Transact SQL :: 4 Digit Number To Add To Table
Oct 15, 2015
I am currently working on an app and have an issue with a table in the database. The table has 10,000 records in it and a column is added that is to use a 4 digit in sequence. The datatype for the new column is varchar since no math will ever be done on the added column. If necessary, I can change the datatype but would prefer not to. The 4 digit would start with 0000 at ID 1 and go to 9999 at ID 10000. I'm thinking some type of update statement since it is updating each record but how would it be done sequentially?
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May 19, 2015
How to Generate the Unique 8 Digit Number in SQL SERVER.And also am trying with below methods which is not working as expected.
DECLARE @UniqueID uniqueidentifier
SET @UniqueID = NEWID()
SELECT LEFT(@UniqueID,8) AS '8DigitUniqNum'
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Apr 10, 2008
I am trying to figure out and hope u guys help me.
I need a only 6 digit ID only eg
55 = 000055
405 = 000405
5544 = 005544
How i can do it in SQL server and which formula/datatype i must use?
Deaf can Do anything, except hear
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Apr 28, 2008
I want to build a string that contains today's date (without the time).
For example, if select GETDATE() returns 2008-04-28 14:18:34.180, I want to end up with either
(1) 2008-04-28
(2) 20080428. (I always want the month to be represented by a 2 digit number)
Is there a datepart parameter that will give me (1) in one shot? I don't think so, since datepart returns an integer and (1) is not in the form of an integer.
So, I was trying to build (2) by using the yyyy, mm, and dd parameters to extract out the appropriate parts and casting them to a string and contatentating them. However, when I do the month portion, (using mm) it gives me the integer that represents the month, and this number can be 1 or 2 digits depending on the month. I always want it to be a 2 digit number. For example, if I'm in Apr, I want to end up with "04", not "4". This would also apply to the day portion. (although the date that I'm writing this post is on the 28th so I'm not certain what GETDATE() will return on dates that are 1 digit.)
The only way I can get the single digit month to write out as a 2 digit month is by doing a LEN() function on the string and if it is a length 1, then concatenate a "0" in front of it. I started doing this and the expression became too crazy, so I wanted to first check to see if someone can come up with something cleaner.
Thanks for looking.
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Sep 12, 2014
There is column mobile_number in my table
I have to replace with star(*) to the middle six character from contact number of 10 digit.
For example
The Contact number is 9334459875
I have to display it as follows
93******75 first two digit and last two only.
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Aug 22, 2007
I have a sql procedure. I need to create UNIQUE random 13 digit number to use for barcode.
How do I generate 13 digit UNIQUE random in sql procedure?
Advance thanks
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Aug 22, 2007
I have two below datacolumns
'code'- varchar 255 (Unique number) data : chr456Umx
'Packs'- integer data : 6
Is it posible to generate 13 digit number using the above two columns,
The reason is if I run the procedure I will get same 13 digit all the time depending on the above two colums
below is the sample procedure I am using
@imglink nvarchar(255)
Select code as sku,
PdtBarCode as [standard-product-id],
'EAN' as [product-id-type],
--generate 13 digit number
make+' '+model+' ' +', Price for '+cast(NumPacks as varchar(8)) +' '+'Packs' as title,
make as manufacturer,'
from tablename
where ......
Advance thanks
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Sep 5, 2001
How can I return a 2 digit month into a variable for the months Jan thru September
SELECT DATEPART(mm, GETDATE()) ---> returns 9 for September.. I need 09 returned in order to properly build my target file name...
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Jul 11, 2015
I have a table called Employees which has lots of columns but I only want to count some specific columns of this table.
i.e. EmployeeID: 001
week1: 40
week2: 24
week3: 24
week4: 39
This employee (001) has two weeks below 32. How do I use the COUNT statement to calculate that within these four weeks(columns), how many weeks(columns) have the value below 32?
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Sep 15, 2015
I have 3 columns. I would like to update a table based on job_cd and permit_nbr column. if we have same job_cd and permit_nbr, reference number should be same else it should take max(reference number) from the table +1 for all rows where reference_nbr column is null
job_cd permit_nbr reference_nbr
ABC1 990 100002
ABC1 990 100002
ABC1 991 100003
ABC1 992 100004
ABC1 993 100005
ABC2 880 100006
ABC2 881 100007
ABC2 881 100007
ABC2 882 100008
ABC2 882 100008
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Sep 15, 2015
I have two tables (i.e. Table1 and Table2).
