SQL Server

Feb 15, 2000

Can I implement the Standby SQL Server using the SQL Server Standard Edition? What's actually the difference between Standard and Enterprise Edition? As I know the Enterprise edition can be installed for up to 32 CPU while Standard edition can only be installed for up to 4 CPU.

Many Thanks in advance!

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Warm Standby

Nov 6, 2001

I have inherited a problem that I am hoping someone can help out with. A developer used a perl script to move some backup files from one server to another and then restore the databases on other server (at least we think that is what happened, no one is really sure at this point)

Now I need to take the databases ourt of read only mode and drop them but I get an error 5063 stating that the database is in warm standby and the alter database and sp_dboption statements both fail.

How do I get the databases out of warm standby mode?

Thanks in advance for any help you all can provide.


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With Standby UNDO

Feb 9, 2007

I'm confused how the undo works when you restore WITH STANDBY

Suppose I restore WITH STANDBY


How do I undo LOG C? Do I restore LOG B again?

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Standby Server

Jul 20, 2005

Hi:Anyone has a detailed procedure description about how to setup a standbyserver? Microsoft makes it sounds very easy which are more complicated.How to handle system databases, does standby server need to be exacthardware as the primary one?Thanks in advance,Xiaodong*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Standby Databases

Nov 25, 2007

Hi everybody,

Consider this scenario: I have a production 2005 database and wanna have another one on the same system that contains just the same everything. What is the best way to do this?
Besides, pls give me usefull links to all HA concepts in SQL Server 2005.
Thank you!


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Standby Restore

Jun 12, 2006

I'm setting up log shipping and am running into an issue with applying the transactions logs.

This is my 5th server that I'm setting up and I take a backup of the source database, restore it with replace on the standby server. Then I take a log backup, copy it over and try and restore on the standby server, but the LSN#'s are off. It tells me it's too late for the log and try an earlier..

The timestamp on my backup is 11:43 and my translog was at noon...

I ran a checkpoint on the source database, but that didn't seem to do anything.

What am I missing?



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Trans Rep Will Not Replicate

Jun 18, 2001

I have set up a simple trans rep from a server in the office to the web. both servers are NT4sp6aSQL 7.0. Tables only.

The publication and distribution db are on the server at the office, and there is a full time connection through the firewall.

The initialization and first replication works perfectly, but after that, there is a message from the snapshot agent that "no subscriptions needed initialization", the logreader says thare are no replicated transactions and the Distribution agent says there are no replicated transactions. What am I missing?

Thanks in advance

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How To Move Trans Log

Dec 26, 2000

Does anyone know how to move the transaction log(s) of a LIVE database to a new location. I must move the log of a database to a new mirrored drive without any disruption to users. I cannot take the database offline or use the sp_detach_db stored procedure. Your inputs are much appreciated!

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** Trans Log Won't Truncate **

Oct 16, 2000


I have a 300MB db, and a transaction log near 1.3GB. Upon notification, I backed up the db log with truncate_only - no luck getting it smaller. Later, tried backup with no_log ( assuming the o/s was full - no diff)

I tried shinkfile (logfile,truncateonly) and no luck.

I tried dbcc opentrans to see if any pending trans. The db looks fine with dbcc checkdb. I managed to free up a mere 50MB. I checked the permissions on the db, and added backup db, and backup log in the db permissions for the user logged in (also tried this with sa)

I am unable to free up the space to the os. Can I somehow rid the log file and start off with a fresh log file? I need this space. As a patch I moved the log to a larger filesystem as a temporarily fix.

start/stop SQL- nothing? reboot -nothing? I played with waiting game. This log does not want to release space. The log grew from data loads.

Question1: Suggestions how to truncate this log? The contents are not really impt, but the space is.

Question2: Can I add another logfile, then use EMPTYFILE to transfer the contents to the newly added log file, then REMOVE The original logfile? In theory does this make sense?


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Réplication Trans. And Pk ?

Feb 1, 2001

Hello, During an intantanée arrest of replication of data base sql server 7 sp2 (nt4),
I lose keys on the subscriber, how don't have it? Thank you in advance easter

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Trans Log Confusion

Nov 5, 2002


Here's my situation (SQL2K)

We have a testing database we're using to convert large amounts of data from 1 system to another. We might process 5-6 million records, but don't care about being able to recover point-in-time.

I set recovery mode to simple, do a full backup every night. I keep getting large transaction logs. I manually run Shrink Database when I realize the logs are big

What can I do to prevent the logs from getting big in the first place ?? Can I prevent logging from happening ?

I keep reading various books and BOL, but I guess I don't quite "get it" yet ......

Any plain spoken, detailed suggestions would be very appreciated .... thanks in advance.

