Transact SQL :: Calculate Column Purchasing Rate Per Customer For Product And Region
Oct 22, 2015
I have a table Product2 as the attachment at the bottom. Now i want to create a Column "Purchasing rate" over Product and Region like this. I tried some Code but it gave me still Error.
I successfully used the query below to identify customers that purchased the a specific product (e.g. db1.product_id = '123') on different dates. Now I need to only pull the purchases from a particular region (client_cd = '593') that purchased a particular product on different dates. How can I do this?
select distinct T.* from db1 T1 where exists (select 1 from db1 T2 where T2.CustomerId = T1.CustomerId and T2.ProductId = T1.ProductId and T2.PurchaseDate <> T1.PurchaseDate) and T1.ProductId = '123'<o:p></o:p>
I am trying to build a query to identify customers that purchased the a specific product (e.g. db1.product_id = '123') on different dates. All of the information needed is in the same db. How do I do this?
Select db1.customer_id, db1.product_id, db1.purchase_date From db1
Below is the query in which i want to retrieve another column (exchange rate) from a particular date for the sub query.
Actually PurchaseOrderDet table get records related to purchaseorder but for each row in purchaseorderdet need info from the same table for all rows on a particular date.
how i can achieve this query without using RANK() and other functions.
"SELECT Supplier.Uniid AS SupplierID, Supplier.Name, PurchaseOrder.Uniid AS PurchaseID, PurchaseOrder.OrderNo, PurchaseOrder.FormDate, StockItem.Uniid AS StockID, StockItem.StockCode + N' - ' + StockItem.Description1 AS StockItem, PurchaseOrderDet.ExchangeRate, PurchaseOrderDet.UnitPrice, PurchaseOrderDet.Discount, SUM(PurchaseOrderDet.OrderQty) AS SumOfOrderQty,
I've got a statistics table that I've been writing to for about 2 years now. Every saturday night, a size (in MB) snapshot of each DB file is taken and dumped into this table. I'm then emailed a copy for that week.
Now, I'm trying to figure out what the fastest growers are. Here's the table ddl
What I'm trying to figure out is how to query the average monthly and yearly growth percentages per DB on the MDFSize column.
I'm usually pretty good at this sort of thing, but I just can't seem to wrap my head around how to solve this issue. I'm not having a very good math day.
How I can calculate the 'SUM of 100' of EDSUM column for EDCOST column. Every EDCOST should have sum of 100 on the calculation of EDSUM. I just want to know which is the EDCOST which has <>sum of 100.
Create table #sum (ED numeric, EDCOST numeric, EDName char(6), EDSum numeric, EDCode char(2)) Insert into #sum values (121, 2000,'HLMO',98,'DT') Insert into #sum values (122, 2000,'HLMT',2,'DT') Insert into #sum values (123, 2001,'HLMO',100,'DT') Insert into #sum values (124, 2002,'HLMD',97,'DT')
I have a table with all my orders lines, I need to identify (DAX formula) for a specific customer which is the first order of a specific article (first date filtered for customer and article) and use this information to tag the order line for that article for the specific customer as "Newly Ordered article" if the order date = first order date or as "Reordered article" if the date on the specific order line is subsequent to the first order date.
I imagine I need to combine a Lookup date filtered for customer and article and use it with a IF formula.
Similar to this I would also like to define that if the first order for a product for the specific custumer is older then a certain date, then this would be defined as and historical customer for the specific article, if the first order on the article is more recent the a specific date, then this will be defined as "new customer for that article".
I have a sales order table that has customer, sales, product and sales date. I am looking to return the first sales date by customer for a specific product.
Customer Product Sales Date Sales First Bike Date
Jon Bike 12/4/2011 $10.00
[Code] ....
I would like to return the date of the first bike purchase date by each customer and repeat that date for each row and customer. Can I use function to complete? I have a datedim table as well related to the sales date.
-- I want to subtract @X and col1. But my variable @X must be reduced for each value in col1 for each next row until it reaches zero.
-- id col1 col2 --@X at starting point is 15000 -- 1 5000.00 0 --@X IS 10000 = 15000 - 5000(col1) -- 2 1000.00 0 --@X IS 9000 = 10000 - 1000 -- 3 10000.00 1000.00 --@X IS 1000 = 9000 - 10000 -- 4 12000.00 12000.00 -- 5 300.00 300.00 -- 6 35000.00 35000.00
--in col2 i just put zero where col1 is substract from @X and continue for every subsequent order. -- in 3 row value is 1000 becouse @X is that big (1000 left from col1)
I am using the code below to get all the children of a particular product and it is working fine. How to get the particular product's id in the select statement. for example, i need to show 891 in a separate column for all the records returned by the query below.