* FROM [dbo].[Table1]
Table2 has three columns (i.e. Date, Count and Rule Type). Column “Rule Type “has a default value which is “XYZ”..Now I want to insert Data from Table1 to Table2. I am using following query:-
declare @Startdate
DEclare @enddate
Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.I am using SQL 2012. I understand Table1 has 2 Columns but Table2 has 3 Columns. Is there anyway, I can move data from source table to Destination table where Destination Table has more number of Columns?
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Aug 27, 2015
I need to find the missing months in a table for the earliest and latest start dates per ID_No. As an example:
create table #InputTable (ID_No int ,OccurMonth datetime)
insert into #InputTable (ID_No,OccurMonth)
select 10, '2007-11-01' Union all
select 10, '2007-12-01' Union all
select 10, '2008-01-01' Union all
select 20, '2009-01-01' Union all
select 20, '2009-02-01' Union all
select 20, '2009-04-01' Union all
select 30, '2010-05-01' Union all
select 30, '2010-08-01' Union all
select 30, '2010-09-01' Union all
select 40, '2008-03-01'
For the above table, the answer should be:
ID_No OccurMonth
----- ----------
20 2009-02-01
30 2010-06-01
30 2010-07-01
1) don't include an ID column,
2) don't use the start date/end dates in the data or
3) use cursors, which are forbidden in my environment.
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May 12, 2015
I have two tables, D and C, whose INTERSECT / EXCEPT values I'd like to insert in the following table I've created
servername varchar(50),
account_name varchar (50),
date_checked datetime DEFAULT getdate()
The following stmt won't work...
select servername, account_name from D
select servername, account_name from C
... as the number of supplied values does not match table definition.
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Jun 23, 2015
Got this query and I need the following result;
declare @NumberToCompareTo int
set @NumberToCompareTo = 8
declare @table table
number int
insert into @table
select 4
[Code] ....
The query selects 4 and 5 of course. Now what I'm looking for is to retrieve the number less or equal to @NumberToCompareTo, I mean the most immediate less number than the parameter. So in this case 5
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Sep 24, 2007
I want to enter rows into a table having more number of columns
For example : I have one employee table having columns (name ,address,salary etc )
then, how can i enter 100 employees data at a time ?
Suppose i am having my data in .txt file (or ) in .xls
( SQL Server 2005)
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Feb 16, 2004
How do you generate line numbers in Transact SQL?
In Sybase, I could use this...
select number(*), customer_name from customer_table
number(*) customer_name
1 Customer Name 1
2 Customer Name 2
3 Customer Name 3
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Dec 1, 2015
Lets say we have a table (tblProducts)
ID Item RandomNumber
1 JEANS 1234567
2 SHIRT 72813550
3 HOOD Null
4 TROUSER 72191839
I want to perform a query so that SQL should look for RandomNumber Values and set a Unique Random Number Where RandomNumber Value is Null or 0.So I have got a solution as one of the MSDN Member shared the below query
select id,item,RandomNumber=Case when RandomNumber=0 then (select floor(rand()*100000000-1))
when RandomNumber is null then (select floor(rand()*100000000-1))
else RandomNumber end from tblProducts
So, can you all confirm me, that performing this query ensures that if a Value is assigned to one of the Item in RandomNumber Column, that value will not be assignend to any other Item in RandoNumberColumn.
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Jul 23, 2015
I have a Users Table. It is full of users already and I would like to start using the UserPIN in the software (this is an nvarchar column).
I would like to update the UserPIN column with the row_number. All of my efforts have resulted in setting the UserPIN to 1 for every record. I just want an update query that fill the UserPIN column in sequential order.
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Oct 8, 2015
I have a SELECT statement with multiple JOINs. I want to number the rows returned by this SELECT statement. What's the easiest way to do this?