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Db Backs Up Ok, But Not Trans Log

Jun 12, 2002

My database backs up just fine, but the transaction logs
are not. I created a maintenance plan for the database.

Any suggestions ?

Agent Job for transaction log backup

EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint N'-PlanID 0A83F1BC-EEAA-
4BDF-9374-E7FF5C1215F8 -
Rpt "d:sqldataMSSQL$PRODUCTIONLOGzeon_live_commerce DB
Maintenance Plan16.txt" -DelTxtRpt 1WEEKS -VrfyBackup -
BkUpMedia DISK -BkUpLog -UseDefDir -DelBkUps 2DAYS -
CrBkSubDir -BkExt "TRN"'

The error log file for the transaction log backups is...

Microsoft (R) SQLMaint Utility (Unicode), Version Logged
Starting maintenance plan 'zeon_live_commerce DB
Maintenance Plan1' on 6/12/2002 8:15:03 AM
Backup can not be performed on
database 'zeon_live_commerce'. This sub task is ignored.

Deleting old text reports... 1 file(s) deleted.

End of maintenance plan 'zeon_live_commerce DB Maintenance
Plan1' on 6/12/2002 8:15:03 AM
SQLMAINT.EXE Process Exit Code: 1 (Failed)

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Begin Trans

Nov 15, 2004

If you are set up for AutoCommit why would you or should you set a explicit transaction? I have noticed that in some called stored procudures from a "container" stored procedure. (Hope I got that right) that in the called stored procedure a Begin tran is used. Can anyone help with the why and what fors? It seems to me that you want to let SQL Server handle this becuase of the danger of leaving out a Commit or Rollback? But thats me. I may be very wrong? Thanks.


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DBCC To Trans Log

Aug 22, 2005

I was just wondering, if I have a DB for log shipping, and change the recovery model to bulk-insert before I do a dbreindex, does the log still grow as big as the full recovery model? as in when the DB in bulk-insert model, will dbreindex still writes to the log? What i'm trying to do is try to make the log files smaller for log ship when i'm doing the db reindexing job.

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Cycling Thru Trans-SQL

Aug 31, 2005

I’m really scratching my head with this Transact-SQL, say you wanted to cycle through a set of rows, then perform an operation on each row, so in VB/DAO it might look like this:
Dim rsTables As Recordset, rsIndex As Recordset
Set rsTables = dbSource.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables")
Do While rsTables.EOF
Set rsIndex = dbSource.OpenRecordset("Select * From SysIndexes Where Name = '" & rsTables!Table_Name & "'")
DoSomethingToIndex rsIndex!Name

How can you do this cycling with Trans-SQL?

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Implementing Standby SQL Server

Feb 15, 2000

Can I implement the Standby SQL Server using the SQL Server Standard Edition? What's actually the difference between Standard and Enterprise Edition? As I know the Enterprise edition can be installed for up to 32 CPU while Standard edition can only be installed for up to 4 CPU.

Many Thanks in advance!

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Replication Vs. Hot Standby Database

Oct 13, 2000

Does sql server have hot standby database? what are the pros and cons of using replication vs hot standby database? Thanks for helping me.

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Setup Standby Server

Aug 20, 1999

Where can I find a document that describes how to setup and configure a standby server?

I'm new to SQL Server 7 (I like it). We have a NT 4.0 server with SQL Srvr 7. We just bought another Box that will have the same thing on it with the idea if the 1st goes down, the new box is a 'hot' standby...of course a 'cold' standby will be ok too... I'm not fussy at this point. If you have info on both great.

I'm the SQL Srvr 7.0 DBA (my background is Oracle DBA). I've been doing alot of reading!!!

Can some provide the information I need or point me to someone I can contact?

Ron Nixon (650) 940-6419

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Standby Server / Replication Or DTS?

Feb 28, 2002

I hope to create a 'Standby' server for a critical web application. I am tempted to set up replication, but realize this task could also be done by a scheduled DTS job, which may be much simpler. I have read up on replication and have some reservations about it. A little about our environment: Data does not change very rapidly. Some days maybe no edits, some days maybe changes to 100 rows. The environment is stable, there are few DDL changes....development is essentially over. This system has 10 databases which it uses. Hence, all would need either replication or DTS Transfers. Intended publishing & subscribing servers are on same domain. Both are production servers. I Believe either Snapshot or Transactional would meet our needs if we replicate. There is no user need for replicated data. This is SOLELY a Disaster Recovery motivated situation. Reservations about replication include the hassles with identity columns, the hassles with Subscriber Databases being left in 'Read Only' mode (thereby slowing & complicating the recovery process), the difficulty in cleaning up a server after replication is halted if we abandon replication. My gut feeling is DTS might be best. There are 10 Databases. Sizes (inaccurately) reported are 5 at less than 5 MB, others at the following sizes: 10 mb, 24 mb, 26 mb, 39 mb and one big one: 3000 mb (3 gb). Latency is not a big issue. If these were DTS'd nightly that would be fine. Transactional Replication would be slightly better, but the amount of data change is not high. I would solicit anybody's input on this. Thanks,