DECLARE @Hierarchy TABLE (Product_Id INT, Parent_Product_Id INT) INSERT INTO @Hierarchy VALUES (123, 234) INSERT INTO @Hierarchy VALUES (234, 456) INSERT INTO @Hierarchy VALUES (456, 678) INSERT INTO @Hierarchy VALUES (678, 891) INSERT INTO @Hierarchy VALUES (891, NULL)
I need to write an MDX query which will return a flag that indicates if a product has a gap of more than 2 consecutive months in terms of positive sales. So I calculate if there is a gap of 3 months. If yes, then return 1 else null. The calculation below is scoped at product level.
IIF(([month-3 sales]<=0 AND [month-4 sales]<=0 AND [month-5 sales]<=0) OR ([month-4 sales]<=0 AND [month-5 sales]<=0 AND [month-6 sales]<=0) OR ([month-5 sales]<=0 AND [month-6 sales]<=0 AND [month-7 sales]<=0) ............... OR ([month-12 sales]<=0 AND [month-13 sales]<=0 AND [month-14 sales]<=0)),1,NULL)
Unfortunately I cannot do this calculation at relational level as a product may have a gap of more than 2 months at country level but may not have this at a higher level in geography.
optimizing this as the performance is bad and other calculated measures are dependent on this. Based on this calculation, I can write a scope which sums up all products so that I get the count of products with a gap of more than 2 months in sales.
I have also tried CASE statement and NESTED IIFs but the performance is worse than the above.
can anyone help me about reporting services on how to sum the coloumn and put it on a textbox... but the case is like this,
Stud Name Fee Name Fee Amt. Amt Paid John Doe Registration 1,000 1,000 Tuition Fee 5,000 3,500 1,500 Jane Bake Tuition Fee 5,000 5,000
SubTotal 16,000 11,000
when i aggregate the Fee Amt. using Sum function i get the result of 16,000 because john doe break his payment in to two(it should be 11,000 only). any help would be appreciated.
I am working with SQL 2012 Express and I have a table with all transactions of invoices and payments for each customer. I am looking to find the last transaction detail of either two particular types of transactions (but not both) for each customer. So far I have tried various combinations around
SELECT MAX([sbt::dte]) OVER (PARTITION BY [sbt::code]) AS LastPayment, [sbt::folio], [sbt::typ], [sbt::net] FROM dbo.tblSalbatTxn WHERE ([sbt::typ] = 13 OR [sbt::typ] = 17)
Then there are some cases where customers have made more than the one of the same transaction type on that same last day which I would then like to sum the net value for that day of that transaction type.
I have also worked around this but it filtered the transaction type after it found the last transaction for each customer irrespective of it's transaction type.
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT a.[cl::code], a.[cl::alpha], b.[sbt::folio], b.[sbt::typ] FROM dbo.tblSalAccounts AS a INNER JOIN dbo.tblSalbatTxn AS b ON a.[cl::code] = b.[sbt::code] WHERE (b.[sbt::dte] = (SELECT MAX([sbt::dte]) AS Expr1 FROM dbo.tblSalbatTxn WHERE (b.[sbt::typ] = 11 OR b.[sbt::typ] = 17) AND ([sbt::code] = b.[sbt::code])))
I have either 2 or 1 row for each customer number I want to write a SQL to pull data into 1 table based on same CustomerNumber, if only one row is present for the particular customer number it should pull null in FName2,LName2,DOB2 columns.
example: CustNumber Fanme Lname DOB 1 Sam tiller 08/26/1981 1 Joe timy 01/02/1986 2 jack niks 09/09/1990
Result I want: CustNumber Fname1 Lname1 DOB1 Fname2 Lname2 DOB2 1 Sam Tiller 08/26/1981 Joe timy 01/02/1986 2 Jack niks 09/09/1990 null null null
I need to find the last purchase price for each product. If I run the following code, I correctly get 1 result for each productID and the last purchase order number.
SELECT pod.article as ProductID,max(pod.order_ID) as LastOrderfrom apodetail podgroup by pod.articleorder by pod.article
Now I need to add in the price for that product on that orderID. I've tried the following self join query, tried it without the join, and tried adding DISTINCT, but they all return more than 1 row per ProductID.