My current SELECT statement returns this:
ProjectId -- TaskId -- TaskName
123 - 111 -- Do something
123 - 222 -- Do something else
123 - 333 -- Do one more thing
I want to return this:
ProjectId -- TaskId -- TaskName -- Sequence
123 - 111 -- Do something -- 1
123 - 222 -- Do something else -- 2
123 - 333 -- Do one more thing -- 3
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Jun 9, 2015
How can I add a group number to the following query?
For example, I want to be able to have all rows that have Category = 'Field Sales' and Division = 'CA BDM' to be given a unique group number (GN):
RN ReportDate Category Division TotalBalance
-------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------------
1 2015-06-08 Field Sales CA BDM 299743154.3912
2 2015-06-07 Field Sales CA BDM 299765954.0354
3 2015-06-01 Field Sales CA BDM 297902654.4172
1 2015-06-08 Key Accounts Life Office 49954981.74
2 2015-06-07 Key Accounts Life Office 50016989.22
3 2015-06-01 Key Accounts Life Office 50169967.26
4 2015-05-31 Key Accounts Life Office 50169918.01
GN RN ReportDate Category Division TotalBalance
-------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------------
1 1 2015-06-08 Field Sales CA BDM 299743154.3912
1 2 2015-06-07 Field Sales CA BDM 299765954.0354
1 3 2015-06-01 Field Sales CA BDM 297902654.4172
2 1 2015-06-08 Key Accounts Life Office 49954981.74
2 2 2015-06-07 Key Accounts Life Office 50016989.22
2 3 2015-06-01 Key Accounts Life Office 50169967.26
2 4 2015-05-31 Key Accounts Life Office 50169918.01
i.e. each combination of Category+Division results in a new GN.
The query is:
selectROW_NUMBER() over (partition by Category, Division order by ReportDate desc) 'RN'
, ReportDate
, Category
, Division
, sum(BalanceGBP) as 'TotalBalance'
FROM FlowsAndOpenings
group by ReportDate, Category, Division
order by Category, Division, RN
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May 25, 2015
I have a table which has 2 columns and the data is like below
API_Number Group_Name
1234 Group A
3241 Group A
1234 Group B
4567 Group C
7896 Group D
3241 Group E
I wanted to find the API numbers which are repeating in different groups. In the output I want
API_Number Group_Name
1234 Group A,Group B
3241 Group A,Group E
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Nov 15, 2015
Lets say I have a table - tblProducts
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Jul 21, 2015
What I would like to do is to have a TSQL Select return the number of records in the Result as if TOP (n) had not been used. Example:I have a table called Orders containing more than 1.000 records with OrderDate = '2015/07/21' and my client application has a threshold for returning records at 100 and therefore the TSQL would look like
SELECT TOP (100) * FROM Orders Where OrderDate = '2015/07/21' ORDER by OrderTime Desc
Now I would like to "tell" the client that only 100 of 1.000 records are shown in the client application grid. Is there a way to return a value indicating that if TOP (100) had not been used the resultset would have been 1.000. I know I could create the same TSQL using COUNT() (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Orders Where OrderDate = '2015/07/21' ORDER by OrderTime Desc) and return that in a variable in the SELECT statement or even creating the COUNT() as a subquery and return it as a column, but I would like to avoid running multiple TSQL's. Since SQL Server already needs to select the entire recordset and sort it (ORDER BY) and return only the first 100 the total number of records in the initial snapshot must somehow be available.
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Oct 20, 2015
I need to update many rows in some table. I've made such SQL query:
UPDATE [%TableName%]
SET [%FieldName%] = CASE
WHEN ID = 1 THEN '1'
[%FieldName2%] = CASE
WHEN ID = 1 THEN '1'
WHEN ID = 2 THEN '2'
WHERE ID IN {1, 2, ...}
Are there some limitations for CASE operator? How many "when - then" conditions can I include in query?
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Nov 17, 2015
I need to assign a random number between 0 and 1 to all eligible cases of cancer.
I have a file of records like:
How can I assign a random number to each record?
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Jul 22, 2015
I have a transaction number in my mapping table. I have a matching transaction number in my PDHist table. Sometimes I have matching transaction numbers in my PD table, but not always. This is causing no records to be returned. I have a One to Many relationship between my mapping table and both PD and PDHist.
Also, I need to check for nulls in my foreign exchange table.I can’t post the SQL because this is a classified project. However, it should be something like this, I think.