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Restore Of Log To Standby Server

Jan 14, 2004

We are maintaining a stand-by database server by doing a daily manual restore of logs. On weekends we do Reindexing of the tables for performance boost. some of these reindexing jobs take upto 10 Hrs
We have found that the restore of the logs taken in the source server after the reindexing job takes as much time it took to do the reindexing.
Typically 15 transaction log sessions for a day takes 40 minutes to restore. However the restore of the tranlog that was taken after a 10 Hr long reindexing job takes as much time(10 hrs) to do the restore also.
The size of the tranlog does not justify this time frame. ( Size of tran logs after reindex is more than other logs but is less than 3 GB)
I would like to know what exactly is happening during the restore of the tran log. Is it doing the reindexing in the destination system as well?
The destination server (standby) is in non recovered mode all the time.
The interesting thing is that I would only take 8 Hrs to do a full restore of the database. We are using ArcServ software for backup and restore.

We are on SQLServer Enterprise 7.0 sp4 on NT 4 Enterprise on source and destination.
We run SAP R/3 on a MSCS Clustered env.
The source database size is 260 GB

Any Comments?
Appreciate your replies



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Method Of Providing Standby

Jul 23, 2005

hi all, I am considering what should be the best way of implementingthe following requirement.I've got a SQL2K production server. Now I've got another machine as thestandby machine for this serverso I'm thinking what method should I be using for this.Should I be using log shipping or Replication? Or if it's replication,what kind of replicationsshould it be?I am thinking maybe snapshot replication can be just fine, right?

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Standby Reporting Server

Dec 15, 2006

We have a process wherein the production DB is replicated to a server.subscriberA nightly and then a job processes the database for reporting services. Whenever the job fails we have to redo the process all over again. By the time we are finished it is already late in the day and our customers dont like it. Our solution for a standby server is as follows:
1. create another server.subscriberB and start same process from server.subscriberA. So, both servers are replicated from the Production server but SubscriberB is set to run half an hour delayed than subscriberA. The purpose is that should subscriberA process fails, we still have subscriberB. Then we could just change the datasource of the reports to subscriberB
2. replicate subscriberA.ReportServerTempDB to subscriberB.ReportServerTempDB
3. replicate subscriberA.ReportServer to subscriberB.ReportServer

Any insights highly appreciated...

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How To Duplicate Standby On The Same Server?

Oct 29, 2007

I have some doubts on standby.

I will explain my environment.
I have two servers A and B both with Win2003 SP1
In the server A, i have a database sql server 2005 in compatibility mode -> 8.0.

In server B have SQL server 2005 and one database in standby / read-only mode. This base is getting to the transactional hour of the server A and applying in standby database. This works fine.

The problem I have is: I need to get the standby server B and create another database for test using yours files. I can get the files of server A because i have 512kpbs link and would be impractical.

Putting in the standby offline mode, i copying the files to another directory on the same machine, but when I try to create another database using the duplicate files of standby receive the following message:

Msg 1824, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 Can not attach a database that was being restored.

What is the command that I need to execute to attach the new bank without message Msg 1824. The command that executing is below:

USE master CREATE DATABASE ON homo (FILENAME = N'F:MSSQLDATAhomohomo_prd_homo.mdf '), (FILENAME = N'F:MSSQLloghomohomo_prd_log_homo.ldf ') FOR ATTACH
As a newcomer I do not know which command I run before attach to conclude restore.

I execute restore database with homo recovery but the database does not yet exist. If I run the restore standby database with recovery, I lose standby and need to download backup copy the entire database in server A to B using link.

If someone has any idea is welcome.


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Control The Filesize Of Trans Log

Dec 18, 2001

Hi all,
Just wondering if the virtual filesize of the transaction log can be changed to suite us.
run dbcc loginfo(sagent_dev) display the followings:

FileId FileSize StartOffset FSeqNo Status Parity
213041664 8192 2110128
213041664 130498561960128
213041664 26091520197064
Note that the virtual filesize can comprise of different configuration. In other database I can specify this logical size to whatever I like.


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Can You Trans. Replicate From SQL 7 To SQL 2000

Mar 28, 2001

We would like to replicate from a SQL 7 DB some data onto a SQL 2000 Server running SQL 2000. We plan to take some data off the SQL 7 DB's and create a Data Warehouse on the SQL 2000 Box.

Question: Will the data replicate successfully from the SQL 7 box onto the SQL 2000 box?


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