SELECT pod.article as ProductID,max(pod.order_ID) as LastOrder,pod2.rev_price as UnitPricefrom apodetail podjoinapodetail pod2on (pod2.order_ID = pod.order_id)group by pod.article,pod2.rev_priceorder by pod.article
How can I get it to simply add the price to the first query?
I want to get the list of items present in that order based on the confidentiality code of that product or Item and confidentiality code of the user.
I display the list of orders in first grid, by selecting the order in first grid I display the Items present in that order based on the confidentiality code of that item.
whenever order in 1st grid is selected i want to display the items that the item code should be less than or equal to the confidentiality code of the logged-in user other items should not display.
If the all the items present in the order having confidentiality code greater than Logged-in user at that time the order no# should not display in the first grid.
Need calculating the count of events on each day. I have an event log table as shown below.
DECLARE @EventLog TABLE ( event_id int, status_id varchar(20) , dttm datetime ) INSERT INTO @EventLog SELECT '100','Inplace','01/05/2015 05:00' UNION ALL SELECT '100','Removed','03/05/2015 10:00' UNION ALL SELECT '100','Inplace','05/05/2015 10:41' UNION ALL
[Code] ....
I need an output to look like on each day how many events were in place.
E.g.: for the month on May , Event_id 100 was inplace on 1st and removed on 3rd , so on 1st may 2 event_ids (100, 103) hence 2 .
event_ids - 103 / 104 and inplace the whole month and not removed. so its calculated the count as 2 til towards teh end of the month.
So I need to count of all each event_id in place for each day in may.
How do I author a SQL Query which meets the following requirement: Display a ratio of (instances where status is a success)/(instances where status is a success or instance is a failure). The below syntax is incorrect. However, I hope to beter explain what I am trying to accomplish using the incorrect SQL query below.
SELECT SUM(Case When Status = "SUCCESS")/SUM( Case When Status = "FALLBACK") FROM ruleResults;
For the second record, ItemsStatus=1 which means the item return to stock, at the time the running stock value calculation should be the previous row Running Stok value (=9 ) +(ItemQuantity*ItemUnitWeight)When the ItemStatus=2, that means the item is definitely out and will be never back to current stock. Is there a way to get that calculation field ?
I am trying to create a "Loan Ledger Card" in SSRS which does the calculation up to report extracting time. I was able to create it on Excel (Click to download the Excel file) as we can calculate amounts for each installment based on Row and Column name. You can test it by putting any amount (Here it should be below 62000 as it is the total balance of loan) in "Amount Paid" yellow cell and see the effect.
I have made a selection in SQL (attached query and result in screenshot). It calculates the total paid amount by now on the first row, and all due amounts in other rows. Basically, It should first deduct the interest from first row, then principle, same process for second row and so on until it covers the whole paid amount.
SELECT '0' As RN ,memrepay.lnr ,'Repayment' AS Type ,SYSDATETIME() AS NOW ,SUM(memrepay.mprinc) As PrincPaid ,SUM( As IntPaid
[Code] .....
How can I do the similar calculation of Excel file in "SQL query" or "SSRS custom code"?
table A-NewParts PartNumber Description LaunchDate a123 product a 4/1/2009
I want to get end result as sales for each new product for a rolling period from Launch date as year1 sales,year2 sales...and so on which I got through case statements.I am stuck on how to get the total Sales for all products (including new products) in the same rolling period based on the different launch dates for each new product.
PartNumber Description LaunchDate Yr1 Sales Total Yr1 Sales Yr2 Sales Total Yr2 Sales a123
I am on SQL Server 2008 R2. I have a table that contains a field called [Location]. In that field is a UNC path to the physical file on the repository. Is there a way in SQL Server that I can say give me the select sum([Location] UNC file) where criteria? I saw some posts about xp_filesize or xp_GetFileDetails, but I do not see them in master. I am unable to add anything and wondering if there is any native functionality that would allow me to accomplish this!?
I have a table which has name,Speciality,start date and end date. So each person may have 1/more rows .They will have more if they change their specialities. For example if you look at the data below.
AdjusterNameSpecialtyDatestartDateEnd Test Inside Property2009-08-29 2010-07-31 Test Management2010-08-012012-07-31
If we see at the data above Test has 2 rows because he changed his specialty in the middle.My requirement is to calculate the total number of employees in each month for last 2 years in each speciality. For example if we look at the example above, Test was in Inside property from 2009 Aug to 2010 Aug but if i use just the date start and take the month for each adjuster it gives me the number of adjusters started in that year and month but what i want is Test should be counted in all the months for Inside property until 2010 07 month. Which means i want to have the total number of adjusters present by each speciality for each month of last 2 years .