IIf(IsNull([Redem]![FX Rate]),([PDHist]![Remaining Balance]+[PD]![Closing Balance(TC)]).
The addition isn’t working. I think with a small push I can get this straightened out.
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Sep 23, 2015
I have a column which stores a set of dates. I want to tell how many days left of a date till it’s month end. It should be noted that month ends are taken from the date series, not a calendar month end.
Something like below,
DateTD Days left
2009-01-05 14
2009-01-06 13
2009-01-07 12
2009-01-08 11
2009-01-09 10
2009-01-12 9
2009-01-13 8
2009-01-14 7
2009-01-15 6
2009-01-16 5
2009-01-19 4
2009-01-20 3
2009-01-21 2
2009-01-22 1
2009-01-23 0
2009-02-02 /
2009-02-03 /
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Jul 31, 2015
who has workflows created and ordered by CreateTimestamp . i need to count the number of workflows from top to point where there is either a success or failure workflow that occurs at the latest .
1.ban 137108351 has success workflow and prior to that workflow it has 2 workflows (exclude success and failure)
2.ban 104917284 has success workflow as latest (it still has failure but not considered because it is occurred earlier to success ) and prior to that workflow it has 2 workflows (exclude success and failure)
3.ban 107500674 has failure workflow and prior to that workflow it has 0 workflows (exclude success and failure)
below provided code for sample data as well
/****** Object: Table [Temp].[deleteit] Script Date: 7/31/2015 3:04:55 PM ******/
CREATE TABLE [Temp].[deleteit](
[ban] [nvarchar](256) NULL,
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May 8, 2015
I am new to sql server query. I am trying to write a query for an application and I want user to enter number of over due days for payment.Below is my query and I am getting an error: An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'Group'.
SELECT (P.FirstName+', '+P.LastName) As PA, Px.PRespDate,Px.DateFrom
WHERE Px.Hide = 0 AND Px.Total <> Px.Payments AND Px.PRespDate IS NOT NULL AND PE.Hide = 0 AND PE.BillReady = 1
AND DATEDIFF(DAY, Px.DateFrom, PRespDate) LIKE 'Enter # of days |%% '
Group By (P.FirstName+', '+P.LastName), Px.PRespDate,Px.DateFrom
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Sep 15, 2015
I have a table with number and varchar columns. The last insert statement has 1 inserted.
The select statement should retrieve
a b
1 1
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[test1](
[a] [int] NULL,
[b] [varchar](10) NULL
insert into test1 values (1,'a')
insert into test1 values (2,'b')
insert into test1 values (4,'d')
insert into test1 values (12,'x')
insert into test1 values (15,NULL)
insert into test1 values (1,1)
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Jun 17, 2015
I have a table which has name,Speciality,start date and end date. So each person may have 1/more rows .They will have more if they change their specialities. For example if you look at the data below.
Test Inside Property2009-08-29 2010-07-31
Test Management2010-08-012012-07-31
If we see at the data above Test has 2 rows because he changed his specialty in the middle.My requirement is to calculate the total number of employees in each month for last 2 years in each speciality. For example if we look at the example above, Test was in Inside property from 2009 Aug to 2010 Aug but if i use just the date start and take the month for each adjuster it gives me the number of adjusters started in that year and month but what i want is Test should be counted in all the months for Inside property until 2010 07 month. Which means i want to have the total number of adjusters present by each speciality for each month of last 2 years .
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Aug 26, 2015
I have table A(year int, month int, user varchar(20)), and I am trying to write a view that would show number of distinct users in the last 3 months, last 6 months, last 9 months and last 12 months(all from the most recent year/month) in following format:
3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months
number of distinct users x y z w
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May 5, 2015
In a t-sql 2012 select statement, I have a query that looks like the following:
SELECT CAST(ROUND(SUM([ABSCNT]), 1) AS NUMERIC(24,1)) from table1.
The field called [ABSCNT] is declared as a double. I would like to know how to return a number like 009.99 from the query. I would basically like to have the following:
1. 2 leading zeroes (basically I want 3 numbers displayed before the decimal point)
2. the number before the decimal point to always display even if the value is 0, and
3. 2 digits after the decimal point.
Thus can you show me the sql that I can use to meet my goal?
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